Barrie Examiner, 15 Sep 1921, p. 12

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kllul-yullll 36~37p 37P J\'U 37p KERFO0T~In loving` nemory of Will- iam; Henry Kerfoot, who died at Mineaing, Sept. 16, 1920. Q71.` __Qnn nut` noutnhfnr '3'.'1a?LI& E.'?irL}:.35,' nFu}a}R}."" "Sunday. Sept. 18. 1921. 10 h.m.-~Fellows1u .p Meeting in @110 `Board Room of Church. 11 .. ._ ` I).-LI:.. 1`lT......L:.. Qnl-.:--6 Dulirll Muul UI \JulClIu - 11 a.m.-4-Public Worship. Subject-- Lengthening the Cords. and Strengthening `the. Stakes." Also` 5;minute talk to girls .....-l 1..-u'm,, wanna " K WGIU DU-, uuu Jas. Caldweil, Blake street, picked six boxes of ripe raspberries in his garden this week--the second crop on the bushes this year. l'I_.-...-I 'll -4.L...I..L l`|L.-....L .____I ROBBINS--In fondo remembrance of our dear brother, Leslie Ivan, whogwas called to Jesus, Sept. 13, 1920, aged 17 years and 3 months. Grasseand owers are blowing o er Our loved one who s gone before. `God knew best and took him home, Another angel` round the throne. 37p `II `I, I'I_,,, ,,,I I I1`,D l37p' guy. CARD. OF THANKS , Mrs. R. R. McEWen, John street, wishes tothank her friends`for their sympathy and kindness shown" her in her` recent bereave- ment. " T --37c LOS'l`--Masonic tie pin, at. Allaxidalq sta- tion. Tuesday, Sept. 6, Finder please leave at Examiner office and receive re- , Q ,.,| \ . D "7-: l:"'vu IIIIU. Dlilln ISIBU (. and boys---Faces." ` Q n-\ In __n;}\ln nk. FERGUSON-:IhWlohvihg memory of Jas. Cecile Ferguson, who died Sept. 16. 1914, aged 5 years. 9 months. ~ Weep not, he has escaped so much Ofh grief and pain and care; Temptation cannot reach him now, He s safe and happy there. II ;I, .,, , ,I II , ___'I 'II__ A T` -3| | Ienlasunlaal an laalualusi Angus McNa7bvb(1;; sold` his house `in Maple avenue to James Lewis. (`L.C..I2.. l"|L....I:.. ..L 4.1.. IV---) _., .|.v5 vanv Avvun wsuuvu VJ. Illlcl `6."v`sr.7.X. T 36-37 ` --Meet us` at the Fair. We will have something interesting to show you. Same old st-and ; -Otton Hard- ware Co., Ltd. ' 1.... rf..u.....-n 131-1... ...a.......4. .;.:..1--.u -.u. u u.--.... w... f.--`.-..._, ..._._ Father, Mother, and Mxuvand Mrs. A. H. Ferguson. 37p an avnnaynv wvvanuv vv vuuuun aavvvna. Chdrlie Chaplin at the Grand on Friday and Saturday in His New Job. Bring the kids to the matinee. 'l\....!_... (J... -L.......-.. -3 LI... ..-..--1- , vvw: lacunae vnlv l\I\l> UV VIII: uIll`cc._ During the absence of the regular `secretary, J. F. Murphy will be acting secretary for the local branch of the IVTITIYA nan:-cl van VlI\r uuunnvu nun: Grenfel Methodist Church fowl supper, Monday, Sept. 26. Supper served from 5 to 8. Fifty cents. Programme at 8 o'clock. 37p -A special big supply of peaches, `plums, grapes and pears will be on hand during exhibition week. Phone 341 for prices. Saso s Fruit Store. `A 1......-..'.. uuuu.L.u. A4` Dncninupu ......... _ yluuuuo | 3 -J. G. Keenan will not have an exhibit at the Fair this year, but vis-l 'itors to town will nd a ne display of Bell, Wright and Cecelian pianos at his store. A very large stock tol choose from. Remember the place--l opposite the Post Office. ` l ---Prospective pupils in piano, or-l -gan, vocal and musical theory who} wish to stud_v~with Edmund Hard_v.'e Mus. Bac., F.T.C.M., the new organist ; of St. Andrew s Presbyterian Church, will nd him at 29`McDonald street! `every day. except Mondays. 37p GIRL WANTED for general hbuse\vork.' Apply Mrs. Vernon Plummer, 91 Char- lotte St, phone 708. 37c ARMSTRONE;-lh loving memory of` Cpl. Emerson Armstrong, killed at the: battle of Somme. Sept. 15, 1916. Five years have passed, still we miss him. Just when his days seemedbrightest, Gold called_ him home to heaven, To that sweet eternal rest. 37p -.--Parents, Sisters. Brother U'J ;.v; yslvvuo rqunav u a. tuna Lauv _ A large number of Barrie mem- bers will go to Toronto- next week in connection with the big I.0.0.F. ga- thering, at -which over 40,000 are `ex-E pected. ' I I 1.-:I.:...........: t:r.....:.. :. ...,.......a...,1 .. L... -L)}IC\.AI'&J. Alluulvu AJVGAJUVVIJ IV\ol\4\IIll"7I v Harvest Home services will be held in St. Andrew's Church next Sunday,|_ when the auditorium will be_ decorat-I ed with owers, fruits, grain, etc. l There will be special sermons and} music. .1 In ; 1a1I-.- A 1-1` _ At the Toronto Exhibition, A. A. Malcomson won two lsts, two? 2nds, three Srds, two 4ths and onei reserved on an entry of sixteen pig-3 eons in the biggest pigeon show they `have ever l'_1ad in Toronto. uuvu uvw; luau :1: Fred` Arksey of Hillsdale was re-g cently brought before P. M. Clark of 3 Orillia and charged with selling Ii- quor. He pleaded guilty and, being an "old o ender,'was fined $200 and costs or six months in jail. FIVL- `7..-.I-...L_.- 1`lY......A....`I IV... 1...... :A....l vvuuo \II. 0111 IIIVIIIIIIIJ Ill J I .. .. , The Yorkshire Worsted Co. has its: plant partly in operation and is em-i ploying about ten girls. It will have 1 san exhibit at Barrie_Fair of yarns; `made in the local plant which will` `no `doubt prove of interest to the public. V 1!? IL!` GL....1-.J...l.l.\.. -0 I_`I'......:1L.... I yuvvvuc ' Edmund Hardy is expected to be-l gin his duties as organist and choir- master of `St. Andrew s Church this; week, taking the choir practice on Friday night. , . T 'D......... f`bu..........-....4-3..-u-.1 I'1L....,.L ...2l1 s';5uuJ lnrlslsvo ` Barrie Congregational Church will: be re-opened `on Sunday Sept. 18.` Rev. W. T." Gunn, M.A., B.D., will preach both morning and eveni_'ng;| Special music. Everybody welcome." `LT uuuu ....L 'rIIub\Aa\ .-p'u.uu:nn.-a an-11 L.-. 'L..'I.I ,,......-. W. H; Stockdadder of Hamilton; has been repairing the steeple of the} (`Collier St... Methodist Church this-i week. About ve feet down from` the top was burned and this has to ;be repaired and the weather vane re-. gplaceii. ] f`, Tfnnnnm 1uu:I'I unI- knvvn ans IN MEMORIAM REPORTER 00 cover building and engin-L eering work in Barrie. Good sideline for 1 anyone who can get news. Commission T paid for each report. Forms and postage] supplied. Apply, stating qualications} bo M-acLan Building Reports, Ltd., 345 ' - Adelaide St, West, Toronto, Ont. 37c i` Came: 59-. 1.Y195't94i%* .9{*.-{M .nu uuya--- rum. 3 ap.m.---Bible School. 7 n m ._P1rklin Wnrs Ads. in column, 40 per wbrd cash. E I IIIIII IIIIIi; A , L ._ I - En- 2c per word, minimum charge, _50c. A LOCAL NEWS Hill` IIVUIS Llllll. IJULIIU, ound Brother Percy and Wife. THE BA-RRlEj EXAMINER AUTU FOR SA].AFJ-A1920 sedan. - `See a;1v.i on this page. or call at 147 Essa, Road, Allzlxldulte. - 37c --Son and Daughter. Some owners of Fords claim to be getting! as high as 38 and 40 miles on a gallon by equipping their cars with A wonderful new} carburetor that has been especially designed for use with the iow grade gasoline now on the market. The old mixers were `all right for the old high-test gasoline, but the low- grade stu `that is now supplied to an/to owners, and which is to be the gasoline of i the future, requires a. dierent instrument to thoroughly vaporize it before entering ; the cylinder of the motor. This new car-Q buretor is doing this so satisfactorily on all} makes of cars that it is being sold on a! 30-day trial, with a positive money back ( guarantee if the buyer does not get the re- = sulta claimed._ For full ,pa.rticulars,' apply? to A. B. Colpitth; R. R. No; 2, Barrie, or; phone 612 ring 41. V 36-39ci _...-._ -.--._ --. I On Monday night, Sept. 19, Ernie Marksl and his company of advanced repertoire! and vaudeville players will present that great comedy-drama. Mickey." It sure is a hearty laugh and as delightful play; from start to nish. The play has been 3} great success for several seasons, because` it is chuck full of fun, brimming over -with good `humor and a story that grips the at- tention. There is entertainment galore in, Mickey and with its music, clean, bright] comedy, and scenes and situations of thrill ' ing excitement and touches of pathos, all so true that it seems like a page torn from Nature s book, a great play for child-| ren. Fopular prices prevail. 34 MILES ON GALLON OF GASOLINE! Sukfscribefor The Barre Examin_er. TMONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 19,20, 21 Make this store your headquarters; A Leave your wraps and coats end meet your friends here. ` New Fall Suits for men and young men are now here in big quantities. Semi- tting styles are in high favor. Every one ofthese suits is tailored to the most exacting specicatioirs and the materials are unusually fine. A choice lot of pat- terns in both soft and hard nished fab- rics. The sizes 36 to 46, `Prices were $45.00, $40.00, $38.00,-$35.00.. ;C__f_>MII:le to Barrie s Big Fair `For the man who wisely insists upon keeping his feet happy, there are some in- teresting numbers in the Fall line of shoes. A genuine Brown Brogue Boot in blucher cut, black or brown boots, with over- weight sole that s a wonder for tramping, with heavy sole and rubber heels, easy as the old armyboots you used to like,_l:u,1t snappy in style. ` Extra good quality'di~;- tinguishes the new Fall and Winter Boots, while prices are easy on the pocket-book. ERNIE MARKS STOCK C0. .w"r0 FOR. SALE-Marion Hancuy' (Paige), 6-cylinder. 7-passen,<.;er car, A1! Mms FALL AND WINTER BOOTS MEN S FALL SUITS Lindsay SPECIAL PRICE $2530 -:----n- Men s Smoked Elk Blucher Cut Boots, sizes 6 to 10, regular $9.00. Special $7.00 Boys . Black and Tan Work- ing Boots, blucher cut, reg- ular $5.00, for . . . . . . $3.25 Boys Black and Brown Fine Boots, sizes 1 to 5}/3. Spec- A ial values $5.00, 5.50, 6.00 """ " ' ""' `` ` ` '`'S ` ` J R ` ` ' ' " $5.00," $5.75, $7.25, 7.50, $8.00, $10.00. ' Men s Black and Brown All- . right Boot, blucher cut, siz- es 6 to -10; this boot is good value $6.00. Special price can nn Men s Fine Boots, easy priced d0Enn'nu!I-n- donor mn-n I I Owing to` the egceptionully hot ;summer,.the ice supply disappeared lmuch more rapidly than usual, so that supplies to private houses were cut of at the beginning of the imonth. Many towns are worse off `than Barrie, being totally out of ice. ' Big special matinee at the Grand onsaturday when the pony contest i I1-esults` will be announced. We cannot give any Coupons with the Suits at the reduced price, but with the other goods will give you the Coupons. SITU.-\'l`I()N WANTED--~By married wo- -man in small private family where can have little girl (6 yrs.) going _to school; as cook-housekeeper; can furnish excel- lent reference as being capable. Apply stating wages, to P. O. Box 988. 37p If anything in -the shapeof stockings will stand up under the onslaughts of the ordinary school boy or girl, these heavy- weight hose just received will do the trick. Certain it is they are far sturdier, rmer; more wear-resisting than other sorts and we believe you will be glad to know about them at these new lower-than-usual prices. All wool Ribbed Hose, sizes 8 AF` 1` Mto 1'6; J1:{f $735 , "f-5U$`1 Fine Wool Ribbed Cashmere Hose, sizes 8 to 10, regular $1.75, for . . . . . . .. $1.25 BOYS AND GIRLS HOSE Thursday, September 15, -1921 Wm. Dobson, on Monday, while at work upon the roof of the house he is building next the Baptist parson- age, missed his footing and fell to the ground. As he landed he fell partly on his hands and pitched for- ward on his face, receiving some se- vere cuts and bruises. 2 World s Fair` at Oro Town Hall, tomorrow. Trenton Alllllu ll}li'l'l'lIl' n(.~.-'lu_v nmrni _an illicit still - h:1dValt'(-retl tl believetl _in n sun shines. ( Mull GOOD MAID WANTED--Apply American` H)1'el} 37tfc '1`nurs.I21y, `$300 THE Y( Hul We will 4 Machines PHONE BE sue AGRICI &V\I\I \/ excluai `perfect water s gure 8 than in EXPERIENCED FARM HAND WANTED. A._._I-. 1.- I11 1' G..1._L... AlI......I..'I.. D `II The. and car`- to the c without And not tea tons, f Nothin the wasj Did :7 a 1900' liver 0 after y you ma to suit, 190} !%1 ON M1 FOR MAN VVANTEI) to look after an invlalidl gentleman. Particulars on application. Apply to Nlrs. D. J. McDougall, Allan- dule. 379.fc I ROOM T0 RENT--Fm-nished rbcim for! gentlemzm. Apply 20 Worsley St. 37-39;); 1 FURNISHED ROOM TO LE I`~-CentraI Io- ..- L . . . . . _ . m . .... "l`..l.....L.._- n..4I.-H` esn Sr. TO LET---Four furnished for light. housekeeping; Iron CHI:\'R()LET 49.0 m A1 condition. snap fur nnink skin Ruin]: YTrrv Rxmunld AUTO LIVERY--~Car for hire at reasonable rates. Orders phoned J. Victor_Brett or Elgc:u' | x'o`..'An1eric:u1 Hotel. 216, will receive prompt. attention. 35~40p v | V BOARD AND RO_0M WANTED for` ..La.....I:.... ....lI........t.. Q6-nan tn-nug- WANTED-Two or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. in quiet family, vicinityAWo1'sley and Owen Sts. Box "W" Examiner. 37p POTATOES WANTED---Also alsike, fed .....l nun-no n`l\|vn QEILII` nlnonnr` nr `I-nun FURNISHED ROOM TO LET, one or -two nnrunnu non}:-0] Inna!-:nn Dlsnnn K110 i . PLAIN SEWING WANTED by the day or .4 Ram. Dluu-no (I11:-1.2 ' .' YOUNG PIGS`FOR SALE--A. B. Colpitts, R. R. 2, Barrie, phone 6121-41. 36-37p WANTED` by widow with one child. poa- ition as housekeeper. Apply -at this of.- ce. W "371: WANTED TO RENT-Smal1 house 'for family of three; must be modem. Tel- ephong: 896 or 402. P. 0. Box 782. 35tfc I WANTED TO BUY-Man s bicycle in good runningordor. Apply to P.O. Box 958, Barrie. . 37p an T T r >F>I0X0I<>X0X0X0X4 >E>I<>X0I0X0I0I0X4 One cent a werd, cash, each insertion (minimum charge, 2513); six insertions for the price of four. 10 cents extra when charged; also 10 cents extrh when replica are directed to Examiner oice. `- gm&&am&m&a$&&&&' WTTTTTTT T W W T T WT ADLET COLUMN E Avon. uxzutxnu un DLULEJLV, on Allg. 13, from farm of Guy Mason, near An~ gus, 2 cows, one grey, the other black and white, and 3 red heifer. Reward for their return or for information o as to their whereabouts. 35-37c ' KJADAV L|.71l.l2lL' l\.\.I\IL'I LL IJl'Jlu"""\JClI `JIM UJ` cation. one or two persons. Telephone 549-. \ - 35-37p V15 LKIPJD V7 Ill` LI.'JlI"-{LIEU 5131517, [U11 -and sweet. clover seed, cleaned or from, machine. Write Box 971, Barrie, stating { qmmtities. or phone 612-14 or American Hotel 216. J. Victor Brett.~ 37-42p y I GOOD HORSE, 16 hands, in fine shape; quiet and easy. tovbandle; at a bargain for quick sale. App1y_A. J. Tuck. 37p 'Jl\I'1`JI\aJ.1`4J.V Ul'lL7 I` !\l\LVl IIJILV 1} VV I113 l.I.`JlJ- Apply to W. L. Srigley, Allandaile R. R. No. 2. 37p: . - I `OH -RENT--4-Al..:xrge front bedroom, fur-I xtishetl 's11it.a.ble for light housekeeping. R.m1sonnl)1e to rened couple. Apply at_ this oice. 37p u.uuvuu-uux -tr/.u MI :11 uuuuluuu. Dup for quick sale. Ralph Urry, Bayeld St. 37p-tfc_ . AL} run. wnuxzr--`Lu-:u1U|| nuumy l 7-passexIg;er A1, slnapc. $800. Phone 594. 37p' \J1|/LVJKJILIVJJ l\\l\lL". 1\I IJIIIL, UUU (II WWO} persons, central 1003151011. Phone 549. 35-37c` TIJILIIV DlVVL|.V\J W111` LIEU at home. Phone 611x13. Klf`l-\4lJ J-KVIJ IVKIKILVL '7 IILVLLULI IV!- attendmg collegiate. State terms. ply Box AR" Examiner. Page Twelve Livg Stock Fog: Sale -l- -1:operty To Let LOST. STRAYED OR STOLEN, on Aug. M_g.son,__nea1:_A'n_-_ Lost and Found Help Wanted Autorobiles Wanted Ill V i Bl: moms. suit-.mHe` Apply 21.`. Ther- Q7-. way UL 36-asc lu GI! avpi LIIUI " 37p STRAYED from south half lot 4, con. 12, Innisl. on or about June 1, one red year-old heifer; slit in ear and horns al- most.etraig_ht up. Communicate with G. W. Dyer, Holly, phone 3r3l. 35-40p u2:2 This car is in rstsclass condition and has six good" tires. Only run small mileage. `Mightoonsider smaller car: as part payment. Apply for demon- *stx-ation, Saturday; ` ! {A0 'I.`-__ II__.I AII-___I_I- ~BE PHOTOGRAPHED this" year on your birthday. eWe have every style and size with very moderate prices- Open Sat- urday evenings. Martin s studio. 32-7p !CAR SALE] !J. SMlTH.---Expe1-ienced carpanteh All I lnr`: nf ;AtkK:no urn:-Ir -nu-nnxnu nvnnn.-I DON'T NEGLECT that roof until the wet weather comes.- All kinds repaired. See W. Smith, 55 Clapperton St., P. O. Box 810. V - T 36-41p BALLANTYNE BROS., carpenters--Con: tract and repair work quickly and neatly done. Terms reasonaible. Try us. Phone 792W. ` 33-38p . WM. AND E. SMITH---Window cleanem. Estimates. given. 55 Clapperton St. Box 810, Barrie. 37-42p `P-IANO TUNING--E. c. IJeRoy, piano ; ` tuner, is in town. Leaveordens at J. G." `i Keenan's music store. iI)RESSMAKIN.G AND PIAIN SEWIN I`l\'\lI ..o :4 m.....1.... Q; 11-- M l!'..II...._L E HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE FOR SALE- I A.....I.. 01 .l'1l..........4..... Q4. . `.17.. STRAYED onto lot 27, con. 11, (Essa, roan cow and young calf; also saw a .HoIstein heifer and red heifer. Phone E Allan Johnston, Ivy-Thornton. Owner . ' g may have same by proving property and paying .expe_nses. 35-37p FOR SALE--Art Huron heater, with oven; {self-feeder. almost new. Apply at 100 nan 97'] I-`on SALE-1-Iorse and harness; also bug- gy, rig and sleigh; for quick" buyer, 1 cheap. 22 St. 37-38c {GAS STOVE FOR SALE-Four burners ' and oven;' also high shqlf; nearly new. I Apply 17 Worsley St. _j 35tfc IFOR SAL}3}-Shdemake1"s leather patching` vnon|'\;n :Q:I\C'lIl"| . nnlu nan!` n uknvifl I 3FOR SALE--oThonim Hayter" piano, in good condition every way. ne tone: sac-. rico if sold at once; $100 cash. Also I nlandolixfukelele. never used, cost 834, , $20 if sold at once. Apply at Examiner I office. 37-38;) I FOR SALE~--Lots on Brock and Thompson Rita >Annlu 72 T:n Qt QR-Q`7n HOUSE FOR. SALE-- "A new two-storeyv red brick houseysix rooms and bath -fit- ted with all modern conveniences. Beau- tifully located on Thompson street, one door north of Sophia street, one block west of Queen s Park. Apply to L. F. Hill, owner, 104 Sophia St. 34tfc BARN 30x32 ft. for sale. Apptly to J. W. Jennett, Utopia. 36-38p GO-CART FOR SALE-Apply to Mrs. A. W. Partridge, 80 Wellingvon St. 37tfc EA TI-IRESHING OUTFIT foraale. `All in _._-.I _L..._.. A..-l-_ 1.- fl- 1)--.. 'lI`I.... $20.00 REWARD for return of black bill)? fold contng sum of money, lost be-, tween Th lnton and Reward at}: this office." " :3 "" 37p} FOR SALE--Linoleun1s, oil cloth, furni- tm-e;' also kitchen utensils. Apply 68' ` Eccles St. ` 37p EBUGGY `FOR SALE-- Runabout, with -pneumatic tires. Apply J-as. Shanahan, TMcCaw's warehouse, Bayld St. 37-38c I V WATCH FOR SALE--- Man's 17-jewel ail-5 vexxwutch in good condition; also gold. chain. A bargain. Apply Examiner' office. 34-39p `PIANO FOR SALFr-Gour1ay piano, in per--. feet condition; will be sold at a reason-? `able gure, E owner` is leaving to_wu. Apply to Examiner for address. 35-40p FOR SALE--8-roomecl brick house, all conveniences, beautifully situated be-. tween Bradford St. and bay; acre 5 lot. Apply 52 Ellen. St. W 37p EBEKGAN VSN`AP-0n`e' nice upright, 5-octave Km-n organ, 8 stops, 2 pedals, in Al con- dition; easy payments. Keenan 6: Ken- I nedy. 37c _ IF YOU WANT TO SELL yovur farm, list = ifwirh T. J. McBride. He represents the largest farm-selling agency ,on the con-I I tinent. Box 1086. Barrie-. Residence. 5 9 Penetang St. A '30-43p ! FOR SALE---Large woodshed. about 15 ft. E square; storey and half high. To be tak- en down and 1"emoved . fr(m1 pvmperty- V - Geo. C. Brown, 16 Louisa St. 37c E1920` CHEVROLET SEDAN $850 ; . run; 1. 1L"`l1u`L}JI$l`lUllUI`.'u 0 utpuuwr . nu kinds of jabbing work promptly attended to.` Box 810. 55 Clapperton St. 35-40p CAR FOUN-D near. Midhurst-:55" completely! stripped of markers, serial numbers, etc. Car is in possession of Police Constable at Midhurst. . . A 36-37p l u\.uDD1un.l.xLn.u an I.) I 1.31111 D114 VV UVU done at 54 Eccles St. Mrs. N. Kellough. ' 36-37p. l l.Il.l\l.`lD1l.ln|.V\J UULFLL LUI D315: nu. Ill good shape. Apply to Bell Bros., Elm- vale. M 34-370` \J1.\ t.`['I.lJl.'J"b.`luUUlllll.l\l7l 5 ICEIIIUUI Plllalillllls machine. (Singer), only used a. short time. Apply Box 3S,TLefroy. 37p \.I1\a L)l.'l|Jl`4"l4UlA UH lJlUUl\ Sts. Apply 73 Tiin St. It'll. L I. .lL.l.\J'\J\JAl.L l.\o(l.LV\Jli Apply 34 V-Clapperton St. BUll'lU|.IUI g ` Essa Road. R. and. Mrs. Food-wise: be- we sell shortly after they 1 moved to this town and `they've 1 been dealing here ever since, just to prove `they're entitled to their name. 7 -came' acquainted with the` high quality of the groceries Property For ` Sale Miscellaneous For Sale LOST----Bet-ween Midland and Barrie, on l 1'iduy'lust. l >la'ck club `bag. Reward.` Apply 136 Burton Ave. , 37c

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