Barrie Examiner, 15 Sep 1921, p. 7

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[ll deliver 111 UIUDVUIIIB auu D1105. v Early reports stated that the potato crop this year was going to be woefully scarce, but several people from around here and nearby districts declare that the -potatoes are hilling out better than looked possible at one time and they now expect a cilap from fair to good. It is the later planted potatoes that are producing results.---Ob ` angeville Sun. I_l m....... n." L... ;.......:-.-..l u__ ___,:-L,u V- vu vans G lzC&Ul.lCl course. Miss Islay Corbett has taken a positionv `in Buffalo. I In :.u1uuLu wuslz WEEK. . ; Miss Gordon has returned from her `boh- day at Thessalon and Sault Ste. Marie, and will resume her duties at` the school soon. Miss Esther Bunt has ten_1porarily' given up her position and has returned to college to take a teachers course. I NH, 1..I.... n..-L..u. L..- .._|_-_ - __-2u-., Mrs. c. P. MNabb of Orillia has vast ger-I a-uium which stands 9 feet 6 inches in height, of standard or tree shape and has 117 blossoms and buds. I2`....l.. _......_:... ..4.-;-.I LL_L LL, [New Dreamland Friday and Saturday I ! ausmsss COLLEGE NOTES 5 The college has re-opened after a short holiday. We welcome the new students :who are enrolling and entering almost daily. It looks like a. record attendance again this year. C. Elrick has commenced his secretarial duties with the G.T.R., Allandale. `III..- IFI. _ r- COUNTY AND DISTRICT mus? WAIVJAZ; BU" Seeme LIGHT-SIX, analyze its ne quality of construction. and. you will readily appreciate why This is a Studebaker Year." ven St. Yet any feat of performance accomplished by the LIGHT-SIX is to be expected, for Stude- baker engineers who designed the LIGHT- SlX spent three years in building, perfecting and test- ing this car before it was offered to the public. The natural result of their labors was a super-built automobile--capable of unusual performance, exceptional econ- omy and long years of satis- factory service. THE running time recently establislied by the Studebaker LIGHT-SIX betvfeen T_'o_ronto and Kingston adds another record to the list of - __ ............e ..---v -vv-annual uusuwxxossuu LI] I.Il\4 LJLULJCUGACI l..;lL.Il. 1 l LJII\ 1 between Toronto and Kingston LIGHT-SIX achievements--each record furnishing further proof of the extraordinary performance, stam_ina and speed possessed by this car. v LIGHT-SIX PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPT. `s, 1921 Touring Car` $1725 A Coupe Roadster $2325 Sedan $2775 ` A Abgu Prlcu an I. o. B. Walhcrvilla, OM.-gcIIm'vc of Sale: To; [ALL STUDEBAKER CABS ARE IQUIPPED WITH CORD TIRES I plcrun.`-:5 BENTS H. S BRYSON, DEALER, BRADFORD ST., BARRIE uau, amu u,.o.\I., U40 060. It would be a good suggestion to Mr. Whitby and Mr. Paddison, who passed above motion, to ask the Town Clerk at next meeting to read above paragraphs from the statutes, as myself and other `peo- ple think they need to be enlightened on this subject. Because if they are allowed to go on they might get themselves into hot water. `L. ..-..._I....'-.. 1 __,__,I.I I'I . . . .1 ...--.,.. ....u-av nu nvuv-nu. Constables should supply themselves with a copy of the by-laws of county and municipalities within the same; in order that they may become more acquainted with their /duties and render themselves more effective and benecial in their re- spective localities, which they can do on `application to clerks of municipalities." See Ontario Municipal Act, R.S.O., 223, 326; also R.S.0., C73 S26. If. uvnulrl Jun 1: an;-st` owing-and-3;... tn II. Dear Sir :--In reference to a letter which was published in your last issue concerning the case of John Saso, I would thank you if you would spare me a small column in your valuable 'paper. Now, concerning the explanation of Mayor Little, who says that it was a case of bad blood between the two men, namely, Constable Hagart and John Saso, I am wondering whether it was had [blood between Mr. Tuck and Chief King when the latter prosecuted him for violat- ing this same -by-law. `No, certainly not. The Chief had his duty to perform and he' did it. Was it bad blood when an Allan- dale ,merchant was prosecuted for same vi- olation? No. Does a man of the Mayor s intelligence expect the public to swallow such a coarse explanation as this?" No, he has no excuse. Trace back and let your worthy readers know whether any other Mayor ever interceded on behalf of any. person who violated the town by-laws, es- pecially John Saso, who is ever violating the by-law. Now, there is only one inter- pretagion to the Mayor s action, and that is, if a merchant is prosecuted for violat-l ing this by-law he will endeavor to pull him through. ` ` Nnnr uinnn nuns -uuuiu .-....Ll1..L-_`l ..,__ I.` . The Canadian Fairbanks-Morsecu. uuu uuuugu. ' I Now, sinceyour paper published m let- ter to Council condemning the Mayor s ac- tion, I have received a letter from the Town Clerk notifying me to refrain from enforcing the town by-laws. I would like to know who gave the Council the power to_ dictate to one of the County peace of- cers. Perhaps it is lack of intelligence or perhaps it is, as the Mayor says in the case of John Saso, bad `blood between myself and Council. According to the motion that was passed. Now. for the benet of your readers, I would like to draw attention to By-Laws, page 42, -Constables manual, which siates as follows :--- um . aaunllv, 5.1! To Editor Barrie Examiner: .. ,.. - . 115:. 1. a Studebaker Ye Ill! W 5061 o In conclusion I would like to state thatl H. H. BURNS, late of Barrie Carriage Co.,. has taken over the rubber-tire department and can be depended upon to give prompt and satisfactory service in putting on or repairing rubbertires. Wheels also repaired. BUGGYRUBBER TIRES Shop-194 Blake St. (near East Ward School) one 2471 - - -_ - - - PQO. Box 543 --...-.-, _ --vu -V-ruin`! uvuucg J u usuluscoc 2. The record from Moncton to St. john, N. B.. is now held by a LIGHT-SIX. which sped the distance of 951/; _ miles in 2 hours. 29`minutes. The fastest C. P. R. train makes the trip in 2 hours. 50 minutes. 3. A LIGHT-SIX has established the five most important records on the Pacific Coast---all of which were made by the same car within ten weeks. 4. First to the top of Mt. Beacon. N. Y.--hitherto considered insurmountable by automohile-is another LIGHT -SIX achieve- ment. The car blazed its own trail. up grades varying from l5 to 33 per cent. 5. A recent test made in Toronto. under `Motor League super- vision. to ascertain how far the LIGHT-SIX would run on a single gallon of gasoline. showed 28 miles to the gallon of gasoline. I. A LIGHT-SIX made the round trip from Toronto to Kingston, Ont.--n distance of 327 miles--in I hour, 34 minutes less time than the fastest trains. averaging` 43.5 miles an hour and estab- lishing a new record of 7 hours, 3| minutes. ' 4) 'I"l Ir 1: . .4-.. ._ RE SASO cAsE T Barrie, Sept. 12, 1921. L.....:. 'l:`-......:..-_. T _ LIMITED ' Sales Ofces In every alarge Canadian city. Recent Achievements of `the STUDEBAKER LIGHT-SIX --the automobile setting new records for speed, durability and economy! On Sept. 2, Inpector Reid had two Port McNicol men before Police Magistrate Cook of Midland. One was ned $15 and coats for being drunk and the other 8200 and costs for having liquor in his possession. the explanation of the Mayor is a poor one. Some people might let the matter pass but other good thinking citizens arc asking why did the Mayor go and butt in on something that did not in any way have connection with the duties of his oice; also, would you inform me if some of the alderman at the west wards of the town are starting their campaign now for the next municipal election. ` Aauin fl-innlrinn `nu: Can .. nan-.. :.. -.-.._ ucnv unuuuupal 1:160!/IOU. - _Aga1n thankmg you for 3 space In your valuable paper, I am, V \7___,__ . u You may dress as well an the," say: our Dainty Dorothy. ` DON'T envy the clothes of the well-dressed woman whose ` wardrobe seems inexhaustible; have some of your own garments dry cleaned and dyed. For that "is the secret of many a woman s i smartly garbed appearance. And here you know that your clothes will be properly treated and that our business courtesy will make you feel that this in truth is the cleaning and dyeing house De Luxe. `, .- ....-c,_. V- , _._ MacLelland o .. .- vw u.. - `an. "Es; J35}; {me 6511}; hos. ,pital staff spent` Friday evening with her =pu1-ents. ` I woman} in 1-Ann:-9 kn (land-L A` n;... A! `LA Phone441 oiubeth St. ` Gtu1's'smts ADE To onnm , 7/2; 50217950: _.._ 6 -($75: I .. , - ..-...., Yours very truly, awn ur Page Seven` my truly, GEO. W. HAGART Z${ZeZ~ The U.F.O. Club and the Women's In- stitute spent a social evening with Mr. and Mrs. Metoalfe and presented Mr. Metcalfe "with an umbrella and Mrs. Metcalfe with an electric toaster before their departure for their new home in Orillia. pzucuus. I regret to `report the death of ohe of the `oldest residents in this neighborhood in the ;person of Mrs. "James Bell, who was in her 100th year. The- family have the sym- ~pa;thy of the community. ( / Beeton7s tax rate is 32 mills; -%$*%&%$%&*a&%$w%&&&%%*ii%; .R9 575170.13 . _ I - " WDHURST Quite a number from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Hodge of Guthrie on Friday. manna w:....:.. .....4 mm... n...,...c,....: .: nu ' -..-... ..-... -...-... ..y... -.-nu uvv-u Mr. 'ar;d:Mrs. Geo. Leigh of Hawkestone visited thexr daughter, Mrs. Geo. Shelswell. Ill..- 1 _!.., Il.,'I _II, ,I, AI . l\ -n- -no FERS '01: 1` I 1115 . | Misses Winnie and Clara Crawford of Mit-I 4chell Square visited with Miss MacLelland and Mrs. James Leigh last week. A II__ _A.I `IE4, IV., Y I ,1: If I *&&*&$%%*&&*&*a$w&%&&$%$: 3 NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS :1; Here's Your Answer to the Farm Labor-Problem V Ocez 48 Bcvfield Street. Huro ` AOEico Phone 881 Ruidonco Phone 865' ~ P.O. Box 1011 Thursday, September 15,`1'92 1 -...v..-v, ---v vvv, -- ---J r'?&iidrI&:1'1';' gE{'i5{isy ......... ...... .fI$2;ood 25% Acres, seven-roomed house, barn 20x30, stone. stabling beneath, seven acres hardwood bush, young orchard and small fruits, about eight miles from Bar- V rie, must be sold, a snap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$l',l00 We have some extra good value to offer you in Town and Farm Properties. See usbefore you decide. _ ?Eig'ht-roomedV`:Brick House, large lot, lovely location, A11-_-.1- - Qonnn Two Special Bargains PARTRIDGE & GILROY We have a Wenderflirange of Wdoths for Amade-to- measure trade; style, workmanship and t guaranteed. Suit Prices from? $18.00 to $45.00 0 O Coat Prices from $18.00 to $40.00" ily--Iowa piper mont are the h son since last LooKz LooKz,LooK! BBOWNBRUS. BROWN BROS. MEN'S AND BOYS CLOTHING s1=EcrA1.1s'rs\ -~ 104 Dunlap St. ` 3 doors eastgf Barrie Inn oun FALL srocx or sun's AND` %O COATS,HAVE ARRIVED . LOOK runs: OVER BEFORE YOU BUY J. H. MccAw, ~-the Type Z-that` marveloiis power source for the farmer, which does the `work of two men. Strong, light, exible in, its work and low in rst cost, economical in fuel consumption and upkeep. Three hundredihousand farmers'are, using the Z --saving money and ` increasing production. Come in and have it dcmonstrated A to you to-day. MADE-TO-MEASURE - 34 Bayfield Street, Phone 77. V fmers who out sheet. kind that test satis- e hardest ur tin and cts have ly service ve proved us for es- uz um uluuucr suns. James .l.'l8l'C6, El". * Master Albe;-t Wallwin spent a week'a_ holidays at Dalston, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Handy. (`.nn.wI-nhvlnnna tn Mo any! "nu I1 .-.-..-.. apcuu vuc wccn-cuu -ula uur uume D811}. Mrs. J. W. Hughes of Toronto is the guest of her mother, Mrs. James Franlncom. Mr. a.nd'Mrs. W. Cameron of Alliston are 7 visiting Midhurst friends. T It: Inn:-o nIl\II1l\ Lou -no-n.-uul 4... VI`..- nu! VIBIIJIIJ5 uuuuuxub 11181105. Mrs. Laura Brown has [returned to Tor- onto after spending a few days, the guest of her -mother, Mrs. James Pierce, Sr. Master Wn`luyin ennui, n nmnlv'n LIIIUUK G. jvthuolr-mber of people frorrr around here attended the Toronto Exhibition and re- port a good time and .9. large crowd of people, also beautiful weather. -4: ('1...-. `lnl-.....4..-.... .. ll'!..-....:.._ :_ __:,:L `Lbs LIIIUUUIBU IIICIILIS. Miss Margaret Eieldhouse of Toronto spent the week-end -at her home here. Mr: I I Ilunluug .-.0 'l1........L.. :. LL- yvupxc, nwu ucuuhuul yvcubuer. I Mrs. Geo. Johnston of Toronto is visit- Iing Midhumt friends. ' rm. M ........-..4 m:..uL........ .: m-..__;_ Sept. l2.-John ZMc.Gowai1 of Callendar called on friends -here_ on his way home from Toronto Exhibition. ` . II. .......I ll ... I'l7-I;__ 11:1! L,, , . I u uxu .I. urqu bu nzuuumon . . Mr. and Mrs; Walter Hill have returned to Toronto after spending some time at W. H. Miller s. A A ...-.....`L.... -1 ._-__I_ 7.47` r-- ` ` 11. uuluu uuuuy. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey u-uw- vi II-rI_ Since March last the cost of teas has shown a greater advance than has ever been registered during a like period in the past fortyyeai_'s. Good average tea now costs 15 or 16 a pound more at the gardens than it did six months ago. , There is no doubt that increased consumption in many countries, and the fact that Russia is now taking a large quantity of tea, has had something to `do with this almost unprece- dented rise in `coma. - \ re win be glad Hi: :nn ,9 new IIIDCIII L-Again thanking Sfou for fairness -and promptness. I_ rema1n_,, Respectfully, 97;; 11711 111' In A 1'11? U1 -iuy uuum covering my recent; me 1088. Kindly allow me to thank you for the prompt and satisfactory manner in which you have handled my claim. May say that in fairness to you I will consider it a duty -as well as 9. privilege to [speak well of lyour companywwhen occasion presents itse ; ~ ' 3%? muwu, wucn: sue IS auenmng Nolml. r._G1rven of Saskatoon visited at the parsonage over Sunday. He was accom- panied on his return by Mrs. Girven and her father, Rev. J. R. Isaac. ' M;n nnvnnrnn at `D.....:. _._-_ LIL- ----A ucn uuucl, IM:\(. 0. It. 18880. " Miss Cameron of Barrie -was the` guest of the Misses McKinley oAver'the week-end. Messrs. Laidmyan & Suarjeant, agents for the Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance 00., have been handed by Mr. Cleary, entirely unsolicited the following letter: A Thornton, Sept. 10, 1921 Dear Sirs,--- . I duly received your cheque in settlement of my claim covering my recent re loss. Kindlv nllnur Inn in 4-luau]. 0-.. I... 5!... Aulpxuvcuncubb xuuuu. Threshers in the vicinity state that wheat is a very good sample but not up to the average in yield bet acre. Oats are very light, ytiel ' g from 18 to 25 lbs. to the bushel. om is excellent and the root crop in general promises to be good. ul tum vruuuny. G. Tracey, N; Tracey and A. Newman motored to Toronto last week. ~ MM. Orchard is away on his holidays now. Miss Florine Knapp has gone to stay with. her brother Stirling at MacTier, where she intends going on` with her studies in the fth form. _Sept. 13`.A-Schoo1 re-opened on Monday. The teacheis are'Miss Patterson of Huron County and Miss Richardson of Craighurst, who has been re-engaged at an increased salary. Mig H. Turner, who taught in the senior room last year, is teaching in Sud- 'bury this year. New single seats and desks have been put in the senior room and other improvements made. 'l"k.-m.l........ :. LL- ..:..:._::._. -;_._ LL41. ,__L.,L Ll30w onto . `Ill- W5/`I Winnifred Young has gone to Pet.- erboro, where she is attending Normal. Mr. Girven of Smalmmnn mini:-A-A .4 +1.. Sept. and Mrs. -Jack Summers and little daughter (ff Chapleau are visiting at J. T. Johnston's. Miss Elvia Chappel is home from Tor- nntn, V apcuu a u:w uu._va' Ill LUIUIIEO 1851? WEEK Mrs. V. Tracey is at B. F. '1'racey s'for some time. III-.. YY-I__. `I ,._`ll,,. 1 A I 1 1 DUIIIC yuuc. Miss Helen Leadley has returned to her home in Hughenden, Alberta, after spend- `-ing.some time with friends -and relatives in this vicinity. (1 '1`:-unniv N mwnnntr and A \Y...-........ Sept. 12.---E. Richardson and W. Cook` spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mm V 'l`.......... :- .. 1) 1:` v1I..__-..v.. t-.. mMile:s:uIlEucI; Copeland has gone -back to the city after spending the summer with her sister, Mrs. J. McKnight. wur_u xygucro Aneuus. Mrs. S. Ruddick of Stayner has returned home after spending -a few weeks with Bax- ter friends. 11:..- `I'7I.l:;L rI_.._I___,I. I I I us cuuau U1 xuuauuw. `\ Mr. -and Mrs. H. Denney spent Sundzii with Egbert friends. MI`: Q 'pvn:l:"n`r AC Q0-n-vng-. Ln.-. ....L.._......J uucu uuuguwr, sum. nuxuurougn. S. Gordon has returned home after spend- ing a. few days with his daughter, Mrs. M. Drennan of I-Iillsdale. '\ II. ......I ll... 11 `I\_,,, ,,_ n :1 I ` 3er*1S,1921 Mrs. Andrew Thrlbbull have gone . to St. Paul s to spend a few weeks with U their daughter, Mrs. Roxborough. Q nrdnn hag rnhn-and Lnmn uh-.. ...-......l, \lIIlIIa I Mr. and ,Mrs. James Speers of Barrie are visiting friends here. A nnrn I-noel nynn kn]:-I `nl (J... Lo... -51 . Quite a number fror here attended the! anniversary services -at Ivy and Egbert on Sunday. - Mr -ant` MI-u Anyrllnuur "I"-1--J`-.II 1...-.- _.._`_ was mlguyeu `Dy everyone. Mrs. Griith of Chang To Ho, North Hanan, will speak in the Presbyterian Church next Sunday morning at eleven. Mrs. Griith and her husband, the Rev. Mr. Griffith, have been -misionaries in China for some years. " She tis'now home on furlough and will speak on her work in China. I... __ _I lid" 7, , , (I F T` uac vmuuus Luuuua ucrc. I A com roast -was held `at -the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Dolph McLean. All spent a very enjoyable evening. I Sept. 12.--A large crowd attended the' Harvest Home service in the Anglican Church on Sunday. Rev. P. W. A. Rob-I erts preached vexjy ne sermons both morn- ing and: evening. The music by theA.choir was enjoyed by everyone. MPH, A` (`Juana Tn LL. \T...n. | vl.Ul"UlIl4Uo .The Misses Canning have returned home after a couple of weeks holidays and have . re-opened their diessnlaking parlors. ; ...Dnn t. nae ]1nurna- -(HHSAIH furnn-nu n:-upuuuu uncxr urcssmaluug panors. ---Don t miss hearing Oldeld, famous baritone and Victor artist, at Churchill Presbyterian. Church, Sept. 19th. 370; uaya Wlbu um 'uL'Uu1U1' uefc. Mrs. E. H. Sloan spent a few days an Toronto. rm..- mr:........ n____:.__ L_,_- _,.__,,_-.1 1.-...- Sept. 12.---Miss ?Do1othy Sloan has gone 'to attend Normal School at North Bay. nr mar` Mr: IHnf`.nnnn cnnnf Quunnvy hm` AT IIU GDUCUU LVUILHIII. CULIUUI III! LVUIDH IJCIJQ Dr. and Mrs. Mccallum _spent Sunday, in the city. I Mnafnr: nBfl'II and Inn`. Qhsnn IAN (III. vv cuuuuuuy Mu BULIUUI. H1 ucuevuie. Mr. and'Mrs. John Bayes spent Thurs- day at the Exhibition. ` Mr an.-I Mrs TU `l1.{..n.... Ac` l",...l.......`_-. UH: ll ll-LIU JHAIIHUI UlU1lu ` Mr. and Mrs. W. Baynes of Coulson`.=z: Hill spent Sunday at Howard Allan s. M . Mnwv-`a AC I-Inn!-r_~1v:"n nnnnlv n `nun Luu ayvuv ouuuuy at '11uwtu'u Auuus. Mt. Morris of Huntsville spent a few. days with his `brother here. : 15..., I.` `[1 cl... ,........L .. :.... .~:...... :...` IILIU GQVCLIVLIII DUI pruvuucu. I `On Fridday, Sept. 2, a strangenarrivedt in this neighborhood driving a Ford car. As it carried no markers Constable W. W. Boyce went to interrogate him ',when the man took to his heels, leaving the Ford. standing on the hill -east of the school. Examination showed that the serial num- ber as well as the markers had been re-1 moved. 'It is evident that the car was stolen.` M1`... Boyce took the Ford and` afnnorl N nnnrnnn than n:-nu nf :1-a zuunnr - mll/'l:sjt;:sUl-Iarry and Billy Sloan left 011% Wednesday for school in Bellev1l`.e. 2 Mr nnrl '1:-g I .-.'k.. Q ......-. .~.......L 'l`L....-. ,5loUll7 o Ulla . IJUJ U5 IIUUA M116 1.` U1 ll IILILI stored it, pending the nding of its owner.% .|l'lUU Ill \JUfl'lU HULL Ul/HUI" pl&UUn The Ladies Au; and W. M. Society met! at the home of Mrs`. Geo. Finlay on Wd- nesday afternoon, Sept. 7. After the reg- ular -monthly business was transacted, a. talent tea was served by Mrs; Finlay. A vote of thanks was given to the hostess for the excellent tea provtided. A `nu wou gornf 9 o cl:-onnnr an-I-:vor`: Spence on the arrival of a young son in the R. V. Hospitrql, Barrie, on Sunday,. Sept. 4. ~ . Threshing and silo lling is the ordex_' of the day. T ` - Mr nnrl Tnnnnk nnnb nu-n riniltina IJLIU NJ 0 Mr. and Mr. Joseph Cook are `visi friends in Gorrie and other places. '1'. -uh T.ot-nu, Ah` and T M Qnn; nfu `ting ` -nnnl-. SATISFACTORY SETTLEMENT I-_______ y - ` n 1- 1v11%1_~J1-:_s11_v{(T*. STATION THE mic: or TEA ,, LCRAIGHURST CHURCHILL THE BARRIE _.-..1...--. ._.v , WM. CLEARY. | -.. >. .. IVAIIA-I vuu \JnLoLIIn lllltl-l.l\.lC|lI3g x 1 Miss Florence Baer, John Hogan .and - Bruce Wilson have returned to school after 3 their recent illnesses. 2. Mix Viona Flliott. has taken a position jin Stratford. - H = Miss Margaret Coulter spent a few days I in Toronto last week. .- M:\fI n.....).._ L... ._-;.__.____,I e,.-,,, L, -1 :- GIJGCVIIJU Dull. i Harvey Bell has received the appointment of Customs and Excise Examiner at Orillia rendered vacant by the retirement of John McKenzie. Mr. Bell, who took over the duties of the oice on Sept. 1, is a returned soldier. having gone `overseas with the 157th Bn. -and served in France with the 4th Machine Gun Company. Mr. McKen- zie is retiring from active work, after 22 years` faithful _service in the position. A Time to Pause.--When a. girl begins calling you by your first name, Watch out, boy! She likes your last one.--Judge. - C WI 1113- son `a

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