Barrie Examiner, 13 Oct 1921, p. 12

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BUY A WHITE SEWING MACHINE NOW. We have them in dro}; heads, electric, White rotary, Automatic lift. Men are out with the machines now .With every dollar purchase we give 0. 5c coupon. See the nice goods at small prices. `priced . . . When Jack Frost begins in earnest to nip little 3 toes and fingers, then comes the need of this comfy 3 winter-weight underwear, for health s sake. Theseg undergarments. give generous warmthewithout beings cumbersome, are well shaped and firmly knitted to withstand more than ordinary wear. Special Autumng sale prices spell economy. ' . . 0 Q Just received, three cases of T urnbul1 s Ribbed Natural Wool and Union Ladies Vests and` Drawers. Easy priced 75c, 90c, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.65, $2, $2.50 ` FLANNELETTE BLANKETS , largest sizes, Pink j; price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNDERWEAR FOR MEN, WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRIS HEAVY BED COMFORTERS fiiied with white batting, ilk-lined covering, nice dark and light colors, sizes- 60x72. Big value at $4.50.-.- Special price. . $3.25 B0YS M_AND GIRLS WOOL HOSE, 2-1 ribbed, is big value at 75c.-'- Special price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'Men s Natural Wool Sfiirts and Drawers. Easy tr] _ ' Q0 nn to an: on an 2 - g"- V-----~ --- --mvv-w pm,->1 v vcrxtgs-g? td . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 i..:W{2---3 Men s Penman s Fleeced Shirts and Drawers. Special . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 Men s Heavy Ribbed Union Shirts :1 nd Drawers. Special S . . . . . . . . . . . $1.89 Stanfield s Blue Label Shirts and Drawers. Special price . . . . . . . . . . . $3.25 -LOST--Fem;\le collie. yellow and wllite, 9 months old. Anyone detaining her `after `this notice will `be `prosecuted. Reward. .l._Vuir, Jr.. 56 Bay-eld St. - 41p Boys Heavy Working Boots in tan and black blucher cut, sizes 1 to 5. Special prices 1-our non -A A; A--- A_ Youths Fine School Bo'ots,_,sizes 11 to `13j}. Prices. . . . $3.50, $3.75 -Little Gents Grain Boots, size_s 8 to 10_. Special . . . . . .V . . . . . . . $2.75 Youshould see our line of Working Boots with toe cap and plain toes, that will give you wear and comfort, and they are easy priced at .. .- . . . . . . $4.50, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00 Meh s Fine Boots I in Black and Brown. They are special value at . . . . ..$5, -$6, $7.25, $7.50, $8, $10 Boys Fine Boots, Black and Brown,` sizes 1 to 5-1:. Easy. priced at . . . . . . . . . $4.00, $5.00 , $5.50, $6.06 a U Bvnavllo . Aimotion was passed recommend- . ing the joint committee to place the :fee at $10 for all members of -both .'clubs. ' V I Ii Considerable time was taken up gin the discussion` of proposed amend- I ments to the rules. of the 0.C.A. and `the delegates were instructed as to A the wishes of the meeting. A nnnf-inn Inna manual 3.. .E._.... .I ,, ,, ,..- ,_-_-_._-v`- \rna\IlJ At the annual meeting of the Barrie Curling Club, held Tuesday night, the following officers were elected: Hon.`Pres., H. E. Jory; Hon. Vice-Pres., A. Brownlee; Pres., C. H. Beelby; Vice-Pres., W. H. Kennedy; eChaplain, A. Hay; Sec y-Treas., A. IE. Stapleton; Rep. to 0. C. A., A. Brownlee-; Alternate, P. Love; Aud- itors, G. O. Cameron and S. G. Un- derh_il1; Management Committee, the :President, Vice-President, Secretary, G. 0. Cameron, S. G. Underhill, and `J. Jac_kson. A BARRIE CURLING CLUB nay $3.25. $3.50, $4, $4.50, $5 MILITARY SOLES ANDPHEELSV will wear out two pairs of leather soles. Keep the feet dry and keep you from slipping. Easy p*ri'ced'--- Light ones" $1.50 Heavy ones $1.85" A new stock just in and the prices are right. You should see them. 1UI'...J... `D..--..).< T_.1:__r _.__1- 12,: a any Llalllpo ;vu nlluulu acc bllcllla Men S`, Boys, Ladies" and" Girls Rubbers for fine boots. Easy priced" . . . . . . .. $1.00, $1.20, $1.40, $1.50 THOUSE TOHLET for winter, furnished, rent reasonable. Apply 86. Kempenfeldt. St. 1p sizes 5% to 10. This Hose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 50c We drop now. and Blue borders. Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.50 Individual ' Instruction Assures you a. thorough course in the shortest period of time. `I'IY\1R'l'|l'l\ Lingo`-- ..A---- -r-- MEN S AND BOYS HEAVY RUBBERS _-v_- lrv--vuo vg. llllll 0 PREIIIXRATORY COURSES for those, lacking early training. BUSINESS SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING DICTAPH ONE SECRETARIAL CIVIL SERVICE Special short courses in FARM ACCOUNTING The anniversary services of the. Method- ist Church will `be held on Sunday, Oct. 16. at 11 am. and 7 p.m., conducted by Rev. F. L. Brown, B.A., who is Supt. of Mis- sions for Montreal and the Bay of Quinta Conferences, and also of the Toronto Con- ference, of which he is president. Service at Crown Hill will be held at 2.30.p.m. as usual. Trenton PHILLIPS EDGAR FFURNISHED or unfurnished rooms to let ---Apply evenings at 73 Tiffin St., Allan (halo - 41 .10.. Zion Church. St; a very pretty \\'t'd< when Alva May. :1: Walter Curruthc~r`.~. to Mr. Erhuuml \ The cerenmny w:L~ MacLeun. The hr}: by her father. ('urri roses "and wore :1 :: gette and a veil urr sums. Mi&~' Jean ('11 edrthe wedrlinz xu Briese of \Vind:-rmt and Mr. Wilfrid 1. best man. Bezmtifu autumn lea\'e.s'.r M1-x ANDERS Rev. E. T. Duu I wedding of the m Church pamonzagn _\ ' Miss` May `Mnutt bride of M1`. Hurol dale. The cnupln ter the `ceremony is Toronto, Gour;:orm bride wearing u n black plush hat. 5: grey shoes and h4x~` - EEIEEIEEIEI genluslenluaj CLOTHI BA] FANCY 82 Dunl CHIN! LOST-v-(`xl1evrolet crank, between Allandale -and Barrie, on Wednesday. Phone 802. ` 41p BRlESE-- 1.0+ Tin \\ : FRIDI V Clover! WEI ROOM AND BOARD for college student. ' Apply at 139 Collier St. 41p JREPORTER to cover building and engin- work in Barrie. Good sideline for = an`yon`e who can get news. Commission {pa-id `for each report. Forms and postage =sup1i1ied. Apply, stating qualications, to 'Mc' Building Report-s_. Ltd., 345 Ad- Jhiiirrln Q1` W Tnrnnfn nnf' A11- 3-ROOMS TO LET--Two unfurnished rooms -for light housekeeping. 30 Maple Ave-. -MAN WANTED-+Willing to milk, plow, dig or chop; who does not smoke; ten to `twenty dollars per month. W. J. Good- f'ellow, Stroud R. R. 2. 39-41p `GOOD TEA-MSTER WANTED-- Comfort- Akl- l......_.l .....,l eon ....... _.......A.L A....l.. L- TMAN WANTED for farm work, willing to- .milk and plow. Wages $40 per month `with board. Apply to Isaac Aconley, "Shanty Bay. 41-42p 'WANTED--Experienced young lady for gr0c(21`y s1,:)x'?, Apply Box B" Exam-' iner office. V 41:42c HOUSEMAI-D WANTED---Apply `to M`:s. (nun Iinulin K? Movn Ann Jllrfn MAID WANTED to assist two others, Apply T Ovenden College. 410 POTATOES WANTED, loadlngthis week. A `an nlu;1rn v-or` ant` auvonf tI`I\I7lIIO auuu. L ~L\uuu.unu IIUUDE: 1` UK. BALE-- ' Electric lights, gas and water. Apply 36 Mary St. A -tfc I111: ur'.u.u uuuluug .l.\oU]MJl'I.-!`_. .I.l|4 lelziiiie St. W., Toronto, Ont". -._`-`P dale; ` -I-\.I\JL7L'l LLIULII '7 III.` I l1lIJ_"L' Ur lmullly U` t-wo; all conveniences; man looks-after furnace. Would be good `home for mid- dle-aged woman. Apply at this office.41c ILIUIJ l.L`n'1LVDD.l.L'JL\: VV 11-V J-'EA.IJ'-` \J'UllllUl.'I/' able board and $20 per month. Apply to E. V. Wilson, Shanty Bay. 41p EIGi{'1'.RooMED HOUSE FOR SALE- Wlnnfn l:..ko.. nu... .-..-I ......L__ A_._I__ no LLILJIJLDHJ .`'lL'LI " I'll` I. Chas. Devlin, 53 Maple Ave. U1:1LUl.`a) VV I'll` 11211), JUHUIU5 IIUIB WUUIXI Also Valslke. red~ and sweet clover 4-seed. Write Box 971, Barrie, stating -quantities, or phone 612-14 or American" Ilotel 216. J. Victor Brett. 37-42p -Property For Sale Property To Let >*lT.T.pst and Found. Help Wanted , nuan- 41-42p il 2 1" FOR SALE--Black `and tan fox hound. " guaranteed good for fox or deer. Geo. Croghan. Barrie. ` 41; e STRAYED from lot 17, con. 4, Essa, on or about middle of August, 4 head young cattle, 2 yearling heifexs, red and white, and 2 2-yr.-old steers, one red and white and one black and white. Any informa- tion of their whereabouts will be gladly received by John W. Cunningham, Angus` P.0., phone 83 ring 23. 40-42p FOR SALE--Thoroughbred black Shetland pony, m-are, buggy, harness, cutter -and wagon; also some Game Bantams. Apply *- John Biongham, 75 Toronto St. "41-42p DUAL PURPOSE REGISTERED SHROP- Q`lJ TD'l:\_Q 4'..- ...I.. 1 1.-.... t..- ....:-I- .I:- CHOICE PEN BARRED ROCK nnnbnunla Up... ....I.. A.....I-. 152-1.-. FOR S`ALE---Brood saw, store pigs; also a davenport, good as new. Hawthorne, 3 _ ring 1-3. ; 41p` BARRED ROCK COCKERELS, 0. A. C. .f.l`);n nn}IH foltnn of Anna Tan FOR SALE---Oxforld ram, registered Cera- well 410; also 13 grade Oxford ewes. Lot 26, con. 2, Ora. John Gearns, R. R. 2, Shanty Bay. 39-44p GOOD DRIVING HORSE or sale cheap. vm-v can-Ha -and lrinrl a lucky nun A.-im. WHITE WYANDOITE cockerels, pure bred. batched in March, 82 for immediate sale. J. , A. MacLaren. 41x GA-NARIES` FOR SALE--Guhra11teed sing- ers. Apply at 261 Bayeld St. or phone ` 864J. - 41p, MOTORCYCLE BUSINESS PROPOSITION ' ---The Harley-Davidson representative, .7. Menton, of Andrews & Morison, Limited, Toronto, will be in town in a day or two for_the purpose of appointing a distribut- or for this district. Parties interested please write 'at once" to J. Menton, care General Delivery, Barrie P. 0. 40 ' iliLOST~-On highway. two miles north of Bradford, Saturday evening, September .seventeenth. club bag containing auto- fmobile tools and equipment. Finder will be rewarded on leaving at Examiner Uice. 38-11p MILITARY EQUIPMENT---Anyone found in -unlawful possession of any military equipment` after the 8th inst. will be pros- ecuted. W. Knowles. 40c BE PHOTOGRAPI-IED this year on your birthday. All styles and sizes and cost moderate.- Your old-time valued photos of bygone days can be copied and en- ' larged too. Mantin`s Studio, Mulcaster L St. - . 3_9-449 DON'T NEGLECT that roof until the wet` weather comes. All kinds repaired. See W. Smith, 55 Clapperton St., P. 0. Box 810. 36-41;) . IN POUND--l Yorkshire. sow brought "to H Stroud pound. Owner may have same by..paying damages and expenses. Phone 6 ring 31. _ V 38--40p WM. AND E. SM_ITH---Window cleaners. Estimates given. [55 Clapperton St. Box 810, Barrie.` - 37-'42p PI-ANO TUNING--~Harold Webb. ....A...... -4 nT..LI.. .. `l'..'.....I._. 0;--- FOR SALE--Get your order in for your winter apples. I have 200 barrels beau- tiful Pewaukees, a real good winter apple. At the Apple `Factory, J. W. Goesling, phone 361. ,_ ' - -40-41c FOR'SALE---Quantity of -building material suitable for `garage, driving-shed or .hen- house. Apply M. Charles, 29 Grove St., P. 0. Box 943. - 40-41p TWO STOVE FOR SALE, one large heat- er, -burns coal or wood, and one small heater. Apply Mrs. Gazley, 188 Kempen- mm. 9+. 41 NOI`ICE-W`1iy pay more when you can buy White Rotary Sewing` Machines for S35 at Singer Sewing (Machine Go. Shop? 41-42p WVATCH LOST~-On Mulcaster or Dunlop` ..Sts., gold wrist watch. Reward at Keen- -'nn's Book Store. 41p BASE BURNER COAL HEA:iEfor sale, nngv nn fun] nhav in Anni-nfa 3n nmm-I r-nu- WOOD FOR SALE--Maple and beech, cut 16-inch length or to order, delivered at your house. E. V. Wilson, Oro telephone. 41-46p STORE YOUR` ICE-Saw}vdust delivered to your ice house. Apply E. V. Wilson, Shanty Bay, 010 telephone. 41-46p Junu runruwn .ru:AuJ.D.l..l:1n.l.`4U D!1l.1.U1'- SHIRES for sale. I have for quick dis- posal 2 ram lambs and also-some ewes, lambs, shearlings, or aged ewes. Apply_to Harold Shannon, A.ntrim Farm, R. R No. 3, Barrie. . V . 39.:t LARGE BRICK HOUSE for sale.--A_lso a `good pony. Apply at 42` Penetang St;, or phone 313. b 41p :;x;uLw:uu l|.\l\:fl.\. uuuxuuxwmuo, U. A. D. strain. '32 each, if taken at once. Wm. R.TBest, Edgar. T 41-43c l\J\J.IJ lJ1\LVl..LV \J IILILIDIB l`Ul' Ellie UHCHP. very gentle `and kind. a lady can drive him. afraid of nothing. Apply Mrs. H. . M.` Williston, Anten Mills. 41-43c EHOICE young` cockerels for sale. Apply Fisher Flour Mills: M1111- UUURUI Mills. 1111.` U 1 UL` .|.LV'\J"I1Hl'UIQ W 00. orders at Webb's Jewelry Store. -LOST. S'['R.AYED OR STOLEN-2 months ago, from farm of Frank Kennedy, lot 73, con. 2, F105, 4 spring calves. 3 red, 1 red and white. Finder please notify the -ownqr antl_ oblige. 41tfc IIUKSLUI} [1 feldt St. . h.'|k7_L'J IJLJLULVLDLM UVJISIJ Ll`.'l`Jl'lLl.`' .lU1' SUIC, easy on fuel, easy to operate, In good con- dition, a bargam. Apply th1s olce. 41p Live st;ITi=Er sale Miscellaneoub ` 4332?; Leave Phone {11~46c I.-7711' 41!) The big subway which is to carry the Yonge`St. traic under the G.'I`.R. tracks, south of Aurora, will be completed early in 1922.. The cost is estimated at $45,000, distributed as fdllows: Dominion Govern- ment. $11,000; Toronto & York Ry. Co., $9,000; Dept. of Public Highways, $12,000; County of York, $3,000; G.T.R., $10,000. This is the crossing at which D. W. Bolton was killed. ` A 50-ACRE FARM 'FOR SALE-Fimt-class I.u...I ...-....I L--- 0E_Dl\ _..._ ..II .I_._._ 6 _---. ..--.. .. vu... unnasavwvnnvvlvc Stanley Bryson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bryson, narrowly escaped serious injuries through 'being knocked down by a car on Bradford St. one day last week. While he and another 'boy were at play, he ran out in front of a* car and` was bowled-over. For- tuna-tely the motorist was running slowly, but as it was the lad received several cuts, one requiring stitching. PI`L_ I, LOST--Sa~t... Oct. 8, Cleveland bicycle 22-in. frame. painted black; varnished rims and coaster brake, rear tire in fair condition, front tire badly worn and one spoke out in front wheel. no gri-ps on handle bars and no mud guards. Notify Vickers. Limited. . 41c FARM FOR SALE- 50 acres, 6 miles "ft-(nu cumin nan:-I kn:-ab knun anon! gtnkl VA:LUAsBLE FARM PROPERTY for sale in Simcoe County, lot 48, con. 2, Flos . (0.S.); southeast `quarter lot 2, con 3, Flos, and 14 acres handwood bush on lot 1, con. 2, F105. Must be sold to wind up estate. Apply to Mrs. Fred McGinnis, .R. R. No. 2, Phelpaton. - "41-46c. Heive your hand read by scientic lady palmist. Here till Tuesday -night only. Has read the hands of hundreds of distinguished `people, including Marconi, Laurier. Bern- hardt. Simcoe House, room 32, Bayeld St. entrance. Hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 5; 7 to 9. Terms, $1.00. 41p An appendix operation, with only a local anaesthetic used. was successfully perform- ed at -the `R. V. Hospital last Saturday. The patient, a. woman, had such a weak heart that she could not takea general an- aesthetic, so the local was used. This is the first time a major openation has been performed here with a local anaesthetic. LN. I 11 out n u. -an HIIVCIIIIIE uy rlluunuuc uuv .' _ M Beginning last Monday, a week of special 1 services is being -held in the S. S. room of Central Methodist Church. Every evening except Saturday. services are being con- ducted -by Rev. H. E. Wellwood, Rev. S. M. Beach and Rev. Mr. McKenzie of Ath- erley. I-ruin; Ivniivu Rnnrl mnnt` kn ....:....A-IQ- I....I-. 1' IUUUIIUIK o . John Saso has purchased from the Wesley. Estate the store occupied by T. N. Hobley 'and the west part of Wiseman & McBride's butcher shop. The wall, which was 1/akeuv down to enlarge the latter shop, hm been restored. u'.. vu-1 __;__1_ __.-_._n__`____,, -2 .1 ll3SI4UICUa Mr. McIntosh, manufacturer of. the mem- orial to be erected in the P. O. grounds, was in town on Monday completing ar- rangements. He stated that he did not think the -monument would be ready for unveiling by Armistice Dav. Rnn;nn;na laaf Manda`; .a manly nl onnn:n` ' Lllllly UWHIE DU `I/ITJUIUIU Wll-'ll U15 eyes. Commencing Saturday next. Oct. 15, the prize money for Barnie Fair may be ob- tained by calling upon the Secretary, R. J. Fletcher. 1.1.. -O... L-.. __-_.-L____I n._,_,, .1 , nr 1 HUJLII UCUl'(`a lJl'. ruuuu. UUI'UIlCl'.' Mr. Hay is acting principal of the B.C.I. for a few days, Mr. Girdwood being o duty owing to `trouble with his eyw. nnvnmnntno Qohn-(luv now! {In} 1% Nu. mTI11V<:.B`I`.a:i1i`g: s} J Aiduof Burton Ave. Methodist Church will hold their usual good supper on or near Nov. 21. ' 41c l`....L I I.` `D..Il:LL 1-5.. -1` 4L. (1 A 11 n Victor Brett has opened a. feed store in the premises recently occupied by the Bar- rie Fish Shop, The Ladies Methodist COSILY FURNISHED double front bed- room suitable for `light housekeep`ing, rea- ' -sonaable. Apgly at Examiner. . 41p Brown & 06. have choice Hyacinths for indoor or outdoor culture, at 60c doz. 41x There was a very slight fall of snow on `Saturday morning. the rst of the season. 1194, Y` .. I I A u . `Ads. in this column, 4c per word cash. g=iIH'iI.`.IS`iI!-H I Hilllhlllllg `U`l'.|\J.l\al.`J IJIIIIJII l.`\Jl.\o D'llJI!l"-I`llUlI'UHIU .land, good barn 35x60, small frame house, half-acre orchard, 7 acres fall wheat; one mile from Barrie, Mill Road. Richard Duly, Cundles P. O. - 39-44p ruuu. run. Dnul`J- DU acres, 0 1111185 from Barrie, good bank barn, good stabl- ing, frame house, good orchard. Apply to G. Smith, 60 Mary St . 38-43p LOCAL NEWS Farms For Sale On the gridiron the seniors absol-' utely outclassed Midland by the score of 37 to 0. Penetang, like Midland,l were blanked by the juniors, though by a much reduced score, 7 to 0. As land by 37 to 0., The games had been for the girls basketball squad, they. were not to be outdone in the high" scoring line by their brothers, and so outclassedthe girls team in Mid- i booked for Collingwood,` but were: cancelled and the other places chosen. 5 However; the B.C.I. teams are not, particular whom they defeat and proved it by Saturday s games. i '1'... 13... 11v\n l\# 51... J-1...-.. I...u.`l The senior and the junior rugby and the senior girls basketball squads from the B.C.I. played in Midland and Penetang last Saturday, each outt winning its game. 7 1` THREE B.C.l.V TEAMS WIN ;LOS'I`~-On Sunday, Oct. 2, a" large mink stole, vicinity Angus and Camp Borden. Finder kindly 1eave'atV Examiner office and receive liberal reward`. 41c

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