Barrie Examiner, 13 Oct 1921, p. 6

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FOR $350 TODAY `WE WILL FURNISH 1000 FT. PLAIN_ OAK FLOORING, 1ooo_ FT. BILL STUFF, 1000 FT. SHEATHING, 1000 FT; COVE SIDING 1000 B.C. SHINGLES, Iooo LATPL7 , _ 2 OUTSIDE DOORS I AND FRAMES,_ ` 5 WINDOW FRAMES: AND SASH. $350 A.YEARLAG0 wouw BUY ONLY 1ooo FEET QUARTER- CUT OAK 1=LdoR1Nc.. Build Now Why Not ? W. B: i"fIi5fioPE, Clerk. uunpwm U1 auu. . _ At a Swedish mission not far from here the robbers tried` vtoshoot a native Chris- tian. They_ snapped `a rie twicedrvut `it would not go o. Why? An accident? No, just because God wo Id not let his` x tle one be shot by the ro `hers. It was In God s time and consequently Satan had no power. Now let us glance at the rst chapter of Job and see how strong the forces of Satan -are and how well organized. _._.-.., -v.-v, Av .v, uv.v, HE-I,` uuu-0.11 Yes, we have -been in the midst of robbers this year, but inpGod s Ikeeping we are just as safe here -as you are in -anad-a. The - robbers could not touch Jovb s'.property till God permitted -and _ this peninission `was given to Satan himself, not directly to the robbers.- The poor robbers were led cap-, tive by Satan` at his will. This shows -me t.h"at.there\are only two forces in the'"world, the forces of God and the forces of Satan. When robbers come here, I.k-now they are sent of. the Devil directly and I know also tgat God has said to the Devil, So far 9 alt thou go and `NO farther. Praise ' `God! He has almighty power, Satan can- not take one step without the permission of God. This is all plain in thefiirst two chapters of `Job. A+ .. Q.'.....l:..l.. ...'.:...:.... --L 1- A-".5 v ____- ..-.- -~..--v. . My dear `brother in Ch*rist :---Ietharnk you for your kind thoughts regarding me. Thank you for mentioning the seven Be- holds. To me the central tone is Be- hold the Lamb of God." This is theykey to all the rest. A good_view of Jesus will put us right in everything. Job had to see God `before he could say, Behold, I am vile," He was self-rig-hteous `before. ' yvnn nvnr n(n\a:rlnw Hun anvvnn DI/--~ vuc, I 11!: was sen-rig-ntveous DBIOTG. / ` Did you ever consider the seven Bless- eds" in the Book of Revelation? Rev. 1:3; 14:13; 16:15; 19:9; 20:6; 22:7,- and-22:14. X7-.. ..... 1.....-` L--- 2.. AL- H `Mr. `Sb_a-1;c'ie:n_," V `inns received` ` from Mr, Hindle (a former school teacher at Minesing) of} Gashatay, Mongolia, the following letter :- ``-_7 _g__ .1 ,. n [~41 - . - .q Coun. McDu 7 i)Aai377;.;i7m.:>:Ier $2.00` [paid to him for rent of Town Hall zfor political meeting. ' ('1 `Y 'I -_-._ __.___ 1__.E-,,_ 11., f1-._.. A LETTER mom MoNcoLiA __ __ ,___ _,___, . . _- -_-.-._--- v- - ----------- --v - ----u--nu H, M.,xE;q1'.BARNEs _ ` A A clean, snappy Musical Comedy, awfully good fun- Toronto Mail ` ' TIP--'- Your Mother, Wife, Daughter or Sweetheart will like some GIRL J . CORKING COMEDY - LILTING MELODIES . - COSTUMES DELIGHTFUL TO _THE LADIES ` Seats at MalcomsQn s, Saturday, 35c Ato'$1.S0 (Boxes $2.00). Vx ar ttax extra. Phone 447. A 'rw~o.c-AR PRODUCTION ._ COMPANY 01-" THIRTY -. ORCHESTRA CARRIED uclv I-I HARR3? L. ALI-`ORD Music by D\f'I LII! nnuua \JU\l' I/U uutu UUU B [Jl'U}.l!`.'I'l-y. .lI'Uly.' in our own strength we can do nothing;g Satan is stronger than we `are. But. thank; _God, we have 'Satan s own confession that` God has made -a hedge -about His cliildrenl and about all that they have (v. 10). Later! in the story wefind that Satan employed` other forces against Job, viz., sicknexs. Say? what you may against divine healing,` butl here was a case which God _alone could` heal. Satan -also -used Job s wife againstl him (he came at Adam through his wife.` and -now he tries the same method with: Jdb). Satan used also false friends against} Job. ` Now these things are written for o-urg admonition upon whomr the ends of thei world are come. So it behooves us to look} '. for a meaning in. everything that befalls_' us. Every trial that comes to us is permit- ted of God for -a purpose. All things work together for good to them that love the Lord who -are called .according to His pur- pose. That` word -all ,' `omits, nothing.` Eoincludes`-all the assaults `that can come m the devil and -all his angels. When I told, you in" my former letter, ` we have a wonderful Jesus,Athere was ' deep meaning-behind it. Through the mighty name of Jesus we have deedthe devil -and all his forces more than once in Mongolia. But before we can defy these forces the perquisite is 'to realize our own weakness and utter dependence on Jesus. The night before the ve armed robbers entered our house, Iwas awakened at mid- night, I believe by the power of` the Holy Spirit, and was made to realize my own weakness` and utter helplessnessras perhaps . never before. I commitjteflmy, keeping to Him who watches over thesparrows and ,then went to sleep again. At daybreak my wife called me to get up, saying, There is an armed-"m-an in the yard. Yes, it was all too true, and he was but the lead- er. Abouttwenty more armed men were following hard in -hiswake. ' All were lmountedwon swift horses and carried mili-` tary ries. _ Of course `we prayed. What else could we do`? Just when we expected- this horrible mass of armed humanity to break in `upon us, the leader gave a signal andrthe` swept past our, yard-and on to the village %ehind. .We thought all was over nrlmnn Innlino nun:-' nu . Lilla um ....... 4.1.... 11:: uuu. u; ruuulng o-anus -or aabeans; (Z) 1 them. These remarks and the singing of ` ' re (incorrectly called the re` of God by hymns in Chinese seemed to touch them;s Jo'b's servant, -v. 16); (3) the nation offsome of them said they were at a bad` -Chaldee.ris; (4) the wind (Satan. is called; busine$ .and intended to quit it. They rode; Itheprince of the power of the air in the; of like A gentlemen and t-ook nothing but; 1 New Testament). All these forces Sat-an l some slugiar which rhey asked for. While" ~. hurled against Job after he got permission ` in our house one asked if I had a goldi from God- to hurt Job s property. Truly. , watch. Another robber said to him, It isi 5 {own /we nothing ;4 none of your `busines what the pastor has;3 _. But, thank 1 we are going to fake nothing from here." I 1 God, confession that} Sn G-mi rlnliwarnrl ..= onrl Ann. ,u..n:.,.. . I _ ` . 3 A e He had (1) robbing bands of Sabeans; (2) 1 them. These remarks of reifncorrectly re bv i hvmns in Chilwsp su-pmml tn emms. um... COMING-_- BOSTON STOCK Co.-. Thursday, Frfriay n;l$atu1:day A L489; 9!` F'1!1'Nl!`!E.LQVELlNiTSS J Subscribejor The Barrie Exhminer and lvget all the ngws. 82.00 3 van. ST. ANlA)REW Se BIBLE CLASS, . .St. Andrew s Adult Bible Class held its annual meeting to elect of- cers `for the coming `year on Sun- -day, Oct. 2. Officers elected are: Hon. Pres;, Rev. G. A-. Brown; Pres., Hugh MacPherson; Vice Pres., Miss E. Longman; Secy;, Miss Berta Scott; Treas., Miss Jean McMillan; Conven- er of Social Committee, Miss `Irene Parrish; Con. of Devotional Commit- tee, Mrs. S. Webber; Con. of Mem- bership Committee, . Wm. Rainford; Teacher, H. M. Lay. It was decided to hold a social in the near future.` mun: uw._y ut: uuuu:1' uungs In store. ` Well. kindly excuse this long letter. I, will close now. Much Christiaxn love to all.l Sincerely your brother in Christ, l 'r'1....~...._. n:L...n.\ Thoma-s Hindl (Note-If any are inclined to assist Mr.a_ Hindle in his work, donations may `be for-g Warded to Mr. S_tan'-den, 2 North St., Bar- [rial I [.4 ...... um. Jvun unuvutn ul utudnu, ` ! we are suing bu Lam: IlU'tIlll1g ITOIII here. ' So` God delivered us and doth deliver. A This is but one incident; I could tell many I similar. But if it should be God s will for 1 us to die for Him, Ix know it would be al `sweet and pleasant experience rto_ die for Jesus. Just see the three Hebrew children 1 in a furnace as hot as the. devil could make I lit. See Jesus with them in the ames. `Were they not a little `disappointed when i Jesus sent them back to this wicked world, ` instead of taking them from the ames to ; glory? Yes, it is good to be delivered. but i there may be better things in store. 1 i lrinrllv nvr-nan Hwio Inna Ind-4-.... Tl \I ll 6|IlDO\7n You may be able to [pick out a pair which seem to fit your` eyes because they make things look more distinct and brighter; but for all you know or can de- 'te}'mine, they may be too strong-- _so strong, in fact, that they are doing your eyes more harm than good. - \_ 1+ :- A... ....4...1..`I:...L....) 1.4-1. .u._;; you can pick out your own glasses. V--. ...._-- `L- _L1_ ;, V"-,1 11'] 1s A MISTAKE - .1JuunLu ucu \.l./n I ` .Bread--Norma Walton (5), Agnes Mur- lphy (5), Camilla Kavanagh '(15). Ginger' [Snaps--Helen Kavanagh (15). Helen Belll ;(1l, Jean Baldwin (U3), Olive Wallwinl {(5). Layer Cake----Edith MeKever (l),l [Annie Storey (1), Olive Wallwin (5), :.Buttonholes--Mabel Walton (5), Olive; {Hunter (1); Olive W-allwin (5), Erma -Wmlt (5). A`prlon---Edith McKever (1) {Norma Walbon (5), Olive Wallwin (5), `Mary McDougall (5). Towel- -l0live Wall- win (5), Mary Dixon (10), Agnes Murphy (5), Edith McKever (1). l` '-tnrnrnnn `L'.I .m.lI.. TI'.':l...._I ll .,_,!, I-\ l 9 uyntxls uuu, `uguv-I1u1'Ul(l zracy (10). Spy Apples-Donald Bell (1), Lillian Johnstpn (9)_. Verna Osborne (3). Jean Baldwin (3); Ralph Gavin (6). Ru$et- ,Apples~-0live Wallwin (5), Douglas Ferrisi | (1), Gordon Keast (9), Howard l\Iuir (17),, ,'Allan McDm1gall (5). Snow Apples--Isa- [rbel Kavanagh (15), Olive Burchil-l (9),U !Olive Wallwin (5), 'Li1lian Johnston (9), |Dona.ld Bell (1). l` `Dunn.-ll l\T.......... 1`l7..1L_._ It\ A ' In \A/, JIISIU 1u`1=W (LU). i Cockerel-- Olive" Wallwin (5), Hugh 'Johnston (9),' `Camilla Kavanagh (15), Wilfred Murphy (5). Pullet---Hugh John-1 ston (9), Oliv_e Wal-lwin- (5.). Pen-4Wilfr_erl,' lll/Iurphy (5), Olive Wallwin (5): Lorne lC_ourl:ney (9), Camilla`Kavanagh (15). g Spring Colt, draft--Harold - Kerr (15). ' Spring Colt, Iight-Ha.rold Tracy (15). l SUV Annlpn---`nnnnlrl RA" II\ I :r':nv\ """"" """ ""` "" ` ` ' " " ' ' _ "f"""II' ,, The various accounts before the Council were gone over and ordered to be paid. Thu 'r`n1'nan;1 1x1nV\+ +t\ noon qlno 5 `Following is a list of those taking the 1 prizes, the numbers after the names indic- ; ::ting the ~scvhool` secti.un..:- E Oats, quart--Fred Dobson (5'). 0ats,i is!:e::f--Frerl Dobson I5). Sweet C-.\rn~-,' `Ai'thur Wood (9), Edith McKever (1), Mervyn Parker (9). Ella Livingston (9). Helen Roe (9). Field Corn--Helen Kav-` anagh (15). Isabel Kavanagh (15). James Elliott. (1013),? Nelson Walton (IOE, . Ga1'-' (den Pe:is-Joseph Murphy (5). Potafow, lvDooley--Florene Knapp (15), Carl Doran (17). Fred Pearson (9), Marjorie Dixon (HOE), Norman Elliott (IOE). Beets-- Stella Luck (9), Jean Baldwin (3),cMar-, garet Jones (5), Irene Kavanugh' (15),) Verna Osborne (3). Carnotse-Myrtle Luck' (9), Charlie Cole (11), Vera Baldwin (3), Roy Tracy (15), Gordon Pratt (15). Pars- `nips-J'ean Beeton (1013)-, Verna, Luck (9), l Grace Miller (1). Onions--Frruncis Mumh}-_ l (5). To1natoes--F rank Shannon (1), Vera Baldwin (3). Olive Wallwin (5), Jean (Baldwin (3), Hugh Johnston (9). l ! Sweet Peas--Jean Baldwin (3), Annie !S_torey (1). Mary McDougall (5). Asters --Gordon` Campbell (9), Pearl Walton (IOE). Ve'ra'Baldwin (U3), Winnifred Or-3 chard (15), Jennie Yankewsky (5). Table: Bouquet--Je::n Baldwin ((U3), Hugh John-i ston (9), Vera Baldwin (U3), `Hazel Storey` I (1), Herb Maw (10). {`.m-hm-nl_, m:....' ur..n._.:.. IE\ 77,, 1 VESPRA gggool. FAIR? next. 3 AND EXCELLENT COMEDY CAST o.-van uuu an nnvo` II H. Book and Lyrics` by .I IR_Y!?\!'I" DADRIISQ All uuu uaualc U1 DIIZEDCUD Murphy, de` - ceased. - I Notice [is hereby given pursuant R.S. lO.. 1914. Ch8'_07-/121, and Amending Acts, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of Elizabeth -Murphy, late of the Trp. of Medonte. in the County of Simcoe, `widow, deceased. who died on 101' Bbllf. thl! (`av nf An:-H A D 10411 40-42c uam; uAc`r1uuHlHSl1'211:I'lX Wlll- (l1El5l'lDllt8 the assets of the Estate having regard only to `the claims of which she shall then have `I notice, and will not be responsible to any I others. ` T cirnngnvrvwr 1. --.-..____ _ NOTICE TO CREDITO/RS. NOTICE is hereby given pursuani: to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of Frederick Joseph Mc- 2Ginnis, late of the Township of Flos, do- ceased, who died on the 24th day of June. 1 1921, are requested; to send particulars of i their claims to the undersigned on or before the 25th day \>f October, 1921, after which date the Adniinistratrix distribute the ;)_:~,-ets nfithn Wstnfn Lou; n n M . ....J -._I_- L- .-v- `-r------ ---v----- S. V. Jones came before the Coun-' cil makingtcomplaint re some statute labor on divisionNo. 121. The Reeve ` and Coun. McMa`honTwere appointed a committee to go and review matter complained of. I.`n`1nn+n-|n,a -`-'AM 1001 -rvvnn v\'nI\ |uuly vcnucu Dy sE8:P1ll30l'y uecmranon, on for before the 1st day .of November, 1921, "after which date the Administratrix will proceed to distribute the estate among the parties entitled hereto. IN:-nnnln 0-..; 10.1. 1nn ynnuxce cuuucu IJIICFCIO. Elmvale, Sept. 12th, 1921. _ 40-42c MRS. LUCY. J. `CHRISTIE, |_______________}, -arr` wr\IlIl \lI.'.\Jl'\\I. \lI'|I'\IDI IE: Creditors and others having `claims against the Estate of David George Chris- tie,- merchant, who died at the Village of Ehnvale on or about the 51th day of Aug- ust, 1921, are hereby notied to send to the undersigned particulars of their claims duly veried by statutory declaration, or before the `lszf. dnv nf Nnmmlm. 1001 Innvl xal, uuuuuu 1.1` - `I. ` ' _ Address (gi1"I)`-`::V:e:':. Btldwin (3), DOI`- othy Rolph (1). Address (boy)--Arth1ir gwood (9), Jack Walsh (I). School Par- i ade-l, 15, 9. % ESTATE OF DAVID GEORGE CHRISTIE (V._-.I2L__.A I E19). Grains, Grasss and 'CIovers--Franlc Shannon (1), Fred Dobson (5), Arthur Wood (9). Natite Woods--Arthur Wood- (9), Gordon Pratt. (15)." Ar`r`v~nc; t..:..-1\ -v...... DAu...:_ lrn n-_ NOTICE TO 'CREDlTORSA In the Estate of Elizhbeth Murphy, de- eased. ' STRA'1!HY &- ESTEN, Barrie, Solicitoxs for Administratrix. {W Thursdzry, U UC llalllu The Council went to near Shanty Bay to investigate a complaint of -Prof. Hume re water damning back on to his property owing to a ditch being partly blocked on anvunopened road allowance. After going over the situation and meeting with the parties interested, a satisfactory solu- tion of the matter wa reached. `A few doors nurfh DO NOT DELA _lNG THE MON INTENDED NEXT S Have _it placed thi plot will be in Spring. Evm`_\' nu ;large stock ;_:r<-at c1e_ar this Fall. I can see what yum ; Read The Exam inv 1=ARMERS ] G. w. J. EASTA USED TIE Simcoe Mar 20 OWEN ST Office Phone 86' uAA`LvUIlqtu l`lU fruit. Eight-roomed 1 Small House, Nine-roomcd 13: acre km 1-: " `mIncEi ' tiiii ' ';d_{I1}1{&' "$"'meet at the call of the Reeve". ......-. u Seven-roomod For 1) Seven-roamed Seven-rqomed Six-roomed Br.` Six-roomed C0 Eight-roomc-d I Seven-roomvd Six-roomed Hri Five-roomed C Nine-roomed H 4 for quiv Eight-roamed I Six-roomed H0 3-.-. Z `PAR 477-47 MANUI1 hhone Phone 1 \;uu1_u1auu:u UL: Cc5l1ector s bond for 1921 was pre- sented and accepted as satisfactory. fI'I'l,, _,-,,3, `l,,D, ,, J'I,_ sun Us FIRST The ' BUILD WITH WOOD AND SAVE MONEY

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