Barrie Examiner, 12 Aug 1869, p. 1

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Eds! of 1 er Street, \ '11; us \'!.'..\ IIU unuru; rv `u.- 1i1'u's `lidt1l.:ll~'i)l0t \;Iillg,' ,~:u'm-'1 in1`m0zlnI loi1c.' : ' m1`;-xul furL-l)orlipgs'_' n H.\m. HAND 1m.t.s. ' cmcm..a as Lanai: .I:x.m1.\'r:n (>`1~*1=1<.-1:. Barrie, Out. -.'n\'`, Pr'm.I.~=Iwn.~I. Thursday Morning. :25 J_0B rmrmxc '"L?'|.A 1..unaLs, 5:0. KIIUU-1 IJUHUIIIS LII|\l NAB UL3l.'lll)l|ll|. The ju-lg took his seat; and the co1m- , scl for and ag:1in.-t. the prisoner busied themselves on-1' their pupurs. Tl1e-pri- soner was conducted to the dock, and just behind him cnmc Chzwley, who had re- ti'rc-d an the judge ordered Wainwright to be brcmglnt. lwforg him, le:u1in_-__; in a veiled voung lzuly, whom he placed at.` his left hmn), in full View of all. - ' ..J...1 .....1roL,. o..1..I IIVI.` ....... ..`...,. .-nun :0. per foot is 4 ,-....uu:u not liknly to get out o: 5 cents, ) cents on time. mm mm --~ ilullltjes. At last it became his turn. Rising, he turned first to the judge, and then to the J".V- "Muy it please the court, and you, gentlemen of the jury;"I have listened thus fur in silence to my learned friend, not bet-muse I have had nothing to say, _ but because I was lnth toi1iterx'i1}tugI`CItt l forensic -.lis1lny.' Why. there has been enou_-_g'li said by the prosecution this day to hang 3% dozen men, and enough, gen- tlemen, upon the other side, to acquit as nmuy'1uore. 1 said 1 was loth to-inter r rnpt your 'proeeelings; but -it must he done. The prisoner at the bar is not guilty. Firstly, because he is not the man to stain his hands with the blood of- ; any person. Sar-omlly, bc~.c_an.=-.e lis wife mum, lll Inn View Ul ml. - The jury was empaneled, ill)(l'll)6 trial proceeded. 1 cmmot repent all that was said upon the ocuision by the learned pundits of the huv, for or against the pri- suner; but as the trial pr0gru.ssed, Wain- wrigh_L`s friends in the audience felt their hopes gradually sinking, and at last they felt that there was n'o chance of the jury bringing inauy other verdict than guilty. R.-.... .....l qnnn the m'is0ner threw a Dl'lHglllg n1,zu1_y' utucr u:|uu;L uum gun). Ever and anon the prisoner threw a side glance at Cluuley to See how the up- parunt tendency of the evidence to con- viction :1'ccte(l him, but Charley preserv- ed 1 is equanimity, most. wonderfully, one woilinl have thought, under the circum- >utm1( At her it. Imr-nine his turn. Rising`. uclu, as ll: \\lll illllllfill` H1 H5 Pl'UlIul' pincu. Time p:i.~::~:el, ..un<,l the day of trial was rnpi-lly uppmzu-hiiig; Ch:u'le_v `once naoru took the _j-nn'nc\,' to E , and bronglit. back with him zi tall young Iznly, dressed , in (icep Inourning, and who was c'1oscl_y \'(3_iiL`(i. This young lzuiyo-Blzinche, as you know-cntcrl into iznlncdinte pus` session of :1 neat little room in the same hmmling-house with Ch:'u'le_y,z1nd had her xiiculs Scl`\'::i up in her own apart- nncnt, which wcrc nlxvnys so dzwkenerl when the Sel`\'illJl.5`_(.'l1lL'l'c<], that none of thuxn was ever cnuhlud to make out the occni-:int .s fcntllrcs. ' , Thu -.-\'cntl`nl morning came. l'hu| ___ ,_f, . _,- ,_ ,, I I I I A` , A LA- JAIL \.`\-lllllll Ill\lI Illlls \.l|IIlU0 LIIU .~t1rgi1|;,-' urinul of u.\'1:cct:untt';u-c`s, which m-all-iq1 c\'<:l`_\' inch<.>t' g__jr~)uml in front of the cnurt, hca:umc_ ]ill`_ zuul 1:'u` ovary hmvnunt. Fzllillluris` tron: ualistuncu. with their whole t':unihe.{=, in some cases, came in all sorts of vehicles; uud the majority of the town houses were emptied of their living; contents. C` _ ,_, .I_ _I,__._ _.__,_ .,,, ,1 , 1!, ll\ HI`; \.'Uuu:IIlao Sokm the doors were opened, and in less time than it takes to_ tell it, every nook and cranny in the not o\'ergconuno- dious building had its occupant. 'l`hn imlmi mnk hie An.-:f.: um} tlm amm- Lllc 1./nun |u_-_; uin. V But we need not qnter iI1,)on__c_1;_tz3_ils.. Suffice it to'3_a.y -that e\`fytbing"w`as` f - in ziccordmice with the young -l:1w_yer`s wish; and :1! niidni_,rlit.-of the following Jay the lnllrdcred wife reposcd in'hur new A-_:r:n'c. and no txuce was -left ofxhe . deed. ' Nor until this was done did Ch:1i'1ey .'l_`_"2lill \'i. the stricken mun. Wni`ii\i'ri_-,-`lit |'L"( t:i\'L`.Li him cor and when lit; haul t'n]l_v1rcpnI'c1 his mind for it, Ch2u'lc_y tul.1` hiin ju;L_\\'lmt. llllxi hccn`1onc, ru- scrving; nuthing. \\'iiiii\\'i'igliL,- ultlidugh he took the" same View of the 1nz|LI.ul' as the s_c.\'tu1l zippa-:i_ijul to do, qlliutiy acqui- esced in Ch;u'1cy's phui. Charle_y then [)l'0COCiC\i to Lu.-auli him his ]cssnn--us hi: n:LiL1--whicil IL-.s.'s'0:l we need not mention here, as it will appear in its proper place. '[`inw h1l.~'.'~`mi. .:InIi Hm 1].-Iv nftrinl wnc u: u L|I(||LlL'LL'l ku UC Ul1L'IIl_\ tiu1u:u'nUuuL-- he .`l|CL".'C|IC'l in L-uh.~:tiug Tim and :1 cm]- fwlt-rzxtc into his service t'ur`the sum of two, half t o1"'l`iu5, who was to have the post of and the umst of the work; and the b:t]:mce for his frit-nul, who was to drive the elnpty outliu--fm- they were not to dgfuce the c:1.~'e alremly b_urictl-t0 the chLt1jc11_\'}I_Id, ilnvl stun-.1 guard while Tim-Button dis- '- M:IlL4)ll11Ic41 the hotly of Mr.<. \\'uim\'rig1_1t. The grave was then to be filled up care- fully, and the ghastly loud to be colxvc-yed Mthc New Church. ' ` l`.'._. lv....,... I 1 ,. AA, , .1 L`) bill: .115 \J|IlIl('Il- Tim Iiutpon decided upon getting the hoaly upon the _/'1')-st night, t'u`r what they fml to do wouhl keep them tur Into the -umrn1n`;; however, his collar was a place '.`,'{i0L wlmlly unu.a-ad to stick \'i.siL:unL.s-, u'n.l ilc could he-:1! the cotliu there until the ';i_mo mine for him to .'1ppenr\'ith it zitllic fncuj scptiiclwe. Clmriuy g;1\'c him an `order for the rm ui.~:itc I'u1'niLure auil _)l`0- ! 1 n|i<.z.i In in.-avn Hm nhufu nlHf!`:l\i'n4 .-nu] UIIKCI I\JI LIIU IC`1l|I`.lLU IUIIIILUIU, ilII Ill"- n1i.~'wl to have the plate engrm'el and- sum to him, as soon as possible, upon the f-:Ho'win_1: day. I1. u-.. ,1 ,....1,... .'....\.. .1 ;,.-I- mm u gnuu Axe wban I1-rmim-cl only to offer H? s=tLi.9fm:tiun to the . work he znmmnee: luuuxu .1/\l JUN (IEIUU3 _ , I agree, sui-l tlidsexton, after :1 long pause-,_ tlmiz.-g which C-l1.'u'lcy_s:it on tlmrns. I agree. To-xuorrow night, at clc_\'cn o'clock, I will meet you at the church, for we must go through it, and will have the grave dug; -but you nmst. brim: 11 man to cover up the coflin :ig:Li1i. for 1 will tuko.-no one into my C(lllllLlCIlCL`. \'nrv' \\'(`ll. it, slmll lm nq vnu em. UL'3UL'l'HLlUH U1 Not at nil, sir, interrupted the young lawyer. The body will rt-c'ei\'e no" in- `jurv whatever, and the only thing that cold }:o~sill_\',gi\`e thetr:ms:1ctione\'en the sc-n1hhmce of djesecrzuiou will be the stcultll by which the removal must take place. Do you agree? * I nwrnn 821;. 1Iun@~.~.\-L-... ..l`A.\.. .. 1...... nu: ; nun umcuu Uuu l|l|.U HI) Cunll-.H.'I\CL`." Very well, it shall be as you say, replied Clmrley, as he took his leave of Lhe old man. You may rest eu:_\' to~ nig_rht, with the consciousness of having pl;-'.l;_;'eu1 yourself to assist in saving an `innocent man from. it femful death. Good .1 p `3 H|:.-"Ills ` Clnzxyley Houston next took his way to the hoilse ofthe professional gentlum.-m," NO. IA _ lg-r:ul;I.: ;un')mu)t_ of circu1nlocution--for Tim BulLon's lvyitiizzuge busix.cs,_s was not of a ch:n':xctur to be openly talked-nbout-- Inn xllv.-u-n-.1.`-J in .-nh Thh vm.I :1 man. street, and, after :1 consi- ` aw. ' Mr. Houston, it appears to me like :1. desecration of u\Y....; ,,n ,3 19- . . -A already bu-riecl-proper cexticates, &c.v,-- disinturred and rcburied in another grave. Nay, hear me out., I will arrange it so that the coin containing the corpse will he at any place you may name, at any time; and after the trial of Wainwright I will explain everything szitisfactorily. Now, pray don't refuse me. - But, young mnn-Mr. _ - Charles vllouston, the pris0ner s coun~ scl. `BARRIE, A COUNTY OF SIMCOEA,- ONTARIO,` hczxj ,1 , ._.__., .. . ----..... ....... vxsrr T0 rm; rr:.\'u:\''U.m1'1-:I:s in Fourth street, 11c.'1r Bro:1dwu_v, yes-_ Lc-rln._r, was crrnrim-in_r_r e\'ilence tlmt` tlrurl.-'\\':1.s quite :1 revir::l in the life" mul- cne1';_;_\'<>t`llre m'g:1ui2:zntion. During the winter but few ]Iv:l`0l1S wcre seel1.eIrm'in;: or (lo.-pzu'Lin_:; frorn the prelnis, nn:l,.\riLh I the} exception of the few clerks attending to the dull zm-ll -idle routine of business, the place seemed almost (leserted. For a week orltwol.-1tel_v, however, this lias. all chzun_:ed. Numbers of` persons are con- .~:t:mll_v entering and, the clerks are busily engztgell in the nmnipulation of docmnents, books, &c., and the learlers of ,the brotherhood lippear as L-right and energetic as sclroolboys at recess Limo. 'TuE_APPiARANCE, of things in_the building is sigiiignnt of active and warlike operations. Stands of arms, packziges of mysterious import, ags, boxes. mu_skcts fresh with the glitter of recent burnishing, and equipments kept. in useful ort1er--a1l are mute but on 6..'|.\ u.l\!...\.-....\..,-. Al` ...1...L -.......' -_- -l.A KUPIA Ill UBUIUI UI'UUl"*i|U ilrd IUULU U1. tell-tale \\'l1ispe|'e1'a of what 'may`, might, and perlmps will be about to happen lct'o1'u the leaves ofuutunin fall. In'an_swe:` to inquiries, the ._court.?ous oicials declare ignorance of any such contemplated move- ment. although they do not deny that the F cnian Bu-otlxerhoocl seeks the prose- cution of its well known purposes .by unrei'nittinf_r1_v active and _ determined measures. At the same time they claim that it would be ' to start a new raiding army thisfali, if the policy of the ` administration on the neutrality continues to be the same as manifested townrdsthe Cuban expeditions. It will be remembered in this connection that ailofthe equipments, arms, ammuni- tion &c.; captuied in the '66 campaign, ivns restored under heavy bonds, :1 year` ago, and is now nvuilahie for instant use. The fact is nnqucstionezl that the Fenians could at :ui_y timc-,on short notice,summon { 1`:-(mi ail parts of tie couxilry a 1:u~_:;e anny`. It is said that AN Ltwtnvano AnvE.\"rUnE- I I 7 Tm: PL-\.\'. or THE x1: x1'-c.nw.uc.\' .` I is to entr the Czmzidizm 'tcrrit0ry,at 1'15 point never before attexnptml, and, with the co-operation of frienglsv already there, to _:r:xsp curtain railroads and conquer` st|'on;_g'Im-Ms before there is time or -suspi-. cion to thwart them. The next mid, they. cla`.m,_wiil 1e_(1es_puate, snnguixnau-_\', and . dr.`isi'-'<`. ` From the New York World, Jn!_v31.~`t. Last month the Feninns _nieetin_r_}; at Pittshnra, coniluctetl, as nsazil, with closed lor)r.=,:1'onletl ennn_rh silent lH(llC:ll.i011S of renewed vigor and life in the OI`g(tl1lZ21tl0Il to create :1 innrninr of nppreliension in the Cnnnvliun lllllltl that new :tn.l formidable lxotlit-mtioii \\'.'ls` in store for them. Sp.-trks from the telegr.-tpli I since then have ' li'_':iltL`ll up zi brighter tlznne of alarm and rc\'eulei,l totlien1.\'_isim1s'ot' an appalling legion of in\':u'lers g:xtl_1e|'iiig in sqlmrls of three or more from it thousand little fron- tier villages, :nul'umssing suddenly at some ` unknown po'nt, come rushing like an overwhelming torrent over. the Queeu s doininions. . ' V ' The _ approaching meetinrjr of Fenian ` inn`.-;n.-rte: in high councilin tlnseity on the .5 10th of August, perlmpsr has given rise to ? Innn_v of the new and startling rumors thnt_l'or a clay or two past have been 1 n1ysterion:-ly llozltilig about in` the met- ropolitan breezes. Whether from_those,nr `the reports of British spies here combined, I there is no little znixiety exhibited in pro- J rincinl circles auto the (lerelopments of ` Septemlfer zxnrl October next. ' ' 1 vrvr Tn 'l`ll!.` uuvv \ xv nu: .n.5.rn n-lusnn LU u\..nuuun:u:_3\: nun auiuu H1 [H6 ([800])- tinn; and chat, tot,-'uLhuI`,\\`iUl the 1'e l'c'C[,i<)1li.~"t and sex:-)u, I. tlxinkwill suiue to hang the vilhxin. But, that 0Lln'er ! I aske - "-Is Bl.-1n'che; the d-::u'cst_--oh_, by Jove! thl-re she comes now; I hear her at the hull door! It s luclqf, Pcterkin, that I finished the story as soon as I did, ' for she has conLr.-1ctcd :} lurhic of 1>oxin_g,r my ears e\'cf_\' time I`speak ofit, even to her. . _ uq;_ur:cun_L'u. Some dozen or} more here came voluug t:n-il_\' f0:'\\':1rd am] tetied that the lads` b_cf'0re them was Mrs. Wuin\\'rigl1t.; mnil 21 couple ofmeu were Scut"t0 the old ` churchyard to corroborate Ch:1rIe_v`s assertion ofthe mcuity `ofthe coin. In 'twoho1u'-s they returned, and aunolnxlcul the fact thzxbthc cofliu had no Occupant; I am], amid the cheers ofthe excited people, \\'ain\vrigI1t, Bhmche, znnl" Cl1;wlc_'v- left the court, and rode to Lhe'clo`sed-up. `house of the former. ` 11.-.. `IT- !,.'l,Ll`l I ` '- Ul lllC IL IUUI} Poor Wainwright! he packed up his movables the` smne day, and after spend- .iu_.r__-` an hour over the grave in the New clxilrchynrd, he left 0 1 , u broken-. hearted 1n:u1. ' HT l..,,I A`,,,,, 1.` , -' I- Ulfillldkl Illilllu I heard from him some tin:-= :~;_:a, wanton Cl1nr1e_v, and he said he had found whathe considered the clue thuf wouhl lead to the disco\`e"y Qt` th perpe-_ tmtor ofthe crime. Should he succcc-1 in n:ling_: him, I and zumlhur have promised to zickno\vl.~uIgo, our share in the decep- o.. I..,..,. .1... ..:n..:.. n ...umu_-., L um cam is Humour 0! her nearest ucig_:11bors, who could not surely be_decci\'od. C.,.__ 1...." V ` ` an. uuu nuunu-:1. uuru'1c_y Spolic again. It. `now rcumins for me, gentlemen, to explain away wlmtc-\'er may not seem clear to ydu. Mrs. Waimvriglit \\'as not dead, but her coin was bnrie1`.ntlie old Episcopal clmrcliywlrdempty; All e.\':1mi- nation will prove tliis. This secrecy has been olmerved wiLl1 the hope of _briny_\:ing the real Qtfcii-.ler to justice, for Mrs. Wain- wri_:l1t could reco__;nize the features of Llle, v Vlllaiin who struck her, were she to meet him. But, last. any of you, -gentlemen, Slllllll lu: in xlolxlit as to the identity .of the ];uI_~.', I will call a number of her noasliuicr nuinrlulmu-e |\'l|n n.\..l.l Au ...... 1.. -----\\ll-41 1 ussihlu to most thein. AXES of HIS OWN -ntly importvd a large r-o(:k'H. and Dates supe- -h be is prepared towar- ml from x-mpa,-riormnlxm ny other house in Town. 11' `Ill "" "' veu; " were rs my w.rt_ness! A tempest of `applause `burst from the asseznble-l multitude, as Blanche, true to her tc:1chin`gs, bounded forward and fell .up9n the prisoner's breast. '\Vamwr.ight. `clasped her to his heart, :lnd-thc lesson - agair1--called her his` Lhrrlixrg Mary. The court was astounded. The _ju_r_V, who had already settled the verdict. of guilty in their own minds, stared bhmkly ' at one rmotherf Cluuley spoke again. for 1119. mxm1....m.. 4,. _.._+____.______.______.__.__ and himself have never allowed ah angry word to pass between them. Thirdly, because his wife is not dead. Look, gen- tlcmeuvofthc jury! he continued, as he raised up Blanche, and threw back her veil; there is witness! A fnvnnaet ml` ..n..I . .1___,. n .1 u cu! L-at_.-u11, m ` 3 11c'r ; _v I at ll UNCLE D.n'1n.--Yea:-s and years ago` when I, a little girl, ll\"el' in_ the house where I was horn,7 -a quiet ohl surrounded by` fertile tiel-ls anrl nei_-_;h= bored by acres of almost primeval forest, for what is now a central State was .then' the fair \Vest, I had an uncle, David Barton. \Vlmt it elear, \'i\'i(l, lifelike pic` ture that name recalls to me; and yet I know I can not_repx-udm2e_it fax: your ben- et, reader, for you ne\`er saw him,. never knew him, and, above all, he was not your uncle! To me, as achil-.l, he :=.eeme_I the wisest, hamlsomest, and greatest of men;.-'1_nd yet he was.onl_v the son of :1 farmer, who was the son of a farmer; and so on, I doubt not, might his ancestors have been recorded back to the time when the memory ofmnn runneth not 1 the contrary. Very wise he `could not have been,_ for he and, his `only brotlier performed `the farm -labor of u. hunnlrerl acres; and yet he did find time each week to read both a political and literzfry news. paper, and managed his affairs so well that he never lacked the means of obtain- ing now andthen a newvbook-a. l_uxnr_v rare in the homes of most of our neigh- ` bors of much larger means. Handsome, ` Iam sure even now that he was. Like `David ofuld-, .he was ruddy and of a `fair countenance. Of ne manly pro: portions, nearly six'_feet in height, with tlnck,.curling, auburn hair and heard; he had 11 clear,_ honest, f fearless blue eye, that was always quick to ash and kindle with delight, or g:ow moist and tender with deep feeling. Great I lnmw he was l not, save in the sense of `lmving gre.-`iv, I undeveloped. or only lHlll.'(lL \'(3lI){)(9`l pro-vers, which he lmnself n-.-V7`-r l;n.-- l . nml ni' \\`l|l('.l1 he ll:i\l' '.'~`(`.'1l'{`3l\ l1`v;nxmi i 9 ! 'q,,_.,1._u2x_u_Jq,,;1a_c.amu1s'1c .lu_{1'.l_0u rleston the '\\`ind is from the north`. They also give the lueigiit of the thermo- meter. But` this iiiforniation is re.-illy_ot`z little use. _What is walitedis a stateuient of changes in the weather, with the time of _._;-M, `Vt their beginning and end. ".l'l1usil'it-ivere-_ ' stated that It rain-storm began at Ralei_9:h,- in North Caroline, at 2 A. .\I.; that :1 rain- storm l;e_::.-in in_ Richmond, \'ir;__~'iuia, at 11' A.1\l.; that the Jeanie occur- rence happt-.ned at Washington. at 5 ! .M., at Philanlelpliia at 10 P.-:1., the in- ference would be that this was in fact the same rain-storm advancing northeast- ~wardly, and that it would reach New York at about three o'clock on the follow- ing morning. In like manner if the time of ending 'were` given at such successive stations, its time of ending at others not given might. l-e foretold. 11' to this in{'orm- ation were added the upiantity of rain that had fallen in suec-e.~;aion at each place, the condition'ot' the storm, as to whe- ther, it was` on the increase or decrease, could be indicated, and perhaps the point at which it would die out. Now what. is here said by way ofillustration inthu case of rain applies also to wind-.stor1_ns, tor- nadoes, periods of grc-at heat, ' periods of great cold, and other :1tinospliei'ic pheno- mena.--J. W, Diurisn, in 1./.ir_pcr`s .-lIa_r/u- .2izze_f'oI' .-izgqust. I ' 4 .`g__j__ l l i The` ohjcct` of '1:2ctco1'olo;__:i-E;il observa- tious is meimble us to" record the past and predict the future state ofthe weather,` and that the unpurtcct 1u:u1ncr.m winch _ this has heretofore been ztccmplislied has been m:ii,nly due to the tuircliablc mid, Ill1_S5ltlSfilCX.0l`_Y mode in which such `obser- \'x`l(i0nSll{l\,'Gvbtiell-'1X):l(i0. When soll'-re- : cording" XllCllil1t:l')', such as New York has now in her Central Park. shall have been estahlislicd in ourlilrge cities, the i prqhlcnt 0t1red1ct'i n_g' the \\'e:utlu:r will uul`o11b'.edly he S0]\'t.'(l. . One iiiost impor- tzuit agency is, _ho\\'c\'t-r, Osselltinl to this resu1t-it. is ta.-.leg!'zI;-lxiccnnini1micutio1i between such various "aim-rvato1'iens, A- little cmi sxdcr:muu will show - haw this, which is at present :1 \':19_jue 1 cone-?1,utiun ositing in ~ lhc- 1m}i::l:u*_ t miml, can he C2ll'l'lC(l. into L-ti'c-t-t. A l I'e:ul_V . tul3gI'uplxic co1iip:u :in-.~', dcai runs 01' nitliiig the }'Il`g>*_Zl'cSs of sciuncc, _~. ' over'tl:cir lines without cmiipt-n.~'utiun brief V-` .lI......o..l..-... l\`. oL. .4 .- .1` .1 - I u; ul-unu|`_ uuu pggrgnx,-an U; _~g,;Lznc,\ '.L.;].I . .>`x(. -- . over tlzc-11' L:-fr ~-;,-,1 .dnsputches of the sm_t'e of the \\'e:1'.hur:u1(l i ~ ` .- .13` - 1-1:`... m:.u,r:u xx ,, C aspect of the sky; They re'_)o';t`F for j.,.. (4-`uh. .,.-_c_HEM' :3 ` -,;_'~,_'h`,;;_;`;':;_;.= 5t;_A],1-,`,;~l;s-.:;, ..{._'f.0'xm-_-__-_-...u?ll".T.1.r1"fT.":1;-:,.`*. ..a`.~--.~,v.-*.\ an ,, . -'~1~ uiinetnnl Huln `u-n.I {a (`nun 91.,` ..,\_.l.-' ALS, ,,,_ Iight-the grass was all the time growing, as it Were, in the slmde. Wlmn lxuyxlmkin-_: czune, observing" farmers rem:1r_kcd how muk-11 longer than they 0.\ pe_cte1I it took to cure the grass, that is, to get rid of its wz1ler,`21nl Ixbw j_}`|'0.'ll? a t'ulli1xf_*Qti' there wins in tl1e'resuItin-er. \\jei__:l1t o:'1xn_\'. I Nor ewus this all. The dixxlinislmd <{u:mtit_\' of; 'nilrngenizcd lxluteriul it coutainqal caused it to be less nntritive;`:\ greater weight. of it; was required to fattexl cattle, ox` even to J keep them in good conIiLiqn. V The effect 1 I ...,...\.', v-uuuucl, an ]u.Vl|ulL'll:llI. :`um>l\' 01 was left b_' ahosc il`xta.`l'L`.~ tL`l 1n_ r;1. ani- mals fo_r s:zle, :uui evenLu:x`xl_\` in the :111:~.`l1t_v :u1 cost of lmtche1"s me.-rt. nu ` . . .. - V.-`KLUE or Marx-:oI:oLo'G1c.aL 0BSEII.\'.-\- 'r1oss.-Au instrument which can accom- plish -the registration of sunshine and cloud would furnish information of the utmost value to agriculture and some of the most important industrial pursuits of our country. `We may illustrate what is here Ineant by taking one of the ,,most valuable of our farm crops--the hay crop -A-as our example, t_ho-u__;h, as will be seen. the reluarks apply to all other` agricultural products. On a fertile soil the weiglit of grass that may he prmlnceul depends on two comlitions--the supply ofa sni.-iency_ -of rain, and the "furnishing a sililicienevof sunliszht in the eleven `weeks l);L\'.'LtCl1.tllC middle ot'Ap_ril and the last ofJune. The rain brings`into the `growing plants the inorganic materials thc_\" require tr-mi the soil, and ofcourse !'n1-uishes their requisite supply of water`; the sunlight forms in them their various organic and ' nutritive material. Now last year (1368), during the period"reterrerl to, there was a copious vsuppl_v*nt.' water, but owing: to pioh nged " cl-Jt_nl_v weather, an insuiiicient supply of ,,,___,_ ..l _.. . sarrisu rim-zvnom AND coimm. moms. in J; `J11 E.` the slnortt-st nuliuv. al Axe maker, hr tint- mvs n gum!" Axe wlmn I1-rmim-ul nnlv In nor -.-nu A-4, .IvAuu .-.11: -l\]\/\IIJAIA)JI Cash Advances made an Gnmls Ir-fl for SaZe.l Sulev Room, corner `of Collin-x'Vand Market St., Barpiel ' ll-tf '2.`II,ighest R.IiFERE..\'CES give-n._5 BINGHAM BROTHERS`, BUTCIIERS Am G1-ixmu. l UIl\'E_1'0RS, ' MARKET sum, No. 1, " ' B.-IRRIE, V AVE'consuintly on ham} It good supply of FRESH Mb`-\T.' 1~`uwL, G;-um, 520.," of as choice f1li=1m)'=IS lhe mm-km-Ls atford, and olfer the mm? M \`L'r_r moxh-mte prices. . ,UUl`m*t1 UH-K`. Saunsagcs and Lard. together wixh a \'u:'it'l._v of other u.~`-1`uI cuxuxuu-Jitix-.<,I nvw :|.:ul'.~!..L... .,- .`~'.| l,\'x:IH ! v.n1.sjs10n Agcxlh 101' the sale 01' ll()Ub`l'_`b'. L'A,\`I).~,'. F.-\R.\l STOCK, JIOUSEIIOLD }<`HR\'l'!`l'Tl.*l-`.- `rznmla \\'...-Ha X-n Alan rm 11:1 11:. r`.-uc_.\1 b'1'UUl\, .11Uub`l-.`uU1..u FUl_{.\'1'l`URE-, Goods, Wax-cs, (5.20. Also fot the collection of - - ~ ..T....,-`. _____ .m .-.-. . ,.._..-.-._- I IVIafria.ge0Licenses. . _ I (Lute Clcrkin Conutyltcglslry Oice.) V O.\ VE'\'A.\'CI~IR. C0h1I11i.=sim1e1`in Quo(n's Bench. .-mctionucr, Appmi.~:vr. and Com- ' !lliSi0n Agbxlh for the sale 01' IIOUSES. L .-\NI). \'. F.-\R\I 'Y`()(`.[\'. 'n"F'.I[nT.D 1.} 1'1` ,\"{lm1\'s1\l (J,|xe-11. -- `I .. luv ._u r\uu|IuII|.I. ll i \'ALU.\TOli, &c., ' For the Coznzty Q/' Simone, - THORNTON. 9,3`.-Xtlction Sales tl11'ou_;ho:1t the County attended to 1-roxuptly, and 0:1 libcml tun: . _A , . 434$ 1u., uccnmu1;_rm Unlcr or Council. '-an I other daxym his Ollicc in Cn0k.~;to\\'n; 1\.X`..\>l'.'l .-\l (,"l'l().VlClII. AND .-\I -! L I lx'.~\'l.~'Ell 1'--1' l$:u'ri-. axml the County of b`imcm'- Czuh ;\(1\'f.1IlCL`S In-.uIu ou Guuds re-. C('i\'L'l1 for Sale. ' ` E uuuuon or momm- our `wry extensive Del: 0!` Farming Im- pal manufacloriea of -tapers. Mowers, I-`an ng I longhs_, Culli- kindn, llorse Hoes, Qnxvhmr Mnnln'nM_ F .1. SCHRADER: _ R: [ANUI~`.-\C'l'L'RI-IR OF CIGARS, `AND wholosaxlu (1:-::l(*x' in Ilafmm. Yura, Con-. nucticnjt Sm-(1 Loaf`. and all otln-rI_;im1s or l`o- baccu, comer of 1'31"]: and _\lul`ucn'y su'ect_s : ll\\nv'x-n\- n u- .l).LLJ\J\.l|.|..lJ }L_I C iE\Vl|"SHE.l5-`AUCTION,lEFVR.! \'.\ r 1' vvnn c }W NBS, LIQUORST;A;i1;5~\(3;-1tGARS, `L : _ C:'nml_:/ ('!n`l-'9 ` ILL:1!tvI1:1:xt his Onicc. in .$'.\'1'L-'i{l ).\ Y. l'1'u::1 H. :1 m , nnmn-.lin.r1..n..,l......n': f\ lax`-Cm `--+1.; L; uu Ln-1-1. :u\`o1'. and \'ulc:iu- 1,2941 R,11: :h;-1', in the In-<: 1):~~>'i|u* m:mno:'. ' :u'-' ticu1:\_v:m(-utxuu `;:n'-u to the rv-vulzmou 01' cl;ild_y;p `teeth, :\m1:11l\vu1'k w uh-I. I , ' `UlLU.V LIE. Opp` .s"tx`c.-t . Bum-. SmdL_-nt.- ' ..L i _ Spocm1_:: 111211, child ru . . _ -. -.-ruuu, 1)]-J.-\'.'L'I.i'I`. 2).`), King St. on GUI-1. SiI\`o1'. and \ ..... in Hm I. _- To1'u:l`n). To.'clh in: .--.._. ugna. -. .s:. :ulll_ OI-`FICE-II1 the III'( by Iobert Iluss. l~.`.~:: the Wcllingxun 'IIutol ,_- uu our war uk, Box and Pnrlol in-wurc. Stovepipe! ya on hand. on h:md- lho Chi !!! g Machine, wlugb ` stitch as HOW95r Singer`: machines- (H0. 826; the III $18, while other e stitch are 90 `I-IENRY. sors mcoL~. M.D.. 1_)1n's1c.\.\f. >,'.UI:GI-IO.\'-. .-\.\'D .acco'U-. CHIJURJ Ih .~`nrI:~.in1~|f:-II --:ilL-not-, Cum<.<'rm\`.\'. ...:.1 o . .I: , :- 0 V L1:IE.\'uY 11".:-1{PER, Issuer of` Marriage Licenses, c.'uu1.s '1`o=H'.\'. 1 nnn v\4\J-1t1_ A4JJ-\LY LL-\JL A '0r1~`I}:-King St. V York aw} SiInL' SIS. x_: vruII|;.o U. IVIUHHUW, T'1"_R.\'EV'f-AT-LAW;_Solicito1~in Chan- . .\u::uy Publlc, CoI1\'oy:111c1-r. Gomm_"lon(-1' m 1}. R.. &c., &c. Hull` and Devisc. Jluixus ox:-culed. ~rSn.l.:.._ I 7 um .',. D..:1.1:.._- -7: --`H 413- .\Uu-1, 14llHl|JlllaLl uuu. l'4ll:.._:li|Hll. .C0.\'S_ 'LTI.\'G &.Ol E_R.&'1`I.\'G SURGEON. 'n|-nv . L :.... up n' .. m_.,_,,., D. R. Iv`OR1\;i'ERLY 01.` `-1- -x- n l\ l\If5 o"'l\va\J-DI I ATE- .-\.=.~*i.~".:u1t. _4 _ J Convict 1)cp't, As.~s`tSu1-g. L'.S. Ann A ...... .. L .1 , HOMAS 1'. A._BOYS.` .IS_TEl_: no AT 1`0R.\ EY-AT-LAW :2 C0O!~Z.~.`T0\\`.\'. May 23:9. 1SG7.. _ 17. 1 Jr '1 _}geon.~:, Edi rn'.\`sr&'r rnvvn :- I T on. H.1\!\1lL;l'6?J., 'OORONE]}. um).).~'it\` thv 1 )st- `_ .s'~u'cru`t. l5;u~1-n-. Mr H mu _,,....,T.,. -._.....: -..\\.\.uu:u. `Om-`1_c `Fix-cxngua liall, Colhcr Strevt, I:.uum-2. < .!0rro\\"s Buildings. west of the nTEx'r.".\"U4}T13s.1xu SCCUIENTS. V/-no . A!l1I`IIV\lIt\lI an/1/7: .. II.u.7. r\:] 45. 0.17m ` --"""1 --L ` '--- -----I \4-I-\-II&&A|H\ \\'1-:1.1.1.\:c;'1'L>.\' :"r1:z;:1-;'r '1`u1:()_\"1'o, u n n. .. , sis. M-EE :_ 'ICF.I\'Sll` .-\I"(,`TI<)NI-Z!-11:. .~\.\'D A1`- ; Plx'.\'I.~'l?I2 1'...-um.-.-.'.. .1! mm 1`.\.m+.- .u' A LUTHER GROVEB, - I:.\LEI: I.\' c1 G.\1;5. '1`on.-xccos, PiI)L`S. C:\)h'.\`. ']'nh:u-mm?<!\~' flnnvle .\'-0"` un. rI.*\HLt;Y, ' ' ` H'IADI7.~\'l'l'I (W '\'JCTOlH;X UNIVER-, E. llcf~i_ vrI'u.v~\~-r...- . --- 1 HAUL .\'H ` SIT 1'. uxL!.sn.u.1-'2, ix. .\m>.Au:u. H1Y. Stu? -(;1:u.\' .x.\`u .\CL'()L'CIIl;'L'R, m l`1\l 1\II"l Il1IIr\'l\\"" TH(|!l.\`TU,_\'. C. '. %O2}icc :11. )1 1f. (`m'1'11llw1's`s. and any size b on ver the County. .05! or otherw uilt on 11;, Y reasonable I?! pfmnpu J0:;.i'J'1-{:3 JOSEPH means,` ..... nm.,... J. w. SLAVEN. Ill` 1 I vn Iu T(-~--- \.'L. \.I\J\JL).kJ-I.\/ H 4.1, gate of the City of Toronto`, * _BE COL>`.UL'l`ED AT THE LATE ` esidvnlcr u: Dr. Ross. : CIIUICIIIIILL. _ 3S- II------~_---- --- ~ ---- .-.C 5., E.\'GLAI\'D, .1 nu -- V; E. STRONG, M.D., R. BANTING, ....n .. 1vr...r. JAMES c. MORROW, `RN R Y. .\ 'l`_f. ; w nn..:.... IADA, THURSDAY, AGUUST 12, `"1869, 1:si_nbs5' `Qimtnry. vuvf W. H.` BLACKSTOCK, * ._m; 01-` \'1c1"o1:1-.x L .\'1VER-` lily kl`pl on hand for w. E`AoAmf In . . um umuv. 1:1 nu|'I`xl,'.,CY(`l'j .7lil).\Y. h.1n.. till 3. p :10 Urnlcr ml Council. '-and over; his Hllimn in l".nnI:s.>1n\vn > nu-_mcI1'.'t', Um "I`<)\\. . lolltioll paid to Ii.~.o.-uacs uf wmnon ' 1'.'_ .=zE{i>& Co., u. |.I_Ar\I'Ko Llgnwa _ {of the l{0;::1I Colleges of Sm`- , lidillbllrgh and I-Iugluml. \'r\ nun . nu`-A ~uv...~n/.\- on. H.-`\R`LEY, `I-`. tn.` vxnvnnnr , V1-x:.`\'1:'m.\`L:L'xs1xx~:.\`r: RO.\I1.- ' 12-yr. u1\z.\1;:. luu.-wuua, `H. 'l'ob:1ccuui. Guu:l.~', &cL", , lvluil. Sign `of thc~l-ndiau Stu-<-t, Ilumillun, C. W. L!_ZARS LIZARS ` Hun I.`.u~nI A`..ll....m t\ -. .-_.....u, . l-J.-\','L'I.\i'l`. SLE-.1.Ast. in. [19]9;A'ium! xs pm-1i1i. regcny. oc'c11pil`-d_ I~.`.~:q.. and nua1'I_y' opposite Iutol. ` . I 1,9-Gm .., ....y.4.;.uu, _C)_loui-.\l Surgeon. ' '1`asu1uu1:1; three` 'H1\' .~'iI;`-X'h(` 0st-nict`, Collier Dr. 11. will takv; another u/\4"\. x..;ux.u, (.`UI.D\\".-\'l'l5I ,' O.\_'T . uu-;;.-uu u_~uuuuu-v. West, Toronto, I.1et\\'een. `KILGQ1{lE,_ . Luna.` COO1{S'l`O_WN, kiln -6 1'A......l. 1-I.\ LE 1:5` I.\' . \T'I\ .-.-... :1 B:1r1'io.,cvo1*S' 2! In till '! n ,n 1nsv1'lm1 uul \'ulC:l'u- nnnv I -II-X Inc-ution of the {gum- : nur '11::-17 nvtnnnivn `US ' 4.3-If II..\I.~ ` years Licensed .4z!4:lf071eEr for (he !j0ll7'zI`I/ bf Simcoc. ` l alv.u.z!n~. f;`c., {'c. 36-ly 'FI_LAsEP.'s EEHANQE H6TL, HENRY 1-*n..\s2R,' ` .This wll known ost`uplisI:xn(nt has recently undo game very great .nnp1'0'.'(:muut---a large ;,1., uu hmimr hm-n xx::uh~. {O 1:. ,r:irin;;- in ..,'_ -(..; `IL;-:. 1-Lg `.1.-u ;,'..3,13u 1:1.-I cr.-:.; X '1 J. P. `RYLI-IY. - - - - - P1:nr'x:n:1'nn. F01-mur1_v 01' the I`.o\'.u, IIu'rx-:L. iG"L OVBE O '1` E L, m:.\`1;'r.\xuL'1a'1x=:;'.\'1:, o.\"r. _ P. QUINN? - - -. -- l x:omm:To'.:. `TIIISJ: 11:0: r.~L Ilutcl f.n the plate, :m1 :1:!'-mi.< all t]n- L`0IH'L'ni0l1CL'$ gm-.1 X30111- B.-IIZIIIE, (JUL-'.\'T1' OF b'1.1lf;'0E, 0.11 . Mrs. E. M/XIRKS, Propriotress. - U 4 I JOHN McWA'['T, Superintendent, j The Travelling Co1x111nfnity will nd this cstahlishnwnt SIllIL`(1 10 thui1'rvquircxncn_ts and (It-.~cr\`iI1;: 01' llmir ]):ilX`0lll:;.,{`. T munnlu K(IuX11.~` fur (Ynmnn-rninl '1`:-mm! I Klntl, 1101136 1108!, . Sawing Machines, n Crushers, &c., doc. t the muuufnctureryv ' $.37 biunpxc 1:ouxu.~: I01` Lgomuu-rclul 1`r_nvcl. lers. EL\'cbI1ox1t E5tz}b1ing conmgctcd with the House ILLIAM PARKINS, INNKEEPE R, C OOKSTOWN. \s'31.`:.{ 3'2;-1;: I uu1:uv\\'u1\'1u.~ 111 mu \ I `2`1u'11i.~`hin_-1. &c. lls_:1u axnplv and cuu1fq1't:1bIo. and Ci :11 1-an in-Iuund HIS !1'.`\\' and cnnnno'!iiox1.<!:`0tt`lisimnto _ ( m-:11` the Lake hjhorc. and cuxummuls a tine View of the snrrmunling .=cenu1'y. The room; are large. h:uulsun1L-ly furnished, well v.mi_ lat:-d. and fzmxilivs can be `supplied with s-]}:\r:xlv suites for Ul`lT1S`t'h'('.~_`. - V I :".~j:x1111nI<! Ilnhms for Cnznmorcial Tn-c]](.,.g. The 11:11` will :\l\\'-.n's '40 found I`t~l(-In u-m. 'K`-`.`:\:111-use unnnxs my L'I)mm(`X`(:ID.I 'I`mv~ The w_ill zxlw-.nys found rcplcu liquors and c1g:1rs of` the he:-'t bmnd. Good .\.`tablix_vg and attentive 1.-ostlcrs. (Lille Bl-'\HUI`(1 1101 o R 1 LL I A, JAM}-.`S Jo11.\'.~:oN_, V. - 1`IIOMAS sroxf . . 11'.r'1:ri.\"m1:10 M121.-"L`1`_. _ coI.L1.\'cm>on, o.\"r. CHARLES` cAM.=:-oI- PROPRIETOR. ... u.>uuLu|H`l n_u L'u>un' lm: (.'0IlHU1': UK gll(`> . . : nnnl ll':1\'\'(`X'.< 211- :L.<.` 1`u:u L'\'_l`I`_\` ('nd(':1\`u1` ' will be used to gin lhvm s:\Ii. and rend- .cr tl1eestu.1n1ish111e11't the bust of its class in pointofcomfm-1 and taste. ABiHi1u'dPu1'lur '3_1_t$ggl1ed. Stqgcgfor di1fereutp:>1rts-1an;-_n 4116* !17:1x. daily. ` - - n . ., uu ume. run - ow mu. 3 bum A A- N'pI{ 1`ll -x).1I;1:[c:;xNT157:I,, 1-;-yvp/\"n . 1:1.-. ntrr AIALAALALAI IJ L.L\.IJ..|.`4)-4, ' , . NEW LOWELL. J. G. MARTIN, - - - Proprietor. Fo1`x1Iu1'l`.' uflhc " lxc1mn_'u Hun-1."(`n-.-mm-n - _\u.';' (11 A. ARNALL, _ . _ `, F 1X{I_S`w;-11-Imown and l':1v01'itc=. old Hotel has In-on 1huru1:;_-_!a1_\' m~.,mm- and tted up I 1n`a1:1:\nna-1' to u11. Hh`1'r.vn1'nx-* ..4' .....x... . . Ul ul .LV&1..L.L|)-LJ.&I .l.:UlJl.J ];'u1`n1v1'l;.' Exclxaxxgu Iluu-1," C `iv: The Queen s, D[ _\'LOI S'l`R_l-II-2'1`, - .- - - - } ._xl`.1 \'....- 12,. \' .. n.- . 1-V A ulxuluunl |I:|_l- IIUUUE, CIIURCIJ. HILL, 1}{_\`1Slv`H., Cu. :'1.\lL'0I-I. ' JOHN GREGG, Proprietor. -.-.-1-w-uun.|nv II\llI-ul- . (Late .\1cukin;.:'s.)' Next Door \\\-st hf tlnu` Hzvil\\':1)' Station; ' l311l'l'iL`,_ 0111;. D. F.u:.u:m-gn. - - pram-infnu-' w-vro -an-u-av II AI = .-1lI:'_V [.\7r'. !.`L'I. SIJIC/_ IJ;'. 0.\"T JOSEPH WILSON, - - - Proprietor. The Baris supplied with Choice Liquor: and f Cig:1x'.~:. Good Sheds and :'t:\bli;1g ud_joiuing- the Hotel. . - ` ! & Ifilrrie, Out. l[`.`UI'VXIl_L!' 01 lllflf 1)`-iH'0llll_'..,\". $3? bulnplc tor Comuu-rcml 'I`r_nvol. L-rs. ' uxgars. Lzoou cucus : IIJL-I_I0tL'1. ' l)eccmlver2-1, 1867. 0DDFEI.LOW S\ \Ii0TEL I . , . . 2; .-H !-.`_\"[.\rr'. (`LL ._~'1_1IIu';'. II\"l`. ._ VAILI Cor11o1:1; 311111011 & l)j.1_\"f1el1l Streets. (*4 001') AC`(`O.\I.`.IuD_\. i`IO,\* I vcllo.-1'.<. A tree "0 1'nn'in with Hm u `-11-: mm-uh: w6I]}h"g}`6H'HBteI: 12 13`DT1If'\1\T"l` ' opposite the mu...-a_g,. Staticn, Dunlap 52., with the L`-.u'.< H)(|X`l)il1}.E and cvunin,-:.V | An ;1tto1\ti\'e hostlvr 1n attcmhmco. 1~X_v~ - . \J. \`(`ll(`1'. A IFUU 5!:\L'` 1'11? ill CUI1I1_CCIi0I1 wt-n- `up. an`: :51 ` ]`.P..\Dl-`OIID . A. STODD.\Ro`, .- - - -:I. (A)I'-I1\ISiC)i\-II-i( _)UVSE,_ /I nln Qfn`;.w`l TIA... \ b:Ac'roRY. 'MARTIN S I-wI(.)TEL,; .m-:'w LOWELI )IS'i` I.iqum*.= and Cigars a1\\':1ys in. stock.- ) Good Slablinxg and Skulls adjoining 11:1- uso. - 4.~'.r r uywg: 5` lSi?(1:1lI_V'. 1 Hotel has 'nI'1-tn.-n v.- ? Ontario Hotel, . ]`.R.XD1-`OIID. ' 75HD'RcH H'i"LLT+busE,% I'|.H`II llll T !\`\`I:1_`1r 1- .- J rAaAcH:?sHo+:L,t` (1 E114! `Jun-!:in-r'< ` -`BAI1\I'GHA1\ . _Sv ;-`.-4";ut:TLmuI nlunus. .....-_-. uuusc In Town.` UMPED 30 {hum n0 9' N` nrst - du-pa 's':`.H{`| K.J ` -BARRIE, ONT. m-nf Ihmlnu .(` I!.u -nlnl Cow "'AEz nI>E'AHdTEL, ET}.-76` `(Late Stntforrl Hon: '2 1' T ..T . T ,\ 4 .1 HI) all lh ]-\.-.~ I.. 0 h:1sj11. boon tted up 4:111:15 .11 . :1111-\`\'. 111:1ki11__f it one of lhv ! Me 11011305 in 1111- ;\'0rIl1. 21-(fl L. "T , , 4]"` ,:*1-"~"`Y'./ F 1 plnc, xiollccs vom- '-rivo the hole]. I... \`r.....,....- Pmp:'ict01' I .* I Pnomznzron. l 1:om:xz:Ton; PROl RIZ~:TOR. I n put. P.'oprietOr. ' for` Tr:1- ` l cuun_cc1ion ; nv l John ;1_1anby,_ Home, Sign an Galage %Pa1nIer, G1`..AL\' ER, GLAZIER, Plain and Decorative Paper-Hanger, .\'e;u' the Foumlr_\'- - - BUZIHIS. I --.....J.. I LAND AND 1_\'.sL`1:.~\: .-\(;1-;.\"r. iANcus, - - - .- - on --__u_. ../wlv u u ;-.un_.; -u muu-v.:.q -zu_/u.uu.. Vzllnrxtions mI'cIuIly nmdc. umISl1r\`_-yiI1_::o| (`very dvscx-iptiun 1-xcclltcxl with :1ccumcy- and duspntch. , it -Iy `Accident ulnstirance Company}! 0 I.\' Tm: )'U m-'.a-H !!l.`H.DX.\`(:,_H.\I:l:H-J. I mm mwaniact E:':P"H 1pA:Na~T1i1a1; ng-.. vv n.y u.n_., ` Provincial Land Surveyor, I.\\'l) .~\\'l) 1\'. .\(:I-`\"r Teaci1e%nf the` .1_ .i;1iJ'fJFif}_,v &c., &c., ] TI`AKl3S"vI<-:1sn1'uin g. C0,/\/`V1: y ./1.A\*C_/3/3', cm, WNGING AND vIjI_ANb?F 0RT.f um cny. 11-spec! Ihv . They will l:1k'.` plz-:\.~x ' \\`h(`Ih\"1' van in IIIU U `WREY as. , u II II Ly. promptly S: SULLIVAN. an. .. ..,\. _..... ,.. l ;_,_,.\".l '/`ISI-`.~ll.'T1(I_\' _Tomntn'. July 20. 1.~ EOILS, vA1i1I'I::s.,`Ai3RUHBs, \l."I`l\"!`<` \1\':':::`x\v .~ \ _ `N0. '44 King St, East, Toronto, . Otrvr -Fur ~~.`.- n I-nu. ----uL---- 3 :`Drugs, Medicines,` I CHEZ\IICALS_ 1': INT: ` i M J -u . .. x ._- ,.-_\t Imv 1':lI('.~' for Hun 1-hr `IKE: '.-LMES L'D\\'.-XRDS, `gusiucss V,\:`.vtrti.5'cmrnt5. PERS 'ML.."T`c:a}{LAuiikju _ .l'`` H W ;X1l(}.\CII,'.\.\'l)I1IS03 & Co.. ,7 (._._ __--r--.u. CHEMICALS, 1'A1N'rS, .i6{s sFH L.m:;`e;; HERB (F0rxx1m\2`1}' J.` L. .\I:u'-_::\ch.)` 'nc.s' m`v1n'u.'cIg/'mU2L llu u..n1.. . |1El'PJR!CH s=:u.9fm:tion gum-nntegs, tlily nu-.-,_1. .....1 rm.- n-1: urn. - - Huh-L "i-l'-l1.`-`..\"1'1_EI)".`s;:] One Dollaf per Annum, `oh. ` ['l'l(_'1 S. goods. 31-If L. I has com: f SADDL5 an msamew nullilo I:l.I`l`('] Gtlsm-ml Black- V (Till:Itl.\(;li "i`!I!i]J!lF{:S L'.\';l.1IELLI;`Ii /I".l'I'lll'.'I{ I'IJ.I'['1/N . Aw I + Saddles, ' I-`I`.I:`.F.-S'l`U.`_; N nmdu to order at B1'nJfu1'(1. Ont. L lgllh. A iIMPLE.BI:i: _,`.'_I`O`\/"`}lEI WORKS. ` Ul UK` ||I`~'. . run-s and 1' \.n-ml. Toronto Vi:1og3;o..1' Wor1':s.4 r $5 sADDL?%'k} 'HX:'2i$'wAnE, ; . . . . . . . .. repared to cm at he can furnlrh -\ Incas to the punuv ~. .n..x :\.2. z~ 3:--1.:1.1\;in-\n1-h'1'X:1I.u }Cus tom Carding, I `I.`_-1`l:,_ i " ' '1?~'.Im?;f,"'` ' iDYEI.\'(`- .-\._\'I> <"I.0'HI I)RIiS., 6 \l~'u \i`\l'l'\.'l!'|~I\.. 155$}: "\"\T'7c501.1.V1~`:.\*'m'3Ji11.I.s. :>.-..m::<'>_\' .c so.\', * A1)m.1-:R'Y HA 1:_1)`\.xVz r l x:\"1' n.JL.L4 Barrie Foundrygv T .u:1:n:('I.'I'1'1:.\1. l\IAIlI}H`l . , ,, . . [XNISFIL W0O1.I.'Y'3.\_" l~`.\(`TOP A HENRY _2\3Z"z-Y & co.}_ - Prom`! - uni-Q 1 K H .`-:0 days at $1.00. 1 which proves snwl was within 12 months I:'om~;m [) l~I(`I~' In :1 ) HI Iizux Ff/ET u R 55%". T0311} .\` l).\-\' u` I. G ' 91x-r\-!->i- g... ..\=~ I ". ` ., ._.. 'l'UIiH.\'TO. ().\"I`. v Collmjs Nl7.\1I31Z1{ 23. tuna 17.: L4. 95 U {;1:1L'i'1.'1'H:. L'rl-.V .. -.... A-` E-ctod for Patterson H` .\Ic,-lll`.'-.\"[{Y, `:lr`r[Il:I3lIL the inhnhitanta mriu-:u1vl llw "public. of I! `I u u u.u.....|ln cl... M ./`-.K 2-.73 , strictly in A`dvance,_,=,-*.,. `V M(T).\'l7.\`I Ii.\"I'>', 1n] Whu n 3..'..-r Mn1tViuei:ar, 1| ::|.~Iv : .1` (`uI1'n.-.` A; 1-__ .-, .s.Au ;. DAL`. :'.\ii5E..`S'E'. and Trunks '.=\lll5 ]iS'l'.\l3- 0: UU.. Prop rnefros. ililcl 1!-:vLvr< raha Fiznraiii I . Fees the pug`: r-nnnrn I0 Termq cl manfacturo urniabes all tho ernls, including be had one - 3. I":3""_"L"Iii'bs `,'sc0TT'sN % 1,` liPl[m[HI n good Fui tereat 8 D93 LET HOUSE, . 'VENSO r..I.'.-ilnr. it I 6: SCOTT. III! ` and Ionev 3 f the Pan 2!, Barrie. l\II II 11-11. v . , -maul, --szm nuzur." _ 7*. 1 know it. is u and a'nir,_ SW1 _\', iInputienLl_v,' but tlmt. 18 Oi- imt I mean. Do you believe her hus- :md to be the assassin? ul extou, or what your reasons are for jlskilig, but Iwill mil you pInin!y that I o` I lot. ,1 beiicve7 him to be as Innocent of the tragic de Bir) or I. You make me feel two huntlfed. P9, cent. hater, said Houston, r1ib].>1l'Sh_`s puluis, together, for I, too, 1)0h0"*_ <"` fa: I xiiiuht s.'1y--Icn.ow him to P9 `O` ccut. Bui ivould vou do niI)"1._-3' Mr` I_`lmm:1.c, evun if it.`shoul-1 be 11 Imie 0l_lt '.f the strict line of .`'0'` d"`.Yv hglis: 1" \'le\\' his rclezro frrmi im irisoumen _- .Y`-u uleziu, would 11 assist. him to escape? ' ed as you (beg P`,'d"* lo not know you, sir, _ replied the .1-`scape 7" '0`l:r I }'lI'L')CCC(l flll`Ulel`," I \ I'II0n conccrninr t,l "3 M0 Mrs. \\ a|i11\\'rirl'a-at. H '_ - . _ P" I l;5i:s ulhur, .~1r, 53.3.`; me ~` ~. `W1. sml nllzur. You. I l-...\.. ' ,_ ... 1 ,_., ....u --mu uuu: [mrwr u[NJll HUT rimtiun, our young disciple of Coke and Iugkstone found himself in the presence an elderly, quiet-looking man, whose hole appearance was in keeping with his urrmnnlings, _ _Ahem, you wished Lo--ah--tn see me, lrfr he said, intc-r rog_;:ui\'ely to Charley. _q have something in szw td you, sir, 9?! -L`1 Charley, dropping into :1 seat at (1 "Wu Of, the old mun s hand. .``B|1t1?e- 0? I Drm-.0:-.l `...H.,\... I . A- L-..- No, thunk mu, doctor, I imist. go. ti t'lmrl-`V st-it out. thon_4'h in n'di'crent- vcli-_>n th.-in that in which lay L-slrcc7-t. ".\'nw for the sexton, muttevrctl Cluu'~ ,:is he \\:llikL5 brisltly along. "` If the ll! 11 can his brought or bought. to n. I shall not fear for the surety of 8 ivli_olu scheme. Ah! here s his i1.-cl" and he rang the bell of an un- etciitling, qmtker-like dwelling. . The peul 1:-ought :1 prim matron to the our, and Chnrly reiiucatetl a moment's nvursutiun with Mr. Thomzts, l-he sexton i`."o new church. - `IL: is within, air, said she; Win ou enter 2 llntt-ring the neat little parlor upon 1103' ntzitiun, disciple Coke i:ml_-gr.-... - r. ., -'='v-IIIA5 llULIlllllJll|i|l UILHUL LU HJULII` or m0ruliL_v, . replied Clmrley. Very well, tllen, suigl the doctor, ou will tin-.l Tun liiitloruit No. 52 -- 01. Tall llllll I sent `you; pay him l for \\'l1nte\'cr he lnes, and you will 2'1 I,`0lllI)l:llll of him. \\'uu',t. you stay to _ N9. not in the, sense you take it. . 1 u u. IUI " [P] '."iL us}: '01:`, no; But, I say, give me the "3 mlulrcss, v/ill vnu? You'll lo nothing - `.\oLl:ing dcLrnnent:ul- either to medi- n'r la-rv u-4-ll Hum. e-.i.l Hm not afar. hu Gun I'.}:.~'1"l`}I.|-1%-S (') Lf}.s; ,onQ:1;;j:_;3'e7t'; Au-J -- Aur:`.\ ." ` 7&3 softly S4:1'.\'V,- - We a g'u'l:uu1 'u3f'h-Int-111b13I1 I1t?ta': _ On quch gral\'l5 oiirjhemgt'\\'o'1f1g1'l'ay} ` I IV` n..., h::x`u-_v .< I-'u'Li.-ulur l`ms'uaess in O with llm,--. Ami --rent p'cx su1)?s. First, all--I upnn his uhl-Iinu: fri`c-ml, J_umes x:mvi~-r. who now wrotu .\I.D._ after his uu-; .-mil zzftur '21 v_ron~l diul1u.I', Incl ...|....i (I... ...I.: I.....1.: rthly mm-: clnuil u...:.. I-- ...v uul man 5 mum. ,"Dlll . ce- procecd further; I wish to know pinion concernin_-,r the murder of 10 Mrs. \\ ..:......:..|.'. n - In-y_l1':| r|':.,..' ' rizi:`i1i'is`:} :l7lfi:ss;"` " `I`A`1`."? cl.oHce mom," the \-.'av(:s to-echoed, : we wcjnt. upon our way, ring in our hum-ta the memory fuurl1npp'y holhluy. um-u .... ...,. w.... .. Shall we 1uuu~L--r_cll inc.-ct :1gnin,? F Ulvil` hogxrts. so chill and sileht, -'-' whiny the _|.rrc<-I1 ;;l'f1.e,s `rllmi1'gm\`v.~s the 9uf1zTniJ1 wet-path, ..| .1... ) ..o| u..m.......-l.l....m. I , .. [(;:)L'.\ TY- 013 F1 ucm: ADVOCATE. HNER BOOK AND JOB I x. I T Uwxxc` . RINTING ea to exccut.:,_ nu. 2-upnrlor style every dc. .a3x'1prn`nx"nI' , {[3 AND 0K.\.\.\1 l`..\ PAL PRINTING! l ,1 : IHHEADS. Mm !3 13C:I.\'Er4.~' CAR BILL J nnv.-. _______,} The lcxauniner, , 0U;."r1' U1-` .w.`I.\1COE ADVOCATE k:Il\'1`IlUl:.~'liA\` .uu::.\'l.~m msll I5` n)l";1r;;{l,CLl1iur : u.-ct, Burnc. _ mvmmnxk. ..v.\"5 nnlldhma, West of` the Fireman} ELUME VI-. [blished every u. uwn ' ' , 4 . - : I wish to },_.we 3 body which Is uu H.- the br_ca:h u1' smnnner L-luwsz` ..\ av-v n-us uuv. |I.\. u...., -... , fexcxxs oF'.~';:rs.<<.`1u1-1`1o.\'- W -~"`i`;"x-l|:';lk4:liv;ll1d:4! adynncci or 31,59 _... f'IlUI."X & 5H.\'.\'. 1 |u'xs Sonxcrxlt-, Dundns, 0nt., `last year : `,4 In the L':1undi:1u Press .-kssociution. vc mot and gaily parted Iuruuis` umrmnring shore; ,' -~ With the sumzuer noontide, mll lucut 'xgaiu `once more. ; 1`IIL'1L~'m_1'. .\wL's'r I2, 1869.` u-zm, purchnnco unspoken, nvuko :1 thrill nfp:\in,- 1 .._ .l.l.... .......... .. .... .01. but very nu-.u' I35. u lauul u!" I he uuu.ou--/ - n` .uL`u0nm1.` . cuncL'rIlln_'_g we murder or . Wniuwrigl1Vt. ir, .~ir," said sextou,.sbak- sml nn;.a.- vv ..:.___ (00Il(`[Il(]`1"'}: j~:L want faces missing, .5 9111' !r.uul to-day. huslu-Ll forever, gruuting, glad and gay. e Hundred Feet H liknlv to n... -.,. A

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