Barrie Examiner, 1 Apr 1869, p. 4

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uau gluuy exuuuugetl l|'Olll)l8Cl glances. "God bless my soul and body!" ex- claimed Lady Vernon, with unusual em- ha'sis,' breaking the spell which seemed to ind them, who d have thought of such - 3 thmg-Mr. `Horace Lowe the son of Mr. Seymour. I always thought there was afamily likeness between them, a `remark which disturbed the gravity of Augusta, and seemed to strike Mr. Sey- mour with an entirelv new idea. Va!-ilv, lln nv'nl..3......I u A._._u, ' Just :2 "9 .41,-. $4,000 Worth of J. K. `FALCONBRIDQE. :-jAR ;-- Mm msswaas TJOHN PAYNE- 1uARsH3s MAKE. HSPEAR -& JACKSON S and 1|: I Isrnv-In V Spring .-u - v ulavv vvlvlvn There was an ominous silence, and the blood rushed to her heart. She would have left the room, but her strength A bad forsaken her. It was the father of Horace who stood before her-the husband from` whom she had been separated more than, twenty years. Whnta strange meeting of two who had never expected to meet again! ,1-__W_n V 11 q ..-r .n German, Eagle-Rolled? and Toe Caulking . Steels. 4/9-ly [51-tr] $1.0'0 1.00` 1.50 .-L'.\TOLIsH PA PER HA NaINa.s', 'c DUNLOP STREET: BARBIE. `P"i1s135.3s . . . 11-if WILLIAM MANN_& son,` Booksellers, Stationers, KER. . Xrn X-n DEALER |N_. `FANCY Goons. 'B&IJ`lIl` Bcmk Sigma . _._-, ARRIAGE TRIMMER` and; General UPHOLSTERER. Opposite E. Gruver's Hsirdwaro Store, Dnnlop-Street, Barrie. Barrie, April. 1868. ` 11-ly ' I ve brought Mr. Seymour with me, began Lady Vernon, to shake hands with you, both. He forgives you and wishes you many, many happy years of married life; and as he's one of my best fnends,I wish him to remain one of ours, and let the past be forgotten. ven while she spoke, the eyes of Mr. Seymour had become intently xed upon Mrs. Lowe, and he gazed into, her face with that steady vncnncy which men often assume in a t of abstraction. It was the vacancy" of an astonished mnni 1511.. 9.`......`...... ....y .....I.....u __:,n um 15. mnnkels.-Hob-E Collars Trunks (ice; I y 7 7 "'$"Re airing neatL h a)! and rom tip r1l(':mded P I/,6 C I y P 1211- NEW SABTJLERY, vi -up-gong MANUFACTURER of Single and Double Hurnossof all kinds. Su_dll(-s. Bridles, Whips. Blankets. -Ilob- E, Collars, Trunks, &,c. '33` Repuirinq neatly. nhmnh. nut? nrnqnnlh: I Ilarness -<' Trvu/zlc ]I[an1ifactor_7/, ' _ NEXT DQORJTO HINDS BROS.. BARRIE ._-_,.._ 4.uu4;s;a.1uu1u up \4U., . Bumm. F. Brendon, Brantford, Wholesale Agontfoy the Canadas. V ' V 20-6m4 ._____.______._______j. Are all that` can be desired. One trial will convince the most sceptics! 1)ERSO.\*S troubled with diseases of the V liver and stomach may rest assured thesu EI il1s will gm relief. `|'.`n- an`n I.-v Sugar4[C3,?e-ti Pills, AQ A r`.a.f'-Iown nu nu A Hnun6:..n [ Second to None; llllIVII-\I I...lJVVl`IlIIJO. HE Agent hero for this old cstublisht-dm'1d n-liable Company, is now pl'u[ml`(`d to take risks as low as any other rst-class oice. Barrie June. 1867. )nuvntINsu_nm:tcuraT*7v.J IIIU VUlU|Uy Ul "ll IIUIUUIHIIUU Inn: Mr. _ Seymour, my mother," said Horace. Introducing hun. Mr. Snvmnlw lmwml wimnt mm.-H.m. -- --0 vvvvvvn -I. Jul-LKJ, As a (3-au. ;ha:tic or an Alterative ` Jos. nocmas. Agent at name. Jnnunrv 1468. The Fire Reserve Fund\v $4.727,46-4 The Life Reserve Fund is now $9.2b'2.4ti8 The Company is "rt-pros:-ntud throughout Ontario and Q':-bro by inuential Agents. to whom npplicnlinn for fnsurumc may he made. G. F. 0. SMITH, Resident Seczctnrn. }0GERS. Amsnt nt Rn`:-r?n_ M0.\'TR!:..`. :. auul year, 15134;, One yeur`lntcr, 1867. mun gt,-.nomm'. \'.'ll0l't`\'(`l' it is r(-meson In its 1stycu1'.lS3(i.'.lxc Fire Premixuns n1om'.umounte(l to ..._ . . ,. In its 10th your, IS-16, vc `- J *4 20th your, 1s T <= : 30th 1864?, A. ~ 7 veurlntm-. 18617. H M 1" 1`UL` ADD b"1`J:`1:l..h\'G. The dislmrsvlncnt of this. enormous sum over :1 wide m'(-:1.` has. without doubt. contri- huu-(1 `lo the 1-stzxhlishnwnt ol'>thi.s Iustituliun. in the condence of l L'm.w C0131 -0lA'l`I0.\'S. .\Im:cm.\'T.~`. 11017., -and business mun gu.ncm.lly. v.'11eu-Vt-1' it is rv|n'osontc-(Ir. 1stycu1'.l83(i.'.lu.- 1-`ire l 1'vmimnn , -,____. --_. Vv---;. -..-u 4., IIAS 1314315. in existence Thirty-twoyears, nnd.during that puriu has paid I.u5=ses -xcomling FIVE AND A IIALI" -.\IlLLIQ.\' l 0U_\`DS S l`ll:LlNG. ' l`!m dinlnn~:.-uunnr M` M. m.............. ....... `.-rwr\r\I\I\xs/\.\J\/\/\u'\'\r4s\A .\.\V~.,\,v\~\-\A.v.v\,`,\, . The Liverpool & London &Globe 1Nb`URA1\'CE COMPANY, 1r`rAQ 1!L`L`\Y :.. -;.:,.._. `I\l\ . I'.'spe`ciaI Altcnliym paiil to the Ifegulation 0] UhiIlren s Teeth. As Dr. Porter xesidcs-in llollnnd Landing" during ' ,the time he is not serving other nppolunucnl.-4, all let- ter nddrcgsed to him there will receive prompt cm_' and xmcntlon. . an A m..:..I r)..........._.: ~n._.a_, ,..,,, . . . .. ,. RIIIU HIlL'lHIUH. 7' A Trial R(-quested. Pnrllca attended nt their own re.iidonc0.'< if rc uircd. Plcn:-e he particular in observmg the tune an place ofench appointment. '!!"I'Iv`.'I. 1r.Q .Q PInrv'rrv In an Ant! IIUTIIUU. lII|4I'UllUUlb' UH": Mr. Seymour bowed without. averting his eyes, and said: Madam, I think we have met before. nn V f 144u.u.u U1ll1U1.LI.l L/4`lO1l._K REFERE.\ CES:- I`he following r,ver.t1cmon czm. with condence rccmmnend Dr. Porter. mnll rcqllirin-_-,7 Dcnml nid: Rev S. S. Strong, '1) D., Bondhcnd; '1' C. Scholcld, M.|).. Bond!-end; J. \V. Norris, M.l).. (.`nnk_~nmwn; R. Lund, .\I.D. Cuokzetown; G. D. M01`-Ion, .\l.I)., Bradford a';_a.V .-..n.-,~.-.' Begs most. rnsE>ectl'ulIy to unnnuncctlmt he will be BRADFOR ), at the North American Hotel, eve: Mondnf, from 10 run. to 4 p.m., excepting when MC day ml 5 on an appointment eiscwhcre. [ n()NTn"R;\n_ . . . . nn fhn9.Q0h nfavnru `lfnvu Lllly Il|lIS UH llll llppUllH.HlL'lIl UlU'nCrC- BONDIIEAD onmwmnorevcrymoin. m:\v.\muK1~:T, on the2lth -- SHARON, - - - - - on me-zmn " LEFROY, - - - - - out`he.1|th " `, SCIl0MBERG.- - .-- - nnthe Isl: " CUOKSTOWN, - - - on the 4th `- When he will hepre nregl and most happy to wait on those who may rcqu re Ins services. \I'hen any of :l1c-nppoinnments full on Suudnv. he E?` l`EE'l`lI Il\'Sl~;R'l`l~Jl)()N GOLD, SILVER OR ` VULCAl\'IZED RUBBER. And 3 Perfect Fit Wurrnuted, 01 no elmrgc will be nmde. Parties desiring can have Teeth inserted on Rubber, without extracting the roots. Dr. Porter isnnw prepared to insert Teeth on the New Cum- bined Aura Yulczlnized Rubberl lmc-111nelhodneve:' hel'ore ndopted in this pun ofthe eomm'y; uud one that is sure to ~_:iv(- 11ni\'cr.~::1l rlntis-f:u-.tinn'. . . Teeth Filled so ns to Preserve their Color, and Restore ns near as possible to tlleirformer Strength and useful- ness. ' uuccu. lib cvc(._q/,l,`v1hK, UT Jill ullulqc REFERENCES BY PERMISSION. T. D. l\lcCn.\'xm'. Esq.. M. P. P.; G. Lou.\"r. 15911.. County Rt-gistrur: 13. W. SMITH. Esq.. Sh:-ri`: J. R. Corn-tn, `.sq., County Attorney: W. M. NICHOLSON, Ia`sq., Publisher ofE'a:amine1 Anril 22. 1867. ' 2` axe rnsxs l0\V an; will um.-nd on the fnl1o'\\'in;: day. - . All operations perfurnlnd in the most akilml manner, on the nmst approved principle, and `RT-.. _ '1'I"I"I uuuu uuv uuuuum u.I,abU1'1du. Ub'UU,n l`EE'l`lI INb`ER'l`E|)'()N I V LTLCANIZED branch of his l l'0ICSSl0n_. can no wuueu upon. TEETH insertedon Gold or Silver Plate. ` or that justly celebrated materia1-Vulcuniz- ed in such a manner as to abrd case and comfort in chewing and masticnting food, and giving to the patient at ihe same time, that natural expression of countenance, which is~a very `important point in the oper- ation ofinserting Articial Teeth. 'rr=.m`H Filled with Gold. Cement. and manner. ';'.'0onsnl(rL.'.ion Free, and safigfaction guai Inteed in'ever_2/.case, or No Ohnrqe"! nrmwn.m\-one nv nmuneernn ' UHF! IHIIUU MU JJIIINII One afternoon, about three weeks after her arrival, Lady Vernon, who had gra- dually heoome quite reconciled to the young couple, `was announced, and she `entered the drawing-room, where lion-ace, and his wife, and his mother were sitting, not as usual alone, but accounauied by no other than Mr. Seymour. Ills appear- ance, as may be supposed, was entirely unexpected. His appearance, as may be . supposed, was entirely unexpected. Mrs. Lowe became deadly pale, and was soiled with a violent trembling, and the other two betrayed considerable embarrass- , meat. :11 ... I...-....L; 11,, n,#,,, ,, -.I r -- uu uu: lllIl:1I-lI1l]IIU\UU[HlllCl]HC, uuu None but Genuine Material Used. If?` TEETII I\'SEIl'|`l ON! (}()I.h_ SILK`!-`.Ie nu ation onnserung Arunciai "ream. TEETH Filled with Gold. Ce1n=nt,_o.nd White Filling. _ TEETH Extracted with the least possible pain. and particular attention given to the Ilegsulution ofChild1-en's Tcetli. at All work executed in the most skilful manner. GUl..L1Nu\vU.Uu_. g _ 213,; u u at Ryle_v s Howl, DUNTROON, - - - 2?nd CREISMORE. - -_ _- 2dl_`d "` _ _ Whet all those requn-mg his servxces In any branch of his Profession, can be waited upon. rrm-RTH insertedon Plate. VDR. MOGAUSLAND, . DENTIST. V MAY be consulted in all branches of his profession, from the hat to the 13th of - each and every month, at his Uice Dunlop Street East, opposite the, Barrie Hate`, Barrie CRAIG11URST._on the 15th 01 each month. ` nmI.r.n ninain J.) ....L ,, H those who require his Sunday, he l will nltcnd the f()ll0'\\'in;:d:1_\'. l All perfurnmdin manner. ua. uuumc ] IV . .'\l.1VlCllULSON, April 22. JOH'N.CULVERWELL, 'r\r\1- A... ___, mua 1 11-5 uu: uuu: uuu pI:u:U U1 uncn appointment. :$`7'EIr.1ts STIUCTLY 0.1311. _gn EFERE.\WTES:-Tl1n fnllnu-inn rvnr.v1r-mnn mm u-H UIBUUV'Ul"V III IJIVU V The mention of the name of Seymour produced in sudden change in her coun- tenunce, and she inquired more about him. Can it be he." she thought; no. eurelv not." But. she said nothing more _ thun'that. she haul known in gentleman of that name at. Linm. l'\._- _l'.-...___._ ._l.-..L AL,,_, .__,,I n. , Levi R. Warner, n\Yl Y!Z`AI'Vrl1Y7v\1~v\ .- nu JAMEs_E6V'ARos, E Am-nt 110150 for thin nhl ..=e..1.1:=1. nu b-nu Ivnlhu For sale by A TJ`.`, C0.\ STA..\ TLY 'm:cx-:n'x.m . DR. ffiwnn, DEN1`I' 0 rnunm-H'nllu on nunnxvunn me Im :3j%i{iii?it{u7:E7 as/\.\4\\/\-\r \fa\.\#~ N.` VV\,v\~\- F:.K7 me ny ' ALEXANDER & CO., 'I')...... Tgltntits. 47.T3 222,279 739.332 513,055 HUW LCIIKICI DIIU DMIIIIIIIIHJIII She accompanied them to London, and shared a mrtments with them in Hurley- street, w 'c-re Horace gave her ll. full ac- countof his adventures with Augusta. her engagement to Mr. Seymour, their trip tolrehtnd, their elopement from the castle, their marriage in Dublin, their discovery in Liverpool. Tim mmlfinn n!` the nnmn nf Rrwmnur ' Repairing of all I for: purchasing. <...v=-.-? And all the varieties of FANCY FURS. : dressed and made to order. Rnnn`n~imv M IFURS 2 FURS 21 .Barr'ie-. Dec. 2. . ,,__,_, V--.... 4Au..u 4J.q |J.IJUJ.LVl'J 1'(J,lU .l'UUliD'1'J'.1J VLXS. :$"}'IERE ARESOME "OF THE I`IlICES:-IIom'y Qvorcoats. from $3.50 and up wards; Good Tweed Suits from $610 $10: Good I [envy Boots $1.75; Good Clixmp Solcd Kip Boots at 2.75; and all other Goods equally low. ?`.0ne Price` Only." _Remember the Old Stand Opposite the Wcllz'n_r]ton Ilotcl. Q?` THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR FURS. _,3 """'..""." .".""""W=sI. was Ii. L$ Reco1v1ng dmly nddxuons of New Goods, Rem(.mb`., the Sil Mum km," 1133' CALL AND EXAMJLNE F018 Y0 URSEL VFS l!$`!IERE ARE some mm mm Dnlnrc. l'\ . _` ' ......, tucu um-.u uuucu, uuu nave Ix-en .~:clo.-cred in the Bus `At -the Lowest Gash l`Recoiving daily Goods. Rnm.-mv....- n... q..|.... .. DISSIRES to inform the inhabitant:-' of T~3m'rie an purchased tho 1-mire stuck lu-longing to the est: 1;:-others. at an enormous sacrice, the whole will be c " OLD STAND. D1-cidcd bargains offered in (`I l'\1'LIIlll'\ Illa -I-as n A--- Wlll LU HUI" UUIIKIIIE Wllll IIIIUCIIQIIIIIU JO) . She came. They met on the steumerhs deck, and never did mother greet son, after long separation, more nrdcntly tlmn she. His bride was by his side. He prelented her. It was the first intima- tion she had-received of his mnrriage, but how tender the sulututionl 1 GI... .................:...I ol...... 5,. I .....l-._ _._.l xx.`\U Ix 1J.'\li.U'l`J 5Ul' V ` }Staple &. Fancy rfoods, c.,l ` Have also been added, and have been .~:elo.-cred in Best Mm-kcts ' I `I 4- `In A 'I'_ A u... _ _. .1. an - -- `___:j.-__.__ New T AI111o'g:I,a.cemeI1t ! l:\l'llI('I`. xmtl giws QALLV OF IVIIIUII WILL BE` We think it no trouble, but it ii :1 p1-asuro in us ~ &Qn`\'l-Iii`-I tn. .nJuI.$rL'|lUlJ-' :5 :13 Gold and Silver Bar Snap; It v(*r_v nice mliclc in I31-ackl: ad, l`lIh` l)(_)M , f:u'Ih(-r. and giws :1 much ln-Her ]mli.~'|I than any other. @ALL BE I)J.N'I ().S'E[) (II` AT .4 l'l<.`I. 1' 1 n- ,- .__-_ - ...v._ -...,..,V..... 11.54`! 1. \JL' ; \Jl)l\_/\_/\J1 Both in chewing and Smoking. 'I`lu-_v are as follows: S\xnKI.\'u-Sol-uco. Figr. C11-opamaz. and utlu-1'bruuds. A CllE\\'l.\'u--UIi\`0, N:\v_v. lhmc Swuc-I. xunl ollu-1 Mustard. Salt in glassjurs, and a supply of sulu-rinr I"!!!-ZSII I.Ol3STIRS and E l'I......_.___ .19 11..I_,u nu... -. _ _ U AJLUI. u I! Spokes` Hubs, Rims, Shafts, Poles, BIRMINGHAM &; SHEFFIELD HOUSE Hardware ! Cutlery! Glassware ._-'.%p!,,"\.I,, . mu- .._.. Consisting, in mm of some choico TI \% far 50 ` - .' . . ` . ` . .' ` - 0- 600- F` . .J{)c., and the \(~|_y best at $1. Cull nml -x:lnnu<,- In-[nrc goxng (\}g(-'\\-[H-1-_ we A `7 [}`DV RH ! '17 A QC! \l) l`n I1'.`\?r|\ 1 \I.1 nvxu. . ,. ... ._ .5 IHVUT U] HUUIUE HUI` BIIIUIJ BU Ur Uulvelv When Horace and his bride relurnerl to London a few duys after this, he found 3 letter from his mother awniting him at his lodgings. It informed hi n of her in- tention to leave Lima for England by the steamer to sail a fortnight after the date of her note`. She might, therefore, he expected to arrive nt Southampton by the next West India steamer. }le_ had not seen her since the day he left Cnllno seventeen years before. but he still re- membered her well, and he looked for- ward to her coming with nffectionzlte joy. She cmne. Tlwv met on the stmnlnnrhr ` Barrie. um. Duc., 1868. :3?` Canada Shirts and Drawers. best qlnalily, at :' Suits to match in color in the town. V . E Barrio, April 8 1868, A.\Ul unit LU 1' U1` Canadian Tweed Stylish, Goods, 75c. (.1110)/11):: Pu/I f7I..I7... ..a ('.`..1 . '1' 1 As only a limited `quantity can 118 sold at the Re(l11c(-"cl Prices, `it will be as well to come early to sec1u'e\some of the Cheap Goods. Full yard wide I101-1~: :cl linisl1eLl Cloth, only a york shilling. ()tl1e1' goods equally as low. - Robert Walker & Sons, Retail 33 to 37 King Street. _ Dundas St, London, Wholesale, I8 & 20 Colborne St, . READY`-MADE CLOTHING! moy~s, yo.;+;4s:%*`;;g.`;;";ag'g.`:;`';:g;;`:%3 2x`;;;;E1-S, Mudnf'rnn1 r:nm.:m. Imtn unit."/In rm... an -..-. 500 1301/ 6 , @%Dry Goods, Millineryj f MANTLES, . U7 Men s I.1'ish Frieze OV"e1fc0ats,[ $6.75. UL: H|oH|\'\1I'y glllllg IIIIIIIIIUH `When Lady Vernon wishecl to return to the Adulphi, she found neither of ithose last mentioned3to escort. her, a circum- ` atanoe which gave llorilcc an excellent opportunity to iugrutiato hmrself into her favor by seeing her safely to her hotel. Wlmn Hnrnnn and his hrirla rnlnrnnr! uuur wuu entirely idea. "Veril_v, (he exclaimed, "truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. And grasping the hand of his son, he said: Wejvere rivals once, but henceforwunl call me father," and you, turning to Augusta, whewere to have been my bride, let me claim as daughter." Horace looked at his In other in wonder that ehe. should have kept him in ignor- ance of the first marriage, and taught. him to regard Mr. Lowe us his` natural parent. He felt hotaud angry, and his pride was hurt. 1 / 1` nnw nnenn Ivan 6- e..1.- ALA -- 11 VII DUIIIHE LUUDU swusn Bows b7A15A'i`%3S",w .. mam? vwra-as raaaaamzzfrs, % I-`.NjI,)n,_].},`a:i\, _ `PEA=5A 3(ET5. r\l\I\r\r\r\r\I\I\r\r\I\1\l \ p 1@@mm igiibl IPREVIOUSTOSTOCKTAKINGI ml: cam rsnnum SA1.El V`-'W~vu-_ L "W vnuut-V, ul. u1.1l_I/-110. ) (mu ll I(lI_/ ('( IIl-3'. _ D7? Dress Goods in ' Great Variety. g. Khirta nml nI'!)\l'nra Imp! , -4 in nu , 111 King Street East, Toronto, OPPOSITE TI-IE CATHEDRAL, ARE PREPARED T0 snow THEIR. .. ..,-.. . uxvnuuu uuI3ulIIb'UuUl'U(l Ill C,L(5"-ll'HlNG, HATS s. CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, AND A LARGE SUPPLY rm ....... man. All b'Iu:.`Jl.I-1, uuu as Mimlly ul sll|ll'l'l()l 1` lil'..`.U LUUS I HRS at Grosse d Black-1nrel1 s Pick]. nd Silvier Swan: \'(*1'vnim- mtiu-In in Hlaml.-I. ...1 .. Irnu mu. .. ,. {%'&i'3E*"IE}sccds I-.lm\\'in:r mu] .Qmnl.~in~ 1. new l ..II....... CALL AND EX:\)1IN1 1:1-:1-`om: <:oiNG 1-JLQEWIIERE :5 van o......1.I.. 1...; 2. :_ _ w llur HUHUIH nuu nlaacu net. The attolnery lmde her good dny and went down stairs to inform the disconso- lnte Mr. Seymour that they had come too late, for the runaways were Innrried, whereu on tlznt gentleman became ox- ceeding y agitated nnd leftethe house with all possible dispatch, in company with the solicitor, who being a personal friend expressed his r-yinpmhy in a very friendly i but still very gulling mnnner. '\Vlu:n T.m`lv Vnrnnn w n`uuI tn I-nhn-n 1VI cGROSSON &-. co, JUST mscm\'1s1), :1 L.'h'__~`o Stock n('0uk Great Reductions have been made in the price of l The stock ofthn Man and Boy is now ontin-]_\ rr-cruitt-(1 with all the Fashion- nhlo Goods of the season. and as :11] UN l)r_v Go -ds Uorclmnts ur-= .S.'ILI.1l\`G- OFF. the Man and Boy went. into Committvc of the Whole. and a.ft.c1'- two ,hours dx-liberation came to the cont-tn: to keep on selling those an Rtl\'lS.0\ mm. .a............. gr\I\r\r\r\r\r\l\l\I'\f\r\l\l .nnn:uuu.,. The Man and Boy nxi- sh'b\vin_v__,r some 0f_thci): own mannixctllre, A u:.s..-..-. _-._ ----~- EPGJLE mu] ZAEIJE) Law! ,_,.._ IV, . 7 7 ' J v T1 C'mzudu_ Full Clot/z.s-, at S2'.rly-Two uudu /cu{/routs. 1 I in. --~ Yo:/t/fa (incl 11161219 0Ul'C'0(lfvS mm 33-95 71 J ! 7 _ 7 ~ ANOTIIEII LOT 01 _- __kl --n M \I\J III\J l'\lVI.l In I_I\l 0 udcrfronl Genuine IRISH I*`RlEZFI. fro &v T In `J -.--\-, V v -_--`, ._.4`.y_-4 ;Spm1-5. Show-ls. 12:11::-9. l uci;L-L and Plated \\".m-, ul\\'u_ys on hand. KIUIIU, DIICIJ IUISIVU IIIU. This earnest. supplication .completely disnured the old lady, and she took her to her bosoin and kissed her. IN... ..o............ l....l.. L..- ...--,I _1,._ `J EA VERY NICE SELECTION OF GROCERIES, I uuu-um ..-.1 . - .._.-:u-u:.<. .-nuns. I IL!`-`q I.)~uu\\.<. '1 :l])S :lH(l it-S _ ()1ls,\Vl11t(2 I4Qa(1,Gla `$50 ygnml.-q Q)|n\'n`c I-..l-.._~ 1?....1-..4 ....,I nu.` 1.. n .. V... way |J\I\l` AXD SUPPLY OF [T D.-Hi Iron and ` D l`hi1nh]-S r4lu IS NOW GOING ON Russian and Huds`cnn -Q_Ba{y: - J0 DDVA T l7DIl'rI`r1.'v .,.v -....., g uivua P. such an no other Hdnse can show in this < kinds neatly done. Ladies are resp: mink. * ` ' -s :1 much lH'll(,'I' pt-l|.~`lI than I I I I f 1)].\'1`0.5'El) OF AT A VEIEY LOW FIGL'L'E. _S_P_lEiNDl|) smcu or was 1! uoum. lluuuu Luau. .I._uu l|uu'rlllg0 )8 per. fectly legal." O Aunt dear l exclaimed-_ Kugusfa, turningftom her lnuslmnrl and throwing herself into lnerembrace, forgive me. I know Idid very '\\ ronmlbut it was all be. cause of Mr. ` Seymour. Forgive me, Aunt, pray forgive me. ' l`lnis. marnml. nnnnlinnmn nnnlvdnhxl-1 The best in {he Country. In our stock may bdfollud Ill all I Collars. Boas, Princess, A . u uug [IIIFLII EDWAPQD Mi);`I?:AVI{ ... I = T-I:u'.rie and surrouncling country, that, ging ll_u-. established, and \\'('ll-known rm M AT `s./IBLE 41- ROYAL ERMI1\ZI,', Ill 8" the nmv and vnriml a}m.m-. Sim-1, Su-var I{e-I111-= -ins, Anvlls. Vices, ___..... vv -..u;u.u .u1uu1.LL. the new and varied shapes; L Rnnn mllmno F unn...'.m ` us to show our goods to intondin-,v; 1 ...u -uv nun uuu vullcll ED111333; as, Tulmas, Eu_r/enies, A . se, Capes, Oloalrs and Mr's, Astfalcan, Cloalcs, F itch, Squirrel, I lunr 'C!n'uan 4.-.. ..I._._ E" Xf The solicitor perused it and handed it back, with the remark: '.`There no doubt about that. The marriage is fectlv lemcl." ....-. aulruumullg cnnnuy, that,_ having. established, well-knoxvn rm of Hinds 3 clcaxml out 1'c-gmdlcss of value, at the ' u 1 $1. The only place to get Boys Tm-L-(1 & N; mnnnqg. ---nag Q-`III-Hi] r the Sales at the lo\vvstCzus1n prices VI) IIDQ L I 17170 - ... .\xmu.\`u--Sc-lace. Dominion. I other br:md.~1. >111 SARDI.\'I-35 .. `I'll _'I--" -x nndlnl-`til ~n`nJa 1)o.\u:.',*' cheaper, gm` n _ I and Uickor_v A. -- Eea`t Rai]s, &c.! ---~-v, v-an = of :1-H sisvs. Springs, ;\x](.e 15*'1`MS. Tans and hi.-_ Bx-lulu: GUI I J"! ' , _ - -..._....~p;- ma`. _ 'l".1bIc C1ll]('l _\'. Iilt-clru .u... nu... %Ra.tes. Hun Inw:-cl (mu). nu-imm v city. Fnr I _respectfully in- , HP 1869 rprnngs. Axle` Taps and Div, _, 9 ng purclIasor.<. 11;`.- 10-11 r SOC. `.5: Allow me to leaf at that, Sir, said (ha attorney. hnnnnmnn Hula. vml rnhnvn is 0.. thcirmwell-k'no\'vn Iron B(`tlm-Sl1'( |c:"i"n'E Board Ploughs. together with 03110? of the best description. done at the C119` ~] rates and on the shortest notice. _ `H Nv.19Pr 20 4867: -- ` ANUFACTURERS of vnnd dealerlfgi-E . every description of Box'and C00? Moves. l`hey nlso continue to man!'{""", their well-knoivn Beam-Sit-el WP"-'= Nnnwl 'PlmnrhR. member Q|5" _g;; AGRICULTUR.-\L IMPLEMENT &_'_I'0VE W0_B `1 uu .ni_uus9Iq|UI0 *""" 1113: He also keeps on hand. um] mN1"m C01-mxs ofrull kindsh "9 "".":b:c1uau. puraplmrnalin.necessary for 1' unem by an excellent Hearse, winch 09 1 ? moderate terms. , H Barrie, April 14, 1865: / all 1 , d ohm?" .L\: that ho is at all - contracts for building, and that he can l'\l'\f\n'\ l'\lf\II nnnn ll ,- canlu" DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS -~_-` ,__...}__,._._-a.~-v.1:-1v 4 - Alexander Graham! i BJMEBAND NDEWFE I-, -- -v/x!-E.-A gm `'.l..,-_.i-V" Consisting -If :1 very large stock of rstu 4 Cnnndinn zuctnry. 'og-llmr will: :1 C5` `_*|-`sortlnont of Iinglish and Arqx-rican;C|!"" all ofwlnich lms be:-n sch-cred ivith gm-alt` and may be ll(`pL'll(]L'(1_ upon as being 0 5 V Very best qnnlity. '..'RE.\lE.\lBER THE ADDRESSJ3 IIIlIl\Ir\ l"lII'\I nan: --sq. .....:nf r..'. ....w I IIu||I_v. ` ADDRI~7. K|N(.3 SEN(_5LIS_I-[BUN HoUf ' ei` 1-1 E Barrie Found1`Y;_ " DUI man." 'l`l... . spend some we.-kw` 1 503- Neup(>li`mn \ xH.1 ' `and only lhut. \'~ef_v 1 n A .1 _A!II It R$' 0PI_'0Sl'1'E THE-`cpL'ln` HOL'8h 2..-.=.m:~'."" V "W " Am. to_ S.~\.\Il'IZL I.OI'.\'T. R.-r=*;0*Ili-Igzcltivmt "H ".=- l B\=IrrIo; or to C. W. LOL`.\'T. B1;-of fault will: ozln-r pm-~ nu gr`. .In. J.mnli& Ah: ifynu _ Id!`---he is an Ivnnvj. Cheese, Gheese:::::,$":,:`;t.J";2.r`:. _:_-0f!en; \'nlI'l. you, cl.-.r `*.-_But. though Mn`. N English Bun House ..C.; '.fI;'. .' .`." ".f1"~'~ ` Vuuu Lllllll English Bun House {$.23 23. . A -. -. . _ nmhl nan. ---..-, \1lI\III III`-a -- ut vpry short notice, Mid On lieusgxgqblc T0""- 11.. _\__ u,,, . u A7>`i ...nnnfll.'W: .\lg-dnulc . do 110.. `Vt-spr:x.. (In _ . . A l07'II.S'/117]). North (_)rilli.' do 41.. I Sll'I`l I'll HI] and lhg hm: ksnccd. Eu `lllllilll. illl` ` ...............,...... - ..-, _ 7-, liave his certicate" In my packet, which, gg you seem to doubt my verucny, [may as well show you, and he drew the docu. ` meat fromiu cover and held it befoyg Ina La.11d`s~ `V EST part of mu .\'orlh1mH'ofLu! 2". Isl (;un.. V1-sprn. Cullnly 53:: within 7 miles` of the Town of Barrie 1lLl'(`F. `.25 n!'\\|1iL-In are cl:-an-d and unden. \'a\Iiun. all gum! hunlu-nod lnml. \\iIhI:` running llgrnn;':l: it. .Th('l`o`i5l" nu] l'mv' In... I... I... IN... I_- = ___v.___._._..-..---I AAV)-LL In the` Village of Lofrnv. and now doir,` thirivingz business 15 `om-1'1-d for sale emf sonalplv It-rms. A 4.. HENRY SEWREY & 00.; ' ` Propru rANUFACTURERS and dc! M...-.7 dmlirintinn of Box and 4 2,$."v|z*;; Apply to LOI'.\'T. Hr! mice. B:ll'l'i0: or m (1 W Im'\'rr~ n... Ii A R R I E . . E {JESPECTFULLY announces to IMP `O that Im in nl n1li:vnnc mu-mar:-(I 10 `R: C.&N.-\D;\ COMI .-\.\`Y l.EAI~'E 01.; half Lot 11 in the Son-mu Cm Simcoe County, Om. About Fiftucn xv:-rt*S I-`ail! Whoa! anrhr` e7,r_vhtc(~n news plum.-d.` For furthi-r pm; lars apply to A - tr um ;-7 March 16. 18119. I OTS Nos. 124. 125, 126 am] 1 flmuishing Village of `.\n.,,, mrun- for :I|t`.CllI'|). `I'll:-so 14):: , on Que:-u SNV'(`('l. lu-lw(-on Hm [mi] and the Mill`. and are in 11 I':m.r-.11 luminncn 'l`|.nu u.-.. 1/ U IIILUZ Ill! 0 "On condition that you return it go :15, ' Village Lot%@}% `I-I` A-NY`-J-'T;~ illlll IHU AN lmsint-ss. the-In corn Boy's Him '1` I-'.H\I> boy's IHUCK. lHll`l lL`. ` 'l`Elt.\lS:--Ono-third or the me]. to be paid down; the lmlancc an 15:62 inslahm-nls- For furliwr panic ` ' . ML Putvk 0-Connnr. Angus` or N: am `PH "H1 for the l'.x.1Ixo1wx `\v`,'~` - .. _ Gl!ItGmlof Nzllm-.44 (J `L! oggkzoy _Dlrycu-I y:II l-!II:|llf"X'.|l'_'. aims. TIIuiLs|r.r1, do . . I`:-1-um.~ HI mnv -- --- --- zvvq j EING the Souti -East halfof'?'le in the 7th concession of 11194;" X ; 'Oro, containing FIFTY-FIVE 4801.! Good Land. all cleared. with 5, H -Frume House. Burn and Stables 3 r`|u Orchard, and an excellent W1-I|;3f Gm" j On [Elie pr(;m_ises are on-ch-d a goof; wit circu 8|` FEW i ` - " suitable workshop: a mu opemuon `M; For flll`l(,-I` Dhrlicnlnrn m...1.. .. .. I I nvnuAu_m11'1 UV]il) FA A ~ 2 b the vicinity of` Barrio. AR]:(l,rM"" ` of Town Lots, with and willmlul :a.E]".`*` Apply t3 D .\10Rj3(f*4,- 3%` SEE I Ix`[NTE1) 111,5,-5` ` Barrio. March. I864, ` -"`-""`-_--"_$ VALUABLE FARM for sm IN THE "l'OW.\'S}ll1' OF ()R()_ Acres of exec`-ll:-nt Land 1} East. hall` of 1...:2+. in n;.'eM41f{' CC.~`Hi0ll of()ro, eight miles from lung, Ta . an-, nlmut thirty-Iivv acres cleared. ,1*f,,` A is well \;-ntpn-d, and them are on 3` ad` a house. 1! frame barn, and n lhrivinu "3" orclnan]. ` For n-th(-r particulars. apply at the N thia pz.per. if by ,l1-tlcr. [II`t'-pllid. oh` . IBuI'ri-. 0CN)|)L'l' 7. 1863 3. _. s suuume worxsnop. " ""4 particulars apply to the M P tor. on the premises. IIENR-' Oro, D1-c.8ih, 154:3. " I-ff-`Z _ gay D1115 rlx Barrio. I8." cm; 1, 5- . . . In S ll`, 1m 5 p,.feina] urn. yr IUU was uurn. How came you to take th name of Lowe, Mrs. Seymour!" asked the old gentleman. . ` She sobbed "aloud. Ifwasboo painful for her to` confess that she met. Mr. Lowe at Boulogne; passed herself off as a. widow, and Went- through the mocke . ry of marriage with bun. after which she mm.-.m......:...: |.:... o- "1`o'T"::"1? ..-__u- l\ll`V _ NNOUNCES to the public that he? L just rt-ccivu-(1 his season's -5 ';-Q - lxlvluj IU` ~ LAIDLAW & I-`R333 L(*f'r0_v. Nov. 11th. 1868. 4}" j - Jun; (:1 |mm\\'llI','. LUIS D` .14.?!) c:L~ln: |:sl:lm-0 in thm .1-ms, with inn-x 1->1: 'm1'1su'1' l"U LL Y 10 Inc 11*" 3 ". acts for 1mimi.m_ nut? that he fur October 7. I863. ) Im{ 01 \".II 1--. I Doc. Blh, `1EVERAL,IMI`I -OVEI) FAR.\lSfor5.,:= 3 of A1, .-n` ,. ( Uoiitinued from First Page.) FA Li. .m.oi...nn'u'n mv mi-ha! ml .. FOR SAI4IC!?7 o AI.BI'II`.'1 'r.. Farm 1'91-W \I'."1\YIV .L.. 0-... {l|)lt` HTHIS. Apply to` Farm for Sale. ROBERT KING` \-ngv\*nvx.~ . C lUl'lllS. ` ,` HOTEL jg: `$3! 59-` ` ever `since, `do 0 nu-nn1'1t| ` mum`. xmu Ill l':nw.r-.n,].."'u 9. They are-L1 acn-101.9. and H mu-r lots. Also, for sale,I\\o[,- luck. Barrie. \I\`-+l`|nn,ol..'...`l -.r u ., , - IIIAT FIRST _( k'no\\`n as the 1-\n- .. lullmr J. ~ |..n ` \'ICIIR.\I L. rrunin Tn nt BARBIE. , Iltlllllgll ll. . I II('l`l' 15:73 on the lot. Tho lot i: zrllu-r pnrlicnlmtw Pllqllilfu. A. AI:.\'.-\l.L. Pisa.` 1: Queens Ilolc-1,151.1 7.m |a=%:m"`3%l .'s. 5. . 1:. raft? `a-orgina I . On`: H OTEL mm] for sale. .I," ~. in the 4111!`, Barrie. 7. ` rlczlwd. Tbe`; lrp rm 30 - ' SE `_ Mr. Strettcm I... T.-ylin Wi|'c'.~4 lm-2 3; . "You acre such :1; . Lilly, there is no gvl 15 fin others, "" 9 . ' \ ` __ _Jv,m"OIl! (n'lmrt., mt - `up her swm-L -Int Innn alone; win 3:; Colmningling pa Balance hid: lo M: 4 And raises high nv - IF ' _ One _Door- East qf the` Post Oce Oollier Street, Barrie. ` FEE subscriber would respectful! acquaint the people of Barrie and 1 0 public generally. of the fact that he has commenced business In his new building, one door east of me osggmce. where he is prepared to supply 'DI'...... 13..-, In - - -- vvuun uurlm." Arid then Mr. Slrvlt.-v. have heard ofa Si-_'nuru dlluglner, who lnul -;-'- V Olil in ElI_:_{l:III:l.' ll. . _bG0ll_Lillan n (la-zm-t l}ivx :g return to llnly lmnl run :3 her till she xnzsrriul an I . I||lch_0l(ler tlmu lu-raw-It". B,ut the M2l'ClI1'..`u'| w:u~' was living: on um- -A" v V llli as from Nnple~, zmfl jn ur. and Mrs. Sm,-uun Villu Burcxum, Sh 'lian's marriage, un`l . dllima revival of friend. rm..- _, -- - - iwwolllnglon Squaw. :- , U 3 '\'I) |ul7"`l`:' II` `H 73!!!!` mid "__Y(-st," zv_:}m illld not help it, but at dislike M. r~L - ` utiiul fuiuml. He and Lilian In-ul ~~, fiod a1nonth;'th-v 1.: 50": 'CQ`l(~. l'|l| imp. Na......|:.... \ .n.. .2 any ueup0II'J|n V um `and -,.~`_- 45$! lillggsred on-r hf Kin-r 'I|0I1uced, anal hill-T MI wife ri:4e,im;n-Lu: um: rounul thi-1...] uh :. f1:..I: n .. .... u Icvnlu 0| Irlcuu. Lilian was full of M onntbing but Giuln 1`-.Slne is more ln.-uutifn I'I.II|l\Iu.... -._. if : ` Exfuninr GI! God of Nzlluu-. V `HOW lung shall wring Directs yen phnno-X'.|` . who pour their 0.11?` -nu`: rounll UH` l;ul_v xx , .`_`It is Ginlin, (hlln_-:1; `aI|iI. Lurini." A-{A al..... \I 1' V 4i. ----v no uuulc nu manners urn 80_ full of churn so happy I i "N{9_young girl tc In.- :"Liliun lmd ll6:\'4H I11 was new um] 4]..-I hivd been g!oriun~; C ed its own '41." `jun COUNTY or , /' I II. NIcI|n1,.~zu:: . * > . --.------ -' ---rI"J Inem with Flour, Bran, Shorts. Oats, Peashdzo 01 the very best quuilny and at reasonu e ` ' ~ _pr cos. ' ` ` ['Go6'3a delivered in any part of the town free-of charge. tiny vv... ` Is l UilI.loaI ` occ, in M9; Ill orders to ~ ._..A 'l'ER..\ls 01-` .~'l`n.~4 bollnr per nnnuln, were . '- ' H nut no la. XA`MINEl nu.` `. my rrhc la; I AND couzrnwf or` M ._ mun: n-.I|`.n utv.-:u\ T0 Ob. feeble worm. Ill thy gn-ul. ur would learn and Hunt. die mud n In his plvmitmlw Aw|ni|u L-xh-ml. ml ~30! Ill Innnt nu-rt `Iain " Thul. awful lmw-lit; The ercc tolmuln I 3' Lists to the echo . And sleeps whens`.- obedient to Thy ~ `Dd from (loop mm Thll. sclroul lhv \ HO learns um VIHIH And reads Thy n Vespra. Tlils DeA13Ot%' Thoaging Wlnpo-~ .` . "6 Wlltillg fury: Bill It Thy lllulndul The alarm and h 8'03:-. dormant naturu. yl, And cloth:-a lhv nu-mli 1`I2l`lword the vc.-rn.n| ms.- ,3` gems with .~p.uHu _Ho views the sjnnrfg -I Q And notes llw slur: ` He sees the (run I-I I mg` I . _ in] unguy lighlniuhw .. 5:: Published . VOLUME - SIIIII fcchlv man I Whom llx-an-n. ` who hold !!! the R And wipes wlmh ,_,_ . , "Lthought. )'estcrl:\_V I be happier when I sat. ; and yet it. scmus: to me had mzulu lil' Strettnn listgnc Va : ruptures; but. that , . -.... d expanse of .~.,-.:. Win which she: . lldillgs olllle (:'U&l~l '38, here and Ulur Wing` together, Awn-limbed,' hull`-< I7 II It A My munumu The storm H,` -4r`rIp!-`A ILAIN Axu 0l(.\'.\\H ,_ nnu. my` uooua delive-1 charge. '1` long. It um It won her long. H In... . .. , [I gtnluh-1 jllu-I'cIful (It~('I"<'~ _M:r deem llmu mm! 'ITItT|i`.\I.I n I IR EA D8, BUSIN EH3 (`A BILL zuuzl, -u half-clull _J ' "33 V1. uun, 0 `depth :5` hum I l":l ' In-nu ..._-- uvv_a -.1, A-;vvv4Lv1L\U, Or anything required to keep your feet dry and warm. Meu s Moose hloccasins.` the best quality and very cheap. Men a Felt Over- Shoen cheaper than ever they were" sold in Barrie heforo. Ladies high cut Rule in Sen]. Gout and Kid. all of which will" bevsold at the lower! rcmunornting price. ' ?Boots and Shoes made to order. All work warranted and no second price. DUNLOP S l`RF!l-`.'l`. Iumzm lWEJfI.,9i?!9f8.| UULVLJUL November, 1868. --:_---:-- I """l| VAI an it WIUUVV, u Weill: ",'8h W9 !_nockery 5": Which she accompanied him to "5 W59|'9ThI had midod 0ot._ 1863. "nu uuyullcr I-u urn nuulw Illa N mu! llUlll' of the night andthey had an oyeternupper and some l'oity-rod whiskeybetaeen them- selves, the rest of the l'am;ly i u the house he ng,in`bed. On Butcher retiring: about two o clock, Sterling requested to be al- lowed to stay till morning as all the hot:-ls would he closed, stating that he would make himself comfortable In the rocking- chair, by the stove. That plan wasagreed upon. The room otfthe one where Ster- ling was staying`, was occupied by the little girl and two other small children, from four to six years old. Sterling, be- ing a fiequeater of the house, knew this, unrl'ter M.-. Butcher retired, this brute in human form crept into the little bed, and ravished her in a nnmcr toosho'ck- ing to pen. She says she was so much frightned by his threatening: to kill her that she dared not cry out. Next morning ' she did not like to tell M rs._ Butcher. whom she calls her mother. but told a - washerwomnn who came there during the day, and she told Mrs. Butcher. Mr. and Mrs. Butcher were so shocked on hearing it that they did not know what to do, as "they did not like to expose the shame com- mitted in their house under such circum- ' stances; but on the report circulating - around, Mr. Butcher concluded. to lay L ir.l'ormatrion. against Sterling. The magis- trate would not grant a warrant until he had her examined by a doctor, which was ' ' done and the child declared to have been horribly use-l. Sterling was then arrested, ' and brought liefore the magistrate _ot'that village, and fully commited for-triul. The details hetore the magistrate were of so 7 revolting a naturethat a great many in the village were almost inclined to lynch Sterling, who is nboutfty years of age, a widower, having a grown up family. He was, a few years ago, `a steady man, but for some time past has become quite be- sotted. At the present Assizes he stated that he was not ready for trial, and, as will be seen by the Assize proceedings, it was put off until next term.`--Brampton_ Tinms. . I Bqgys a-.1V1.i1-Shoes! c.An-ronvs`: - -v an: `uncut uluu IUIIIID uncut On Saturday 13th ingt., a main named John E. Sterling, u well-kfiown iiutioineer, was arrested in the village ofbSLI:ee'r-wille. clmrggad with comnlitting a horrible rupo on an orphan child of: hbul twelve years nfugo, who is living under the cure of Mr. Butcher, is baker of that villn.g_e. A few days )re\'ious.lo his arrest, Sterling wetit with utchcr to his house in. a lute hour at` elm ninlnf .....l 9!"... I....I .... -.. 4,... ->(>> 50? ?1F 'L`f\T) UNI! `Ill ` UNI! II UUVULIJII WIIU Nllll . ! T V liczrnce, alive to the responsibilities of his a red position, began to turn his atten-. tion to some means of increasing his in- come, but nll anxiety on this point was removed by Mr. Seymour, whose name Horace now nssumil. making him an allowance of"ve hundred pounds a year; and Lady Vernon (lying not long after- wards, nml bequeutliing lier entire fortune to her niece, left the happy pair in cir- cumstances of I-iutlicionti afuence to war rant. the sup on of an cstaiblislirnent in B_:l,r_rrnviu. ` ere endeth the chronicle. gruvu. < e . The voung couple, under the delight ful spell of that love which bound .the::. more firmly together than thechmn-cal le of matrimony. anrl made the world lnright with sunshine and ghulnesn,.di'used b_\ . their own true hearts, lived on in the serene enjoyment of exist:-.nce,-soflening for each other all the rude- asperities of life. Augusta. was no longer a capri-_ cious girl, but a devoted `wife; and 5 Hnrm-n, saliva in Hm rnannnuiluiliticn nf his Ill! UUIUIH "0! ll IIIIVW, IDIII 5 `Vile. M r. Sevlnour lost. no time in obtaining a divorce after this discoveivy, and"-Mn. Lowe returned to Lima. where, by the banks of the Rinse, the found rest in the KIIIJVQ nuu uu cuulu any no more. The mother sat crying in her chair, while the group excl_mnged troubled glances. "' God mv soul and l\nJu" ..- ignohunt of the fact that he had taken to lns lmsmn not a uidnw, but a wife. "r Qnrlvltllll Inn! un Hum. :11 n`\fu:I'I:lItY BEEF Boorrs, MOCCASINS, nnvlhhuv -n;-.ulmu`l In l.....L. ........ l'..._A ER _1)()ZEN nun: vvuunuwu uuu uu acuuuu pl`! DUNLOP STREET, BARRIE. mhnr M9 V . Q..o.....I.... Iml. ...o .. ........ ..... __'I`t-1E E){~AM;7INER`AN-,DCQUNTY`OFSiMCOE ADVOCATE, THURSDAY: AP1:[L L W , _ THOMAS nonmson. Proprietor. 40-. E51? of` I43-Iy Iurprwmg revumuon. Theu," said he to Horace, I must claim you as my son, and I m rout] of you. I thought I was child ass, but now-" Emotion stied his utterance, Ind he could any no more. The mnthnr ant .~uv:.m:.. I... .1...:- ...1.:|- ~ No_II.In,nthet-, Jammy 1869 > `'7 31101 which they are enabled to o"er to the public at vices that caanotbe competed _ _ with WEST OF MONTR AL.` __..o__._ The whole of their immense Stock having been purchased in the best markets, and ~ 7 at the .v_ery Lowest Priceafor Cash. . E"Tlie invite a call and"tria1--condent in their ability and resolute in their dgterminatuon to givathe Fpu.1_a ; SAfusno'nox to good marks. `A All of whic; they o"ei- the AAA} |:JI1.l!4'l.Jl3 a WEST Oh` ` MnN'l`I GLASGOW. GOVEN u\l vuucl FAVOIQITE BRANDS I I ~ ` ' nan 0 ~ ` 1ARSH S_ oesNai|: %%1AAn_vj|s, h Vices, 'l`nLrethm mm. .... . . 1116 an user Bdr,Hoop, Rod? mn mun Ban -rie, December _3rd, l868._ STAPLE & FANCY GOODS ll IVllI| LIIILI lllllll HLIU UVUT WOUlll INIVU Dee with me. Is he the Horace you took with you when you le. M2mches:er--the child that was born to us iuthe rst year of our married life P on `H... .'..`I I... :. m ....... -11 n.-. 4.- __,,u u A Call from his customers and others is respectfplly 's>]cited by IThem`,;;1porium! I T0g`th6i'(Witil an immense stock of _ Waggon-Makers and Carpenters Findings, ' b . Comprising everyldencription of ` _ HEAVY . AND SHELF HARDWARE, ll which to him nnhlin ..o ....:...n.. .n.... .... -. L i if Blxicksmlths . _---.`, _ IIIIIIIV 'IW` M c 0 ON K E Y & 09., INEW }%-%noMI>nuNor cANAA.I l;%FIRE-PRoo1` HOUSE. BRADFORD, %L FIRST JANUARY 1869; I . |` N ' `W- g{.EY,;ER OFFERED IN BARRIE. 3 A . ;:._..Chini:_s;Teq;:;Setts, . Granite do., Toilet; Sets, and Glaswgare ofivery description. ' V .. 3" Only v0ne-~.P-rice, and tkai. the Lowest. % [IMPORTANT NOTICE! Good Canton Tea. . . ; . .. . 50. Fine Imperial Tea, ..... . .A Z5c `Good Hyson ..... .. 60. .Ext1:a' Fme Young Hyson. 80c. fr. . 2 , v A large demad;1_i;iom80e. Tea, unequalled for. strength and avor. -_---10 Mary, said he, I thought you were dead, long, long ago. and I had en- gaged myself to marry again; and as` he Apoke he turned tpwnrds Augusta. But. also preferred him. turning to Horace, and I think she ll be happier with him than she ever would have been huh`. Inn T- I... LI... LT` . . . . A . . A .. 4-_L Bmlford, January, 1869. ' ' Opposite` the Red Lion, DwnZ.9p-`Street. BBl_'l`i0,`J8l1. 2336, 1809. _ '_ _ ' ,_.-.., new and other \n nnvn up. . BLAGKSMI I`H S ATTENTION}! DAILY BECEVING To the People of ,the County of Simcoe. ' AND McMastr-% :Lockhard. at-, Januur 1889 . Assoitd, bought. (You: the only direct ixnportrs of Teas in the A Jnofoundep sensation was never crente ma family circle than by this Iurprising revelation. Than " Inhl Inn in ullhnnn n T .....-A --1---o@o`-----4- The subscribers haveuow in store__a very huge stock of an Pntl - 1- ' ` Suitable for the Season. ._.,"___ __-___- __ __ V - - 4;,,A i?large and .wel1~selected stock of Mu1t,. . '3Rye,_.'...;.; ............... ..... -. ., ,.;Port and She'rry Wines..." . ........ -. ,:: _( eution to the Trade. _@ V :1 '4 -;';7-u-_---u--0----- NE WMARKET NEW :P;RIC_E LIST. DUNLOB STREE?, BARRIE. #:wv11i'i: s"& LIQUORS .-7A=:.1`......,. .....J ...,.n ...1,...+,..: ..+....I. no -1. - .21 An JUST REUEWED AT THE Large s_up]9l%'6.3 0f VI uur murrmu H10! Heisl heis! was all that she could articulate.

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