Barrie Examiner, 21 Dec 1922, p. 11

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"rt-IE Annual Camp of the Alpine Club of Canada held at Palliser Pass this summer, in the heart of the Canadian Rockies, has made history in this region for the. year 1922.` The site chosen was forty- five V` miles from Banff. the head- quarters of this mountaineering club. in practically a new. region, and quite unknown to the general . public. The- outlying camp at North Jananaskis Pass, eight miles dis- tant from the main camp, wasin a district even more remote thnn...the (Inn in whisk O-LA Inna:-\ .._...- -..- _ j__._-- --s-:.----._...__...__-.-._\_.-......-~_ ----.-..__---s_..._.-_.--. _-.;.____-~.\;. L CAMP- OFTHE % BESALPINEI CLUB OF CANADA --._._.-___-- .ST1Y_BAYA gas BARRIE EXlAMI'NER% wee!-'. 1n `mronw. _ . Au qye glad to see the Jory family` out again after being gonfmed _to the house for sonc ix weeks wxth scark-x fever. l 15, _ 1r:-l.I!..n :uo"av` nn .5!-Innrk I-nu-n I usuu runnmg. _ _ . Haw,-d. Bertram. Geo, B`aJ_.:wm and Percy Brown attended the Don-.m:on (}Xjng\Z and F. 0. (`onventiau in Toronto last unnd.-. ' - ween Harold Osborne. Clarence Brown and .~'~ an McLean spent the latter part of -th . week in Toronto. " ~ HI _._- ..l...J n. can Hm Jnrr fnmv` mu . 30! lnvjx WeeKS Wu-u uumsru :'.:vc|. Em:-rson I-Iickling cal!-ad on Enends here, I Sunday . y Dec_ 20.-'-'I`here Le. sleighihg in lo-. cnlityk at present although the cars` are still running. I u A ..........l Rm-h-m'n Gen. nlaiwm nml ?IV\l $13.75 53%? LIlU(l'8y. ` - The sympathy 0}" the community is ox- tended to Mrs. J. Lucas in the`los-.3 of her mo_t,her, Mrs. J. Goodfe`low. Barrie. who, passed away on Monday after a. brief Ill-5 ness, g _ - WUG-K Or (WU. . . The public school concert g1ven.m the Grange hall on Tuesday evening by the. scholars was very much enjoyed. Alll the children did their parts well in the chorus, songs, drills, dialogues. and reci-I lotions, showing the training of their t,each- er, Miss Morrison. V II. .._.I 11.5 _N (1:-nan urn nnnnrnnn $11.: ! . Dec. 20.~Miss Eleanor Ralston is in Toronto where she has accepted a position. I Andrew Craig, a resident of Cherry Creek about 50 years ago, is renewing old acquain- tance, and staying with Mr. and Mrs. Roe- lbert Sawyer for a` few days. ` Ila.-2.-In Pnnnina ha lnnmn `I-urn H-an KL`-H` I71`, MISS lu0l'n5uu . ! Mr; and Mrs./N. Grose are spending the Christmas season in Toronto. to M- -_J 15.... A..k...~ Inn ..;.u.,;.....-.`xi uunsunas season Au Lunuuui. . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Iung cglebrated the 20th anniversary of_ their .vor. .1u;; nu I Monday. ` Tl... mmnuohv n`f"the cnmmunitv is ox. Ucrl. ouwyt-.r (U1 .2: ufw uuya. U Marjorie Canning 15 home from the North Bay` Normal for the holidays. I "bu Nlnknl :5 I`;`;';I\lI 1159}: Mr urn-I rm ' nu)` .LVUl'lUtlI nu Luc uuuuaja. I Mrs. Nichol is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Rennie. ' II. II` \l-1..,..l 2.. 1.. 'I`....,....a._ I-.. .. ucunle. I Mrs. H. McLeod is in Toronto for a. week or two. ' ML- ,,,,LI:_ ~..L....l ............L .2... L. LL- vvcu: many uuacus--was ul:llgnI.Il.ll. , The dining tent was a huge af- fair. Thc'kitchu.i tent was back of this; not far distant _was the office tent. Behind thisfstood the Art Gal- 1ery--a tent where photographs of the camp and various mountain sub- jecz of the previous year were e'x~ hibited. Prizes were awarded for the best in each class. The tea tent; a place of welcome to climbers after an ascent and in fact to all in camp, was near. Four o'clock was the so- cial hour of the afternoon when the- mountaineer s favorite beverage was . served. The men's tents were not far from the lake, and th! women's quarters were near the__ two watr-~"` A drying tent was in this A stove and wood ll'Ulll CIVHIZHLIUH. "The site of the camp was ideal. There were two lakesi the camp grounds, a stream and our water falls which tumbled hundreds of feet. adding considerably .to the beauty of the meadows in which the tents were pitched. The setting for this village of tents--andl there were many dozens---was delightful. The (nine font tune on Lung n4`, for Banff, and from Mt. Assinibbine to Banff, four times a week, cov- ering over one hundred miles. These camps of the Walking and Riding Tour which were used en route, are permanent camps of the Banff-Mt. Asiniboine Tour ; the camps were comfortable and the meals excellent. Mr. Wheeler opened this district Tor` those wishing. an easy access into the heart of these great hills, at" in moderate cost, and they are now a part of these hills--hills still in their virgin beauty. many miles from civilization. "Fl... ..:L.. .: 4.1.- -__._ ...-- :J_~I DAL-.9? LEFROY Iuulu.-Iuu Ul c1c\r'ul.-(.11 vnuuu Ill L1!`-VF 1.U!'l(. ' A British airplane, carrying the world's largest enkine, 1000 horse-power, was launched near Southampton. 1 United man League of Victoria,- Aus- traa. has disolved after existing 42 years. Twenty-rne persons were injured "in a colli-ion of elevated trains in New York. I A n..::..I. ..:._I..._- _-._.__:_._ 41.- __-_uL' qua; wan uunum. UHIUIOWH. Thes great hills of Canada that` this moimtaineering club holds their annual camp in, lure and continual- ly call to those who have been in them` once. to know these hills is to love them and return again as to I distant friend. ` Under theauspices of 27 societies a ser- vice of intercession for _ brotherhood among_all people" was heard in New Yoyk. United Irish League of I Vict6ria,- Aus- itrniin Baa l`;nnll'nI` `fF ov':nf:na A9 an-u.-urn \lI|IC an U run. More first ascents were made from camp this year than in any previous one. this on account of its being a new region. The first.` as- cents were; Mount Queen Mary. Mount Birdwood, Mount Tipperary. Mount Smuts. Mount Maude. and Mount Kin - Albert. Thege was also a trip 0? exploration in a" regwn that 'w:_;s almost unknown. A n n - - n..L LSII- -3 I'V__-J, .1 A Mrs . `H. Culham invited Society to her home to 24 quilting and packing of a bale consisting of 6 night gowns, 4 pairs bloom- ers, 2 quilts, 13 pairs stockings, 2 pillows, thread. yarn. flannelette and print for fire sufferers of New Ontario. Afterwards fdainty refreshments were served. January imeeting at Mrs. J. Mawis. Edenvale Women : Institute I ! `The monthly meeting was held at ,the hoxne"of Mrs. Alex. Gilchrist. There were eighteen members and one visitor present. The business consisted of a report from the sick committee who had made one visit dur- ing the month. It was decided to send a small treat to a patient in the Gollingwood hospital who is from this community. There was a- lengthy discussion on further relief to be sent to the fire sufferers of the north, E-but nothinn: -was decided. Mrs; C. W. Sage] and Mrs. J. Sinclair. who were delegates at the annual convention. gave excellent re- ports full of interesting and helpful things for the coming year._ Miss Ruby Martin gave a short reading and the me tins: closed by sfnging -God Save -the mg" after which "the hostess served dainty refresh- inents. `' pile, used for odd purposee. Still further on tent: were pitched for the married couples. There were tents for the cooks, tents for the packers. tent; for the handy boy: who chopped wood and waited on table. A small interesting looking tent with a sign Guides outside took the place of the village black- smith, only in this case mortals came to be shed when nails and spikes persistently-.r_\came out of boots. UUUUS. Truly a` village these tents all made, a villgge whose curfew was the moon when high in the heavens -a village without a church, but where the Infinite spoke from mountain. summits, flowers and streams, ta place where all was peace and harmony, for to be wholly one with Nature in: primeval spot. is to be at one with God. It seems .a pity so few take advantage of an outing, such as the Alpine Club of Canada affords. ' II`..- 2--4 __..__A__ ___-._, I. `i `Dec. 18.~~-At. the regulaf monthly meet- E mg of the Edenvale W.M.S. held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Webber officers were elecaed for the coming year: Pres.. Mrs. Jas. Maw; Vice ?res., Mrs. H. Young; Sec._. Mrs. A. Gilchrist; Treas., Mrs. Wm. Webber. ` I ll'.'_..I `Ir l'L.IL, - M I n EDENVALE THE FISHER FLOUR $7 MILLS, LIMITED It is of the best quality and our mills are running night and day to keep up with orders. We also pay the highest export price- for wheat. we kindlysolicit a trial from people who do not use our grades of our. Ask your grocer for it. If not in stock, phone our retail department. For a Hapy Christmas and a Pleasant New Year, use Fisher's Flour-- It will give you great cheer. Braund s Drug Stine WE WISH OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS A VERY Plumbing: -- Heating Tinsmithing Exclusive Agent for PHASE FURNACES Phone 180 : 133 Dunlap St. A boy's Saturday night protest is not against the bath. It is but an echo of a time-worn wail ` againstwashtubs lled too hot or too cold. Who wouldn't protest? Boys like water. But they like it humanely admin- istered. Make it easy to batheand the protest will take ight along with colds, bad complexions, and other disagreeable things. We have the kind of plumbing xtures that you?ll like and can install them at a reasonable expense. A letter or a telephone call will bring our representa- tive. Harry Ba1_'_ro_n nae! for AIJ --L All Children Like a Gqod Bath (Derry fmas Phone No. 155 BARBIE, ONT. PHONE 998 \an\AIrl\oL'4IJ Page Sevg` ` i mae th A s W 8 button, i styles stripes; at $345, $25.00 Nin-chb`d No. 397 Bauthb'd 1\To.398 . . SE36 5.W0i0f;.u:.m5:3-5:51..u-0.05552; No_. 62 . . 2.40 pm). ` 5.10 pm. 5.80 pm. ` Penebang 'l!rains N61-zhb d Lv.Ba.rrie Lv.Allan. Arr.Peet 3 9.45 &.m. 10.54 am. 12.55 pm. Lv.Pon'g Arr.Allan, Arr.Barric .. 2.509.111. 4.55 pan.` . - Midland Trains (via Orillia) ` Lv.Barrie Arr.Midland No. 41 . . . . . . 10.50 a.m'. 2.50 pan. No. 45 . . . . . . . . . . . ` 7.50 `pm. 10.45 p.m I-'IamiIton"'l"r'ainsm Northkfd Lv.Ham. A1jr.Alla.n. . No. 61 ...6.30 a.;m._ 10.15 a.m. No. 63 .. 3.35 p.m. 7.23 pm. Sm1thb'd LvT.Barr`ie Lv.Allan. No. 60 .. 8.40 am. .1 8.56 am. I No. 62 .. 5.05 p.m. 5.25.',p.m. } V Meafox-d Trains N-orth=b'd Lv.Barrie Lv.Allan. 4 No. 61 .. 9.45a.m. 10.30 mm.` .llI!__,, Inn Toronto 'l`rai_ns Northbound Lv.Toronto Arr.Barri Tor. to Gravanhurst 4.50 pm; 7.50 p\.m. Tor. to Ninth Bay 8.45 11.111. 11.10 pan 1 (Daily) _ g4__, I vs 1 a nun `.rv ----_v 8outhbou nd Lv.Barrie Arr. Toronto. North Bay to Tor. 5.27 am. 7.40 3.111. 1.n.n..\ :4 avuxuu pay `IV 1.01". (lad! olu (Daily) .- ravenhurst to Tor. 8.40 a.m. North Bay to Tor. 5.05 p.m. v'v-_._:n__ ul uuUulm'I\'$ IIU HIV lllrllllllllru . Miss Verna Leigh spent the week-end qt the home of her sister. Mrs. Jas. Revie, Shanty Bay. ' ` umrgnrm. are vuuuug 1_n xorouw. . Miss Binmng. teacher. leaves for her home in Listowel on Friday to spend her lmlidays. .' Mm D.-u Dn::' ....o..;.4..:.....l Ll... 11-4.1. uuuuaya . 5 Mrs. Robt. Reid enimained the. Meth- T odist choir last Friday evening, all enjoy- ing themselvm to the utmost. mu: Vanna 'n:nK annnb 6`u\ IIIAQIIQ-['1' Ifl Ill [-00 vumge. Mrs. W. V. Anderson and daughter, Niargaret. are visiting in `Toronto. `Khan ninn:I|n nnnknn `nnirnn `A: L... I rgzuhs .\(! Dec. 19.~-Mrs. Fzgerald left. (0 Mom! dv._v to visit her purexits, Mr. and Mrs. Finder of Ar_thur. for over Christmas. Mr. F1'1.zgerald expects to go on Saturday for the holiday. I I've '<`n"r\um nnpl nI\u\ Dill}- ........A -1 mu mu vnuu. I Mrs. John E. Wnllwin met with a pain- .1111 accident on Saturday. Dec. 16, when] she`-fell and broke her hip bone. She had ` ohened the cellar door to feed the cat and i the door swung back and threw her back- wards on. the fldor causing the accident.! lrr. Turnbull-was quickly summoned and she was removed to the R.V. Hospital. Barrie. in the ambulance on Saturday even- I 'm:-. ` ' msllll !.|ll`s`|H5 un sun. uuu Lula. aw. 11.08. ` Archie McDo`nough of Newmarket spent`! Sunday. with ifs mo her and called on_ friends in the Viilnge. M... w v A...l....:..... .....a .I....-Lx-- m;Ir.:. mI:`3';l')ws and son, Billie. spent {a' maple of days in Toronto. I nnr` Mun In-us-u..-..) At`-II-!..LA ....- A.L_I nuupm ux uuya un Luruum. I Mr. and Mrs. Leonard of'Bright are the` guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jos.`Roe. r-nK:n \Inr\A`-`A-u..L At` \V..-......._|....A ..._-_L LIJIUIIIU [NIB WITH!`- The S.S. No. 6 concert and Christxxrasbl tree on Friday night last was a decided: `success. There was ~a good attendance and] all seemed to enjoy thenrselves. The chil- dren did remarkably /well with their pro gramme and the teacher, Miss D. Potlcher. _de~.erves_ credit for the,way she had tr9.ine'l them. . W. Boyce ably acted as chair-., mun. After relreshmems were served a all ' vor collection was taken. Proceeds amount- ed to 37.50. If... 'L_L_ I.` II7_II_._!,, _ . `AI Dec. 19.~-~-Miss Mun Coclmuie of Tor- onto is holidaying at her home_here. ~ Robert Peacock is visiting friends in Toronto this week. FL- UL` lY., 1! ,, . I I`! . {United Shoe Rpairs ~ .1. NEWS FROM_ NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS G. T. R.'l'lME TABLE v.1. vmAu.;, The Public have just got to the point `h where they are again ijaprecietixng the value oi " Quality and `Service as against a- pfice which is low} but not clieap`. Our prices are moderiei and our materials'and work- ; manship the best. ` We invite the people of Barrie to come'ai1di..'inspect ~ our modern methods of shoe repairing: % Th'ursday,~ D ecember. 21, 19i2 A" r 15-in. Leather op . . . . . . . . $5.35 12-in. Lea-ther Top . . . . . -. . . . . . $4.85 _ 7-in. Leather Top `$3. A ,,.You must see these values to appreciate them. A We have only about 30 pairs of these Rubbers left and would advise early purchase, as we do not know whether. we can duplicate these values. ~_Every pair is fresh from the factory and every\pa1r guaranteed firsts. We repair most everything in rub_ber-half so_les\and - heels a specialty. Of course, we have Tires and Tubes in stoelf at all tinies. Guaranteed Vulcanizing.` `Y.`. .`7`URT Remember: Your satisfaction means our uccess._ i ' . ' ._-....._._..__.....,.-_-.. .."A.W'EF5T9NF 0 $3.00 A4` 3.4; Ll.`LA'l'HER T TOP DOMINION 1'u1=1=.roo1" `Russians McKe'e; 8: McDonald SPECIAL PRICES ' Ar'r`.Me_af'd 6,123 52:}. 7.50 p.m_. ` Arr.Ham. 12.48 Pam. 9.08 pan. 11.35 am. 7.55 p.m ` Arr.Ba;'rie ! LEATHER TOP y u\'eu- I I MM` in two colors regular hoday 1l\ OF uuu Aura. I111. nupulcx. . ._ A Quite a number of young ,folks bore attended~.Iv_v L.0.L. annual At Home on Friday night last and report the even`ng very enjoyable. . A nnwnni .l.:l.l...... n-A `nan:-up n R-3:6 Wllll l\rUE5Ul llPlHUl\- V Miss Johns`on of Hamilton spent a few days last week with Mrs. W. J. Dmpster Mr -and Mm P J nnnlfnr AC Muhur uuya upon wccn `wan Aura. V_V. J. UGIIIPSSGT Mr, -and Mm. R. J. Coulter of Major. Sask., visited Mr. and Mrs. Allen Miller last week. - n In rm__.____\-_ 2- 1_u,|__,-,,,, -.1 gr, vcty Ulquywuw. The scool children are having 21 Christ- mas tree and concert in the school house Friday night, Dec. 22. l`lUll- III_ I III! DUUIIU. Armstrong-A--'l`o Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Arm- strong on 'l'ues_da_vz' Dec. 12. a daugter. A RI-nnrn__n Mnnouy n... 11 on M. Dec. i9.--p;aa1d Nicol-of Barrie Col- legiate Institute spent, over the vyeek-end with Russel Elphick. man .'I\`\nn"nn A ttnvnnbn-u giant 1; 9.... we3'."E. Thomnon is holidaying with Mr- and Mrs; Alf. Elphick. (JIIHA n nnnnhmn nf unnnnp fnllns Lnrn uncuus ul uuunlu lulu nronw. The Christmas entertainment. held under the auspices of the Bethesda S.S. Friday evening, Dec. 15, was a decided success. Instead of the children receiving gifts. as in former years. each child contributed some giftwhich is being sent to the chil- dren of the; Northern fire ewcmt district. Miss Fmantnna has rnsionnrl an humlmr Iucu nu um: LVUl'l-llU|"lI ~lu"c UVVUUW (ll8u'lCI. I, Mxss Freestone has resxgned as teacher at Cam's Corners and has accepted a posi- tion.in_ Parry Sound. Asvvnnlvunna-'l`n "2 n-`J `K... 'I'` Q A-.. auuug uu 1uuu_un_v(1JUU. 16. u uuuguwr. `Brown-_-0n` Monday, Dec. 11, to Mr. and-Mrs. Norman Brown, a son. ' ich ws recently Iuuya_uutlu|' um pareuvul F001. V . Harry Blakelyspent last -weekvisiting friends in Guelnh and Tmonto. vm... nL..:..a......- ....;.._...:_...-_. L-u ___.u-~ I wanna wwu uuulr son. Al(`.x.. 0! (ms vicinity.- " anected citizen, namely. Thos. Houlahan. The angel of death passed over this vicinity last "Wednesday morning. `Dec. 6, __ and claimed as its _victim. an old and re- Mr. Houlalman "was in his 86th year and had spent many years in this locality. He has made his home principally with hiaeniece, Mrs. iJas.Torpey. for a number of years. The funeral took place 611 Thurqday and the remains were laid to rest in the R. ` (`nmbfarv Plmlnaonn - 7. up --cw. n-cn_l \a\r_na 1IdI\h.l Dec, l9.-~Geo. Culha.m `spent last week in Toronto visiting his/daughter, Mrs. Car- man Pickering. . Fred" Giffen is suffering from pleurisy. Ben. Petch returned `home on Saturdav after attending the U.F.O.. Convention in "Toronto. 111---- ru-.:_.- __,.s'1-.u.u .1 (1 o n ~~~. .... I Ul'UlI DU 9 Misses Glodys and Ethel Schell of Toronto University are spending the Christmas hol- idayslunder the parental roof. "nrni nlnbA`Iv anon} Inn! uuxnlp "3.-.363..- uuu rvxuuulu were mm Cemetery, Phelpston. |4;uI.u'uI=y [U HIE HD1118 111 IVOVB HEUYNI. Mrs. G. Richardson is visiting in B-trrig for a few days. , T ` I L Mr. and Mrs.'T. McKee are spending the lwx ter with their son. Alex.. of this vicinity.- f Th units] (If rinnn nnuan run... OK}.-. xurw uapyxs with D. I`. 1!'1i('_\'. . Elgm and Wulliice McLean a`-ccompzuued by Harold Ikleymrrivezl from Wevburn. Saskg Ins` Monday Iodkixlg halo and hearty. ; `Ml . Iklev i snendina 1-. l\nnn`n nf Juuu ldjourney to his home in Nrgva I uuaI\.. ms muuuay tooxmg ualo and hearty. ' `Mr. Iklay is spending. :1 couple of days at Wes. McLean :-I before conimumg Ins iu. M... n :- -. | tuna. VUIIIIUII. ' - I Mrs. W. G. Morten is visiting her sons. flyiessrs. Adams, Toronto. `v [ (Too Late For Last '-Week) I Dec. 1l.---Misses,Jean and Mary McLean, 1 :1|s0_Mf`ssrs. Cobourn and Partridge motored glast ' Sunday to Mrs. E. McI.e'un s where lthey "spent the day. l .1, nulrmhm no n..m:.. :. ..._.....::-_ _ to -answer to s nteut to do bod- a local printer. and this amount rth charged that ho_me- by alien- yum; 5}-cut lulu uay. J. Gallagher of/Orilli.-1 is spending a few (l:_1ysV with B. F. Tracy. Ijlill d Wxlllhmn Mn! nut . II"-nf\H\-F-A":-U` 'un1-ustmas ago a prosperous New Year. Thos. Teasdale is spending `the Christ- . mas holidays in Toronto with his daughter, lMrs. Cornell. l M ..- 117 IV I.1-__-_ 2, ,,!,u- I ' vvccn wucu: Lucy spent 8 IEW aays. .' Wm. and D'Arcy McKernan of Gr.e_nt1-.l i_are"helping Mr. Pratt in the bush for n ishort time `- . - v1._:_ u'.v, ' - .- ` LUIUII `In ' Miss F. Knapp of_ Barrie spent the week I end at her hgme here. `Nu... ...._....._......l__.. _,,S I, nu v-I - cuu at 111:1" 1191116 11810. Your correfspondem wishes The Examiner ,and its reade1s_`*n` very bright and happy Christmas agd New | Thnn 'rlIll.I`nln {e nnnI\!':n:u bk- (`I.._!..4. 1 Ellllll lIlHC- ` Elgin McLeaix has taken a pofition` `in [Toron`o. \l._.. TV '1 ! II VI ' ' ' i Dcc.1S.--Wallace and Harvey Mcheun and Walter Cooke motored to Toronto last week where they spent. a few days. . 2 `VIII. Hnll n`APV Mnwnrnnn A` (1!-Ania` $P`!"`!3A': CORNERS MINI-ZSING s'rA'r1bN _U'!`..?1A . . . . . -an 99 Dunlop St. an-oua. ' A Union Sunday Sdhool Christmas tree and supper of St. Thomas` and Me`hodist churches was held in the hall on Wednes- day evening last, Dec. 20. A very pleasant and sociable evening was spent.; All seemed . to enjoy themselves. u,,_ Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Wilson have arrived home again after a couple of monthe"trip to the West. ` V wu. muuul 1336 ween. I Alfred Palk spent over Sunday with his` daughtet, Mrs. N. W. VanNorman, Stroud. ' ` . I `I'T_!-.. .-__I___ (I11, I A: 'u . g . I Wednesday, Dec. 20, witnessed the` rais- ing of the new community rink which is to be the sporting centre for this part of Oro. The rink will....have' an ice surface of 52 by 162 feet, and along each side. there will be a lean-to six feet wide for spectat- ore. and `dressing rooms. It will `have an arched roof-, the arches of ,e1m being 82 feet. 176 squares of corrugated iron are required to cover it. Wm. Brooks and Wm. Rowell are the carpenters. Altogether the cost will be about $1500 pluh the donations of material and labor, -amounting to about $450. A charter has been secured for the Guthrie'Co-operative Sporting Co. with an authorized capital `of 83500, the shares ' having a par value of $10 each. There has already been 31000 in cash subscribed. The directors `are: Angus Cameron (Pres.), . T. E. Ross, M.P., Walker Caldwell. Duncan Graham and Alex. Graham (Secy.-Treas.). With this fine rink available hockey will boom here and it is the intention to or- ganize a` curling club. When the local curlers get going Bgarrie, Stroud and Church- ill will have to look to their laurels. uyvulal .u1u_au; uy `um cnuxr. ' Mr. and Mrs. Akins and the two Holland Bros". of Han-iston visited with Mrs. Wil- ton MoGill last week. . A`I_...I 13-11- ____L _`_____ 5 I Dec. Vl8;:-:1:-it-e-i?,;\:. g.` V;Vi1l preach a Christmassennon next Sunday, Dec. 24. Special music by the choir. Mr and re Ab:-us mm! 6|... A-.- 'l I'_II_ u 1_c_mmts. ' -The route to camp was via the Walking. and.Riding Tour Camps. Eau Claire. Fishing Camp and the Trail Centre from where this now well known route was left for the last lap of the three day trip. four- teen miles distant to Palliser Pass. Pack trains left Trail Centre (the transportation and mail centre) for Palliser Pass and Assiniboine daily. and from the main Alpine Club Camp to.K_ananaskis Pase as often aw parties wished to leave The Al- pinr pack train left Trail Centre yer uc-V Imu Ultll l. What the club accomplished this summer is on a par with its pre- vious record, which/' has from the beginning done. feats worthy of note; feats that have called the whole world's attention to the club. At the Alpine Congress of the Al- -lied Nations. held at Monaco in-May." 1920, the Alpine Club of Canada came secondlonly to France in its exhibits. 7l"L- _-..- ul-`wIII.'L cvcu mare remote man one In which the mam camp held, and..-until this summer parties had been in. llTL-o cl.-. -I.-L _-_-_,.,I: I I uam IV!` ENNIS, did not know had _tr_iod to lo- tg bdo so. It a can trying United Staten ave been noti-

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