Barrie Examiner, 6 Dec 1883, p. 2

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\ 4Qle:~:q~,IitYx the Viie aid Mackey. -wir own `selsh _ V V lwlm volml.nga1ust Qwjge _inporpoxaMo1I In. the Oulnrlu Le- g|;lmx[re. Ty, [ufumfnlakes straluqgle e um cw Js romnow \\-1._, `5$t1x:`\vl1qt'n?Lfy be the outcome #1 all thisbillmg And coning bum M95511. Wylie, Muukey,n11d Lou,;. but ftrikca 1m3'c;;'_fam1hl)' that ])r.\\'3 liz- I loseuf'1c_pol|on lln: lhh -` H1 of the uh] s.n\' to not :11 palm QM: ?au- - I H.111!!! ncu,.......,..., I, ~-.--_- .:J,,l `u play phcro! um Advinca is Why He ndstlungn _ .x.:I::o..m. I)r.\\"\`lic {I I .._-__..._... To-m\"s issucoi Hm lucul Wylie mg n tcllsus in one column than the Hon, 3 r, Crooks has heen 1-cm Lg) an asylum, n d P in another, llmt Mr. Cruuke has slepp :1 a ovur the pulitical lence nml will supp rl Mr. Meredith. There is esomct||ingwo1- -`3 rlelfully in unison between thu two am e- Mr. Men). 11. rsomcunng wo delfully mtuls. ': ' . I \In. 1 u|:u-s is aknuwn and. pmv d " Refonuer of suchsulid znnlsubstcmlnl \ _ Wqunlilies that 1115 mune dispels all doubt " vr tllwmniuly as to the wisdom 0! Ju- le l(UL'iliflL;llil|l with tlmvrelvrescxntatiou 'of '_ ' Wzsl Simone. We count with rnasoxmblu P the Riding on t n/n`nhvI\.' nu hie :- 1 AWOOI) Inspector ismlvocaled byo r J ory c )[lIc!Il[lIlIl y. Inlhu cvnntnf tlu V pllointxnunt, we stlggust tlmt the oici 1 xzmmence on the luaml of the editor f K` B.m.cry may nnw resign its-:1E \u its fa e.- 'l'lmtit \vi1llmG.\zeltex1o1xLof .: exislencre is inuvihblc-. Hut Uxdrui n 1` water dread than the intm-ference oi the ` Battery cnuhl uccnsiun; it isthc presence ` `Siumcue. Ahmuuuf n=p1`I.-serutnlivrsa flftmx the:0lla\vn Government me in the Riding "scattering the chink." Their um `um has been taken, nnd thv.-it operations um wcnclrd, however, nnd what they do vill be duly tuknn hum of. ; _;7f gold and silver cunnomlding in \\"ca|. j 5 0'Dn\' ,tImaluyer oE`Cnrc) them- Y fomm Iu he Phanix Park n\uru\ers,;lnuu H ix been uied, found guillyind sentellcml t b to be lmngml on tlm 17th inst. \ nr[opx 1 sorts l7{dL'fBlIIJ(!\VcIG u1fm`uLl,-insunil.y, v :5 self-dzfencnvnlnd American uilimxusluip; If ..o H". n\'ixlPnr`.(! broke dawn all tlmso . __._.._.___. Tm: Collingwoml Bmcryllas mfllaud la inn: in behalf of D1`. \Vyl1u`s'caII- ft lim]ut\Ixu1u \\'e.~t Silnt.-nu` The Culling-` {I .m.,I1hm~rrnmvnnwresign 3 :1E it Every trulf loyal elector, eipechlj ally those who havethe into:-eat ~. of Ontario at heart, will support Mr. Phelps. F none. msoxmblu xly um his tll'I')"|l|:, Ruling hr H11) in sh ` I I the slayer oE`Cnrc) the in in the n\ur\\ers,;l|u4 fun sh ,.uw.- 3 ll-1cy,:m\d\V'm. xlrmsll/Evnlg, as calxnlldaics, As usual. the principal light will bs for the Ist Deputy-Reevcslxip. l 9 Deputy-lleevesliip. Oh the evening of Friday lnstth: memlsera of Churchill L0.L.. and othe irie sol Henry Sloiri, Esq., Cellectqf township of Innislil, entertninetl _ nnayster `supper in the Orange `Hull fthntvillnge. Thuhnllwas well llc ` n goodly numberof ladies being nnijgtlieguests. Aitornnrplc justice oilhe `As ulaunl. principal light \Vlll us in hard can done to the vinmls, the Chair- um ClmiL1 nlliug,]isq., District Mzuter, inn ruraw-:1 the feast for the inner mun b byacepitel speech, when "The Queen" 5' we: nthusinstienlly toasted" in hut ten Pl en ullee. Thetoastvf "Our Guest," `E wqlsirnilnrly honored; and in iuhlition `1liA1u Edgar, ` Deputy-District 1 MIL mzxrmm. Th lender nf tho Oppoaifmxxiha other dny t Bmiu nddreancd n puh|iuI1IuuliI'g nHh aleclurs them nubmhlad, nmltlm n V Mnilhruporln him as nnyin; l)u"Lti}lbc- 5 Hum! that the licnnait power 1 w'Lh . _ .. .. ., _, unilarly anlditmn Edgar, }:hq.,` Tater, renal and presented to Mr. 'h_i'h that gentleman mada as-ailable um e\'er,'malu by 1Inu;;htan Lennox, ., in response to the Local Legisla- The meeting was also addressed s`rs, II. I .d\van1a, Donaldson (Toron- Alex. Edgar, Rev. Mr. Murphy, and La highly conlplixncmrny address, to - The speech of the evening was, I >1 rs. A very ;.leasant evening was 1 l Lhe Each] I.L-gislatVuVru,".HM|:. bI.~wdii|| Anal 5 tlm Liberals ura one an that [miz|l,bul : gig his _ qld E9 (I1:-_1\In\mz Gmm . .. H u! -n why duu L`lhu leudar of thu 0ppnsili4_m I I lgnr, Re}. null ` I Furye ul, 1 Brigh|l'_a I cues of the most furmiulshla nml chronic characters have beun cured by Holloway`: remedies. Ulcersliuns Irhich he proved ihemlaivcsyucumblu by nny known Incnns have lnmle Vlriudly under lnll purilyinu the regenerating inuence of this excellent Ointment. Spuins, stilfjoinls, contrseted muscles, and glandular swellings an be most safely and elleetuslly hcslcd by Hal low:y`s Ointment snd Pills, which can du no lnrm under any circumstances. Neither of then nsediesmentslmve nnything delu- leriuus in its composition; both an essen- tially purilyiug and strengthening in their nsiure. The combined power of ihusu nohlo remedies enublo them successfully tu copu with most descriptions of impurities. und to cure, or at least rcliere, most vari- eties ul disuunes. , vim. Qunsrrous 11 ` Ask line most eminent physician Of any school, what is the best thing in this world for quiuting and sllsying nil ini- lalion ol the nervous and curing all forms of nervous complnillls. giving unturnl, Silver ML um, Cruetr, Cake 1) asK'l~> , Spoon 1Ir;l 1aI1c and '-Imert Knives and 1v'orl:9, TAT ROBT. DOUGLAS . The Jeweler. Bnlhwellnloclu BARBIE childlike refreshing sleep ulwnysl \ . .: .:.... mm ml vnu nnlncsitntinxgly Tim Fnc`t.s'lInpIe1-.0ue ood. Du. Wmz uygd hi3 friends me can- duclinglne election campaign in tha most lreaclnvrom andginderhail possible In Ncttawasngu they me win mnnm-r. ABK any u. In ' aiciann: I " What is the but and only remedy that an be mliad qh to cure all diacuc: of the. kidney: and urinauy organs such an ' " - A - mm nr 1 ilimbilil-y 2; mafia urine, nud nllluo un- ; mm nnd ailment: pecular to women"- nnd may will tell you explicily and 1.. un...I... " m..u.... ._ . , women"- emphu(ically"Buchu." Ask the: ammo physicians What is the most ruliahlu and aurut for all liver diseases or dyapopiin; cunulipm 1' lion, indigestion, billioumeaa, nlnrin1fnv- -..n .m... mun .. , Hence, whnn them nnxedlu: MD con y 4 L bined with ulhm equally valuable , Ann! cnmpoundud into Hop l3itlora,aucl1 ` I wnndurlnl and mysterious curative power 1 D in developed which iuo varied in its opera- 9 tlonu than no dilum or ill hualth can pannlblu ellat or resin. its power, and yo! n in Harmless for the molt frnil woman,mmk- eat lnvnlul ur xmalleat child to me: 1. ll I M... , unou In the pulyiic on ilunday nxt. Fumily nnd Single Tickets may bu haul at I; Muam. Scam nml Mann : lmululum, and ; 9. nl lhu Rink, - lIA'/ALETT BROS. 1: Lnmas. (9-1 I l I n I +0WN HALL, BARRIE. Monday Evniug. December 101.11. .u.....uv n, mnInrin1fnv- ' nud (hwy will tell you: r Dandelion! 2 Latd[e.x 4' A S` 3 S w ` 4) .5`, L/zaz'na,and ne :1 Gold JrzueIez'3/ of all /rind-9, i .l)z'amonzl Rizzgs, -, WeJzIin{/ 1in_r/.5`; Gem Rings`. 1 Dicmzontl Lccl'ct`.v, ,. in` M /,,. .k'/,1. " Jlltllllt/my JALuu.~ . Silver Ymbm, :1 jiaslm, *3 LL, Earl * b mu! uloetlreaclmoiisandynuernanu yu:m.. a manner. In n culatiug an anonymous lying and scurril- lons sheclatntinwhntM1-,I l1elps is nn 1- Orangernun, am} {lint he is pledged to `H oppose Omqge Incorpultion. In 1"lo.=,lUl l1o'w Wylie and his fnemls me M` nnimnu Mr. Plielps an an Orange lzigut, ` - - - - ....: _\WEST SINIGUE ELEGTf3N._ ` TD ms rm AND mnmuozur mo? \ ms or THE WEST RIDING or VSIMDIJE: u I r 1 >t Int, Ilml the honor of being elcctedby you as A {it nnd proper ponon to rcpn-sent I |' your interest: in Um Local Legiulnturu nf h 1, thin Province, but by reaaun of an irregu- ,. m laxity committed by an nllnged agent, and at k. which was supposed to havu iuuanccnl the result of mo elrction, the mm min been du- Iznuvu ' nguin [>l\Ix;guz\ intolhu mnncni! nml c-xpcenw IV! I Knvn m. l-nnw- 1 VAudtl1o fth ml. of (In thu Cnunly In` Simeon, IIUTIISUIIILD llR0 l`[l 15, D]I:ul`.|\.u\uA..`....... All the Right. Title, lnturm nml Equity l. u! Ruulullupliull nf lhu nhuvu munud Du-MnI_ ant, in und in tho {u|lnwiu,( Imma, to wit ? I. MuDER!\I0 l"l`, , . , . . . . . . .,I}.7vmlu-nl l Andtlxo (In: Cuumy Cuurl 0! C:1\Ix|lyr:Si||1eoo! -` -" m'n,1. and l hiiivtver, D: ind Mmim pzmng i W Both assertions are wickediy Iui.~'e.. Mr` De} 'I help as is well-known, is no bigut in W 1` _ z-ithzr politics or religion; and is the {Vary last man to make suchd promise in re- *fnn'r.'c fo,Omngo Incorporation, as that` T" uisencd to have been made b_v.liim,l)y Dr. Wglio and hiaiyiu cuizvusshrs; and ' Mx, ,P1ic-ips has authorized us to give tlxei `Vd ' smementan unquaiilicd denial. Tllwie - S f`-` a uhlfwuauwuw : This season is quite SUPERIOR to anything we have ever Shela before, a.n6.t1m.`o is swing a. gaod. am No 1a,6.yV/Awuxitld. be 6.oingherse1f justioowero she tn.BUY A DRESS ANY WHERE till she has seen our Stacli. The vory boat judges in town place our assortment AT THE HEAD 0`F THE_LlT. % ill). P. am I STRONG &7 New VeVeteeilLs;e:od Ploshes New Dress Goods and Silks New Ulslers and Mantle Cloth 3; New Hosiery and Gloves - ;New Mantles and Ulsters ` ,;NewlMi11inery 5 N . New-Feathers and Flowers `: New Suits and Overcoafcs 5 New Carpets Oil Cloths and Cumin. ` PRICES CLOSE FOR CASH OR PIIODUGELE COME AND SEE . .........___-._....__._._.__.._ DREs AN_D ,._a}mTLE MAKING, .. w:1:....A. f`1ncse1 `f\f|'a.nimnmAnt. DREsgopD D"QU`5lBnF ,uuuuv.. . .__._ , in all i :_;`Bmnc]1es, u;n.c'ter First-Glass 1\2Ie.nVe.gement. H` 7 7 1 L...--. Remember our 1 ' men. ho\vcver,'\_vho are so busily s I ihg Mr. lzhclps to both Orangumeu and; ' (_}nthu1ic:, nre precisely the men \vhunreI _ thui\s_elves rcsorting_jm every dirty stmtf ' Mom to capture H1uCmnge and Green nut statement an unqua florized giveylhe; V licd Tl|wery- ldlxdcr-3 A B 11 we ask is, when you are buying White or Grey LANKETS, to compare our Goods and Prices with what you may see in any other Store in Barrie. Remember that Blankets are down. NHIC U11. UlUl1U.D (Mitt Uux luc PRODUCE.` pun-auugw 1)LEAgf13 cm111.1u32 THE ONE-PRICE, HOUSE. C1?mIl"1`()N RYAN 1' NEW S` `Ob'`.. MB. ' `icvru- PRUDUUJJ-j Uunun mm nu... .... S'.ER01`TG_ 85 IDONN ELL. K Dirac!" llI11lIll`ll`. ?. EDWARDS OLD STAND, ` -' ugcnfto ca; thuixselves resortillg X0 strut; J" mm: Jute D:. \Vylie. who in promim.-m. 1 Onmzexnnu, nnd Mr. Muckoy, Oran-,;e` :1 111, V `btblun US- DONNELL: FALL Ann Wi;1ierSuilings_nd vercnalings 1 - . mlnonxnc mmsn; Am] Wc||-Madu and Trlmmod" lhniv, .\'u\'. l6,_lbb3. .Nv'olI(')\VlNG- A. Mccmum 0 -THE OLD ESTABLISHED- A MUCRAE C0-x hldnluuulnlu 'I'u|lm' null (`lull1ler. .. .....;A In Ha- D:..\Vylie. in pronnm.-m. I'- Onngexnnu, Orange Cgunty Music: In North Simcqmlul Mr,`\e discarded ex M.P.P. for Wcsi Bijncoe, have been canvassing ` the Cuthf 1 alias of Ncmuvnsnga, Stuyncr,Sunnidu[c and E109, togener, to bring: them in!` line on the Hth inst. Thnngh, how I thev can gheokitsurpriscs us his nix I .. . , 1` M (W01) 1!`l'll`lNG GA l{Ml*Ii` MI I: gzlul In we n1lu\y:n'.dmIrlonu' u|l}'1`.A.\ (mmnnI]I[1I|-qnhl [l ,... , , 3' pin the aelfeume Long that they u iplmul no conbexnptuously only n few ex] !`ll10;_lnD_I\Lh6 ago; when, furpnrly ]m'- n poies ohly, he, in :1 sun 0! lmlf-`lmurled n _r,_\m y ccededlotllairnzquesl. And, fur su ` partaione: the kicked-uut ex-,\I.l`.P. h g. qmolhfred his antipathy to the men who y ' -wlh ellexim to _resign,:md Omnge Bros. '1 W is pluci::g_ party, and iron `gelsh ds befuw niucipln, He nds tlxngnes Im- ' Ibiliity go Dr. Wylie This

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