I E hf. LV pt 15 111 Pt S Eqr vuxuyul I V ' , d ` uch better polish than any othr.-_ t'ALL OF , WEt?(:&1}e;V;Lg};'s.B_P0SED 0F:AT A VERY LOW FIGURE. _ pug [II 2 6 NpI.S35aE hf r FD SWqr NM Nptshf 1- Suuth Field on 1 S W near cor-' mm 1 uer, Pt S hf Pt S pt W hf W hf S hf N W pt ' Broken SEpt. cw Survey, Sp: N hi 24 9.` and S M100 :1 22 '94 N E qr 30 W bf 32 E M` 21 N 20.3 of S 60 uof W bf 22 W hf 30 Spt. N52 :1 W hf 19 .4 `pg.-uaaaaui Us aisctinvv G.I.n"= , .l."lGE.l.e Gold and Silver Bar Soup; 1: very nice article in Blnckleud, THE DOME, farther, and gives 11 muchbetter othr, WHICH WILL BE DISPOSED 0F-AT VERY Tnw 7.:-. I ' B virtue ofawarrant issued by the Wer- 9 denyef the County of Simcoe,'bea1'ing date the nineteenth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty. nine, and to me direbted, commending me to V ,. -levy upon the several lands hereinafter men. tioned and described as being In the County of Simcoe. forjtlie arrenlrs respectively due there. on, togerher withmy gosts, I hereby give notice that unless the said arrears and costs be sooner paid. I uhallon III.. .....1..... 4.1. A 01 `-14- 'l\nnn-...'I_ ._ nREAsU1`2ER* s' six in o F" ` Lands in the County of sim- _ coe in A.rre_a_r for Taxes. 9 12 pu 14 100 lJ()IW().v -7 av an Sub-`-Dixfisions of the South half of Lot 40, in 10:11 Con., Nouawasaga. Lo't.,Acres. Arrears. Costs. North of Tecumseth ` ` Q4 ` INUD` 14 horn O$'ILLIA. _._.._-_..,%_.____ NORTH ORILLIA. 1-; n__ ;. 240 .. , . \ _ N - . - - ff?" Consisting in part of some choice TEAS, for 50`, 60`). ' 90c._, {and thelvefy best at $1. Call and examine before going elgewhem A `m"r nvirrc-is A`l\l'II\I'\!'I'I'|l`f \TrI'I 1.-- ...__ Sub-"Divisions or the South` half of Lot _40, 1n410th Con., Nottawasaga. ' Lot. Feet. Arrears. Costs. West of Nile St I2 13 14 15 16 17 18 .19 East of Trafalgar St26 West Of Trafnl war 27 28 29 431 32 33 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 947 947 947 947 947 947 947 947 ,9 47 947 947 947 947 947 947 947 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235] .2 35 235} 235 STAYNER. Barrie; 1 IO THOS. HENRY, Thornton. rrie; 21st July, 1869. J Nelson Square East Side 2 N clson Square West Side 1 Steel Street South Side N pt. . ( T Jwn Line (Thompo sun s Block) 3C 31 Mary Street East Side (W. 0. Ross Block) - 5 John St., South Side (Bingbam's Block) __-w-. ..va.\/J4 .L.lu.uu\.r.nvaAu..n.a.LI 4. xJ;' ' 9 Both in chewing and Smoking. They are as follows: Suokrxo--SoIace' Fig v v Cleopatrim, and other brands. Cuswr.\'a-.Olive, Navy, Dork Sweet, and o.therIl)::1:alg\n: Mustard, Salt in glass jars, and a supply of superior FRESH LOBSTERS and SARDINES I!`-an---us .Q' I__'I_j_I`l_.' `II! -I - 2;) Eccles St.. West Side-(B0`y s Blk) 6 ~ Gmlmnlst, East. Side 3 High St., West. Side (Edgafs Block) 73 R1 l W hf` BOUI Elizalmth Street I South Side \\' hf` Orchard St 13 Mark Street, East Side _ 17.1518 Matchedash Street East Side 11 Tecumseth Street, South Side 16 1 '1 Jarvis si. s L Side 7 outh ` j:.__.__..__: : Orillia. Village, ~ - L LA vii St... Snnth 0 L! 1'5 Iiwermara. 108511 1-2 Town or Barri Barrie. {-.___`.._.__,. e, (Cov.xtinued.) . Acres `.1-rents. Coats. v ULJL AUIJVJJL v .1211, u ualso uuuun UL Ullh" and n1Ckery Spokes Hubs, Rims, Shafts, Polesyseat Rails; &c`, can. TIAR. Iron and Steel. Sugar Kettleulnf nll .:...... e.._:__, . u zz 13 36 26-3m October 7, 1861' 143 42 961 11 ll) 14 93 14 88 68 33 005 358 358 Ran you 358 R719 D0 '8 IJIOCK. lSIII'l'l('. ' ERMS:--0ne~third of to be paid down ; the hair ' instalm'vnts- 1'ur!nrHmr `Mr Pnl l.r ()'f`nv:r~r.v- -\m'x.'. 1nstam}l'nIH- ~ 11 Mr. I M. k 0 C0.'a: V ..___. LOTS Nos. 124, 125, 126 and 122:" ourishing Village of A N G Y. S. I! otfercd for sale cheap. These lots an K{`:'` `"1 Queen street, between she Rnilwlyb , and the Mill. and are in u i3`.\'I>FIlbi9P business. Thev are If :r Jm.-. all ".4 them corner lnfs. Also. ` r Hn`u'"'_l u B0 '3 Block. Burris-. v -= l-`I'?\IQ-_rInu.H\ir(i Inf ":1? SEVERAL IMPROVED FARMS for auw the vicinity of Barrie. Also, R |" ' f TOWII Lots, with and without buildis" Apply to D MORR(`~W- 33' SEE PRINTED LISTS. -.v.w ,2 up - .4... .. -.--. _ VILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE IN ANGV-'7' 'l'.n'I`c 1.1 ... In! 10: 10c am! 117.5! 59, ADI. APP1 t . 24 ALEX. MCCULLOUGH. `Gm Craigrale P.0-o 249 220 220 249 223 245 '2 157 244 225 ot().\'!-1 HINURED and free of sfumps nuisos :1 good Lug particulars can I 011.08 Of this pr` ,l:arrie, Jn FVARM F0 FM Snlo. Hit.- llxc-13111 cm, 100 :|Cl'('.'~' more or IL-.~. ac-rt,-:~' ch-zm-I1. Thorn 1!-men:-:1 log hunso. In sit1- 20`/-243; I7 1|CfI:.~' ... ,. I. L- JBIRMIILIGHAM 65 sH;E:F1i-1EI,g;HoU1=}f L. Vvspm. 'l`\\'ENTY Acm-:5 cr.E.m:v.L<*3 I House and Barn, good soil and well tiU1_W EASY. including pine and elm: within 9 miles 9` _; Barrio; Church and School at thelot. TEE ' . ` ,, _ Anni! ' I West hair of Lot No. a. in the nth CM ' % 247 1 my .... ._ `Tny ..-..`. Sunnidale . . Medontc . . ?.S55"5 Apply to SAMUEL LoL'x1._R"i;';`: Office, Barrie; or to C. W. I.0L.\TvI6'_I`! bridge, Muskoka 221 240 Tiny`.-. `Tnv . . Vespra .. do . _ , , I10 . . . . . .. Tocumseth Tiny . . . . . .. do __., _ do Tay. - do Barrie, April 3. 1868, Torcns-I . 3]). `North Ovillia do do (In An 381 5-68 JIJ PICK n r-nu]: - I _ ' , - . I Barrie, June 30, 1869. _..___._.._.%, uuulngwuod. ' Fpr !(`l'lll.i and other pn:'ticI1lnrs, the owner. n.x..-. -__,, The whole of his immnso %ock having been purchased in the best markets, 2 ' ~."M.t11e` ery Lowest Pricesfor Cash. my-H"invitc`s a `call and`tria1-Ar-gzondent in his abim,_ aggi determination to give the FUL;'Es1{ Sinqpcrxpg, to good mu 3. =9 " -*' -Q . - -- `f -. ` `_ Qt` ' . `SEVERAL for sale; Vir`infu A9` Tlnrv-{A A130. I D? _mu.~' nus. 13. H and J.'-. on the Wt-st sided and f'rontin;: on Main Sm-c.-I. in the \'illa'gH Lslitly, Tuwnship of King. vnclosul by! good Inward fence. and huvin;_r :1 cunifunable ro.=.i1(-nee cm-ct:-d tlxcn-on. Th(.`1 L`i$ a never` nimm fai.`u::: spring on In . , V. VI .u. A . U1 nmun ulmlll. lm IlCl`I`5l-'2' C1('2H`('d and in :1 high slntu of cuhirmic=- The land is O \\'.'1l-ml by :: runnin_v.; slre-12: am] has a good fnunv Dwt-lling Hunsc 5!"! 21 new frame Barn. also :1 _\'oung and lhnlly orclmrd of fruit trees-. A I tn [Inn ;' 1 v Iv :1 com...,. lmiltlings nsml as n I. .\!!`I.\' !`: l4ny.:-l!.m` with \\'A(iG().\'>`. .~"J`.\Hl-I l'1I{>.'. II.\I:.\'I-I.'~'>'. .":I the .<.IIlrs'c1'ibvr. and l t\'.`c<-n l:'m'ric and Pam D -vi-llilvg Ilomsu-. oppn Am. -ntioncd; and :1 .~']wlL'l wilhin 4 nlilvs 0! 12:11-ri Hll|l1L'." and n1 stable of pur- strucu barrels rm... IJIITTOIF The nlalo pi half 0! m-mniv Ulll'. CUH Imulious style, an throng 34 and .. the W( centre, n n I-11. . Ax; rm: 5.51.1; cumv. OR SALE. --*-- --...---.., -u4..L.LII1J, All of whilnghe is enabled to offer to ghe publiuc tat prics that cannot. be competed ' with WEST on Mliiirrnn n. ucri,-:~' cu-:n'('Il. 'l'llCl'4! Ls lallic-`cl .. side, 20'/`2li;' are nmh-1 which is looking very wt-ll; 12 the rt-muindcr of Cl(:I`lIl(.'(` is in _sx'y|'i[][_{ crop. Also iur s:il- the ,` l'.'2i:~'t lmlfof Lot 9. in lhv l.';lh C Township, containin,-.5 50 new-:-- which are fallow; nc-nrl_v :~Il elm 150 of vi-ry gum] luml. 'silu:m- nl from AllL~l1(lul1- Slailinn. Th]; is able lunn. being '4-ll watered crock which runs through parts It is only about hall ll Inil-~ rm; Mills. The crops and all. with s: void and imincdinlu yo -1 ml. 'l`cruz-' " ` ' A F.aRnI FOR. SALIC ` of 01:0. For Sale, that \-ulna], 2nd Conccss` -. Town- of ONE _ ....- Dlrllitll DI water Thcre are on the premix with frame kitchen, a . stable. There is a good pump, at the dwelling ~' are situated on the main 1 Orilliugconvenic-nt to u ()1. and a School-house has he. corner of the lot. It is nm; the best wheat growing Ia. township above mentium-:1. For terms and further p the oice of this paper; to M, Stayner; or to the proprietor In- \ uLU ru-uu'u lHL`l'(`Ol|. TH` 12;; sprung on the pr-n1i. :AL.N'HZ-- [of following Lots at $3 por .1cre- lmlamcc in'thrcc unuuul inlalmely; interest :. For Sale, shipof Oro, containing H and m 9. go(._l..~- . ing 40 acres are : a fine stream of here the] will r.......- Len - z ouses ,' `1.a1:51.i`(} -,u..~`u:-- , (as. 25 and 2a, 100 acn-.= ouch. . l'u\vn-hip of Tiny.\\'il and iylnlly with h:1rd\m-H1. and 1 ml pine. Thcszc lots border 1 Buy, bctwcvn 1 cnetauguisl1 nod. ' ..... . vullvl FAVORITE` BRANDS Jl nun. ll`C('S'. ALSO FUR S.-\L 2'. 'us. 13. H and in: .\l:1inSlr<-c-I 2] Tlnwlrclnin ..l L .--- an-uy linen- . ?"A'% : '.~ "HUG 0|" 1-am-d. The; I] lmr h..nm. 1-u.ur wnu IHJI-'>'l'.'.~'. lH.'GG! 3. .~`_']'.-\(H'I:~,'. .~'l.EI(.'llS, CU l{.\'1-I.'~'.<. .`2I'.. .11,-.. mm` in use` Wu-r. lhv Mail (`annuall- 1! (Hill PIIIH-Inmrninlunm Hm `with ll()R.~'l-.`.~`. HCGGIFS l'A(H-3.5` ' JGHS, C .'I- nmr in unit -..q L}\'l~2HY 1:E-'T.5s'iii.'s&% er applylo D.-\\'ID V.-\.\'mRI. M 9. -ml = m.~'m- mo 1 mlid 1':u'm 4 - nn IL. JU , 81869. --.. 11;; all new-.=--about 20- u.-nrly choppn-d-in m1,'siIuzug- about 2,5 ion. isnvor roll bv """ much M_,,u.,_,.k us GLASGOW, `GOVEN cu watered L trough [).'ll`l8`I I from .`.`\l.l'; o . lI1e\\'>. ... :.. n... \'llu'mu! me Norll 3th Cnn.. |{El't-u_n|... .... nu... - pr:-Inisos jun`. m 0| 100 was 1- main roadlo '1 tho 3rd Cun- mf I2`. nnrol no 1- ll] . pashm 0 North MI I: Cnn.. M..- ..;.uu.u. u LVIIIILJJ . Horse-Shoes Nails, Anvilg, Vices, Tosretller with a ' ' arise star-.1: nf - by Hm Vof," 01 Mn 0 . MCI V- Also 3 {mu .'m: .. u.,, . of Hug OH! 90. . . dz`! afbe M _.....,_ angnLlydix_n " ` ' Better wait I. When Fuseli wm , canvas some Epoci ipped of? an um yopvsvvzant to esca feotyon such fare _V O r ten o cl `; ..the.IL1e.ntaIxIiges'c; `;-,;~,{`)Qo_ 't jest, I. E _m999`1.2-V `fl 5* one, for what. I us` I V you speak of to.ni 1: wnn -~-- ,uu speak _ twas now my but as it has alwzy .... mu business v . But how did with aIl't.hc-so Int In an: sixnlc reatling them. Wherry? _In an odd vo compilation ` of `xewggzte Calcmi bQ0kstalI'c1oso Ii} price ofn couple Cnn [see am See it, and In Iendit. to you to- N0! no! now- e nah] 41.: . "no: no! non He said _L}zi.~1'\` ly excited that I 2 `glance at the dd; .. ,.. n~__.- - me poor r.r_I.'m W; but somewhere, . way`)! ' What was hi Bencough gr xner, posscsswl, H and it. w_`agin the ed his business uI2..a x. -' - uyncuulllg UH` at tho nnuxmf ~Inhgtlt `_`Fort_v yr.-: though an litt. hib3tion' of _ Fmnk, Bu lBMm@ mm?-; 1': -'.'1 U] Frank was mtwner, whee`: ing that Lln: which to pilvl tunato (mu. gambler ()(`('ll but the \'(er_w.' I in, had forn assassinated in some forty _v- |3`...;..I. , house, Hi: Vthosa mu- Willizim V in 1'_I_(3!'lf)'! ` 8 once pt I! II! I` I as Lyon's` . loss to dub some fit of had _ Smyll mhough tln dustbins zu pervmtc-gl i abvuys .si :1, 1.` $ 4 Iuulll u_l ll! Winch 1 .1rrive_sI in - family um those wil. `and rnlnn bcL\\' llv L` I I satin Inn, N.- the com, BAIUIIII, TH `Address all oidcr . \. AND_COUfN'[` Bar,Hoop, Rod 31;: mm: s$;.x.m: '.s1~rn R H I-Z\ HG.~u.\` Love Love ' LOVE IAOVB Love [nun ope Dollar ; .l10V(3 I Love Love I L6%'c 1 Low 1 Love I T .111` n I - I"`A'~P-"`. _AV ..v hpvu Love Love Loire Loves Love Love Heavy % Ha,1dwa1'e, % &c I Love I Lpvo : 1.4-nun I AND'()()U, li'I'l(lIl.ls|` .~ uy ule (ICC Nd; Frank I: ]V_ ,,,.,y 31. . r 4 . VOL -51-r.(:i3: EVER OFFERED IN BARRIE. [ _ `China Tea Setts, W. Granite do., Toilet` Sets, and Glass-ware-of every description. t f t t ` ' Only 0ne4P'rz'ce, amt. that the Lowest. Nw market, May, 186 0 A large deinand for our 800. Tea, unequalled for st1'eng1 and avor. _._..-.0 I311}-1'10, Jun. 21st. 1869. -`-------:-:--- '. ------, --wt` Together an imse stock of Blacksmiths . Waggon-Makers and Carpenters Findings, * Cbmprising every description of ` ` ,-___-ti -__ `__ _ - 1 GobdCanton Tea, - - - - -. - 50c. Fine Imperial Tea, - - - - .-'75c Good I-Iysqn Tea, - - - - - - 60c. Extra Fine Young Hyson- 80c. . ,_.~l..._...a ......J \l\Ih'\(ll`lUI\I[] \.'| `HEA,fVY A-ND SHELF HARDW'ARI?,. of which he is: nnulslefl tn nmzr fn Hm -n..m:.. "co m.:..,.. oI...c ........-. L- _ f,__., ., d Our goods are `all Wa1'x`antd to b sold as Iow as any house in the trade. a. -... ~.\...... .__ ,,.._.., ...._. .. _.-,,.., -. -..,--.-- _ -....... uuunxnno una, dpose a mackwems Pickle;-.3.` .1111 Soup: very Blnckleud. THE nnxm n 4--- J.'ll.llBlll.llS Lwacun U0 uxuuu Window Glass. Putty, A ` \ Paints and ` . T Varnishes` and Jmns, _Turpentine and Colors, VVater Lime, Scrap-iron Cut Nails, Wlought and Pressed Nails, Scotch T Hin es, T Barn-Door inges, _ Barn-Door Rollers, Butt Hinges and Screws. English Door Locks, American Locks, . .. A Sash-Bolts and Fasteners, Finishing N ails & Brads `x7:'|I]I\`I7 I BLACKSMITHST ATTENTION I v I usvu yuavsvu FRENCH MEBINOS, in white and mhMoIours_ now up-u nun Juice Favro, the eminent French lawyer and orator, said, the ewe: dny:-It is safe to bet on the downfall of the French Empire in a very short. space of time. Charles X.. two days before his duthronement. has not fallen into the contem twith which the Emperor is Io.ok- ' Gd` upon Ii` be present in1_e._ B1'adf'ord, .May, 1869. ...-v.., V and oyer -\1\I'I|Iv1 an . A VERY5i~}io"X6E5fixii'f"31"5' COOS, chewing and Rmnlzinn Thaw IPA no fnllmnn Qua .-vu~.. (5-1, 1.l.1V.C4 0 White Marseilles, V White Lace Curtains, Roll J aconets, TJ1..,.`l. .. `AST INDIA HOUSE! UR SPRING s7r7)EKs ARE NOW ARRIVING, and comprise a Full Assortment of everything in our line. - JUST RECEIVED, aJ1.a;g Stock of but and Hickery I'M D<:~|u GI...-('4-n DA`-.. 5- - A, II J. McMAS9rER as C0MPA_N;_Y,T -HAVE JUST RECEIVED, fa Mnvmu:]1na The subscriber has now in store a very large stock of .. 'D..1 - - " ` - -:-t W jj T TZCT Vii 'A-l;u'g-e-a:nd Well-selected stock of Mall:,_ _ $1.00 7% `; Rye,. ~ - - - - - . -_ - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - 1.00 Port and Sherry Wines; - - - - - -- - - - 1.50 f A liberal reduction to the '1`rade.V.& A A7, --.... ..-..---.J ..-J-n.-.u In_Bohemia a uumberof bishops have ndnlressecln letter to the Pope, in which they advise that the doctrine of infallillitv s'.xould notbe Eroclnimed. They state in their opinion t harm ~ :r..I..- 13-....- n__ ._,s___.v<,,,,, - u - at it can do nought but 0ppo.9z't'e;t/oe . Red. Lion, Dunlap-Sh-ect. .st. 1869. _@n@EKEV Mn gmjgssmg NEW PRICE LIST. "-----y . - ----v -..__`.a-a\.u.9\4I.I 3 I - S ades Shovels. Rakes. Pack t d . P`l)ated \Y.ure, always on hand. ' 0 an Table {AVERY NICE SELECTION OF enocsmes, _._, :`........._\_..., .........:, `.nu1AlD,` vu.`-ca, uuuowg, Taps and Dies , O1ls,VVh1te Lead, Glass & ` c Lsnades. Shovels. Rakes. Pocket and vr-..m.. n.Ln_., - ... ' a n "7. AwI1iEs"'&-, LIQUORS `A ]5`lJ'O'(3. nn 1xr:.'-H-en'|an+m1 B4'I\n1r AL` `.\fI'..h. Q1 nn nuuw, uuauun, J. V1170, DUEII malls, Sc.- AR. Steel. SugnrK. ttl _ f ' - T`himbl_(_as, Skeins, Anvils, \$ic-e: `(i3a1l15a5J,8 v1'`,f"}1A3:' Ti]a:-VVhii'.a T .4:-Asa t11.._._ e~_ _ .... .,...., .. wuv ~.-...-. `r.-.-......-...u An extraordinary scene was witnessed at Galway on Thursda , September 30, after the discharge oft e jury in the case of Barrett, the Fenian. The correspondent of the Irish Times telegraphs on Thurs- day night: One of the jurors, Mr. Jack-` son, who was understood to have stood out fora conviction, was assailed by a mob on his way home. rom Court. He took refugein-the barracks, and one of the stones thrown struck the sentry. The , Judges, on leaving the Court i_n their * earrings for their lodgings, were also assailed, notwithstanding the escort that accompanied them. There was loud hoot- sing, stones'were thrown, and one of the carriage windows was broken.` The police charged with xed bayonets, and dis- persed the mob. The townie now quiet. There are large bodies of police patroll- " inglthe streets, and the military are ready` 9 in barracksin case of necessity. As far as I have been able to asscertain, no one has been seriously injured." ' 1 3 T- Y)..L......:.. - ......_L-.. -5 I 5 I u NEWMARKET 0 . _. Just opening out the Largest and Best Assorted `Stock of - bvvu av nuwcuulug purcnnsers. nnwn GRAVER. 10. r. 1Z1?and Coioured Parasbls, Fine Plate Prints, 1).. .. `I371- 21. "i*,WDi=`'iFF1LL -& sons. Bue puunc at. p 3 o1`_M6i'rRE FOR 3, BONAVENTURE STREET, llrxi THE.`-EXAMINER`, % AND COUNTY 01: SIMCOE AD.\/UCATE, NOVEMBER 4, 1:869`. Rilils, Sh_aftS,`*'mW am yEUn.w,[ Seat Backs, Q ' - Carri e Springs ' Mafgmine Oils, '5'- Steel Squares, `P ' Thimbles and Skeins 1-4-Q->----- A S-ransom Sroav Faoia .lr:iuis.u.sM,- Our friends of the Hebrew faith will doubtless feel much interested in knowing of-certain strange developments which, `according to the Austrian newspa )(3l`8, have maiiifested themselves in Jerusalleiii. These developments refer to the coming this year of the Jewish Messiah. The -etory, as told, is certainly singular enough. It appears that the Rabbi of Paks, a town in Hungary, has received letters from -Jerusalem which state that toward the end oflast month a column of tire was seen near the ruins of Solomon's Tern le, and that a strong voice was lieard wiiich ad- dressed itself to an Israetite who was worshipping `there at the time. This voice warned the devotee `of the coming. this year, of the Messiah, and declared _ that the Israelites should repent, and be more oliservrint of the religion of their i'utliers. The man so ad;-lressed then w.e_nt to the city and spoke proplietically dhwhati he had heard. Thereiipon the people treaterl him as an impoater, and some even werrt so far as to seek to take his life; but he, as it iiii-raculously endow- ed with more than _huvmaii strength, fought hundreds of his assailants; and when, afterwards, abattalion of sol;diers was sent to arrest him bafed them in their efforts to capture him. Two Israel- ites, the Hungarian journals say, have been dispatclied to Jerusalem to learn the exact factsof this extraordinary affair. is clear that, if not one of the race of pro- phets, the man who, as above narrated, opposed this host of enemies must be an athlete of no small pretensions. A _ ___A..--..J . _ . _ - - - - - - - - -- -~-"~ - ` It. Horse Na-s, Files and Rasps, ~ ` - B9H9 S, . . . ID-.. 1..-- ...; bo 1':;e7as.1'ep1'esented, and will be` nn . ` "G1-indst.on`es, Framing `Chisels, I S0rb_y s Hand-Saws, Planeg, 31:59` ' TAnviJ5; meg 'I'_`rA..,... xr_.:i_ qgrgmk PAYNE. `,;r=Jmmr"s*@ UU Lllaul, Pure` White Lustr_es,' MA_RsH3"sN MAKE, HSPEAR & JACKSOTS` and _ in A 'I\r\`I"vnru .. . ~-._ _Ga$t, Spring German, Eagle-Rolled ' and T06 Caulking Stqels. ulv upuu, we, and a0 a rare business. It I is 10 p. m. There is a door hanged, a window broken, a shout, then a roar of voices, and a sudden rushing of feet. It is a ght! Joe the blacksmith and Bill ` the plasterer are at it pell-mell. In a moment the street is full ofa yelling crowd. ' . Giveit to him, Joe, is shrieked out by mud women, drunk with gin, and heavy blows are heard as the men beat each other with tremendous force. Up` come some of the police, and all is over. But both Joe and Bill are tight; It is II p. m. The public houses send. forth great crowds of drunken people, thieves prowl about, fallen women in gay attire roll home stupid with wine, home- -less children fall asleep on duorsteps, lrawkers withempty baskets and sore feet limp towards the cellars where they live .and dip, the omnibusses cease to thunder past, , the last reveller staggers into the passage of his house, the silent policeman watches least some thief should slipin, knock him down and rob him; and as twelve o clock booms forth, our visit to Seven Dials on Sunday, comes to an end, and we return home sad--very sad, for _have notcwe seen sad things ?-Londan Christian World. ` the worse for the ( Lg;-711.0 _. 'fHubs axiii $po' __.._-\~-`y ;..r\./ C1itlery Electra - --I E, cheaper, goes - iaf46'2v2 1zzo`A; c.,'75c.', song, [51-tf] D and \V "I . N E Corner St E%f Whf. (`nu-n an 14-% ' willbe when they return home from the l`he London Five Points on Sunday. - Seven Dials on Sunday morning! Why, surely it is a market dsy--a fair, a dog- sale, an open-air bazar. Ne, rtis Seven Dials on Sunday. What crowdsof people, what shouting, what buyingnnd selling! To a visitor from a Devunshire valley, a Z . Yorkshire dale, or a Highland glen,` the uproar is simply astounding. Hundreds of the poor are buying and selling allkinds of things as fast asthey can. Nearly every shop is. open, thntters, butchers, bakers, shoemakers, clothrers, confection- ers, grocers, bird and dogfanciars, dmpers, , cheese-mongers, and news-venders, are eagerly competing forthe poor man's shil- ling. Little Earl street swarms with people selling sh, combs,` vegetables, walking-sticks, pictures, bootyacks, onions, braces, and other sundries. In Great St. Andrew s street crowdsof rough loungers are making bargains for dogs, ferrets, birds and rabbits. In Great Earl street you may buy funiture, beds, old keys, boots and shoes and `many articles of-a similar kind. Bnrber s shops, butter shops, and grocers shops ourish in Great White Dion street. Returning to Seven Dials -we nd the crowd greater than ever. Everybody seems to make a noise. The butchers shout buy, buy, what ll you buy ? The sh hnwkers, the cheese- mongers, and the news boy try to shout louder than the butchers, and they do it. Babel is come again, and deafness would almost be a comfort. But another aspect of Sunday life begins to force itself `upon our attention, nnmcly,. pleasure taking. This is the day for an outing. Men, with fishing rods and lads with tin cans go hurrying past. They are elf to Hornsey, or Lea Bridge, or Hamstead, fora day's sport, such as it is. Omnibusses, traps, cabs, carts and vans thunder across Seven Dials, all of them laden- with smoking, ' noisy people, and verydrunk some of them so] sweet country. It is 2 p. m. Alas! this is the golden hour to many--the hour when bcerand gin may be sold across the counter to thirsty souls. Silica 12.30 crowds of men, and women, too, have been converging toward Seven Dials, and getting nearer and nearer the doors of the gin shops, and bnrmaids and .pot-boys have been dressing for the opening of the portals of the gin-temples. Onel Open go the doors and in rush the crowds, and :soon smoking, drinking, gnbble, and loud laughter mark the commencement of re- vels which will blight many a home and Go( break many ahenrt. But these people eat as well as drink. Down the street, up the street, across the street, it hus- bands and wives with hotdinners fresh from the bake-house. Beef`, mutton, pork_ --but beet` by ret'erence-t'orrn the sta- ple dinners oftrose who dine at home. Many of them do not. The cook-shops are open, toe, and do business. It n. m. 'l`lim-n in n An ... I ..... -.l - l 9 lines.` saw. or :41. t 324" South of Charles St`? . 1,. East of Ontario St 3 ' BI 1' _ Sogth of Elizabeth '. f. LO! North of George St 2 . _. 3 North of Elizabeth `M 9! `ll . CALL AND EXAMINE BEFORE TGOING EDSEWHERE. 4 We think it no troubl, but it is a pleasure to us 19 show our goodsfo intending purchasers. ~ EI1\I'II'I'IU\ ._ _'__..__.