Barrie Examiner, 21 Dec 1922, p. 14

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[113 11106 WEE ugnuw wuau uuyv. _ Mary Ann, he said gentlv, "you've known me a long time, and you K1101!` J-:5; v=h_v. I ask this question. Has be seen square with you?" . She gazed at him in wonderment. ` Square with me? she exclaime , and laughed. Well, you better believe he has been. _ Paisley caught the girl s hands and hel them tight. - -Ant] rlh-in ! vnn mu-an for him 3 lot?" he them ugnt. _ And didn t you care -for hnn a lot? asked huskily. urn. 93 .1... .................J kn. Cum: nvnrinrl asked nusxuy. No. she answered. her face averted I didn t `ca.refor him at all. `He wasn't my style, 15111; . "Mary Ann. said the Bushwhacker. `T`so long s I thought you Fked Simpson better n me I kept `away. Now, if I could learn somehow that you cared more for me than you do for anybody el.=e, `give my life, as Mrs. Declute says. if I wouldn't ask yo= right out to be Mrs. Paisley. I've got a `nice home all to myself -and three old socks crammed wi`h gt-eenbacks made out of pelbs,"hid away again` a weddin -day with _you. You seo, Mary Ann,` he saidrwisb angle 'EnIs.r1uun=_. lulu Icb Inc '51: mun]:- hi,s, `deserts like a_good old pal qught what larger than usual in`point of number of vendors, the Christmas season poultryl demand being the` reason. Chicken and` geese were much in evidence, the poultryl being of the best quality. Plenty of apples l were offered and there was `a. good supply of butter and eggs. Q - I I - u ` Saturday mornings market was some-t I I I `Putatdes .:;::: ` Beets . . . . . . .. Onions . . . . . .. Cabbage . . . . .. K Carrots . . . . . .` ; Turnips . . . . .. |Pumpkins 5 SATURDAY MARKET Hi; I In-u-In I vvw Nearly all milk powders are made from skim milk. although recently some whole! milk is also being used for iheir manufac- _ ture. All, or almost all, of the water is}\'ed. leaving only the milk solids. It I is convenient and, in the case of skim-milk 1 for a long % nme. - Powders made from whole milk do not`, keep well, as it is diffult` to prevent `the butter fat from becoming rancid. If [used while fresli, they can be diluted to n`vw-ulna` nnanvv\"\`n nvlrrlv-nu` [h9..`_`[i _!i'e!!i'!s..P`i"| USCG wuue lruau, Iuu_V can uc almost. resemble original milk. Dr. Groves of Fergus has presented to the town the Royal Alexandra. Hospital, which he founded twenty-two years ago. 5 lner nome near ronu nu uuc.. Wm. I181" [1103 OH HIE SUUUIUUI} Widow Ross, coming out hurriedly from i the house with a s eaming pot. of potatoes in her hand, saw something that almost] `made her drop her burden.` There stood long Bill Pziisley with his arms -about her `Mary Ann's waist. ` nu, fl, r\__.:_.--.l\ -Mother of eight. children died after eat-i. ing poisoned candy received by mail 1133 her home, near Fond du Lac.. Wis. ' 'r\.. n___--_ _: I.` ____ .. L .......:..u.4,l on Hm. lfully, I sdmebo{x' knowed, or thought 1:. knowed, you didn't mean right down bus- iness with the teacher. Now. girl. am I Ito be your old man or am I not?" . H17-.. -__ 13:11` .1... ...L:...........:! l.:.l:....: to be out 1 no::_ ; You are, Bill, she whxspered, hidmg< [her face on his shoulder. 7TJ~-A- `|'|-~- --------- A.-A L-.-.....AIu 0-... \ 1IllZ Ii OX3 DCGIIZ is an acute attack of Nasal Ca.tarrh.! Those subject to frequent "colds in the, head" will nd that the use of HALL CATARRH MEDICINE will build up the System, cleanse the Blood and render: them less liable to colds. Repeated at-I tacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to Chronic Catarrh. HALUS CATARRI-I MEDICINE i taken internally and acts through th ; Blood on the Mucous Surfaces ot the SyII- i tem. thus reducing the inammation and restoring normal conditions. All Druggists. Circulars tree. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. GAS FROM FOOD , PRESSES ON HEART3 If food does notdigest it turns into poi-i sons which form gas. This often presses on heart and other organs causing a net- vous, restless feeling. Simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adlerika,` removes foul, decaying food-matter you; never thought was in your system which; caused gas and pressure on heart. Adler-I ika expels poisons and gas; from BOTH up- per and lower bowel. EXCELLENT to guard against appendicitis. Wm. Grossland. druggist. Sold in Elmvale by W; J. McGuire, druggist. | Break the Grip of that Cold! D..L cl... ..L--4 Corner Scam; and Mary Sgoets Ilnufacpurera of Sash. Doors. Frames, llooripg Ceiling. Moulding, Water Trough! `Dunks. `etc. We carry iuustock a large assortment of Rough and Dress d Lumber. B. C; Shingles Ind Prepared R9 ting. . Wood Turning and Kiln Drying 3: Specialty.. Dressing done us{14.SuZ{. 513.; Luci H.255 7 relieve billous attacks. tone an \ I I {II I i ti ` f.'. .`n1'.`y%u foo`: 'f'i"n:..` "' """" --_ .--.. I n---v lvu uvvu --u-vs Boltir Than Fills For Llvcr Ills` Tau7Eur- I Tomorrow Alright X3 C _ L I A A A _ A . _ A I . L L . . J _ . L -- ",9-915.?!- !!<.=.*".1 1 vv up-un- ` `To Be Continued) MILK Pow6Er_t_ Rub the chest and throat with ....... ..40c lb 70c dozen_ . . . . . .. 30c lb] . . . . . .. 25c lbi 20c basket` 35c basket` 10 qt. 1 . . . . .. 15 each} 25c basket` . . 25c basket 5c and 10c each . 20c basket Rf; - L. J. sumhsbgn, Ms. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ` tn}. Oice and Residence---Collier St... come: at Syg-': Clapperton St., Barrie. Phone 275. and . ' T hzjrsday, December 21, 1.922 e-<._.__._-2 DRS. W. ADV W. R. RICHARDSON. Graduates and members of Royal `College .4 Daniel Rn:-wanna: Tnrnntn, ' fa ':r"o':-LE) E2: T3;o}{t'o$;"' 11.. J. Edwarcb. G. R. Edwards, B.A.s UTBQURIOS B110 ulculuma Ul u.u_yaI vuucgu of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Oice: Over Bank of Toronto, Bax-rig, ' Entranc on Owen St. Phones: Oice 241, Res. 314. P.0.Box 1:33 W. Richardson, L.D.S., D.D.S. 79,, W. Randall Richardson, L.D.S., D.D.S. BOY &_MURCHISON Barristers, `licitors, Notary Public, Conveyancers, Etc. .Money to loan at lowest rates of intern. i0 ice--13 Owen St., in Masonic Temph `Building, Barrie. Branch office-.-Elmvdo. `W. A.ABoys, K.C.,M.P. D. C. Murchison l l'||-l-l\I'|III-7|." vvvvrui 3 Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate at Iwis, guardianship and administration, 3nd I General Solicitor, Notary, Oonveyancer, etc. 1 Oice--Hinds Block, No. 8 Dunfop St. I Money to loan on Kwflvzs I. ._G ad ' I 9 Phonersluate of Toronto University 1 Hours: 8.9 8 m 1.2 Office--58 Coiling 3;. . -9 -30-2 p.m., 6.308 pin C`. W. Plaxton: I DR. H. T. ARNALL Associate Coroner County of. Simggo Office and Reside-nce--Corner Toronto Ind '3 Elizabeth Sta" opp. Central Church. 1 Telephone 167. DRS. LITTLE &. LITTLE Physicians and Surgeons, Barrio, Ont. Office and Residence-47 Maple Ava. Office hours:- 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., at -by 'appointment. . Phone 318 EA.` '1'. Lime, M.D. W. 0. Little. nu. X ,IEII"I - `Unexc:i;:=.d Dining Car Service Slqeping cars on Night Trains and hrlor `Cars on principal Day Trainu.` DR. FRED A. ROSS (Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross, Bptri Late Surgeon Speciaiist with the ! Imperial Army, 4! years. 'Genoral Surgery and Obstetriu ospecinlly. ' Oice--15 Owen St.. Barrie. Dknng 71 n A ~- """ I V DR.m$-;I-?-TlMER LYON 1122 Bloor St. West. Tomato, will be I 91 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Consultation hours-ll a.m. to 5 pm. Barrie phone 2. Toronto, North 3326. U11]! I Phone 710. --u- -u_\-u uvulvllvhlu ' Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. Oice and Residence--Corner Elizabeth C R:-mlfm-A Rn, n..-..:.. DL...... an: uuwc auu ucauucuce--borne!` 15111800!!! C Bradford ,St.s., Barrie. Phone 105. Oice hours-9-10 a.m., 1-3 p.m., 7-8 gun. `EDMUND HARDY, Mus. Bac., I-'.T.c.I. Teacher of Piano, Organ, Vocal, and Musical Theory. Organist and Chdiimutu of St. Andrew s Presbyterian Church. I nlcl mnrlnliaf AI "I`n-nun. f'........_...L.__ [us an. nuunaw s rrcsuylerlan unurcn. | Gold medalist of Toronto Comervnry : of Music and of the University of Tolomq % H3 Worsley St. \ Phone 803 MAUD E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.H. Teacher of Piano and Vocal Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservlton of Music examinations leading up to and including the A.T.(`-.M-. degree. Stud_io---King Block. Phone 424. " '6V6_s\7L\7 s'1"'n WNW" . Banclmaster, Barrie Citenzf Band ,27yrly `I20 Bayeld St. LAWSON, WELCH &. CAMPBELL Chartered Accountants "hone Main 5874. 59 Yonge St., Toronw 1. J. Welch, C.A. G, D. Campbell, (u. T. E. Lawless. CA. W. 8. Hulbig. Production Engineer. Manager Cost and Efficiency Department J; 19:. I3J1T1.'LE1'14:`<:fsi'I[:'1r:'- ` Depot Agent Phone Cb Barrio` MISS M. MCARTHUR FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIRED IDRS. gums _&_B_uRNs PHONE 406 or call at office `for Ins formation on any disease. on. vi. A. Lewis SW8"? and Diseases of Women Associate Coroner. County of Simcoo _jQ'IL_ -uj11:-' R. J. EDWARDS 3. EDWARDS TA---0; I5LAxToN 3., PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Uthceu: 70'. -8 Kent. Building Toronto, Ont. IN Dl....s.... (1 (`San )... Dl-.o. l'vll'\lI\l nnv VIULIN IUI I IUII Special attention to younger children. I5l|\ll'\ 1|\lI tll-aw-I-n ZRADENHURSTI is HAMMOND W naaarsmns. soucrrons. ET8. Masonic Temple Building, Bariie Money to Loan 51 ooaoTiiv( J. SARJ.E,ANT, A.1'.c.u. TEACHER OF PIANO 'l'p.l....I....... 1:: n___:_ V...-.. .-.....v.. ......-.-.- . z -...4 .---w..- Over Hurlbur: s Sh.oe` .S`;ore, arrio. Wtxnllvel `\ J V0 well] 0|lU\:C&Ul IIU \Jl T W ll4l\U II BARRISTER, SOLIOITOR. - MONEY T0 LOAN TI--- Dl-_1- l)...._.Z_ i oduno ROSS, LL.8. T BARRISTER, soucnon, mo. \l..;,..... "l` Dnilrna D--5- Nervous and Chronic Disorders .M| SS E. GOSNEY TAILORESS Suits, Topcoats. Dresses, Etc.. Etc. 2 Adelaide Street, Allandale. 37tfc IJFIIDINILILLJII, LJLlI.Jl\JLl\Ill III.-`I- Mu:-onic Temple Building. Barrio Money to loan. DUNCAN McCUAlG, B.A. Successor to Crawicke & Bel! I ) A 11] ) `I'Q'I"`l'.Vl) QI\Y Yf\Y'I`l'\D I2"I"(\ I `I 1 v---tr -w-- vw` Over Reeve : Jewellery Store. Funeral D;r`ec`t;r Embalmor 47 Elizabeth St., Barrie. Phone. day or night. 218. ammo AND V(l0bl:lN TUITION An:-J ..c;...'.A:.... ;. ..,..._._.._. -|._-1.1-- ALEXANDER COV\_IAN 9,!.._. __ -LA_:_.__ _ I I IU II? V933`: xv-mom:--T Offica I63, nosideiica ass T1icH111;-:c'rs - c-H1RoPizAcfrVos" 78 Dunlop Street ._ l)-___|- l-_.--II-_.. CL. on. E, GITURNBULL n In (`It IIIUIVEI IU I-VFIIV Ross Block, Barrie LunvLAuxt \ll` 1 Univ Telephone 151. Barrio , P. O. Box 88 DENTAL MEDICAL o. wgnauo MUSIC \JlIlI G. Gordon Plaxtoi. Pag` Ten '40: JJHIIIC. P. O. Box 1076. I9 513: I-kill]-l(`\ UF'{ V_E }`a`.*;`.?";'c'a`I'....":`-`."$'z'z`fv 3 \ Eyes. If they Tue, ` _1tch, Smarg or Burn, v If Sore, Imtated, In- OUR EYESamed orGx-amilated. ` usMutine often. sooaumum. Safeior ` Infantor Adult. Atau Dnwggists. Write * btmeeliuook. uanhuivuicnnacoucaan The Double Track Route; , .PtWen ---cal: ' II, !'mond Icing; . . . . . 45 15' Ladies making their own Xmas Cakes can have them iced and decorated to order. Ahond Iced and VDecorated-_-- ' -`-45 It !'mQnd U&'}'..DRkTAKERS 0-Uanaaa ana ureau nnuun Oaovvzpvl ' in udvance (in arrears $2.50): United .. an :n ....- ...... :. inlunmog Ra: old lARRlE."`)l;1-'.T':': - Phony 32 G. W. J. EASTMAN. PROP; G.G._Sm%ith_& 80. YOUR `READING NEEDS _ Owen St., Barrie XMAS CAKES I. G. MANUEL. MGR. Phone 721 -Morgue-.and Chapel - IN CONNECTION Iy. ` - > Bnsult us` with vour building '"'9..5- 599335 55.4.1`... _. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT sco'r'r's sooxsmma TORONTO DETRQIT es: 91.109100. Well Supplied Established I869 % 1343.}. in B DHIIIB. J. A. Mac-Laren, Editor |.W.? C. Walla, Manna. A(Cont'2'nue_d from Last Week) Let me take her, Boy." said Mrs. Mc- Tavisza. Gloss, dear, do you feel better now? ` ru_-.1.-..n-. AL- __-..'. ........ .....a .....l .. uuw : , Gradually. the great eyes opene smile fluttered on the girl s lips. up u `an n uh-`:6 wu-nu aka nnu-urn! HIHIIU uuuwrcu UH DUI: ll}! IIPBI I m all right now," she answered weak- ly, only those rough men frightened me so much I `feel. like bein_' babied, Auntie. Take me like you used to when I was 3' little girl and hold me tight. It seems I want you_ so much---so' much----" ni I I I-II I 1` 1! LI,,,,I uancito I Most likely, Paisley answered; but not again to-night. though. They're some anxious to live, I suppose. Now," he [cried sharply, why. were they here, and what do they mean -by tryin' to break into your house and kidnap little Gloss?" Big Mac, shook his head. I I was playin the fiddle here by the fire. and Gloss, In-a, and Granny wasbusy in there with the spinin when Davie opened the window there behind you and dropped ` in. I could see he was awful excited. so I called`Gloss out. She can understand hisi language bet-ter'n` I can, and when she told] me what Davie had seen [I scarcely knowedl what to do. When I was gettin down the guns and Gloss was lockin` the door Davie: crawled outside again. I` wouldn't have` let him go. but he slipperl away. I heard` em shoot, but I mVprayin' God they didn't hit the lad." - HI\..__:-7_ -11 _:_L. V`_..1_.l n,:,e,,, sure-, wuu muuruug ayes. | 1 He -always liked these dark. quietil :nig~hts;." he said. as if. to himelf. `-and_ when the starlight slipped .-through like" it's doin` now, no matterif it was on!y,I early or midnight, he would get up and wag `a his tail just out o` happiness--pure hap- it 'piness. And now he's dead. and they kill- led him---damn em." ` T '1 Ar 1--____| 1_:._, 2..-; :_, LL. -_L, ",2 .u,i CU HlllJ"`LlUllI CHI. .`I found him just in the edge of -the`: garden." `aid Paisley. "Yes, Boy, poor old Joe is dead, and he died, fightin' for} you; he sure died fightin' for you." . Boy nodded -and looked at his father, 9V Go on, dad. let s hear the rest oflit."f: - _ After that they came up and -pounded; on the door. They demanded that I let` em in. `What do you want? I asked. ` `You'll find that out soon enough, they; answered; `You're all alone` and there s' {four of us, they said. `If you don't openg gthe door we ll Break `itAdo .'7" ' ! *n:_ 1.1-11-_..:.. .. ....a...L z. 1..:.. : `V... ..... ..-..-_ ...- ---_-_ V She broke off and her arms `tightened about Boy's neck. Then quickly they un- clasped and she arose, staggering, a flush. wiping th'e pallor from her face. 657 1. . in h,,, 99 I I ...u ._.v r.-..... ---.... _-- --V... I `.`I guess I wasn t just myself, Boy." she] stammefed. V l 1...!` I_..._!_...-__ LL- -I.I_._ _______9, ______ I III; Q-l('Il\I\lI-1 I-06 to u a v u - u w : -- Pltlinhed every Thursday attention at in But Oifzce Square, Barrie. Subscription Price-Canada and Gteat Britain 82.00.3301 ..... :_ -.I........- n g-mam 1`) MN 9 `Tails! l'illlllll!7lCuo And leaning on the older woman's armg she passed slowly from the room. `Rim `M n'l`nuaL Jan um; `Inn`nn;naI Lia Pu'}I"i1en._`lifting his Head, he looked out of the window at the silver-crested sky-clouds} with smarting eyes. 1 I "1: olnymun 5'11.-nan ' Ann`) n`uI=A|` ' QTUC HUD!" we ll UTEHK HI UUWII. ' i Big McTav1sh paused, a catch In .1113 ;voice. v , ' - . I BBC PGDBEU BIUWIJ IIUHI lall lUUlll Big McTa.vish, who was replacing his rifle in the} rack. turned. I IGIIYIII LL44. _-,__, L__I_ j _,_ ;.L!_I,Ii`I I , IIIIC III III? K505. |I|.Il LIl`>lIa ' Will they comeback, d ye think?" he. asked. ' ' H|1__;_ |:1__|__ H n_:_|__, ,__,,,,____.l, HI.,_.l llll; MIC mu. Davie s all right.` `cried Paisley. Hal came for me and Boy. What next? ] Fm onvfnl nlnr` kn uuun\,6 KI! nn:l` ALAI UHIIIC [Of 1115 11110 noy. WHHF `next. l I'm awful glad he wasn't hit," said the! big man. Well, about ten minutes before` I heard the "shot. old Joe. who'd beenl tuggin at his leash. broke loose.` and I` heard him mixin' things with 'em outside. I heard somebody _vellin' that the dog was killin`; him. Then the shot was fired and y--_ Paisley turned quickly and looked at! Boy. His head was bowed upon his breast: and his hands were clenched. ; HA...l `V _-_;.:_.-_.I l.f_7l'V.._.:_L Ht ;:_|,,nv IEHIU lllh llllll VVUIIC UIUXlCllCu- : Aud." continued McT-avish. I didn't: :hear poor old Joe after that." A 3 I Dm-u-` All` Yno" Isn:A 13.... ........ `IA? Egell Dry Clegning 'y3i}'in'Jv1{c '(in'a_:ea;a Unread ap, 82.50 per you In advance. Both old 251.:-;":.*:*:*.';:';.-;.*'*.2:.'.`:!...`%:.';. 2.32? rm` puur mu due Hue! man. ; l:9or' old Joe.'L'. said Boy. poor old, "0, 9 I have the only dry-clezming plant within` your rea:h '- -outside the city. e IAMA PRACTICAL TAILORTAND READY Toe e ATTEND TO on ALL CLOTHES Goods called for and delivered. PRICES REASONABLE The Secret of Good Health Beech amfs P1113 ::::z::::: Assist Nature} back to` % normal action Take great opened and a .n lnn lI:Q`,D nu W. FIRTH When Nature requires "assistance, she . will not `be slow in conveying to you an intimation of the fact. Decline of energy,'inabi1ity to sleep well, head-' ache, biliousness, constipation, a gen- eral sluggishness of mindand body and _ any sign of digestive unrest should impel you to seek the aid of a reliable medicine Jvithout delay. There is no better--no surer-no safer-than this proven remedy. ' 3 HOW SOGIBSSQ 51101)!!! DB given vvuul: ienge of address is requested. CANCEL- lATl0NS-We nd that most of our sub -riiere prefer not to have their subecrip ne interrupted in case they fail to remit before expiration. While subscriptions will not be carried in arrears over an extended pried, yet, unless we are notied to cancel. we auume the subscriber wishes the service Remittances siiouldbe made by regktered letter, money order, or cheque uyelile It per in Barrie. ' . J. A- MacLar-en. Editor SUITS $1.75 I reckon the old devil has a purt-y good =_ mortgage on my soul yet," he went on, his voice husky. I know then-e d have been killin done right thenif it hadn't been for ma and Gloss. and Granny. They wouldn't let me hoot. They beggedfor me not to shoot.` I heard some of the gen say: `We've got to get that girl. boys. I scarcely `knowed what they meant-not then. There was a pot o boilin` pitch on , ` the crane there that I was getrin readyl for boat calkin', and just as they banged; the door open I hurled that pitch plumb I into them. I reckon it found "em all; right. cause they scampered back putty :.quick_. and when I peaked through the [crack I could see them runnin for the lltimber. `Back everybody, there's some- `body comin ,' I heard someone shout.. That's all I know now. But I wish I? k-nowed why they wanted to steal littlel Gloss. . _ T _ l I . iwxm ms -nanu. > x It- s not in reason to think I-Iallibut 'ud{ iget in-his work here and` turn back and` ,se.` fire to his own schooner. said Paisley. I g,He's done it though, to make a case; ?ag-ainst us. We can't deny sayin thati we'd stand up for our own. They thoughtg `if they could get hold of Gloss that we'd: "give up the deeds to our properties to get] iher back. . i T Who was 1n the gang?" asked Boy. ` 3 -I only saw two of them when I opened 1 ;the door. replied McTavish. I saw .the' '`agent. Watson, and I saw Simpson they teacher---he was vyithl 'em.'" 1 .lIIIO[rIlCI'. . i ' Sur'ely- hell is awake this night. said! Paisley, wiping his face on his buckskinl sleve.` Thank God it`ll soon be day-l Jig t. . . l lj Boy picked up his rifle. l g -I m goin to look for Davie." he sai_d. , In a little while, Boy. in a little while, Z `soothed Paisley. It_'ll-be light then, and`, you can see. No use to go yet lad. See. I iit`s comin dawn now, and it ll he safer for 9 2 you then," 1 I A" LII'\I'\`.HQ I`II"`l4I"1.E 1 He stood by the open door and -the cold: night was aglow with big early winterj stars hanging above the -tree fringe. In; their light, beside his old resting place,i the ash-gum, lay old Joe. An owl booted; ` from a nearby thicket and the chickens3 in the coop stirred and voiced their alarm: in shrill peepings and squawks. But. old; iJoe did not awaken and turn" three times} around. `No more would he arise in the; golden or" silvery` night -and stretchvandi ,yawn his `thanks for life to the deep "skies. I |,Suddenly, baywardu a streak of crimson" -darted aloft and licked the heavens. Pais- iley started. and pointed toward it. Boy; land his father followed Bill s gaze. 5 i H1-4! L3`), , EIIU D UII I_ll"7o \ ` . " 9 " _ , . , As they watched_ a sheet of m.ahge_.!hiu1.but. I- cant help.that._ Im gom now. he concluded, rising, and you see lyellow flame "drifted up and the pointed} . , . tree-tops of the forest stood out. a broad'tK`" -V0 '`l`"`t 19` B03 t f yo 5'3 I V 91 expanse of `fiery spikes, fluctuating and `ml 1}" bk` . drifting hetween earth and heaven_ Ihi Paisley reached for his cap and gun and [silence they watched the wild lights until ;8t1e from the house It had from during lthey crept down from the Skies and the `the night, and an open slash across the face lowlfs ~10, hoot smmded again from thegof the creek showed where a skiff had `shadow Then the `men looked at one-crosscdvnot man_v hours before. Reaching -ahothen - lthe clump of willows -where his own canoe Sm.-e1y,he nighhv saidilay hidden. Paisley pulled it. forth and huckskih |crossed the creek, breaking the `thin ice e u -~ . ' 'q` .. i ;"l.d7ghy ;~:;;=,;2; H da ;223;.*;'t:::;`;:M*:;u:?:::e,:';?:e mil ' . ' - - - tempty bottles on its bottom and a crumpled i pgli:1e d t0ui1)0o}1l{Isf0:.lfihvie H Said. lhandkerchief beneath one of the seats. Pais- ' .. . . . .' . . '.. Hey picked up the handkerchief. It was of 3 mile whml-I Ba'v' 1" .3 while ilinen and of a kind not usedby the people Isoothed Pmsley' It-be gm then and inf the bu.-rh. He put it in his pocket `and W9" an.s?e' use 3. W {walked slowly toward widow Ross s home.. lltoilcalnnnndawn now it bl: 'On the threshold he was met by Mary Ann. iy A en" 1 d as he M T _. h f. I There were dark shadows beneath her eyes ' ye` *1 ' SW C M13 mn y` land her lips trembled when she spoke his! we `must make no false moves ` lThe fxzhts on and our new law -must be. un:n r._:-.___ 99 _L __L,______. ___. _.,, I syuu men, l Aye. lad. spoke McTavish fimily. Ewe must now. j'I`he iight s new be `lived up t-o. If we sin in killin them who! wish to kill us. why, sin we must. The; fonly brother I had in the world wasi {massacred because he found killin a red; snake hard; We'll show no mercy to devils i Ythat would fry to steal our little girl. ' i Rn`! I-marl rlrouyn H-in Agar` Ana inln tlnni .l.'llHl4 WUUIU ify l-U SICHI Uul` lllllli sill. q i Boy had drawn the dead dog into theg iroom and was stroking its long red hair iwith his -han"d. ` Urn- _--L :_ ._._g,_ L, u_:_I_ u'..u:L..; 5...: I \JIU$5o _I reckon we re gain to know why right soon." mumbled Paisley. TI - 4,,j L_, LL- _,,____ ,I,,,, ., I I` II ...... ...., -......,. .-...., ,,.._..y. . It's H-a'llibut"s schooner," exclaimed 1 Boy; "she's on fire." ` . Ac fknur uvun`-Int` n a`u\:nO n6` nvvunnn- LATHE BARu5 EXA`MilNER He broke off, lila_ jaw dropping. Boy `Sp;-gng to his feet! his face twitching in a fury of hate. His_ strong teeth had bit- ten blood from his tightened lips. He gazed across toward the approaching dawn to where the scar of civilization lay upon the Wild. The two older men glanced lat each other and the father shook his head. 1 "1`he question asked in'Paisley's glance wasl beyond all answering from him. ; Not until the red sun had cut a disk lin the misty eastern skies did Boy turn iand sit down weakly on a stool. Then |Paisley was first to break the gloomy sil- I _..-.. . tegche1`. Boy. don't you do it-not until ' ce, . . enBoy," he said, putting his hands on the shoulders of that drooping fonm, me n .vou have been through close _shaves to- Vgethe;-; have chopped logs` again the two lnext best choppers in Bushwhackers` Place; {have hunted and fished together. And I lreckon we're pals now if we're ever goin' Ito be. It's `cause I've been through purty much the same thing as you're goin through i now that I want to speak a word. You've `made up your mind to get even with the you re sure 0` what you may only fancy ihow. Why, you d -about finish him if you ever got `started. Let me help you`; r Iuntangle 'thxs.riddle_. and let me give Simp-` -.... Ha .-loco:-ta lilm q unnd nld mil nmrht ly, uucu yuaavu Auvv_ sanv Anvanw . -cu... , Paisley felt in his pocket -and..b1-ought` `forth a smoke-grimed -pipe. He twisted -off a piece of Canada-Green tobacco the size iof a walnut, crammed it into the spacious ibowl. and, applying a coal from the fire. ,`;smoked -as though his life depended upon `his filing the room with blue smoke in a 1 specified time. Next, he turned to Big , ML-Tavish. who sat bentbefore the fire. -. n9! 1 .J I [son HIE UCBIIIU-`J unc a_5uuu vnu you v.uAav ltodo. Boy shook his head. `Bill, ` be said in hard. even tones. "`you ve a mightybig claim on me. I know `that better n you do. You know that I'd Hollow any advice of yours in reason, L........ .. T .-. olmnva Anna `I'll nnnien in tin! UOHOW any uuvxce U1 yuuns nu 1c:1auu,: same s I ve always done. I ll pmise to do; this much. I'll let you find for sure that {he was with the gang before I do" it; but :it's got to be done by me, Bill. ,,,, __._ n..:..I....'.. L...) .....:I:..... 1...... in 3 sun `LIV W..- .., ...-_. ...... ' I-Ie wrung Paisley's hand, smiling brave- ly, then passed into the next room. (`-14 3-` `Ha nnnbnf .nI\A kn-nnn`1 It's funny, ain't it?" he whispered. nodding toward the other room. Mc'I`avisl1 drew himself up slowly. A "What's funny, Bill?" Paisley carried his stool over close tn that of the father. His'fa.ce was work- ing and the blue clouds of raw tobacco smoke oated from his lips in ulountains. lllc placed the stool down and. sitting on !it, peered into the older man s troubled "face. \ 1l...." L- r1(\:1-l ......ol.. .l'|An ui-U9 lace. . Mac," he said gently, =here_ ain ri ,the likes of that boy of yours anywhere on ithis continent. He s got a heart l:hat s open to eveI'ythin' that needs sympathy. and he's got a heart that. s hell when it ;gets sot on a thing. It s sot on Gloss, and `I reckon no earthly power is goin to keep ithem two from nrakin a clean job of it. iBut-A. Mac, Boy s heart don't stop there. `by a long ways. It s got a hatin side to lit. and a regular Injun-hatin side it is-;. itoo. I'd naturally want to know that I `had a clean slate with the white punter `before I tried interferin' wi h anythin` Boy icalled his. Paisley jerked his head side- iwnys. And I reckon Gloss is his. causey ithey are just mazle for each other. Well. {now. this teacherchap he seems to think ;-different--or_ else why should he be in- Eterested in havin Gloss kidnapped -awav? iHe's just about let himself commit suicide ,with his oonceit. He s a bad one, and m:s_'~'- - [be deserves all he d get; but you and me 'mus n't let Boy at him. Now it's for you to save Boy from himself. I m goin over` :and have it out` with Simpson now. and ithen I m goin to warn him what he s in for if he keeps on hangin around these iparts. Boy ll never forgive me for warnin' lhim. but can_ t help that . I'm goin `now. rising, "and What `you 'don t Boy out of your sight itill I'm back." I'l_!.,l,__ .__-_I___l 1-- L1- -_._ .....I ____ _...I .-Full informagzion from any (Braid? `hunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn-i Sag, District Passenger Agt., Toronto. : Co Q . Bill Paisley, she whispered, and. clos- I ing the door behind her, she motioned him ginto the open lean-`to. 'HaIlibut s boat .t:`x7`burned last night; I suppose you know fl. E 5517.. 1 I-_-__. :4 ` 11---. A..- 77 L- ....... I 117! T ' Yes. I know it. Mary Ann," he ans-b `we:-ed. ` Una: _.,'._ _-_ 1:. m:_......... 1..-; ..:...Lo ; WPTEH. Did you see Mr. Simpson last night. `Bill ?" she asked. C5\V_ X.` HIS ELIE HSRUII. ` No. ` wen. he. went deer-shootin -by starlight with some men from Bridgetown, and he ;was hurt in some way. I heard them come aback here three hours ago, and they were gtalkin about it. They had a couple of }extra horses with them. They took him iaway with them." A .........I.`. A! nun-n Inn:-can-'7 IYIIIQDI` 'awa._v wmn t-nem. . I A couple of extra horses?" mused Pull `Aloud he asked: NY. 1.. -_...:.." L....L LAIIA nnu rnni-n lUU'.: [IE uKCU . Is.\ he comin' back here any more, Hmy .-`~.!m'?"` ! `"1./ion t know." she replied. I hope ._..A. snoz. . You hope not?" he said quickly. Are |_vou sure? say you and him are ' 19 ` I can't lielp what they say," s ue_ said wcarily. I'm glad he s gone. Bilt. -n,~,I _, _.__.l L.- _.l'I.. nnnn net .: h-an lyvxun ! Hi 4 4.. 5...... .._,. Paisley stood his rie against 3 tree. low with hope. ` 3 L- --:.I 5 face was ag A ,, ......LI.. ".-("Nun sin: _1_`__H_ErARR1E `EXAMINER , nIL___._.1-_ .IL.__.'__ `I OL

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