;~ - - ` - - -"-'"'w '""""' bcorner Sophia and Mary Street: 7 h[anufacture"r.s of Sash, Doors, Frames, Flooring Ceiling, Moulding, Water Troughs, Tanks, etc. We carry in stock a large assortment 51 ' Rough and Dressed Lumber, B. C. Shingles and Prepared Roofing. Wood Turning and Kiln Drying a Specialty. Dressing done pr0nlpft.y.:...I4 .... ...:4L ---.-_ L-.!IJE--- ,7 DR. E. G. TURNBULL T Graduate of McGill University Office and residence, corner Elizabeth and, Bradford St-8.. Barrie. Oice hours 9 to 10 a.m., 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 8 p.m. Phone 105 Barrie Community Nurse Association Miss M. L. Nodwell, nurse office 17`Owen St. Office hours 1.30-2.30 Visits must be arranged for through doctors Jnhn H W;lnn|\ can rn---- IJDJUB 34tfc It Barrie Phone, No. 2 uuua HIEIIKJOB DORIS, . 'l`......-4._ ....gnq.._ C. S. DICKSON, B.A., `Phone 61. 56 Collie [4_______.___.___.._...... DR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. West, Toronto, will be It 91 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Thront - [Consultation hours, 11 am. to 5 pm. Barrie Phone. No. 2. % Graduate of . ' v--. vlvlun Ha "HUI IGI-aduate Trinity Umversity, Toronto; also Edinburgh and Glasgow. 1 Spocia|ty-Diseases of Stomach ]0'ice: Corner Bayfield and Worsley Sta. i Oice open until 8 p.m. daily DR. H. T. ARNALL Associate Coroner County of Simcoo Office and Residence; Cor. Toronto and Elizabeth Sts., opp. Central Methodist I Churh. Telephone 167. -1._-.-..:._._....--_...._j__ I R. F. sauce, M.D., c.M.,, L.M.C.C. f Oice "and residence, 60 Ron 8t.. Third door east of Royal Victoria Hospital. - Telephone 256 30tic `nu \II\alV KIULIEILV LILJJ I'L\a'I3JL`1U, GUI): ' \1\J\Ill pay, EXCLUSIVE territory-and free equip- ment. Lanna A` Iluranun Qfnnll I uuuuu. vvcx u-nun ox xoronw, AD"Bl'l1O. . . Entrance on Owen St. ' Phones: Office 2241, Res. 314. P.O`. Box 153 W. Richardson, L.D.S, D.D.S. 7c-yrly W. Randall Richardson, L.D.S,, D.D.S. ~ons.` w. mo w. R. mcmmosou Graduates and members of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Oicez Over Bank of Toronto, _BarI-io. _' Enhrnm-_A nn nmn Q`; PLAX1:0N & PLAXTON` BARRISTERS, soucrrons. 1 nFf:.....- `M170 1`I....A. n-,2I,I- .1. -. nun II.|'_, "loll- Oice and residence. 47- Maple Ave. ~ Phone No. 213 ` 31t DONALD ROSS. L.L.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, l Mnahn:n Tn-ml- !)..:L.I2.__ I`| uAtuusTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masbnic Temple Building, Barrie Money to loan. MAU7D E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. Teacher of Piann and \I....| ,, W. A. LEWIS, M.D., C.M. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY --and-- (S Q hlllenu n A -- - .::.u.uu L1..`l1\J, Dl. Oices: 707-8 `P. .. _L _ LLLJIJLUIIILLV ILLVU DUKUEUN PHELPSTON, ONT. Oice hours 12-2 and 7-9 p.m. A reliable, energeti sales agent, for -Barrie anki County to sell our well, known FRUIT and ORNAMENTAL '1'-REES, etc. -GO0D -shut IE?l`,'I'.lT.QT\I.'E`. I-nu-ovilrnuiu-ant` CI-an AlIII;f\- .____.__.._.._-.___.._.-.._.._.-_- DR. J. A. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Purl n'rnu nu-r ALEXANDER COWAN Qnlininu 4:... ..ka...:_:__ _- CRESWICKE & BELL BARRISTERS `nu GL4. Q ....... ~- 1` :----.._-_---_--_.__----- DR. vucron A. HART 1: A5 'I"-Iain. YT- ..... _:._ A. T} LITTLE, M.D. ......t _....:.l___, .-v .. - nu unuun, 1.10. O 1. Money to loan un.-, uux.u.u11.UI\.D. 1'41` : Kent Building Toronto, Ont. n (1 t1......I-._ nu 3, no. 4. Toronto Phone. North 3320. _____________________. J cuxnuscu lU1' [*I.ll'0Ugn doctor. John H. Wilson, Sec.-Tress. With an Annual Dividend Policy in the- Yuma? VMUSIC DENTAL III, Ucfh, "HD- H Collier St., Barth .-.-._:-__-------j-n VIII- G. Gordon Plum :2- \lllUu . Murchison III 23-490 lVIia 31tfo PROTECT T1755 aZ'"yL' Templetons, LOCEII .Ag(`Hf ft 11` Allulldultt (Contim VVhateve1' I Ge1'n1a3_V'.< ml tions or uthc doubt of hm-r_ to recover he is stated its an f_ul promos. ix has to date I tain fifty nf surrendered u satillesl Their [Positively .3 Sneezing, w wceping eye unless you li nu nn 0+ IFOR sz EIIII llr,\I\ 7 SUMMER . Thursd :1 _v Incorporated - 1855 [_Jl`l`l`)ERTAKER%S% Br: One s shed Bran shing Brant that being inches or gre Branffn our fan satisfac The and Wei apii . Particui H694 sums,` our. The Double `I :-anck a..;.a;' ' between Are Well Supplied nt- 8-&.3miIh&00- Egsult, us with vou; building :---_ 4. ______ rxs E'iE_'i*J| YOUR READING NEEDS Morgue and Chapel IN CONNECTION Your Family Your Business Your Future J`H9- .I3.<> OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 600 Acres of Nursery Stock ,,,|._;|.I_ 1,- ____ __-_ MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO O SCOTT S BOOKSTORE Establishad I889 wman 'Fu1l informatibn from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn- ing, District Passenger Agt., Toronto - Phone 82 [.1170 hi! IIU I/Llls ITUHI I l a Miss -Norvwood leaned forward in her chair. . [ f'l'\L..4. :__I4.LL, _,_ I , I v Ullliu That isn't` the real reason why I per- suaded Mr. Vivaseur to `bring me here to- day, Mr. McCarty, she said earnestly. Of course, this `being followed about is annoying and makes Unele Cal very di-i icult. to live with, but I- wouldn t mind any- thing if I could only feel that some pro- gress was being made in the investigation, ` if only we could know who really killed poor Evelyn Jarvis. Oliver has the ut- most faith in Mr. Terliune, but his sus- .lllUlll`llUll VUlCeo- 'r ' Yes. Quite so. Vivaseur shrugged. "I don t want to cast any aspersions on your late profession, McCarty, -but`~after` all it is the individual and not the sys-I fem that counts,`don t you think? Your very conscientious Inspector is raising the deuce with all of us, and one of Miss Nor- wood"s motives in coming to'you was to enlist your inuence to -have this espionage to which we are `being subjected modied ntrie. I have no personal, objection, though, `by Jove! I wish they d be a bit more subtle in their methods. All the chops at the club are spoong me about it is a serious annoyance to Miss Norwood and hereuncle and we fancied if you put in a word----A-"i - McCarty shook his head. . _. 'I`hat s the ordinary routine work of the department, sir, in a case li-ke this. I couldn't -inter-fere, but likely the In- spector will put a stop to it himself soon, for he told` me only yesterday that he ex- pected nothing from it." . Mina -Nlnnrlrnnzl `gaunt! Cn...u..-.l Z... L-.. the johnny who is trailing me. However, zwuuo ll.-. " - Inspector Druet `has charge of the in- vestigation," McCarty, remarked in a slight- ly molliled voice.. . Vm. nuzon on " `U: ....... - -1. .... ...-..I us of your'ripping work on 9. case only uuu II: as utue we ulnuence 1v nave were. But we know. your record! Viva- seur s smile was winning in- its frank, boy- ish admiration. Mia. Norwood has told last year, and Miss Norwood felt that if you would interest yourself in this aair you would stand a greater'show of success than that scientic johnny. He's been about. messin things up generally today.` and the old. entleman is in la _fearfu-1 heat about it." '- I `I'-.....__4.-_ n_.___; 1., I :~ .1 DE JUU, llly U351" IBIIOWI I'm -not on the case, sirf McCarty responded quietly. I'_ve no"1on-ger any connectiouwith the force, as you know._ and it's little the inuence IV have there.| nun. ..... 1.-.... -.-.... .........:m u:__. to come w---- _ ` ` Perhaps I can tell you what is on Miss Norwood's mind," Vivaseur in-ter-rupted quickly. The -momentary patronage -wasl gone from his tones and bespoke with tactful deference. We came to you be- cause of your inuence with the author- ities and because Miss Norwood feels, as I do. that if anyone succeeds in solving-the mystery of her friend s tragic death : it will be you, my dear fellow! ` case. sir. McCart.v vuwc uuu 1m.7uuI'(y repueu Wllin u1gn1vy: Tis `la picture of his mother by a guy called Whistler and I_bought it because it minded me of my oyvn, God-rest her soul. I ani not a sporting man. Mr. Vivaseur. Since I've resigned` from the force I've done nothing more exciting than a bit`of shing now and then." .He turned to the young girl. Wham did you want of me. nliss? I ll be glad to do anything I can. l I l`h f. lrnnu-I nifn `inn: I-A I-snrn "I I lll.ll`N5 1 11 De gum to Q0 auyunmg 1 can.'| .I don t know quite how to begin. Joan Norwood sat twisting the gold chain of her purse nervously between` her ii-n-' gets. Uncle Cal has talked so much of you that I thought you would be the one to come to--- Hn.._L....- r __._/ ;-n _-___ W1, ,. - `.- W J. 1-:; BlLL`l%l;I`G_S_l`:\':` ` ' "Depot Agent Phone 65 Barrie I 4 IN yaunu uucm UUHJIDIDRDIC. ' " By Jove, you do yourself well hege, don to you? Vlvaseur glanced about hun the array of `books and cigar boxes, the huge desk, the phonograph in the corneal -the shabby, capncious leather chairs drawn up beforegthe grate -in which 3 -bed of coals glowed redly, and the soft grey tones of the single pictgre which hung above. That is a very good .=p rint- you have there,- Mc- Carty, but I should have fancied your taste ran to he more sporting trend. I 'mmrn urns: n aluuln .11` nnfrnnnnn :n In}.- Fill] DU `H IUUFU QPUITIDK Brena. '_Phere was a shade of patronage in his vo1ce and McCarty replied with dignity:- "l`in 751 ninhlrn -nf uh-`A mnthnr Il'\V n on" ' (Conti'nued_'from-l_aVs't week) U CHAPTER XVI , ``It was Not My Doing l McCarty ushered his unexpected guests up the stairs to his sitting-room and hid his amazement` beneath a_ bustling effort: to make them comfortable. Du Tm... `run: .I.'. ..... .....I _-u L--- ~. ?i$$%$&%&&%$$$w$$w&&w&%%%&E% g%&$%$w&&*&%w$&%&*&*$&$&$g% The Twenty-Six Clues Digestive ailments are `frequently neglected. People say It s only a touchof indigestion-e it will go away._' What begins as simple discomfort is allowed to 4 become a serious-- chronic ailment. Never `neglect the treat- ment of digestive derangement. To relieve disorders of stomach, liver, kidneys and `bowels, Beecham s Pills act promptly and usually overcome the -dilculty. Take Perils '.*fVN/egIectA B y Isabel Ostrander >X0X<>X<>X< Unexceliii Dining Car Service Sleeping cars on Night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Da.yv'1`raina. I IIHU 'llllHIX.lUI' U1 UVCI'y'UOUy! Well, to be 'n with, there's Uncle Cal, she replied. `He was dreadfully excited `la_st night, but I supposed it was the re- action from the funeral and his indignation at being [followed about. He ate scarcely any dinner, and after Mr. Vivaseur Thad I Dl5lllu.Ul1l|l7'I`}. '5 I wish you would` tell me, Miss Nor- wood. McCarty hitched his chair closer. Twill be a great help, and if you and Mr. `Vivaseur willboth keep your eyes open and let me know what happens you may go a long way toward discovering the rut-h. Now, what is it that s going on- at your home? What's `bothering you in i the manner of everybody? Wall On knnin -`nil-R . +I~.non'n 'To\n`n ("hi I You are really going to do it? Miss` iNorwood breathed. I can -t tell you how { thankful I am, Mr. McCarty, and relieved. too, that you don't suspect either Captain iMarcha.l or Mr; Jarvis, for now I can speak | freely. There is so much going on at home that I_ don t understand, something queer in the attitude of nearly everybody, and I don -t know what to think. i Perhaps if I tell you, youwill be -able to make some- thing of- it. There are other points, too; little things I remember . about Evelyn, -chance remarks that puzzled me atthe time and come `back to me now with redoubled signicance." T mr:uI-I ...... .......I.I- t..n ..... 11:... x7... I ..--..... vuv I-nu..- v. ununuus Annun- AGood.!". Vivaseur exclaimed, his face alight with enthusiasm as he extended his hand, You're a chap after my own heart, McCarty! This 'will `be a load off Miss Nor- wood s mind, andeif I can do anything to help, you may count on me. I m an awful duffer, I'm afraid, at this sort of thing, -for it's a bit. out of my line ; crime, and all that; but I Fl be glad to give you a hand if you ll call on me. , '85! , 1: . . . . .... -... SH!-I lvlll` u'ul.-u. It s not money that _would tempt me to get in the game again, Mix Norwonci," McCarty. responded gravely. I ve had an interest in the case from the start and I m of. the same opinion as yourself; that both Mr. ierhunc and the Inepectorvare barking, up the wrong trees. -1-Iowever, I wozld` not take up the case as 9. professional mat- ter. though I thank you kindly `for the offer. I m a has-abeen. and I'll not be setting up shop in competition with Mr. 7 happens that I ve a private reason for wanting to see this thing through. There's a matte: of personal satisfaction in it and I may as well tell you that I ve decided to investigate it on my own account, miss. and I'll no more quit than Inspector Druet himself until I've come at the truth, if it's within the power of mortal man. II,` '1`-erhune and the department. but` it Just! 56!`, , 17- I a. V1: uuulc ou nan yuu bu uuut:n,zuc.1I I01 me. I can never be happy. again while this horrible thought hangs `over me, and I know how clever you are; I know that if anyone can nd Evelyn s murderer, you lean! -There will be no difficulty about money, I-~-I have 9. great deal, andl would cheerfully give half I possess to lexil the truth. ` u1,_7__ ___L _____-__ u__. ,,,uu . unvublbv av JMIBVIVUS I He will be," McCarty announced with a certain grimness. Of course, Mr. Ter- hune is a very celebrated man, but his methods are not those of the department and naturally I've more faith in the old system. The Inspector may be on the wrong track, `but he ll never give up until he learns the truth, I ll say that for him." IiA.__l 1.I.__ IA. ._._-_ I, I : I9! 1:- ..-4 n\a\~nn vonv vauvu L It cu: uuuv Au: llllllu "And then it may be too late! ~.' Miss Norwood wrung her hands. Mr. McCarty, I know you, have retired, that you're a private citizen now, but that leaves "you all the more free to conduct an investi- gation of your own, if you only will do so. I've come to ask you to undertake it for ma T nun nnunr `mi Lnnnu nlun\:v\ ...L!l.. -picion of Captain Marchal is unjust and utterly twithout foundation. It is almost `cowardly to. attack a person in the Cap- tain's position, suering as he is -under such a terrible affliction and absolutely innocent! I had hoped that the author- rities would make some headway, but they lseem even more wilfully blind than Mr. ` Terhune. Inspector Druet is actually try-' ing to build up a caseagainst Oliver Jar- vis himself! They are both dreadfully wrong and'the thought that precious time is passing and that thei end who kil-led my friend may escapescot free is driving me almost frantic! I loved Evelyn as if she were my own-sister and I shall not rest until her murderer is discovered and {brought to justice!" 6611', A;n L, 19 II n KTIUIIU Ullll 00! : UV LUIIEU DIM,` LUIUHVI H. J. Weloh, C.A. G.'D. Campbell, C.A T. E. Lawless. CA.` `W. S. Hulbig, Production Engineer. Manager Cost and Eiciencye Department with rumseu. , . He told us that his` first impulse was to give way to her wishes, but his "recent experiences in Wall Street had shaken his confidence in himself and his ability to make money, and common /sense dictated that his wife's fortune must be conserved; that she must be protected and provided for, even against her quixotic desires. He longed to make up with her, though, and started home, but in the very vestibule of the house `he stopped himself, afraid lest in his softened mood if she pleaded with him he would -give in to her against his better judgment. If the person who saw him ap- parently coming out of his house had been watching 9. minute or two earlier, they would have seen him arrive, pause in the vestibule and then turn and go down the steps and away. That is the truth, Mr. McCarty, but you can realize what little hope he would have of convincing Inspector Druet of it. " i.vu.'u:1rLy spuxe wim Sculet} carelessness. Because it would make the case look: even blacker against -him, in the Inspector's 4 eyes." Miss Norwood hesitated and then went on quickly: "You see, they ve dis-; covered that he went `back to his house; that afternoon; someone saw him leave andi take a -taxi to the consulate. If he admit-3 ted now that he `had quarreled with his` wife---- / Quarreled wth her? McCarty ejaculat~ ed - .Yes. That is -what has made his grief` so difficult to bear, poor boy, and he simp~, ly couldn't speak of it to anyone before. It _ 'was_just a tiny quarrel, but the thought! that they parted in coolness after five years] of ideal happiness is driving him -' almost` mad! It was about money, too. Oliveri has lost a huge amount in the last year or two on the stock market, and some of it was his wife's. She knew, of course, and never blamedhi-m`,,but she was almost fan- atical about this reconstruction work in` France, and wanted to throw. nearly all of her remaining capital -into it. Oliver ` did not thinkit wise, under the circum- stances, and they had a final argument about it on Friday after lunch. "Oliver says he kissed her good-bye, -but it was a cold sort of kiss ahd she did not respond. It worried him all during his interview with -his attorneys and afterwards he went up and walked in the -park and `fought it out with himself. H11- L_I_I ___ u_,. 1- - p- . - `- 1 I u uuu yesteruuy,. I. wonder? " Yes. Uncle Cal told him and he seem ed to be ra-ther annoyed about it, and anxious to know if he had given you any trouble," John Norwood responded. Then! Mr. Terhune came and insisted upon seeing him this morning. They had an interview} in tlie drawing-room and I think Mr. Ter- hune must have virtually accused him, for -I saw Uncle Cal listening: in the hall` and all at once he burst in upon them and. there was a fearful row, be defending Cap- I tain Mavrchaland abusing Mr. Terhune in the most violent manner and nally order-l ing him out of ~ the house. After he hadd gone Uncle Cal persuaded the Captain to go to bed and rest, and he did look fright- fully ill when I passed him on the stairs, but he pulled himself together and came; down again at lunch time, although he ate; nothing. I can feel his queer, strained! attitude,` just as Mr. Vivaseur can, and although his manners are perfect. as al- ways. it rnakes:`~me-uncomfortable, ill at ease. . He was never like this before. Then_.: right after lunch, the worst thing happened of all." A , ~ And what was that? McCarty asked eagerly, _ "Oliver Jarvis came and said that he ex- pected to be arrested for the murder him- self! That Inspector Druet had been ques- tioning him in such a way that he could; not help `but realize he was suspected, pre-; posterous as it appeared, and he wanted lUncle Cal to arrange his affairs for him} iii!" the event of hisbeing taken into cus- tody. We all thought he was crazy at first, that his grief had affected his mind, but, he told us enough to convince us the In-6 spector was actually laboring under thei delusion that he had killed poor Evelyn. You see, -they have discovered a. discrep-g ancy in his story of where and how he: spent Friday afternoon. He had told them that he went directly from his attorney s to the French consulate, when, as'~a matter of fact, there was an interval of an hour; and a half just at the time when the mur-l ] l d 1 % der is supposed to have taken place. -which `gt ` he said nothing about." . Whv doesn't he tell the truth nnwrifv` `\ ur: azuu uuuuug uuuuc. Why doesn't he tell the truth now? McCarty spoke with studied carelessness. plnnnuu-n H uynulnl I\\n]rn LL- M... |-AI- uuuyuuacu, 1.00, as mougn ne had had 8. shock of some sort. He was full of en- thusiasm before the investigation, and could- talk` of nothing else, but now he refuses to discuss it and seems to shrink if itzist mentioned in his presence. I can t help feeling that he knows or suspects some- thing. but he acts almost afraidltospeak. McCarty nodded slowly. ' I ve a notion that I know what s trou- h bling him, he commented. But.go on`, Jmiss, There was something else-----" _ .Cantni.n' Mm-aha! ulna ...,......x V... ..~c1`1`a'uuux1_, uuu I. you Know; . _ I beI1eve_yo1h s_1r! McCarty responded wnth emphasls. Dld he know 'tw'as me sat with him yesterday, I wonder?"` Vac IT!-u-`n (Yul 4.-`IA L2... ......i L. -..-_. cvt.-u uve ul-luuws conversation With him." Rather! the Englishman ejaculated. Of course, I admire him tremendously and all that for what he has done, and I m no end sorry for him in his'affliction, but my word! he is an unconxfortdble sort or chap to have about! He has his ears cock- ed, if you know what I mean, as if he were listening to something no one_ else can hear, and those sightless eyes of his| seem to follow one about in the-most ex- traordinary way. Gives one a deucedly odd sensation, don't you know. ' Y hnnnvn 11:: min! lI..fV....4-. ..-_..-..`-lLJ muss. uiere was sometning else------" .Captai-n Marchal, she paused. Youi know how ill The was yesterday; he seems to be `quite himself again today , but ter- ribly -weak and shaken, and his manner is so constrained and queer that even Mr. Vivaseur noticed it and he has never had even five minutes conversation with him." "-n,._hp.-I H... n`....I:=.i....-.. -:~---I-L-J "(To be contipued) LAWSON, WELCH a CAMPBELL chartered Accountants Phone` Main 5874. 59 Yonge St.,&'1`orontt W I Isiah I`. A I`. -D (`.nvnnKn n A g::i::::rmmm1e nu Meaford, 0nt.--I took Lydia E. ,- Pinkham s Jleetable Compound for v f 1 i ness. I felt dizzy and nervous, and was withoutenergy. _. I had to force myself to do my work, and was always tired. Saw a Pinkham ad- a vertisement which induced me to take i the Vegetable Com- ound, and my back l gradually "stopped :, itching and I felt Ii hter in s irits. ' :1 am recommending e Ve eta le Com- I I I I J ; mmmuuu 2%; M pound with leasure to al I meet who ' zcomplain as did.--MILDRED Baoox, ` Meaford, Ont. Woman : Precious Gift '1']... A..- ...I...'..L -1..- ...I_---I.I ____,. a u um u. ruuuxam 3 Vegetable U0m- ' .v und will bet]? you, write to Lydia E. goinkham Me Icme Co. (condential), Lynn, Mass., fol` advice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held In strict condence. U I \lllIIlII 9 I I blllll \IIII The one which she should most zeal- ously guard is her health, but she often neglects to do so in season until some ailment peculiar to her sex has fastened itself upon her. When '50 affected women may rely upon Lydia E. Pink- harn s Vegetable Compound, a remedy that has been wonderfully successful in restoring health to suering women. If vou have the sliahfnuf A....1.+ +1.... . rcawrmg ueaiul no surrerlng I If_ you haye the slightest doubt that I Lydla E. Pmkha.m s Vegetable Com. nound will heln van, wrifn +1. 'r...A:- w I ` NEAR-BY MARKETS AlIiston--FalI wheat $1.25, oats 550, bar- ley 70c; rye $1.10, potatoes $2.50. eggs 34, butter 40c. ` l'\._:lI.'A I17! . 1 II. A- A- _____ .......,.......... uuu vu um: nu ' iiiiksc ........................ .. 35-1b.! Potatoes .. .. $1.25 bag `for future delivery Apples . . . 30c, 40c_md 50c large basket. Pears ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 large basket Plum tomatoes` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c quart i Green tomatoes .. .. . 25c to 50c basket Cabbage . . . . . . . . .. 5c to 15c acc. to size l Carrots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5c bunch =Butter beans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15c quart ?Prepared horseradish .. 20c and'25c bottle I Citrons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c to 20c each i Vegetable marrow . . . . . . . . 8c to 10c each _ Large onions: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80c basket. i Small onions . . 150 qt. 50c smafl basket . ,:Cuuliower . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5c to 300 each- '- Turnips . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 for 5c and 5c each Beets . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . , . . . . . . . . 5_c bunch Squash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25c to 35c each ` (slelery . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ; . 5c to_10cbheag ; avnry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ac une i Sage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . .. 5c buneh I . ; Thyme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c bunch Peppers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . 25c clozen f Sweet peppers ; . . . . .. 80c for 6-qt. basket 5 Lamb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17:: to 22 lb. `Pork ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23c lb. `Flowers . . . . . . . . . . . .. 109 and 15c bunch, uu(L)`1'ci`lli.;:Wheat (old) $1.25, wheat (new) $1.25. barley 60c, oats 46c, rye $1.50, but- \ iter-37c, eggs 40c, potgtoes 31.50. i Removed by Lydia E. Pink-I ham : Vegetable Compound. I _ATURD'AY MARKET g ' The cold weather doubtless kept` many away from the market on Saturday last, and as a result it was not as large as the former one. . Butter and eggs were on the upward trend , although the former came down `a little toward the end` of the morn- ing. Dressed meat in quantities put in an. I readily. Orders for potatoes at $1.25 a bag for future delivery were taken, and quite` a number of purchasers availed them- selves of the offer. Apples were rat-lvter scarce and were not of very good. quality.` This is to be more or less expected as the] yield in this district was poor. The hardy vegetables, such as cabbage, turnips, etc.. were very good in quality and remained at their former prices. dppearance for the -rst time and sold Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c to. 48c lb. I "Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 55c dozen` Chicken . . . . . . . .. 30c to 32c lb Ducks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ears ' tomatoes ...... iCabbage . quart] lb .... ...._.l *L__,,.,. 1- - an --- wvv Iwvww -.---v., v--... `Our agency. is vallleble, for we grow the `trees we sell, -and deliver only high grade -'-stock. Write now for terms. THE MISERY OF i __B_A_G_KAGHE! [E THEMARKETS E` l!l'ii.`.I!il!I!-EIHEIEEIEEIHEIS: I RELI_E_:V-E -l;EAFvNETSS- and stops HEADNOISES. Simply Rub it Back of the Ears and Insert in N ostrils. Proof of suc- cess will be given by thadruzzlst. Anna: nu nnvunnn D DON 1' no THIS! ceu Will DC KIVGII by IIIO. 1111122183. 0 MADE IN CANADA 9 mnun SALES co.. sales Agents, Tmntu I. 0. Leonard. lnc.. Ifn.. 10 5th Am I. V. cm ___::_._._._.:_. - 5:535:51: Hillllllllg KEYIKIIIX 1-=2NA3_ . sac amen . 17 22:: 10}: bunch` '1 av auu UU C2102! to_10c head ---:30 nI\r\QldlI$ Phone::--- Office I63, Residence 353' MISS NsT_'?'I'-_:oLPITTs (holding diploma) T For further information apply to I00 Peel'St. A I5hone MRS. W. B. DOONER TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for examinations 74 Sanford St. Phone 735J. 23- umuu l:.. ULAXTON, L.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Vocal ' Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory of Music examinations leading up to and including the A.T.C.M. degree. Studio: King Block. Phone 424. -------.----j `MVESIC LESSON$- PIANO AND volcz _..hv._ C. W. Plaxton ' n:.:ArmuI:.r( UUWAN Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate 0! Wills, guardianship and administration, and General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, on Oice's: Hinds Block,'No. 8 Dunlap street. Monev in `non nA1uua1'1*Jtib` Solicitors for the Supreme Court of Judi- cature of Ontario. Proctors, Notaries, Con- veyancers, etc. Money to loan. Oices in Ross Block, Barrie W. A. J. Bell. K.C. ,, j . BOYS" &. MURCHISON Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, ` Conveyancers, e . Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices 13 Owen St., in Masonic Templi Building. ' u-......L -m:-: r" - ` |J unuu M50 Branch office, Elmvale, Ont. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P. D. C. Mun - PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Oice and residence, Collier St., corner ol ' Clapperton St., Barrie. Phone 275 ____________________________,_ f L. J. IMPsou, M.B. -'PELHAM NURSERY co.,T Tonouro. `coo ACRES or NURSERY . 41.48;) ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS