wM.cRoSSLANDi HARRY J. TWISS AMAGNIFICENT L RANGEOF * OVERCOATING - 1 IS ormuan `FOR _ YOUR INSPECTION; CALL AND sea THEM. MURDY_(_3ROC_ER_Y_ stoma Ross` Block, Barrie-.--Upstairs. Phone 731 ' 1116 136115011 urcuestra OI L-[H0380 Those Longing for You Blues--Fox trot T The Benson Orchestra of Chicago This is 9. perfect gem of dancy melodiousness render- ed in splendid time, a. whole lot steadier that i_'ou d , expect. A-rich-toned piano sets off the melody. `-` hose `Longing for You Blues ? is slow in time, butasporty - IH-Ho cmvnnhnnd Hi-.f.nra and `h-1: and klnnfu knvnnrnnulv I'll Build a Stairway to Paradise-Fox Trot V- Whiteman and His Orchestra. \ You Remind Me of My lVlother--FoxTrot. -' ' Whiteman and His Orchestra. ) AYE advanced {ype of fox-trot in slow, sumptuous time, but full of pep. Banjo and piano furnish a r- fect background for the jazzy saxophone melody. 'ou Remind Me of My Mother 15 a. good dance for a.` lare room, as the pleasant, lively melody is carried on a fu voiced saxophone. , ' n,_._-,_,s,,_, Tn-.. L__L ' \ w _u-....-. ....-....r-.......... Stuttering--Fo_:;,..trot ' lzllillgllla IUl' IUU. DIUUS , {S lUW Ill IJHIIU, Ullbu[)Ul'ly little saxophone utters and tnlls and bleats humorously and 9. contrabuss drops_ so low you look around for something to hold on to. When theALeaves Come Tumbling Down-Fox Trot. ` . j Cl de Doerr and His Orchestra Zenda--Fox Trot Zez` onfrey and \His Orchestra VP]... 1.__..,_.._. ...._.._- _.___A. -1! .|.L:_ ___-I__`l__ __-:LL __ _ -._- __-.--- .... - nvrv --y-` av-on-VJ was. -..--1 \Jo\:.-vwvnvv J The b_rasses carry most of this melody, with an acro- batic obbhgato on the saxophone. Bits of Mendelsohn s SPRING SONG are beautifully interwoven while the leaves are tumblin . Zenda is being featured in The Prisoner of - enda.._ It is a smooth fox-trot with a striking piano background. LADIES AND MEN S TAILOR DISTRIBUTOR FOR BARRIE DISTRICT ; succassoa To 7 E. mi mlmzw smug: * 'rg1'e.}1IoI.e'N:.'1'si The Benson Orchestra of Chicago 'nu Rlnnn--F`nv trnf.` I LOOKING FOR AN om) SKIRT w_u.IL D0 WELL To see THE ssmcon. MADE TO YOUR MEASURE. ` `\/ERY REASONABLE INPRICE. LADIES WHO ARE 1"Ei2Ms CASH bring the liveliest orchestras and singere to entertain you.. HERE ARE A FEW _OF THE NEWEST NOVEMBER NUMBERS 18949 % 18948 ` 7' L18945 as lUllUW- ' E Dear Evaline:-On recently learning of; your intention of leaving our midst in tvliei very near future, we have`gathered here` to-night to endeavor to express to you! in some tangible way ho much you have; endeared yourself tolus all. Although it is _a pleasure to` know that you are not going far away and that we may be able` to see you and enjoy your sociability, still we feel that you have left a vacancy that; cannot `be filled. The fact that" you were! born_in our neighborhood and have spent; your childhood days with us makes us: sorry toparr. with you. ' 5 Wn on no: nkhinra Han` uni! fn nnnnnf `T ' I On Monday evening, November 13,: `friends `and neighbors gathered at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Reid to extend their! felicitations to their daughter Evaline, on" the eve of her` marriage; A Very pleasant feature of the evening was the presentation , of two beautiful chairs. . I \1:__ 1111.2. It1-LL _._. I J LL- ._JJ,.-,,,, ,,,_ .I |JI WU UCHUUIIUI UKIKIIIB. ' -Miss Elsie Webb read the address and! the presenfatioxn was made by John John- son ancP"Douglas Tyxel., The addxesslyisl as follows: ` ` I I'\,,__ I`.V__._I3_,_ , I\_. ____._.;_I__ I_ ._.,_1,,._ -1! n}u1_y `LU pan. wuu yuu. ; We, as neighbors, beg` you to accept} these chairs`, not for their intrinsic valuel but as a small token of ouxzrespect for you` .-and as a memento of our pleasant pasts ` spent together. - i . . . . .. If an nun aznnnrn unnla f]\oI> In vnnr nan)! PRE-NUPTIIIL PRESE'NTATl0`N M /meg] !T0 MISS EVALINE REID. caAIc\LALE; opcuu UUSCDXIUI c Q It is our sincere wish that `in your new; home happiness and prosperity may be; your lot and that God s richestdblessings of; good health, long life and contentment may be yours.` . ' -Q:.......-1'...` L...l-mlf Ac ..\,..... ....:..M......._,_! capacity as District President. spoke of the _Silver Anniversary of the Institute, it being twenty-five years since Mrs. Hood~ less of Stoney `Creek conceived and carried out the idea of the organization for rural women. Taking our motto For Home and Country. as.a basis, Mrs. Goodfellow gave a most excellent paper dwelling more particularly on the first part--Home---what 't_' means, and what it should be to each of `us, Mrs. W. L. Mitchell gave a paper on "Canadians pf Importance. showing that while many Canadians have won fame in literary. artistic, musical and other pro- fessions. `all who have in any way con- tributed to',t-he prosperity of our country are `."(`:madi:m:= of Importance". The un- mcnizla-ble absenct: of Mrs. Boyes. Di~trir-tl Miss Mabel Jacks r'ecei"ed well-meried applause for her violin selections. The December meeting will -be held" at. th home of Mrs. W. Smyt.'ne. ".`ii'..iT Gdcyidliglllbw. in her official! l 9.0:-.-'etar_\,'. -was Va` great d'isappoi'irmo-n'.;` `His Master"s'Voice-`-' % Victor Records UU yuula. "Signed [oh behalf of y\our 1;eighbors:--- Mrs. B, Johnson. Mrs, F. Birnie,-Mrs. J. R. Co'nstAable. ' 1 -i 1 nnn -Christmas should be mailed at as early a lIUDlUU I/U PUBIIIIDBLCIB -"- Parcels and other mail matter intended: for delivery in European countries before date as possible. preferably wit_hin the, next two weeks, and at the very latest! in time to connect with the steamer Mel-1 ita sailing from St. John, on December,. 9th. ` `I'D. _, ___.L__ .L 4.1. .l.,..........l_ -1` -;.I_-_.l cITRus_TMAs MAIL I The RC. Dept. has sent out the following` notices `to postmasters :- ' Durnnlrs nun-I nfknr rnufoli enfnndnr` . `T STKOUD WOMEN'S INSTITUTE A most enjoyable afternoon was spent on Nov. 9, when twenty-six ladies `met at the home of Mrs. R.iA. Sutherland, for the regular monthly meeting of the W. I. Theimain business was the appointment of a delegate to the Convention in'I'o1-onto on Nov. 21. 22 and 23., Mrs. Fred'WarnI- ice was chosen to represent Stroudsbranch. Mrs. W; J. Goodfellow will attend as Dis-V trict Delegate'and Mrs. IV. L. Mitchellwill, represent the District on the Federation Committee; Mrs. Warnica goes prepared to supports. resolution being sent in by the Orillia Institute in favor of supervised plaigrounds at the rural schools. ' A mninnf Min Mn uuuu In - -A..--L...-I pnuygnuuuua -an vuu tuna auuuula. The P?esident, -Mrs. Marquis, reported that four large sacks of supplies had been shipped to the northern fire sufferers; she also gave a report of the meeting at Churchill on Oct. 25,,when Stroud visited that branch. Mrs. Sutherland"spoke brief- ly on the Rest Room. Il-9 TI7 Y f1..nAh.|l.-.u. :.. I.-- ..l.':..:..l vui, - Remember that thousands of otherl people are mailing an unusual number of letters and parcels, too. at this season. and if they all pile up together the lasti few days it is. impossible to zet everything` handled and delivered in time and some-, body is bound to be disappointed. Mail| early `and see that._ your friends get your Christmas greeting before the day s fes- tivities are over. ' - g%mw&&g&&&&w&&&g mm"F15E I Collingwood News--The Board of Ed-ll rucation -have done something towards sav- ` iing the grants which the Provincial Depart- lment of Education threatened to withhold`; ion account of lack of accommodation. Atl {the meeting on Tuesday evening. afteri gthe business had eeen disposed of and thel ireporters_ hail w.ithdrawn. an informal talkl ensued in reaper! to the meeting of the re-i lquirements of the Department of Flue.- jtion. Out of this prew a resolutic-n oil 'fered by Messrs. Lewis and Gendra-1 andl ,accer!te.'l W the 1r`*stees which reads `as! Hollows: Tl.`a1 `the Property comnnre be lrequested to inve.-zigate and get tln arc-.11 l.itect's opinion as to the possibility of re` modelling the old collegiate institute build- ing to bring it up to the standard required {by the Education Department and also the `building of .8 new collegiate with `cost of each, `the committee to submit the infor- mation accompanied by the architect-'8 report at the next `regular meeting. To show that the Board is making an effort a copy of the resolution has been forward- ed to the Department. `COLLINGWOOD MOVES TO SAVE i H GRANTS FOR COLLEGIATE INST. Pag Two CLUB ERIED omous ' ' Every man and most women, after they} `have tas;ed these onions, want to know `how they are cooked. Slice thinly six medium-sized whiteionions and let stand in, cold water for ten minutes,xthen drain. Heat in a large frying pan three rounding ltablespoonfulsof bacon drinping.- add the onions and cook carefully, stirring constant- ly until uniformly browned. Keep them soft. Then pour into the pan, sufficient stock to well cover (this may `be made from beef extract or bouillon cubes and hot water). and add salt and paprika, to taste, half a teaspoonful of kitchen bouquet and a tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce. , Cook , them quickly until the liquid is evaporated, steam off for .a minute and serve quickly. `Overhead byidges for dowxftown pedes- ltrians were proposed by a Chicago alder- /man. " - \ In \JUIIB| QUIC- Craigvaie, Nov. 13, 1922. THE EAIRRIE. EXAMINER i c DAIRY -BUTTER AT ALLISTON i ,` Alliston Herald--Some of the quo-l tations for dairy butter received by local dealers this week were O 00. The city market for the dairy product\ has" prgtically disappeared. During E0 the summer months there was very` llittledairy butter made in the coun- ; try and the large` centres had to rely [wholly on the creamery product with }the result that the consumer and the .dealer have become accustomed to fit and are just as reluctant to drop `it for the dairy brand as they were, .; to cease using the home made article A .for the factory product. There is,` ihowever, a market for good dairy Ibutter in the small" towns apd in the mining towns in the north. During .the past few days some local dealers lwho have customers for farmers but- gter have paid from 20c to` 32c a i pound for it and choice dairy of ,prov-. .ed quality has sold as high as 40c {while the market price of creamery sis 39c. Dairy butter was offered on the market this morning in small _quantities, but the buyers were very careful about the bidding, a couple 7 of them refusing to look at it. Some ;of the town dealers are profiting by ::m experience of last winter when `they paid 30c for butter before the slump and sold it for 10c towards, `the close of the winter. ` lIl..II I_I1IlI-r1IIIl Ilr\l\I-II rs! I .&I-\l E Butter 3 quart baking dish, -fin wit`-1 `peeled quartered apples. and dust lightly `with ground cinnamon. Pour over a cup- Sful of thick maplesugar, cover and bake iin in slow oven until tender. Serve with icre:m'.. LargeItIu;:2iciII,C.II2I1Il)IbIaIgIceI'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II .IIio2IaZI{II Try our S ecial Blend Tea-at .. . . . . .. 60 per lb. Leav your order with us or call us byrphone. -.r` nag. - - r:\r-nv\:nt\ r\.z\-- NEW ENGLAND BAKED }\PPLES~ LARGEST SHOE RETAILERS IN CANADA CHATHAM WOODSTOCK BROCKVILLE ' s1`. THOMAS PETERBORO ST OR E S BARRJE LINDSAY INGERSQLL Note the large` amount of dirt in bottom of jar. This is the embedded dirt --full of sharp grit that cuts and ruins rugs. It sinks be- cause heavier, the ~ surface 1 i tte :- oats. (From an actual photograph.) How Royal Suction gets all .I '\I . ';he Dirt The Electric Suct/`ion Cleaner that gets both kinds of dirt are simply and easily connected. They clean hangings, upholstered furniture, mattresses. pillows, etc., as thoroughly as the Royal itself cleans rugs and hardwood oors. You need them if you wish to get maxxmum service from your machme. we soLIc'1T A TRIAL THERE are two kinds of dirt in your rugs,-..-thei powdery dust and litter on the surface, `and the gritty, germ- laden dirt embedded in the pile. The laboratory jar-of-water test, illustrated at left, shows clearly how the Royal removes both,kinds of dirt in the only Way it can be thoroughly removed',-with powerful suction scientically applied. For the Royal cleans by air alone! It has no brushes. belts or gears to get out of order or slow up its strong, cleansing air-stream. R ` Its extrr wide, 14-inch ndz/zle is specially shaped to go under furniture and into corners readily, and may be quickly adjusted to any oor-surface by means of the patented Royal adjustment screw. Its light weight (barely 11 pounds), large`rubberoid wheels, and positive oiling system make it exceptionally easy-running. The Royal is built to give. years and years of service. `And, because it cleans by air alone,'1t can never injure even the nest rugs or fabrics. If you want a cleaner that will clean thoroughly and clean everything, let us give you a free Royal demonstration in your own home. Judge for yourself the merit of the Royal. Ask to-day for this demonstration and the terms of our partial-payment plan. The Royal Attachments ! Bake four potatoes, cut in halves length-E wise and scoop out the pulp. Mash finely} and add salt and paprika to taste. four! xtablespoonfuls of butter, three tablespoon-1 fuls of grated cheese and enough rich milki \}\ elave' solne wonderful` Women : Oxfords, Purnps, Boots and Strap Shoes to `Offer you. Noiv understand, these are left-over sizes and a lines in which we have only three or four palrs remc ing. _ They are mostly Empress Q0513? and We have all sizes on hand. - ' These values range as highas $12-00, and Y0" fin be surprised at this sacrice of high gradenmerchandlsey Come and look whether you bu) 0' t-T These shoes are being rushed out at three pricesi Ai-Big Bar of Good So-ap-Br.'ight, solid soap with fine laithering and cleansing qualities for the family wash and household use. OTTON HARDWARE 130., Limited BARRIE, om". % ' CHEESE STUFFED POTATOES R. NEILL; Ltd. $3.50 ` $4.10 1 $5.00 Hasrthe followinglbargailin tcl offer to the pulbvlic, .. * November 18: 2 ~ ' Standard Granulat `/ -Sugar . . . . . ; .' 13 lbs`. for $1.00 Fancy Patna Rice, reg. 2 for 23, now . ; . . . 3 for 25 Snowake Pastry Flour . . . . . . . . . ; . . 24-lb. ling, 80 Tiger Catsup, quart bottles .` . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . .. 22 4-lb. jars Orange Marmalade, . . . . . . . . . .1 . . . . . . 65 Fresh Ginger Snaps . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . . . . per lb. 15c ,- Finest Mild Cheese ..... . . . . . Coal Oil . . .2 . . . . ./-. . . . . 5 gals. $1.25, single gal. 28; Kellogg's (London)-~Corn Flakes`. A. . . . .. l0c.pkg. Toilet Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 roll: for 25 Finest Mild Cured Breakfast Bacon,' 3 to 4_lbs. in piece . , . . . v',perlb.r.. ,. L--_| r\;I_n___,- ' Real Good Soap For use in washing machines shave or slice 3 portion of the SURPRISE bar direct , _, __ __--- ---_._. u - - u unvvl (her mnc'l-I.ine~-It will do ne work. Thl.iI'Sdv3.3 ,.NO\\7'EI'l1bCl' .16, 1922 !to well moisten. Beat the mixture until {v ryi-light and fill into the potato shells. jhgapmg it up `in the centre. Brush over `wifff beaten egg dilu ed with a` few spoon- ;fuls of milk and set in a very hot oven ` to brawn. ' A. F} ;`:`Muiov Thu lha Y0 Tire} BE WINTER OVERCOAf1'S IN EYERY DESIRABLE MODEL, FABRIC AND SHADE.