l Pains `in Left side Lachine, uebec.- I took Lydia-E- Plnkhanfs. be stable Compound be- cause I suffers with sins in, my left side andsback and wit weakness and other troubles women so often have. I was this way about six~months.I saw the Ve stable Compound advertised in I the ' ontreal Stand:_:rd,. and.I have taken four bottles of rt. I was a ve sick woman and I~feel so much better a would not be without`~it. I also use .Lydia;;E. Pinkhsm's Sanative Wash- It reeon_u_nend:the medicines to my friends and`! 'am;w!ll_iug for you to use In let- terasa'teitimon!al."-Mrs.M. W. 08 580 Notre Dame ~33, lg.-.hlne,;Quebo:.' Rock-Ballasted Comfort ll compartment-observation nlbeporn. parlor car from Bovdltoko to In the `world, ll lnrwlen that Jars :50 ` a 60 Tuh:30' JIIUIL Jars 30` z 60 (bruise gu vvm the smut _..-_ ."-_.-' vv --- war-it 13 can In 0 obmn um). 1! ad. 8! hr onbnvn up: grow '0. I have unnod thqlrn IIIII, l)l_'II'\r" up by the century`. I `fought. :1;:g was finally kept pining of the IInu< Qnu... AAT In llll l.lll\\"I `COHSLS 11 .< Wvnter-" In tl1-_v m'I- sin tho.-irz llllhvliw u_), IIU INN] of the imli out him_urI' Tlxnu-A nu... UL IIIKILJH There \_\' not Ix.-Ii!-vw Inn 1-... `A L .. (III tr) . .Let :1 mun ; ilh X'\'7HNl)Il5l God. It is human mil: belief ;1l\\':1`\ or ('0unlr_\' the im-\'it:: `nu sh:u'<- in no part in I `frv nu in--. (.`r(d is `1 actrnonts. hind thvm. passes jml HR l`;.:|unn- L)"lIlL' HI ffrnm thv : `tank no it is said 1 Ieft still 4n .... (\w-u . VII llllll. `Is this or(lL-rin;:' To H .. . Jl|F | will "F119 (':H> r-nrds :1 Stu that he-lim see life; In on him." In ol.:.. THE .JUE /gyfl Slice the p put them `Dissolve t hbfwater, a small pi top. Bak browned ?@n 4 large 2 0x0 C wnavvy nnnavu fvuu U LIIJUIULI, VCIJUU $00. Dr. A. Mi. McFa.ul. M.D.. forwarded account re Thompson for $100. . W. Wnfnnn wrnfn nnblno nnhoi-A nn Thurid` /[no 5 a 5,09 TR1 lllvl. whu uuuuunc re Inornpson xor $100. `W. Watson wrote asking rebate on grant to road. Con. 16. ,A A nunnhnw n-I nnnnnnou um..- .............; present.-. ~ ' - Edwin Rogers reported as to sheer! killed by doga,. viz.: . Osca.r_Ba.tes, 4 lambs killed and 2 injured, value. $35; Thos. White. 4 sheep -killed `and 6 injured. value $68 hm A It 'n't..1:n....1 It 1-; .n...._-...--.- ,._`__._j__ -v---7 Snnidale Cduncll metat New inw- ell. Nov. 6, with all the members present. Edwin `Ragnar: vlnnnv-fad an em ..1....-.... HIEBP 1181' TUCBXII` HIIIBHS. V ' Congratulations to Miss Hazel Hors- burgh and Mr. James I-Iomley who were married here last week.- oonnlulcccvn unauvv vvsnn aaauula UaI,|vJUu U] (loll- Mrl. Cha.r1ea'Morr!spn is around after her recent illness. nnonnfuuinlnnn on Illa `l _`l'.u...I 'L'l .....-.. `nu. a vu.r\-luvs v U novannun Laval IIUL U Miss Rita. Rand of Shanty Bay 14 era: .the holiday with Miss Laura co . . . '.l`he~ha.m supper held here last Fri- da. qovening was quite a. success."con- :1 erlng the stormy evening. Mr. Piercy o!_ Collingwood in his humorous wa.y,enterta.ined the audience in a manner that was much enjoyed by all. 'II__ tVI.-_1__v \t-.__..l..-_- 2 IIUIIIU UVBT EH8 H0110 uy. Mill Elisabeth Matthews of Sever Bridg-e"spent. the h parental root. - oliday under the "Flu: ml _TQVI'l]`:IlMD17 and Avunln Pro'voIt,Alberta.- Perhaps you will 4 remember sending me one of our books a year ago. I was in a be condition and would suffer awful pains at time: and could not do anything. The doctor said I could not have chi dren unless I went under an operation. I read teati- monialuof Lydia E. Pinkham s Ve eta- ble Compound in the pa rs anda `end i recommended me to ta e it. After tak-'. ing three bottles I became much better and now I have a bonny baby girl four month! old. I do my housework and help a little with the chores. I irecom-- mend the Vegetable Compound to my friends and {am willing for ou to uu this testimonial letter."- re A. .ADAll8, Box 64,.Provoet, Alberta. 7 parental root. ~- g ` The Misses Jean "Murray and Annie Gordon of Toronto `Normal holidayed a.t`the1r' respective homes near here. Ill..- I315- `['l__.1 -5 cu___..__ 'l\__- 1101110 01 W. .I'.l6`l'l(l8!'80!1. 5!`. `Mr. and. Mrs. Will Gordon and famtly of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nlcholsand Mr. and Mrs. John Mort- Ion of Richmond Hill wer`e Monday visitors at J. W. Gordon's. .`M'l--an `I -l'n dn A'nnIn 1\II'a+km.. `nu-....n ,vw._Iuu'l en. a. W . uoruorrs. _ Misses Hilda. and Annie Mather were home over the holiday. It'll miilhfh "A/fnfflnnilra nf Qnuann Nov. 10-Mz"._ and` Mrs. George Barker and family of Lindsay visited W. Mumberaorrs over the holiday. 11.. ...J 11!... r.1.___-I_ -r-u-_,, , q -nu...-av. uvu n v v v. uuv uvuuay o and Mrs. Frank Henderson and family at Toronto were visitors at the home of W. Henderson. Sr. `IMF , I31!` MFR `XTHI flrunnn n vs II 1115 WIN! ll`. 8.110 .LV1!'S. JET) . . Robert Jury spent a few days at home recently en route to Toronto-. wv vanvvnvw Va: 04595: IAIOIIIJ llhllllllclq ' Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee Craig of Tor- onto and Mrs. James I-Iugill of West- on motored here to spend Thanksgiv- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Jary. Rnhart .1'n.v-v nnnnt 1: four own gt HDOUE U: H1116 BEBE OI EH6 Vulage. The Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian church held a very successful bazaar and tea. `last Friday evening and also a. social the following even1ng._ The rogramme was varied. lengthy and teresting. special mention .may well be made of the Misses Miller of Medonte, who responded so generously to encore: of their many numbers. 'II _ .....I II..- r1I.._aa-_ t~u.,-2__ _n nu, HIGH` llvllllllul nuntmg trip. . Mr. Madden and family of Hobart have moved to John Jennetvs farm about a. mile east of the village. TBA T.lI1Al Aid nf fhn Dnnnkvyfnulnn I IUUFUB OI IIIIBIIBB HILGFGBE. Mr. Dunn. section foreman of C.P. 3., and P. McGinnis are` away on their annual hunting trip. Mr. Madden and fnmilv nf T-Tnhnvf T Tace Iiisflgured A. from Eczema UK! W-ll HUI` IIIUDIIQF In .Lv.uuu:I.nu. ' Readers 0! the Globe and others are "sorry to hear or the death of Peter MacArthur ot_ Ekfrid. His articles. contributed to the Globe were always 9. source of intense interest. `In unn annflnn lnnnvnnn A0 I`! `D IUIHU yluuguans. . ' , .Mrs. Wm. Nelles spent the` week- end with her mother in M1dla.nd. BAQAAIDI A `HA ninhn and nfkaua nun u--mo nnv.nQUUIi wnaaynvg vu wuugv was vv nsnuvsn The dry spell was` broken by a welcome. shower last week. which greatly relieved our fears about fires and also enabled the farmers, to re- sume ploughlng. .Mrn_ Wm- Nallnn nnnnt fhn wank. IIISEUB ODU!'I'|'.l0!1I. . Hill V. A. Hart of New York and C. E. Hart. of Butta.lo._a.re spending 0. holiday at home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jennettof Or- illls s ent the Thanksgiving holiday in Cr shunt. . ' Ha.llowe'en passed. or! quietly and no dun e has been reported. Mr. ONeill has been successful `in l purchasing more limits and- it is ex- pected .he will be able to keep the` men hehas employed busy all winter. UNI`; J-on an-All u-on.-. . Ia...` -..... ... _5'.`"_ ?%"'-'13 COUNCIL I-ow vodio Elton ulnvvvvnw uuavlllu Harold Hill has set up a lath mill in the roar of his garage property and Itutod operations. 111:: V. A- Hart nf New Vm-I: and 0lIIUl- ' ' ' . ` Farmers are busy hauling out pota- tool to the station. The buyers are tho Potato Growers Co-Op. Co. and tho Canada Grain Growers agent. -uv....1.| rant 1.... _-;. ..._ _ u_.;u. .__nu PU VVEVBFIOV EU EEEBIIQ 8. Weaalngw T R. J. Turner has sold his general Itore and property to Mr. Fisher o! Georgetown. The tranfer took place the end of October. Mr.` Turner has bought 9. store at Shanty Bay and mov- ed there. The `family will be much mined In -the Presbyterian church and_ also in the social me or the village. I. Addison and Aha Rlnhnrnnn awn tuna, m we aocuu me 0: me vxuage. I. Addilonand Abe Richardson are away north with their respective hunt- inr clubs. . . Mill Minnie Eilsmere. "Miss Greta Sniiler and 1". Gaston. all of. Toronto. Ipept Thanksgiving atftheir respective ' `En-nun:-~ nun huge: `unit-`Canon nub nan NEW_ LOWELL Read Alberta Woman : Ex-V 'peI"ience with Lydia E. Pink- .ham s Vegetable Compound _, ,----, -vni vs: LYLUIIUIL) IO!` William Irwin lento follow on -Wed- nesday.` ' - ' William Waldruff of Bradford visit- ed at Miss Esther Groves last week. Mrs. William Fusee returned on Sat- ug'd_a.y to her.home in Midland ..a+.... n-QVVDIIQI Novehdber 3-Win_fred Dauphiriee and bride of Buffalo, N .Y., spent the Week- end at _Berham R1tcey s ` The Angus Hunt Clut; Fred and JackA.La.t!mer. James David- son, `Joseph McMaster and Frank "Hig- . consisting .of` g1nson,' left `on Monday for Paxley. n at Illa- m_n.-,, :~ - - _.,....... ....._..uu_y cu. vyxu. UOW8.Tl'S. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Heithfield and Norma... Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby. and Mrs. Mortlock . and r. Billie and Percy Turner, all of Tor`-.' onto, were Sunday visitors at Thos. Walt's. M . Frank` Cowan and Oscar [Bowman are away on a `stock-judging trip. ` Mr. and Mrs. Bebb and Mrs. Webb. Allandale, spent Sunday at W. H. ~Martln's . _ J. T. Alpln."1`oronto, called at his home here last week. ' H. R._ Kelcey spent the week-end with his brother here. ` ~ Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Madill and son of Toronto spent Sunday at Geo. Alpin s. - - e - M Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pratt and Jes- sie and Mr. and Mrs. George Pratt and daughters of Churchill spent Sun- day at Sylvester Reynolds . My-_ and ]\/I m:_ Tmldnn um-.. ..-.= n---- may at Sylvester Reynolds ' and Mrs. Eldon Wice and fam- ily. spent Sunday at _A1landale`and at- tended anniversary services there. .- ..... .. .u_ uusuugwuuu Just week. ,Mrs. Dobson is having a. sale on `Saturday after which she and her son Edwin intend ying in Toronto. puuly 13 extended to the family. Rev. A. P. Brace` and several Otht attended` the Epworth` League Co vention in_ Colllngwood "last week. Mrs, `nnhm-m 1.. I....'.-x.._. - - - uuLU, Mrs; Andrews of Owen and Miss- es Emma. and Annie at. home, besides other relatives and a host of friends. Mrs. Reazin wasof a retiring but very` kindly disposition. Much sym- 'pathy is extended to and others Enwm-th 1...m....., n-.. 1 ' 1'BVV,aI'(1 8. 84 years of a four aughter onto, M t noon `today. go and leaves to mourn s, Mrs, Mclteer of Tor- rs; Andrews of Annie at hnmn kmsaa..- muuspuseu . After a few weeks of illness Mrs. Reazin, an aged and highly respected resident of the town. passed away to her reward [at She was 84 years age and lanvnn n. ...n...... 1\`r 3mavn Mathews of Colllngwood is visiting his parents,. being somewhat indisposed Aff D FDIII IIvl\I\`s.- -1: 11 -- u-uuwe. 1 am glad to report him to be doing as yvell as could be -expected. gone on the annual deer hunt, among them being, Dr. Patterson, A. Watson, G-. Bernhardt, E. Lambert and T.- Dyer. ` 1\TnIrnn:v\ 1|/I..n....--.._ _.a .~.,... V .. .r..v. uu .LL\.l" pital, Toronito, havirigriirvxdergone a. very serious operation for facial nerve trouble. I glad well as mum ha .w.a-m.+~= nasal recently. - ' Mr. and Mrs. A. B. ] Brooks of Echo Place vi Mrs. Wesley Rose and over Sunday. , Levi 'l`rnvm- In in am M1`; and Mrs. Alvin 'R_einhart, Relnhart and Miss Clara Reinhart ` itedifriends at `Southampton and I Elgin recently. '~ . - Mr. and Mm: A 12 D--~ --= - uuumgwooa .nospltal . - in Sunnidale last week. to fall and break one mp. ,He was taken to the Coll1ngwood.hospltal. - and Mm. Alvin .n-a_u---A v _-__ _-- nnn\IIvIlI-IL 1 Thomas Maley has bought the pro- perty belonglng to W. J. Andrews and taken up residence here. a The people of this section extend 8. hearty welcome to Miss -Murray, who has resumed her duties at the school after spending some months in Eng- land and other places. ` nere wxtn her mother. Thomas to taken I neonle nf men ......n.... . Ll'.It!'Il(15 mere . Mr. and`Mrs. Thos. Redfern and son Robert spent Sunday with friends in Barrie. - Quite a. large crowd attended the I-Ia.ll'owe en social held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Lougheed and re- port having had a. good time. A number _from_ here attended the meat supper and concert given at Bur- ton Ave. church, Monday evening. Mrs. Bert McQuay of Ivy has re- turned home after spending a. few days here with her Thomas `Mann, 5...- um---I-A --~- nucronnnvls AN ormmm Iuuu. * Leonard Bldxham and` son. Reubn accompanied Mr. and Mrs. James M: son and son Gordon, who motored Orillia, on Sunday, and called 4 friends there. ` ' r nnA'1\.r.... rnI.-- - -- . AEGUS l_(N_QCK STAYNER LEI ' ileinhart J 1 Rinhnwf via- B. Rds and Miss ce visited Mr. and R. Baycroft's the General Hose 2' lldrnnn o -`I-1!-M-v Reuben Ma- nnnfn-ni! an Read TheVExaminer adlet colums for money-saving opportunities. . K I uw u w eeKS ago . Mrs. James Rands is spending a couple of weekswith her -son at Port Credit. Dr. Gordon` Malcolm has been spend- I ing a few days at his home here. I 77" -CV1 W ' hldutllllrc &n-mg-iL....n'_... 4.... $Vl.Ul1l.]l u News has`come from Toronto that Pat. Brogan. a. resident of Shanty Bay for 62 years, had passed away some two weeks ago. ` A MY'H_ .TQYYIl3u Bands {:1 ---A--33~ - LG nv. --V...:,......._, .us ca. v auni unuun . Samuel McGill, formerly of Lind-' say, is visiting with his brother. Jas. McGill. ' 1\`r.u.... 1......` ....V- -' - nJIl.l|\.lL7l DUJI o ?";{lfr;(;mi alk and his son .Walte1` spent the`holiday at Stroud ,with his daughter, Mrs. VanNorman. Qavnnnl `.\,|'..rV:n A I: vcuulg 12181 . . ' Mr. and Mrs. Morton and family of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. John Brooks and family of Toronto were Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Sanderson. Aluna 11-- _. November 10-Rev. J. F. McMul- len will officiate next Sunday in the Methodist church at 3 p.m. and Sac- rament will be administered at the close. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Palk of Toron- to. and the` VanNorman family of Stroud called on Alfred Palk. Sunday evening last. . | luv and M..- 1\,r....4.... -7 n November 4--J. A. Bell of Sudbur.v spent a few days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bell. Mrs. McRae` and family and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Demnster and family visited Mr. and Mrs. W. `J. Demnster recently. . Mrjand Mrs. R. E. Bell and family visited Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bell en route for Little Current. Manitoulin Island. D'nI......: ~n_n ,o, - - - LSIHH (1 . Richard Bell is improving his home by having the electric light installed. . ..,.. .... ... .uu,u uc nuruun UII. Meeting adjourned to meet at Elm- yale, November 29. `at 10 a.m. tn an -q-....___.__, a.u.cuu ue a. committee to interview C. -E. Wright. M.L.A;. informing him of the condition of the roadway and of the necessity of a substantial Provin- cial grant being made to aid in its re- pair and that the Clerk inform Mr. Wright that this committee would be pleased to meet him to discuss the mat-' ter as soon as possible at a time and place to be fixed by him. _ . I Qvnik. 1'\n----- --- " 'wau7.irJ.I.}i._anuzu'7J.BTB.'n. ` Q `on: had 4.5.. I.-- -__|._-_._ _____ ,...-vv u\.I uv LAAUU. U,Y [NIH Smith--Downey-Ordered thzit `the charge for telephone on the roll against Samuel Allen be struck off. 7M'nnH....... .. .:aA.--.-A uus ruaa 1s very great carrying as it does besides the localftraffic all other traffic from the south, north and east through Elmvale west to` Wasaga Beach and Collingwood, and whereas it has been impossible to maintain the said road in a proper state of repair with the funds hitherto avail- able, be it therefore resolved that the Reeve and` Deputy-Reeve with such other members of th Council as can attend be a committee to interview Wright. in1 nvn1rIo' In-'v'- `tracts made by H. Wood and R. W. .......b;usu \.u.. uiuex . . . ... . 4.85 _Thurlow-Downey--Ordex-ed that the action of the H-E Power Commission in cancelling the contracts for lighting made by Mrs. . Long and Charles McGinnis, both of Phelpston, be_con- firmed as the` parties have not com- pleted the co tract by having houses wired. - _ Drysdale--'1`race--'l`hat the action of the .Hydro-Electric Power Commis- sion in cancelling the lighting con N. Taylor be confirmed as the said parties have notcompletedtheir con- tracts by having their houses wired. Trace~-Drysdale_ -- Ordered that whereas the road from Elmvale west to Wasaga Beach is in a bad state of repair and whereas the traffic over this road is very great l0cal.'tra ir-. all min... BAY UTQEX "C. vs. BURTON. Clerk - . I.v|. LU (lulllo ' aCigarettes and To Chicago. a train leaves Toronto Unlnn Station at 8.00 mm. and the Canadian at 6.25 p.u`|. daily. nlcent hotels acrou tho'Domlnion. as well as Trans- Atlnntic. Tran:-lfuclc and Lake Iteamuhipl. -on Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum to keep your skin clear. llnnplo loch Inc by M511. Addron Cunudiat, Dc 1:: . "Onions. !. 0. x 2616. Ilontrnll Fr cc! Sou 26. Uintment 25 umwuc. TaIcum26. ry our new Shaving Stick. Lean Toronko Union Station at 9.00 min. and 11.00 pan. daily sud 10.00 pan. daily except Saturdnyu. Every nu-ht at 9.45 carrying A tlllnnoln .1 _. 7-_-----w-n- \JIIIlIL\-Fl. U The entire Lake Shore Line between Toronto and `Won- llna been. rock-ballnsted with crushed wool and relnld with 100-pound rails, Insuring smooth-riding. dnntleu comfort for the night travellers, who are who !_lve_n t_he `unequalled fncllltlen In wlnamu m...a.... uu-moss contort for the ti-nvellevrs, whmar} -II-I-:0` given the unequalled (solution In Windsor Stnnou. v liontrenl. of I1ndlu' I-out room. lunch room and barber .. _ . '.l'oInl3t, standard sad 1 Illnlnr ear. I-4 - - The Vancouver Exnress leaves Toronto Union Station every night for Van- couver at 10.10 pm. M ..n..._.I_-n - - Winter Resorts Yonge Street Station. Toronto` ALL DRUGGISTS