Barrie Examiner, 13 Oct 1921, p. 14

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Her Bab}: (`}i:l nasal _4_.__.I , .' _,,_- . ` --Quin XJIIII XIWW iierbcrt G. Robertson, Druggist, Barrie. :a&%%%$$a$%&%&%&%&&%$$%%%E ;` NEWS FROMNEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS &***********************${ TONIGHT Tomorrow Alright NR Tablets stop sick headaches, Ielieve bilious attacks, tone and regulate the eliminative organs, make you feel fine. Batten; Than Pills For Live: 111: `V`-I-f.'motIner`s only knew W ' `'. !'.*= f~ D-P; cnowu urn: INSURANCE co., - Tonomo Wishing_:and waiting, will not `bring the large rewards which the capable man may earn. W_hy remain in an"underpaid_ positionii natural talent beckons you to greater rewardselsewhere? in the eld of salesmanship `the capable man may stake out a rich claim. Field work for the Crown Life insurance Company offers to the ambitious salesman abundant opportunity and excellent remuneration. Should you be%earn%in%g more money ? ET *?5'7'-r ' vrsess I-[Jvhn f F` D in an I`\.. . . _ . . ..A. STROUD LEF ROY .We invite your examination of our new agency contract which is second to none in Iiberality. Write to us today for full particulars. All inquiries treated in strict condence. ua -guuuua ug. uu worm` -1909: 3 gauon. The canal connecting Lake Pontchantnain with the Mississippi River cost $250,000,000. A new typewriter attachment signals the end of Vhe page as wellias the end of the line. r ' rnvlo HNU FHNUILG Eight -acres of peppermint will produce 32 -gallons of oil worth $64 a gallon. The nnnnrnnnnnnna `Lnlm 'Dnn+~'l-mm-....:.. Oct. 1... w-u - up-uu-n-In Iv |-r\I IIl-ll V The mean temperature was V 4 degrees above normal. The -highest temperatures registered were 87 on the 2nd, 83 on the 10th and 80' on the 30th. Minimum tem-V `peratures ranged from 69 on the 2nd to 41 on the 19th. Rain fell on 9 days to"the amount in all of 1.90 inches; being 0.67 less than the average. - .f\1l1 11:11:`-\ Du:-. wuuwx wlilu ll IIIIU Y"\II Staynsr Sun---A nather serious accident happened to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mott, on Sunday evening (Sept. 25). They had left Elmvale when they noticed Ia horse coming down the road on the wrong side at a good speed and when it got closer they discover- ed it was a runaway with no vehicle at- tached. Mr. Mott turned his `car to the other side of the road but the horse` turned also -and jumped over the lights right into thewindshield and down on Mr. and Mrs. Mott. Ronald and his sister were -in the backseat and thought at -nst that their remain in bed for some days, parents were killed, but fortunately were! mistalken. The Elmvale physician was driv- l ing not far behind and at.once attendedto their injuries. They were both badly out about the head and face and upper part of their bodies bruised, Mr. Mott-being bad- ly squeezed by the steering wheel; Fortun- ately no bones were broken. The horse was also badly cut, but not seriously. A jitney was obtained in Elmvale and all brought `home, andlthe injured ones will vv. J:crr_y, puma. It. rarxer OI rarnswxck and Wm. C. Randell of Powassan. Mrs. Randell will be followed by the good wishes of the community at large and will he missed from St. P-a. ul s Church, where she rwas a most regular worshipper -anda very active and interested worker in the W.A. An nufnhzna-Nun nuggnd 3.. 41... L:..4..._. -1! uuuve uuu 1-uterestea worker In the W.A. An outstanding event in the history of St. Paul s Church will, without doubt, be the consecration services which (D.V.) will `be held on the second Sunday in November, it being the seventh anniversary of the opening of the church. - The Bishop will be present, not only at the morning service but also in the evening and at 3 o clock in St. Peter s. Fuller details later. A public meeting was held in the Orange vHall. Stroud, on Sept. 30, for the "purpose of organizing for the community -park _as- sociation and receiving the `collectors re- ports of the canvass. The collectors report- ed total subscriptions promised of $465.50, with which it was decided to purchase three acres of land from O. R. Black. adjacent to the village. The following were appoint- ed as trustees to look after the arrange- ments in connection withythe purchaseof the property and the runnipngof the park: 8. H. Br-nlev. D. Sutherland. I. Robert- son and F. W. Peacock. III a. uuuy. 0 At St. Paul s Church, Wednesday, Oct. 5. -at 9 a.m., were married by Rev. R. J. W. Perry, Lucia R. Parker of Painswick and Wm (1 Dm..I..II ..c n............... 11.. us a. wuuu_y u1ucn`vu.llC8 a gO00 name and an example of regular attendance at the House of God. -He had a living, strong faith -and loved to see life and progress in church activities. The funeral, which was largely attended,` took place at St. Peter s Church and cemetery, Rev; R. J. W. Perry` being in charge. The Orangemen attended in a body. At Q1 D....l .. l........L nr_.:,-__I--, A - "(:I`o_->~I_i;te for LastAWeek) After a lingering illness there passed away in Churchill, on Sept. 22, George Morris, leaving an `adult family of three sons and two daughters, Mrs. Morris hav-, ing predeceased him about four yearssi-nce. Mr. Morris was an industrious, upright and Amuch respected citizen who left behind him as a worthy inheritance a good name and an examnln nf waaulor ..++.....-I........ .; `L- $515.. 9" .`N5_F11- HORSE JUMPED mTo CAR SEPTEMBER WEATHER FACTS AND FANCIES .-..._.... ..t ......._._...-:_.;. _;_:n 31' 39 A33 JAKE! 65 62 57 49 .61. Iovvvnuu LUV HUGH BU INCU- We keep on publishing these stementn weekly from all parts of Canada. telli of tl_1e nally marvelous results secured by the hquxd wash. Wh_y_ not get a bottle of D. D. D. today -snout osntlve guarantee? Itch you like magic.` 31.009. ttle. Try D. D. _D. Soap. too. - Give your rewards in life-time. Those who deserve them will` not care for them after. they are dead. Show your love in life-time. It is useless to write it in adiary after its object has gone to yhe grave hun- gry for just that love. Speak your Word of` Praise in Ii-fn.fima TI: mill .k.-:.... .m .uuuua_y wuu nuzruc VV KLSUII. Isabel Dawson has returned home after spending sometime in Barrie. . - .r`.nI-nnnnwa I-nnyn hunt l!..:..l....l .. 'L-_...- _.._l I _vvuuuaucu xur w m. vveexgs, Ana une uro. Potato dlggmg hasconlmenced and farm- ers report -a very fan` crop. up-suuung auuu: uuuu lu Darrle. | -Carpenters have just nished ahouse ad I .woodshed for Wm. Weeks, 2nd line Oro. Pntntn rlimrinur hon 1-nnxwnnnnnrl nail J.'......... `Ul um l1ll1|l\'l6l'SiLfy an nugar. Geo. Holmes and family of Toronto mog tored u-p to Bruce Watson s on Saturday. Wm. Webber and wife of Minesing spent Sunday with Archie Watson. I Tnknl nnlnvnnn L..- ....L....._-.l 1.-.. I`: pxuvuus. ' No service or`Sunday School in the Meth- odist-Church here next Sunday on account of the anniversary at Edgar. Gan T-Tnlmda hnzl Cm-nilu Al-' "l"........L.. ...... Oct. l0.-`-T-he heavy rains of late have` helped the farmers wonderfully with their plowing. T NA onvvnn nu-nnplnuu Q-K--I L. LL- "_A`. In connection with the semi-centennial celebration of Calledonigan Masonic Lodge, Midland, which was instituted -at Angus, the Free Press gave the following list of members who were in `the lodge at Angus: John Nettleton, Robert King, Irving Nel- son, Thos. F-.' Chapiri, Thomas Pettingrew, John Barclay, JohnsL. TarBush, John Stewart, J. A. McLandress, John Mackim- mie, John Agar, `John Hunter, Aylmer Rjchey, Ira Belfrey, John M. Murray_. Rob- ert Wade, Robert Elliott, Wm. Gallie, Jules Bellanger, Alex. T. Cooper, Robert Larmour, Alex. Cooper,_ Alex. Haniilton, Rowland Hill, Stephen B. Fisk, Robt. M. Cooper, David Dunn, Hugh Beaton, John Davidson, Thos. Richey, Chas. E. Storey, John Grey, Robert Hamilton, F. L. Nesbit, Wm. Gallie, Wm. A. Grant, John Gillan- ders, J-ames Young, Wm. Elliott, Amos J. Thompson, Wm. Foster, John Pengelly. !Thos. D. Boyes, Thos. E. Rawson. Wm. IH. McDougaJll, D. Pettingrew, J. /J. Mc- Landress, Wm. Denure, John M. Smith, Herman J. `Beyers, John Wha=len, James Gregory, John Archer, Jacob McLear_v, Henry B. Yale, James_ H. Hlatch. Wm. H. McDougall, Daniel Thom-as, Robert Ren- wick, Wm, Dunn, Abraham Couch, Geo. M. Ritchie, Andrew Johnston._ . union was auuuug ciear anu orignt. Speaking about so many expecting a se- vere winter, what signs have they to show? Every sign atfpresent denotes an open win- ter: no nuts of any kind, the `bees still low, on the ground, and the i-ur-bearing animals making no great rush to store. Why, we have fruit trees out in full bloom in this district right now, the same thing that hap- pened last year. But one thing is certain: Indians nor anyone else can truthfully tell what the severity of the winter will be till it is all over. But the old Flos winters are usually cold enough any year. --vuvvu uuuuc. sry U. U. U. 3081'). I100. 13.13.11. IIIE India}. 4!... GL3. `ha--- -_ ucauy uvmyuuu says ms crop IS Iamy good. ' On Saturday came the rst snow of the season, the ground being covered late in the evening by hail, which came while the moon was shining clear and bright; Sneaking mhnnt an rnnnv avnnnlrina n M. The -wet weather which has been prevail- ing since October came in has been a hind- rance to a large number getting out their` um ta.-x-pu_yer.s u_eIu1'e tney cast tneir votes.! murphies,. nbutthose who were" fortunate .in working between showers and who suc-.- ceeded` in gathering in most of their crop,j state that the crop is -far better than Was` expected. There is rea-lly no reason why so many `are expecting a big price, when; nearly everyone says his crop is fairly good. I On Saturrlav manna Hm HI-cf ennui at 41... WUUIU xuiuw UR: VLIHS. Wm.~OfHalleran, whohas been a resident _of the village for several months, and who is engaged with the G.T.R., has moved far- ther west, renting the farm recently vacated by Mrs. F. Monig, -but he `is still retaining his job with the G.T.R. ' One would surmise that the roads today A that.are termed"County Roads" would naturally be expected to be kept in far better shape than the usual sideroads, etc., but take theABarrie road, for instance- -l from Fergusonvale corner to Barrie-and would you `honestly encounter a worse piece of road in the entire county? Not over a mile or two out of Barrie town and the road is sure terric. "Barrie should certain- A `ly be ashamed to acknowledge it; -and while there are miles of this stretch of -road that never saw an ounce of gravel, auto owners ` continue to pay a `large annual feewhich} -goes to the treasury and is spent -in lielpingi to pay for the good roads that Biggs ES; building in other parts of Ontario. The` coming elections should be-the means of: 4 l careful consideration in the minds of all` our tax-payers'b_efore they cast their votes. Thn -wt-It wnnflnor uylnla 1-um in . n n _ _ . . . -2! Luuuly la uuguv -IJI: ueslreu. _ _ Quite a contrast to the usual slogan, the Ford rambled right along," was ob- served in the village one day last week when a few Fords were `being towed into the village garage for repairs. Carmot-say whether soap and copper wire were used to coax Lizzie" to` take the road again or not, but the probabilities are their owners would know ere this. I17... n9u--n-..'... _.__L_.L__ 1,- icnyvxulg .wm U8 uumpieueu. The stmng wind storms~tha1: swept over this district last -week were the means of putting -the telephone system "out of com- mission for `a few days, and although the repair man was promptly on the job there are still~a few telephones not responding as loudly as might -be desired. Ouitn n nnnhnnat 4;. +1.. ........I _I_',, J u_uc Luau U1 out: uuuureu, W8I1lJ'Dy 1'31]. `_ Daniel Kenny of Toronto arrived here last Saturday and will be engaged in tlie construction of the waterworks system in "Mr. McGinnis new residenqe. The carpeu. ters are. making great headway` lately and it is onlv a nmtter nf a ham mnnlrn mu .... 10---.V)"ohn Gallagher an-cl`family hav -returned to their home- in, New York after spending the summer `at_-their summer home -here- Mr. Gallagher, with the three oldest -sons, m ot'ored while-his wife, accompanied by th rest of the children, went by rail, ` Kennv nf Tnrnnn Q1`II:\Inr` L.._.. ucxa zucruuuuug great ueauwuy laliely and it is only amattqr of a few weeks till ev- erythingwill be completed. ` Tho nltrnna urinrl uh-u-nu-. 1-I-".4 ........4. _-,,, DALSTON PHELPSTON, `*7... v. iv 2: :0 `-wnreniiirg. A. Ashby of 655 Yong St.. 'l'oroi:to., Write her for the story of how . D. cured her baby ora case of eczema. that completely covered the head and face. 117;: loan.` A- ....LI:..L2__. .;,,, ,- - - ANGUS . _ Before leaving for Manotick, Rev.; -David Smith of Jarratt was present-{ _ ed with a club bag, while Mrs. Smith.` Lreceived a purse and a bouquet of, a`Ophelia roses. _ , 5 i Dnu A1,. _...I 1|: rn yucxxa 1. uacs. Rev. Alex. and Mrs. Torrie - XXIXXIIIllIll}Illilllllllllllllllvllllllllllllll `< NDREW Wu.so_ &c> '-"~ 5" IIGITZD DISTRICT. NEW; WnsoNs Still the most for the money? __ V`. -_.. ..v...... I mith.` By a vote of 19 to 15, Orillia re- t nfltail merchants decided not to con- tinue the half-holiday during October are. and November. conducting revival servics in Orillia, aary services elsewhere. , | Last night word was received of the death at Minesing of Mrs. McKinney,, sister of Mrs. Long and mother. (Sf James Willson, both of this village. Mrs. McKinney was iwice married, -her`ma_iden namebeilng N an- cy Lucas. The funeral will take place to- "-morrow afternoon from her late residence, Mineaing, to the Sixth Line Cemetery. . Collingvvvood bgmd will continue Its`! Eweekly concerts, holding them in the [opera house.` 15 . n_.\ . 4- - ---- The National Smoke I have nn pic Her smiln, I `But that .' Therefore. (L. .I ,, ._I_ L IIUICIUI C, 1 Or (lurk. For when : `In all his grit-f nr Each Inuod and How brave and tmx She speaks thm: Lever Brothers _.__.-,) IJUVCI IJIIIIIICYH Limited, Toronto. Ont. In all `t-hut_m_v fI'i( Her xnirr0r_ Irw His thought M In All gentle too. Ihave not hm face. Nor tom-hm! And yet sunm n I undemtzuul, Had FIrfi|."|zm5 Made In Ca/nodal %%%%- %%%%- .uI5l(:LU|C, 1 -`.13 l - (lurk nr fair or she slm cret pI'.u',_r- I see her the-ro`. Keep Minard s Li Dub Ill-ll ~`AH,'* l` A I have true h`. is in ev4 Every H1 generous I The umbolic odour In Llfubuoy is a sign a f it: proucmw I ualitia: -0: let ly vanishing 1/(er nu. jun um: push UWU WBGKS. , A Miss Alma When is visitingwith Mrs. J. Spence, Midhurst. Earl Brown was home over Sunday. Rev. C. P. Shapter will not occupy the -pulpit of the Methodist Church for the next two Sabbaths, as `he is preaching at anniver- sary services elsewhere. I and ..:..l-.4 .........l ....... ....-..:-....1 -1 LL- _1__.,L and the antisc infect the brui etc. that migh a source of dn buoy soup h children to be health and ham LEE`! For the fun Canada the c kept healthy ' them from.t microbes of d Lifebuoy Soa_ For the bath the healing, Ilthering vcge A _ The He: Mv FRI` I`-IEALT` lllilvlll her 2 I (Too Late for last Week) Oct. 5.--Mrs. Long has been in Minesin` `lor the past two weeks. Mica Alum. 1171...... :. ..:,.:A.:..... .__:u_ 1:..- ,1

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