the` t ks and lus- that uck. Capacityproductionandthe savings` resuljging from Stude- baker methds- of complete manufacture` make these low prices posi le. Yet the intrinsic values are emphatically the greatest Studebaker ever offered. This meansthey are the best values that the industry affords, be- cause Studebaker ca/r have always been above par in the amount of value per , dollar: , invested. - Present prices are the lpwest at which Studebaker Light-Six closed cars have ever_been sold. STUDEB ' MODELS AND PRICES- - I l\!'II\ A--- : Cord Tires Standard Equipment The. foundations of Stude- baker success are quality, durability, comfort and integ- rity-principles that have been upheld steadfastly by Stude- baker for seventy years. You can depend upon Studebaker automobiles because of the name they bear. - . o. b. Wa1kerv111e.`Ont. lit`) Page Thre [ -llllllllllllllllHIIIIIJWIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllillllilllilllllhl No, I won't load up with a big stock - saidthe I enterprising but cautious dealer - `-`if they `sell as well as we hope, I can easily get in touch with yourthouse I by Long Distance and; order more of them. O s, thus keeping- down their capital investment, and yet not lose sales by being. out of stock. The wh olesaler s and manu- facturer s warehouses are virtually at the dealer's elbow. V The goods are often shipped the same day. It also enables dealers to. try out` the novelties and V new styles people have been reading about and are` asking for, on which the margin of profit is usually greater than on staple-lines. Use the Bell to- Sell - -_ and to Buy. Every Bell Telephone` Ks a . _: Thursday, September 21-, 1922 ________________ Long Distange guts the VVVIV V"`r'6'12."6ff6 "" , The Only_ Hotel of its Kind in Canaan Centrally eitueted. eloee toehope end theta-ee. Fireproof. Home comfort and hotel conven- ience. Finest enielne. Cosy tea room can ll midnight. Slmrln rnmn whh In. no . ling ` Long` bistance Station` . .. .v-- uuuupvuu, 00. umner. 31.1` an an mutm-nu bu . Tuk mask and wm. 15. onIy."v?"u :o'noou.'? I JARVIS 31' REIT - .b TORONTO, ON --j- sxuuelu will on rendered. A ` will be takexrat each service. I Ilvlcr ._ _ Anniversary services will be held in the Shanty Bay Methodist church on Sunday. 15. The services will be taken by Rev. G. H. Knighton of Dalston, Special. ,i1`1u.sic will be rendered. A thankoevring will each service; vnpunuull ox me 1atter's term. Joe. Graham and wife -of Port Arlt-hur have been spending a week with his parents here. ' -' ' Sept. 18.---Mr. "and Mrsf Campbell of Toronto spent? a few days in the village recently. Jos. Simpson and his daughter Margaret are away on a visit. In the absence of Rev. S. Martin on Sun- M day. Mr. Soule of_ Barrie took the service. Friends here were sorry to hear that Mr. Lightbourne of St. Thomas` church is leav- ing the Shanty Bay charge. - Wilmott Fillingham has purchased the old Fillingham farm now occupied by. Geo. Hubbert and intends to start farming at the expiration of the latter's term. . . JOE. Graham and ...:l`- -5 n . . .. out lul/LC!` damaged ~ W13 IVl\II uc uculg sunously III. A n-umber of the members of the local Women s Institute were banquetted- by the Flos Institute last week and report a good time. - Misses Norma Chappell `and Ruth Grant left yesterday to attend Normal School at` Sept. 19.~---Mrs. A. Ronald and Mrs. Fort- ner spent a few days in Toronto recently. Mrs. Geo. Plowright visited her brother, -R. W. P-attenden, at Ravenshoe, last week. he being seriously ill. A n-nml-mp A4` 4)... ......-..L--- AP -' -pasrnavl` I ll Mrs. f Tnrnnfn mu... - t--- J-- uxunun Ill IIUIIIBVIIIC --Don t forget Bethesda anniversary, Sunday. Oct. 1; Rev: J. J. Coulter of To- ronto will preach at 2.30 and 7 pm. Cookstown choir in attendance at both ser- vices. An offering of $150 is being asked by the` oieials of the church. 38-39c Sept. 19.-Quite a number from here at- tended the Townlineannivensary. Sunday. A Congratulations to Lulu Hindle on her . success at the Stroud School Fair. S. S. No. 2 was well represented at the schools annual fair. -Miss Vera Gilmoreof Crown Hill spent the. week-end with Mrs. Irving Nelson. Rev. Mr. Dudgeon of Bradford preached -in -the church here last Sunday. _ _ Mrs. Wm. Scott of Huntsville visited with herdaughter, Mrs. Lorne Davidson, - lastgweek. . ' a Mrs. Daniel McMillan and son of Consul. --Sask.. are visiting with `Mr. and Mrs.` W. J. Davidson. V Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gallagher of Mameld and_ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gallagher of Perm spent Sunday` with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker. e V '_ Lorne Davidson is visiting with friends in Huntsville, __hn-. L I-'-----A " ..... uuu uua. nugu Atkinson of Paisley s; week with the la.tter s : Some summer fallow not be `sown with w} scribe is told, being to: Peter Rowellspent Ellis. Elmvale. Anniversary services the Union chufch will Oct 1, services at 1] Rally Day service will 3 Rev. S. J. T. Fortner pecial music by the ci Auvnlry JIU Mr. am C1 , VVU\Illo ' ` Ne Bowser had the n into a horse_ov\fned by A. driving his car down M be-`ween cons. 10 and 11_. 'e\nin>g. The car was sma { luckily none of the occuna M. .....J 1:..- 13' " Sept. 19.--Wed loudly here`; ` Mr. and Mrs. A. Sunday with frier Quite a number Collivngwood Fair 1 Real estate has cently. Quite a changed hands. i chased the farm 4 tiie latter buying of Stayner. W. VLM farm 43) D. Mc_In Mr, Lunen has not late. so intends n ICIIII '7 y Then; M church. I account . being he] -Capt. Tu} preacher. Lucv. ;..a. and Mrs. Dew l18.V to the reictofy after having spen holiday in Aurora and Hamilton their stay Mr. Dew preached at th Thanksgiving services in Aurora _'Friday. evening. and at St. M West Hamilton. on Sunday. I . leaves again this week for Toron tend Wycliffe College alumni me: There will I-m nn --....:.... :.. LL- , uxw. r.. 11. days with her : Toronto. Mrs. H. Dav Vvisifi-ng Toronh no" 'I'` T `-- _ ,, _._., ....u.u vnnucu 1Vy lsll siveelg. leaving a baby girl with `Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dawson and one with Mr. and Mrs. W.AE. Banting. V ' A number from-here took in the anni- versary service at Townline on Sunday. Wilfred Hatton has started the chopper `again this season. ` Mrs. R.`J. Coulter is visiting with Bar- rie friend. ` ` . V School Fair here Sept. 27. Come every- body and help make" a success. {- -W. H. Hutton has bought a new saw- , mill in the north and ismoving it down ' to Colwell to start sawing there; Arthur M(_:Quay_of Thornton spent Sun- _|____ ,,,e.1 or J 1 A _ Sept. l8.---The stork visi1 v ' A nnmhnr fmm,L...... `-4- BAY Q `ll. _ 1 t and Mrs. -1` T\,! ry. La.--VVC(l( X] I . S. 1 my friends he number fr I-IIlI\IJ! 1a`-5- "' I uuul with I__ " Iul U1 1'1` ` held in Tupper LIQI` pNABLE MINESING v_yuuuC Ul. ;- will be 1 Ivy. on J of Harv ,_un - ~- . J. at rectory 7 :n A Iiwn B_ETHESDA "H. Davis Toronto f: VI`! 1 _,,,I u tU,B'LllI'[ saw McQuay of T friends here. *`.. R. Arnold 1 sister, M1 y services` in connection lufch be held on Sun ices 11 am. and 7 rvice be held at 2.30 j l`. Fortner will be in ch: choir. EDENVALE llhl lllkl VVU whee too ' 3ll's'pent Sn nberz 1, 1922 ._ ,,a, .._.... I-v uu. sun: _lI|CL I5, nilton. Mr. x Dew n Toronto t6\ at- : e meetings. ll no service in the Anglican r. Sundav next. Sept, 24. on Harvest Thanksgiving service:-' St. George s. Utonia. Rev. er of Camp Borden will be the Ins. Maw and family spent I friends at Grenfel. ' umber from here attended the an Thursday last. be has been moving here re- ite number of farm have nds. D. MacDonald has put- Farm owned` by Jgas. Graham. lying another on the outskirts Lunen has disposed of his McIntyre and G. Johnston. as not enjoyed good health 01' nds moving back to Colling- -Wedding Davis has re! >n_to friends_. and Mrs. I 2y hav . . . v . nauuuoo Dew have returned `y spent a short more Hamilton. During` . the Harvesz- - u A Gavin:-an ... .... ._- v uuu AL, UH D ' smashed occupants vu Edgar.Arnness alnu nnnnt .- l-A ";{{i"vZnzir"s7.` 5 4 q..L....I r.--:_ llllDlUI'l'UHe Armstrong. Minesing sdc= 11 In} ,Qn4.....I.. Ill Q Mrs. bells misfortune K A-..-L--- ~ nvv HIE were . an returned ho}n.e A .An .u-can uuu :1XlgllS a` few days last 2. Mrs. Jno. Maw. n this section will this year. your at and soft, :day with Frank spendinf a [few _(Dr.) S'peers.Lin 4 mug h'|U|`.'l'UH(l. Saturday ev- d a little but` ` were hurt. ss' and Angus few (hum Inn! reach rms BARRIE` EXAMINER nu I }l.l. pm. charge. Lulu WI lwll Sunday. I 7 p.111. 0 an - ... ne to run ong. while sd=road. `.....l..-. - rl-III G BIIUIVII ll. Vhe ringing with .-.uu uu gret's, `\ t:\ THIS IS , situated. theatres. 4 . V Homteomfort eonven-ai .` o on till midnight. nglo room,.wlth bath. : . ` `bath, 84.00. Breakfast, ' 50. to 75. Luncheon. 06. Dinner. 81.00., ` . .u` 2... -rm mukuawuu 1~..u.on"1."'v?:'a"u sol-`goons: c Hoteliof Lifebuoy is used in every - country on earth. : . Its remarkable qualities have been proven in all climates, all occupations,- on every kind of skin. a V The" delight. and comfort of using Lifebuoy is famous around the world. ` were on three doors and outside lock on right-hand front door; V eilk roller curtains. ' The Coupe-Roadster seats 2 passengers; ample space under rear deck for luggage; uphol- ntered in genuine leather. Both models have thief-proof, transmission lock; cowl venti- lator; side coch lamps; rain visor; windshield wiper;eight- day clock. ` ' ,,.;___._____._. The Stude baker Light-Six Sedan has four doors that swing wide open; dome light: mohair vclvet pluah upholstery; inside locks on three doors ridlt-hand frnnr Amu- EQUIPMENT szzzs $1773 _ COUPEROADSTER SEDAN ~----- vn Ivlwluhlb-5| l5_ealrs, radford St., Barrie Light-Six closed cars are sturdily built of nest_ mate- rials and best workmanship. The bodies are the pxjoduct of