Barrie Examiner, 13 Nov 1924, p. 5

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Novembez-V 13,. prugraunme. and couecuon. Thanksgiving brought home a num- ber of old Thornton boys and girls who are studying, teaching or in var- ious positions elsewhere. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kim: (Rose Ayearst), Misses Bessie Lennox, Mamie Henry, Reta Grose, Mary Spencer and Norine Webb, Charlie Lennox, Bob Spencer and Earl Grose. Tho rnnrnlnawc nl T. f\ T - `K1 .-. 12 at puuruu UH nunuuy aI1'.BI`nOOI'I., ICBV. T. J. Dew preached and the choir rendered special music, the anthem be- ing. Fear Not, 0 Land," by Caleb Simper. Owing` to special Thanks- giving services being held at the same hour in other churches. there was not as large a representation from the Or- der as was expected. "On Mnnnv niarhf 9+ 4+... rnnni-{not -4: ICU. . . ~ Mr. and Mrs. `McLaren and daugh-I ter of Toronto and.Mrs. McCullough and son of Cookstownwere week-end `visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf. ` Vhnulunn-I--lam -A-------- -----~ ----- -"~ -3 LVLULUUJL . Thanksgiving sermons were preached in the Methodist" church on Sunday. Next Sunday will be observed as Rally Day by the Sunday School. Special programme. and collection. ` 'T`hnn1rao'I1vinnr `-\vI`r\IIr:-I\ Inn-`A l\ ......... npcucer unu marl urose. The members of L.O.L; No 16. at- tended Divine service in St. Jude's Church on Sunday afternoon, Rev. T. .T. T)nw~nrn9nhnr1 and Han nHnh D'a.|.Ul'(.l2Ly` Illglill. Dr. andVMrs. Barnes. M1ssdBarnes and A. W. Crawford of Hamilton spent the holiday with the latter s parents, Mrgand Mrs. Andrew Craw- ford. mt- ..._.: 1\;r..... 1|.r..`r _..-..' ...-:I !-_,v, uuu Lul uauuu '.sUuUU1 Leacner . 7 Miss Juanita Jamieson spent Thanksgiving in ..Toronto with . her mother, at the home of her aunt, Mrs. J.V Powley. 7 V - Mllinh av:-nnaflnu is Airvsnnannoa can .1. ruwley. - I Much sympathy is expressed for ' Mervyn Corbett, who was unfortunate [enough to fall and break one leg on l Saturday night. hr nn Mra `Roy-nae Miu'nnunna uesl. u; mg game. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holt of Barrie and Mrs. McAfee of Bradford spent Tuesday with friends There. . `N/SIR Tdfhnl T\/I'nT.nrnn nf 'l"nnnn+n {en MissAEthel McLaren of Toronto is visiting her sister, Thornton's popular continuation school teacher. I '|\/nae Tnorfo Tnrv\*IAnnv\ '.........A. ; uuauay wu.u Luenus (mere. I 5337 . rom tors ting Juuy . ' Miss Margaret Rogers of Cookstown called on Mrs. Norman Thompson one day this week. hr T-Tn|~fnn and 1:`VVrlr\`r`g{v-1:11:13-n IARL u.'a_v uus ween. _ _ T Dr. Horton and Frank Sinclair left on Saturday fbr the northern wilds in. quest of big game. Mr nnd T\/I'v-u pnhm-4 `LTnH- (.4-' `D.......:.. ' LUII o Miss Marion MacDonald spent Sun-b day in Barrie with Miss Hildreth Len- nox. ` ' `Anion D`.-nu- A49 rn.....-..4.-. ....'.-..---44,s- :- uuI?I'iss Evans of Toronto accompanied \ Miss Bessie Lennox home for the hol- * iday. ` V Mica 'l\/l ny-n-cn~n+ `Dna-om: .-.4 (V.-...1...c..--.... 5..-.-- V- nlwa unlulu, ;u.L. LVJ.UJ.\.Clll4lUn John Barnes of Detroit spent the holiday with old friends around here. 1ur...... cu..-....--- 2- _---~ ---._-....._, VV ...-. V... .. .uuu-.2 uu. vuuu uvxq. Mrs. Simpson is spending a few days with her son,` Dr. Simpson, in Barrie. [ Thfuu and `Ml'...~ A 117 'nr.__..___ .7 Al .4. . sagnnnyuvnng 1|: .lJa.l.l.AUn| Mrs. A. W. Morris spent `Thanksgiving -with friends, in Hamil- [ ton. ` ` I 1\/ring. `vhf.-...:.\... 1m'....I\......1.-n -_.-__L rv,. , O u_wuu ouunu. l Miss Nellie Halbert spent the holi- I day with friends in Palgrave. | Mi G:-urn;-H hf `Kfihhinoa In lnn 'guest of her uncle, Mr. McKenzie. uuy wu.u Lrlenus In raxgrave. Miss Garnett of Winnipeg is the Tnk... 1).-......... -3 1\-a.__-x; ,,,, A- - THORNTON & & 3V4 ;V4 ;V4 .V4 .7. LV. .7. .7; .v. .v. fancy 11 blue , good Satur: I" Miss Edith Fry is backin town. Mrs. R. West is visiting friends in k Owen Sound. ` '1M'iun 1\TnI`Hn `I'_'l .-.n......L ..._..._A. LL- L ,0 &m&mmmm&&$a%mm| g&&m$m$m&a$amm&l >. V "I"I_If\I) KY'I-`I`\lY .7. a nu Luau ullgclll a genuine ' 'l`ilS Masfefs ' Victrola. $10.00 worth of records on club payments. Free deliveryof your instrument. Unlimited. Seletion`of Victrolas. No Cash Payment--only small weeklyepayments. Special Club Terms. - Half payments while sick or if unemployed. Immediate delivery if desired. Four month's exchange privilege. Every instrument a genuine His Master s Voice" Victrola- ' J.G. KEENAN SPECIAL CLUB PRIVILEGES}. Do NOT DELAY-b-JOli\VI NOW 11-t_' 3'ARm_x-: EXAMINER DEALER" l\l\n tturday The bride received` a beautiful pearl necklace from the groom. and there were numerous gifts of silverware and cut glass showing the esteem in which Mr. and Mrs. Smith are held. . After. music and old-time. games,.t~he happy gathering dispersed after joining hands and singing Auld Lang Syne." V uuy. ' , The thankoffering meeting of the W.M.S. of Central _church was `held on November 4 with an ' attendance of over fifty. The meeting was pre- sided over by the president, Miss M. E. McLuca.s. Ensign Larman 0,1! the Salvation Army of .0rillia. gave a.. sp_lendid_address and Mrs. D. C. Pat- more rendered two delightful solos. One beautiful feature of this meeting was the presentation of owers to two of the oldest members 'and `also to` Mrs . LPa.tmore. V. ' uguxu . Rev. Mr. Jones took the anniversary zervices in ~Ja.1_' church last Sun- ay. ' Tho fhcnnbnffnuoinan `rvllsrvyl-In-non l\` 4.1.... _____.-__-_j __ November 11-Miss Vilda Walker spent the holiday week-end in Tor- onto, the guest of her sister, Miss Mary Walker. ` _Tnrnnu MAFfhII {Q akin 1\ I-us nud- xv.|.a.ry VV HJKCF . James McArthur is able; to ibe out ag`ain. ` "Dov Kr Inna: fnnlr 6|-un nnntun...-A..- was 5l'UUIBII1&:lIl. "rue groom's guts to the bridesmaids were strings of pearls and to the groomsman a. die.- mond tiepin. After the reception at the home of the groom's parents, the bride and groom left on the 10.45 train to visit the brie s parents. A very pretty wedding was sol- emnized at the Church of the Nativity, Monarch Park Ave., Toronto, "on Thursday, November 6, at seven o - clock, when Violet Fkrne. elder daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Barnes of Oro Station, was married to Mr. George Henry Baxter. only son of Mr.` and Mrs. L. H. Baxter of Toronto. Rev. Mr. Bourne officiated. Dur- ing the signing of the register, Miss Audrey Baxter sang O Perfect Love."; The bride, who was given away by her father, looked charming in a white satin crepe gown trimmed with pearls and orange blossoms. Her veil was arranged in Grecian fashion with a wreath of orange blossoms. She wore the groom s gift, a string of pearls, and carried Ophelia roses and lily-of- the-valley. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Winnifred Barnes and Miss Audrey Baxter. sister of _ the! groom, who were pgowned in rose satin brilliant and black satin hats With rose and gold trimmings and carried bronze chrysanthemums. Mr. James Willock, brother-in-law of the groom, was groomsman. The groom's gifts th bridesmaids warn nfrinou nf lH.Ul.l1Cl' IIUFU . Mr. and Mrs. George Uncles and children of Bradford spent Sunday with his mother. cu. - Anniversary services in St. An- drew s Church were well attended. Rev. R. B. Ledingham of Jarratt preached morning and evening. Miss Helen Ross of Guthrie rendered a couple of solos at the morning service which were very much enjoyed. Miss Marshall of Barrie took the soloist parts at night very acceptably. Alnv 1\/fnI`sunIn- and A_.....l.4..._ .4! Is... Is for e are m1x- . `__-_ -... ...- ---a--.. v\anJ Lnvvwzlhlwlllju l Alex. Mccuaig and daughter of Pen- etang spent the holidays with his mother here. ' Turn and 111.... n .... ..- -rr__`.u__ _ 1 5- - slyfllalis village is quite busy this week as the car of mixed stock was shipped and grain and potatoes are being load- ed. ! .._, ..\.. ...... -.,..u. \.A|, uau.n.a.u., ICLDL ouuua._y. Quite a number attended the shoot- ,ing_ match at John E1lson s, Thanks- | givmg. ' 'I`h1' villncro in nun-A kn-.. 4.I..:... ---..-1_ `ed. OLIIU . . . . _ u . -\.~-.-u ;.v:.\/can Llllll . I Mrs. James MacLelland' and Nurse M-acLelland of Orillia attended the anniversary services in St. Andrew's, Church, Sunday. Rev (` ll:-nlnarn Tnhncv An....:|....4..,a ,\, u uruu, D unuay . Rev. C. Graham Jones onducted anniversary services in Willis Pres- byterian church, Jarratt, last Sunday. Ollifn u hIIv'1n}-now nffnv-tint: `T-'-~ --`---`- wceK-v.-mu. _ Miss Minnie McA1'thur Thanksgiving holiday with Miss Katie McArthur. 'Il.._ .l\ . AVLL'J'Ll' L11 UT . Mrs. Thompson and. little grand- daughter of Orillia. visited her sister, {Mrs. James McArthu`r, Sr., over the week-end. V I Kilian 1\:I'u`v....A 'nl'..'A__L:__,,, '- -` _. _____.:-v Novemlger 10-Mrs. VV. C. Andrew of Barrie spent the holidays with Miss K. McArthur. T\/Ina "l"'lnnu~\n.-nu .-.....I I2LAI_ , - Plans! 03 QRQ $jrAnoN nvunnus - Baxter-- -Bai-nes speht the` I her _sister, Already, many, many A people have become "members of this Club A disappointment. If and if you are to enjoy the privileges which are offered, you must act at once. Christ- mas is only a few. weeks off. Join the club now and avoid you.-cannot call- ` cut out this cou- pon and mail it to Join now and avoi year the Christmas sea- son nds a shortage of ?His Master's Voice Victrolas, If you are considering `the pur- chase! .of :2. Talking Machine for Christmas take advantage of this - opporunity to secure a new genuine His Master's Voice Vic-. trola on the most lib- eral terms,'and in,addi-- tion share in the many privileges -and, _ advan- tages extended to Club . members. - Phone 547W 48 Ellen St. : BARRIE. Mrs. Howarth and son Cecil snent the holiday . with Mrs. H0wa1`th s daughter, Mrs. `Walter Smith. Preston. The dance in Dean's Hall. Wednes-, day night, was not very well patron-i ized. Those who attended were mostly I __ ' --*'-* '* - f1`m 3 di5tan- 5 Shop where you are invitdttr sul-1o`p. wuu Mr. anu 1vu`S. 5. uean. " } | L :..,..2:3w..? _ THROUGH THE AGES` A. November 11--Merwood Drennan is in the north for the hunting season. Miss Zelma Murray spent, Thanks- giving with her mother in I-Iawk'estone. FINA! nu! `l --J- 7------- ---- 4` "7 ` " ` lulra . \,zu'uuL'.u2te1 . ` Frank Greenlaw and sister. Mrs. .W. Jamieson, visited Vasey friends on Friday. A I PnhnI`f Tin:-in '|'.`l'ou'n-`14-nu us.-.:.u: 1.:.-N I I`. nuay . Robert Dunn, Hamilton, visited his} brother, Jas. Dunn. Iasfweek. Mr an T\!I'v-1: 1\/Hum. ......a ...-.... ..c uruuu-.-1', aas. uunn. last week. Mr. and. Mrs. Millerand sons of St. Catharines spent Thanksgiving: with Mr. and Mrs. S. Dean. -MPG T-Tnurnn-Hn nun (Inn r`1.\...-1 ..........o` (,- . _.-a .. -.... --v.. lJI\/ ynnvn Ill 1.1.0. VV AVBLUHC. Ted and Jack Tyrer spent the holiday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Tyrer, Barrie. Nnrmnn _Tnrninan~n nf Kiri.-n.-m. ..:.. 1'4. ;. Ly1'e1', .Da.z'r1e. Norman Jamieson of Winnipeg vis- ited his parents_ Mr. and Mrs. VV. Jamieson, last week. Pour T\/l`~.~ un `fl/run 1/r,.In....\._ ..__.1 u`a.uuc:sUu, 1asL weex. j Rev. Mr. and Mrs. McEwen and family spent~'I`haVnksglving in Pene- tang with Mrs. McEwen s mother. Mrs. `Carmichael. .` `I-Tron]: (Ir-nnnlnun .-.....`I ...`....4.-__ at..- ...,....._, xrs-vuklluu nu; xxcu 1'ld.Ll. Mr.` and Mrs. S. Pratt. Mr. and Mrs. H. Knapp of Allandale motored to Toronto this week on business. I uugu, 1'uLu1'ueu last evemng. V R. Poole of Midhurstohas moved to Cundles and has taken the house re- cently occupied by Fred Pratt. `MI ... ......1 11.... n .r'u'1'y auunu last. week on business. ' Miss Elliott, teacher, who spent the holidays at her home near Peterbor; ough, returned last evening. P0018 Of Nrihllrf hac rnnvo 1-n IUILIJ suulal ume oemg spent. Miss Walker and Miss Guy. who have conducted special meetings at Minesing Station recently with good success, are- conducting meetings at Cundles this week at the school room. . ' MI`. QTII] MPG annwnn I)nn n 'EJ n`I u at. uuuutes. ` George and R. Roe, Sr.. motored to. Parry Sound last week business. 1 Mig Ellinff fnnr-how vnhn annual 4-kn won: pl.'t::5cul. anu presented them With a large number of useful articles, :3. real social time being spent. Miss Walker and T\/Ru (`luv url-an lnaun 15 Luxa wccn cu, Le SCIIOOI ' Mr. and Mrs. George Roe of Hal- iburton are at present visiting relatives at Cundles; _ | (11. .nnrI\ and 1) 11,... cu. H -A `- large number of friends and relatives November 11--On Friday evening.I November 7, a shower was tendered` to Mr. "and Mrs. Theo. Brown at the` home of John Bemrose._Mill Road. A were present and presented them with a la.r. nnrnhnr nf ncmfnr n..+:..1.... .. H?!-1:$DA' V % $ 1 .00 ; .GIVES YOU ALL ` '_PRIv1;,EGEs ' avoid disappointment. Each. g WALKER an OLD BILL. , ..!.P_.1;4,*;F1L1!_~?__Q_{{ITali CUNDLES Address.. Pleas send me full information `about the Christmas Club and a Membership Form. Name .. Christmas Club I : VICTROLA No. 100 ' Mahogany. Oak or Amecan `I l'|'onunL yy visa vs Walnut, auuu Leases (II any) shall be granted. - At the said time and place, the coun- cil Will hear any person. or by his `counsel, solicitor or agent, any person ,who claims that his land will be pre- judicially affected by the By-law auth- orizing such lease or leases, and who applies to be heard. DATED'October 13, A.D.. 1924. VV. B. TUDHOPE. 44-47c Township Clerk. Public notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Township of ,Oro will, at a. `meeting of the said council to be held on Monday, the First day of December, 1924, at 1 o'- clock in the afternoon, in the council chamber in the Township Hall of the said Township of Oro, hear an applica- tion for the granting`of a lease or leases of the road allowance, or any `part or parts thereof, between Lots 25 and 26 in the. Third and Fourth iconcessionsz nf than unifl rnmmmmn A nuu auu au 111 L116. 1.'lI'(l and 1"0ln'tn `Concessions of the said Township of Oro, and at such time and place the council will hear any and all applica- tions to lease the said road allowance, or any part thereof, and will determine the terms and conditions upon which such leases (if any) shall be granted. Said time and nlar-n fhn nnnn_ iNOT|CE "OF APPLICATION TO LEASE ROAD ALLOWANCE L TOWNSHIP or 0120` Local and Long Distance Furniture Removals a Sfecialtj A. C. REID MOTOR TRUCK CARTAGE :ure S e Phfme 54 I L) J.J.l`l\JI"l'4. Page Fi'g_i- I 924. or folks who most-needed "any bargains zuiu LVLFS. 1`. J. uaw_s0n, a 8011. Mrs. A. Rayson of Toronto spent a. few days'with Mrs. Chris. Long-. Mrs. Ben. Wirth and daughter Sibii v. spent Monday at their home here. r Mr. and Mrs. Louis Martin _of Tor-A onto visited friends here on Sunday. _ "Minn T1`.Hnnr T-Tnn-nmv nf 'l'-TnmiH-nu CAR or CHOICE NP C 0.- onw spent '1'na.nKsg_}Vmg wnn 'tne1r parents. A Miss Rhoda Banting. and brother Clarence visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Donnell, Sunday and Monday. III` and MFG Aalnfnn Tsnuvun nan`;-un. man. , W Miss Edythe Robinson of Collin\g- wood and Miss Della Robinson of Tor- onto spent Thanksgiving with their Minn nhnn Rnnflna . and hnnl-ham mI'iss_ Nora. Sherman of Toronto . spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. McMillan and the'Mis_ses Sher- ' J. \-:uL:s. nu`. unu 1vu's. U60. JJUII. Mrs. (Capt.) Thompson` and son Duff are spending a few days with George Duff. who is seriously ill. - Minn Rnnfrino Mnwaamnn no +1"... n..- - uuugu av II\JI naunnuv IIWLU lul: V1065- "imss Elizabeth Gollop of Melton and, Miss Mabel Carter of Mount Albert spent the holiday at their homes here. `At. .....a 1:... v-1... 1--._:.. _; nu--- ...,.....- `snow ..v..uu._y um uuuna usvuuvu nsvswu Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis of Stay- ner spent the week-end with Mr. and VIrs. Edwin Lewis at the Travellers` nnl Ill...` 17...... al...........`... .0 n\...._;.. , just the my hard se in 0d 1.98 pair with or ht cloth I .69 - pair nu . uuu 1V1I'B. u. nopper. Dr. Jamieson and John Duff .01 Toronto spent Sunday with their par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Duff. R/fun ((`uv-Mi \ 'I\Avnu\anu- no-`.1 annu- xrvurge uuu. W110 IS e!'l01!Sl,V Ill. ' Miss Beatrice McFa.dHen of the Or- illia I-Iospita.l_ nursing staff spent a. few days at her home here last week. `All-.. `lI.l_..I_-A.i. t1-I|I-_ -.n -an-_'14___ -_, 5| vy. aaturuay and sunaay, Miss Marlon J enkins.=a. fofmer school teacher here, spent the holiday `with Mr. and Mrs. D. Hopper. Dr. .Tnm'{n:nn and Inks`: `huff nf my. cum mm. u. noppel`. . Wallace Dlnwoody of Toronto and "brother Jack of North Bay spent the holiday at their home here. hr and '|\/fr-a 'rxn11,a.....-..~. no `Mm..- nuuuuy at tnelt` nome nere. Dr. and Mrs. Wilkinson of_ New- market visited with Mrs .' W. J .. Bro}- ey. Saturday and Sunday, Miss Mnrlnn .Tnn1zins: n fnmnr nnhnnl xxnusuua Uvcl` um nuuuuy. , Mr. and Mrs. Norris Hopper .of Tottenham spent Thanksgiving -with Mr. and Mrs. D. Hopper. Wa.Iln.nn ninwnnv nf 'l`nrr'n-ufn and n. .1. LV.I.C1l.l.BB`._ . , Miss Wilson of Minesing returned home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. George Nixon . Mr nn 'I\/I've llnnnnrn `Deaf!-nu and - . ueurge Mon` . Miss Gregg and Miss Armstrong: spent the week-end with the farmer's parents at Uxbridge. Mr, and MPH 'l\In`lz '|\II'n`| (nIr'hl> nf nruu LEI at U xorluge . Mr. and Mrs. Dick McKnight of -Toronto were visitors at Thomas Mc- 'Kn!ght`s over the holiday. Mr. and Mrn. T\Tm~v-in 1 -l r'\nnm~ n1` J5 BUFIUUUIX 111. . . Mr. and Mrs. German of Toronto spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McAfee~. ' ' nnm. nrngn... Ac 1m'......a....-.. ..,.s......-.: Sale; \JUUl.'56 LV1)UIl- Mr, and Mrs. George Banting and family of Ivy spent Sunday with Dr, and Mrs. Miller. ' ' Kr um;-I Mr..- An...\..+' A.:........ .4: 117.4 ' auu LVLF5. LV.lH.lUI'- Mr. and Mrs. Albert'Adams of Wat-` ford spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. George Moir Minn (iv-nnrcr and vlau Anrnqfvunnnv VJ VUIC Duuuuy n W. J. Jebb of Toronto has'sp'ent the past week with his mother, who is seriously ill. ` Mr and T\/I'M: flnrrnnn nf 'I`nv-nnfn IIUIHU IIUYU. Miss Ruby Hamilton of Toronto vis-! ited with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Dunning` over Sunday. . . `U .T .TAhh' nf "l`nvvnnfn Inn: anon! --..... V7 -..-- -..y -.-...n..-..u .......a win uuuuuun use; 9 .' Miss Frances Bowles of Bradford spent Sunday with Miss Margaret Rob- inson. - .1ur..a h V 13...... ......a .:.......1...... \Y.|._.. luxfs Olive Cooper, who is teaching in St. Catharines. was home over the holiday. , Minoan T'4`.vn 1\/i nT\/Tnhnn an I/I'ov-inn uuuuuy . Misses Eva M cMahon and Marion I I uuuuuy . Misses Eliza and Kathleen Baker of Newmarket spent the. holiday at their home here. 1urI-- 'b`..I.... 'r_'r......:n.-... .-.4! m.........4.- -.:.. JIIHUII . :Mrs. D. K. Ross andudaughter Nina of Toronto are spending a. few days in town. ` `l:I'h:na f\1{cvn (Van-`An cvtlna In A-...\..I-.-2...... `A. KIi u ed Work hirt, Com- /hile they 1.29 each UIILU vgauueu Lrlenus nere on sunaay. `Miss Elinor Hopper of Hamilton spent the holiday at her home herelh III ... .-.....:I 1Ul'.... 1` ......I. -41 rn__._._4.- __x_ wyv... Iunnv nu-;uu.,y uh uvn uuuuv uuxv Mr. ,apd Mrs. Leach of Toronto vio- ited with the Misses Hill on Saturday. mu-.. m.............. n.....1.... ..a .lLlll5 Ill .l.Ul'UllLU. - Miss Lou I-Ieaslip of Stayner visited her home over the holiday. . Mrs. (Dr.) Scott is visiting friends in Richmond Hill and Toronto. or Mrs. Ed. , Burling and Mrs. S. Campbell are visiting at Lefroy. Miss. Elsie Lowrie of. Toronto spent. Thanksgiving at her home here. Rnrn nn 'I`hnnIrucr{1r{-ran` `Davy On I! 1uu.uns51Vu1g an net` nome nere. . Born. on Thanksgiving Day, to Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Dawson, a son. Mrn, A Pnvsznn nf 'I`nnnv-nfn annnf 4: Miss Frances spent Thanks; giving in Barrie. `NHL and 'l\/rm: Ilfnr-`I1 T\nu-anal! noun uhs_ w . . K wmmwwmwmmmwmwwmwl 15 I vuxg H1 nurne. `Mr-. and Mrs. Herb Donnell are vis- iting in Toronto. Mien 1'..-m naaalsn no q+..m..m.'. .:-a+...: a&&&m&&&m&aaam m If\f\IIl1Ff|t\II 1:: .v. r.`v`wrAwr`wrAwrAv rA1rA1 >14 :1; cooKs'rowN% g, mwmmmmmmmmmmmmm .uu xuuuuuy. ( Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Lyons, accom- avy rib- shades winter 1 sizes. Oc -pair ` `Ring iri for youf share. A"l'huI-sday, November" 13,. 19.24, . Wain-n `a e"S- Y- " ' P. 0. Box 555.:`(3;`13-<::i.ti; .l:.uC`l_.`;.1.:ll8\lfe : Phone 243 T ` _ - Entrance through Cr0ssland s Drug'Store ,5 _ GIVES ALL " ~ F PRIVILEGES -v-..-_-- V--. was as \/aunt .|ll\.L.|LlJ|rl.Do ` Every ihstrument oered in this Club is a gehuine ' His. M aster s AVoiceV Victrola, the world's famous talking machine. And in order that you may en- ._ " ' j _ ' joy the Victrola right 0 T` - ' from thebeginning, the A privilege is extendedto you of selecting $10.00 in records and payment ` for these will be includ- ed in your Clubvpay- ments.` - Just think of being able to secure any His M-aster s Voice: Victrola model---either upright" or console, without any initial cash payment, but on such exceptional terms offered to Club members. - Just think of theyjoy in your home on Christmas morning, if you can have at your command the musicof the world's greatest artists. ' Through this Club you can have this pleasure` for only a small` wekly "payment-I-a sum you would never-_ miss. Mahogany. Oak or Amerlciun Walnut, VICTROLA N6. so _ During a. severe wind storm oh Oct. 31 the barn of Wm; Lanktree. of Fair- mount, was completely destroyed by firje together with all the season's crop. _ . ' dest Y0. eat any iuuxweu OI urayton. Miss Agnes Lowrie of 'i`oronto._Mrs. J. Revie of Shanty Bay. Ivan Simpson and Percy Kate of Orillia and Erven Beigh of Stayner spent Thanksgiving ay with Mr. and Mrs. George Leigh. Mrs. Baskerville of Oriliia. is staying a week with her sister. Mrs .- M. Leigh. Mrs. Metcalf spent the holiday with her sister. Mrs. Langman. Oriilia. Kina` cuo{d-up... At A'....--- --- ~- ....- ........y., .u.-.-so ;4u,u5|ua.u, uruuu. Miss` Switzer of Angus was the guest of Mrs. `Martin over the wee};-end. ~ Read` The Examiner 831?! gt. all the local and district news, 82.00 a. year vat v-nu "sun: Inna auu_, l.\Ullo NOD16. WMrs. J. R. Leigh is spending a. week with her parents, AMr. and Mrs. Maxwell of Drayton. Minn Agnnn T.n1lrvIn no ""1-\uur\-I-`\ It-- 4. uuuutu B (.0113 . Mr. and Mrs. Pattlson and ramny of Creemore were the guests of Mr. Hall on Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Rnv .Tnsu'Hn nf r.r......m..... nun on wnanxsglvlng. Mr. and Mr. Roy Joslin of Hamilton ,were home over -the holiday. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Thnmnnnn sn-n-`I ann ,were name over .me holiday. Mrs. Thompson and son were. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. M Anderson for the holiday. . George NObl8 Of Tnrnnfn can-nf flu: oz. Anuerson I0!` tne holiday. George Noble of Toronto spent the week-end with his son, Ken. Noble. `Inn 1` `D ~r ..:...1. 1.. _ Lur over tne nouaay. Mr. and Mrs. Art Stone of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr; and Mrs_. Thomas Stone. Mr and Mn: `Dn+H...`... ..'...1 a..._.:3--- -. I ' November 11--Misses Myra Reid of New Toronto, Bert Clarke of Cooks- town, Evah Leigh of Atherley, Zelma Murray of Hillsdale, Shirley and Chel- sea. Fellows and Bee Barnhardt and Jack Reid of Toronto were all home for over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs: AM Qfnnn Ac m.........a... y assorted V This is 21. wt the `real 98 each I.llUlll- Later_ the happy couple left amid showers of confetti for, Toronto and other points, the bride travelling in a navy blue Poiret twill suit with black `hat and shoes to match and brown fox fur, theglft ofthe groom. - The bride was Han rm-si~ninn+ no ma-.. .|.u1', u1e`gu.L Ulgtne groom. ' The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts. ` ucu a. uuuquet OI `wmtexmums. The bride and groom were unattend- ed. Mrs. W. Judge, cousin of -the bride, softly ' played the wedding march. . ` _ Add-an 4-`L- ................-- ..1__;-4 nus. , llld.uI'U1l . After the ceremony about fifty guests repaired to the dining-room where a sumptuous wedding dinner awaited them. ' ' zsuxupt them. T,n&. -- v-~_y-'/--unvvu A pretty wedding was solemnized' at the home of the bride s mother here on Wednesday, November 5, by Rev. W.~~T. Johnson, when Zella. Myrtle. only daughter of Mrs. Nixon and the late Allen R. Nixon, became the bride of Mr. Frank H. Broley. son of Mr. Harry Broley and the late Mrs. Broley of Egbert. The bride. who entered, the drawing-room on the arm of her brother, looked very pretty in a white gown of silk Canton crepe with em- broidered veil of Brussels net and wreath of orange `blossoms. She car-_ ried a bouquetof `whitemums. The bride and 2-rnnm worn nna++m..=|_ nuuwu uuu wul De prosecuted. , Quite a number attended the fowl supper held in the Methodist church on November 5. `The ea.ts" were all that could be desired and the program was excellent. After the church sup- per and concert were over the ladies of the church prepared a. fowl supper ,for about fifty members of.the Royal `Black Preceptory. * . ulun: U11 Munuay. v ' Will the boys who made themselves so busy. on Monday evening after` the dance in Gilheeny's hall to take away the steps from in front` of the Bell Telephoneoffice return the same and save further trouble. The narties` are known and will be prosecuted. H. nI]h1hQP nffnnn fhn `Fnurl .1. lid VUIIUICS llln - Mrs. John 'Montgomer'y received word on'Sa.turday of the death of her sister, `Mrs. Loftus, of Toronto. She and her family attended the funeral" there on Monday. Till fhn hnvu ufhn moan 4-1nnw....u....... Juuaa, apcxu. um uuuuuy W1I:n-1V1r. and Mrs. John Agnew. ` Misses Mary Wed'del1. Alzada. Neilly, Marjorie Dunning and Agnes Flynn of the Toronto Normal School spent Thanksgiving at their parental home. A ..-.......1-..... no ........... -_..._u- -_:----s n grey , also _thin e,` on yard dren s` _----.-.-...c,-....=, Ian uuuu. you. cuucu uuuus. I A number of young people enjoyed Saturday evening with Misses Violet- ,and Kathleen Lewis at their home here when games and music were enjoyed [by all. Minn Txllnn I 1\/rnr`4ou1nu .. .....I......1 M323 Lillian Mccauley, a chool chum of Miss Violet Lewis, accompan- ied by her brother, J. G. McCauley of Elmvale, visited on Saturday at the Travellers Inn, ' T\/[ma Tnlau 1|/l'n..4..-...._.....'-. ..---x__- :1 uu wuuuuy. ' Miss Marjory Agnew` of Toronto, ac- companied by her aunt, Mrs. Harry Ross, spent the holiday w1t:h.Mr. and Mrs . Jnhn A2-now panied` by Thos. Martin of Elmvale, visited with Mr. and Mrs. V Beatty on Sunday. ' Minn 1\/Tnrinrv Ac-vnaurnf Vnnnun an HAWKEST5NE Broley-Nixon ;`..-.:.:u_ .'.. ___.. ,_ ' HisMaster s Voice" Victrolasneed no p_rai- se. Their p`resentpopu- V larity has been built-on quality and musical ex- cellence. You cannot" aordeto overlook this opportunity of putting into yourhome that en- joyment, happiness ad pleasure '_ which His Master's Voice Victro- la offers you. ' mu-nu. wun me Iormer's sister. Mrs. W. E. Grey; James A. and Mrs. Stew- art and two children and. Richard Stewart of Toronto at Alex. Stewart's. -$il\ /or Wedclinq A veryinteresting and pleasanfevent ' took -place at the home -of Mr. _and Mrs. William Smith. on November 8, the 26th anniversary of`their wedding. when about 35 of their friends and neighbors , assembled` to shower good wishes on the bride and groom of 25 years. Thebride wore her wedding dress. .The table, `artistically decorat- ed with white mums and candytutt. was spread with a bountiful repast. xuuuuay xugnts meeting. . 7 - Thanksgiving visitors included Miss Gertrude Dreyer of Toronto with her aunt. Mrs. James A. Jamieson. Miss Errol v.Sparling'.of-Toronto. at Wm. McKnig'ht's; James A. Patterson of Snelgrove and Albertcunningham of Toronto at` Charles Cunningham's: Miss LuelIa._ Easton of Toronto with .her mother. Mrs. John Easton: Mr. `and Mrs. George Wilson and children of Alliston with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Grey; Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Coles of Barrie. with the former s sister. Mrs. W. E. G1-av: LTs.imn:: A and `Mr-.. uo....._ ucr as waslexpectea. `On Monday night at the meeting of the Young People's Circle_it was decid- ed to send to the Department for `an- other travelling library as the one they had last Winter was so popular. A paper on the second section of the study book World History from 1815 to 1920. ? which had been prepared by Miss Janet Campbell was read by Miss Genevieve Jamieson. The envelones containing missionary contribution for November are to be handeddn at next Monday night's meeting._ - vinffnv-u Cl-Irrnn 'MI ~lna asa e, 54 yard

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