1-4 1`! I10 1-2 I4 86 11. R. A. BOYS, asu)'e7', Co. Simooe. 30-13 \'0LL'.\I_E -\'.1_ '5` ` "" `" rzxnnxrzn omen . . Barrie, 0| . \1L'll0LS0:' 4-. says. Pcnusuxns. V ~-1'1` IS WI-ILL. lllsll IIIBLUIIKI UI UIIIJ IAVU IUUU Dl.\n At breakfast he faced his pretty perse- cutnr with 2., self-possession \vl~.ich the evening before had not seemed possible. He had some advantages over her; he was thirty years old to her eighteen; he had seen twenty love affairs to her one. Einally, he was one of those tough, ready, agile feather-weights who are easily knocked off their pins, but who as easily recover them. Jennie, puzzled by his assurance, and informed by that immoral Jim that de llurow man never come to d` oranges, `imagined that her admirer had also played false to the appointment; and, instead of being triumphant, she was piqued. Nuvcartlmlc-ac `Ran-l.-Ar hml a had morn- Ul LUC IJKUVXIILIS llI"L|\a- D Of a sudden it occurred to him that the mysterious prowler of the oak grove might be a. favored lover of Miss Jennie. This suspicion made him wretched; in his mercurial manner he declared that life was not worth preserving; and when he went home to dinner he gladly joined Colonel Marshall in a bender. ur- __._ _; .._... ...I....,... .-A al.:.. ...-:...........1.. KJUIUHUI lrllll III N UUHUCI3 We must now glance at this grievously decayed specimen of a high-toned gen- tleman. Barker, with a prettv~- large army ex erience of drunkards, had never A set eye-g aisesupon nnother specimenlofl humanity at once so venerable and so in- temperate. Bulbous nose. pendulous cheeks, procession of double` chins, over- owing abdomen, dimpled and shaky hands. all were eupernaturally bacchana- ` lian. One moist blue eye squinted; it seemed to be drunker than the rest of him; looked as though it onghtto take the pledge by itself. If ever an organ needed a rousing teetotal ebrt, directed solely to its own moral needs, it was the left eye of Dave Marshall. ` v,.; .....,l.......-mo}. b\:c vac} J:-nnair-Al and \Vi|H llllilleuu Nevertheless, Barker had a bad morn- ` ing of it. He wentxo early to his office; was as savage as an alligator to applicants ('6? rations; sent a couple of negro urchins to jail for stealing a jaek-knife; wrote threatening letters to divers magistrates. In the intervals of _these labors ofjustice he puzzled and fumed over the adventures of the previous night. 0? an murlrlan if m-nfnrrnrl in him that IUIII VIC Ul JJOIU Avannauuuu Yet underneath this vast dropsical and inamed sheathing of intemperance there lurked, even in the tipsiest moments, something of the ne demeanor of other days, when the man had been a decora- tion to Southern aristocracy. ml, . n,v,,, ,1 1, J2. -e.L.. Q....s1. f`.._n, - v uuguu puruul. ulul [.0 1nvesu_{-ate. He could not imagine who this,\'isit-ant might be. There was no ex -Confederate that he-knew of in the fumilv, and no person In the neighborhood who wore the uniform. Dressing` luiunsel clappimr a pistol into his pocket, and scmn...,,..._ trusty eye-glass into his eye, he stoke out of the house and blundered darlgling through the grounds. No one in the live-oak avenue; no one on the moon-lit .streteh ofhuvn. Reaching the clump evergreens, he found that it shade(l_:t generations of 'i:ll'Sl)2l"S_. By Jove I muttered Barker, as he returned from an unzuuailing search among the mossy head-stones; arc tl1e.ie`rebel ghosts abroad ? _ to r-ompreheml them in the capitulation." Vnw tn Hm nm`rrn-nnnrtr=rf: aft:-.r Jim: of unily eemeterv, the last. refuge of -other It was an oversi_<.ght not R, &c., &G., Y swoon. LU |'UIlI1JlCIIClll| IIIUIII III LIIU Ullllallllll-l\Jllo Now to the negro-quarters after Jim; found him wrnpt in :1 slumbel` ahnost as impenetrable as the shield of Ajax; }brought. him to his senses after a sharp E struggle, and struck a bargain with him; i the boy to have a dollar and_ to keep his igaiden. Having thus refreshed his body i anrl soothed his spirit, Barker reascended the-be-dste;id_ of Og, king of Bashan, and I slept as soundly, as if he were elcvcn feet. I high, instead of only five feet six. Ar iirnllbfelf inn u-nrl hie nruttv nnr. ulull H4 uuuuxclu IIIIBLVDICIDJI The Colonel (a relic of the South Caro- lina militia) had his wet terms and his dry terms. After selling cotton or other crops in Charleston hewould return to his plantation with a keg of whiskey, and set. himself to the perilous duty of de- l ::_)u was uaugun u_\` a ngure on the lawn. It was a gure in gray; he would have said that its raiment was the unilorm of 11 Confederate oicer; but almost instantly it glided into the shadow of a moss- bearded live-oal~:. There it was, as dim and uncertain as a spectre--at least to the short-range optics of the Lieutenant. He did, however, seem to discern that it had an erect and martial port, as if it were either a soldier or the gost of one. He could also note that its direction was from the house toward a clump of evergreens on one side of the lawn. night permit him to in\'estig_{ate. Ha r-null! not hngn-inn u'l;n rm; .-L-:9... 4 No further l would the gauzy and spectral curtain of l upuu LLIU iinvu lu IYOIIC OI we mansion. lt ccc_urred to him that he had been wrong in kicking Jim; that he, a Bureau oicer, had no business to abuse negroes; that his chief might hear of it, and bring him to book about it. Morever, it was so stupid; it would have been so much better to have given Jim halfadollar ;then the interview would have remziined 3 secret, and Miss Jennie would have been defrauded of her joke. With the inten- .tion of putting this plan into execution, if it were not too, late, he wasiabout to start on an expition after the boy, when `his eye was caught by gure the lawn. Ti Ivan n Rnn..n 1.. ......... 1.- ......_I.) L_... BARRIE. _._ _ _. l Pom-: PAUL III.--There are moments in the history of mankind when all seems doubt and indecision; when men stand around amazed and not knowing what to do; when the decision of a single. power~ ful will atfects the destiny of ages. Such amoment was the present. Paul III. A sat upon the papal throne. He wasa man of mild disposition, elegant, rened. He had been in-his youth the friend of Leo X., and had imbibed the graceful tastes, the genial culture ofhis accomplish- ed `predecessor. _His manners were pleasing, his life somewhat licentious, but thus far cruelty and austerity had formed no part of his religious policy. Under his pacic sway reform had made rapid progress, and already Italy and Rome itself were swiftly yielding to the purer teachings of the Protestant` divines. A ug- ustine monks preached in the very heart of the papal _:lominious doctrines that dicred little from those of Luther and" Zuinglius. ' In Parmzror Faenze the re`- formers taught as openly and as success- fully as in Wittenberg or in London. Italy was lled with heretics to the papal rule; the splendid city of Venice was very nearly won over to the new principles; persecution for opinion s sake was searsely known, `and a happy tranquility prevailed - throughout the peninsula that gave liberty to thought and the promise of unexmnpled progress. Paul III. was addictedeto astrology, and believed more rmly in,the decision of the stars than in those of the Church. Gentle and not naturally cruel, had he possessed prudent counsellors he might now. have placed himself at the head of the reformers of Christendom, or at least have merited their forbearance. He seems not to have been withouta conscience-,` and was at least sensible of his own imperfections, as well as of the corrupt condition of his V Church. He even resolved to reform his -own life. He made some advances toward a -reconciliation with `Luther, which the. reformer repelled as insincere; and Paul now looked with helpless indifference upon the spread of Protestant `opinions in Italy, and was perhaps "not - a together certain of his own infallibility. A` --EUGENE LAWRENCE, in Harper's Maug- zme for October. ` From Carlin, astation of; the Central Pacic railroad in Eastern Nevada, we learn of the discovery of a wonderful cave, in the new Mineral Hill mining district. The entrance to this cave barely admits` the body of afull-Vgrown man, but once in the rlinonvnrura `Mnxpu F`.Iliann' U10 UUU] Ul it xuu-grown H1311, DUB 01105 in, the discoverers, Messrs. Ellison` ' agentof Wells, Fargo & Co.)'anrl Gillett of the Central Pacic railroad) found a magnicent stalactite chamber with ceil- ing fty-feet high. The stalactites re- ected the light. from theirtorches a bun- dred-fold, and in all colors of the rainbow. The echocsiuside were remarkable. The explorers gay that they have traversed it for half a mile." ' 5IUVVlU`l- 1| U can to cut, null \IIIIII \o . Rcttlrrxingtovthe dining-room he recom- menced his or-brie with as much-energv as if he were one of th Romum of the `De-> V` "Cline and Full, and meant I-r --vcrthrowb the republic with his unassisx-.--x uLc:nper- ance. ' l_'- A- _- ...... -._._\ n CHI Ill DUI l'JULl,I.':_"` h_uU slcah ll] Icuuluu Being Linus confuted out of the mouth of his own witness, the Colonel gave up his claim, though with a look of incre- klulity and injury. `4\\'nll ln-lnnr nc nnur-, 'wl1l=l:v, lwx |IuIlL_V HUKI l"JLlI'.yo We_1|, bring us some wl1isky, he growled. If we cnn t. eat, well drink. . Rnfnrnnrr`fn'H1n anina-.1-nnni ha rnr-nni. ._.\.-v 3" nuxrluuu UKLU, gvnu nuulcauull an nil; c;t'sole|xiI1 respect as 21 sphinx might. wear in correctir.-g the great py rzunid. i Rninnv Hum .-nnfnfml nnf nf Hvn nunuu umu. um, yau, y:u1;' Had my dinuer! f thundered. the; Colonel. No such thing. :_;.._l3ll leave it to Cato, he added, as a lean old mum- my of a. negro, more arid and venerable than Egypt, nppezlred in the piazza. "Yes. ml`: nruzn. \.'m| rlnnn h-;..l Jinn-:1. uuu Ul LHU |\I|.CHUlI- , Yab, yah, yz1l1." she giggled, hold- ing her mighty sides with her fat hands. Ygxh, yuh, Mars Dave! You `bin had you dinnzah two hours ago. You don git no mo dinnah tb-dny.' Go way, Mars lD:u'e. Yul], yah, yak! H:x:l Int! (`Hnnnr-V Hnin.-mm! ' H... no use amrvuxg, nuu nor. a Sign OI umncrl At. this summons :1 fat old negress-n. superhumanlyjolly and glossy and shining "old negress-21 negrcss who made one think of :1. black sun and a _to rrid one--'- came shaking and glistening and glowing out of the kitchen. \T__]_ __,l. __,_I, U) ,I, _ , ' I Y ` ` ` Avl IIIG UUUI\o '` Aunt C loe, bring on thatdinner. What the old Hurry are you about? Here we are starving, and not a sign of dinner! this sunmmns :1 fat. n|.! nnm~..u_.. I SALE`. OICUIU LLIU ICE As was n tural, this boozing resulted in a. nap, the olonel sleeping in-his chair and the Lie tenant on a_ sofa. When they awoke, perhaps two hours later, the host found hi nself hungry. Floundering across the r om with a disorderly and noisy stumble. as if he were a multitude and every ma_n'of him intoxicated, he em- erged upon a back piazza` communicating with the kitchen, and roaned like a stentor for his cook. ' uA..,; rul 1 - J PIIICS, zulu LUUEICCQ. Will you blow a cloud? he inquired. Nothing bilt pipes. Sorry for it. But my ancestor smoked up nearly all my cigars, and - lie_ bummers of your army stole the res ' ` A_______ ,_ L I .I- I .uuu u:._'._y}n, _uppt:zucu m we pnlzla. "X, -r~ > ' umlr I ' V .\...?'`n'!nrtec' `Cato, WI z's`5l1'f s";l` , , ` 2. . .._!_I,. ,_ .._g A. . __.l uuu uunun uuu your ume." By the time dinner 'was served the Coio- nel did not ivanl any. He picked and fussed over the` dishes, declaring that whisky was meat and drink for a man, and wondering ho\v temperance men kept soul and body together. When the table . was cleaned he cailed for his favorite uid, pipes, and tobacco. N Till vnn l.l.u.- -. ,.l.....,1 an 1... :..-..:_- v '5 ` cock-f hail:-cg "appear. ' - J: `std, norouhisky? ptanter. _ I say, Cam, goodies. I; ' Lieutenant, catch hold. t - . He was as great. 3 stimulus! thirst as a piece of salt. herring, Every minute it b was, Lieutennnt,. keep drinking; Lient, don't. waste a. minute; Lieutenant, you ' don t drink `halt your time. ' RV Hm limo Jinn-iar 'uv-no ch`---I-I 6|--'~ "J- (To ma coxrxxusn.) COUXTY A OF SI.\ICOE, o.\*TAR_r_;0,% c,mn.x. same at very mouerape pl'lCEE. Corned Beef. Sausages and Lard, -together with avariety of other useful commodities, cauuslmlly be pad ut'No. 1 Stall. :3`.-{ll nurchuses delivered in anv mu-t. sf mun-1', nuwu, u.uu., :c., ox as cnoxce qu_u.lity as the markets a_'ord, and olfer the at very moderat_e pncea. Beef. Sausarzes Lard. -together canusunuy De nun nuxo. A bull]. g3",-X11 purchases any part of ' the town free of charge. 0As1I_ PAID FOR CATTTE! A- N095: 1' J. BIXGIIAM. Lands UATTRY, .51 ER via Ihrmna. E. Bemrose, Saddle; and Harness Maker, Barrie, begs to acquaint all indebted to him, that it is absolutely necessary their respective accounts should be settled ful thwith. ` I-I. mun.-n. ~.-M-A-Au: AVE constantly on hand it good supply of FRESH MEAT, FOWL, GAME, &c., of choice mmlitv the markets afford. and nffnr thn J Bun-ie, May 26, I869. uu...--.., .-v......; .-.-u 4:`/vvuuxc Cash Advances. 1`nade'on Goods left for Sal. Sale Room, corner of Collier and Market Sts., Barrie. - 11-tf gg-Highest REFERENCES given._g:; r HE public are -respectfully requested to take notice that the ` Sunday Businss hitherto aonnected with this establishment will be discontinued from this date. - I ), V A Mnvvpv BINGHAM BROTHERS, BUTGHI-IRS AND GENERAL PURVEYORS, MARKET STALL No. 1,. 9% T `=-? Marriage Licenses. 0 I , (LntcYCle_rkin County Registry Office.) ONVE YANCER. Commissioner in Queen s Bench, Auctioneer, Appraisal`. and Com- LANDS. F.-u:.\{ S'I`0(`.-K.. HOITSRH()I.n mission Agent for the sale of HOUSES. uusslon Agent. I01.` we sale at 11UUb'l'.'b'. LANDS, F.-111)! STOCK, HOUSEHOLD mmm'rnmz_ Gnmle, xv...-m. .c... an... 4-... LnA.LVUD, r.-um]. aL'UUn,A 11UUb'b'ULl) FURNITURE, Goods, Wares, &c. Also for the collection of - JONATHAN - KILGORE,A Ll C E N SE D AUCTIONEFR !. V VALUATOR, &.c.', V ' For the C'ozmt_:/ of Simcoe, _ ` THORNTON. '_':'Auction Snlsv. throughout the County attended to promptly, and on libcfal terms. ' - . 43-u" . E. S. MEEKING,` ICENSED AUCTIONEER, AND AP- PRAISER for B:11'1'i0', and tnc County of Simcue. Cash Advances nuulc on Goods rc-' ceivc_d for Sale. / .'\LV Ur.-\U1'l:1ib'lt U1" CIGARS. AND wholesale (leak-r in IInvm1:t_. Yam, Con- necticut Seed Leaf. and all other kinds or 'l`o- bacco, _c0rncr of Park and Mulberry streets 1 llA\HI'rn\' r uv ' I14.-Khalf. m uxumts, '1'uuAucUs, ` Pipes, Canes, 'I`obncco'nists Goods, &c., Wholesale and Retail, Sign of the Indian Queen, 51, James Street, Hamilton, C. W. .....\,..u nu ma umu-. lll u:u`l`u'. every -`\'V m.3A'1'URl)AY. from 11, :1.m._. H113, 1.. m.,' according to Order of Council. and every other day at. his Oicq in Cookstuwn. . (Juunly L'!rI:, `VILI. attend at his Oicc-. in Barrio. every ' SA'l'URl)AY. u.m._, till '5 m.. ucconlin-_r tn nr.1...- nrr-..\..-..:: .. ux.31UAN, b'URGEO.\', AND ACC B CHEUR. Residence, Go0Ks'row.\'. Special attention paid to diseases of Wt and children. - ' Issuer of Marriage Licenses, cooxsrowzv. A... .. . .... u I n\_II\Iu,-` loll _M.R.C.S., EISGLAND, `ATE Assistant Colonial Surgeon, ILM. Convict Dep t, Tnsmaniag. three years Ass't Surg. US. Army. ` OF]-`IO!-:-In the premises recently occupied bv Rnht-rt um. um. -...x ~-~- - [ U av 1. 1.0 1., J nun: via Busts- ,1. .1. r1. VVALDULV, (Formcrlv Drs. Schomcld and Watson, Bond Head.) Late of Klinchcnz. Residence, Mr. McGee's, 'l`HOI{NTON,' ONT. DR. H.-xMILTON1ms rexnlpvc-d to his new residence, opposite the Post Oice, Collier `Street, Barrie, Ont. VANEVERY S` ivery fotables. RENTS, NOTES AND ACC()UNT. ` ....L A.1.......-.... .'.....7..'.... i`1,.,..1. Ln 1- n y 1:. 1:. Lu M), (1<'()R.\IERLY OF COOKS- U TOWN, and Late of Toronto). may be consumed at the late residence of Dr. Ross, Churchill. , S . . BIRD, ARCHITECT & CIVIL 0 ENGINEEIC. BARRIE. ONT. Late of H. B. M. Public Works Department. I1ong.Kong, China. , < 32-6m, "_`? R. J. A. ARDAGII. PIIYSICIAX, SUR-. GEON AND ACCOUCIIEUR, . 18-Gm ' COLDW.-XTER, ONT * - n..1w.3ouc:mrinCh-eery_.\'our'vPub- K, CoIvevaneei'..Cou7a1|uione`r in `B. ll. &c.. &c. `lien and De:-isee Claims executd. ` 0nrIcz,-In Horton-`s Bnildipgs. I-est qfthe Fitemnn's Hall, Collier Sun-tv. 'B.uu;n:. [omen To D_En'T0na, -Ygrk and ncae$u. .., - .,/.w.-/ z._ '_--_.-f..4---.'~_-~..-g. v A R....I;lJZARSL[ZAl'..~?,-lI-ZIBEROIP hy` Ccllgudsnr-genglin-` GOXSULTIXG EQPERATIXG SURGEON. ; Orrlck :-KiIg St, West, Tongan, hen-ca '47- LUTHER cnovr-:3, )EALER IN exams, TOBACCOS` ] iI{nsx. Cnnnq, 'I`uhnr-r-nniefe7 nmlu .t-n F J. SCHRADER.- [ANUFACTURER OF CIGARS. \\'h0l()!~`.`1l(H]uH.l'l-rin mwm... v...-.. m..., ` HENRY BOYS moon. iV|_.D.'.k )HYS[C.-KN, SURGEO.\', ACC1 Residence. (`.1\nI.'u-r:n.u- , un. w. n. BLACKSTOCK,. 1rR.-XDUATE OF VICTORIA UNIVER- SITYL mm cu . r u , K- . |J|Ilb'- u.u. nun . ` recently occupied ' Robert Ross. Esq., and nearly opposite :2 Wellington Hotel. 19-Gm w. E. STRONG,` M.o.-I M.R.(2.S._ Fivrn. awn )R J. H. WATSON, _ V Scholcld s -- ....., R. R. LUND, (l* ORMERLY _ Toronto). max: I... EMOVAL. JOSEPH ROGERS, R.` BA`NTlNG, I : nnnlu I`I.uIn, ' 0 HENRY HARPER, __ -1: ll . -ivss i'*m*!*s- _~_;_-_- . '\ * w. H. BLACKSTOCK, .\'I`[-`. nw vrn-nnnr. `V... u.um.'ro.\', c. w. C`uun(_:/ (flu-[:9 Jul 4:! LL. l\2n. 9-ms-I F-rm-;\-o comm . ..uuuuun.u1\,. COLDW.-\ IV`ER, nuns date. D. VANEVERY xurmwnn 1;. m:.\1'uosE. l7-l 1% n`.u.. ACCOU- l)\|'\', 8-tf uqs. 43-if lVII'3. In manna, I',l`upnuu vau- `JOHN McWATT. Superintendent, 3'The Travellingxcommxxnity will nd this establishment suited to their requirements and deserving oftheir patronage. _ . m- Snmnlo Rooms for Commercial Travel. luvs: la`v.. BARBIE HOTEL. BARBIE, COUNTY OF SIJIGOE, 0.1V. Mrs. E. MARKS. Proprietress. -Inum u..\AIA1'T Qnnnu-inlniulnnlv l'l'.Vl`'l':\.\UUJ.blll'4.\.l`4, P-QUINN, - - - -. THIS iv; the am Hotel Aan_I affordspll t_he convenie in the place, and affords all the conveniences and com- forts of 11 first class house. ' Stages depart from and arrive at the hotel. ' Conveyances to and from the Steamer. 3'? Livery connected with the house. _E accommodate guests. _ _C0mmc.-rciul travellers and others furnished "`.h convenient and ample accoliiodation. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars, in stock. V Apartments let to private families. 3`Go0d Sheds and Stabiing with attentive _ servants`. v Int: wen-Known zmu m.vor1t_e om note! has been thoroughly renovated and titted` up H1 a. manner to enlsurc the comfort. of guests; and travellers are assured that every endeavor will be used to give them satisfaction and tend- er theestablishment the best of its class-in pointofcomfort and taste. A Billiard Parlor attached. Stagesforditfereut partsleave the house daily. - pr r armors nna omen , Heifers or Swine, be attended to dur- ca in all cases wiil (1 references given The proprietor of this well-known establish- ment begs to inform his friends and the travel- ling community that he has leased the above hotel in the pleasant and healthy village of Orillia, and is now prepared to receive and accommodate guests. Commercial travellers and ntlmrsz furnished _ The A ueen s, T DU;\LOI STREET, - - - -`- DARRIE. Near the New Railway Depot. A. ARNALL, - -r - - - Proprietor. HISweI1-`known and favorite old Hotel has tted` In :1 mnnnnr tn .m'mn-n Hm n.-...m....o or ...m...... lers . - > Excellent Stal.-ling connected with the House v . ALVA DOOLITTLE, Pnornn-:1-on. (Formerly Qflhe Railroad Hotel, Bell Ewart.) vululuvll III|_|. Il\.l U\JI.`., ICHU CII HILL, INNISFIL, _Co. SIMCOE. JOHN em-:c_e, Proprietor. EST Liquors and Cigars always in stock. Good Stabling and Sheds adjoining the house. 48-tr AIAAAAL A J-AI n.l LAW 1. A-`A14; Vm-:w LOWELL, _ J. G. MARTIN, - - - Proprietor. Formerlv ofthe Exchange Hotel. Crlmmnrn ul uu .u.u:.u.w..|.J.1, ` ` ` .L1'UP1'1Ul:U1'n Formerly of the Exchange Hot_cl, Creemore. ..__..__.jj.. v-warn. nno-aav II {II 5?`-Ill! .H'1-I.\'[.\'lr'. C0. SIJICOE. ONT. JOSEPH WILSON, - - - Proprietor. "The Bar is suppliuvd with Choice Liquors and Cigars. Good Sheds m1d`St_u.bliug adjoining the Ilotcl. - l\.m.....1..u. 01 1 an? ' 1- -11 ' I45. I-IO I-I2 . D. Fmucnuzn, HIS House has just been tted up and rcfurnished anew, making it one of the most comfortable houses in the North. 21-tf .1.) UL DEL(Wi\~;39$EL I:lII1l\.aIIII-If\l ll\llI-I-, (Late .\Iockin,L"s.) V - Next Door West of the Railway Station, Bzlrn-ic,_ Out. I Fiuucluzxz. - Prnnrir-fnr xeserving of their patronage. K73` Sample Rooms Commercml era GLOBE 'H_OT.EL, I)n\vnm|\'I-Ivv III` 1.` r\\"r ,1 _ ..vl...v-.vn moidlls hotel has j._-t been erected, Tm can .nn(1-g's,`;now furnished throughout in :1 mogt . '19!" co _{`a_blo Etyle. Itxcontains the best sample roogfa`-`_t`gr commercial tra\ ;llcrs, of any house ' \Torpnt9. ' " 47- .___.__.j Lu wuqwx nas reccnuy undergone extensive immiements in the way of roomy-additions, fuxrnishing, &c. lts accommodation is now nmpfgvand. coxnfortztble. The best. Liquors and ` am can be found in the Bar. 14-4 Mcn0m:.u.L, . l r0prietoi' mu ; 'T}\IAs s'roNY:,_ .ue uou-.1. Dcccuxber 24, 1867. .._:'_ ().\"r.uuo HOTEL, BRADFORD, :;LvSTODD.-XRS, - -' - Pxornmron. .___- - 0 GOOD ACCO)I_\I()1)_A'II"O.`I fox"; Tm- _ _l`S.' A free Stage runs: in nnnnnnli--n MARTIN S HOTEL. NEW LOWELL- )~R_I-LEIA'Ho'rELV, -'_ . ,.,,,-..v A...,.,...--., 'DI.u1Ks31.a.\"s HOME-HOTEL 53. DUXLOP .2 BAY]-`IELD srnaxrrs, ` . ` n.umu:_. oxr. ' H . _______._ LJ".7y. _ ' A I :iTe('zr the I. aiIwuy Depul. 1% BI) 14 3:; LI QR ;uUUD ACCO)I.\I()DA'l`IO.`I fox` Tra- _ ' Stage runs in connection ath the (Jars morning and evening. An nttcnt_i\'c hustler in attendance. I .. 1-ly `CHURCH HILL HOUSE, I7R(`.Il HILL, I\*:\'I nn Qnmm HFAHRAGIT-_lER"S 7H0 fEL, ' (T..'ih~ \[m-I:inn'e \ 5' 11171: 0:\*T.urI0 STREET, ACOLLINGWOOD, om`. iIAnLs CAMERON, - PRQPIHETOR. his old established and commodious hdtcl is ler.-llx-.i1t order having been renovated and rnished,nnd is well adapted for travellers jug convenient to both carsiand boats. Good Ibling. A Livery Stable connected with the ; 1, where horses can be had on -the shortest L ce ' _ _ I4-1 _ ___________ ____;_?_______.!. WORTH AMERICAN HO'1'E L, APTO, mos, ONT. ._:;. STONE, - - - Proprietor, O B: . liiptel has recently undergone cxtensnve ,_ _ ements WM l`()0lnV-adIHnne N- . DINGHASIS WELLIN GTOX no1'L. ` zTo_HousE_,_ "10 91 PENETANGUISIIENE, l'\Y?\.' , _`!i_ucls_ nu Saluiu.. URI: l uoP1ziE1'ok. THURSDAX , OCTOBER 7; `V Proprietor. I-1&1`. j 16 03 274! ' worxmunmce manner. ` Thankful for past favors he respectfully rc- qncst a continuance of public patrenage. 3%` Satisfactory reference given, if required. Barrie, April 1, 1869. 9-137 ___________________________. jjj. CARDS, BILLHEADS; BLANKS, NOTES, (`III-2(:K$, &c., at the Exnmuzn omce. 71"-III-I subscriber hzwing followed the above branches of his business for many years professes to be thoroughly acquainted. Willi them. and is desirous of informing the public atlarge, that he is prepared to execute all orders in tholino promptly, and in at most workmunlike , Thankful f'm- mun r...-...... I... _-.._--u--1- -4 __,_,_,l ...b_. vunllull J. MLLIIUL, GRAIN`E?I;., GLAZIER, ' AND Plain and Decorative Paper-Hanger, Near the Foundry - - - BARBIE. _________________________ RINTING OF EVERY DESCRIP- TION, at the Exnmlner Printing Olcc. HouSe,Sign and Carriage Pa'1"n?er,;' " GRA INF`.R (it. A 'llI:`D ..-v.-.v--- -uuuuu xx nu: roar` OFFICE m;n.m.\'u, runners,-_ Is prepared to draw _up Deeds, M_ortgages_. Bonds, Wills. &c., `to make 8('l'(!il0S in the Registry Office, and to receive applications for insurances, (Fire and Life.) upon reason- able tenns. an-I solicits the patronage of his friends and the public. = _ , 23-H` j:__:___._#__._.:__. uuuvv vvIIIl.IuIIJ1_ I 13 31 M 13 SI PA I N T I N G . John Mellanby, nnnnn nu.` f`-....._'_ , , `|'\ .. ..-...u. _yuu purcnnse or not. m-3.4 TISF.-16' TION G UA 1?.-11\'TEED:3 ,,- Toronto. J_u] __ JOHN. CULVVERWELL. CARRIAGE TRIMMER and General UPIIOLSTERER. Opposite E. Gravel- s Ilnrdwarc Store, Dunlop-Street, Barrie. _ Barrie, April, 1868. 11-ly A/cnlllubu .l.4lI.l <) ubClll'llCl_l/ (lull!-5'lCU. Vnhmtionsicarefullvy made, and Surveying 01 every description executed with accuracy and dcspatch. 30-ly I - ` {Hum In`S1ifnhfri1E`camP'v! .1.\u 1 Mb Accident Insurance Company, IlAlllHE.- _ u.\.._. u.\:., 1.\.U., S now selling his stock at prices as low. _ not lower, than the same goods can be had m Barrio. Auln 'F.\....{..I.:_ r.v|-_' -anon - - - ,i_...-...._.......-.......J., LAND AND INSURA`.\'CE AGENT, ANGUS. - - - - - ON` __..o__. At, low rates for ,cas - _._.-, . ....n.u.u:.IgJ.I..I.IIJ JJL\IUDn.LlDg . ARTISTS MATERIALS, &C., &C., I). Call when you visit the city. inspect {he stock and learn the prices. They will take pleasure in showing goods, ' whether you purchase not. '_`'S`.4 I-'T.&`t`.1/Vrrnxr '/vvv . -n . .v------ r 'DryGoods,Groceries,Provision_s, Crockery, Glusszzwre, IIur,Iwurc, 30.. &c.. Kit`... VAT. -12- t .4! .- .1. w.. BRIDGNIAN. ` ` ORTRAIT PAINTER, 39 King Street West, Toronto. I 37-y` J7) -SEPH noun-:, c.., Provmclal Land Su rvey or, LAND AND I\'. ll'1Y`\"I` --u 1-*--- Drugs, Medicines, CH MICALS. PAINTS 0IL_S_,! _.v. - - Iulllb \II.I I- Obr fox? salealnrge and __-._l~`-- `I45! I`; lll`4l'U L I lllllbl KAI`) CO./VVEYA /VCER, 3*c., AG]-I\"I" FDR TH!-`. n nuA.l:.a.~\l.h` 4\.\'D lH`2T.\IL DIlL'GUISTS, No.44 King St., East, Toronto, salealurze mriml nucnv-Inn.--4 :1 '0 o H" V - usuzess gzlvtrtzscnxttxts. wwvww-Nwszwa. M USIC. JUST RECEIVEI-),_-1000 peicos or Sheet Music; also 5000 pieces Mctzcr K: Co's Cheap Musical Publications; Five Ceutshcc.-t" Music; V Six Cent Sheet Music; Ten Cent Sheet '.\Iusic;H Violins. Violin Strings, Bows, Cases, Bridges. Tails, and Ru-sin, Accordeons, Concertinas, Fifcs, Flutes, Mclodcons, Ilarmouiums. A First Class Piano, that has been used a few weeks, for sale cheap. ` I Eh! I hh J. Post Office Buildings, Barrio. Barrie, September 15th, 1569. 33-tf. ______.._:___._____________ ' A 1.4 Dl.L|LaB, IIALVU UILL5, IXA U Dvery kind of BilIs,Nc.'itly Primed at lln: Ex.'Iminc;' 10 78 12 63 A'LE BILLS, HAND BIL 3, AND] Every Bills.Nc:illv Primed altln.-Ex;ln1inL-;' I .____-. 1-IIB sltbscriher : bllsint-ssxfnr mnnu gg amplc Rooms for Comnu-rcizxl Travellers. The Bar will always lac found replete with liquors and cigar of the best brand. .Gooal Stabling and attentive hostlei-s. 20- uuws, BILLHEADS, JNOTES, .._... V... , HIS new and cemmodious hotel is sitlmted near the Luke Shore, and commands a line viuw of the surrounding scenery. The rooms are large, lmmlsomely furnished, well venti- lated, and families can be supplied with separate suites for thcmsclves.- < gfsamplc Rooms always found rnnhm. ..-m. nuu 1: nu ULLA M M42: D . 15 V11':\- TION (_,`.*._RDS, Xenlly Printed at the Eximxxxn. ll .l.Jill'l'lC. Apto, Township F109, 1368. ;ALL P R0 G R A M M-E S. INVITA- CARDS. `l\'.-mlu Drlmnu no Ohn *r.'.- nulx-vn , - __......-`;~- AA\Iu ' ~ rune Stabrd House.) - o R 1 L L. I A, C ` `JAMES JOIl.\`S0.\', - ,- - Pm .._.:.._ J. P. KY1-3:`? _- - - - -- Fctnalyoflhe Batu. IlottL.`lhniltun. ` "fRA1\#.i i`"'"." "-` *7-`3'. counca ..-_ -vun-rn rKUu:lK, `1IIIEI-TCONSTABLE, Cdunty of Simcoe 2 O1-`I-`ICE: opposite the .\Itirk'et, Barrie. _.?__.____;____________ `AMES EDWARDS, uh (For'*mL-xly J. L. Margach.) \\'ll0LE$ALE .\.\'n -\ A/1|/1.... (`L l` - ""' Di.s'pz2icd Lines vuccurulelny adjusted. nhvnnnsfnnrnfnllu vnnn nun Q.........v: A ---------- """'7-_~__" `:1 ? 1-Ar1....u...-nnssrgco ix.r..r. their 1 that lhrvue DUI` running the above F , ,_ . the-2215-es, and will u-pr.-pared lo um. - (Late Station! . - -- ~ - () R, I I I . `Ir A I` --- ,,,=_.7 _._..---s:A.Il.G-`J MICA LS, PAINTS, S, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, LRTISTS' MATERIAIS .\-1. rm THOMAS STONE, IHEI-II. STEAIKEB (LATE 1)]-JPUITY REGISTRAR) \rrrr71r A hr/~rw n 1.1.. U UL` D V LIV-I ULDK , _ {'2 IIGACII, ANDER$0N & co., gums and .alous. JOSEP; Tzocans. (`n\'crn.\nr :1 ng....._` , General Dealer in. ..,,. r J. EDWARDS, Jfcu Ruilrlimra I ,_--, . V. vu-xv varied assortment _V__, vi ' V ` PROPRII-ZTOR. 1 V I 3 63 3 63 3 63 2 me a.u;n om". ` 11`-15" 1-My to UI: uxuuu vs `nun x`-nu... auda- gf Home-Shocing and General Black amithing donmas usual. I.. .,..I nu-..u nnnalunu I,-;.-.l ._ I.-- I r amluuu-5 uuumac uzuuh Jumped axes constantly kept on ham] . sale. : l!zu-rit-'_ EL. 1 9.2 -AVHILIU ullll ulcaacu uu uuu r.uvAu.r.v uvtltuo T. S. being a practical Axe maker. he at- ters himself that he knows}: good Axe when he secs it. and be is determined only to offer mch articles as will give satisfaction `to the pnrcbasc-r. All his own _work he gum-antc(,-3 to be made of extra quality steel. and w:u'mnlL-(1 for 30 days at $1.00. Any Axesoltl by him which proves suft will be tempered free of cos't within 12 months from sale. v IVIILL PICKS I-----~ - ---v--- --f -Made and Dressed on the shortest. notice. - I... 01.5 m n 1... ranH`uH.l:1rxyua_vs. All A.\'<.-s nnxvarrantccl from superior m:\k(-rs he can sell as cheap as any other house in Town. -counts 1'.-III-Inn-'l\'!!I'I\` 11 19 12 24 17 22 13 2:: at: can .`t:u ac \.uu.1. um ...._. u...-.. ..-m.-. m Lu" .. I AXES JUIVIPED ( V -...1 .............4...1 42... `Ill .1 5 no kl nn 1 a~A-v.-- .._-._._...._.-.--\;a-a- Hnving found it impossible to meet the in- creasing demand for A.\'i-ZS of HIS OWN mnuutnclurc, has recently inipurtcd a large stock of Born-11'.=, I\loL'uck s. and Dates Slipc- rior .A\.\'<-3; nll of which he is px'(-pan-d :0 war- rant. for thirty days. A A \'0S lln\\4\l'l`Hi(H1 S'lID(El'i()l` makers I I ARRIEL AXE FACTORY. THOS. % _s_UM_MERs;'r_T nu a nu} u; usuu--nu.-n tu 5-H. mum:-Iuuuu. :';j' REI AIRl.\'G, &:_c., done in u workman- likc manner. , Barrie, Augustv]st.',l869. ' 26. WE" W5 Br1d18%,&-- &c-a! A: 11 .1.` a-`an. no .5. ;.n.n..a.na .5. , ;J.LL.l.IaL|ua.a.lo He is pwpzlrerl to oxccutu orders forlightzu1d' heavy single and double sets of l1.~\Il\'E:'.3`: .. v 1 ~- in a style warrmnted to give satisfaction. pct!` DIPDA ID|\'f1 tn. Anna 3.. .. .......I. Next. door to tile Law Ofce of .I[c.srs.= J[cC'url/zy (E Jfc Cart/Ly, - 1\1"r11"r A11 1'u"l1'l'|1nT.'lrl1 11 A 111-rr1'_-I 4-.\.Vu. u. 4rLu\/u.r DU_NLOP 'i'RE1-2'1`, 1Xi:RIE. u nu-nnnru fn nvnnlnr 4.ml..-3 I`... Hal. 9 und- I$add1eLs5%rn9ss,! 11 22 13 36 mic. _ ,_ Hume , Oct., 1:08. - --_..- .4. v.-;. ;uv.- \JsVLJ_lA.\ LU made to order at as low pricvs as can be had in Caumda. I Tlrmlfnr, (`Inf ""~ ' Bradford, Ont. o_.m1u..\r.1i .TllHl.Vl|.\'GS E3`.-I JIELLEII LIL`.-1T[[L'I[ CL 0 TIIS, Cc. \[...\..l`,... .uunuuu\,uuv.:|a Ul ISaddles, ollars and Trunks for Hm `I :-mln _j__ `ESSA WOOLLEN M I LLs.; AND DI-ZALHII IN Box, Purlouf, -111:1], and C'ool'z'n_I] Stoves _ PLATFORM 1. counrr'ER SCALES, 00.A1L OIL. J:-c., cf`c., DIINLOI STHEI-LT, . . . lIAIrun.~ D-xxuuulilll lJ.AlU\VzX1U`J .|`4b1A\l5- L[S1l.\H'I.\'T, - ` _; Earl duor to I/zc C'uIImIr King Slrcd I;'r.w(, '1'uronto. - ;~_____,______ GEORGE PLAXTON, .\t.\NL'1~`Au'1'r1zEIc .\l.\ l\'lJFAL`r'I`['RI-IR OF N, SHEET-IRON JAPANNED and Copper Ware, AND nu`: 1:1: 1119 .4 22 Ifarness " l.Trunlc jlfunufuclarg/, NEXT DOOR T0 IIIXDS BROS, BARBIE LEV: R. WARNER, _ M/IAl\'UI".-\C'l'l,'llll1 of Single and Double llurno.~:suf all kinds. Saddles. Bridles, Whips. Blankets, lwbrs, Coll:Lrs,"1`nInks, &c. 3%" Repairing ncallg/, cheaply; and jlroznptly atlended 41- AU llL'illl'|~5 Ill SADDLEMFEW HARDWARE, --n . > -`V l- NEW SADDLERY! 18994 . . x1uung-, DYEING AND CLOTH DR - V ' .u..-0 .\lA.\`l'l>`.H"l'['lH.\'(; C/0!/1; Flamzel rnul Blur: ~ COX A`: SH nislil. JnIy3, 1.869. wu.Lm1 D.-H_'_ll)S0.\' 3; sex, ;.~\DDLERY IIARDWARE ESTA LISIIMI-T\"I` " MARBI.]:J7 * Wn1'(i\"'tJVi\11:.\"rs, "' TOMB & HEAD STONES,_ AIEIILI-I POSTS FOIL E.\'('I.0.~'l.\'(i CHM}-ITEll\ | l'I.UT>'. Al.>`(). * gBADl"ORD .\I.-UIBLE WORKS. 12 08 12 08 12 24 12 9.4 __-7\-:=:r_-I { OBER'l.' B[cIIENl{)', J. K: A. 130r2'o\v_n1:u1, .\u,\'L'1r`.;c1`L`1:+:I:.~' of (LATE I).u'm.-n.\'. .\Ic\'n'n: 5:. Cu.) \\'holsa1e DL'{l1('I`S In `-3.5. pus`. ..-__...-__ 1*RE1:-s'r0L\`1;' S16.\'Lx\1ExTs . /\h-1 _.. ._ xi" ,,`.,',. ha ... -7 'v I 1' . ISSISFIL woouxx _F.\C'IOR\ . Flnllinxg, YEING DRESSING, .\l.LVl'F.\1`1'l'lU\'1: ` Mhuykcfuizsiis. -1.4 1' uA.\ 1 ULV, n_-tIrn_Tnn1n- -r n 15 . V961 `ll 10 .44 41;. A 111.411: L1. .\Ianufuctu1'crs of An I --.--u -1 cu uncut` [Bf]! ltifdii we Factory " , _ln-pn-part-cl undertake. L A f `I "I vvuuu u gun for the '1'ra1(-`. I n r.u| l`lH.\'l5 I I. lu71l't l.\ . SHAYCOTT. 2:3-ly 29? -for mn- 1}} 78 6 '19 ode Dolar perAuun,_ubictly II Alvllto. . .lnnuarv. 1868. ms. ROGERS, Agent at Barrie. ' `um um 1 zuuu mu L SUIKANCE CQ.vil'A.\'\', Ileud. Ollice, - Ir 71$`: ONTARIO MUTUAL.1.I1`1;". QV'YlA\fl`I'q` l'l|uIl'.l\.'\' '11. 1'4. l)0\VHlEHl, 31.1 -, John Alchin, Esq., J. W, Walden, M.D.. - Moses Springer, M.P.P., E DR. ALEX. IIAMILTON , 18-If Medical Examiner. Agt The Fire Rest-r\'c Fund is now $4,727,101 The Life Rc.=.-rvc Fund is now $9.28I,4;\' The Company is 1-(-pm-u-nmetl thrmw!u.n: Ontario and Quebec by influential Agents to whciniupplicalion for Insurance may be 1n:ul(-. G. F. C. SMITH, Resident -"'Pf'I('f'I7'4r,', ~ Mo.\'rm;.\I.. tn: nnnnna .a......o as n.....:.. lnits1styear,1.s.m,-.uu: alone amounted to . In its 10th year, 1841;, 20th'yt-ar, 1:456, 30th ye-ur, 1866, One year later, 1867. l'UU..\Ua' 5'1'r.1u.1.\ U. The disbursement of this enormous sun: over :1 wide are-u,_ has. witlmut. doubt. cozzzr: lmted to the estnblisbInenl.ol' this In!-9lHuH'm` in the condence of l'L'm.n: Courvoxu-rm.\.<. M1-:nc|I.\.\'T.~', lI_m'.x1-:uor.m:n.~:, and hllbilI<'.~.-. men generally . wherever it is represented. In its 1233. year,lS36,'.he Fire l"remium.~s nlnne ............ ._ 11170 I-IE I.lVI`2RI OOL 6.: I.O;:I_l;0.` (mum-2 I.\`.~'l'R.-\NCl-I CU.\H ANY, V -w"-; V lII`I,`\Y 1.. ,......A.._.... 'I`l._6.. 4..-A ....,..... I- ll L 86 Q1: J1, and during luul penou nos pum l.Ir.~- (-xucculing FIVE AND A HALF 5l1LLlU.`.' l ()U.XD.S STERLING. - TI... .li..l.ur enormous sum .n.vu ;u4-4..-nu-4 Barrie. January 20th, 1>~'i`.l{ A Eaiada Far1iiE17Iihii`a1ne Baum, - OYYFWMQ` FYRF` AN TIFF` QUI:}J:JNb' tlli AND L.1l"L;., HoaILi.91i.NJ:LvV.I!..AW : 'I.U.\'CI[ES, &c._. pr('p:\rcd at all scu.~:ux:- able hours. - RI 13"C[lARGES MODERA'1`E._Q3! ' Barrio. June 23, l.~'(i9. '11 H` `SALT Al\'D_Y`iI-ESEI E1511 2 Flour and Feed! Fresh Canadian A large varicl 12'iscuz'ls Chem`!-c-uf' No. 1 Qnalit_\'. y:_f`-TF'anc_r/ aml_ 1 /ai a_t,reduced ratcaa, . _____ - -;- T-:2m.: Of the most delicious Iluvor-made fr-r genuine Cuuntry Crvnm. 3;-:7 bluu\.\.nLo 3. ` 3, 14 78 mow OPEN. I u s;uu|L'U uuu u`L`>.'Il SIOCK U1 Groceries, Provisions, &c rs. -...-. -- . '3%'.\ll at low prices and 01' heat qImlit_v.__[{5'J :3,-`" I-`an-am-rs` l'I'mlucu taken incxchangu -.x.. the highest. maukct price. Soda Water aifjhoiceg.-yrL: ,... . \l n -..-.1. u nu." uIUI|L I lfcltrvn Ifmn-Il`.s' 011! Strtml. on the 0: rm 5` lhmlup untl Uwcn .\'lru`I.~'. (nullhc I u.s'l-r;_U'I: um! m-.x'l (It/U)"lol/16 lianlc qf l,'u1:nu--rw With :1 choice and fresh stock of 3 0 1 - I - 00121112` /mars, 1:.-1o0N.- 1>01:1..', OI" l RL\[E QL .-\LITY! POWELL S-l\IEW STORE 1 II'r!;11 I n1rr-II`: (III, ,\'I.m,1 ,... II... 11 Ii. 1'`) \ Barrio, July 1st. 1.~'G!!, cnuus vane! STRAWBERRIES, _ PINE AI'I LI-IS. SI-:\'n.r 1 .3... PICKLES, SAUCES, &c ., _.__ V Just received. a lu.rgc su llorseford's Self-ltui_sin_,r paramon. Hemem. 1869. RILLIA men 111: u...-nuns, nib`, \`.'l' --TOGHTHl'Ill \\'l X'Yi-- IIER.\HTIC.\LLY .~I'.'.-\LL'U GOODS, l"RE.\'Cll >`.-\RI)l.\'I'.'S, Lu1s. A COVE (}Y.~'TI'IR.<. FllUI'l'.3' J: \'1;'GET.\}H.I.': A-.-.AI.sJI LVLIL1`l1nAl`, Is now daily receiving all S('S()l1l)l0 Foreign and Donn.-stic Fruits, 5:0,, of the most (Mi- cious varieties, STRA'P.r.`Imn.~a III! I)l'.\'L0l STREET, 2 CE CI{EA.\l . Immxs, CRO_.C KER Y, GL.1S,S' WARE, (C'c. E3" INSI EC'l'[O.\' INVITED! _;7-;)! R. l ()WELL, SEN., ;\rn;,\ Barrie. Julv 1-`GU. `.5:-if ICE AND l{EFRESIIMI'I.\"l' Opposite; J[cs.s'rS. .114-ffurlhy J: J[c0artl:y's Inn` l)vI.`..,. ,._-._...,..., urntr ucuvy and u` low. T.`S. .!:Co.nrc in a position to ql prices which cannot be mrpasscd by House in the Trade. Totirs.t-clnssn1u-nand cash buyers, spo. induct.-menls will he olli-rod. 1[mnilh-m mnl. 1-1.. um - ' . _\'mr opening I: lbeit ` New Warehouse, King Street] " (Second building '95! of McI.\'.\ }. BL1)CK.) llAMlL'l`().\'. Ilaviug bought. for (`ash when stocks i hands of producers were heavy and ` pl`iC('S \\"lil`h nnnnnt |--- ------~ ` ` human as -u.-...... -n-nlnuonall vu.--`uh. QUEENS` F_XRE AND LIFL`, `I"1\\l`lN 1'11" ]TT1`I'I'T I I TTII '13 .39 5 I'I'I"L`.|LZ XEPIIITIII-`J 0" mm, unmnmz, 1;, _c:u_'_\_ur Iv`- ._.... - .o.- MRS. IWXNAHAN, 5 receiving st-nsm'mhln Pmna... `\i,i2.:x.\'1')kr:M1`z '}\\ 1`()1{1Vz0V\v,\ ` L x\UEN'l' F0 1 -I-1 I 7 pa `flrt lAlVl)lLl'\J\.IlJ LB lA\JL\Ll\J-\ L AS BEl.\' in exisgence Thirty-two yc-:11-.~`. and during that period has paid l..~-<- m-Jinn FIVE AND A HALF 511LLl();{ . Bowman, )I.P., .\lr-,hin_ l-Isn.. ' u\.uIl.l. unsu L`! Umnilton, --_...' --lII-ll' -=I.s.sc-2'.-.!r_a .1)!!! ` GENERAL mcv INVITE .|TTESTh)X us` 7!" 5. III IIIB '\.. 1,2! Plchges, .\'uI' 1: tllcil .. 1:1- , V - __.. V`. ..-._.. -u ..--._ AND RELI.\.\'CE 1 LIFE. 1i.?:.~i't r tlt(1:: %..x L'.\'ur:-i{s` in 60:, I\'L'?\IBER Ms"n}:AfiLi: ." .1 u nu u , 20!}: .1 is E .11'|'I.r.`>.', SEVILLE nn.-xxa 1-:.<, ` LE`U`\'S! J33 _v \\.'l' 0Gl-:'rnm.- Irv !-v:, (4-(.`u_r!lzy Qziwe, IE1`, -` - BARRHI. . M. NfClIOLSON; ` Agent, Barxioj ox. . - Prcshlmnt. - Vice Pro.-sidullt ' - - Meal. lit-F. , Sec y .2 Gen. Agcpt. x large supply of slicing: l).......l S, &c., in Variety mi. n u . 1869. \`Vutcx-lno. ,. IIICII :13 Street East, Mc[.\'.\'E:1'v L'r0_\'. ,....`u_y Bread l'r<:- UVLI |o Cc.` nouns in U10 price.- )n (H1111. .36. .5; -pm-inl ' 4-If I in tho I in-3,... ` 36-1 yr d Wash 0, If Y BAY, Ignit- nd the PORTAGI 0va.m.. and con- for the Not!!! 242 231 go at 11 3.111;: ing at Bum ening train on Toronto. c k eta cebridgo. can tion Toroni0' red on bean` 3} AL reauy-witted man, Barker diiza waueu match from his p0k_t'v gave` 3 scratch against the sole of 1313 boot, and discovered the horrible deceit which had been practiced upon _him- Th stoo sutbering Jim, the son of Colonel Mar} shall : gardener, a dirty blackmoor 0 follrt fifve J - . ;eoli1rrasca`iI!l gwshed the disap- Pointed and insulted lover; Whgt are d ' 1" `W3 A??? .321 - n-n'=nuiD" stem-W u..:I`.`Iurning frightened. _ in t 1311 rascal! repeated Barker, collar- g Ymmgsber. Have you been s 3)}',I..`.'?.".`- ." '!1?.1 ~' 3 Sm` mind v- 0U|llll9'D13l'Sllll; it would have suf-. c1_ently wounded his heart, as revealing to `"1 that his suit. was hopeless and '"18d- But, worse than that, it was a range chuckle; and,` worse still, it Wllnded like the. greasy te-he of a negro! A ready-wittecl man. Bnrlmr drawn . 1 no murmured, Ah: M? ,M:r5iI:il:d a No response except a dlstmc , ed I` h Greatly encourag rather loud, Lang ._ .36 B, by the tender charaeter of the ntollna S as er began to whisper such ago enamored men whisper on such occ beret-I Still no` answer: the 10\ e|' Temem . . . - ore that srlence xs consent, h_e b:33:`:_T conrlent and- fnrwm*- "` ` " ..... snence he becan_1e m0 and fervent in his pleadings -` At }aSt--b}0od-curdlinrr mum] L-t 19 vv-uuwlll and fervent in his pleadings. lzst--blood-curdling sound l-the re Wns altltter. This would have been bad enough bad it. been the well-known giggle Of Jennie" Marshall; it would cxentlv wm...A..,: |.:.. 1--. -_ _-._--u__ .- i ' J`_"``5VCl'o LIRVSS yU|-I UUEH t Y Hg 2: tnck on me! I ve 0 shake you to death . ted to him satis- Fnrmers and other: , "nfx.rc nr Qminn new auauows. ' ' Finally, in a corner, surrounded "and cloinled b solitary gure. Experienced beau as he "*5. the well-preserved survivor of a hnndredlove-fits and three or four en- gagements, his voice slightly trembled as [16 murmured, Ah, Miss Marshall! 0 resmmn nvmmo o .-l:.o:m.r~ :n.4,.,.,! .. y shrubbery, he discovered a ' an aguuos: as stxon-sighted as a mole, could hardly nmke out an object invthe fibscurity, although be screwed his glasses into his avoided shado\vs, on the supposition that iheywere orange-trees; he rustled into Ofalige-trees, on t.he'supposition that they were shadows. Fin-xlln 1.. .. __.___.A _.,,,, _,,,, I. I '__.,I eyes until his mouth opened. He` IIHICII llllll UUIIII5 ILIU C\CUIll`' Ul LHHL UH)- During the afternoon he had had high hopes. For the first time Miss Jennie; had seemed to receive his love-mukingi lrindly; there had been a deeper color! than usual in her-riehl_v-tinted Cb43<:kS;` there had been :1 softened sparkle in her, clear hazle eyes. Finally, after he had` brought his suit almost to the verge of a l proposal, after he had hinted to the young I la-`lythat he had something to say. to her which could only -be breathed in the strictest privacy, she had :~.h_vl_v and trem- nlously responded, I will see you at ten 0'dock-:unong the orange-trees-in the garden. At the appointed hour, his short, round gure throbbing with anxiety and hope, Barker was at the trysting-place. It was -'1 dark night; there was a. moon some- `there, but it was over head and ears in elotld-drifts; the only heavenly bodies Wlncll fzwored the occasion were a few winking and sleepy stars. Barker, who '85 Itlmost short-sighted as mole, C011 hardlv m:|`:n nut an nluinrat in Hm UIIIUIWIEU I\lll Ul LHU `-lU\|Iu . Lieutenant. Barker is in had, and he ' has been in heal for two or three hours but he is as wide :u\':1ke as a mousing cat, and he thinlis that he is likely to stay :n\':|ke till morning. Bouncing with wrath, lii cheeks w:m ning the darkness with blushes of morticzuion, he is mentally rcliearsing an adventure which had be- fnllen him during the evening of that day. llnrinrr Hun gxffnrnnnn ha ha.` `I'|." lnlrvln mu-,-_u L`0x`.!-:1 1|, LU`-|"Hp During nearly the same time he had been in love with Jennie, the youngest cbiI.l and only daughter of Colonc1'.\J_ar- shall, a {vcuuuful girl of eighteen or nine- teen, '.1 `terrible hater of Yankees, and ' utlxerwise full of the devil. ':...l.__,...L l)...I._.. I- 1.. L.` ,... I 1 , VI UUUIF \JiIIU|I"c _ During the same time `he had been a b0:xrdci'in the family of Colonel D.-win! .\1ars!m1l--onc of the `ruined and lnumbled \1\'e\`,iu=l<*s of the region af long-st.-uxlv. mun ` Lie1ll.enantJaInes Barker, of the Veteran Reserve Corps, lmd be_eu for three weeks Bureau otcer on one of the Sea Islands xJfSoull_1 Carolina. ' I\.._:..,_.|._ _.__- .:,.._'.L_ 1., u u wuueu like the. ready-witted drewa V3Yel] mamh from Rh nnnlrnf man}; :6 .. um. B1-|lIi'(l-:ll'S mwsr STORY. to DrucolH' punnt. ZTIT--4-` -- `-- liililils. Tllultsnxi. 001'}:-2', 1869. up conxry 0F'S.I.\IC_OE ADVOCATE. -~:..>{a am, ucrc our pxuus OI IlIo- ulvluu, Till we lay asule our clay. Yet I feel that it is well '1. In an unr Jr-nan : uf hlid let 1 Ice: mm 1:: IS wen We resign our dream_ 0: bliss: Though the nnguish-who can tell? Yet I feel that it is wvll '4: ehnnlrl nzu-t xvhhnul in bias uoru our palus Ul mu un |uc-- Each to take a separate way; Surely tempt-d_-sadly tried- llcre our paths of lifo- divide`, `Till we lav aside clav. Alnne nuure mun an store. In sud memory for us both. We must bury all the past In a mausoleum deep; It was sweet, but could not last- Let us bury all out past `Till in death we fall asleep. um our paths of life divide-- Each to take sennratc was`: Ito the Gapiain The lgxgininefu - 5 I608 ADVOCATE I In ci!1`}T_:.F..`-c--~r `."` j " ,.rL`*'` - ' _ "3-._4.(__ [kit @h(aW ugnr. -. I /`/ ";I \H1al0ur xumre mun 111 store, Ever follows broken troth; We aall hope and dream no more; All the future bath in store. I. and mmnnrv fnr nu hnth HOW WE urunx H16 C_llp 01 W00, While we turned aside and laughed. Wbatour future hath in store, I-\vr-r fnllnwn hrnknn h-nth! We have urmueu gue cup or woe. At this latest, lingering draught, Yetchu world may never kmlw How drank the cm: of woe, lnughm Yes. HS better we 5ll(Jl|l(.l purl: [accept the dreaded doom. Though wild anguish tends my heart, his lyclh-r we should part. mm mv snirit air and room! It is Iycuor WI`. suuluu pun. Give my spirit all.` room! We have drained the cup of woe. At this latest. liuuerim! dmmzh 1'eg_ tis better ,we 5hould part! I accent )0! 1 I801 llllll II I8 TH I We should part without A kiss.