,. `ororderedbnetolsecntdnwn. ` , -Take a hrightnc\\'si1\'crIn1idbl1ar and 1f tossltinto the air until itha tunherl heads 9` twenty times in succession. Y u`wiJ_l.;nss ll longtmxe. l`he- chances ngain bgglqlng that thing art about; million Liane` ' ' ` {new IMIJ `_l\ hen recenllv 0` 12:32:. i les Corr! Extractor. S01 and dealers cvcrywlxer . _._ }, > mu (`Ill`ll(l[ls. k ` Auqoxmcelnent of Christlcmrch (Rcfqrmcd Episeopxl), Ilcv.'\\'i}linm H. Barnes, Rector. l, Serariccs in 1120:0112 HALI.`of he .\}1WL'lIL'R(,`ll. | Se-ralicc`-s he on.Co1.m1n-swxcm, `zml Sun lay utter Chnsb " mas, Morning subject: Sr nmuls AND colfee. or elm clate, or even tlmtbuat ofsul stitutea,` llce tea to wholly drive wine lrum Lllaeitlelmarrl, but they sl)nl1ld4'ellcuttl1nou this ptulinulur day they ought not to unduly solicit callers to drink liquor- llf V) (lfllgk nquur. mum Hm nuu xmun ~ STANZA5. , for January 1.9!. `ISM. RR r)\Iv`mhwnI In-Ha Mn v-iunin ?'(.,jT1 03, NEW lyomxf I 4 . > . ~-"-~ < _. W. I J, E `I HAT:'l'HEY ARE LIV"-BEFORE AND, I n nllnum THF Hnl mnvn I cm 1IOG_S_.- X chorus `of male wires lm beu recently 9! organized ur_1de1 Hie Iemlcrshi of the Rcctor 15 _ o'f_ChristC||urch,fore\'angelisQ,1cwork, The '1 title adopted is The Gospt-I 11' 11 cm": and T Q Evangelistic Ux;ion., T_|1e`qurtezte iscgn1- 19 posed nfthellcv. Mr,J},a1'nes, Ivasgs. B1d'cl: -1| mare. Coultcr and Moore`. ` . ' rymrnu." `Q V: V 'ou!is hefr} perlito, May perlim 5 thln polurc nidipumfsnxzk into msenb i'c:\\1nm'ml irieudrosn. ` ` IIDM I lmxjn nnt incumxnmlnrf vnu. Air." : Amriran }xoLv(,- was frightened`, beating of the Salvation Army, :1! made a wild nm alung Dunlap st lisirtntiolv ` ` . ` Dn ctl atiettlcby thlsihe 2ls_t day of Dec- euxbpl, A.D., 1835,.` ' I ` JOSEPESTOKES, ' .KmLm. "lI'1DIM I7LY-ACl "1-A , IiarrI~.'"" `!EDIM'I7LY-AT 'w, IiarrI".'6'2tf U. ` 'PF6nr:1c"I'III<: PLACE.` :xi\l|]1\) II In." I|-llll umwu' Mm sIA0`N%E%iQi%%f4W; `T73 [_.AT_'.'_ _ = c,%;dr-:,o. %BLACK4|VIORE_ S,: M '1 T Axum ` Horses are !}'igl1tcned every day tyig Arfny, 1154' N aninia! I a sfrde , \V|1cn 01 stopped. the Imam : ielloclmvaa badly but. t] "W f.` Cl;oice$As'sbrj;ment of 7C111`istJmzts Goods.` K, Evnvrrllwc ENTIRELY NEW_AND; LATEST DE ...._..1}...._.. V! "W! * V A _ `HE/ii: OFF|GE=VT0R0N_TO. 3 NHHTH A`N1ERlUAN$LlFE man now ILVLLLV uvmwxyvv/`gu .LybIJ\l/H my. n Ins/Hvvu vl/\/It nu ` ~ ` v . ` EH WILLIRMS PHOPB|ETl]H;NlJHTH SIDE DllN|.0P STREET" I yr\|`.Ir| .v-u Ivy: z;f;jt15at4.(i1'1'i\'L1*nI'1(10penc(l`out at the IIMFHD-RTE vonmsitc the S|11n111e1`satt' llama. with M1111 liuu (If I DU[0p.sTs_ vyopp0sitc the b'111n111e1`sett' 1101130, with M1111 liuu u!" y g;`{\Nc;v Goons. STATIONERY; m o `uzmmn Mnnu mm or an umnu cnunnrnnnwc RIIIIDIILQ It J|l?1I4_1uu\'\:u nun UlIClll`\I`U\|\ nu nu: Uununh Ur u,"r;|_B nu wU"[0p.sTs_0ppt)sitc the Su1n111e1`sett' llourw, V ' ' I I `. V v/ ...p-nu Anann r\'!"A'1'|/'\|IFl"\\l Army, \V1Iy`notst9p1c azouce? . an -A meqhanlc Mi said, lms put fogetlrcr `I an nppmtus\rl1i921At acertaiu houryin the momingscratchcza match Lxmlli |x(st|1ekit- ` chen re, and l:alf,au lxo_ur later nudges the 5` person who is expcctedh) net up and make cluebutfce. Suc|x`auappm.tu,iflrxxsywortlny, u `should has great con\'e'nieuce,bL1t it would 3` ` nudgethemong pegson aftcr lm\'in,v;struuk be hag! to think of anything more 9. f.=pern~ ting than `(or s. eoptrivnnce of this sort to the mnt.c1\in`vain. ' d 1 man[;rnlImlly\vill1l!xuu 0. This Qr:ul\luli|m1`u.1:u unnhlcallluUulnpally IIWY V nihc llucliug fnm} thu iuaurml x no llmrvo pm of \hu 1)jdix\ary| ru1u\inI|nu A ;nid. ,U por com ofnlll\IuI`unry Payment! will |1um.dilunl_lutl:a .)[nrtnnry F11 h I and sulx-,ly in paying loam,nml'1!0porcmIL in npcuinlUnngiugnut1v`nudlnuqu ynfl q11n\to;ly, o1['l1o th dnyn of March; -hmu. Ez'1rb|Il\ml',I\II(1J)1tcmI1!Iel'iI|Unnh\ lll`, 1 ,U[l0|`l:i)Ill0fSlMul`llI|l`y l uyn1bnla\vi|l J" Iadstllvryillliayillg10581211 nml".!0po1'cmIL InnpcuinlUnngiugnutlmndlnuqu o `u tuiinal mnco, rnL1zlivinlux)1I1xJ|);; thnao wlmsq pnliuiua nru liulrl upfurl yunra. nr :1turnvun-y\'u}'pnrg.=At Icludiviaionthopolicy-Imldcrmnyxvitlulmwll` 1 Fun], in cash, or leH| mmdin tn raducn fulum pnyun.-na. . , r `- I ethu 0mnpm\y`a'po1lcy ll ulx_ulduriuoum1u ljnllilily \v|1ntm1', as ho my I! tut any time |)yc-mixlgl IHT-(0 nuy pnymcnl falling rluu. ; ' ' A :~g1la\vuI1(ed g cvury mm.-1: uke1tud'1`mvI1nx1LIvillugoiu Uzmndn.` D In rl " . v - 711: pimulrhifo Inanrtmcu omits Lwu nutuf (ho lhru celueumqxlu`. ulnpluyml in xnu\?.'g up 1jrJI11i\IxI1cl1n:ge(l nn llxuurAliI)nryn|l]4ifu Pixm, \'iz., "llu l(w:r\`uu1' ]H\'CE||I1\'lIl {4l\!nn\t I ha ]r`:adi11gfo|'oxpuuuus, rnul iuiinply Ctllllictl to 1u|luutingt|\u curwm 0051` (W I S llh\N0]') wilhn lixcd yum}! fee furaxpmaus. It ,f lhun.'|1]muuil`nYi_n i. uhllmordjnfnrypllunglcalud fur ;,rL-I1T3r`n!im1s. ' Mnrtu.uy l`rmuiuwaf-n- `this unt nu {:4 1| :111n\turly{o1|'L|1o Bz'11{3IIl\ml',I\II(1J)ltcmI1lIel'iI|tnU)I\ 1 1mangrmllmllyxvilllllxuuu. ThisQreuluulilwrunruunnhlcalllut}-rlfunxlly I\\J\l \Jl_\J\IID\JI \-II:|I:\/In-III ( AS &`NEWYEMI CARDS, GIFTS OF ALL IUNDS. S[}||0L`0KS.SUFPL|ES m,...n,.n...M ` * ,| w l\||:'ll I atingfs; _; % AT VTrOWSer.mgs; A . ASu1r1ng"S W17. A ` - v`~.~.0vercbat1ngs,; Latestiwns and Anesigw iji ,- ` H UN, ALEX. Im\`{2!(l<)N /1`l`}, M. l .,,l Izr:sI1um', l!x~I 1`i1I1oIHinilnr uf Cnnmln. ill ON. A. MORRIS, M`. 1 . 1 },mnlJ)lINL. liLAIl{lI<}, M1,, \'1u|:-l m:a`I1.m. 1 mm IHH Lnuu U. h -`H _~r:__,.-.A_... M -_.,_ W.-;m;V;:;%sa.si~e4 ._..._.......-;......._ ` tion, hndin addition 12 the nsuulautheutic tucmnmmn vam. ~ . . ,5` -Tlxeanadizrn Almanac ft) : 1836, has just b `been issual by ;\Iessrs.;` Copy. Clank LjCo.,, Toronto; The book is full (yf gencralixforn1:L- statistics of different delxtmzms, a. militia list is pablished, and also ashortdescriptivc account of the late rebellion. This useful \ ` | ` ; ` 0 ` . I Bought |n tho Olluhpoat Markets and Sold at Exlrnonlnmry Lu\vI rIacs. --*_...____ ` ' M T ` 5 il.lV.VDEPOS|T WITI-I DOMINION GOVERNMENT .I%1\]:.%3%i{owmvs~-Bmoam \ ` r 1'nss nooks. lilunk llnolcs iv`. .-|I luiw.sat.I'u:lc<-.s'u- .=......_...;..__...? __ __ _ ' \Vlh_l1L|_Nl *l1{0.lBl}. n`I_nmu_?Iim.Inz-ccmn::, T01" _' } _,` \ `|?I`l - l|II9|0IIJ1zounoI;-M ` n - I ~ ' . . c gu3n.\11:1m1Ju.1-IANiwim: 1ssuJ|:.\Nur,}j' .-..._..o.-... .-..... . _ MR. w. B. /BA?|K|E ' ; -ma JUST om-1:1) 0`uu'_- In-iglnened every day by this cynzy` s'iel1ock,waa but. t nnjsanct~-tI1e strget p:mde_ of the Salvafiuu Wllylnotstvopit azouce? ' mechanlc said, put fozetlrcr in. %wrL:AMVsqVf*V ~ ;u:\v .s"roc1< 01+ A GEORGE BLVACIHKMORE. 2 _ NEW The Larhst and ,0heap\est%. ;_g stock iI11`.'..BaJI`I'i6, `. nccauit of uefxul 9?` nhnanac may be pbtained at-ail bookscllera 3 I and atntiuners stores. j1 ricL-_ 1 ts. Mr. ,UHH|$ TW\3 f-*7 %fR0ER!ES.j my w I KUUU. , Q UOFFINS AND 0ASCETS 0FALLKI,NV _ h 'inStockor.V\In Order.` ' ` g I III DIUCKOX` MING IQ Ul`d0| - ` [ R%0B1ss,V OlAPE Am n"Wnnnrn1:":-r;\viuHnvW|\I-nidu-:1 . 1i`UI).l'hH.!,' (J11/11 .l`l,`.4' And n1l`FnnernIRcr'u1isite Furnished. l Orders by telegraph or ut erwiaofpromplly |nHondcd_to.:W _ - v ' = | , 7G,. 0, D0L1IA,(}b',Mn11ngor, Strand L -- IS ,AT- .. `U; UUIIUUL |JU|lI\U|\lUl I'I.Iw ._"lL"- 3.T_"""% TMY9, Ullllf and M0018: -A horse ownbd );y_1SIrh V` frightened `1ir 1 . W` `Vi: