mber 28, 1.92.7, >~- V 3 u......,_., \,-...--.....n. .........v. . '1` Miss Florence Firman, of Pitts- Qburg, Pa., has left for Toronto afterj !spending three weeks with her aunt,i `Mrs. Firman, Bradford street. ' I -Mrs. Howcroft and Misses Olive! `Wilson and Gertie Rock have return-! ed home after spending a fewdays? iwith Mr. and _Mrs. Pierce, Perry St! Mr. and Mrs. Entwistle of Edmon- yton spent a couple of days with Mr`. ;and Mr_s. E. Longmanlast week. Mrs. iEntwist1e is a sister of Mr. Longma'n.. \. uvnnunnuo A dozen members of Barrie Golf! Club went to Toronto this morning; fora game on the Rosedale` links.{ While in Toronto they will" be the! guests of Dr. W. E. Gallie. I 117... 1:>._*n -1: n...'.......:|' 1ur:..1.. ......:`.- . 5.....,.., \IL .... ... .......-. . Wm. Bell of Durand , Mich., a'rri`v-3 ed in town today` to join Mrs. B6111 and her Iittle daughter Betty, who! have spent the summer in town. They are returning to Durand in a` fewi days. V .uv-\,.u.q. unuununa-ac , Horace Quinlan left Monday to `attend Toronto University, register-1 ting at S..P. S.A I 1Ur:.`_- 1\.r..L..1 T1!!! ._.._1 1m:..._ \Y-._`l_ .....-. - ..-... Asauv - ....-_,._ ; I W. E. Pa1'trid'ge, Maple Ave., 'isi spend_ing this weekwith his son, Rev.J 3 . M.-Partridge of Coldwater. ' I ___,1 mr,,,, n 1-: , 1,-_., .... - ;u.~..y;nu';,\, V, \/u1L\4vII.Qv\4J 3 and Mrs. B. F. Quanz have% ;.returned after a month spent in ` \ `Windsor and American points. ; I `MI ..- nu. t.....:- /4.`.....-......1-.'1\/r:..- ..\.._ u-nu, - n4\/AAvvl\o uuwvvlnlsac 4 Miss I. Sneath, of Edmonton {spent a couple of days in town (this: week on her way to Woodstock,` lont. ` ' -- .. .... . -l van. v nnnn - mu : uuunn. uu\..s\.,. - I H i ! .Mr'. and Mrs. Gordon Heels (neej vi Mildred Ansley) have returned fromg their honeymoon trip. They are re-; gsiding in Cumberland street. 1. n.r:.... `[:\l..-..........' t:1:........... .: nzu... i No. 18 h St., Barrie --WI1o sold your house?_ . Part-ridge & Gilrdy. , 39 - ` _._hn `nun vunnf in IfI\II C' KAIIQA9 . Orillia town` treasurer` received" ovr 339.000 on the mond'_instal'ment of taxes I due Iast week. ` ' If l\ l1:.ma.1nd Mrs. Harvey Ritchie of Midland werelguests of the former s` sister, Mrs. W. C; Walls, for a couple I of days last week . III ...-. IT I` l\ll ,.T\/f1`l'l.... P: `D.\L....-.L l 1 \lL usage aunv "buts. : Mrs. D". c. McMillan of Robsa1ft,.! _iSask., and Miss ,Ge1'trude Cooper," iCookstown, spent the week-end with !Miss Gamble, James _St. ' __._# 7I'VI_-_____, L-, `l,,,_. ' --W. A. Lowe & Son hav' a stock of mattresses and springs on! hand. Call and see them. 35tfc \JllIUyu _ . UV`? ' --Do you want to sell" your` house? Partridge "(Sr Gilroy can Q) it. 39 %gwaaaa&mm&&m&*g Pl-IRSONAL THE. BARRIE EXAMINER` ztlile S1. r.- ~ . - felililill-E Isansalualus j ' - HOOK-`-MANNl:`.L 5 . At St. Andrew s manse, Tuesday] }afternoon, the wedding was quietly` lsolemnized bf, Mr. Norman Lewis iHook -and Miss A1ice.Les1ie Ivlarmel, ;both of Toronto._. Thgy were attend- ed by Mr. and Mrs. John Vail`, jr. Rev. Geo. A. Brown officiated. The] groom is `a former 1~esident_of Bar- ne. COUGHLlN--McDONALD E E A quiet but pretty wedding! {took place in St. Vincent's Church,` jToronto, Tuesday morning, Sept. 26,. fwhen Mary Irene McDonald, daughter) -1 of Mr. and Mrs E. J. McDonald, Barn! rie, was married to Mr. Alphonsus ?Coughlin, son of Mr.i and Mrs. 1 fCough!in of Phelpston. Rev. Father .Smith, cousin of the groom, perform- ied the ceremony` and sang the nuptial lmass. ' 5 !!.I9'iI!I!il 9; Isiusslmlusg i 1 - ' I NESS--HORNER | In Toronto, `on Wednesday, Sept. 20, the wedding was quietly solemn-' ized of Mr. J. W. Ness of `Barrie and Miss Eva Mae Horner, daughter of `lthe late Mr. and Mrs. James Horner .of Edmonton. Rev. R. B.'Cochrane, lpastor of College St. Presbyterian [ church officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Ness, returned on Wednesday from a short ;ho'_neymoon trip. They are residing jat 90 Worsley street. l WEDDINGS _ VTo be sold privatgly Monay afternoon, Oct. 2nd, a-t Webb s Storage Rooms, next door to American Hotel. One handsome Walnut P]aye'r,Piano, cost over $800.00, perfect condition, good as new, Onej`Victor Victrola, cabinet style, mission nish, good as new, cost $240.00. ' ` One beautiful Wzilnut Dining Suite`-bui fet, `china cab- inn+ 0:`; ,-l...:.... I1....J.L.-.. ......`L..\ guy upauulul vvcuuut LJIIIIHS OLlllC-""ULlllCl, Clllllil C'dU' inet, six chairs (leather seats), only used six months. One Walnut Parlor Suite, four pieces. One beautiful Oak Bedroom Suite (handsome dresser). One Happy Thought Steel Range, in good order. `One convertible Bed Lounge. Some Small Rugs, Etc. The above furniture will be oered vat very low price for cash. Must be s0lcl._ Terms will be given to respon- sible person interested on Player-Piano and Victrola The aliove furniture `on view Saturday, 10.30 to 12, and afternoon, 2.30 to 4.30 p.m.. 66$ .` 20c yard . 29c Handsome House Furniture FOR SALE T Rgge Thirteen `small prices +239 for Delivery Trenton .1 gm. Alaska Salmbg --40 Lir-bordered Glove` of" `cw shades 1.25, 1.50 iloves, also Regula FA ES _;vv$&1 f()o '. Ede 30c can lar Collier :. _ MeAI:h9dis_t` Churchi `$2.50 pair nd white, $1.25 each Rev. J . H. Oke of Fleshertonvwill preach morning and e';'ening. The pastor is con- ducting anniversary services for the day in Flesherton, "Owen Sound District, is former, charge. ' Thursda_v. Septqmber 28. 1922 Wise men and wise women are found preparing for the busi- ness prosperity which is com- ing. As you are to receive your business education but once, it is worth while to secure the very best available. ' You will get it` at the vY;1;Mvviil Barrie Business College coma TO BARRIE. AND Attend a Good School Brown Be't:}7'n',I'ea Room Bfown Betty Tea Room SPECIAL ATTENTION` GIVEN `T0 PARTIES 'and AFTERNOON TEAS llI(lK\U `J1 `J6! UGO-~ You may take up Bookkeeping, Arithmetic, Pen- manship, Spelling, Business.Letter Writing, Shorthand and Typewriting.. I'1..,J-I-..-..-..n ...1nn `an-A nruu nlnnnlnirn hnlrlrq nr'lr'I GIILI I JPL W I ltlllsf Bookkeepers who `are now employed should add to their knowledge bypstudy of Higlier Accountaricy.. We can help you. The school principal is an experi- enced accountant. Hundreds of our prominent men throughout the country owe their success in life to-the training they received at NIGHT SCHOOL. 4 C`-L--1 -..,..... CA. [4111 no-sr` nv.:n Av An Kf\d\f`t\Ir I1 spechu .. , 6 for 25 `oilet Paper , 3 for 25 NE "gs" T. w. Wauchope Principal To increase your earning"pow_er and thereby increase your income by devoting a few hours per week to study with the assistance. of experienced teachers, you will make progress: \I--. ....... &..I.n .... Dnnblznnninrr Arihhann Dnn_ `.'""'s`l5,`h6l3Y o{aZaI{s' E? 11'nF 'u}iz{t{ '0}: Mcsnday, oc- tobcr 2, -at 7 p.m. Plan to enter. < 2 A jjnj :3-:DjQ$ " W` `I II I v AFTERNOON TEA Hot Waffles. Sandwiches, Cake ' Salads ' Tea, ' Cocoa. Milk, Coee' DINNER` Thomas %%Meighan Opera House E FRIDAY - SATURDAY, SEPT. 29 - 30 Sl5EC|AL SERVICE GIVEN TRAVELLING PUBLIC `APrincei:l_1erevWa3 A pleasure-loving'rich' man, who had never known` a struggle in his life. A wonderful girl and a child, who had never known anything else. New York, seething, surging, pulling-them together into its swirl. And the beautiful story that comes from it all will make yourheart glad. ` 3 0c and c SPECIAL COMEDY Prices: 15c and 25:: Niildred Hangs in. the Ca_st d "Presented by Adolph Zukor. A `Paramount Picture.-~ From7George M. Cohan s play, based on the novel, Enchanted Hearts, by Darragh Aldrich. D1rect- ed by T. Fprmam "Scenario by Waldemar Young". . oven POWELL & co.'s DRY GOODS srom: runtsrw ssnvica AT LOWEST PRICES JQdJy',"6c'{oL;f1;t B REAKFAST I mus IS AN OPPORTUNITY - - vvu|.l ..... .. 10c packet brn Flakes V packets for 25: oney COMING,---THE DUMBELLS ` % --ATLSO % `.`THE LEATHER PUSHERS `SUPPER SPECIAL MUSIC Matinee Saturday at 2.30 3 N0. 2 Fall Wheat (new) lOats, new . . . . . . . . . . .. ' Barley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l Rye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peas . . . . . . . . . . . Buckwheat . . . . . . . . . . Potatoes (new) per bag . . Butter, per pound . . . . . Eggs. per dozen ` . . . . . .. Chicken. spring . . . . . . . .. Hogs.. . . . . . . . . . Lamb skins . . . . . . . . . . . Horse hides . . . . . .. :Horse hair . . . . . . . . . |Beef hids; green . . . . . .. `Calf skins .V . . . . . . . . . . . . _. lKipsT . . . . . . . . . . l NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to thel Trustee`Ac.t that all persons `having claims; ;against the Estate of John Averill. late? iof Allandale, deceased, who died on the 20th day of August, 1922. are requested to send particulars of their claims. to the. undersigned on or before the 20th day of ; October. 1922, after which date the Ex-} ecutors will distribute the assets of thej Estate. having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. and will not be rwponsible to any others. a , ESTEN & `ESTEN, Barrie. ' 138-40 Solicitors for the Executor-ices. _q 1 CARD or THANKS I Mrs. C. R. Mart_in wishes to express her `thanks to friends and neighbors for kind-4 nese and sympathy `shown in her xjecent i bereavement 39c . T ?-T_ ' _ I ALLSOPl -On Sunday. Sept. 24. 1922. 3' daughter to Mr. and Mrs.o,Fred Allsopp, Minesing. V ' - CALDWELL-.~~0n Sept. 25, 1922, a daugh- ter to` Rev. A. B. and Mrs. Caldwell, Port McNicoll. ,, n GUTHRlE-'-In the R. V. Hospital, Barrie.l Wednesday. Sept. 27, 1922, twin daugh-I ` ters to Mr. and Mrs. Eldoii Guthrie. Iv_v. McA.R.THUR---In Orillia, Sept. 21, 1922,| a son (st.ill~born) to Mr. and Mrs. G. J.` McArthur _ (nee Mabel McManus). I PAINE--_-In the R. V. Hospital. Barrie,` `Tuesday. Sept. 26. 1922. a (laughter to` ' Mr. and Mrs, John Paine, Minesing. 5 RODGlSRS~On Friday. Sept. 22, 1922, 9.5 l son (Esten Robert Thomas) to Mr. and: | Mrs, Robert Rodgers. Jr.. Thornton. E SMITH~-In Barrie, Sept . :23. 1922, a daughter (Lillian Irene) to Mr. and Mrs.. . Albert Smith. l . o TUCK--On Saturday. Sept. 23. 1922. :2. daughter to Mr." aml`Mrs. Cecil Tuck.. WILLOUGHBY--On Sunday. Sept. 24.' 1922. _twin daughters to Mr. and Mr`-'.` Howard Willoughby. Utopia. , .' _..---- __ , HEYDON--HINDS--_On'-I'-u:sday, Sept. 19, 199.0 ` -Lat Qt pDl!! (Elm.-nk .All:Lvnn Lu . ;M.-\- 'I`IN~--In Bare. Sept. 22. 1922, Chas. ', R. Martin. aged 53 years.` 1 _. L12; uu.\-'-1L11VusJ-U1I 1 urmuuy, Dcpl. 1 V9 1922." at St. [Paul's Church. Allistnn. by It Rev.` J. O Brien. Margaret Ethel Hindcj of Oneida, N.Y.. formerly of-Allundale, '5 to Mr. Philebert Heydon of Allistom |` . l ` 25 `lbs. for 85 Flour ~ 50 lbs. for $1.95 Meda.l` Flour 25 `lbs. for $1.00 8 lbs. for $3.80 n_t of NeiIson's colateo THU_RSD7AY_WH6l_._E;\LE P'Rl(_?'ES` __'.4-.1_`.'1'.3_.. ! _'?s!?!<'_3_T_.5v__ Notice To cnznnoas ,.39R{ `Principal - . . . . 90c . . . . . . 35:: I . . . 50-55c . . . . . . `60: i $1.00-1.15 . . 75c-85c~j . . . 50c-60c, L. 32-35c: . 27-3oc~,'_ ....-25-27c` 3.11.25! 30-55c` $2.00-3.00` .'...,.40cj . . . . .. llc .... .. 13! l2c_ ........,-. souu ,....-....... ,,\,.....,.V _ t 5 Mrs. Geo. Lewis (fo1',mer1y M155`; `Mildred Culford) has been visitingi yher. aunt, Mrs. Donald Jacobs. V: 11-: v IWiI:.m"17."7'I3._ Reddit_t is` visiting i.-Ii !Pittsburg, Pa., ~ `II ..- l)_:`I--- 1...- 1...-.. --:...'L2...... ---LLl IIlIl\I\-Cl-5 5 `Cup Mrs. Bailey has been visiting with friends in Toronto. ' i I v I Miss Ferris, of Cundles, is visiting her*sister at Kingston. G. H. Braden has gone to Toronto to attend dental college`. 11:-.. ru-.i--_ 1m....1:.. L..- ....L..'........ll . JAY CO. 4. T` ' . 3 Mrs. O. H.` Lyon has returned `to[ town after visiting her sons in Tor-I` onto. ' I up ur Miss Edith Dufury of Wilson, Y., and Miss Madeline Tottle of Tor-l Some are visiting` with Mr. and Mrs.; }H. J. Evans, 101 Mulcaster street; .. Bert Cook is: holidaying in Orilliai and Lindsay. ' - u I `ll'_._ rt! 11 *n._.I.1:u. :..` ..:..:J..:..... :..l UV IIUll\rJl\A \A\'AAvso| vv-ayes... , . Miss Gladys Marlin has returned` lafter` two week s visit in London. 1 !\ , ,1 II `l'|S,`L_,,,I_,,, ,,, J I,_I.__ gun; uvvv vvyuanq vtuav All a.avll\.|v,IA Mrs. Randall Richardson and baiby are visiting her mother in Tottenham. I Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Moran nd the {Misses Ferry attended Elmvale Fair A. MacLaren is takinga shorti iholiday at Canoe Lake, Algonquin {Park T * . .-. .. ... .... . . -.. 1 ir1`\vi`1.'. and Mrs. J. C. Miles and Lizzie Palling spent Sunday in Cold--_ 'water.T v M Q up n-. so .. A -110 . .-. A `kJ\zvyL\`yn Miss Margaret Todd, of Lindsa_v. E spent a few `days last week with Miss ,- Edna West. V Au"-.. ..,..W.. _ L 1 | .Mrs. Sherry.|Wa1nman, of L1ndsay,| is visiting her mother, Mrs. Thomaz,` _ Elizabeth St. i Sheriff 'MacLaren, Geo. Wilsoni Tand Afd. Byrne were in Hamilton fast} Friday attending` the funeral of Mrs.l Bachman, mother of Mrs. A. C . Gar-i `den. - , 5 at p. arm at v -v ts, Groceries tionery A M1's. S.f'Kilgour, Mrs. L. Hart endi `Mrs. J. Day have returned home after! spending a week in Detroit, attending; `the convention of Oddfellows and I. ; Rebekahs. pr. -' 4-1'10` vvI.<:v\.aL.o A Mr. Ritchie o_f O1'illia_ spent Sun- day_ at_the home of Mr and Mrs. T. ,Sewrey. ' `IE2--. 1|ll'..-......_.,.L F1`|-..l..l ...L` T .'...J....__ v v wav- i A MArs.1 T. J. Williams, of Powassan. ,is staying with Mrs. Ed. Williams, 67! E Owen street. ` -... ..-. . I `Q-`Vl;I`;".;:I.1`0;7~-Bog.`a1`d"Ls of Dunnville ., lvisiting with Mrs. Henry Bogardisi ion Eccles St. . our ,v . ggvvguu hair: I ; I J. Montagti Leeds returned to town glast week after being` in England for; `several months, ' I _|Il uv I.1o'a.o I Miss Mabei Hill and Miss Neolag Paddison have left for Guelph to ,train for nurses. unu up-guwuo Mrs. T; Pierce; Perry St., has re- lturned after spending nearly two fweeks in Toronto.` I I` an 1 A ,.. ! an 0.1 n I` us. "713'{-Q. E. a n"a"J ."Ea1braith of Orillia i spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. '9 QT. Sewrey, McDonald St. , E V Mrs. R. W. Menzies of Owen Sound; jis spending the week-end with Mrs.i iR. P. Merrick, Maple Ave. . _. i E Mrs. Ben Smith captured first; !prize for lady 'drivers at the Cuxd-2 water Fair, held last Friday._ S 117 1'3 'TI_`.L_.Z.'l-_._ mr-__1_ A __ I Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stephens of? gCollingwood spent a few'days with! ;'Mr.Tand Mrs. Pierce, taking in Bar-_' lrie Fair. W 3 ` 1:` 1 1: car `so. 1- n` ; ...... u u-uw;uuA\., ulnolnvu -uv. ] James Thompson, `who has been` :with the Dominion Stores here, has; gone" to Cobourg to have charge 01; 'the compapy s`store there. i 1 mr..- .....,J at ... n...._1-.. u'..-1.. /._..;; olled Oats, 5c 1d Jell~o Jelly