Barrie Examiner, 16 Sep 1869, p. 2

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ullll ` mi 1 n his S IM`CO`:3 ]Auv0CATE, We, Pall Mall Gazelle, understand that it has been decided to adopt the modications in the breech loading rie ammunition which we sometime since stated had been suggested `by our Indian experience. The cartridges will in future all bemade with an internal lining of shellac varnish and thin paper; the `cap cham- ber will bejmade ofcoppt-r instead of, brass; the bullet will be varnished, and for excep- tionally sevcre climates an exceptional description ofair-tight package will he adopted. By these arrangements not only ` will the exposed portionsyof the cartridge be protected, but_the whole ammunition will be secured against destructive climatic inuences, where` necessary, by the superior method of packing. These improvements will be applied to the cartridge for the new ritlo as well as to that for the Snider-Eneld. Further, in order to provide against the Wear which goes on in pouches by the friction of the iron base against the bullet, the cartridges will be laid in the packages with the bullets all one way, instead of treads and tails as at present. (`.n\'nnun-u...... 1-v,, vs - - - - --- Nr:cmu.ou.-It` your nerves seem to snap and crack, jerk and jump, and play all sorts of pranks, from the top of your head to the tips ofyour toes, now shooting forth like lightning attempting to make a bowstring of another, i sometimes in the region of the heart. again in s the face. head, neck, &c;: in short if you have ' neuralgia in iv! worst form. with all the agony distilled toits most eazcrutiating Idegree, use ` Dr. J. Briggs Allevnntor, and irva trice, your * neuralgia, with all his demons has departed`, ' and once again you will know how to live ` without it. Sold by druggists and country `merchant.-I. Dr. J. liriggs&Co., 208 Broadway, N. Y., and N06 King Street, West, Toronto. . The Endowment Fund of Queen s Colege amounts to about $80,000. It is not'expect- `ed there will be much difficulty in raising the balance, $20,000. along one unfortunate nerve, and now trying` ` totie anotherinto 3 thousand knots, then I . ,1 The Albnn Argus reiterates the story that ` I a young mill nerm Washington County has 1 fallen heir to $17,000,000 left her by a young Englishman who become enamored of her while travelling in this country. She had been promised $5,000,000 in December, and the balance as soon thereafter as possible. Miss Gray, the fortunate heiress. isjsuid to be about 30 year: of age. She has a mother andjsistera ; to ehjoy it with her. ` _ , av , ,--. 14-_,_,_ .__,,_ ,,___ ._ ____A lpearl, weighing 55 grains, and )e, was recently found iu the `, near Penolesquia station, New _ M6'N'z'E'AL. Sold by every Druggist. Kelman & Co., Barrie, Wholesale and Retail Agents. 22 3m 7 sun ucncruull ui tue amps Jsreous and Terror. The party numbered 105 at the time of the deserti`on,- and was under the comnnd of F. R. M. Crosier. This party succeeded in reaching the above latitude and longitude, where they found a. relic of the late Sir John Ross, The document states that the party wintered on a low island in 1846-7, and Sir John Franklin died on the llth of June, 1847. It contains many interesting incidents connected with the expedition. NEW Ymur mm: 1.4 ,A ........z 1.--, W ,- 1 umoumeu to z;w,731. A telegram from G. H. Stuart. of Philadelphia, announces S 17, 000 in hands. A party said to be reliable writes to the Bulletin from San Bonaventure that a document was found on the beach at that place on the '30th August last, much mutilated, which re- quested the nder to forward it to'he Secretary of the Admiralty at London. or to the Brittish Consul nearest that port, with request that it be printed, It was written in six commercial languages, . The margin and every vacant portion is lled with writing relating to Sir John Franklin and party. The document was `evidently cast into thewater in Lat 69, 30, 42, and Longitude 98, 45. It gives an account of the desertion of the ships Erebus and Terror. party 105 at the fimn no-nu. '1 ,, SEPTEMBER :6 1869; D `I - tr ~ `:3; 1123` We, ask Postmaatcrs go use caution in giving notice qf rqfusal of papers, as some /awe been returned from subscribers who have paid in advance. unu a ugnu suocx at bacrmnento to-day I r.n1oL'nr. Pa... Sept. ]4.-'I`be lute dis- usterlenves 73 `widows and 154 falherless child- ren. The latter number will be increased to nearly 200. The cash reel-ipts by treasurer -amounted to $10,731. A telegram Philadelnhin. announces 3 I7` nus zurenuy lrreparamy coat. .BnussuLs, Sept. 14.-l rince Napoleon has arrived in this city. Sax FIu.\'CIS(.`0, Sept. 13.-A heavy shock of earthquake at San Louis Abispo yesterday and a light shock at Sacrmnento Pr.n1oL"ru. Sent. ]4.-'l`he lute in- nor mu 1: 11 Troops may 11 tetzions will in LVJ. -- JUST RECEIVED, I000 peices of Sheet Music; also 5000 pieces Metzer & Co's- Cheap Musical Publications; Five Cent Sheet Music; Six Cent Sheet Music; Ten Cent Sheet Music; Violins. Violin Strings, Bows, Cases, Bridges. Rails, and . Resin, Accordeons, Concertiuae, ` Fires, Flutes. Melodeons, Hurmoniums. I A First Class Piano,-that has been used a few weeks, for sale cheap. ~ 1 V D-hnv I nun 9 35m SIMCOE FORESTERS. ' REGIMENTAL ORDER. No.1. The Annual Drill is post- poned nntil the 27th inst, on account ` of the late Hnrvest. No. 2. Nos 1, and 5 Companies, 1 and the Barrie Hnssare will move into camp 1 on the 26th, at six p.m. _ ALEX. McKENZIE, Lieut. Col. Barrie, September 15th, 1869. 33-td. l I I ITOIK do .............. .- Muuun, by the quarter, 3,`? lb. Veal, o -. Hides per cw; .............. .. Butter per lb ...... -. UllIB....'.... -.. Peas ......... .. Flour, . . . . . . . .. Hay,...'.. .... .. Beef per l00lba.. Bork do I lllllhnn I.- H... - Fall Wheat. . Spring Wheah. Bnrlc-y,..~.... .. Onts....-.... .. Donn Ti? S. M. PE !"I`ENGlLL (t 60., 37, PARK ROW. NEW YORK, AN!) 10, .`l'rA1"z-Snu-:31-, Bmrron. nrc ounugcnta for procuring American - advertisements. 311:. A. H`. S1-. Gzmum in our agent for gro'curmg ' nd\'crl.lscmcntain Cunndn and the United tunes. J vv uuuu vv1.1'1b I(lbl'U`1'AT10N. Physicians recommend it in their practice and the formula from which it is prepared in highly commended by Medical Journals. Call at the Druggists and get a Pamphlet. Sold by all Dmggists. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Agents, 308, St.cPnnl Street, Montreal. `` Kelmnn & Co. Wholesale Agents at m..-.-;.. no an nArnU'.|'UlAN'I` [T HA " It has no b Ee(%UAL' S N0 w een u, p - ber of years and has g(:)i?r)1edeforui1::f! 01:amun. WORLD WIDE R]4`.DH'l'A'nln1r _, -_.~,......yu,1on, AND ALL DISEASES THAT LEAD 1'0 rr, such as Coughsfgglected Colds, Pain in the Cheat, and aIlD1seases of the Lungs. AS AN EXPECTORANT IT HAS EQUAL. 4 mm THE GREAT emu; (3137 ' ,_ Consumption, `A_LL pl?!-JASES Linn vrn I-n 308, St. 1 ? _ ._... u. nun (lull er gained for in-self :1 WIDE REPUTATION. it in nm:. ..-.....: 2 UAMHAGE the largeEtock North of ToI: o`z>:;c;-`:i`;:cVv't.i'u3'n-.' AND S; cwoxs R-EPAIRED AND .rA1zR41\f'3r.6 D-.51 __?_______%__ LLLEN S LUNG BALSAMV FOR THE 012' ' 3` 0 II 3 `II In an + 3 _ ________`__._______"-`~--- BARRIE MARKETS. _:. IJH. ' Mails for Ivy, Thornton and Vino, Monday, Wmlrmsdny and Friday, M 10.45 11.111. Elmvnlu, Mcd0nle and Mount St. Louis, Tuesday and Saturday 11?, 10.45 mm. Mnuilg for Shu:.`."y Buy, on Tuesdays and Fri- dakm, M. 10.4. ) mm. mus fur Minining, on Tuesdays and Satur- days at 10.45 u.m. 1 Ysnvuv . ...\.. 5 ExAmma:n Ornci, [ Wednesday, Sept ]5_ 0 90 @ o 90 ......______ 904% n 942 M1 mrcer, Montreal. 3 Agents at Barrie. =_____...____ . u. ulnu, 1\n.UHI'!'EUT 4.: CIVIL $0 FINGINEER. MARINE. (JNT. Late of II. B. M. Public Works Depsrtmeng Hong Kong, China. 33%` `I-\n'nvvu`v.... . - --r purpose onmvylng a rule ol"I;"(')'.l;"[lg" mm ON THE DOLl.AR_on all the rulealxvglli potty in the Township. for the pnrposc arm. said. And all persons are hereby ' Take Notice, that anm "i"d' [any part.tlw1e)f. qmualnc-d, mmat ma . Y pirons of cpplymg to have such Bygz, d kc ' application to men! Her Maj;-s.1_v'. s..,,,,,-kg: Courts ol Common Law. at'l`nrtmto ' - six calandt-1' months, at the farthest. am, the apecial promulguuon l0lO01j Ih pub-_ cation of this Notice _in thrco (Dung-mi" numbers of the following newspaper,` "'1: the Norllaern Advance and Barrie `.zq~,,.,',,,, or he will be too late to be henrd in mi behalf. ' n A Ilvvvuu _ - -..-- \I \lAIA \.lA|rll11`jA\ in the County of Simcoe, purpose nfvlvvying 1` noLx.AR"n,f".'1 4:4)` uu (ll Juf ramng the 11 Thousand, One Ilundrul Four Dollars Roads in this second day of Aug Councilof ./'01 1mpr,. 7 '01ons/u'p, And numbered Fifty-Ei;;ht." W1 ust, 1869, pm rntuvn rune-`A- . ., uuhll II CORPORATION '- -'1 1:0 OF ML'L.\)L'R , in `Ont.-mo c.._.. JJ ..._.__.. 1`nwzsmr or Mr:L.\urn. 0T!CEisbe},1,, COU.\"l'Y or Smcmz. IS _ given, 9,, ;' Oxnmo, To W11: In-LAW _ . 7 Ilill H A By-Lazo for ramngj (hr. m m I 1%.? Mails going South, daily at 6.45 Ann and 5.15. pan. Mails going North, daily at 10.15 n.m., and . 7.00 p.m. Mails Lroimr In P.-nnmn.-...m.n..,. .1..:1.. .. Jvuillls SAMUEL L. Town Mnlmnr, Sept. 15!. 1869. _j.`j-L Bruce Mines. mcdiatb ports. F f ' h 'ign;:Lre:g cor passage apply :0 my ' 1:. M. CARRUTHERSJ; go 50 From ....-. L THURSDAY For Bruce Mines, Snult termediato TUESDAY. ports, and 1 16111 inst, 338- Mario, 5,, 011 t In 2]: ,___...-unllllv "ALG J. B. SYMES, MAST Will leave Collingwood on the : morning train, Northern R; Toronto. on ,__... . none at C0 '1 , Front alreel, Toronto. ems. PERRY: M-"98"" '1' {onto 59? Hm 1869' `E o ' ?----.j"' ;Y-LA_W. STEAMER. `n -will -"-,. BIRD, ARCHIIECT NGINEER. ()I\"_I`. HI` `I R M l1..Lv:. u- Ii:nIvux 1,`ullin;:wmul . ursr\I\/\J\a\a coo, in"On1mio. forth. 1 of FOUR ~ MILL on the rumble rm. .. ..., and `, 2m inst, no -"` H DH lo .--- . " Inn. on the , passed by tho ,.u of UM , '7 1'.'t'y/a!gI- `mg Std! under llalls Close at Bmwle l'.0. as follows: , ..,, ....mnr-r_v.' :- London Paris and N- `. . k -I-:.:`:m `oghee mg ~4u_IVH.Hi el hoops. and fr I hoops, at n P -'f0 arrie. Thu 1 My. and tho xvg;-L Which good prim-.u \ ` F0? pfliililnru an -all 4.-AAHUIJ 4 ISS Mo1cTn.\' r M ladies wt` 14:: country, that she: hm recently carriml nu by Dunlap Stm-L. and wil 0 same on her own at A large vmviaty to Hw 11 ofbADIl-IS Az.:n.c1M BONNETS, trimmc-II :u the `newest. .- HOIie, Veils, Ne'_1'k '1' CI eathers and F4 Trm ` '1"-Dilly at.` Q;-red. _..a. FEMAYJ5 W.` e ofn.t1inin;:x "Iv `y n.: . WANuEAE-DU: `uh---- ' Co: r. Conxcu. Ihu. Anna.- Inux .. :- Hnrl be it j afnrmzid. Tim [area and lfiiw - lug then.-of. .[L`:. R. T. BANTINQ p,_ ru, In H I-`rarn the Villa; at II L I From the Tm ' vvnlch prim-`: partilrlnrv '0 V ` ue u_y:rrh-`r mid, Tlmt Hm from the run- Mllnicipnlilio-s From the: T]! A H n. mmr. `HIM One Humlr _ bo lH`i0Il zu pllilien nt` 1 4359. in qr-r Slatulo in .~-` R. H r...o Anri n-hr`r/-I` to rponl Hy-I I-`inl.u-.1 u'n (`Na U'IN`7" mile ue sun llumlrcd I)-.1 cm on the of SlmI`,0(- for .4...) ..:.,.r.. BnrrIa_,__ Sllnmlnh. H nrri.~4onu . Ilium: . OI D"TN",0(' [UT Anrl Vlh/'l`i'I mills and nu u-M tlnunn :1! ml lnnu n tolnl nggru-g:r wnnl Pmpcrt I-`ouru-an Mill Tlnnllslind. Sc Dollnrs and F And n-L.-ru . Equnnznnnx And "VH1 Counl|y Jud Youth in said ' lml nrlzrro . lU`:r HR` 1 `mm: Act c. an ml fnrl (mm in am And llflm nn\`Cll. In 1.1.. 50. August. ,. Wnxni-zu any-Ln V. by the Corpo\tiui on the 25th day u! on I basin laid dc`-w ` 1! adopted by u` ( Equuhzntinn Conn And WIm'"& an `O H()()l'M. mm: 0! Con oim of the` nouski. Dillhu `ind Quebec. .1 next. and um] C0mmiMium-rs will be n-cuiw 7 o'clock p.m., Snreuos for I-(cnnlnnn Gfurd .4 Lcrruv .. lmunluy . Cruiyvnlc .,- '1 UIJIULI y._TV7 Surem-s mu.- urill be rcuum-d (v Cqmminsinnu-r:<' ' ()It_xmx '.\. WAL. En. II. (`HA 0. J. BIIYIN; I ll` \h-LEI L0! (811, `and contract by Plan an uuga or all ki , styles, at: z totice. uyum_-, \I., and lo` rcpm _/'orE_e num u'r Eigltty-(mo. , {K1, 4\ mnncg L0 mun. In-in .. 74 Dress 1 ul()121`n\- _ I II!) this NORTHERN `RAILWAY TIME TABLE TRAVELLEIFS MEMORANDA. :3. 131 EAST 01? TUBUNTU BANK I-IAT'S` AND CAPS, MEN S CLOTHING, cLoT_`_?IINc. --:-':" * DOMINION HOUSE AN EXCELLENT LOT 012-` For sale at lowest prices. (1 to maintain strict ect of the expected uinct. Why two or ` ild have been kept '5 e lenve Sir John A. 5" er, but it is pretty Pm :mble to fill them as " :e to do. The con- "W 3 oices have been `! . since. nnd there is '1!" much probability of 59 ease as there ever wd nors have been cur- S ; coming Ministers, '33 .he orgnns have de ma" IOWBVGI`, that one m" d the other day C' `uth in the report to ks, but his sudden has signicance in Let , strong belief pre- on cept the ofce of draw: I run for North to zh b the Hon. Ml`. some ith regard to this st deal of dubiety. min the appoint- respecl to be strength- town; Howe is at pre- rgiden River. It is now withho McDougnll has such '3 Furniture to Red up, gr; ing that so soon questiol 9 made for his Let , he will accept and P]: s, Bossible that here u 15 een come to, payers mncis Ilincka in vemur` hing to do with mt 86 3 4 he would now adoptelii let; for a man and PM every political upon .1 5'8 n uer scaven- oulidl hnrdlv be f-!.(u).n,' H TWEEDS, J. EDWARDS, Postnnaster. ' agent rdcurlhg Uni tad L B.A HINDS. I rmuuurur nmu wouru conrer upon Barrie, we may be pardoned for drawingvthe ` attention of our readers to the necessity _ for improvement of a road in another di- ' rection, {also calculated to advance in no " small ratio the prosperity of our town. i We referto what is familiarly known as the Essa Road, being the linesof road j from the town-line between Essa and 1 Innisl, and running diagonally to Allan:. 1 dale. These few miles of road are, in I the full of the year, almost impassible; so 3 much so, indeed, that travel is greatly retarded. - i \ n 3 1869. I 1..---vny '9 a requisition be at once pro nred. " placed in the hands of the eve, "t here, urging a public meeting of the rate- ! to discuss thomatter; and we ` venture` to assert such a rneeting would separate until a resolution had boon adoptled approving of the requirodBoutI.lny,- edtrin itself to vote for a y- 8} uponpwhichgto ruise the money. `This done, the interested townships "_ld follow suit without loss of time. Having thoroughly shown the advantages P5 particular road would confer BMW: l I I V ' V h _ may pardoned for nrnwmcr 0 n : .. -... year. a movementto this endi H ere now, and can". add nothing to what E has already been advanced as to the ad- t vantages such a highway through the I townships named would confer upon their - respective inhabitants, nslwll am; this ' and no thoroughly wide`-awake i resident ratepayer, or proprietor, will withhold his vote from the sanctioning of -` a grant as would thoroughly open i grade and gravel, the line of road in question. - . - 7-; -....-. usulo vuuuv .l.ulll4 IHRNII On more thzin one occasion we have " drawn the attention of our town waders the almost imperative necessity for steps being taken to thoroughly open, grade and gravel, a road from this V town, through Vespra and F108 to Tiny. J 1 We did expect a movementto this ere can` add nmmm. 4,. _.n_.. C ..___.._.. us open-and Grade that Road. ('\,, _,,,.,.__ Alt, - l ,,._._- -.......... cunswcr H. `rue and Warden, as the custodian of the County 8*" Seal, ought to look narrowly into the Sic; matter, which we fondly hope may be An. found to be beyond the power of the hue! Council to dispose of, without at least an WM` act of Parliament to enable them to do so. "1 ~ ..__--___a.'-----.__ No` * That Mr. Rose retires there can no longer be any doubt, and the diiculty of the Dominion Premier will he to find a successor. It Seems that the selection will rest between Sir Francis and Sir A. : T. Gnlt. Rumor says M-r. Archibald, . who has recently been so triumphantly 1 elected in Nova Scotin, will take his I former position of Secretary of State, Mr. . Langevin taking that of Commissioner of 1 l r t ._.-. .. urns!-IIVIIU at HIUSL-_ If the county wereiembarrassed and urgently requiring funds, there might be some excuse; but as this not the case, the proposal to sell is, to us. inexplicable. In conversation with a gentleman, a day or M two since, the issue was raised whether the County Council had the power tosell. 1 This is a nice question. We have not seen the patent from the Government, and of course cannot answer it. The I I Seal. ouoht. tn Iml. M-----1- -'-- -- ____. -...,uu-unnu muwl. E By advertisement in the public papers '- we observe that the County Council have RK . _ as-, decided to obr for -sale, on Saturday "l" next, the farm of one hundred acres, at ing Kempcnfeldt, bestowed by the Govern- _ ment to this county some years since for ' an industrial farm. We regret excee_d- ingly the action of the County Council in this matter. The farm-was "a free grant to the people, and lraa-up far, east t em 1 uogthing, It is IIOVV pwQ$J"1VB**'_r6I I up, and will be, from henceforth, pro- ductive; and from its close proximity to this town, could be rendered, at a small expense, is comfortable asylum for, the destitute and aged, who now, alas, find their way into the county prison. Very many of those unfortunate people could, if an opportunity were afforded them, V contribute considerable toward their own_ maintenance` on such_ a farm. We of course know nothing of the motives which prompted the Council to sell, or rather` _ offer this l'arm for sale. A We hope it did ` not originate in that splenetic feeling - r towardsthe northern section of thecounty ' which now uul'ortunately.more or less prevails. Such a motive would belmost unpatriotic, and unworthy so respectable A~ and inuentiala body as our County Council. The paltry sum which the In- dustrial Farm,-will realize would be a cor more bagatelle at most, - T4` cl..- ---~--- ' ` win no worse for them; the country will l not put up with any further dalliance, but insist ,upon one thing or the other; either 7 that `the vacancies are filled up, or the offices abolished. This will be the ulti- matum of the people, we think, and we` ; doubt not the Government clearly under- : stand what they have to do. A short 1 time will suffice to show how much longer 1 they will dare to brave public opinion. 1 . o.------- l will not ue quite so great a. hurry about the other appointment. The object of the Goxjernment will be to meet Parliament with a full Cabinet, but they must make the necessary changes very soon, or it will be for them; the country up anv further dnlliam-A hm ......, us vuu uuumry. we are not alone in our anxiety with regard to the probable action or the Government in the matter of lling up the vacancies in the Cabinet, for it has become a matter of rather seri-- ous import. What real object the Go- vernment, or rather we should say Sir John, could have in keeping open two vacancies, we cannot undertake to sa , but there cannot surely be any excuse for having other vacancies, as it is every way desirable that the vacant seats of Messrs. Rose and McDougall should be lled at once. '.l'his is very likely the intention, because no excuse can be offered for keep- ing them vacant, consequently we expect 5 soon to hear that successors have been found. ,Who these successors are to be is now the question that agitates the pub 0" lie mind, and we presume is likely to agitate it for some weeks yet. There i cannot well be any delay in lling up Mr. Rose s place, and the Govermnent will have to see to it `that not a day is-lost in appointing a new Finance Minister; there_ will not be quite hurry ext appointment. Tim nlnnt or .i.,. .9- .. muuu tu uu ucpioreu. It the onices are needed they should have heads to direct them, just as much as theother. Departuiaeiits. Sir John has been enjoy- ing himself at the sea-side for a brief period, and we do not object to his taking A a littlerecreation; but that the country ' should suffer. by his absence, is ra'_thertoo `much. There is no doubt in the world i that he ought to have lled up the vacan- cies long ago, or abolished them entirely. _ His failing to do one thing or the other - naturally lays him open to the suspicion that he is scheming` as usual. Had he satised the country with regard to the , vacancies in question, he would have been at full liberty to try the virtue of sea-bathing; but hewent o&' not caring a what might be the consequence of his 3` absence. "It mattered little to him how u badly the machinery of Government L worked, he was perfectly at ease under Z the consciousness that he could do as he 0. ' pleased. He may, perhaps, learn that there isa limit to the endurance of those" who have to bear the burden he andhis m colleagues have imposediupon them; at in all events, we feel perfectlysure, that the ha time has arrived when he can no longer fm be permitted to trie with the best inter-' ests of the country. We not alone in 1 anxietv with I-Arm:-rl tn on... ...,.u...u- ..n 1 .. .. v..-_ , um nmvsmm. rum. _______ Pub is Works. In that case the office of Finance Minister would still have to be provided for, as well _as that of Minister 1 of Inland Revenue, and the question : cornea u , who will be found to take I them? nally such dallyingas there has 1 been .in connection with these vacancies I is much to be deplored. If the oices f needed xhav odnnnlzl 1..-. |......:.. o- . ...umuuun.:o mus endi . Ldvanced in mm... ...x to join him th6_re, ari17d"_t-<; ra'i intercepted letters between them,l .grntif_v. After all, it may be that he is .., uuu we near mat a strong belief vails that he is to accept Finance Minister, and Lanark, to bevacated McDougall; but even witi gentleman there is a vast deal The Governorship of the North-West = 1`erritory ivus-oifered to him, and it was . generally believed he would accept, but 1 minors to the contrary have been set i afloat, and Mr. Howe has since been i named as likely to obtain r "went: This is supposed ti oned by the fact that Mr. r sent on a visit to Red River. u said, however. that Mr. 31 sent off his household furniture River, thus clearly showing as arrangements can be leaving the Government, the Governorship. It is, ossible such an understanding has iicen and` the presence of Sir Francis Ilincks Ottawa may have something it. We can scarcely think take a seat in the Cabinet; who has pa.ssed- throughevery grade, from the mere newspaper ger to a Governcrship, could hardly expected to have any further ambition to the still needy, and possibly wishes to serve the` men into whose hands he played in 1854. _ r... _.--- ....... umuu nome from the excursion referred to, and to the fact of his wife having subse nently supplied his brother with money and cothing to go to Chicago, and to his learning thatabe was sending money to him, and making preparation soon to join him there, and to facts gleaned from ` them, husband. No. : 3_would never-have found out, or ever exerted . himself to and out, the base criminality or `i -.-.. urvnuu or, me write persuaded her husband's young, susceptible. and over credulous brother. to believe that she and his brother were never married, and, he consenting, she,.with her _own money, (for he had not a cent in the word), purchased a license, and actually made him her husband No. 4, in Buffalo. Had it not been for the changed and marked con- duct towards him, displayed by his mid wife and brother, after their return home from the supplied monev and 1-. mm..- 4- '-- -V ~- - ruuumu _ru 3 -commence! "S county )r HAM" a most V aetable A QUESTION 1.-'1 '""`.Y Talon no be Correspondcncea I Acaseislikely {ht in its hresnlt, v 3 th above endings 6 I: state affects: gentleman. or hf 3Y years of married ether parents of threw mu {::':`::g;?:*:+" Afew ears; tee: 39"`: also toythis coaun: afterhyears o my gave up er scan 3?31'3db"?.'Z-?3$"% be Afl.erenjoyiug n hnsbnnd No. 2, t 3 Wld0Wl', ifyou nfil and p ace of resid No. 1. Butdnl s. , flee tohor? Nol ad. lliatizcelmle Estrut 1 g M0 l(::ed'l?er Seeogd` [erg snatched him and f death itself , it see `or to revive hex ra ` love to all the worl his herformerlovea, a` y. love,_aho again fa nd= :m'::.3;:r::,N mt brother in the ,old d- whom he sent. for at he and introduced tot Iir bride, he being unal .- any other. It so In '3 hiaprdinary calling, K6 obliged to be as mile 1] As a 5.-onseqnence, ,f _tlne quz vwe tor some aome time before ,1. n .,,.,..muu tu me nome or the then jealous hm; band. Talklof love and happiness now! The sequel unfolds a tale of woman's deprnvlty if nottrenchery! During the excursion spolren ht`, the wife persuaded husband's credulous brother._ never 3 duet him, displayed by his mm win an L__.u, - - ...... vutllllrl and introduced to the society and home of hi; unable to provide himself with he penmg that in `pursuing his ordinary usbnnd No. 3 has been 8 much away from, as at home. I consequence, his loving lady. ever on f gut` viva something to love, andlmvin some time, before learned of the demlselo husband No. 1. she fell in love with this poor brother. But love was out `o! the_quosti0n in such a case of love as this. Notlung on earth could atayyor delay its consummation. The intimacy sprung from intense love between V the brother and sister -( in law) became very, and to the husband, susgiciously close. At length all cause for suspic on was soon set at rest, for the loving lady and her new love ex- cursed by permission of husband No. 3 to the Falls, from whence the loving pair visited Butfulo, in the land of free-and-easy weddidgs, and after an absence of avday and-a-halt`. they returned to the home of the hus- semml unfnlrln . .1- -0 ---- - - ` wuom ne and b_z-ought t6 iEia"551;u;t;;: his _he movido himnau wm. - umrnea nusband No. 8. Herb WV` hangs the tale. of this lady : love. Husband No. 3 had a poor ,old countr . aged about 24, broug t to this count :n`d' iniroduoed t_h_e and ; himdsn . deathitself, i be her former loves, love, sh l.--4|. M. 1- 0 fell in I married husband No. t seems, was not stro 1 rst 1 world ova. nor ye besides. for i and tho existenc Here _ _IIusband f. "8 n spite ofnll e of her first ove, and woo'd and ' h ad 3 hnnr E-.- ..,. uc| nuurcu and wooed `and married a second husband. who. himself was not 21 young or old bachelor, but a widower, with family. After enjoying a few years of married life with ` husband the disconsolate wife, or grass widow, will, got wind of the existence place residence of her long-lost husband she ee to him , or ask him to I ee her affections _ had become estranged, `Her love for him was '3 lost-had lied; and she clung lovingly to and t lovedher second lord, until death at length `I suddenly from her side. But 0* itself strong unmAul'UN, DBPI. 13, l A case is likely soon to be madepublic, which, ` 3 result, will require an answer to the , headings, arising out of the following- ` of facts: some years ago alndy married a he married she." After a few ' married life. and having becomethe three children, the husband and father sloped, and came out to this country, leaving his wife and family behind in Scotland. A fevryears later the wife, as a last hope, came to this counrty, in quest of her lost lord, after years of vain efforts to nd him she her search and wooed married young baclmlm-. 1.... .. ...:.a..._~.__ , . , __,._.. _ _.-u-.--a all! I lie I t is difficult to understand the position of affairs with regard to the Ministry. The organs are either afraid to speak out, or have been instructed to maintain silence on the subject changes in the Cabinet. , three vacancies should ` open for months, we ` Mac-lonalcl to answer, is l clear that he was unable ` easily as he would like sequence is that the going a-l-legging ever just now about as much 5` their being lled with `:7 was. All sorts of rumors rent with reference to hardly one of which the de- nied. We believe,' however, Ministerial journal did day assert there was _no truth 3 anent Sir Francis Hincks, appearance in Ottawa in [*9 it, and we hear that vnilu Hunt I... J.. L- . . . - -.L -I ._-.--.- Correspondence of_ Ta: Bnymnc. n...__;, :- .____ . 1.-`on uwnns! Autumn Auizou.--'The Court of. its Session here on Monday Aflon!ion!`--Owing to the presentnnus lute harvest, it has been 't'ound necessm postpone the commencement of the eu drill of the 3_5th Battalion from the 2m the 27th inst. The Barrie Companies. 1 and 5. as also the Barrie Hussars. will I into camp. Barrie Drill Shed ground, on evening of the 26th. uuu iunucrs or even less favored districts than ours. Avery interesting feature might be added to the` proceedings were our merchants and master-mechanics to offer 11 few extra prizes for excellence in some particular arti- cles in which they are most interested. Such things are done elsewhere, .and have a good. tendency. ,.__._______ IIAMILTON vs. CHICAGO. a---1: THE E`XA1\/IINER,`AN.l) COUNTY 913 mlmze Our county Fair.-The agricultural society- o! this county hold their fall show in Barrie, - on this let ofoctober next. The rfzolist is one of the most extensive and_ I boral `ever oifered in this section of country, and wemope - it will be the means of arousing an interest in agricultural exhibitions such`as characterisee \ the farmers of less favored districts : onrs, Avery interestintr fealirm mixrht 1... . these as snow IS rr mamv, _bodily TRIGAMY, on QUA"rmaAuv? { l:'e5, _`,f! IIAIIRIE, THURSDAY. Sl}I T'R. I6, not` Now it is well knowtl: that were this piece of road repaired eiciently. the ter farmers of both Essa and Innislil Would on avail themselves of this market, `and, as 8 l ire matter of course, .do their business here. They complain, however, and very justly, that the periodical state"o_f the Essa road forces them to other and more distant marts; and this, too, at `a season when I . their resort here would most conduce to mutual benet. This drawback should no longer be permitted to continue. It is lg true this particular piece of road is in the 1 South Riding of Simcoe, and in the >0 wealthy township of. Innislil, but if its improvement would advance Barrie com- mercially, wevthink our people could not invest a few hundred dollars more advan- tageously than in improving this road.` The Essa Road is the main artery of the whole south-western portion of the county to Barrie, and if a disposition were shewn by Barrie to do something to improve the road, we think it more than probable that small county grant might be had, and also something from both Essa and Innisl towardsit. This is merely a suggestion. Let both propositions be discussed freely, and we doubt not every rnanholding more > or less property in Barrie will see the force of our views, and realize the advan- ' tages which would surely follow. the making a good road northward. and the improvement of the Essa road. .Let us have a public meeting, and that without further oss of time. , -, _-.-,-u-n. HAMIIJTON, Sept. 13, nn On |u....-.1.._.,I -0 us no mm ' mxvarclg him I, re 'd, nly But uungs the . ged 24. muuuus nus- sprnvlty non sun can -. a victory go i down. iylnst a friendly ;hc members of ingin the east nothing to do with assimilation. treaty agreed to three"years since, t_inctly resei-red to the in that sense; but no precise date !pecm,ely' The ioned. and Count Bismarck looksvat the army :3 runs. . But Count Bismarck is much hampered. Sonic gmill R1: glgffbt of his colleagues in the ministry hnye set their fgh _ _ and in the ad- zurmorcanada , ministration of their respective dcpartinents _his driver heart against all concessions _ are uncompromising reactionists. The Federal nm of Am and Customs Parliaments in their last sessions i Mom: ::::::`.:. .,`:.':P::f:.;;; .-:'i,:.`m:':.2"'*.':,* ;; ' thine with his illibcral advisers, aiises a report-of an estrangbment between King William and tho rime Minister. To these anxieties in Count ` bodilv infirmitv m--as k- ICAGO. BIGAMV, for uul u:wuru_5 uenmarir, their resolire to` have By the Prussia dis- inhabitants the right of 13, 1869. Mr. Taillou, Quebec. has La Belle Canadienne for a few days ago_, 200. She `ease ,hp.viug Just returned the race course. [DOVE Id, on the , , V _ _ . . . . -vs usuvv Uexlar is hall` mile in 1:07. A good de 131 of curiosity y is felt 't0:kll0W in what time he could trot n - mile now, with the track in good condition. The Pall-Mall Grizetle states that poisons are no longer to be depended on in England. Druggists--the wrotches--have taken to adul- terating them. An in tetesting shepherd--a. very . Strephon he must have been-undertook, the _ other day, to_ rid himself of family incumbran. ces by ndultemting the family sugar with a quantity ofstuifused for ridding sheep of ticks. The thing was a asco. Nobody was hurt; neithorvthe family nor thelticks; nobody,_ut least,'except the ahocp, on whose vexed mutton the vermin continued to fatten, unburt, The poison. on being analyzed, was found to be so adulteratcd as to have lost its harmful gunllties, unless administered in tremendous oses. ~ .--v AND COUNTY OF smcoa ADVOCATE. F ter died soon afterentgruiiu mother's condition is precarious. were once in good circumstances. The New York Sun snys:_-Dsau er' was put ` before u. sulky for the first ti Thursday, p.m., on the Seat: track was very muddy and uuuuo .1ue(lallgh- portals. `The The family its me this season on eucus track.` The heavy, and it was necessary to drive on the extreme outer edge to go at all. Notwithstanding these unfavour- gble circumstances. Mr. Bon 9 hnlftniio 1:97. ner drove Dexter deolof cllrinniru I the facts, personal] _ .,_, gone 111130 a dork, damp collar," and laid down to die. When fonndjhe daugh- ter had "two bricks under her head for a pillow, and the mother had utilised for the same pnr ose a mere Wllp ofstraw. The Warden of Bel evue hospital. having been informed of 2` went with an ambulance, 1` and bore them to his institution. The dangh- 4 soon after entering 1 mother :-1 family I once in ` 1 mA \f,`._ "-._I- H A - va:`"````' A dep1ornble caso'of starvation has occur- red in New York. On Friday at 350 West .39th street, Mrs`. Sarah Boyle and her daugh- ter Mary were found dying of starvation. It is said thay had gone into dork, damp laid_ had two ] Il';`rl nun... 3...- I.--` -~ as withvthewetotnler, whether h to reps him forg In n wild which to offer. ivlng has few justl th the vegetarian. e gains enough. up njlistiablo pleasure, able pleasures 0 I 1': In 5 won ucls towards - treatv unread ,.. -._ ..... `vov\4vIl\l.l|J'=` - If the Danish accounts are 3 not onlv makes: n-nml mu... .. __ . ...~..... VUUU 77 -Ivuvww. Rscrrnoan-r.-0.n the evening of the 24th of August. a public meeting convened by the ` Mayor.` was held in the area of the Corn Ex- change, Preston ,Englund, to `consider the reciprocity Iystem. There Vilero some 60940, 800 persqnspresent, among when were -`some . of the principal manufacturers d` the town. 'l`he`Mu,vor m-esidml. The onlv rnmI...:,...-.._ cwverer man Jezelun. `There `are a few 111 points deserving of question about. this I: let. How didthe Monlren members, or, deed. any Protestant menbei-s,.allow .ii. ass? 2nd. Why was it not disallowed by ominion Government? 3rd. Uanit be din lowed yet ?-Monlreal Witness. .4 ii more.--What Catholic would - enable `her to up or neipmg mmselt` in any liketo have his property taken awayiu this fashion for Protes- tant purposes? Here. indeed, he might be qultesure of fair treatment. but suppose him to be in Vermont. where all the inuences are Protestant. and see how he wonld like it. Now the Fobrique may apply to a Roman Catioljc Judge. and he may appoint two R. C. coria- missloners out of the three; and these twomay award half price for the edjoiningfarm, owned by I staunch Scotch Presbyterian, or indeed anything they choose. and` there is no appeal! This is even worse} than the offer made by Ahed for Naboth'e vineyard, and if Jozebel had been smart enough to get a la_w P55d *0 point commissioners from whom there was no appeal, she need not, have had poor Nsboth stoned. in order _to `get his property. The Fahrique is certainly much claverer than Jembel. `There levy more points deem-vino nfnm-ntinn nhnm, oh... I... wnyl "And still mg me arouqnors; or, intact, any poihibi or helping himself in way And : lik-e`m haw: :-- Soxnrmxo Nswm CANADL -ThB Fsbri ne of the Irish of Montreal--a. corporation owningt 9 Parish Church and Ceemetery t a bill passed at the last session of the Quebec Legislature to take the whole or part of a farm on either side of the Cote dos Nigeg Cemetery in the followingvvay, viz: Ifthe pro- prietor will not accept the price oifered by the ` Fabriqus, that corporation is to apply to any 1 I Judge of the Superior Court to appoint three : commissioners to value the land, and the deci- ; sion of two of them will be _nal and without ` appeal. Now, the question arises,-Who .- would like. under any circumstances, to have `) his property taken away in such an arbitrary manner as this, without any hand in up oint. ing the arbitrators; in fact, possxbilit 3 orhe1pip_g_ himself any way! And mi I `9 betooled brother, as he has done for `he is I J novractunlly prepared to shew .`t_..b um nlual prod_uction7 and proof of the_cert cate 51 of_the marriage Lo. _4. Whose wife i; am, this woryun? Who Is her husband, gas, 1 _ _ and 2 being now dend_--'Nos. 3 and 4benIgfu_1!l brothers, and both lmng? W'ho,'.atterthIa, ` _max not zparry_a deceased wife: mug;-2 B. . ? It borne m mind throughout that_th1a conti- 1 `hoent gave birth to none of H18 Pumas alluded V , V t. culpability of his deceitful wife; and, belooled bmtlmr. nu hn I-mu Anna In deeiH;u; fe, and nownctnnllv nrnnnrntl tn almw it ru, or, In- How to 'ed the disal- b her [or yhe ii inn: -1i1x"11iii.\'1sri:nlAL Movif 1-`:7 `up 1. .

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