Barrie Examiner, 18 May 1922, p. 6

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I St. John's ('h'1r<:} "two o'clock on tho- day, May 3. w:n~ 111 Of ::1`N.`l daughter of MR`. IC Wmlery Burt Tudhw `Wm- ncu-uunn ur-..- v `rinse in cold wan- 'wIt:h hot soda and .` Dry celery loux-If add salt and you inexpensive cvlery .< V Care of th Empty the gnrhu V**&&+ i&*%%- At all Groc `iThe Baked} Thursday, 7Tl`JDH0PE{ "C and w by ' th- The Bank of N ova Scotia IRS 91:` -E942 "JUs'i`"L11E1-: NEw"-i1i*. what yofru say " of Success ma up c..:..:_ s omm A. `e, ESTABLISHED I832 .9LA1t:D ANT) BLOCKED We do kinds of altgmons a.;1-d repairs Nine times out (2! ten the answer to the question '`How did he do It?" dates back to tiheine , when he opened a savings account. Form anearlysassociation with a reliable institution like The Bank of Nova Sootia and open a savings account now. A small deposit and a few minutes time will start it. Few business successes there" are which do not owe their crigin to a modest savings account in the beginning. ' A The little woolly garments for Baby must be kept soft or they will irtitate the tender skin. - Vvashecl in Luz suds. Baby's woqllens will keep beautifully soft and uy. The thin satin- like akes of Lux are made by our own exclusive pro- cess. and dissolve instantly into a lather as harmless as pure water itself. ` 215 .I.l.'U as ucauxlucu Ill mu: uvanyvuavwo Butnot everybody seemed to know where he was in such a hurry to get to, the octogenarian was inclined to feel. He felt, however, that in spite of change and sentiment, those who pinned their faith to the teachings of the Good Book itself "should not need to worry about creeds and isms. Il'__ l1-.-'I..-.. -_ 4. `Jun-1-guy`-nu:nv| nu` DU WU1'.l',Y EUJUUD uzccuo auu sauna. Mr. Coulson is a Presbyterian and a member of Orillia Lodge No. 256, Loyal Orangemen. And,` like all men who seek to be constructive, he scon- siders that the greater fascination of living is in the scramble of doing and striving to accomplish things worth while. nay. . He could see much changve, the religious sentiment, too. i t e increase of denominations, sects and creeds, there was a great change from the simple religion of our fa- thers, he declared. (l`I'\_ ....u n... LL.` .......`lA -unanimous, Anna: -1-. r-v--v-- v._._. ..._-- Yes, he answered. `:F-3'specially in the sense of much `running to and fro as described in the Scriptures. 'n__;_ .._;_ __--....'I.-.1-.. ............l A... `ru\t\uuI wucrc. Mr. Coulson left Orillia in the se- venties and took a sojourn through the States. In 1876 hi father died. He had walked to Orillia and return- ed to Medonte one` -day, a distance of twenty-four miles in all, and then. went shing from a log_ boom in the mill pond. Slipping, he struck his head, it was t ought, and drowned before assista ce could reach him. II` 331% 0 Yes, when the country was new` and the wealth was more equally di- vided, there seemed to be more friendly relations. When wealth came to some folks pride also enter- ed, and people seemed to become divided into classes with their vary- ing ideas of dignity and social qual- ity. I! A} 1-an -yuan`: nnmnn `in `Ha UHCID, nu ucuuu. cu- Do you see the world "progress- ing? the pioneer was asked. uvv on I __, __,____.I l(1'.I.._--..I1-. "(Continued from page 2) to a roomin the old log house up- -stairs where several men noisy with rewater were raising a high old rac- ket. He told the madame he didn't care to associate with that outt. vwnv vv -u-wvwu--V .._--- .__._- -..-__-- These are genlemen,. she 'in- formed him. \--- `----.--_..- -...I _..l..u-_ Jau- uet dip Baby : clothes into a lful of the rich Luz auda- tinoe them, squeeze out the eurplue water and hang to dry. LUIIIIBU llllllo -Queer language and actions for gentlemen, said Mr. Coulson. I m afraid I wouldn t_get accustomed to `gentlemanly associations. You bet- ter not introduce me. n- 1.- _1_ .--._.I-.I _....1 -.......-...I -1..- tel.` uuu ultctuuuuc unc- So he descended and camped else- where. ` n-__I____ 1-1:. n_:II:- :.. LL. .. -vv-vow --an---v---vw w'-_.. _-..-__ _-_- Returning from the States, Coulson spent some time in Saskat- chewan and other Western provinces. Asked if he n<;tie'e:1":;x-1-3,; people today and in the early days, he said: . P` u17,,, ___I- _.. LL- -_..-_L..-. -....-. -.5. ]cou1.soN no. NAM !-`.D 11-`on muuuz cmzan Manager - Barrio Buy advertised things. ; Elwood Bone, dragging 15 sideroad, con. 11, 1921-22, $31.50; D. Jennett, gra- velling con. 10, lot 18,`$9; W. Ayerst, fencing Tp, reforestation plot, 8171.47; Chas. Hyde? supplying anchor posts for same, 814; Pedlar People, for pipe, $40.17; Ormiston Tumbull, grading 15 sideroad, 84.50; Thos. Miller, repairs to bridges and removing driftwood, con. 5, $12; James Loundes, repairs to hill, 10 sideroad -and con. 5, 32; J. Walkomghalf day hauling stone to bridge, 15 sideroad, 32.25; R. C. Mooney, grading from lots 1 to 5, con. 8, $11.25; Wilfred Thompson, repairs to cul- vert, lot 6, con. 7, 814150; Truman Flatt, grading con. 8, lots 1 to 5, $48; Wm. S. Smith, 40 rods wire fence on east half lot 10, con. 10, 1921, $10; Wm. Pearce, lling washout, 30, sideroad,` 89; Frank McMas- ter, grading road, North Division, $18; Juames Griin, lling washout, con. 8, $5.20; Harvey Cripps, lling washout, 25 sidenoad, $9.75; W. 1. Edgar, on account UUIIDU IJIHJSC I01` lJU}JlIo U1 LLISHWBJB, QLU.` 60 ifor assessing, 8100; Chas. Hyde, assisting Dear Mr. ~Welch:--Before you leave us for your new appointment, we wish to -assure you of the pleasure we have derived from your residence amongst us, the regret which we feel at your removal and the hope we cherish that good fortune may ollow you through all the coming days. We can say, without the risk of being ful- some, that we have always found you friendly and courteous and m-arked by all the qualities of the gentleman. In busi- ness it has been a satisfaction to deal with you. As a citizen you h-ave given time and talent in the public interest. We are genuinely sorry that the Boy Scouts, who were expecting much from your leadership this summer, -are to be deprived of your services. We ask your acceptance of this token of our good-will; and again wishing you all success. and happiness, beg to re- main, on behalf of the people of Thorn- ton, yours faithfully, R. D. Henry, J. A. Corbett, John Ingha . 11,, 1`I7,I 1,! , _ , , , _ ,, WCIIS LIIIUVVIII UUJUJUU. HIJII-Illlty IUIIQSUIIICIIDU were served by theladies; and -on being called to the platiin the following ad-_ dress was read to Mr. Weloh, to whom a presentation was also made :- It I-Ivlc` an I LEVER BROTHERS Luumao Toronto The members (of Essa Council met in Thornton on Tumday, May 9, with all the members present. I\,_,,,,_._; , _,_n_-_E___I -_ -II-____ _.. uuuuu -..: r-v~u...., Payments were authorized as follows:- Ingoj: Iron Co., for pipes and one drag, $88.89; Dan Shaw, drafting plan for.Jen- nett s bridgefor Dept. of Highways, $16.- An- mlnmn Ann l`I0nl1l7:I1I `IR n;r`nnnnA Mrs. Brown of Belleville is paying a vis- it to -her brother, Dr. Horton. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Horton of,Tox-onto were also there for the week-end. I _ Farewell to H. E. Welch On Monday evening a community fare- well was accorded Mr. Welch, who left next morning for a new -position in the Union Bank at Fisherville. Ik-Councillor Henry was called to the chair and address- es were given by Messrs. Sinclair, Fraser, A. Corbett, J. A. Lennox, `C, Stamp,. J . W M, H I I\II'\ DUI!` D3`, n. uunvuw, a. n., u, Dw:uup,. W. D. Henry, H. J. Thompson and Rev. W. H. Adams. Solos by Mrs. Stamp, Mimes Milligan -and Spencer and by Gor- don Henry_ and a reading by Miss Coutts were much enjoyed. 4 Dainty refreshments nun-A cnwudr` '3-ny I-Ln atunao ant` nu }\n;nn The Young People's Circle had An Evening with Pauline Johnson" on Tues- day. Chas. Lennox gave an essay on the life of Pauline,` Johnson and`. Miss Nellie McLean recit'6d"'1ili'ss Johnson's poem, The Cry of the Indian Wife". Alvin Pearson filled the chair very creditably. Beautiful clusters of white wild owers in rich profusion decorated the Methodist Church on Mothers Sunday. The morn- ing chair was formed of young ladies of the congregation, and the evening choir was of married ladies. The sermons dealt with Motherhood and "Marriage" and were attentiyely listened to by large congrega- tions. ` u- n-..u-_ :- 1.--. - - EH3. WITH 13 (`U158 111, mu In `One 00`. ton-'9 care. ` ` , A There is 3 meeting of young fax-mg era in the Temperance I-I-all next Wednese day evening for the purpose of planning for the short course in agriculture next winter. `I... D_.._.._ .1.` D..Il---:II_ 2- _-__2.__ _ _.:_ vvvvv Irv van... cola-as-sunny During the evening Mr. Welch s success- or in the local bank, Mr. Finlay, was in- troduced to the audience by the chairman. my: vu uuuuuy. Mrs. J. W. Henry is visiting friends in Toronto. -Miss Mamie Henry of Bradford spent Sunday at -her home here. ...._._..i _. --- -v--nu u-nvavu Mrs. Power, Mr. and Mrs. `Herman Thompson -and Alex Stewart motored to Orillia on Monday ~and'*a_vtended'the .fun-l anal nf Q4!-an In}. in Dunn)... vruuu on mummy `I110 `SVIBHOE oral of tfhe late Mrs. Brandon. unv , - -- There is nothing like Luz. Sold only in sealed packets- . dust-proof I "Ex; ELIE; :t"i3;5";I:;1 is visiting her brother, Wm. Grose. _..-, .-_-... -----`-an I` Mrs. Jae. Sproule went to Parry Sound on Friday to visit her daughter, ; Mrs. Wikon. ' II ... 3.41. `I.-- ._-__ 4- L-.. l_,,,, I A --At the. Harness Shop," Thornton, we are prepared to sell reliable goods at pifesent-day prices; `also repairing done (ex- cept tum and collar facing). 20c II..- n-_-___ _.-,--,-_,_,u .1 1 - --..- -_w. __._. -v-.... -uvvu-ca]! uvv Mrs. Power received the sad intelligence of the death of her sister, Mrs. Brandon, on Friday morning. which occurred in Winnipeg on Thursday. Mrs. Brandon was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Sproule of this place. Having_spent her girlhood days here, she will be remember- ed by many of our_older citizens. After her marriage to the late Mr. Brandon, she lived in Orillia for;-.a-. r_igum_her..o_.ysaxs, she and her husband, leaving there about twenty years ago to make a home for themselves in Winnipeg. She is survived by three sons and one daughter, -also two sisters,-Mrs. McFadden of Parry Sound and Mrs. Power of this place. Deep sympathy is extendedto Mrs. Power -as this is the second time she has been bereaved within I`? II!AA`IQ 6118 373053: The many friends of Mr. Dunney of Tor-"b onto were pleased to see him in this vil- lage on Sunday. MK I W "An-v :3 IV:g:`:u\au C_:.....l.. 3- May 16.-Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Simp- son of Winnipegnnd Mrs. (Dr.) Currie and children vof.Elmvale have been visiting Mrs; Simpson, Sr. ~ I X_-#,,,. , I I!.;I nu. nuu age. fuur Ul. (_|l.|jl|1II_l_E appnu , . `Mr. I(cFaddan of T 'n`>`xito' visited `his nun` -"nu Dag..- l\I| Qannolnu -4.1..- 2....-. VV 15')". Mrs. Heath -has gone to her home in Ac- -ton, after. visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Whiting. lbvv an I! -n I-In UI_Iil`IUUU .UI IUIVHIRI VEIPCU Ill` aunt, Mrs. Power, on Sunday, going from here to'Ori'llia to attend the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Brandon. ' g&a&&&&&wi&&&&m w1=. CLEAN EVERYTHING VA.` """"' ' "' T ----a nu..- Ii. J. and little son aocom- panied Mn. . Thompson's mother, Mrs. Wright, to Owen Sound on Saturday. 1-..`;`.*.;.v:`;.g`.9f's;.?":`:.;AF"}' ``P'f`9` %"?-""` ESSA COUNCIL THORNTON court of Revision TAKE NOTICE that the sitting of the Court of Revision for the Township of Essa will be held in the Village of Thornton. ' on Satiirday, -May `27, 1922, at 10 3.111., to hear and determine complaints of ap- pellants and you -are advised to govern yourself` accordingly.` - 111 `ll I\VlYfI1l\l'\I\` r 20c V `f-;l;'i:"of Essa. 'I Dated Cookstown, May 15, 1922. O'8.UVo A by-law was passed making provision for the expenditure of money on roads and bridges in order that the Township might lshare in the Government grant. r`.nunn or`:nnv-nut` -n nnonf 4:0 menrnnn Chas. Denney staking reforestation plot, $4.00. A 1..-. I.._ _..... ............l .....J.:.... ........2.1.... ULIHIII Ill IIUU VJUVUIILUJUHU 5l'l1LI|-Io Council adjourned to meet at '1'hornbon on Saturday, May 27, at 10 am. in Court of Revision. W. M. DINWOODY, Clerk. You may trustyour daintiest frock or most delicate possession to us. We ll restore them_ to their original freshness. We do our cleaning here, employing the most modern and scientic dry cleaning methe ods. The knowledge that we can repair any damage adds to 370111` enjoyment in wearing delicate apparel. Subscribe to The Barrie Examiner and get all the news. $2.00 a year. TOWNSHIP or :sA --v-_--V uv VW. M. DINWOODY, Clerk of Township. Your satisfaction with a car depends upon your satisfaction with its performance. appearance, econorny. comfort and price. These are the vital points. And you must get satisfaction in each one if you are to be satisfied with your car as a whole. Consider the LIGHT-SlX from this angle. It is ' essentially the same car as it was when introduced. It was right before it was offered. And it has made good in the service of thousands and thou- sands of owners. it is dependable. its L-head motor is powerful, exible and freer from vibration than any car at anywhere near its price. Itsgracefullinesareenhanced bya lasting nish. Cowl parking lights and the cowl ventilator not only add tc its good looks but are nec- essary for complete satisfaction. The Barrie Motor Car C0. TOURING When guring what you would save by_ buying a Ford inpreference to some other car, don't stop at the pur- chase price-important though this saving is. The big saving in on gasoline, tires, oil and repairs. " No other car can be operated at so little expense.. No other car will give the same uniform service and satisfaction. No other car will last as long and ask so little in return as the Ford. %1-10.15. Barrie, Ontario $.66? LUX nnvs6i"q2""1"6Ii[EiI'fIg"EKims II An nun Q1" nnnn -- With Starter DELIVERED IN BARRIE, $1590 i Qanaclialn Ngtional Phone 447w TO POINTS WEST`--Annuai I-Iomeseekers ` Excursions at considerably lower rates. FOR FULL INFORMATION, SEE f;}H3"f}d:i{"""'} NHL" H - DAILY` TRANSCONTINENTAL SERVICE BvR_AD`!-;6R'D- 7r-.,_3._u'uzu-: Thief-proof txammiaaion lock leduc rate of innunnce tn I me!-proof txamgniaaion lock reduces rate of insurance to LIGHT-SIX ovwncn I5 to 20% F or Baby's Woollens A F-AMALCQMSON The LIGHT-SIX stands up in service with a minimum of repair expense. This, with low fuel consumption. means satisfactory economy. We never heard of a '-SIX-that was not comfortable to ride in. And the pace. $1495 5. o;b. Walker-ville. Ont.. is out of proportion to its value. This price includes the thief-proof transmission lock which reduces the rate of theft insur- A - ance to theowner I5 to 20 per 1 cent; large plate glass window in one-piece rear curtain, inside and outside door handles and other renements. gredient-prestige and high standing of the maker--who for 70 years has been building rnmiasion quality vehicles and selling ; ` . . m`e i':Ii';'t1cf0t; them at fair prices. And you get the priceless in-T ZUPJROWN AGENT To clean Oil Paintings Make a thin paste of raw potartom -and` clear water; add some ne pumice-sbona and rub on the painting with a sponge. Then nish with water and -a cloth. It '3 well to apply a coat of varnish when the painting dries. } RAILEYAYS `The service 'v-.15 x Baynes Reed in Y} mediate friends um who was escorted `r wore a white silk :ur with tulle veil anti Ihe carried Beauty I dull was her sister Canton crepe with mauve sweet pcu>. tended as host mzw the home of Mrs. enue, the gur>. \ Worsdall. .\ Ir.~`. Tu grandmother. Mr. `handsome black. _left later for [hvir stone. the bridu gm tricolette suit. and veil. About sixte- were among thou? p surrs lV11_\D1'T0_l1!-1AS_l._IRE, .$:_23.00,UP

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