,_V, J 5 l'l\vl_\' t1v1'll}: Wlnlloa nl' 1114' Season l4nrriv, Midluml nml (irn\'enl1unf. urlh b l.'.'.'.: _ 613. -, wurtu $1. "I, \\'Inl`\|1$).71')_ 7!. .`1`>0 buy shouhi come Aecuramy ; 1 gm .... -spIeng1sa stohk o:-' , Toilet Articles" Jm! Arrived. \_ ` 1! il with velry great pleuure we make 3.. ....mumment to our reader: that the V @112 `Gxnminer, I Vlumnnuclylsowcver, nu liberty cm on Le maintained by ewrnalvigilaxu-w,_1i innuets nmstwoik with n\vi1}o d_ri l.c-;nmntnir;ed 1:yewnm1vigilax1u-,`1(e- W iunuexs will! drive 1 lmk the mud enemy oiCnufuLlcmliun. '1 must work n will to LIHVG grand of Confederation). The Dmuinion Tory Cuzvenrrirent has, M ilw {Hnbe truly says, as.snileiitlir.te1'ri- loriul rights of our Province. A country [.;I .|ie1 in aim than Great Britain, rich in iniucr.xl- and timber, declarenl tn be our: iiy thr unanimous award of cainpetent nr lnizmlnrs, is withheld {min us contrary in 1-mwriricipleof right and justice and 1-\rr_\'I1rincipI.e0f riglntnnd a national honor. The right of lucal self- g ;,nwemmcnt, home rule, secured to us as i H . \r:- lml fondly by Confedemtion, ,,.. .: nu g->ven1mcnL, rwnw Iun:, auwuuu .. .. ,.. . -\r:- fonrll hoped a is lluenlx.-nml y high handed acts of Ec- c Iltml nszxreesioxl. Today it is 11m denial liy liiglx lmnrlcll of Fe- nggreesioii. lenial 4-! (lie right of legislation on nmtters exv nlusivcly within `our jurisdiction. To- mumnr it Linen/ensta be the seizure ol Ilia right of ndminiatmtion of `other mm- ters lull by Ilia Constitution within our runlrul. It continued, nslarclmmher |.l (mums will be lubstitutul (or the wicu ml the people; n lcgisIn_ti\`c will Moi: take the place ol 3 federal Union. In. SUl.'l| question: every imlepemlent ml:-u-tor, every man who planes` his Pro- viurc l)(.`fUlGlll! pAr1y,iu fountlwltliin mir ranks. At such limrs nnxl on such . mm Iedlclnes. .Dye Stuff, ' palms. Choice l crfumes.l`omhs ` _BrIIhes. Toilet soaps. ` jthing (hum munlly him in A n!- `elm Drug slure. I u" nepxi2vc,.0|Il ' "~,~,1va|a,aunk ye wpqaillou :-Elie --l,,mg~`ml, under chnwilianulluw [own conkers, mu es the {allowing melting lmdayingln Emu-_ sautenw of death, a by cutting lulu throat` shell nml such 2u.Ill4:n', us well as those of domestic con- wxn, it is wi:2, it is expedient, it is nu~ cv Iv, that the position of the grunt Li- M1,: party of Ontario should be lywught M pmmineully as possihle` before the Imldiuul the Prniillce nnd`ol l|1eI)u- minion. Thin will be 10113 Ivy the Liberal (Iunvuutimmln1u1o11eIl by the Hmmmbln Mr. Mowat ntthe begilnuin-_4 9! the nu-xv Mr. zwwnu -.. yn , , ll wuuhl he nswa-11,100, fur the Ru- iurunenxof Westhncoe tu,ns ihvcn-, kill two birds with out: alone, ggwl M the y~uum.= lime they elect duhzgnles to mu-ml the Convention at TI)1'nnw,eleuL Tab le- I*:,`,;`.AlL`$ to alfend the`Cunvcntian--\vh?ch rhunl-l he held as soon as possihh: after ' 11: nm: in Torantn-lo select the Refrmu ., lus`xJ the`Cunvcntian--\vh?ch mxulnnlbenrur lot this mI1sliuu \\'--rt. Bimcnc is Itpxjcaerxl xuisrepmseulexl lry Mr. T1103. Lmg. Make it frmu inln Il..- lb-(urn: nnks,hy electing Um (ullower I {Sir Juhn u lm,u;lnnnn'lo my .1! home, I.nl his phatu he fallml by a man willing mud uhln-mnmim.:1inhu1', righla, by lmlh ml, aml,s[n'ech, in lhe'T|'UVix1ci:Il I.egi.~- lunrc. He up and d0I'x1g,`HcfurInL*ra uf Siumoe, for the time is lipe fur nt- liun. Quit you, then, Iilurmen, and vic- I:-ry is nsanred. > Spulxsu M the auicido, in I5\w:w- Lug; juil, of Hiulmrlls lhe murderer, whn ) .y undnr emh.fnco'dl dmlywithout hope .4" .m;m,,ou; [own conkers, lh'o my -wnuwlill '5: we duy III `Elm nu Pruwiytil: Carefulliy mu? Aaurakly Prepared, _ -.. ._-_.__ A nevulunz Proponlon. ___.. Sfowas, Premner ox me nxr I moned A Liberal Conven- ` .u :. Tmnntn. an the 3K1 ": Hyu'n'aIu' 1 be Kelonn p g 1 Convention mgeihkr. done nrior to last June, or uuum, gallon vkrtlsu pw_m'u:g 9.! hu 9 1 `J ADVOCATE 1 ----,---- : -' lll|`E is nol thl slm-lo\,V' Oli Vi`le ll l lxo\l'e\'m'. l-'2" "' . tou1pliclt_\' on the part of `II)'_ `fulll 1` ` ll lmullll "nppc.n`s to us lo.mnl:e vale` l|l..le llxllcl; CLIP; at `E, c~nuc\\'l1ell1er Ihclmds 11131 by 1115 on my Mjm "lmml orl\_v l1m`oft_he `l!l"`l:l l"`l=" I llotlning H prove man. Having m v1e\\'tl1pa\w'f\1l scene`: .,#_ frequently enaclenllluouglx the C(1l'1`l`S1` REFORM! 1 ms: orclumsincas of llxclnnngmam '9 impmm] uni.` "would mlvocale plac7.1|gnll the xl mm M the We of ever\'nri5l1` 0 the d ' `mu forn1er;un`.illed ll .=of!?`Y 1"1nn1L'l_\- condemingllxc c rele `5~L_hI: S_\\'e:-Mu.xr;.; g.1o1oFcin?ls, we think -`\\`rougl_\'. Alvnrl from glxe {ncHlmL P`; ` "theres_no(tl1uslmn!o\y oil cvidexxgc vi? In tou1ul1c1t\` `ny oflicli 7` ding another and irrepnmhie hurriert-J toprepare to meet the Great Judge. If member` toe, ilU\\` ninny murders nre b t 5` (he outcome of vioient passinn, or drink, and then the repentance, true and genu-i ` ine,of erenn murderer is not hopeless, 51 even from n hurnnn standpoint. The hi Advance SE} 4, however, in eifeet, to G9- vem nts,1':rere is no hope for n murderer bayou" the grave. therefore supply him with lheinenns nnd opp'orLunily`ef ed- his becoming a changed man hefere meet- ing his God. But why rrait till the night prior to the execution heiere sup- plying a miserable wretch `with the inmns of ending his career on earth? If,as ' - ~ .. rut. l"J'D - says [hp Advance by brief epauve cull life-is then, like a lnutc he dies, cumlemnntion he makes aw imp If, as licalion, this man's all, and the sooner alter nywillx l1im- : 8 G 0 ll then, alter comleninntion away with sel! the better, for he will dread 0` nn impen will he saved the expense 0 of putting him to tluath. he spam] the ding doom, and society f his keep and The matter of reprieve cuiialmys he settlul in short time, if necess and then let the nation ing mlyaunty lo! almub , t\\'umy-ve `pers0n'~; 8 cast, wllh the ground `r ml the smmturo on which it stmuls, abou't 84,000, nl;out$3,000 of \\']1ich has already bran raismi. In (In: morning tlm Rev. Mr. McGm;,/ur, o{ Toronto, who, by may ri` ,, r. house, - ii! the linsexnerit from lliu 15th nnd 16thi\'arseso( the `lrrdelinpter of Pliiliippiuns, In the evening the church was iilI3|`:|ii_Vl31'.|Il|lIll3d, uren_\j not being able to gain ndinittunue, and the Rev, Mr. McGre;,Ier' delivered n nmsleriy discourse {ruin the lvith verse of the Gllr ehuptur of Galatians. Monday evening fullmvirig an excellent tea was provided and served by the Indies of the congregation, to which iJL`l\VL`0Il three and four hundred persons Sdi, duwn Ten over ' Judge Ard-ugh presided at the iIli(:ii4'CluL|i fem pmvidedmhen appropriate urldresses were delivered by His Honor rind rev d., Messrs. Mei`-reggor, \\'right nnd Iiindlny. The church uhoir also eonlr-ilmled its quoln 1/1 the enjoy.ihl::nuH ni `Jlu uvuninu; and n duet by .\I Jus. Ilernlersonuinl Mr. G. B. Meesluwe was loudly and de- servedly errcerrul, 01 the follo\\'in;; eveninpjci free L 1 riven to inl:-.nding H` On the ' X[unn\' L following evcningd 12.1 n'". rivclxloilxlu-.1nli1ug sclmlura nf the . -3`. Lu lie opened on Sunday nmx-r.n`. m.{t. The members and friunds of this Church are to be con- gratulated on Ilu: gtnnplute success '1!tenrl ing lhir opening scn`icc.v, which were of an exceedingly interesting uml 1uo[Hal>le chnrncler. Ci THE Town Council was in session on Monday night list. Present, the Mnynr, Reeve, lst nnd 2nd Deputy-Reeves, and Councilmen Pcnrcy, Bram), Cultlwell, King and )[cI(ny. Amongst Ll1er/munn- mtiuna and netilions presenlml nnd rend, 1 Kingiud AmongstLnemmmu- ` I. cations petitions nndreud, ` um: mw (mm Col. O'Brien, .\I, 1 ., who ` . presenluu mm mm, l was am: from " was honored with new an lluu .\Iuyor s H left, asking for the use of the nnuory room in the 35th ILHL, lixnnl to pruclicu :~ in during tl1c\\'ix1le1'su.Nm, an the Ihill i SIl(K1\\':1SlDOL`u]\lfuI1Iml1nl1|'pu:', The I m.o:mm um nmnlwl. Ur, J. W. Mor- one of nnrI :o\'iuui:ul cIn1rt.~' lhu otnnr A day. Aynnn,v,Iumn was Iliwl my an in I diclmcnt accusing him of \v1'il[ng over Hm ` \ n me of J. Taylor, on a leaf tnyn {mm ` I hi: aislerk n1hum.u prmnisn 'opny$:200(), ` s Ilcascnpenl runiahlnvmthyu1au|n)imlily, x but he In: }ur|1is|u.-Ilu wmnin rt` 100110 ,1 . h_l I whom loo randy Lo-wnta ll|Ell`nI1ll)C! "I i27u7t`lw {ma {urnis|u.-ll u xvmninglo pcnplc A ` whom too rnmlyw-wnita their names!` ` on blank uetsof papal`; E :51- Tayvn Council Procecdlnms. A I `Aconvirf. in one at me mnu-,um..ua [ prisunc, `lug hi: 0\\i,nherv'x.1`.;ix1g n fl ivmyer, the other day, a'..J the use t L`\ 3 cum} J3 nprooluf the clT1c.\c_V of 13 pr.\_\'rr. The charmlms Ixocvn CV |\1~:`.ed, V Hxoxvev hyllv- yu';`:`l`E ox theprkuuer. ` ` hm ` A convirf. in of the L'ni1m`nSL1fcs nrisnnc. \1ll 1]|i3 . unn .1 lluy Dana. .. ` w. T- annuals. co, u. 2. vmuu. Muuiger V e nuw mu mgnu u n mu 5 N lnium,_anzl tho remurll, 5` g00d1ivhin3drive; him HsLvn4_lzf xmluhing us u Iuglhlul lrmuu r,`xlmul\1, hul nmnrlml ull' Wllh lhelud .. I Nmv [ha siaht 4:! u fiah llnsehhll _ yhlmuld, , -, Nuw the sight upu , luium, and mod lfahinn drivel him Ahoul. :\ week 01' ten days .1__u) :~. 1?, after mking frux11)o1ta\m.<.1g\took some you . ulav. use, 5 `nor Iuarkct \\'l|iL-hlm . 1w] fr: u ; - . ` , . ` e 8! nor '~:n1`] fr_\1' gm] f price mu\\vcntnbm1t his 1uL=iue~:. It ., was shnxtly after disC0\'crezltl1:\t n muu- I r. bur uf '.m,;e im11harm\\'tuclh 1x.`. Mt-n ; rune:-alexl in Ihethlml of the` gunrdxuu ulnmh pupil n1\]ninnri`lrawi|Iq." I` `J. In thu nnbjratn Englilh Lilarntuyu pruunrihud hy thu Urdur in Council of thv M 91:! :1 March lust, (lu(rIsnII'Nn : "7'rru':llcr" nr "I0!u7'nu'on"nmy be um! by any pu il iuth HI; Suhapln or cnnndnluttlm - pu n5_linun in Jnfly nm,` at D u is 1. iur cnmdnlu It tlm du- xslinuu July 3: may aelaul. I Jan agn [;ir:;L;IgIng;jznI14, ml.-rlllan xv. nil 1; mun Jnuu Inu u v nu) . N/A454 -.v.... ,,. ';Men's and Boys Ovrcoats, _ 1 Mens and Boys` Ulsterb T M ` Men's, Boys and (}hi1dren'sSuits. \ Men's Waterproof Goats A ' 1 ' Men's Over: "izin comm smcor: A `Reform Convention. 3 i e A \ _.. ...\... SE_E3!AL VALU;lI|VTE-I`$ SHIRTS & DRAWERS J. l...... L1-A Gma Stock pf scowcm, Exnxsn &cAN.A.n:AN Tweade, v.\..no...1.; I'e....ml:-lmlnsnuul m"~`l(llI\` In lhn'01'4|i'l' liunnrllnunt. . .u............ -.-___-, , \ , `I\Iu1's Bul1".1lo and P91141111L:unh0\'cx'co.xt~n_ BlllhxlumnlJ:11>:u1vsuUn:n.Rolws; Mpn s I e1`siau lamb, 1` Astrnclmn, Bn-:u'er nnd Foul Cups, etc. ;. U ` . lCent]en1en in sonrch ofReli;\h1u Goods at .\Iudu1':1lc l 1'icci, should go direct to the Unicorn Store. - 4. A 1--- A n I A . Giothing Tailoring, 3", Sign of the `Unicorn, Barrie. I W) , -lZVUIInw-w-xv? w --.-'-_. V TO-CHOOSE ERQM: 3 JEGRAND VALUE CROMPTON & RYAN 7 ReaJd.y-1V1\a UI I-\IlI"lL- I-rlluvha II` nu-nu up `vi -um . V ... All Sizes and Prices in Men} White Dress Shirts purchased direct from the L manufactu: era, JUST OPENED OUT. IE). TIES, SCARFS, -COLLARS, (SUI-`I75, HOSlF.R\ ,clc. the announcement re green pleuure we mun: b adels Hon. Oliver Mownz, Premier of the PK d mm M} N aLibem1Conven- 1} ji-We have`; & Ohi1d.1*en a School Shoes \ I 1.. |..m almnl lmmA an pin` In ' We are Marking- . /\'l (\ Goods lower than ever, as we are to sell profit or no profit- ` n.... `I 1) . .*..4u_.`....y. um-Il.. ".3 `W , Sn is the .`~'x-nsun |h1n\'vllhIy_;llu.la, mu] nu in l`\' 4 1; And :1! UNIV };s~P;REP/ARE TO um EI1v.vllslL\\'0rstc llromlcmunsxuun um-.~'mus In nu: U_m1r1' IIu|nII:uuI:m- SUITS MADE` TO ORDER! BUUUJ8 W. |Jvv.I.vnn I-Iu' mu-nu-n w ya--u---_---. . EI1v.vllsl|j\\'0rstc Broxulclnllis nml |M(`.~`k|ll In Il1c'()_!1-4101' l|opnIrlIuunt_. _. rv-r'r'rfI'1!"l '1\Il'II hm. mm f\D`n]D MAMMOTH sHoTz ESTABLISHMENT. II 1ul1n;:\':'1`y hm . I Lil es. e mu. Uuvu an vinoe,has Em. to be he} --'LIFE ~`~~-'3oQ LADIES AND M|!SSES'- l\h-us mun: 1.4 I$rr)'~" S-lid in "u mm-n'.s (HI (Min lhlllulw VUIIIPIIIS llil (huxill lhlnumu 'umm1'.~.()i| Hmill l.nm I55 I-n':< Foil] Lt'ull|v1~."\m_ru-, n-I1 : .*'uli:l |.(':|||I4`|` [\'i|>~<` .\-<' Hulid lulfllvt` H` -401 mm, 1: W1` rm wr 1'1m<::m. .~'u.m-: one _ NOW 5[IO\\'l.\'G A \'lil{\' FULL STOCK OF- ] K ~' |AIIl`K\\ l`lX,`\\4 In.'|l\1ngn-xlxlln-~ (1110M1>N '|' ]Iri-<~ 1'|' Iinoe,hns Inonea 2 um... \I\ E061, to held in Toronto, t} dunk nl Janum next, in order JOH ` rl|u`| Hun! rm-4| uni I!.`..v.- vll A SI-IO'B'~I`,-- .`-(EN-u& fn7A;N. }sHow "I\'I'I'y4I1n- wlm Inns Slvytrcw h I" L{wd~ ulul ulll` pl-in-:1. uv n 1 ----v. ........ . , 1ll1u|h~lnm,1{ l|HllSl|I'll1\?-IIUI3 tlmnfu sell i|hu `L (`.\1|'Jl ilnrlm-1-1m-1:I.~ In ]illl'\1lfHl5IB. Es. STRONG. proot uoats- Men's Overalls, Smacks. ow. %uN:oosN. * Apertinently'mys: leturrued to power, and tho elector: xe- Iuse-lto vote in the dark, and who can lrlnme them! However, the pastime- yond recall. A Reform Convention is now named for tho above date; and it nnlyremaipe Lorthe Refonncrs in this, nnd every other section of Ontario, to take the necessary steps to elect delegates I.hereto,nnd it isearncstly to he desired that lhey\\'il.l enter upon the task with ulmityand despalch, for, as. the Globe The voice of a united p:un_v,elmnld sometimes be heard, as well as llsdeeds fell, in order to muphalsize principle, rouse enthusiasm, and render I uuosessadouhlysure. Suchntnneinour history in the present." The Tones,ns is well-known, held I Convention lately, nt which theydecided that Muwat must go. The hywlectionselnmedclenrly, _ huumver, that the people do not heed (his mlselers howl, hut insist that he shall con- tinue to carry on the Government. Never` xheless Belormus shonhl mncmhe th