`DR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate McGill University. Montreal Ofce and Residence---Cor. Elizabeth and Bradford Sts.. Barrie. Phone 105. Office hours: 9-10 a..m., 1-3 p.m., 7-8 p.m. U"! "I I'Ia &E"l Surgery and Diseases or Women Associate Coroner County of Simcoo ....;nn__ MAUD E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Vocal Pupils prepared for Toronto Conserva- tory of Music examinations leading `up to and including A.T.C.M. degree. Studio-King Block. Phone 424 EDMUND HARDY Mus. Bac., F.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Organ. Vocal, and Musical Theory, Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Gold medalist Toronto Conservatory of `|\/| nnir-, and Ttnivnrsxifv` nf 'l`rn-nntn PERCY HOADLEY Organist and Choir Leader Collier St. Methodist Church Teacher of Piano, Organ, Voice and Theory. Terms reasonable. Phone 283W. Sophia St. I"|lI-IJl'|EI`l'I I`. I-E.I`IVUI\g I\.l-In-IVh Teacher of Piano Pupils prepared for Toronto Conserva- tory examinations: in Piano. _2 North Street. * Phone 387W D.vIVl- DYLV=l EH Bandmaster Barrie Citizens Band Formerly Director of music Christie St. Hospital under D.S.C.R.. bandmaster of 134th 0.S. Bn., bandmaster of 76th T Toronto Scottish Regt. .\ Teachertof Music. V. I1. nuan, ur'rI.U. Eyes Examined . Glasses Fit! Graduate Canadian Ophthalmic College. Toronto. 43 Elizabeth St., Barrie. Phone ' Uuxu. 1uv::ua.uaI. LU! uuI.u \J`UuBc1`Vu.I.Ul'y UK Music and University of Toronto. 113 Worsley St. Phone 883 HILDRETH F. LENNOX, A.T.C.M. Tnanhnr :1` Diana u.A.soNI'c 'FEr'1.'I: Eumumow W. BELL, Issuer (Successor to J. Arnold) , ___A__.-- . --:.- DONALD ROSS, LL.B. ,, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY T0 LOAN IJUIVUHIV I : IVICIISJPIIUI, El-Fl. Successor to Creswlcke & Bell DA'D'D`l'Q'l'V`lF`D Qf\T.Tl`1`l"'l"l\`D 'I."lV(V 6ien";.?"&.{1 e?.a`g2xI1';}1;". sewing at home MISS WILDE, 72 Small 81:. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER 1\__._ 3... 3.11.. DUNCAN F. McUA|G, B.A. Qnnnnnunn in (`rnuurinlrn Ry `RAH --a.nu-- DR. W. V. JOHNSTON Aunbn nf "l"nu-nnl-A TT-.u-n- DR. MORTIMER LYON DR. H. T. ARNALL fVnuuo.Luv fl` DR. FRED A. ROSS Ir n? Inn 13:-(an 9. Dana DR. W. A. LEWIS our n-`A `l`\nnnnnn Al Ti Electrical Contractor . FIXTURES AND SUPPLIES McClary's Electric Ranges and Circulating Water ,He|ten Sold and Installed. We carry a full line of Electric Irons, Hot Plates, Toasters, Heaters, Lamps. Bulbs, Etc. `An I` I O. `R. RUSK, OPH.D. raining:-I (Ilsa.-. B.. M. SYLVESTER unplug: nan-1:n\ D :Ll-.._-` MEDICAL V OPTICAL MUSIC ll'I'IoIJ- Fitted Qnhfholnnln 143 The l`9\'<)Il11i{ zil is not y.-z . govermnvnt - tain cuntrnl. Repuhlit-,.~x l*:x\`n international seems 11) In- amnng thmn :. to tx':uh~ llmn J1 F,l\I\\lllm n- the- [W0 :|' H-l`o-~ in a bill \\`hi('h recognition nf I _tectiun . .}l6-rrtl have not (ml_\' i- ernme-nt :11.-ls :11 has h 0n :1 mi without any 1-i~ thus dostim-cl 1 titles instegzxd M Swonp HS scum-. Peter. Smit! 'l`re:1surm-. uf to (-hztrgos or `the Homo I -sm`. spirzu,-_\' -.n mm G. G. _Sh_1__l_Tl_l_&__ C0. A growing; fr Inn lIk.'n ml` fivilo Inc] 0 The Quemi cuisine and in every pa and Euro ycmr -reserva (Opboisite n THEIR H" AR 1: ~ INVITE I More Trc! Tragedy ;<,_:.|. Kn We| F1'iiEiNSURANcE Visl Duri are re mean will featu JAS. mgr] _ ver 1 half-L on:-hi Genuin harm-1 V Steel. `an: N: accxm-n . be tnkci inn .58 \/ For 2 ' bits, `garne round Alan ~ wit.h n V C T won-aw Home Phone 898. '31:); 1028. H EN Sold 1: 23c Fuii . YOUR % WIUIIII U`-cw------ -- ---_ Pin pad `Putty 3.! Baht! 136 Elizabeth Street AI_IIlE Q -:1: -v:'ell._sup`plied at sco1'r's A BOOK sroma [B'RFLD. Auto Licgnsesi ------r-' --w---- T61 Dunlap - DI.-_- RIII CL`... ` 1 !-{ONE 250 Jnido T:--4-:j CHAPTER III. . The Lord Chief Justice It was not until two months later. on the 19th 01 . September, that Peter Blood was brought to trial at Taun- ton Castle upon a..oharge of high trea- son. The hall, event to -the galleries- thronged with spectators, most of whom were ladies--was hung in scav- let. At the upper end, on a raised dais. eat the Lordsecommissionex-es, the five judges in their scarlet robes and heavy dark periwigs, Baron Jeffreys of Vvem enthroned in the middle nlace. From Baynes, who pleaded not guil- ty, .the clerk passed on to Pitt. who boldly owned his guilt.` The Lord Chief Justice stirred at that. M l'\I'I`I1 Ilfnnuu no1IA;r` fnn (rho Irina` UIIIB-L JUHLIUB HL11'I'Ul1 a.L'/ LIIPLL. _ The only witness calle for the king` was Captain Hobart. He testified briskly to the manner in which he had found and taken the three prisoners. together with Lord Gildoy. Upon the orders of his colonel he would have hanged Pitt out of. hand-. but was re- strained by the lies of the Prisoner `Blood. whoiled him to believe that Pitt was a peer ofthe realm and a person of some consideration. And it was upon this flimsy evidence that_ the three men were sentenced to leath for ~ high treason. The .h-ihnlnflnna uvlfh urhir-h 'Dnfn' III!-511 LI'Bi'lHUIl. The -tribulations with which `Peter `Blood was visited as a result of his errand of mercy to OgIethorpe s Farm contained two sources of thankfulness: one thatbhe was tried at all: T the other that his trial took-place on the 19th of September. Until the 18th. the sentences `passed by the court of the Lords Commissioners had `been carried out literally and expeditiously. But on themorning of the 19th there arrived at Taunton a courier from Lord Sunderland.` the` Secretary of State. with a letter, for Lord J effrevs where- in he w s informed that His Majesty had bee -graciously -pleased to com- mand {that eleven. hundred rebels should be, furnished for transporta-, tion to some of His Majesty's south- ern plantations. Jamaica, jBa.rbn.do.-3, or any of the Leewardlslands. l This command vtrss notvidictzttecl by mercy. Slaves were urgently required in the plantations. A thousand pris- oners were to be distributed among` some eight courtiers. These prisoners were to be kept there for the space of ten years before being restored to lib- erty, the parties to whom they were assigned entering into security .to see that transportation ' was imrimrlmtely effected. Thus it happened that Peter `Blood. and with him Jeremy Pitt and Andrew Baynes. were conveyed to Bristol and theretshipped with some fifty-others-aboard the Jamaica Mer- chant. Eleven died-. and amongst `these .'was the yeoman from Ogle- thorpefs Farm. ' I TI&II IVI The Iglave Market Towards` the middle of December the Jamaica Merchant drowned anchor in Carllsle Bay, and put ashore the forty-two surviving rebels-convict. They beheld a town of sufficiently im- posing proportions. 1 A fort guarded the entrance of the Woman : Statement Will Help Barrie posing proporuons. A fort guarded the entrance wide harbour. with guns thrusting their muzzles between the crenels. and the wide facade of Government House revealed. itself dominantly placed on a. gentle hill abovethe town. On a wide cobbled space on the sea front they found a guard of red-`coated mil-__ itia drawn up to receive them. V 'l`n' lnnnnnt them came Governor `I\ `J NU.` I" Arabella Bishop _inspectsA VI`-`eta:-1 Bloo d, g `CHAPTER IV. , $I__,_ II-..I-_1 pounas. Peter. Blood lost himself in unprof- itable speculations. He was in no mood for conversation, nor was Pitt, who stood dumbly at his si'de. '1`.o Pitt, this separation was the- poignant climax of all his sufferings. Blood noticed that the girl was speaking to Bishop, and pointing up the line with a silver- hilted riding-whip she carried. Then slowly, they came until the Colonel was abreast of_B1ood. He would have passed on,` but that the lady tapped his `arm with her whip.` ' Due +hiu`iu 1-ha rnnn T rn'r.uznt," yzlni. ms arm wltn ner wmp. A But this` is the man I meant," she said . llmhla ...'...o `halal A haw nf hnnm: 'l'u'1*'h1s one-?V Bah! A bag of bones. |VVhat should I do with him"" `Lin uyua 4-uwvnincr nunav when (`nnf-Jrin wnat snoum L (10 wuu nun He was turning away. when Captain Gardner interposed. _' I-14: rnnv hn lean, but he's tough: uaraner lnterpuseu. _ He may be lean, but he's tough; tough and healthy. Vvhen halfof them was sick and the. other half sickening, this rogue kept his legs and doctored His fellows. Say fifteen pounds for him, Colonel. '1`hat s cheap e;nou:.:h." "n4\\II\ nnrsnn n nlnnnlrln Fvwnvn f3.n1M:nIr\_ or Steed. . You hegr. Colonel. Trust your niece. Her. sex knows a -man when it sees one: And-he laughed. But he laughed alone.` A cloud-of an- noyance swept across the facezof the Colonel's niece.` Jeremy Pitt had al- most ceased to breathe. . ` I'll! n.-luv . nnu +1". r./`undo F:-us Inu'vv. " , "I hated eooklng because all I ate turned sour and formed gas. I drank hot water and olive oil by the gallon., Nothing helped until I used Adlerika." Most medicines act only on lower bowel but Adlerika. acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removes all gas and poisons. Excellent for obstinate con- stipation. Helps any` case gas on the stomach in TEN minutes. Wm. Cross-- I.....A 'l\nna-rnulnlr IIIUEL UUtLI'.'U LU Ul'!`:ld.l.llU. I'll give you ten pounds for him. said the Colonel at last. Dnfnn tlinn nmoxyn fkof {Vino nF`Fn1 aruu LILU L/ULUIIUI at l'c`tL. Peter Blood prayed that the offer might be rejected. For no reason that he could have given you, he was tak- en with repugnance at the thought of becoming the property of this gross -\\ Va || think |_ kqow you. sir. she said. Vanlrrlal. and in some sort the property of tl'Tat_ hazefgeyed young girl. But it would need more" than repugnance to save hlm`from his destiny. A slave is a slave. and has no power to shape his fate. Peter Blood was sold to Colonel Bishops-a dlsdainful bu_ver-for the ig- nomlniousgsum of ten pounds. 9 Arabella -Bishop V One sunny morning in January. about a month after the arrival of the Jamaica Merchant at Bridgetown. Miss Arabella Bishop rode out from her uncle's fine. house on the heights to the northwest of the city. She was attended by two negr_oes.who_ trotted after. her` at a respectful distance. Reaching the summit of a gentle, grassy slope, she met a tall. lean man dressed in a sober, gentlemanly fashion, who was walking in the opposite dir- ection. Miss Arabella drew rein. I think I know you, sir," said she. Her voice was crisp and boyish. It `aroseperhaps from an ease, a direct.- ness. which disdained the artifices of her sex. and set her on good terms with all the world. To this it may be due that iss Arabella had reached the agevot five `and twenty not merely unmarried` but unwooed. She used with all men a sisterly `frankness. Thu afvvnncrnr nnmn tn 9. nfnndstill ll, Lauluucx. Lllat Ullcup cruuuy-;.u. There came a chuckle from Govern- `the Rebel .Co.nv'ict T CHAPTER v yuurseun" V On the contrary. The others are all worthy rebels. I am `not." 'Rnf if vnn ova nnf 9 rnhnl hnw ktll WU1'LHy l.'tJUUl?5. L dill IIUL. But if you are not a rebel. how come you here?" h Faith, now, it's a long story," said '3 H `" ~ HLUIHZLUII Ill |.".:LV land. Drugglst. H 1`?! he. Ar "`And'one perhaps that you would prefer not to tell?" Briey _on that he `told it .her. ` 1\/I'1r flnl TXYIv\nl nu :VIl'I'V\`7V uhn HE `LUIU IL -1161". . My God! VVhat an infamy!" she cried. when he had done. -(KM {Ida n unrnnf nnuunfnxr "n`,n(r1onr1 urxuu. WHUH ue llilu UUIIU. -Oh, it's a sweet country England under King James! There's no need to commiserate me further. All things considered I prefer Barbados. Here at least one can believe in God." -jaunt Ale ,1, , v avnnnlu u;-v yuan nJ\a|a\/v ... av... Is that so difficult elsewhere?" she asked him, and she was very grave. Men make it so." She moved on. Her negroes sprang up, and went trotting after her. It was a fair enough prospect, he re- flected, but it was a prison, and, in announcing that he preferred it to England, he had indulged that almost laudable form of boasting which lies in belittling our misadventures. TH the `Pnv-fv-f'\un whn hn hnnn Inn_ `Ill UBl.lL|.ll_II35 uur uuuuu \ Ulll.uI'b'b'. E Of the forty-two who had been land- ed with him from the Jamaica Mer- chant,`Colonel Bishop had purchased no less than twenty-five, The re- mainder had gone to lesser planters, some of them to Speightstown, and others still farther north. What may have been the lot of the latter he could not tell, - but among Bishop's, slaves Peter Blood came and went freely. and their lot he knew to_ be a brutalizimx misery. If their labors flagged, there were thewhips of the overseer and his ` men to quicken them. They went al- most naked; they dwelt in squalor and they were ill-nourished. on salted meat and maize dumplings. To curb insubordination. one of them who. had rebelled against Kent. the brutal over- seer, was lashed to death by negroes l under his comrades` eyes. f\nnnu`r\no`1\r Dnfnvv Illnn ucnxxr Tllfiaa; unuer ms comraues eyes. V 9 .Occasionally Peter Blood saw Miss` Bishop, and they seldom met but that she paused to hold him in conversation for some moments, evincing her inter: 'est `in him. "l"l-`nun-In 4-Inn anvnn Inlnn unn Sn `now . tilles, "something wild. and niece. haviour before her .` ' `ESL ll] llllll. Though the same blood ran in her veins as in those of Colonel Bishop. yet hers was free of the rvices that tainted her `uncle s, for these vices were not natural to that blood: they were. in his case. acquired. Her father. Tom- Bishop (that same Colonel Bish- - o_p s'brother), had been a kindly, chiv-. alrous, gentle soul, who broken-heart-e ed by the early death of a young wife, had abandoned the Old VVorl_d. and "sought an anodyne for his grief in` the New. *1.-le had come out to the An- bringing with him his little daughter, then five years of age. and had given himself up to the life of a planter. He had prospered from the first. as men sometimes will who care nothing for prosperity. Prospering, he had bethought him of his -younger brother, a soldier. at home. reputed He had advised him to come out to Barbados: and the ad- vice, which at another season Vvilliam Bishop might have scorned. reached him at :1 moment when his wildness was beginning to bear such fruit that a change of climate was desirable. Vvilliam `came, and was admitted by his generous brother to a partnership in the prosperous plantation. Some six -years later, when Arabella was fifteen. her father- died, leaving her.in his uncle's .9:uardianship. As things were, there` was little love between uncle But _she was dutiful to him, and he was circumspect in hisVbe- 1n: -r-. A .1 F. W. Curran paid with his life for a joke. .Riding'in an automobile, near Spokane, driven by C. Martin, he pull- ed,.Martin s cap down over his eyes and the car went over a 30-foot em-` bankrnent, killing Curran instantly, T.In-'hfninn- ufrnnhv fhn `hinvr-"In nn ` UU.lll\lllCllL, lkllllll \.l.ll'l-"GJI lllDl.G.llLl_yu Lightning struck the bicycle (in which Steve Goorkin was riding to work inva. storm at Marquette, Mich., and he was instantly killed. ` 'R'nh'|: vvnhhnvinu in Rf T.n1n'c '|\/Tn HIDES, was AND DEER sxms WANTED V - _ _ _ . . -_.-1 -n-u-Quin llll LIB \V'c|.S 1llEL'c1llLl_V KLHUU. Bank robberies in St. Louis, Mo., vicinity, since January 1 have aver- aged $70 an hour according to statis- tical-minded investigators. In seven-A teen holdups the bandits got $222,872_ from banks and trust companies. This is an average of $850 a day, or $70 an hour, every day of twelve hours. Ti`nnr mnnfhu nan (luv l`nrnnr nf uuur, every uuy UL LWUIVU HUUFH. Four months ago Guy Turner, of Weston, W. Va., picked his` teeth with a blade of grass.- A part of it broke off and remained between his teeth.; Following a surgical operation, just performed, the piece -of grass was re- moved from his neck, about four inch- es from the base of the teeth . The r1se" of hens is to lay eggs. and hen: will pos'tiy 1y I more eg' - GUARANTEED-if you put a dose of Pratt : Poultry R?2guleat>r in the aged every day. Your dealer is authorized to give back your money if it fails. MORE EGGS` frogn` _Each Hen I3 33%|! VI nowu `.9 6:19 Iluvls Juan nnnv uv an Jlu aunu Writs for FREEVBOOK. PRATI` FOOD C0. OF CANADA. L'l'D.VI -OAILING -L-x "SEl.P:-REG[H.*ATlNG "E142; Eanunueay ..a--...._- ._._._ Pumpkins . . . . . . . . . . . . Onions. larger basket . . . . Onions, bag . . . . . . . . . . . . Celery" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Green` peppers . . . . . . . . .. Cauliflower : . . . L . . . . . Pickling beets, 6 qt. . Cucumbers . . . . . . . . . . . . '1 (2-herkins, 6 qt. basket . . Potatoes, bag . . . . . . . . . Potatoes, peck .. . . . . . . . Turnips . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . 1 Squash .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marrows, each - . . . . . . . Cabbage, head. . . . . . . . . Parsnips. basket . . . . . . . Carrots, basket . . . . . . . .A Carrots, bag . . . . . . .. ~ . . Brussels sprouts, box . `l'I._.-IL._-. T')..A.A.... tn- ruuury, DULLUL auu Butter, lb. '. .; . . . . . . . . . . . .. Eggs, specials, dozen . . . . . . . Eggs. ungraded. dozen . . . . Spring chicken, dressed, lb. Fowl, dressed, lb. . . . . . . .. Duck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cream. pint . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Buttermilk. qt. . . . w. D. MINNIKIN . Funeral Director and Embulmer Ambulancg Service - Phone 431. Motor and Horse Equipment Cor. " Mary and Elinboth S!u.,'Bn-tic Apples. basket Grapes, basket 11:. 1 . LVLII Honey, pail . .. 1 Honey, section Playing hide-and-seek, an 8-year-old Parkersburg, VV . Va., boy was covered with leaves in the middle of the street. An auto ran over him with fatal re- ` sults. `D`nn I-Inn til-rul\1r {Jan -Av-|n1\r1:rLr\v| Tn"-inn ' SLIILS. For the week the American Legion convened. in St. Paul, -Minn., the city's bank clearings increased $4,000,000. mlncf rnaiilnnf nf T2111-Iintzrfnn V1` I Udllh Uldfllls lllUl`U'd.uSUu @`f,UUU,UUU. l Oldest resident of Burlington. Vt.. Mrs. Freeman Wi11ette. who was 106 years `old October 5. visited the office of the city treasurer and paid the tax on her real estate. ` ` up --- . g- . . -- ... n Mrs. VVenzel Mochty, 55, mother of 9 children, of East Texas, Mich., was fatally burned, while heating lard and turpentine on the stove. 1'._.__.... Yr.'._..._._._ .1! lNI_!........_ _ _ _ _ _._I1 |v....`..v..v-..v ..-. ....V ....v... James Kiernan, of Chicago, compell- ~, ed his wife to place her handvagainst the wall so he could shoot at it. He lgot six months in jail. ` I` `ES/:`s%j@ Wh0|0s0m0L"1'1'EH9fl0ShlnE n4... ula..vuu.-4, -us... - . . . . . . . . -- Poultry, Butter and Eggs xr Ih ` ,_,,RR(!f Miscellaneous . WIIWIIIEIG, IVIIIIIQ nwuuu-' Eater . or Whole Wheat . . o - . . - .. QUUI . . . . . .. .. 20c E 'ro1oN'ro E4555 38c to 40: . 50c to 600 .. 45 to 60c 25-27c 25c . 25c to 30c . . . . . .. 30c ...'..... 5c| 200 -to.- 30c. 50c to 75c u-you LUUI . .. 40c 2 for 5c 60c . 50-75c 20c :. 4... :..| 40-1120 . 35c ALEXANDERCOWAN Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining pro- bate of wills, guardianship and ad- lministration. .Genera.1 Solicitor. No- on..." nntrnxyonnnv nfn 11111115 L1'H.|.lUll. Office- Baxfrie. . \l'!':lu:l.'a.1 LUUIIUIUUL, LIV tary. Conveyancer, etc. Hinds Block, 8 Dunlop St.. MONEY T0 LOAN. PLAXTON &. PLAXTON, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS; ETC. Offices: 707-8 Kent Building ' Toronto, Ont.` C. W. Plaxton. ' G. Gordon Plaxton - James O. Plaxton A \T HI-G-l--l_EgT PRICES. White or phone 44-7p H. LEVIT, pliope 384 or B0); 542. QUUUUHELVF LU \4l U5WlUl\U X BABRISTER, SOLICITOR, D"I=(`2.- MONEY TO LOAN. Ross Block, Barrio llflu T1: In P|l'\l`P\I-In Associate Coroner County of Simcoe Office and Residence-Corner Toronto and Elizabeth Sts., opp. Central Church Office Hours: Until 10.30 a..m., and 1 to 3.30 and 6 to 8 p.m. Phone-167. IJI'lo IV: V: \l\IfII`I\lI` ` Graduate of Toronto University Phone 61 . Office-58 Collier St. AHours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 and 630-8 p.m. DRS. LITTLE &. LITTLE Physicians and Surgeons, Barrie, Ont. Office and Residence--47 Maple Ave. Office hours: 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., or hv annninfmnnf phnnn 91!! ULLAUU uuuxa. 1 LU 0 p.lu., I Lu 3 p.llI.. Ul.` by appointment. Phone 213. A. T. Little. M.D. W. C. Little, M.B. 122 B100; Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie, 1st Saturday of nnnh 1-nnnfh -I; uvvcu 535., uaxtxc, J.aL Daculuay UL each month. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Consultation hours--11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Barrie, phone 2. Toronto, North 3326 RADEN HU RST &. HAM MOND BARRISTERS SOLICITORS, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie, MO/NEY TO LOAN `r < un. l'I'\E|-I I"\- l'\\J Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross, Barrio. Late Surgeon `Specialist with the Imperial Army, 412 years. General Surgery an Obstetrics especially. Ofce---140 Dunlop St-., Barrie. Phone 710. P.O. Box 1078 L. J. SIMPSON, M.B PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and Residence--Collier St.. cor- lner Clapperton St.. Barrie. Phone 27I LOOK son 'r'H'"LAnu. GN BO TOM OF LOAF. A sortnont of Cuba.`