TWO LADIES may secure board in private family; central location. Apply P. - 0. Box 363. Barrie. V 33p ' HOUSE FOR SALE--Watr and light. 8-1 Ink Qt `DIM-`no 03:1 QQII I IV IJLVIJJLLILII \Jl.` \I\J\JlJ l.`l'Ll.\.LVll) uuu lIU\VL1 houses for sale. Apply to D.D. McLean. Box 321, Barrie. 29-343 I.\lLllJl.'I l'\Jl\a |Jl'lI.4l.'J'VV John St. Phone 955J. III-I.IIlrlL'A IJLIIIJIJ-ILVLV IJLII-C._LIlIC uuuulcu dollars each, cash or tune. Lew Howe, Lewxston, N.Y. ' 28tfc "_' "-'_""""" 3'`! Ads. in this column, 4 cents word I g -IZIIE-IE-IE-IE-IE-I=-lE-IE I LOCAL NEWS Property For Sale We have all the new Stand- ard-Designer Patterns this week, each one carrying a com- plete Belrobe. Come in and let us show them to you before you go over our wonderful.mid- summer showing of sheer sum- mer materials. The Belrobe shows you how to nish," too, so that your {rock or blouse has the look of an original model. t`3n\R.N FOR .9/\I.E at Big Bay Point. 40x my. all squared timlmr. over $1000 worth mi I-irnber in it; for quick sale will take `$400. Apply J. F. Craig. 3 Dunlap St.. i't3nrr`n>.. ' 29-34p There are none of those puz- zling moments when you don't know what step to take next. Follow the pictures in The Bel- robe-and you see just where each piece goes; where to haste, when to gather, how to make seams lie at; all the trouble- some details wich used to bothe: you are smoothed away. 1 nnnIJLV 1 06. Ana DEI- robe (enclosed with every new Standard-Designer Pattern) makes a new thing of dress- making-makes it so delight- fully eaey and economical that you want to go on and on and make dozens of lovely things_ Ill;|_ Pug- I\_I_-e., -_.---_ -_ - --J .... ..b With The Belrobo you have no cutting problem-an expert has worked it all out so clearly that you cut without hesitation, and without wasting an inch`. Does sewing seem burdensome " to you . in hot weather? SUTCLlFFE S NEEDN T be. The Be)? "4... I......I....-A ...:..u. ____ __ 'TH_E BARRIE ExAMm_ER n U`: 33c sou wsvn an AAIIII ` Hamilton Spectator-The police have been asked to locate Jack Mor-I iarty, aged 34, of Barrie, 0nt., whose mother is very ill in Orillia. Moriarty -is believed to be in Ham-| ilton and is tasked to communicate! with the police department. Sanitary Inspector Bowman has! located the owner of a stray cow and two calves which he placed in the local pound last week following the complaints of several residents. The animals wandered down from_a farm` at Crown Hill. ' g n-n .- in `5FURN1TURE--Quuntit.y of good household `furniture for sale. Apply between 2 and - `.5. at 58 Brook St. . V 28-33p R. Shepperd, caretaker of Queen sl Park, was put to a lot of trouble] Wednesday morning, shing several of the heavy park benches out of` the creek.- They had been thrown there by youths, he believes. i -Our business has grown so fast? iwe are forced to move into larger: Ipremises. Great bargains are of-j tfered for Saturday and following 5week. Brown s Men s Wear. 33ci It s rather difficult to get teams? for road work these days; there s so: much harvesting going on, said`: County Engineer Freeman Campbelll today in referring to County roads work. Q u v. --u During the past week or so1work- men hav done good work cleaning out curbways and gutters on parts' of Dunlop street and Poyntz street.` Weeds and debris of all sorts were removed. V T v up cw .. .. A .... v....., ...... .. . Chas. McGuire made a good job of repairing and repainting the horse-, drawn re truck`. This was dam- aged by re last winter. It has been made just as good as new with the addition of a new body. _ V\I%` -A -' nuv v oil: I Major J. I; Hartt of Orillia will be one of the speakers here on Sunday, Aug. 27, at an open air meeting 150' be held in Queen s Park under the` auspices of the Barrie and Allandalel Orangemen. t`VL..... ` ..fV.-:-._ .__._.l_ _ _,,_j 3,1, 0 Lindsay M'en s Brown Biluchr Cut Wofking Boots; sizes (3 to 1' ". Price . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.50 Me_n s Black Grain Solid Leather Working Bobts, sizes 6 to '10. Special price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00 With Every; Dollar Purchase we give 6 5c. Coupon. Clrildrerfs Crepe Rompers and Dresses, colors pink, skj navy blue; t ages 2, 3, 4, 5; prices were $1.90 an $22.00. Clearing Price . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . .. 98 But you, must come soon if you want one,as they ar going fast. C-hil.J(f}S FOR S1/\Ll~`.~'l`wo rugs. nearly 1 one small and one lnrae. Apply to '13. Barker`, 118 Sophia St-. Boys Bloomer Pants, navy blue serge and tweed, sizes 26 to 35, with Governor fasteners; this Bloomer is ex.tra value $3.00 and $3.40. Special Price`. . $1.991 Boys Cottonade and Tweed Suits,'with belts and bloom-. ers, sizes 25, -26, 29, 33, 35; prices were $10.00 and $'I5.()(). Clearing Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q $3.78 Like the dark, unfathomed caves of theocean, the Remnant Table produces full many a gem. e Countless rich "bits of Tapestry, Cretonne, Silk, Prints, Gingham,` Wash Goods, Cottons, Table Oil Cloths, fabrics with often remnants large enough for a tiny frock or apron, or a summer table piecefamong the; colorful, artistic cotton. ` h if ON SALE SATURDAY MORNING, AUG. 19, AT HALF PRICE If you miss this sale you lose money, so come and save Men s Navy Blue Serge Pants, sizes 30 to 42, with belt loops and turnup cu's. Special value . . . . .. . $4.50 THE TREASURE 01-` THE REMNANT TABLE Jvvvo Ernest. Thompson Seton, well- known author of Wild Animals I Have Known, passed through Barrie on Friday night en route to Algon- quin-Park, where he will spend a_few [days with the boys at Ahmek Camp. [He spoke to friends at a dinner given {him at the Royal Canadian Yacht IClub in Toronto, Friday. Quest of ;fun is a boy's natural instinct, the Iauthor `said. A ' |.......... ....uu- nus uauauiall VVCSE. Barrie and vicinity furnished its rst quota of Western harvesters l=a;~:t week when over a score left for Win- nipeg to aid in gathering in the ' Western grain crop. About fty are expected to go from this district a1-, together, an increase over last yeaiul Queen s Park, town beauty spot, is looking at its best these days,- in the opinion of Parks Commissioner lsamuel Caldwell, who expressed the `opinion yesterday that the park is none of Barrie s most valuable assets. Mr. Caldwell has been connected with I parks management for 20 years. Af. flan uroal.-Ti: In-..L--~-- -R I` I I It , _ . . . . . . . u uusuuusuu LU]. AU years. At the weekly luncheon" of the `Barrie Kiwanis Club, Tuesday, Geo. D. Hubbard; the new president, was` in. charge for the rst time. Kiwan- ian S. W. Moore was the soloist and_ there was,the usual sing-song. `next weeks luncheon an address is`: `expectedvfrom Major Alex. Lewis, M.P.P., on the Deep Waterway pro-I 2 iect. ' .l"0R SAIIE----l"`uur pool tables. with all xnecmsszury oqmpnlexnt. A snap if taken an once. 92 lenet.ung St. Box 812. Bur- =:'u2~., ` ' 33p A --Brown Bros. are moving to R. I A. Stephens old stand. 1 33c i Some excellent photographs of Rocky Mountain scenery are on view iin the `show window of Hurlburt s shoe store. They are nished in fsepia and are the work of Bob Bin- }ning, photographer, who has come tol Barrie from the Canadian West. Dn1vm:n ....Al --:-:__:L__ 1-,, - 1 BAR RIE 1. See the nice goods at small prices I Thanks to the kindness of J. H. Seagram, it has been possible for the lBarrie Bowling Club to arrange for the installation of an improved light- ing system on the greens. This will be turned on some time this week, it is expected. The funds were donat- ed by Mr. Seagram, who is one of the most ardent bowlers in town. Thursday, August 17, 1922. September Designers Call and get your books Standard Designer Quarterly, 25. Designer price, 15c. We have for you Pure Spices of the best. Excellent pickles must have excellent spices. Here they are, ground or whoIe:- Cinnamon, Ginger, Nutmegs, Cloves, Allspice, Paprika, Red. White and Black Pepper, Mace, Tumeric,Who1e Mixed Spices and Pure Ground Mustard; also Bay Leaves. e Just make out your list from the above and let us `fill it for W ma HUB "l'I.`I."|l\r turn-n.-. --A-- _ -u -nwilflll Our -tI;ree blends of Tea at the old prices. Our three blends of Coffee at 60c, 65c and 70c lb. 23;... ,. > 2=3..mGAI_N alllul TEENY WEENY STORE IIKJ I.) _T.ffN.-fv iibiil-W _THE Bijzsr Trenton r r 12115 um. UL I)` IHHUFU B'mdf()r(l internmdiul 4-4. Bmdfurtl has. which to meet Orill? In an ext-.irin_: thrills.` at Brmlfu '3'..- _| l'., ,, ,l `WHITE WICKER BABY CARRIAGE for sale, good size. Apply 8 Charles St., `B-arrie. 32~33c w. Tillie spout .\Iu H911. To the nu-m'no-1'~ OPS at OH) l:!>lr. Sen.` class 1, SN`. 1}; l'lIl.~: dollars for .<\\'(`r">.~`t:o This was omittml fxw Mahon. SL'Cro~I1:r_\ 1% Officers um! {I R.B.P. (I!-sirv In chants. tuwn an and SHUT. lhv In 8 who hf`]}II'l tn "Saturday. .-\u;:, 1 Deputy Prm-o-_mnr (`.AR.RI"TlII`IR.~` I,` Inothvr. Wr.~ 8;: I` n g ' . . . IILUII. III lll'| ` RAYNICRWIH .I .. her! Ruym-r, .~ F.CCIt'.~` 31.. zngr-4 The funr-ml. w "mko place 8:111 EH31?-.~` $1.. In HEAI.I'IY ?`,<.--..m:<::'.':".`..`.'f" THIFF.-\l"l.'I' In I 6. 19`3'.3. : ~r-.u Thiffssvllt. \"I('Iwx' 'WHITICIHC.v\l) Ir. 1>I'M13 :~ l\'i'.I . 1`(.`:.,'. McI.l*I.>\.`\' 1.. In 11. u.\ \I\IlI7. I I`! I IIARRl.\'().\' FOR SALE Boathouse and cottage com- bined. at Little Luke. Good fishing and hunting, H. P. Bingham, Barrie. 33p V1`t')'.1li`:2 Mew-;'1~: 1 {{1} l.l'!.(l) {I `1`R.Am:\_' IJIIK` .'I I .` n V ` U()l;E- In ' . 1921. . :1 I II C010. I :-rr_\' '?rA nh I.-1 xx- .\Il'J\nIlll B ROW N A LEX:\ \' I WI 10. 15933-. `I .~ Gone. but tors zaml '.~' Ll'lf`LlAl.l `'\Ill .1 of h(-r sister. line, Om. HG: widow of tho `ilton. in hm` ` A Airxvrwru 1 1 Aug. ;. M:~: IV..- IIYL'.A.,l. rlll. Geo. W n. 'hi1.l'}l( I..- ma SALl1`r--Gmin and clover threshing: machine, in good repair. Apply Chas. McGinnis, Box 808, `or phone 958W. Ozlffn nu) . .\II'. and Mr. u\l IV I 11lll| rluy. II Au, I-I... .~\lvx Jlul l I l`\lI' AV CARDS TIE GAME Thursda Com |.`_ ever s feet of and 10 \WANTED~-To hear from owner of good farm for sale. State cash price, full par- \`.im'a-lam. D. F. Bush- Minneapolis, Minn. 27. 29, 31, 33, 36. 38;) s()():\{ S i {H ALSO; IN MEI1 zmcc. 1` {L11 gziri climbs \ Where turcrs CROW| i Mu.i HM` I. A I .S() \`. I1); 6f `the `thc Clc )A '.m A 174 1 love. -blzxzin SEED WHEAT, eariy Windsor, for sale. Alvin H. Wice, plhone 677J1 / 32-330 COMFORTABLE ROOM with boa'rd for two students in student`a home. Apply at this office. 82-87p Behin hnric ii On A In Iast ir lure. Stu!` PFJ| 1 -I hm` V.-31%,.` `FOR SALE-~A good first-cl-ass house of 8 rooms. Apply D. C. Howard, 24 Mul-T caster St. 28-33p FOR SALE---I-Innd elevator. in, -perfect condition; capacity. one ton. Apply S. `W. Moore, Barrio, 33c FOR SALE--Vik`mg separator; just `like new`, $35. Apply at Examiner. 33p lFWKNTED~Fron1 50 to 100 acresfarm, to `rent, `or work on shares, iuvicinity of `Barrie. -Apply Box" N" Examiner of- fice. ~ 33-34c F- /`WANTED 'TO RENT--'I'-hree unfrnished rooms with conveniences, over store or `in dwelling. No family. Apply Box B .'Examiner office. 33-340 WANTED '10 RENT'-~F.rm. 100 acres or` Imus. fair buildings. good water, prefer near Cookstown or Alliston, good farm- ver, experienced. Reply Box D" Ex- :z.m'm'er office. 33-38c 1WAN'I`ED--0rders for knitting; full line of best yarns in stock; supply of socks A uxuf. stockings on hand; we re-foot your ' rofd ones. Call and inspect. 22 Mul- .caster St., Barrie. ' 33-38p 2`,ADY WISHES POSITION as hous_e- ! .... ._ I... ........II ....I..h. l'......!I-. 1...... __ T`-IOUSEKEEPER WANTED for small fam- ily on farm. Apply to H. E. Keast. Amen `Mills. P.O. 33p & cent 11 word, caah, each insertion C.-hinimum charge, 25c); six insertions for price of four.` 10 cents extra when Ishsedi also 10 cents extra when replies are directed to Exa.miner office. _ FURNISHED ROOMS to let at 59 Mary `St. - 31-asp WANTED--Roomers or boarders. Apply 99 Sophia'St. w. - 33p WANTED-G8soline -pump and tank. ply T. R. -Huxtable, Phone 49. :l0I0I0I0I0I0I< ADLET COLGMN -u.u.4 l.\1l`l'\_I xu` VV\I_\Ill l`IJ1\.u |3f\lJK`J"" `Sufi slabs, mixed SlL11).~`, limb wood and i urnnce wood; the bst of 4-ft. maple. `Shirl by the cord or cut and split to or- fivr. Prices on application. W. Gracey ii Sun, phone 404. Alhmdale. Cheapest wtmdyard -in town. 3_2-35c p-u `J-I l:llI.IU- l\l.A`II \JllCVlUIF|7 Ullln VV Ill l>`l|\U .:m.\.l>.= in part payment on car. Horhrrl Raul, Dm-.1 Sh, Barrie, phone! mm. . 32:37:) i `OR E'4.".;'s 3":-~--Quantity need wheat. Daw- -.`<~:{.~' Golden Ghuff. Absolutely free "1'rmn smut. and l!03(l~011S'Wee(l seeds. F irst Here. first served. (Tome sonn. Apply to `N (1 Vwnluuxnrlxr W 1? Mn 9 Allan, \llZIC. llI\`H. Pl`! vru. \'\llll(` auuu. l`\)l[7ly DU VV. G. -Kenne:!y. R. No. 2. Allan.- dala, phone 8r14. ' 32-34p l\.l\J`ll VV\l|\l\ Il\Il\A7|.`J l'LIl\ \`.'. \IAl`4. UIIIHUP ` oi `chr-at-.. Also Chevrolet car. Will Mk!) .....I._ .. .. .. . _-_ IY-._L-..A. MRGAIN FOR QUICK SALE?-ortable ..-:.-x'.\vvz11ill.A all cmnplcte, in first-class con- "`iinm1. Apply to Frank Robin.-.on. Bor- ufiorenn. Ont. 30-35p up :'*T}RNISHED ROOMS to let. Board or withoqt. Apply 77 McDonald St. 31-36p IIILJ L VV LDLICAU I LFDLI. I.\IJ.V UH uUu3_U' keeper for small adult `family. town or -farm. Apply Box_C", Examiner. V33c~ F-I-xoxoxox<>x<>x< -xoxc-xoxoxc-101:3. age Twelve `Rooting Tnnd Board [ For Sale Wanted VIIU VV 1 24tfc 1) PW . - Mrs. 33c HOUSE REPAIRING VAND OHIMNEYS BUILT. Prices reasonable. F. W; Shan- T non, 84 John` St. Phone 955.1. 33-38c M`,_1.. KINDS OF WOOD _FOR SALE~ L ; ..I..\... >"h:-D4J H __, FOR MEALS `AND L_UNOH. home-made -2..- I'V!L_ 'l\..I.... U... .._....... Luna LL- ROOF. Room RO`0F--New ones laid, old ones repaired. Wm. Smith. 84 Mary St. Phone 944. P.O. Box 810. 26-37p WINDOW CLEANING--House. oice or store window; cleaned, oors cleaned and polished, new or .old. Wm. Smith, 84 Mary St., Barrie, Box 810, phone 944. - 28-40p FARM FOR SALE`4-East half lot 4, con. 0 f\...-. A .31.... 6...... DnmII:n nn ouunm McLAUG-HLIN-SIXV ROADSTER-- -In Al mechanicai condition. A snap for quick sale; G. B. McLean, Phone 298. Barrie. FOR'SALE--Light touring car, special top, good tires, upholstering in first-class con- ditiou; starter. Also Ford coupe, 1919, with_ starter and $75 worth of extras. Cheap for quick sale. Apply 107 Tifn I St. 33p CAR FOR SALE-Chevrolet touring. 1919, in first--ciass running order, good looking, a bargain; for quick sale $250. Apply Box C'_' Examiner. 29-35p jmnm mu SALE-~-Cnutaini'ug 109 acres good clay Imam, good bank barn, track, I cement stabling. pig pen. roughcast house I with seven m0m.~', orchard. some bush, [ well at house uml burn. H n1'1l(-.s from ' 7()01<.~'m\vI\. $2.500 cash. h;-dance ar- ranged. Apply Mrs. J. E. Watson. 92 I `Pe_netang Sta` Bnr'rie. Box 812. 33c [FARM FOR, SALE~~1.00 acres. south hlalf FARM FOR SALE~~l00 -acres. 1..-.-. l`1..__._I 'IV.....`l_ -_L--| _:, LUMBFJR FOR SALE--25.000 feet of one- "..m-.h cull at $10 per M; one-inch com- mon hemlock. 8, 10. 12. 14- and 16 ft.; `.2 by 4 hemlock. 8, 10. 12. 14 und_16 ft.; `2 by 6, 8 and 10-inch, 10. 12. 14 and `:6 ft. W. H. Hutton. Ivy-Thornton Telephom-. Utopia P.0. 32-36p w FOUN-D--0n Louisa street. on Thursday. July 27. one large automobile tire and rim. Owner may `have same by proving propert._v and paying cost of advertise- xment. Brown & (70. V - 33! 100-ACRE FARM FOR SALE. Markham 'I`.. ..l..,... ;. ,.A...L:..-. ....L..-l .._.,I __..___-I LOST--On Saturday, Aug. 12, in the Agri- cultural Park, child's silver mug, en- graved Lam-a." Finder please return to 51 Clapperton and receive reward. 33p FOUND--Ou Penetang Road. near Church- ill. soIdier` kit hag. Owner may have same by pmving pmperty and paying. for advt. Apply Dan Taylor. Church- ill. . 32.33;; LOS'I'-~On Saturday afternoon Inst. he- `twet-n Allnndale station and Minesiyxg. hlavk club bag. letter inside nddressecl to Mrs. Hmlgntts. R.o\\'z:r(1. Nntifv C`\?r~f of Police. Barrie. or writw P. W_ War!- ? gens. Parliament Bldgs..Tomnto.A33-35p V I LOST--Sunda_v night. Aug. 13. gray side rack o truck. between Orillia and Bar- rie. Kindly return to Mt. Addison. tailor, Orillia. Reward. 33p LOST-~One spare tire. carrier. including new tire, tail-light and number plate 2-418. Finder please notify Captain Hickey. Camp Borden. 33p SHEEP LOST~'-8 Shropsbixfe ewes and 4 lambs (with long tails), about Aug. 7. Finder please notify Chas. Campbell, Holly. Ivy telephone. T 331:` LOST--In Bin-rie. Aug. 7, pearl and em erald -bar pin. Finderplease leave at Examiner office. Reward. 33c LOST`---F-riday, Aug. 4, green painted row- boat. Finder `please communicate with P. H. Pleasants, Oro post office. 33p I FOR RAI,!i]--MV.-,torcycle,T twin Indian; Chevrolov touring car. and a lot of un-'uned freight; one enameled bath basin and other toilet articles; one Shnrples `cream separator. new; one typewriter; aiso some unclaimed express. tomatoes nu. 5c 1b., 59c basket. At A. J. 'l'uck's.33p ............__j.j__._.________.___._ LOST. STRAYED OR STOI.EN-Co]lie mm n ...,....L- -14 13-..--- L_..L-__.. LOST-~Pair of spectacles, in Barrie, on Thursday last, Aug. 10. Finder please notify Mrs. James Lennox, Thornton. 33c =LOS I`-A brown sailor hat, on Tuesday. Finder please return to Examiner ofce. pnnyurJ 99* ALOST--ASmall diamond ring, {m July 23. Advise this office. Generous reward. GIRLS WANTED to be taught the work b of nursery maids. Apply with references to the Hospital for Sick Children, Tor- onto, . A ' 33-34c GOOD MAID WANTED AT ONCE-Ap-' ply American Hotel-. 29tfc_ AIIMKVI I \u.\r Inxulu lU\I uvlv-3. Dllllbll uuu lot 4. con. 8. Innisl. 1:} miles from Thornton; soil clay loam; 7_-room brick house. cistern. two wells and spring; 2 barns. 40x60 and 50x50. on foundation; cement pig-pen 20x40; also brick gwrage~ zmrl ot.her'oufhuildings; bush and or- clnml; excellent location. Easy` termc for quick sale. Apply J. D. Smith. Thornton. ' 33-38,c I'Il\;&Vl 1' \. l\ L`il`LlI.'J"I_N`ll uau I\l|' `S, U\Illv 2. Om. 4 miles from Barrie, 96 acres black clay; seven-roamed brick house. steel shiugled; barn 50x73. steel roof and fully equipped stables. _silo. driveshed. henhouse, other necessary buildings; also nine acres good hardwood bush. orchard" and garden; good natural drainage. also well underdrained. For particulars ap- ply F. H. Ball. Shanty Bay. 31-tfc . 1[EN- WE WANT REPRESENTATIVES in every city and town in Canada to sell automobile stop signals; positively pre- vents accidents; every car owner a pros- pect ; easy to sellybig profits. Write for particulate and agents proposition, Can-M adian Auto Shops, P. 0. Box 154, Niagara F ells, Ont. 25tfo uu'n\2u.n rnuvtu 1`\J1\ Dnuw. AVl.LtI'Klltull 'I`-p.. close to station. school and general ' store; brick house. bunk barn; Toronto twenty miles. good road; might exchange for good farm near Barrio. Box 8. Rural Route 2, Gormley. Ont. 32-37p :- C`-r.m_m wonx HORSE FOR SALE. choice] `I... (`L_..___I_A. _.._. YIYIII A,`_, I .'1.l\aLV.l 1`\ll\ \`l'\lJ|`.A"lUU 211'-l't'i`.. UHU Hill? from Grand Trunk. school on farm; soil. clay loam; creek through whole length ofdfarm; six acres hardwood bush; good barns and out.buildings; 10-roomed brick house; everything in splendid cond'x.`ion. Apply Mrs; Jus. Sproul, Utopia. 33-34p 4uu ; . u 1 sun 1 uu ULL D I. UuI`4J.V*'UUlll8 pup, 9 months old. Persons harboring this pup will be prosecuted. A John Vair. _Jr.- , 32.33;; ' I 1' unucl pl Reward. rams For Sale Miscellaneous T Post and ound jutomobiles "Help Wanted one mile; -33:;| 1%` DR SOLID BRDC-K HOUSE FOR SALE-Ten rooms. all conveniences, good condition. Apply` 58 Brock St., or phone 929W. 28-33p HOUSE FOR SALE-Brick-clad, 8 rooms, all conveniences, 106 Bayeld St. Pos- session inside 30 days. Apply to James Paterson on premises. 33-3A4c lal Sale. _ 33c xv 1` av r-4 . 4- IN! 1 ---Greatvalues at Brown's Remov- S0l'|JIC\ru uuv Rev. ~Wm. D. Noyes, Supt. of Chin- ese Missions in Eastern Canada, preached in St. Andrew's church last Sunday. ' n--..-n n. L1-...I. n....:,.4... ..-... ......1. 9.1 uIAuu`y a Powell & Hook, orists, are mak- ing some alterations to their Dunlop street conservatory. A new east wall is being put in, together with a new foundation of cement. BARRIE BUILDING LOTS-One hundred ..l..ll...... ......L ......L ._ .2... _. 17--.- A NUMBER OF GOOD FARMS a nd mg. L-....-.. L`-.. ....I_ .\___`_I_. .- n n 11.1 ___ O0'l'I`-AGE at Minet's Point jforVsale, four rooms. large veranda. Apply .to Bert. Walker. 54 Tiiq St.. phone 149. 27tfc I HUG. Ill lalll CUIEULU, I (JULIUS WUIU .e'I'iIes|:nIe5I:aI Hilllslill . 'MANUFACTURER-~Wzmts agents to sell guaranteed made-to-measure raincoats. Particulars free. Write at once. Glas- gow Rubber Company of Canada, 367 St. James St., Montreal, Dept. 37. 33c FOR E-4.\Mv`.--("r:1. mlwine mltt, 5-V1. 5).. `)8-in. saw. on trucks. belting uml xv,-verything com-plete. Also 40-gal. gas- nlino tank; one blacksmith anvil; 125-lb. mgo in first-clas shape. Apply A. J. H'1_ Eruighursf. Ont, T 33-35p