.L;`: . . - .-"-'-~ ' E. Betnrose,.Sndd1er and Harness` Maker, Barrie, begs to acquaint all indebted to him, that it is absolutely necessary their respective accounts should be settled forthwith. ' . 9. BEMROSE. Rm-n. Maw 25. K69. 17-}! Barrie, May 26, I869. IHU uvuu Alvv nu on-u-5-.- _ "0.4sH PAID FOR dATTTE!' ;. amount.` 1-tf mm.-a -.....m.. \ AVE constently on hand a good supply of FRESH MEAT, FOWL, GAME, &c., of as choice quality as the markets afford, and offer the same atvery moderate prices. V Corned Beef. Sausages and Lard. tnrrothnr at very moderate prices. Beef. Sausages Lard, together with amt-iety of other useful commodities, can usually be bed at No. 1 Stall. ' :(S`All purchases delivered in anv mm. M` Ilslllly D9 DEG Ill N0. 1 D1811. x`A]l purchabea deliverd in any put of the town free of charge. . dgmv-rm` f H_E public ufe resgetfulfy requested to take notice that t e Sun_da.y Business Hitherto connectd with this establishment will be discontinued from this date. ' D , V A NITVWDV BINGHAM anofnens, 'B'icnnns AND GENERAL Pnnvmrons, MARKET sum. No. 1, - .' BARRIE, V TTLVP. nnnntnnu an Inn"! .. Marriage 0_I._i_'censes._l ute Clerk ln County Registry Office.) CONVEYANCER, Commlsslonerin Queen s Bench, Auctioneer, Appraiser, and Com- mission Agent for the sale of HOUSES, LANDS, FARM STOCK, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Goods, Wares, (lac. Also for the collection of ' _ ` s--- 16 acme --...- navy .-u-....u a.-gu nvuvuu A o Gash Advances made on Goods ie for Sale. Sale Room, corner of Collier and Market. Sts., Barrie. V ll-tf _@Highest.REF_ERENCES given._3 I u-wnui l\l|Iu :3`:\11ction` Sales throughout the County attended to promptly, and on liberal terms. ' V 43-U --nu --u uuusvvi-I-H, v DEALER IN CIGARS. TOBACCOS, Pipes, Canes. Tobncconists Goods, 4550., Wholesale and Retail, Sign of the Indian Qneen, 51, James Street, Hamilton, C. W. . E. s. MEEKING, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. AND AP- PRAISER for B.lfl'iC. and the County of Simcoe. Cash Advances made on Goods re- ceived for Sale.- T F J.` SOHRADER. . MANUI<`:\CTURER OF CIGARS, AND _ xvlnolesmle dculerin Ilnvnnn, Yum, Con- necticut Seed Lent`. and all other kinds or, Try bncdo, corner of Park and Mulberry streets | I!A\HI.'rn\' n 1:7 I ' T JONATHAN KILGORE, . LIE N SE D AUCTIONEERI VALUATQR, &.c., 74".... :1... r7,.-...z.. -1` (1.-..`__-- -. _..... nu, lhmnly Cleric, ' '- ` ILL attend-at his Oice, in Barrie, every SATUIEDAY, from 11,, n.m., till 3, p. m., according to Order of Council, and every other day at his Oice in Cookstown. -um mm .\.\n DI-:.\I.EIlS I.\' . WINE:'LIQUORS AND CIGARS, I 'I*}LLTNGT()N' S'l`RI`.l-`. I` 'l`n))n\7mn - L Jammry, 1868. __.__.____j__ .1. U1ua`U1t. Residence, Gooxsrhwu ' Special attention paid to diseases of \ and children.` ` 4.. n. vvn-LDULV, U (Fonnerl Dru. Scholcld and Watson, Bond Iieud.) Luteof llneberv. Re:sidcnce,Mr.McGeo's, ~ I < TIIORNITON, ON-'1`. ` . IUI nun UIIIUIIIJ lVloIJu' M. R.C.S.', ENGLAND, `LATE Assistant Colonial-Surgeon, H.M. Convict Dep't, Tasmania; three years Ass't Surg. U._S. Army. ' 01!:-`rcs-In the premises recently occupied by Robert Ross, Esq., nnd nearly opposite V the Wellington Hotel. . 19-6m" u ' , DR. HAMILTON has removed to his new residence, opposite the Post Office, Collier" Street. Bame, Ont. 1:. u..- LUNU. (r`UI:.\lERLY OF COOKS- U TOWN, and Late of Toronto . may be consulted at the late residence of r. Ross, Churchill. V - --_-.--- ........ . Issuer of Marriage ' Licenses, ooozcsromv. . G. BIRD, ARCHITECT & CIVIL o ENGINEER, BARRIE, ONT. Late of H. B. M. Public Works Depnrtrhent. Hong Kong, China. . 32-6m. I 13-6m _ v._xNEv'ER1"s . Livery Stables.- Amnp u. mmmu w, A'1".l`U mm is x -AT LAW,Sollcitor in Chancery, Notary Pub- lic, Conveynncer, Commissioner in B. R.- &c., &c. Heir and Devlsge Claims executed. 0FFlCE,--In 'Morrow`s Buildings, west of the Fireman's Hall, Collier Street, BAnnu:. LI:`I:T`LvT'i5S`,Ti1\Iit'b'ri:s AND ACC0U1\"l`.L 1.4. AA........ ....,..1- -.. n--:_ Lg. n n v on. Ul I. Log mun ' `l1UmAD '1'. A. , l5UX,-lS.llbl.'.|"4l(. and Attorney at Law, Solicitor in ghancerry Conveyancer, &c., CUOKST-OWI:I <, Ht. _ ` ` 1 `,1 IJ|l|'b' U llllll 13 [lg] nu- . 1: CONSULTING aopmg. -'G SURGEON l\nn-nu. V:__ cu 10...; m....._:... I...L..... \1xJL1IJ\.ILll.l.L`\I'CW\Jf 1'41 ~ -I\.l' DU1l|J53\J5`I Onucn:---King St. Wst, Toronto, betweeh` 1:ork and Slmqoe Sta. ' 47- ubnhrill I3! DRUIGS, CHEMJCALS, &c.~," ORILLIA. rrmnm-v. ISGR. ` /-\z\,\x\ .~, R. J. LIZARS LIZARS,-`-MEMBER OF: _ the Royal Colleges of Sur-geons, Edi};-" - burgh and England. L nnkmrrr.-rnzrz L.nn1r.~ . -:1 arrmzmnw" . __.._.-,_ .-_u vavni 4.a.A.I.II ULUJILDI Wl'}LLING:TON STREET TORONTO. , an .... . -. - - II Innn [ones To DEpB`TORS'.- -v--u-p Tc.-`P. B`EIDV& co., vunnnmnnn . u HENRY -BOYSNICOI... M.o..' )HYb'[CAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOU- ` CH,EUR. Residence. (`.nnIrq1-nwu nu-no II- I1. DI.J|Ul\3IUUK, 1RADUATE OF VICTORIA UNIVER- T SKTY. HlLI.DALE, I'E!\'E1'ANGl7_IF.IIEK}-I ROAD. 12-yr. _ _.______.__.._______v_____._.__...;. mm 100 120 200` 200 200 Auras 0. Motmow, ATTORNEY-AT` LA`W.SnHnif1u-in hnnnnrv Nnfnrv `Pub. )3. J. A. ARDAGII, PHYSICIAN, [SUR- GEON AND ACCQUCHEUR, .6m 'nnr.n\v A man nNt|'I` vnxDlUALV, b'U.GE()N, ACC CHEUR. Residence, Gooxsmwx. pecial Did tn innnuun nf` my`: w. E. STRONG, M.D., M.R.C.S;. Ir.m:r.A ND )1: J. H. WATSON, (Formerly Schomeld I ::j*:Z )R. R; LUND. (FORMERLY 01 and Torontnt mnv ha 1 IILJIJ (xx. uu, u.u., For the Uouniy of Simcae, W'I..l3BII' EMOVAL. -`HOMAS T. A. BOYS,-BARB.ISTER. Attornev at Law. Solicitor in _:*_ Dr. J. W.` SHLAVEN. in-u 1.1.1" In JOSEPH ROGERS, ~ `I.\IPOIlTh;IlS A.\'D Dl'}.\LF.RS `IN 'I' 'l'l'\1'TI\1'\ArI A 171-; mcn HENRY" (IZIARPER, .__nnn n. '1'.` BANTING, lfnnnlu I"nr'.~- VLUTHER OROVEB, an 1 \T rvrr mm nsizies Qircttury. w. H. BLACKSTOCK; ATE OF` vrrw-(mu nun i)l::A1.Ell m f\IIl-Inn;-n A anmsu rnseoom COLONIAL mums. .uvv,u v.1:uu 1:, COLDWATER. `ONT. ..:n1a ante. D . VANEVERY ~ ..... _-, THORNTON. ,1 _..; n, , IV "8-tf Luu. 43-If I"'-'I`he Trawelllngbommunity will nd this establishment suited to their requirements and deserving of their patronage. ' I Q Sample Rooms for Commercial Travel. era. - I lers. V - BARBIE HOTEL.` , . BARBIE, COUNTY OF swoon`, c'.W. Mu. E. MARKS, `Prop:-introu. ._ ' JOHN MoWATTr$upm-lntendent, ' -u.uJ -|'9 |:l.lU - Il>T3h .u.uu;I m_ Luu place, and affords all the conveniences and dom- forts of a rs} class house. _ ` Stages depart from and arrive at the hotel. Conveyances to and from the Steamer. . E Livery. connected with the house. _E z PENETANGUISHENE, ONT. P. QUINN, - - - - Pnoi-n11irron.b HIS -is the-first Hotel in the "place, _ `and affordsAall the conveniences dam-,` uccommounte guests. Commercial travellers and others furnished" with convenient and `ample accomodat-ion. Choice Wines, Liqnomand Cigars, in stock. Apartments let to private families. ` %`Good Sheds and Stnbling with attentive servants. .-;'nssie'21x~.-.' $1` THIS lwlell-known and favorite o_Id Hotel has been thoroughly renovated and tted 11 In 11 mnnnnr tn nflallrn 4!... ......_p.._; -x- __,_,. _Z.. The proprietor of this well-known establish- ment begs to inform his friends and the travel- ling community that he has leased the above hotel in the pleasant and healthy village of Orillia, and. is now prepared to receive and accommodate guests. . Commercial travpll:-rn And ntlmrn fnrninhp IGTB. V Excellent Stabling connected with the House JVCII1` I/l` IA. ARNALL. v mm. Well-KIJOWII and ravorite old Hotel has _I_ up In a manner to ensure the comfort of guests; and travellers are assured that every endeavor will be used to give them satisfaction and rend- er the establishment the best of _ its class in point of comfort and taste. A Billiard Parlor attached. Stages for different parts leave the house daily. . . . . AVAILLLL LA` .1 L'1.\l.l.L`4l-4, ' new LOWELL, J. G. MARTIN, - '- - Proprietor. Formerly of the Exchange Hotel." ()rmmTnra_ vl um .Lu.n.J.u.l..l.J.I, '" ' - .[V1'UP1'1_l'3_|aUI'I` Fox-`merly Exchange Hote1,"CreenTore. ; ---.___........___-Z`----------- \ .nuuJ~L'.::.-._,- --" ., The Queen -s . DUNLOP STREET, - - - - , mm Nam II.. AT... Dn.'I...,... n.....\a l.THIS House has just been fitted up and refurnishod anew, making it one of the most comfortable houses in the North. 21-tf VIIUIIVII III|.I_ IIUUOIZ, CHURCH HILL, INNISFIL, Co. SIMCOE. JOHN GREGG. Proprietor. * "='1u` .9.|--. fgl5g1`;5v';n;dsgp,:an{l;a ' via one. for want 1 ask: - 1 you speak of to-night. as "W8 now my turn to 130k astonished` bum; It has always been 3 rule_ of mint; must. 's'e tYx33 obk JJ um house. 6 A A 'nnn~r rmn-Ir 1-: 4. ALVA DOOLITTLE, Pnormsron. (Formerly rfthe Railroad Hotel, Belt Ewart.) llIIlll\IIIInll\I II\llI-I-, (Lute Moekingh.) V Next. Door West of the Railway Station, Bu1`ric, Otnt. I D. FAIIAGIII-Ill. - - - Prnnrinlnr D. FAn,\am:1:_. This well known or-1tub1i.=hme_nt1ms recently llndorgnne very. great, improvement-:1 large addition having lm-n made to it. giving in- creased accommodation to the public an1com~ morcinl travellers. _ nhnimn linnnm .91; in chm! .........A.I=..--- V:-to u-a-nu`: II II JLULJHLJ, A VE'.\'I.\'(}. C0. SIJ[C'0E._ ONT. JOSEPH WILSON, - - - Proprietor.` The Bar is supplied with `Choice Liquors and Cigars. Good Sheds and Stabling adjoining the Hotel. D.-nnunlunu 9.! 1012'. 1" `~-V m(`l`Clf\l ITRVCIIGTS. Choice liquors &c, in stock." Commodiouv Staliling and Sheds convenient to the house. . |onnFEiI}bV1If'\$`oTEL; [ SIJIOOE. nv'r "."WH:I0so D m W h t t 1'. th pnce of II. coul)1ey(;fshg1];),y,`;S_: we 3 e ::Cnn_I "see the book 3 _ Sf `tv and keep it, if you like. I'll `end ,1" t You to-marrow. ho! 110! now--I must see it now V" 9 Bilid this with a manner so stra;1 . _ ge- ) axcxted thaL~I'gave an almost. Involuntary [glance at thg decanter. .1\ '0- Frank 1] d . ` . .7 . ,, v a done Ina `spmtmw $`d)`1._nn the} c_oute'nts of the bottle xvzs )7 S lghtly dnmmished. - Better unlv H L- ...__..._._. -1) I I ;_ L` . ` -Opposite lice Railtany Elation, Dunlap St.-,~ IIENRYAFRASER, - - Pnornmro This Hotel has recently undergone extensive -improvcment in the way of roomy additions, furnishing, dzc. lts accommodation is now ample and comfortable. The beat Liquors and Ciggzrscan be found in the Bar. 14-4 . Thiwcommodions hotel has juot been erected, and is now furnished throughout in a most `comfortable style. It contains the host snrnplu` rooms for commercial travellers, of any house north of Toronto. 47- . This old established and commodious hotel is in excellent order having been renovated and ' re-u-nished,nnd is well adapted for travellers being convenient to both cars and boats. Good stabling. - A Livery Stable connected with the hotel, where horses can be had on the shortest notice .. . . 14-l ___-________..__.__.___...._-. 4.3- APTO, mos, ONT. THOMAS STONE, - ~ - Proprietor, DoMINI'oN,H-oUs_E, a'7\T`.m.- H... 7;-..:1....... 11---: ...l.J , |@`Near vlhe Railway Depof. A3 WM. H. McI)0UGAl.L, - Proprietor! GLOBE HOTEL, IIF\TI?'l A\'l1Y7Yll`l'.`\?I' f\\"l` IIURONTARIO STREET, COLLINGWOOD, ONT. CHARLES CAMERON. - PROPRIETOR. -suulu 10rL_V years ago. F rnnk gave abound in his chair, nearly upsetting the glass of grog he \vas mixing lnhabited these rooms? Forty years ago, I said with a laugh, tlloughalittle surprised at-such an ex- ibition of nervousness on the part of Ffmlk. Besides, it was not here that the poor man was sent out of the world, but somewhere, I believe, down Essex way. ' What was his name ? ' Bencough or Bencli`. He was a far- mer, possessed of considerable property, and it was in these chambers he transact- ed his business when in London. . But how did you become acquainted with all these particulars? asked Frank. In the simplest way in the world. By 3 o In an odd volume of that interesting Compilation of sensation incidents, the `N8\Vg2_tte Calendar. I picked it up in 8 0_0kstall close by, in Wych street, at the ofn couple of slllllinaa, F :1 vol- jy nm 5; pk 01 and . FNORTH AMERICAN HOTEL, rnrr.-n `AWIYA Drn turn 1 STODDAR$, - o - PRoPaIz:'1fon.J GOOD ACCOMMODATION for Tra- Vtjllers. A free Stage runs in connection wlth the Cars morning and evening. An attentive hostler in attendance. Hv BINGHAM S WELLINGTON > HOTEL. con. DUNLOP Jr BAYFIELD STREETS, BARRIE_.- ONT. L _...___. _ i'I"he an-bscrihor begs to acquaint` his friends, - and the public with the fact that he has re- moved from Allandale to the brick premises situated as nbove, and recently occupied as A Temperance Hotel, which he has opened and is now lining up for the accommodation of the public. 7-] y L sAm5L Bi2oLLEi', - ; M-ARKsMAN s IIHME HOTEL,- `D;....c-1.: a:___,; 1, - f\ `ue HOICL - December 24, 1867. `MARTIN S HOTEL, ' NEW LOWELL, man we cars morning and evening. Anvattentive 1-Iy .__________.____.._._____;...__. ulunu uuuu lllll1lUlLG(| Dy [116 William Wenm, n1urdered at in lIertfor fucmlllly 5 1: once popular ballad- x..m.,._ EST Liquors and Cigars always in stock. Good` Stabling and Sheds. adjoining the `use. ' ~ ' 48-tr ,`RASER S EXCHANGE HOTEL, - CHURCH HILL` HOUSE, Imnn nI'I.I._ Iwmgwn. an Qnlnn` Lprro HOUSE , "FAnA`HEn s HOTEL,` {Lnfn `Mnnlntv-`e \ )NTARIO "HOTEL, BRADFORD, .ur bnc1nm'1', BA Near the New Railway Depot. INALL. - - - - - Prom PENETANGUISHENE, ONT. INN , _ , _ Dun`: .AA.. Ejlf and 0331100115.- L F "'1`lu-y cut his lhrmxt from our to car, His hrnlns they b:ntercd_ tn; ills nnmc wuh .\lr. Wlllinm Wcnrc, llc dwu1tnLLyon`s Inn." It was upon this very mnrde" `that mnkwusdilating in his usual morbid nmvner, when I stopped him, bv observ- ingthut the house he had selected in which to pitch his domicile was an unfor- tunate one. Not only had a murdered gnn1_hlcr'occ1xpied.the vchmnbcrs below, but the very room we were now talking in, had for their tenant a person who was nssassinuted in 2; very barbarous manner somo forty Frank mm nlmnml :.. 1.:.. ,.1...:. ..,..._1.. izagezd Street, Barrie, out; ru u on, ANGUS, ONT. not. ` - Pnonzn:-ron . PnoPnn~:'ron.7 Proiariotor. Propxfietor. ` 1Tf;_}:RIE. Inn! 47-lyr. U5 um _`; av lulu uuuuw new 0 E5133 DOD: i1i i &i:%%aTAd:11aLBrInIes?_mu am umu_\"a Slllglllllfly (lOPl'(`.\`SHlg- Fr.-mk s cl).-unbc-r.~a were in the same house, thou_ not on the same oor, as those onmainlmbited by the xinfortunntc Gill s Hill, set forth in. II nnnn nnnuluu I...H...I tun style warrant:-u. to give satfsfaction. . z REPAIRING, &c., done in a workman hke manner. - lhan-in Anmmo 1.: 1:-rn at -= -- v--------I --_.u.-cu, gun. ` ina style warrant:-:1. to give sasfaction. 3*. REPAIRING. .(',l`.. (Inna in n wnl-Ir -- -.v-.--- `-CV1C1ljJn JuI`ndvUnLCLJnll 39 i5 _P-1'9P3l'9d to execute orders forligbtnnd heavy amgle and double sets of HARNESS: E `n .-::_`,, N311! -n a-u A n I DUNi;6i55:z;EE .uv v u-. nu W. 3: vu-ans.-n.l `rm .._--_`- - ___ p,_I_--1; __ '1', BARBIE. 'Vv-Ir-V-In.-.\lLl \% Ala` .l.I.\./AJLJ Next` door in the Law Oce of fessrs. McCarthy ct` 1}{oC artlLy, 'I\TT`?1' t\-I-1 on-u-s_.:_. - - ____ .'u.-\.\L rAcTI:m'.'R 0!` Saddles & Harness, 1Ve.2:t`dnm- 1:. II. 7...... nm... N: 11...... VVOFKHIEDIIKC manner. Thankful for past. favors he respectfully re- quest a continuance of public patrennge. @'Satisfactory neforence given, if required. Barrie. April 1. 1869. , 9-ly ________j___________,_? ROBERT McHEN RY, _:__-. ']`=HE subscriber having followed the above branches of his businessfor many years professes to be thoroughly acquainted with them. and in desirous of informing the public at large, that be is prepared to execute` all ordem in`lho1ino promptly, and in a most workmanlike 'l"l1nnL-fnl fnr nan! raw..- 1.- .__-_.Au- 1- - - - -~ - -----.-I7 House, SE1} EntWIa1TiagePainter, GRAIN ER, GLAZIER, AND Plain and Decorative Paper-Hanger, Near the Foundry - - - BARBIE. mlul lIL'L\\'l3Ul| DCULIIIIIU INK! nnglnncl. Why Frzmk chose such 1; dreary hole ML_`y'0u's1Illl for his residence I am at 11 loss to determine. It must. have been in some t. ot'rm.jl.1nc|1oly, when its gloom had a snntlxingr influence on his spirits, though the combined odors, of neglected duxlbius and moul-Iy wine-_c0IInrs, which pervmleul its wnrxn-eaten solitudes were always sirxgtnlnrly (l0pI'(`ssillg. ll'.'lllk,>.' r'h:nnhnr-A wnm in Hun nnmn __.o._._ Dispttled Lines ar,-currzteI_1/_ adjusted. Valuations carefully made, and Surveyingol every description executed with accuracy and despatch. 30-1 y ~ :nu1,Inu|uIl.ullU UUIVU LAND AND INSURANCE AGENT, ANGUS. - - - - - on` PA I N T I N G . John Vmellanby, n..L..... n.'..... .....1 n.__-... it- V JOHN` CULVERWELL, CARRIAGE TRIZ\L\IER :1nd General Ul IIOLS'l'ERER. Opposite E. Grm-ex-`s Xlardwnrn Store, Dunlop-Street, Bax-rio. Barrie, April, 1868. - 11-]y UCIICT (u .1/elucr m DryGoods,Groceries,Provisions, I Cracker:/. (r7IlRS)I!rI )' II/n~zI.mnn .4: J vIvvuU \JI UUUI l|.70,I lUV|D|UH C'roc/car}/, Glassware, Ilurdware, &C., &C., 320., S now selling his stock at prices as low, not lower, than the same goods can be had in Barrie. ' Apto, Township F103, 1868. ` ]4-|y rues. runes, meloueons, liurmoniums. A First CIass l ,inno, that has been ` few weeks, for sale cheap. . I UNIV A 'I')l'\C VVl'I(`lll('l` y0ll [)llI'C|IilS( | OX` 110$. :;'SA TI .8 FA 0 TION G U.-11x A NTEED":1 'I`nmnm. Jnlv an, 191:0 -2: .LV.I. -- JUST RECEIVED. 1000 peices of Sheet Music; also 5000 pieces llletzer la Co's Cheap Musical Publications; Five .Cent. Sheet Music; Six Cent Sheet Music; Ten Gent Sheet. Music; Violins. Violin Strings, Bows, Cases, Bridges. Tails, and Resin, Accordeons, Concertinas, Fifcs. Flutes, Melodeons, Hurmoniums. inno. tlmt lmslu-1-n nnnrl n . ARDS, Post Oico Buildings, Barrie. Barrie, September 15th, 1869. 33-tf. How tflne passes. , IL is non jll:-st fourteen years ago since hut in Frank (~}odt'rey s clmmbern, Lyon Jnn, Nc\\'czus`Llu street`, Strand, "and hem}! thus connunclzucnxmuts of the strunge story 1- mn nlmun to relate. [...... AL. 4..._......_. ,_.,._..L I , `r , cfm1E1,JL, ?{v}'sf OILS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES. ARTISTS MATERIALS. .\'-r:.. .h-,, u;..uu, v .:u.\u.u.uJ._.I.J.|u, .lJ1.l:UD.|1.En.)g MATERIALS, &c., &c., At. low rates for cash. Call when you visit the city. inspect the stock and learn the prices. They will take pleasure in showing goods, whether purchase not. `.1'SA'1'[SFAC l`l0.V 1:1, .-1 RA ,\"I`I~`.'I'.`1)"i-'7: ' JOSEPH nouns, c.:~:.,A Provincial Land Surveyor, LAND AGENT. (Late Stafford House.) 0 R I L L I A, C W JAMES JOHNSON, '- `- o` Pnormmon. THIS new and commodious hotel is situated -near the Lake Shore, and commands a ne view of the surrounding scenery. The rooms are large, handsomely furnished,` well venti- lated, and families can be supplied with separate suites for` themselves. @"Snmplc Rooms for Commefcial Travellers. The Bar will nlwavs he found rnnlnfn mm. ..v. . . .-uuo `rul n-vuvu IVIVIILV Offer for salon lxirgc and varied assortment ._...()y__._ ` I):-ugs, giiines, 1 CI-IF'.Y\/fY(`.A'T,Q mi 1'1\'re me manner. Barrie, August 1st 1869. ug anmpxc uooms for Commercial always be found replete with liquors and cigars of the beat brand. Good Stabling and attentive hostlers. 20- uuux.r4n:\1,A) A.\U l(l";l.\lh ]H(l(i(il5TS, No. 44` King St. , East, Toronto, I nitr fnr snln n Irirnn lam`! mu-:m1 ..mm.c.......a Licensed Auclhineer for the 1 Valualor. (fr... AIIH l|ll|l|l|: LU TUIHLU. . I9_uy the commencement, because I n1ysu|t'_\\':us mixed up in an cxtnnordinzwy munrer in the st.ory s conclusion. WI:-n I n-at lnmw Fr-.ml. lm hm] .mo> , . WILLIAM PABKINS, INNKEEPER, COOKSTOWN. J. P.~RYLEY, V. 4 - - - P Formerly of the ROYAL Honey `7 ___.____:_______________ ADJOINING THE mxr auppncu with the best tt affords. Every attention given to guests. ___________________ This old establishment has been completk-ly renovated and ro-furnished. and is now one of the most. comfortable houses for travellers in any country place of the aim. Free omnibusses to and from the cars. Bur supplied with the the market '.lJ . _ _ (Formerly kept by A. Doolittle.) E. HANMER,. - -. - norm:-:'ro';. Lg uu4;.,u'uuL.u/u ua Toronto. July 20. 1369. JOHNSON HOUSE, (Lair-. Sfn`nn`l `Fl m.m \ JOSEPH ROGE RS VHIEF CONSTABLE, County of Simcoe , ; OFFICE: opposite the Market, Barrie. _ umm ur Ill urc .~u.nry S conclusion. Wlu-n I lirst knew Frank, he had just Arrived in London, fresh from the old fmuily nmno'r-house, sit.uatcIA in one of those wild d1.~m'icts---hounes of nrelancboly nmlrmn.-mce-which form the border- _ lmul lucuveen Scotlund and England. WI... |.`.....I- nlu/\n.\ ......I. .. .I.._-._.. L-\_ - `J. W. BRIDGMAN, - )OR'l`RAIT PAINTER, 39 King Street West, Toronto. 37-y, . ..31:5iuessrgtmrtisenueutn. .5 AAA, .VvvV-,Vv~. .~..,..vu. ,.~v.~v..~ (Forrhorly J. L. 1\Iarguch,) ivuoI.}:s,\m; A.\'D m-:T'.uL nnmm: 11 III A. - - _:__j-j---______.__.___i gntgls; qua ztlonns. }ELL EWART HOTEL, [ARG.A.cu, Axpnnsox 52.00., WUSIC. RAILWAY` HOTEL, INING s1'A'nn\' nnnw... THOMAS STONE, ' MANUFACTURER 1 A "- -.--.-`,An AA\J\l (Late Stafford House.) 2. 1 I. I. I` A. r`! ' ~ '1' w 'v' 7 `V -w -v- - " 0'er nll thcro*.'u1\g n slmdow nml it four, A Eellvlu ofni_vscry the nnpiril dnuntcd, And nuld mu plain us whisper to the-`cur, 'l`lu phwu in haunted!" ' ' ctz'o`neer Uwnty of Simcoe. Valualor, d :c., d:c. . 3V6-ly _.___..___.______.________ General Dealer in I\ 3 III __ __v 1-44A4 1 su'rIo;\', COLLINGWOOD. P J. EDWARDS, qmnn nu Hilinrvu , 1 : Pnomn-rron. ` :r., Hamilton. ONT. F. used a ' 11-15 to the new block 0! nuuumgslgnu ereeteu op. in: her old stand. where she will open out mashort time a choice asjortment vat Fall I Goods in keeping with the latest fashions. I Barrie; Sepwmberlst, 1869. 31. ,1 -` _%' 7._"` MISS .\IORTON'S Millinery, Mantle and Dress-Making Establishment has been removed the block of huildingsjnlt erected nmziu! her old stand. where onen out "Smnc dnmma we luwo nrc nothing else but dreams, I Pmmluml nnd full of C()l1l.l'tLd1Cl1()ll'; Yet others of our most romnmlc schemes Arc umnething more than no! Iona. 0 II t It It It It It It I t ..-....-v-J , --V--.. -v -.w..u-u .u.u-ng.-ub I V ISS RIQRTON respectfully informs the . 1 ladies of Barrie ,nnd surrounding country, that she has purchased the business recently carried on by the Misses Munn, on ' Dunlop Street, and will henceforth carry 01. the same on her own account. She is adding a large variety to the former stock. consisting of LADIES` AND CHILDREN'S HATS AND BO-NNETS, trimmed and untrimmc-d; Mantles ` all the newest styles: Parasols, Gloves, Hosiery, Veils. Neck Ties. Cuffs and Collars. Caps, Feathers and Flowers, Dress-linings and Trimmings of all kinds. Dresses made in the newest styles, at a-moderate charge, and at short notice. ' Mourning millinery constantly in stock. London, Paris and New York fashions regu- n rly received. - Straw and fell. work re-done with care. A call is respectfull_r/_ solicited. :3` Apprentices to the Millinery and Dress-making wanted immediately. Barrie. April 14, 1869. 11.tf. munuu:-5 uu-u. an Ilnuun. Jumped axes constantly kept on hand for sale. _ n...-ma mu 1 9592 am. lMi11inery, Dress & Mantle-Makingf .- .- IQQ lln`R"l`\T rnunnr-1fnl`n 3.-Jnn-no H... nu uv Iulnuu an \,.\-an ulna-.-J uwuulu 3%` Horse-Shoeing and General Black amithing done as usual. `I ......m.I nvna nnnamnolu lint.` .. L.....1 r... AIIIAVIV uuu uu.r:m.u uu uu. guunucu uuuuvs. T. S. being :1 practical Axe maker, be flat- ters himself that he knows it good Axe when he sees it. und he is determined only to offer auch nrticlcsas will give satisfaction to the pnrchzwer. All his own work he pguarantees to be made of extra quality steel. :3` I`l n-an_C|.nnlnn nun! I"......-..1 'nI....v. 1? ii -? U? T i 1'- Z T and warranted for 30 days at $1.00. Any Axe sold by him which pi-ovos soft will be tempered free of cost within 12 months from sale . MILL PICKS s';\DDLi-i':"a"'\b(",m~ ?i'X`6uwAnE, AND ' CAIIRIAGII TRUIHIISGS ` ENAJIELLEI) LEA TIIE1: CLOTIIS, 191:.` `|h.n..l`....A..-...... -1` uunn. uucta Ul `Saddles, mCuol|ars and Trunks` for tho 'l'r:u}n, lA2F_:,,{_i?..}Y!;?:5'51 .\Iar]e and Dressed on the shortest notice. m n u.:_A_ -,,-_.2,_-I n_,_ ,,,u,,, u , n . TIIUIISDAY. In news uro vul-livnllon. ing stream: House and nd thrilty ' ILIJIJIJIDLIJ I IVLILIVU D Lxsmu-;.\'T, Next door (0 N18 Cal/u'rIxnI,v ' Turunto. _..._.-..- ..-_._.-...--A\\Ja-a;L 1. Having found it impossible to mant. the in- crcasmg delnantl fur AXES of H18 OWN manufacture, has recently imported It large stock of Borre1l`s, Mot-ock n. and Dates supe- rior Axos; all of which he is prepared to war- rant. for thirty days. V All Axes unwarranted from nnnnrinr mnl.-nr: mm. xor tmny uays. unwarranted from superior mnkers he can sell as cheap as any other house in Town. AND DEALER IN Box, Parlor, IIall,'r1nd C'ool'z'n_q Statics EZITGARDEN ENGINES,_ggy PLATFORM 8!. COUNTE SCALES`, COAL OIL. {c., -c., DUILOP STREET. . . . """"" .. --.__. ..... \/LIJ4 ;.us.a..1 KJAVAJJAJ 1.1) made to order at as low prices as can be had in Canada. . Bradford. Ont. '9 '~ ies. .s;IJ_1\Z_MERs_E_'r_T| , __.__ ;;u-ucaa u. nu mnus. nuuulos. Bridles. `Whips. Blankets, Hobos, Collars, Trunks. &cl :3` Jfepairingmeatly, cheaply and prompfI_u attended 41- ' M:\.Vl.ar'AU'1`URER OF `EN, SHEET-IRON JAPAN N ED and Copper Ware, Avn HDAII7 v Bradford, Ont. ...... u ;,;;w. W .n.1\..LV 231$, ANUFACTURER of Single and Double Harness of all kinds. Saddles. Bridles. Whips. 52$. 7( anIn'n`nn`m.mII.. ..1 ,...i. _..J -- AND COUNTY OF SIMCOE XDVOCATE. ,--i': . . . .... .._,, . ,- .._.___..__.., {NEW S./XDDLERY! . , Ilarness J: Trmzl: Jfanufactory, NEXT DOOR TO IIINDS BROS. BARR-IE 1.: II'1'i1'isl,-July 3, 1869. __j__2j_:.:.__ I .m.u-acuca, uuu vuu uuprcpareu to llndrlnkl Custom Carding, Flzllinn 5:. .L' lllllll g" DYEING AND CLO'1`f { DRESSING,` ALSO 'MA\'l'l-`A I"l'l?nI\'n L The subscribers beg to inform their friends 1.'1mt'thcy are now running the above Fuctorv themselves, and will bcprepared to Ilndertnkl-. r~_; , . ' rv - - '1Tix), BILLHEADS, BLANKS, JNOTES. (_`HEL'K>`. 3:0,. :1! the EXAMIHIR Omce. Innuo, Dnuuunnuo, nunu nus, JNOTES, CHE.L'K>`, &c., at the Ex/uuxun 18l(`. Barrie; 0ct., 13.33. Love c`on cnch dispensation drcar, Love sorrow nnd the bitter tear, Love chmatcnxng shadows coming. on, ' Love hlonsmns that have come and gone, Low !.imes' of smrmv when they cry, Lovo thoughts t.ha.t\vl1iHpu1'all must die, Lovo men the thorn that guards the rose, Love bitter, unforgiving foes, ` ;.\j'r1;\'G OF E\'P_ZRY DESCRIP-} \V ll.l..l 1mfms0.\' & soy, IT .._.. T\ .. ` ._ 1| 1', nxDDLE1i'Y HARDWARE ESTAB- LLQIIMEXT. VLl`z\l.'lU1(hH5U[ MARBfi: 1\IONUMEN'1`S, l`f\\H`! t- TIL` th cmnvvwcw ;BADFORD MARBL`E WORKS. [NNISFIL WOOLLEN FACTHORY. {ARRIE AXE FACTORY. ` EORGE PLAXTON, r - M.-\`}IfIl`.\l!'l`!TRn`n -nan.` Av cum, (LATE D.n'In. I\IcVr1"rI-: &: Co.) \\'hplesale D(-alt-1'3 In I-l'\l\l I-run: ...__...-__ J. -Bk, A. ]3orrovVn1an,. 3I.\NL`l-`Af."I'UREI!S.0f 1|II'A1111r 1` 'Ilt`\`vvvu--w---p-up-4 Love moves the heart to holiest deeds, Love gives the key to Christian oroe_ds. Love turns the drwlwst night to light, Lovu umkes Llnemnddcst Inuxucnt bright. Love gives lilcrnity to Life, _ Love conquers hate and scatters strife, Love brought 9. Saviour from above, , Lm'u's mum: is God-V-God`s name is Love! 1'I.U|n. FREE-STONE S16Un1ENTs .1. `f\ .._.1_._ -4 ,, I LEVI-,-,5R. WARNER, ANUFACTURER Of Sinnvln um` 71 _-_... ---.., \/I4\Il.IL uLuL'4tJ-D1J.\L1, ALSO 'MA.\'l'l-`ACTL Ill.\'(} Cloth, Flannel and Blankets. cox .3; SHAPCOTT. Il,-July 23-ly ` . MANuFA..cIUEr; ..p..~,.,.,\- V` _ ---... `J--..-44. TOMB & IIEAD STONES, u 1. 1.lA;\1L}LV, MANUFACTURER ]"D1:1n1 Tun-rr -r . is .41; 44144: 4 41141:. U11 Manufacturers of An I \JVlIl.AI\J II for the Trade. r--- \AuI..: Flzllinng-, AN FT f\'l`L! V, FOR 1-:.\`r`l.0SI.\'l} cx-:_\u:-n,:m- m.o'rs. ,u.sn. @133 mztmitter, a Ifinrj `Slreet Easi, One Dollar per Amaum, 13-1)" ..__.- ,. :,----`,- l.\' 1'83 P031` OFFICE BUILDING. BARRII, Is prepared to draw up Deeds, Mortgagep Bonds, Wills. &.c., to make searches: in me Registry Olce, and to receive applications` for Insurances. (Fir_e_nnd Life.) upon reason able terms, and sohc_1ts thepatronagu of bin friends and the public. 134; `Cu 4 u Accident Insurance Company, Is nil: P031` BUILDING. nnzmv:_ - Agt DR. ALEX. UA.\IIL'I`O2\', 18-tf Medical Examinsr. lnnm :n%su`:gnj_u_cz norm J. E. Bowman. M1 -, ~ - President John Alehin, I~L'.*q.. -- Vice Prosidqm J. `V. Walden, .\1.D., - - Mod, R1,-f_ Moses Springer, M.1 .I ., Scc'y 4!: Gen. Agq-nt. - W. M. .\'xcnoLsn.\'. A run! Run in HE ONTARIO MUTUAL LAIFE AS` surmxcz (,`().v1I A2\'Y, ' -- _ .1 Ixnll _ _ gg,_ , _ 'l-`nn Um I nluu mu 1 U111; LIED 1\D~ [I-Ieud Olllce, . Waterloo. Love nll.tha.t a good, and true, and fair, Love all` that breathes u. henmblt, prayer, Love flowers that bloom earth's path along, Love music. melody, and song. Love [)l|l`('(lt, brother. sister, friend, Love ovary gift that God doth send, Love Him beyond who made them all, Love God who loves both great and small. JOS. ROGERS, Agent at Barrie. Jnnuarv. IRGS. The Fire Reserve Fund is now 534.727.4171 The Life Reserve Fund is now $9.282_.~H$r~' The Cmnp-any is rt-p|*(-st-rnt.d throuwlmu`. Ontario und Quebec by inuential Agents. In. `whom application for Insurance may be mad.-_ G, F. C.` SMITH, Resident Secretar-_1/, Mo.\"ru.u.. In ROQRDQ. Aamnt nt Tl.-xrrln, In US ISL E0711`, 1?S)l),'.ll(! I _ alone amounted to .. In its 10th your, ]R46, 20th year, 1856, 30th year, 1866, One year later, 1367, l'UU;\U.3 n'1'xj.1u.mu. The disbursement of this enormous suri: ovora. wide area. has. without doubt. contri~ hunted to the ostnlnlislxmcnt of this Institution. in the condence of l L`Ul.IC Com-oIu'rm.x'.~z. Ml-2Cl| A.\'TS. ".(`IL'SEll0l.DbZRS, and lmsinL's>` men generally. wlu-rover it is reprcsvntctl. In its 13!. y<-nr,18.`56,'.l)e Fire l r(-minms ............ ._ .9.97(l '\unI :4 unrux 1 nnunnn 1-nu, CO/VI/EVA/VCER, 65%., I nu-\"r Inn Tlllli `HE undersigned is prepared to c.~:r-cub Loaus on Freehold Property at n-r_-- rt-:1.-rnalslc rates or interest, and easy terms: rt-payment; also LSSUER 0FMAI{RIA(.i}. LlCE.\`CE>.`, &c. TIWYGDV `IT A DDYTD A uhuun J.\.3L Alllnt-I4 vunu .1.` 1 . IIAS BI-IE.\' in cxislc-nceTlnirly-two years. and during that period has paid 1.03::-:4 - 1-xt-ceding FIVE AND A HALF 5IlLLI().\ I ()UND.3' STERLING. 'l`|m l';|Ill!`l|lYIl`nt of` n nnnrmmm I:|Iv; Money, Tliiigay, Monevi Ezlaa Far1Ef3;`I}anca Company, QUEENS` FIRE AND LIFE, l\ T1 II '1 A1` ITT1"TT II I `I T'l\'\'\ \`u.a.-;.4; H0i*1!%f>.I:`i1?1)?V..11z`Vi`N Addresn :11 orders to V HE LIVERPOOL & LONDON J; ` GLOBE I.\`$['RA\'(`I~S cu.\H'A.\'Y. 1'1` A 0 nv.'l.`\.' 2.. .......r!`I.:..n.. 1...- _-_.__ _._j.. g$_"All at low prices and of heat qnnIit_v._g`,` _ _I"nrmers` Produce taken in cxclmmw nL _. -_--V- \J.A-JA.IJ|J \JLl.JJJ.IAIJJ.'J I A largv supply of wlrit.-II t\_'ill nln`n_vs be key" on hand at prices which '1 be certain to en- sure sa.li.~t':1r:tion. Au nennl ll:-.m.`l T?! EUR: 5'klll.'~'Hlf3llOl1 . As usual. Broad. Biscuits, &c., delivered : any part of the Tuwn. `D I.'r\'r1 r. on `W'J\-Igvx Gen t. Am-1) to -.-.-.v...._.__ V`. ....._u -1 an`; AND RELIANCE LIFE. Barrie. January 20th, 1369. SALT A1\'D_-Fi?I;SI-I FISI-I! Flour and Feed! . OROOKEIZY, GLASSW;1IJ', .5-c. puuunmge 01 the pact. bug to inform their old custnmvrs and the public gt-m-rally, that they have made arrangenu-nts with jhc Leading C /cccsc I"uctorz'c,s- lg/'rmrDon2inion For a continued supply of 1,1-.. .._ n { N V - 0,d00 __.-. I ~ ' ` `mt AND JOB PRINTING Tm; 5>.A.\u.\m< 1m3lx({mK` `pwpM.,,d.1o exccx1;:h.l:Ii0::x?rIor syle every dog PLAIN AND OIIN. . ENTAI. PRINTING: ' such nu ZADS (`ETTEg[}I:!I~{Nl'.H cums. In! I, HIPAHR Briutifo, Auplril 23, 1869. 5.; Au it! low prices and of heat {$7 Fnrn1ers' Prudlfce taken exchange at the hxghesf. max]-wt pncc. ____-_ AND CANADIAN QEEESE DEPOT.` WHOLESAE_}_& RETAIL. `The subscribers thankful for the very liberal patronage of the pact. bug inform nuhlic m-m-mllr. nun. Hu-v .u.u.unuuuu u\vuJLU' ' V . R. POWELL, SE.\'., Aux-:.\"r Barrie, July 1st, 1369. _ > 227lf u umuuucu numuy 01 FIRST CLASS CI1EEs;4,! A In-m. m....J.. ..v .:. . n nu u. cuulce and m-sh stuck of I Groceries, Provisions, &c IVIYDIJVH PTA)! --A-- - _-v--we--V VVV 001250 17,4 AIS, 12.4 0 ON .:- 1>0121r, OF PRIME QU.-\LI'l'Y! _j_ uuuse In the Trade. To rs!-class "It'll and cash inducements will be ol-rm]. Hamilton, 20th July, ISGE). __..____..________.__ vr vvuvuhb U1 .I. ZUU Now opening at their New Warehouse; King Street East. (Second hnildinp: West nf M<'IN.\'IiS' BLOCK.) Il.\.\HL'l`().\'. M`ing1n)ughL fur cnshwlu-n stocks in the hands of producers were ho:1\'_v and prices low, T. S. K: Co. are in (1 position to quote prices which cannot be surpassed by any House in the Trade. bnyt-rs, special he Voi-re-d. yy_,.u. .._.. vrpzrms oisnnscxzmrrox: " ."" * '*2*;'1;.'::i:3*'pm:.': or M0 ;;,1%;ts1tr%; ..;g:f LEXANDER4 MOR'RO \V," AG EXT ]:`(,)I{ MERCA7NTlHI~.E. _ __ .__.__.._ THOS. sAU;`1$ERs & co: W1IOLEF.\Ir.l-I l.\H'0P'.TI-IRS OP jcnma, ummwm, GLA SRW A me A vn uL.l1I.I|r\L rr\I\lbY UUUL INVITE Tm: A'l"l'E.\"I`l0.\I 01-` TRADE. T0 Till-I 1!?'Contents of 1,200 Pack: , R '..,_ _,. .. - `nu. f\I\1\nu- . ME NOW OPEN. R. PowELu7VEw STORE! ]Mu.'eI*n I'mr(-ll .s` (Ilvl Slum], nn 11.. /v.`-...._ .. nu I\.IIII_l..L.L7 l`L" I'm!-ol('.s' Stand, on Me (,'r:rm=r 0} Dunlap and Owen .\'Ir(*d.s'. and Ike I`o.s*l-qglicc, and marl (Iuor In (luv Jirmlc qf ( mn7ncI'c, ' With :1 choice and fresh $3 3231:?` " ` . . - Ub. uuumaa, [1 Jnnuarv. 1968. .INSPECTION INVITED} . R 'Pf)\\.'I.`I,r urrv A u1U1:.\blLD, (KC. HENRY IIARPER, Cnokstnwn. Nov. 27th. 1865.. 'AMES EDWARDS,` A31! 'v \I\1.-- _ _ u I-uIu.nsuI:n l-:Vl-:1uv THU V smut mm , INC} mike In M0rro\v`a 1] ma ` llnll, UC1l;iur;l$l:1.~`t":P3tnf,, I_fl`ho Firexmnui u1u\b'b'\\ Al{H, AND GENERAL FANCY GOODS, NVITE A'l"1'E.\"I`[O\I nu.` vrn ENGLISH BUN IIOL SE -(mrrz DEPUTY nzcmrmu) |T1'7T`Y7 A ;\rr~r*r\ WIIOLESA [.1-I ( "( LASSWARE, `CDAI l`A||r\\1 run- NUMBER 42. 11, strictly in Advance. T0 1.0A.\', on good Fan '3 I 8 J ..ncunt'. ntorest ' -er JOHN s'r1av1-zxsoxv. Solicitor. 60., Bradford 23. IRGR. 19.14 . Ann `1v,200 Packages, ins: x|" u want. n [In ---/ Vvnt side of Village of lust-d by u umfnutublo is u. nuvor ' fl R. KING K: SON` - IIUIIUIADUA. Agent. Bun it- H8 . .. .-9,970 47,7u:: 222,275; 73595-;`2 818,055 E, fr. I9, '1' II 1-] The l IND COUNTY OF SKMGOE ADVOCATE ... I.IlI1'II RV l-2ll \' TIIUIISIDAY ll0llNlNli _---" ~:.\-b'l'l-ICTIIE AM) A IIIRE.-IM. '__,.._---- ti-published every Thursday Morning. TVOLUME VI. " ` EXAMINER omrxcn, murrlc, Ont. I. NICHOLSON & SONS. I unx.mum-1. . .`El( HEADS: BUSINICHS BILL HEADS, HAND I V95 Ul yuu, .Wl1l [118 $11!`: _.}1`:.vj__'a ,re'a'8p}1,.an`gl -11` W1 .... ask. nust. 'see th 061 ._!._l.L II Tvn. BILLS, cuccU1._Ans Lmzi .3 ',ULARS LABEL5, &c. |ch. in the nu] nmmr. -IIooD. I continued my` readihg. Qnd. That. the same three persons, Ric-harcl Horner, Tom the Thatcher, and Farrier Jack, did on the same day forcibly enter the house of Mrs. Butlelf. a widow, of Wooclbridge, and carried off consider- able booty. . . . I lmun nnncr in Jn wla Hun uvhbuu HUIIU UUUIAJI - 7 I have nothing to do with the widow or her loss, murmured Frank, with the same ilnputieuoe. What is the next ne- cuantion 9" Murder. Frank turned almost livid; and drew a long breath. ' Wnnanrinm rnnrn uh!` rnnv-n T nan:-Inna}! '=',Ul| HIU LU 31' U My time for explanation has not yet arrived. Finish wimI:'_vou have to read. and you shall know nll that it is in my power to tell; but, I beseech you, take no heed of me till your reading is couclud- ed. . 'FL-__ -_..`I L- __ _,.!,A ,1,. ,1 ,,A '1 There could be. no mistake about it. now. My poor friend was labormg under hallu- cin_ntinu of some kind, and the kindliest. as well as the wisest course was to humor him. _ l Y _ ._,A!,._,I,,,,,.,, I" Ill! Ililllllgo ' . This day of crime, as it appears in evi- dence, had a yet dnrkcr ending. ' The three. ruians, not content with their large and evilly-acquired booty, did, about "the hour of midnight, make burgiarious en- trance into the mill of one William Ben- cii`, by mezine of a window near the ground, and by forcing out an iron bar which was imhedded in the atone-work. An entry having" been thus obtained. the robbers made t._heir way to Mr. Bencliff s sleeping room, and Armin T was intarrnnted bv A gasping WUIU UUI II I He did not look at mo this time, _but keeping his eygs bent upon the table, beg- ged me to go on. TWV Hmn for nvnhmnnn hm: nnf vnl IUIIR UI'UlUaLIu . `. Wondering more and more, I continued 1 my reading. '[`l1in rlmr nfm-imp an it nnvmnru in my}- Sleplllb TUUIII, illlll . Again I was interrupted by a gasping cry from Frank Godfrev. T nninml mv Avon tn. his fnce. Its in- . xrom Manx uouxrey. l Iaaised my eyes to his face. It_s in- creasing pallor more and more astonished IT!!! m-use "y 3 untrucl. hw- m. Also In 4-misos just I 100 acm, nin rondto 4 3M Cun- n mm: mm ` 1 Yes, yes I he said with a sort of shud-` "tier; *t.hnt.- is true in evety particular. Read on, my dear Balfour, I am listening I to every word. 1 ab. .. ...........:..... H... Innmlu-Inna nnrn':n1, _ vluvvnunl vvua uvsuuua \v u... ........_......_. A dreadfully dismal old place was this Lyon : Inn room." The wainscoted walls were dark with time and smoke, . and honey-"combed by dry rot; the almost black geiling was so full of cranks, that it ' 1ooke{lj;;I_i)w a` _g,ig`antici({<'x1)')Mb;.=`.V'II1i,].y at each xnbixnlanf. oT31`]1'e31\7j"'f{56E'f1ie Boa rd of.the oor grozmed us though life were in them." And, indeed, if life were `not exactly in it, certainly was beneath them-- 3UUl| H3 H1 Jiillglller [VH5 UVUT; . I What on earth, Frank, could you have to lo withevents that took phce forty years ngo-just fteen years before you were born? rr- 1:.1 .._; 1-4- -L .,_; u.:- 42,, 1, . to word." _ . _ Before resuming the Iugubnous perusal, I glancek round the room, for Frank s emotion was begining to be infections. A .1_...._:r..n.. .1:-__1 ..1,1 ..l...... wo. QM: Skip all tlmtl exclailned Frank im-` patiently; l \'e nothing to 410 with t.l1at. You 1' "I burst info.alm1gl1, wlniclrit was im- possible for me to repress, and said, as soon as my laughter was over: \Vlml'. nn nnrllu lI`l-nnl: nnnlal vnn lmvn . llil MIN) , 1 CJIILIIIHUU 3 V 'l`he- clmrrves brourvht a ninst the said 1 L] E` O 0 : ' . - Rm 1 ml Ilnrnor were numerous: and van ed in their character. The three pri_nci.- pal dxvalt upon by the prosecution may be 'brie_v stated as follmvs: `rob On the 15th of FeIn'um`y, 1813. ' lst. "That the said Richard Horner, known 115 Tom the Thatcher and Fzwrier Jack, did stop the RnnIfr.rd conch upon the high` road in broad daylight, and ,9 . IIDIJ , II A` ,1 II! I 0 I I" I I u ' mu --uuwm I nulur Ul ms countenance. .7 .5 E: I _ _ , I almost began to think that my friend 3 _r_zloom_v studies had borne fruit, June!" that _ his mind," nverweighed by morbid fancy, was xvzmclering. Go on !-go on 3 ` With a slight; shrug of the shoulders, as :1 sort. of protest against his excitexnem and fully, I cmtinued: Tlln. 1-Inn-(inn hrnllrvluf an-n:n:l~ Hun uni.` IJIIIIUUI 5 His dark eyes, which were riveted on my face, became so fixed _in their gaze, that a curious- kind of creepy feeling came over me, that was certuinlv not_ decrensed by the growing pallor of His countenance. I nlmnat. lwn-an tn thinlr that mu I`:-inn.-Pa uuu Lu (.1 u Mn 5 Lull L3bI`E|llu. ) 1 Ah! ah!" cried Frank, how curious- . ly Providence works out its" ends! But`, {:0 on, quickly. quickly, and read `louder, Bnlfourl ' In |,,v, , 1-I - - - `nllc, ; ucguu . Trial of Richard Homer, better known- as Black Dick Homer, for the murder of William Benclilf, farmer and corn-factor, of Willow Bank Millnear Rumforcl, Essex, anrl of 2 Lynn s Inn, St.r:m(l. A lll nln ll nrlnrl Wmuulz Ulwnn nun-lnnn, CH. In UN and com- I a small lur nn -U10 auu Ulfglllo More and more surprised at his grow- ling excitement, I turned over the torn and `discolored }m_r_zes, till I came to .the' parti- cular trial which had been the subject of our conversation, and the one in which he appeared to be so greatly interested. After .'1I)r(`iiminnrv nno nr turn of run Af'ter_.'1. preliminary pug or two at my pipe, I began: , 'l`rn| nf Rinlann-:1 Arman Imn.-... l........... ulvlruiuuu LU D8 50 qreauy lYll2C`l`GS[G(l. vvwu um neuu In we com-Dox. Frank Godfrey snutforl the long wick of the aring cnndle. and with nfeverish im- patience motioned me to open the book and begin. , hlnrn nut` vnnvn Qllrnn-::-A/1 nI- Lin ~_,.... uvsa \.uIIJUu --' - And, I put. in, for the somnolent Jack was rushing off without any idea as to hgs errand, ask Simmons to give. `you the book beneath the bust of Shakespere on A the mantlepiece. - It's not the first time the `Newgate Calendar` has support- ed the drama, I added, wnggishly, after Jack had departed. LIV wmrmn-v hnxunvnr mnf I-3` -~ lUVUrIU3u The distance from Lyon a Inn .to the Middle Temple is not great, and Jack, re- appenring with the volume required, was dismissed tongain slumber if be pleased with his head in the coal-box. I4`.-....l, I1..,u'.,... ..-..a-.,i .1... 1--.. __2-L ,0 uaun uuu UUPRITGCI. My waggery, however, met with no response on the part of my friend, who. returning into the dimly-lighted sitting room, relled his pipe, the bowl of which was carved into the resemblance of :1 Dent.hs hend, and fell into one of his usual reveries. YFL- .I:,A_,, B -r n 1- . .- `;iIere, Jack; wake up, you young ras- cal. What with eating and sleepingyou H go o'm a fit of npoplexy one of these days. Run overtoMr. Balfour s cham- bers directly- "And. I nnf. in (`An 61.. ms-----J---` vuu vmume. Without waiting for a. second permis- sion, Jack, the boy, who, having fallen off his stool in tho kitchen, was found tran- quilly reposing with his head in the coal- scuttle, was shaken into semi-wakefu]- \ .ness. , to humour eccentricity, unless that eccen- tricity be an offensive one, I told him he could send his boy to>my chambers fdr the volume. `UCo|.....L ._.7fA'- - P ' :'rX.i,I'1x'-`_ ~ nuGc1vs;` `us, cm ; in . nan Iv BARRIE, Tb: Hebrw'Natonal, zinw Jewish jbiirni p_ul_)_s11_ed Ain_ L_o,I,13on`,`-gives ' _ the :-tatistics of the. Jews in the world. There are 6, 000,000 Je,\vs ih the world, one- half of whom live in Eurnpe. Alilxjica contains 260,000. ' ' Father llyaeinthe-llls Reply to the Boston Clergy. The following is Pere Hyncintlie s reply to an address and invitation to visit Boston, tendered him through the Evangelical ministers ofthe city and vicinity: I am very sensible of therhigh honor paid me in the greeting from the clergy whom you represent. I am touched by your expres- sions of Christian sympathies and affection I am a Catholic, and hope to remain one. I have` nor broken with the - church, but its abuses. I recognize true Christian in all Protestant bodies, for I believe that the true Church, embracing all who hold, Christ as their heal , is far wider than any earthly organization. My purpose in coming to America is to escape excite-' ment and rest a little. I shall soon return to`Europe, but I hope again to visit this country.` I shall visit Boston early in No- vember, if possible, and then should be glad to see those whom you represent, and to explain more fully my position. The future is dark and uncertain,- but I shall obey my oonscience . to the end. Greet in my name which Christian sa1uta- ' tion those in W hose name you greet me. - -:-- ----- ztru uuu uuuueyurullolesome WIVGS, and {.1185 is the truth. No man knows until he tries how wenrisome and disheartening the burden of one of them is, and how the an- noyance grows and strengthens from year, to year, and the courage becomes weaker . to hear it; sothat trouble which seemed light and trivial the first year, becomes intolerable teh years after. I have heard, of one of the classical fellows in the dic- tionary who began by carryinga calf up ahill every day, and so continued until the animal grew to be a bull, which he still easily accommodated upon his shoul- ders; but take my word for it, young un-' married gentleman, a wife is a very much 'lmrder pack to the back than the biggest heifer in Smitheld; and, it I c9.n'preve'nt one of you from marrying, Memoirs of Barry Lyndon, Esq,, will not be writ- -ten in vain. Not th_at.myVla,dy was a scold or a shrew, as some wives are; I would have managed to have cured her of that; but she was of a oowerdly, crying. melancholy,`maud|in temper, which is to me still more odious; do what one would to lease her, she would never be happy" _ or in good humor. I! 5- . .- ,. _ '-_j- BARRY Lvxnox on MA'rRmom'.--They` are the deuce,,tI`oublesome wives, and that ill Hm 1.!-nth. NA vnon bnnuvn nu-sf" Ha \.'.\l1IIlI3IUl'o _ > Innocent! In the name of`corr_1mon_ sense, how can you know`that ? T lznnw HY T Irnnuu {+1 T} in nn mnffnn BCIIBU, HUW Cilll )'Ull KHOVV LIHILY" I know it! I know it! It is no matter how I know it; but the. guilt of William Benclill"s (l`entl1 lies elsewhere. Villain us Ribluircl Hornr may have been, of that_ crime, at least, he was innocent." .` l\I_v4denr1rnnk--+----_ . I repeat. that he is innocent of William Benclill"s murder. ` /__ __ _______,__,__. \ lll - I pushed from me the book Ihnd been reading, sat bolt upright in my chair, and sm red at Frank with all my eyes. They were always large ones; but astonishment must lmve giventbem an extra power _of ( XI)nSl0D. Nrnnnnnnif Tn Hun nnvvln nl-"nay"-un.5. El '0' _ ' . If being huhg in clmins forty years ago, till the crows have nmde an nnato- mical specimen of your skeleton be any- thing: like death, Mr. Richard Homer is as lead as Mr. Richard Turpin, or any of the l>y_qoue bn.nditt.i. ` `iAnl l (`hf Hynl vnnn uvna :nnnnnn6' Ag. uuU`Il) lL"IIllL' Ullllllllablo , And yet that man was innocent! As innocent ofthe murder of William Ben: clilfnsl am or as `our are Fairfax Bal- 1 1 ) 2 four! 1' ,, A ,,1 1 I` ` .1 1 1 1-: us uuyuuu ul vuu UAUUIILIUII 3 ' No! ho! cried Frank, imploringly" 1 then added, in graver, though calmer tones, My dear Balfmxr, what. I am about to Lell you will make the very hair on. your` head stand erect w1th nstonishmgnt and a'ng_ht. Richard Homer is dead you shy '9". V ` ' n Tried and .condemn'e-1. The' tulo lesserrufans were transported `for life, - - and their leader Richard-Horner, was found guilty upon this very crime, and hung in chains some two months after- ward on the bank of the r_iver.? For the murder of William Benclitf? Certainly. Shall I read you a des- cription of the execution? Nnl n, nrlorl Finn` in-..dA..!....I... nuuulmaluu III we wawr- And these men were tried for the murde_r ofWillinm Benclitf? interrupted Frank. n'l`..! - 1 1 1 ' - --- uu uuu nmuulg. They made their way to Mr. Bencliff s sleeping room, `and, breakingga pain of glass covered, by a small muslin cur- tain, the mians introduced the barrels of their guns into the opening,` and, under menace of instant death, "forced Mr. Ben- cliff to give them admittance. Having entered the chamber, they demanded of the unfortunate man his money and valuables; but not nding the amount of l a booty they had expected, they returned . after searching the mill, to where they had "Ft. the corn-factor, tied hand and foot. Ufastening his bonds. they pushed _ him before them with the butts of their _ muskets, swearing at the same to have his . life unless he at once disclosed the hiding- ' place of sums which they were informed he possessed; Mr. Bencliff still refusing, the assassins, probably irritated by their ` disappointment, had beaten -the life out of him first, and afterwards tossed the corpse into the stream that owed below. The body was discovered next day in such a condition as helped to prove that murder had been committed before it submersion in the water- ` A_;_ `]_____ ______ _____ . -,1 1- .1 an sum] :13 H8 ll8(l l'll(3(I I I drank more moderately, and continu- ed the reading. Thaw vnnrln fl1n:r vunw 4-A `M ... `D-....1:A 7.. mu women say, `um 01 pms anq needles." He obeyed this last. fequest. with ' abac- rity, and drained off his own glass Val mos`t as soon as he had relled it. _ T J:-an]. .....-..- ......l...__L..I.. -__.`l ..L!--r vuvIa_L1$IllU mm on we soul 0! ll sinner. ~ H I 1, your glass, `Frank, ll mine.` What with, your queer. exclumations and sudden starts, you ve vmadeime as the old women `full of pins and needles." H8 nhnvnd Unis: Inaf. innnnaf. (vhk olu.-_ a very active life, too, that scuttled under your feet and raced up and down behind the panels in the shape of legions of rats, whohworried and tore at the heart of the dreary house, lxke remorsewhen it. fastens toophlgnd nnil en the soul of sinner. ll u-M...-...I...... `D.._..L an ._-.-_- Ill UIUUI A (TO. BE oomrxumn.) 4, COUNTY. OF SIMCO4E,'ONTARI_O_.` CANA A, THURSDAY, N-OVEMBER I8,.I869,