sumcmnnor me. _ _ . The reason why Lucille's Visits to the banker's house ceased wns, pt. appeared, because I\1aulzune Steinmetz lfad conceived all at once it jealous dislike to her. How far this svns owing to Lucille herself I could well umlerstaml; but I could unuler-_ stnml. lVlulmno s jealousy equally well. Mml:une's llllH;SS, su'z1n_q'ely surhlen, dated frmu `the cessation of Lucille s \'isis. Was it luml to nil it cause for that ill- ...,..... .. ........,. 6'..- .`\I\ ...!L`..V.. -..L--..._-..; vvua IL Inlru nu unu u Uuuav lUl' Lllilb Ill- ness.--a cause for, the wifu`s subsequent suspeetesl death? I tl1*u_ nut. 'I`hi-yn hm] follmvecl Lucille- s departure trom Paris. The cl`ihl s anxiety for her father hi her other four from his eyes and mine: but that fear must have heen'on her then. With us she f'or__:ot it`ln time; or `other `reason had always pre- i vented all mention of what hurl occasioned it. She he-came my wife. At that rery time I easily ascertained that Steinmetz was ahsent from `Paris; less "easily, hut imlu`,italnl_v. that he hat], at all events, hceu as far south as Lyons. .At_Lynns it must have been that Lucille first disco- verefl he was (lo_r_rgi:n_9_ us. Hence her alarm, whit-h I had remembered. aml her lesira to proceed on our journey without stopping for the night, as I llllll pr'ei'iouslv `arI'an_:_'e The morning: alter the murder- Steinmetz reap|'eare:l in Paris. From the l`-our at whicli he was seen at the para it was certain that he had" travelled by the uiglit express-train in which Lucille and l hall startecl from _L_vons; and he wore that morning a_ traivellin_r_y;.coat ofvfur in 3]] respect.-i siuiilar to the one I rOll]e(]il)0]'c(] so well. ~ u1L` I L.._I ,....L. ,,I. In 3| |Io I V . . If I haul ever hngl :u1_v.(lonht-of m_v man after nntnully seeing; him, Ishouhl pl0lJMl)l_\' l`nve convinced` m_vs-If that he was my mam by -the genie:-eil temleney of tlu-se t'ncts,. which I got at slowly and one by one . ' But I`h:* no neecl of such evitlence: nnvl of course no case, even with such evi lenee, for _n ennrt hf" l:nv_. llmvew-r, (`hurts of ln\vI haul never in- temlecl to trmlhle in the matter, V _ The Op:>Ol'tlll1ityI was waiting; ivns some time heforo it ot_l't-retl. .l\_lo'n.~:iaur St-zimnetz was 3 man of retrulnr lmhit.~, I t'mml--t'rmn his first-oor in the street ntfthe Clunnpsi Elysees, evei-_v morning` at eleven. to" the Br-nrse; thenve to_ his . hurt-nu hm- hy till four; from 'h__is hnrenn to his cnfe. where `he reznl papers and pl:i_vel (lmninnes till six; and then home slmvly hy the Bnulevnrts. He mi_::ht ennsirler himself tol{-rnlnly safe from _me. while he l(`Il this sortof life, even sup- posing` he was aware he was inem'rin nny lnr'ir_zer. I don t' think` he tl`Olll)l0(l much nhont that: till one night, when. 'm'-r the count of his beloved lhminm pnint9,,hi= eyes met. mine tixetl riglitnpon hi_m. I had zirrungred this little surprise to see hmv it \\'Ollhl nfl'ect him. ' ' Perlmps my graze may l1n\'e`e.\'pressed somethinr_r more. than the more tlistmctinn l intended; hut I nntieetl- thou_9:h a more inrlierentolsfaerver inig_>flit.ensy hnve failed to nnlice--hmv the great yellow face. e.\'- punrlesl in childish interest in the childish `gaunt-, Seemed sudalenlyito ,r_*rci\v gray and lumleu; how the it smile became 11 crnel hm-ing nf shnrp white teeth; how the fat chin squared itself. Tho_man knew me, 5 `and scented danger. ALI ..-__AZ.., , ' 1 l|IIKI BUUULUKI lIlIlI".'L'|o _"A xnon`.enL s` reectinn convinced M_nnsiem- Slehunetz, thnugzh, than it could be by no means so k:en't::iIn that I know him; ve minutes observation of me more than half sntiswl him that I did not. Yet wlmtdirl I want there? What was I doin_5: in Paris? This Ini_r_:ht`- con- cern him riemly, he mmt have thought. T lmnl. mv nwn fur-n in rt-rlnr nnzl Uuru llllll uunlly, nu l[lll"la nave Lnollglll-. I kept. my own face in order, and watched his. It \v'ns|1 t an .ea. one to rend; but, you see, I land stmlierl it, closely, and in a way he couldn't have Jntenmed of . Monsieur` Steinmetz was outwnrdly}1is `wonterl self. but inwardly not quite comfortable when he rose; and T nzuv Huh nv nvn rvlnnnu nn Lia an-nut IIUL lillll-U \'UIIIHH`I4?lUlU \VUu "U I'UU; lulu `I saw the evil eye gleam on his great yellow finger, as he took out his purse to pay the 'garcon,just as I had seen it when that finger pointed at mg/selfin my dream. Ifelt curious sensations, Bertie, as I sat there angl`_look_e(I zgl)stracte(lly'at Monsieur `Steinmetz. I wonclered how long it would : be before- But my time haln t come ` yet. He went out without another glance - at me. I saw his huge form on the other side of the street when Ilcft the cafe in my turn. This I had expected. Monsieur Steinmetz was naturilly curious.` It was ~ harrlly possible that I coulil know him; - butit was quite certain that he ought to know all about me. S0,. when I moved I on; he moved on; in short, Monsieur ; Steinmetz (loggetl me up one street and ; down another, "till he nally dogged me 5 home to my hiding .place in the Pays 1 Latin. _He. rliclxit very well, too-much better than youwould have expected from he apparently tinwieldy omonclzard. But I 1 ; I remembered how lightly `he could move. ta Nnvt. r'nu T Maul `VAC ..... .- .13....- - ..,........~u;vw nun usuu: LIV \.'U|J_Iu (Ill)! 00 Next day I had,`of'course. disap- peared from my old quarters, and gone no one knew where. I suppose Monsieur Steinmetz didn t like this fact when he heard of -it. It mighthave 'seemed.suspi- cinus. Suppose I had `recognized him?` In that case I had evidently a. little game of my own, and was as evidently desirous to keep itdark. He was a cool hand; but i I fancy my man began to get a little un- easy. AHe took some trouble to find me again. After a while I permitted him to do `that. A Once found he seemed deter-V mined that I should not be lost sight of again for want of watching. I permitted " v that, too; it helpedplay my game, and I - wanted to bring _it to an end. Towhich intent Monsieur. Steinmetz got to hear I from sources best known to himself as much of my plans as should bring him to v the state I wanted. That was a murder- ous state. I wanted to get him txithink I that Ives dangerous-enough` to -b9~wo.r1h putting out of the way. I pl-esum- f.he was aware there were, or would lie,i\\ak joints in his armor, impenetrable ag it seemed: and he preferred not riskingthe. ordenl of legal lmttle if he cnulul helpjt. At all events, be elected at last to rid himself of 11 person who might be. danger- ohs, and was troublesome, by the shorgast - and the simplest means. ' if T cmv kn lmr-nulsm \\-lmn. helievilifi hm and the simplest _ if _I say so liecanse when. believing` in) man was ripe for this, I left Pars ab_`g`ut mid-lay for a certain secluded little spot on the sea-coast, I saw one of Monsieur Steinmetz s'emplo_v/as on the platform, snarl lmecnlise, two _(lnys after my arrival in my > secluded spot. I met Mon=ieul' Steinmetz in person, ne_wly arri\"eIl,' also. Nowthis was exactly what I had intended and an- ticipated. ' Monsieur Steinmetz had come down there to put me out of his way if.he could. `He_passerl me,` leisurely strolling` in the opposite direction. humming his `fzu`orite aria.ehi2'ger, and yellower than ever; the evil eye ery on his nger, His own eyes `shot me as evil re; hut he said notliingy. .I saw he was ripe, tlnough. -. My time was close at hantl. ~ - Hit omnn. Monsieur Steinmetz and I my nme was cI(m_8 aw uunu. - It came. Monsieur Steinmetz and met once more in the very same `place whre I, knowing my ground, had in- `tended we should meet. It. was a dipgin the cliffslike 11 hollowed palm, and just -tlrero the'c1i' jutted out a good bit. with :1 sheer full an to the rocks below. It was a gray afterndon, at the end of - summer, The wind was rising fast; there was; a thunder of heavy waves already. 44 T emu]: Inn hm] lmnn rlnmvinrr mm but. IIWS: Lnunner OI neuvy wuvcs ulrcuuy. - I think he had been dogging me; but I hndn t chmen to let. him get up to me till now. We were quite out of sight whe_n he had reached the level bot'to'n1'.nf the dip, where I had halted,-`-quite out "of ai5_vht,-and quite alone. To do him justice, .he came on slennlily enou_ His fnee was liker the `sketch I h:u1'mzuIe of it, Iikfer the face I hm] seen in mv dream. than it had ever looked hefore. Evideny he-hail nmde up his mind.---At hist, then!.___Well, I had been waiting long. . , . ,H \vasx clme beside fne; . _ ` A./I.." bonjour cher Jlfonsicur Stein- mptr-_' ` ` I ' 41. meta.` uni` 'IIH. lZ'o - `So? he said, his little eyes onntr.'u_:t~. in_;' like :1 cobra s. `Ah! MbI1sjeui' knows my mu-no ? ' u 1 A _._ ___,_ .u_-.. ALL.-- VUBn ` S.` ` So?` The yellrixv face W213 turni! 5_rrn_v`er. and lmrzler every minule-lik7.r_ am] liker to my 1il of`-it. `And xvlxit nt.lxt;f things? Has it never nppem'el `you that this you do, have been dnin;1-,g- ihis meddling. may he rlzu1:urn1g_.~x, lzein.;"_ nu- 1....1 ..l\....m..l H; mm no I... I..;a'l HHS Ineuunugg. Illuy nu I|m|;uuIn5_:<, n.cuu'. _- He had changed his tone, as he had` chanmexl the person in which he n(l(lrc:_ss=c-T me. Yes, he hurl certainly marle up h s mind` And his hig right h:-ml was hid- den inside his \'z1i:-tco:1'., so.Ih:'L'. 1 coull [not see the evil eye I knew was on his,- ` nger. ' A .1 . n ..... M}. I` 1... ..........o...`l ..1,....1.. ys. u ` D9n_r_:erons! he_ropez1ted,- slowly. `Pose'ib|y. ._ ` Av, surely; I shall crush you! n sTl.y_ - V . `In goaml time; wait. You plot n_r_:ninst. me. '1`nke. care; _Iam strong`; I warn you. There must be an end of this, you nude:-st:1nt`l. or-- ' He Imdnletl his big hear] signicantly. `You are riglnt, Itolul him; `there must he an end. ` It isbnming. AS639 - ' _ `,Yes; I know you. You know me 9 unn- ' 1 KI|II\\' "Illa IVIHIU LIU "VU|| iitllllai `To kill you. 1.6- So? ` Yes; as you killed lzer.` _ ` As I killed hr? That is it, then? You know that? I l `-` `I know that. ' V _ `\Vell,. it is true. I killed her. Now you can guess what I" am going to do to you-to you, curse you!-wllo'm she loved. uv|u,, __-.___ 1'._; 1 L.__! __-__ :_ .___. 1..--.- IUVLTLI. The very `face I had seen in my, d ream now. Bertie the ver face! There was I . I I sometlnn _bes1les the evxl e e that -. . . . T 5 senmerl In lua right hand when he drew it from his brenstf. Once more he poke. 6- I Van T I.-i"nr'| lmr T ' nmnnf wnn-an IL "1"" I113 Ul'UHN|_u LIIIUU llI')I'U [IU H'lUI\l.'. `Yes, I killed lxer. Imeant worse vr you." You escaptl tlmt; but you will not e.-{cape me now. Foollwere you mud to do this? Did not I lmte you enough? And Ifwould have let you be. Ah, die then, if you will have it so 1 H 1-H; lumvv riu-Int. arm swnntr lnln'l1 us l()\'l`Il{ HILL ICC, II y0ll \\'l|| LHIVU ll: BUR His lleavy ri;lrt;_1rm swung lniqh as he spoke, and I snwthe shnrp steel gzleani as it turnedto fall. And I twisted from his grip, and caught the falling arm, and bent it till the dagger dropped to the ground. And then, for a fierce, desper- ate, devilish minute, I had him in my .clutch, (lragging him nearer the smooth, `slippery edge. He was no_ match for me at this, I kr.ew, and he knew; but he held me with the hold of his despair, and I could not loose myself. Both of us toge- ther, he meant; _but,, not I. Yet I only freed myaelf just as he rolled exlmusted, but clutching at the tough, short. hashes wildly, toward the brink, and partly over it,----Only- the hold of his hands between him and his death. And I knelt above him, with the knife in my hand that was stained . with her blood. u'l`L.. ......-...b ....ll...... 45.... ...1..... ma. 3-. suunuu Ivuu Iwl Luuuu. The-great y_ellow- face, nslaen now in its mortal agony. looked silently up `at me forvthree Gr` four awful seconds; and thcn-then it disappeared-. ~ 'Rnl\" Paul nnnr~.lnrln.rl_ llml. was Lll(3ll--ulcu In IIIBZI l)l1c_zu I cu. Bah! Pau1_ concluded, that. was the end of it, - All Obliqlle Hint.---A great. deal of company being at dinner at a gentleman's house, where a` silver _spoon was laid at the side of every plate,` one "of the guests, waitingfor a favorable opportunity, as he thought,` slid one of them in` his pocket; but being observed more narrowly than he was a\var_o.of, the gentleman who sat opposite to him took up another and stuck it in a button-hole of his`c:at., which the master of the house perceiving. asked L what was his `fancy in that? ,Why, -said he, I thought everv man was to ;have one, because 1- saw 'tlu_1t gentleman ' over against me put one In his pocket. V _1___I_.._ ____ _ ___`_____) ""7 ":`""" A . . . A devotee of Bacchus was overheard the other night. thus adrlressing his lmt, which lrxicl fallen from his h`ea&:_ If I picl;"'YQu`l3P' I fall. if I full you will not pick me up; the I leave you; and he `gmgggreg `Proudly away, 0 W H `Tn kill xvnu, -` I know you. What do Szou xvzmt? IU3 ` `Among other things about ' 7-4-.`-' ~ . BRITISH FREEDOQ! AND COLONIAL RIGHTS. Mn. Dxhzcv BOULTON (late of the rm of Uoullon .&: Mc-Cxuthy) and Mr. llxuniltou D. Slc\vsu't, have` ontcred into co- pztrtnership with .\h-ssrs. Lount & Boys. for l.ho'p|-notice of their protk-ssion. at Barrie, under the rm name of Messrs. Boulton, Lount. Boys and Stewart. _ OH-`w1:--Dunlon Street. Bnrrip. mmr M:-.- I Luunn, uoys nnu awxmrc. `OH-`um--Dun1op Street, Barrie, Coukcy & C0. s Storn._ u'.u:c)' nuuI.'r0.v_. \l'\l Inl1\"l` II D II In-ma cnmzx, May 28th. 1867 unu-n.u Va uuvuuv II , TTOILVEY-AT-LA\V. Sulicitorin Chan- ccry, Notary Public, Conveyuncor. Commissioner in B. 11.. &c., kc. Heir and` Devisu-c Claims executed. (hanru-u.~ _vYn \Im-I-nw'u RnH.1:.u.a mnoo n"Cl\n J_l1ll'L'l$Ll7l'$` ' ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, | S()l.lUl'l'()RS IN CIIANCERY. ..uxALAI.:.A.'., - D'AL1'u.\' Mc(?'.umu*. urn-`ICI-.'S- uumop-nu, me same as those ot-cupicd by_ the late lirm of Messrs. Boulton & Mccurtlny. . , 43-6m \J\ A\|,'\J I4 I 11` UI (M `II. KJILIL l Ii` LI ljll I\v\1rJ\JL`n 01-`I-`Icu:-King St. West, Toronto, lsohvocn York u_nd Silncocistss. _ v 47- MR v_;_ ,._-,uuun, uuu|uuI;.',u uuu uugluuu. C()NSUL'l`lNG K: ()PERA'l`I1\'G SURGEON. I -nu ... I \ . . :.._::u 117..-. rI\.... A- u._.;_ .._ DR- R- LUND. FORMERLY OF COOKSTOW N, I'.'x- _; LI__ l'I!L.. -5 II-,__-, 1- A119 .-xssxsuml. Uulonuu surgeon, nun. Convict. Dcp t, Tasmania; three years A.s'l_Snrg. US. Army. 4 I-`met-:--In the pro.-lnises recently occupied by I{uh(~.'rL Ross. Esq.. and nea.rl_y_opposite the Wellington Hotel. 19-Gm It 533 per `acre. e annual instal- _)u 1.311;.-\.\, bUl(.Url')U.V, ,A;\U AuUUU- I CIIPIUR. vIu'.-sitlvncn. Cmms'm\vx. Special aittcntiun p-.1i`d to _disu-uses of women ` uhd children. ` ~ 17- l_:: ~ . . on."'|os. w. JACQUES, GR.flUU.-1 l .Eqf T0150.-VTO 'U.V'l l".l:'Is SI7'Y. 1_6-ly Residence, L4.-.t'ro_v, Co. Simcoe lVJ('-VISUU UIIIIHIS (`XOCIIKCKL UPI-`lcl-2.-'In Mon-nw's Buildings. west nftbe -Ifirvlnxm's Hull. C(1i,'l' Sheet. Buuzu-1. New Law ]<`irm. TD!-I.\`TIS'I`,"9-5. King St. East. _ 'l`or0nm. 'I`octbh insu-rtcd - on Gold. Silver, and. Vulcan- lzud Rubber. in thevbc-st pu. nmnnor. l ar- . l.icu1:u' nttontion g1\'un,t0 the regulation of 'clIiI:l|'c11's!.u:tlI. nnd all wurk w:u'rn.ntL-(1. V I K January, 1868. l.\ll'UII`I-Ass .-\.\u uruu. um WINES, LIQUORS A151)` iGARs,] r r vvrvn-n\Y c'l\ln.`I:'I` rrnnnwwrn I - - b'auul_I[ Curie, - . `, ILL .U.(,`l1lI nt his Oicli, in Barrie, every S.XTURD.\Y, from 11, n.m., till 3, p. m., `according to Order of Council, and every other (lay at his Otce in Cookstown. `ILAND :ggAs'rI:n' " `HE subscribers are appointed Agents at . Toronto for the sale of the celebrated I a.1isLnntl Plaster, and which they are pre- pared to forward to all Rnilrond Smhons cither in bum.-ls or in bulk by the car loud. J. S: F. SINCLAIR. No. 12, Palace St. Toronto, January, 1369. 50-6m 2,8:56Ecs. NT, Registry OUNT, Brace ` 16-I1 T. L. L: LEWI3. l ucgnsz-:0 Aucnomaan, APPRAISEB, , AND UOJLIIISSION AGENT, I'c`l|l{ 'I`llIu`. SAL]-I OI!` ..... .......... . \llI' v `(ORONEIL M-ax-ket Block, .B:u'1'io. L will Ulk(.11ll0Ul(,`l' Student. . , 1-`on THE SALE or , Farm Stock, Household Furniture, &c., 4` URAIGVALE, Co. S[.\1C()]J,O.\"l'.\RIO; OTES AND 'A(?_5_('):t-INTS_ collected at n _ sugallpercentage. A1`|cLiouSalesthrough_- out the County nittendcd `to promptly and on liberal terms. . `rs.-..:..m.n.. nm a 194:7 36-1vr. __--..,,, I ' .'ICENSED AUCTIbNEEl{, -AND AI - PRAISER. for Barrie, and the County of Simcpe. Cash Advances made on Goods re- ceived for Sale. ` McCARTHY & McCARTHY.' ]31'lr1-isters, A lIIrl'Il\1\'I|'r1-rvn n III 9 )1 www- ALL `JILL II CIIANCERY. BARRIE, _ _ _ _ - - ONT. Y .\I,'I`n\.' Mar". lhmntr nv A ........ in ,.n . .._.... 1n OH-`ICI-:s-Dx1nIop-is`t.,' the Same ins those wcunicd bv Inn: rm nf` Musx2 nunlmn .9: Marriage -._..o Licenses. H.`-an U\l\-Inn: I I uw v--_-1'7 , (Late Clerk in Couggy Registry Omcc.) CONVEYANCER, Covthmissioner in Queen's Bench, Auctioneer,` Appraiser, and Com- mission Agent. for the sale of HOUSES, LANDS, .b"AR.\I STOCK. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Goods,` Wares, &c. Also foxl thn nnllntinn nf - 1'u1uu'rp1u:., u` the collection of -n-unvrnn nun! EBB COIIOOHOII OI RENTS Nomsxmn .cco.u1\j1_'s, W Gash Aduaiwes hiade on Goods 19.f4fW,' S1" Rah: Rnnm nnrnnr nf Dnnldn and OWE!) SIS-9' Advances made Goods my gar awe. Sale Room, corner of Dunldp anq Owen St.s.,' I Barrie. ll-tf :.`Hih_est REFERENCES given._n. E 11;; Llsw nmrs. '.m1cau.L.- ` WHOLESALE lpon'\ and Hardware Merghanta. Mara 4'92: `r 4525 R-r. `Puvi. R-rm-.5:-r. DRUGS, c`>'|n+Eris}iI'E>ALs,' &c ()I-2.T'I'.`I'.`I';\_ Ill LI.SI).\ LE. 1 April 24, 1357. ' 1'hoMA?'r. A. BOYS. 1 ARRISTER AND ATTO RNEY-AT-LA\V .\`1\H1Ihnn-in (`.hnnnuI-u nnnunvnnnnr Xrn ' Ito I-0 \l I II\II\I\g Iv|o.g-,3 T :u,1:.c.s;, E.\'GI4AND, `ATE .-Xssistanl. Colonial Surgeon, I{..\[. J (Tnnvint. I):-.n t. 'l`nsmrmi:1: three wears: i Also, a. numb; -.:i|hmn_ building I) MOIUKU ID I.l.S"1'S. I .:.;.y;.uq ;.u. v v.--4-- ..-. -_..__._-.. .\\'E[.LING'l`0N STlEE'l` TORONTO.` D llI.`Il\ HIIAS. IHHHV .v__.o . HENRY 1{;x11pR, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, COOKSTO IVN. - - - - A - - - - ~ - - - - - - n - - v -u-rm R.H" men-a1 l.9.|`m3. Crnigvalc, Oct. 9, 1867. jumhv BOYS NICDL. NI.D.. )IIYS[C.~\.\', SURGEON . AND ACCOU- ~' l`.Y[[#`."I-P L :-chlnnrln {`.nnl.-u-rnu-\' w. E. STRONG M.D...` \| D I` Q `l.`\V{1I ,'l\ nu. - -n .un.ruvu\vIvvI\, 1R.~\DUA'l`E OF VICTORIA UNIVER- T SITYL ` nu I uI\ v ._~ un.~\-Lvr.\-nu-vmn_~..u un.n vuu IIl1lII-|- u y `R;-\I)UATI-I OF .VICTORIA 'UNIVER- - T SH Y. llcsidr-nco: I|'Il1|lP\"I'l\\' I` uv 7TrI 53. C0. nunmm-I.-ne .a\`n hI<'..\I.1~`.R.\` IX AISILID 1 19. IXLV U (X 1 '1 UK/.V D I -A'l'-LA W Sohcnor in Chancery, Conveyancer, &c., ' cooKs'ruw.\'. urn a. LILAKS I.lzAH:j [E.\IBERvof the Royal Colleges 0f,Su1 - g(-.0n.~', hdinburgh and Englund. \1IH."|`l\`(1.\`-l\DI.'n A'1`r\'r1 :nm:r.~nw .4 pnx'vlm:-`n money -v in two nnnun! rlicnlnrx pply lo; MI` in V .-..__.--_.- - - - V - --~, - V .. -., . Late of the City of Toronto, I '.-\Y BE COLSULTED AT THE LATE . RL-siduncu of Dr. Ross, ' CHURCIIHILL. ' 38- DR. J. LIZARS LIZARS EMBRRvnf' Hm lhwnl (`.n|l:-mnq n1 '|'llUlIN'I'O.\'. C. \V'. OlIicc at Mr. Cx1l'rI1Llxo1's's. Dr. J. W. SLAVEN. III-`.\l.I-`J! IN usinttris. Qimturg. ll ullbll |lMluvlu|u |_IIU(gI|uo No`: 4_8 4,85, Sr, ?._lDL S-ml-21:1`, I , . IIRMTRF I.\II 0ll l`l-IRS A.\'D DE.\LERS I.\' Inn` CIC-4\"VI\.'I'I(` A\'r'r\ I11`! JAMES c. MORROW, n\TY`V l I` T I? Qnlinion. UUUAD1. U H 4'. owner: s'mrc1'Lr rmn'rn. 8-tf JOSEPH ROGERS,- .. ....:-o.... nmnn \ .`IIl. cuununuua; I A C R 198,} u.x..? n. T. BANTING. lfnuulu l,`ln-l:- w. H. .BLAckSTocK, \"l`l.` l`|I.` \7Il'I`l\l)Y\ ivvn Tn".*+iK%'N"` I) I(....I...a !)l.`..I. I). \llII_IIII\Iuu- QRILLIA. tQ DR. HARLEY : In no \rrrurnr\nr I. D H II 1 I 1` 'auuI_I[ (flu-I.-, ...1 ..4 11:: nmmi ha - - " - vain: D'ALTON>1\1CCAR'l`ll-Y`,`_J!l. .:a:.a:g...; 4 LOAD. 12-yr. ESE AND BARN _._.I 36-1 yr. " V W` ;IV-l|.`LlAlv-1 \ r3AvIik:::,W~W~ INNK E-E.PE_R, c OOKSTOWN ____.. Licnsed Auclinnecrfor the `County of Simone. ' Valualor, z(`c., f:c. 36-ly JON ATH AN KILGO RE, Ll C E N S E D AUCT|0NE|'_R! VALUATOR,&q, For the Count]; Q/' Si/ncoc, ' THORNTON. I`.-AunI:nn Qvnc. 41..-.-.....1.....o H... (".u.nau I I1 UKII I Eli`- :'Auclion Sales throughout the County attended to prom_pt1y,. and on liberal terms. Nov. 28. `U7. V -13-H` 1\-'curl3/ opposite the Advance " n__//`ice, Dnnlop-Slrqct, and three doors cast of M -|l`k(5l street. . - ~n . .. {nan 1.: .1- -------~- --~'`..--`.---, }]:AVlXG rohum-11 to Bzwriue. rospcclflllly Villf0l`llIS the Ladies _tl1c11-01'. aind its vicinity. Ihut she is ])I`(`])1|l`(`(] to amend to all orders in .\IlLLII\'El{Y. in her usual slylt-_. which has invariably givcu satisfuctiqn to her patrons. - ` I1` I V -.` .1 .1 A1 ,1! 0-,, Saddlery and Ha1'nessEIahlishmeni, I (.\'m1'I1/ m::.o.s'Ilc (he I)'r,tn/c of '1'urunlu,) i \ `puny --1,1,...-u -. DU..\__'.LOl S'I`REl'I`. lllg i Bits. Linus. Bruslw.-`. (`H Cards. &c.. &c.. to ln-. 1'01 Anv m~H:-In in Hull Ir ...b null Uumzfy ( Bnrri<-. Apr` blll`(lS. \\'.C-- $0.. 10 Ill! mullu Ill nu.` uuunut Any article in: the lrauio nxzumf-.1cIu1'c(1 fIn'nished to order _on slnorti notice, nxul \\' ranted to give satisfaction. 3%` ]. cpm'r.~: tccll ml ncuy c.1'ccu!c(l. 15. 185.5`. ' 10 lwatlna E35?iiEEiR'i.l 7 I113. .11h. begs to announce to the Public in this -.un(lsur1'0und`.n;; lu\\'lI'.~`h7p.~4, ` ..h:1t he has rs-nu-I iho :).hu\'1`. wmblislnncnt from .\lc`.-:.~'rs Cn.\' & Slxupcott, and is now pru- parcd lu um1('5rtul (`Y ITSTOM C A RDI N G 2 \_, Ln; LUAIL and in the Full. also r1rvr r 1\v.. A \`I'r\ Ii 1~`UL~L1.\'.(} .-\. \Il)A CLOTH ])RESSI.\'G.. 1t....:..... nivnlv on ... - :.. H... 4'.-. ` nln In mug I` U IILALJ \I gxuu \JlJ\J L LL Lluu-J. Iluving spent over 20 ycaus in the IE". largo L`sml)1i. he m-ml only 1'(-for old l'rix-nxls. in Essa and (-lse\\'luu-c, 1 chamctcr of duing gopd`\mrk. ~ - TIIOS. MCNI |"B`ootsa.nd Shoes; rm & P85 WHOLESALE A31). RETAIL, ' VERY LAIKGE and complete Assortment ` of Lzulim-5' El1:lll)l`('d 1{iul9.nd 1 run<-Ila Gaiters. Buskins, Buot.~`; G4-nL's Cull`. Rip and Cou-1'50; !\li.~s1-As and Chillrcn's. of on-ry \ a1'iely and style. which will be Ix'('[)t cun- sl_antl_v on hand. ' A '1` PI.'1(,'ES N0 '1' TO 131;` I: _`\' 2I'.`lI`S0LD. I sl_antl_v hand. .-1'1`PI.'1CE.S NOT I:'.` D1'.`RSOL D. ` ` . ROI5E{l'I` CAREY h.._._:,. In!" 0 1Ql`.~l `)9 Ivr H) `H " .\'.\'A0R. (.`rm-m- Hm- I 11oL'sI~:. SIGN AND 'Carri:1g'e Ll'ainting; Estuhlis] I Dunlop Street, - - Bar -- 4 CL,TM`f?...n$`CI:3;ACYv\ \I\I\II-II-II \lI I-lluuv-, (l..\TE c.-u>o.\' .-.- coL'1.'r1~:u.) _ I AVING entered into co-p:irtnersl|ip, are now p1'ep-.u'ed to execute in the best" style of the an every description of Ilor: I SIGN, CAlHllAG`.~I A.\'l) On.\`.\.\u:.\"r.u. l .ux'rIx<;. Gu.u.`.'I.\'(;. 1 .\H:n H.\NGl.\'(}, .l.\'l_)\'u, n-sps-ctfully solicit n, cm'1tinI1:Luce of the very tiat'to1=iug patronage. belstowell on the late rm. feeling conlidenh that `they can execute all orders entru. to them, in the se\'('.r:1l branclu-s" menlionvz-d_. in :1 style not to be ex- celled in the Province of Ontario. E213 Paper f1au_r/ing also attended 20. AN APPIH-;x'1`I( 1:. \V.\NT1~:D. CQUI/l`1-IR & 1"1~:.-\1:cY. Tlnrl-in. \l'm' 4. 1868. 5-ll` V`. IIE Undorsigm-d, hzujing av First-Class Pile-D1`i`\y`u'.',' is propxuul to execute oI'de1's for that description of \\} ork, in the very best mmner. and on reasonable u-1_'1ns. hm ..... -- . I1 f`.-nnu1:lIl.'n I-`an P I. R - mmner. unu Ull luuruuauu: u1_um. Reference. .--1]. Cr<-swicko, Es.q., 1 .L.S.; '1`. D. ;\lcCunkey, Esq., M.P.; J. D. Lcndlaw. Han J.P. '1'. H. MCUU Esq., J.P. same at very. moderate pncvs. Corned Beef. Smnsages and Lard, together with avuriety of other useful eonlmoditics, can usually be had at No. 1 Stall. $'.-ill nurchases delivered in arm man. of BTINGI-l_AM BROTHERS. Bmcnms AND Gnxnmu. PURVEYOIIS M.-\_RK_ET S'l`ALL..\'o. 1, T. -@n ``````" E J ya nuu1..u, H;\V'E constantly on hand :1 `good supply of FRESH ME.-V1`, .l*`()\VL, GA.\lE, &_:c., of as choice quality as_t;ho markets a`\.rd, andotfer the at very. moderate prices. Beef. Sausages Lard. tor_vether V G-eo1T`ge' Plaxton,` V .\u_.\'U1-'AC'n;Iu-:1: 01-`. ' TIN, SHEET-IRON, ` J APANNED` ' and Copper Wa1-e. AX!) DEALER X! Eon, 40!} acres All C3 llllllilly D43 D30. at A0. 1 bulll. aw`.-ill purchases delivered in any part of the town free of charge. ` n.mrr Darn rmn /`IA'r'r'7'r.'r I/nu uvnu nut: UL uuulsc. CASH PAID FOR. 0.4 TT'._7'E.,' A. stxomux, l-tf _ J. 1n.\'c AID DEALER 13 Box, Parlor, 1Iall,"and Cooking Stoves,` Q3!` A 13T\L`\Y 17`\`!W'I\1 DO _.4 ._`-_, _ .v. -..., --....., ...-... .. . -. ...-..--.., M-GARDEN IPLATFORM COUNTER SCALES, COAL OIL, <'c., oz-c., |ncxLorsrn1:z1'. . . ,. . numu S prepared tg execute," in superior style. all kinds of Custom Work, such as Carding. Spinning, Roll Carding. Fulling, Dyeing, and Cl_ul1 Dressing. All kinds of cloth for sale. Aauxwsz J. D. Laidlnw. stavncr: John Mather. Angus; James Eu:-,t!_1,;-_r_. Sunnidulc. Woo! taken to and from the agencies free of ob I_*ge.-All work warranted_; . ' ` $991810! 39-: !i.-j ` 2.9-!` umyu urcssmg. All kmus ol clotu I01` sane. Asians: J. D. Laidluw. stayncrz Mather. James 3\!_z-,t!_1;-r_. Sunnidule. from ffn iuoncies Ix;I1isI,`)Iay' 14, ms. Barrie. July '2, 1963. FUR gm Bm'1'iv,l\Iny. rsus. Iv lL\JJ.JL.Jk'LAA4A4 LA4`A/ LI/I`.ll.AAAA4 Next door to Ross (E Gilt`/zrist and opposite tn/ze Olrl Stand. 7 V Bridging arLPiIe-"Driving. uuuux J uuu um uuu.-1 uauuuuuuuxuu (.\'crz1'I_1/u];1,o.s'c'(c Qf '1'urnnlu,) Y\'l I\I) Q'l`I) I.`I."I` , , _ - Ill "HI Sjayner. May. 1858, ._____?_._._..__. ESSA WOOLLEN `MILLS. Barrio, {\[:n'ch 4, ` 186$. gusiucss Q-E;:turg. x- \4'-` . \.\,\.-\ Mrs. BOUR_CY, MARTIN MOORE, v :4 .|.VLI I). )lIAI I -s l.`I.~'f year, and: 011-1] by l.'lNI'v nnn'I.`L' umu'rmlir_: V CUSTO CARDING; I... Y.`..1l l\l ... i"i\7E:"i"fi"i.7 G.UPTON '**'* I I_IAS now on hand an ex- tunsivc and genuine stock of Single and Double Ilurncss. (C:u'n'agc and 'l`(-zuu). English and Com- mnn ltitlillghutldlcs. Duuble nm1 Bridla-.=. Collars. which he can offer v w.-mun-h`n. nu.- J()IIN SPARLIXG. Qonvnur, Rn. Rim: iistznlnlislnznlelntt ! Barrie. ngnc l':l'1u|c.=. uuuurs, cnn_oIfL-1' '_\' r(-usun:.hiu wives. in stock. smnv n1` the In`-,-li.~'h and other Rid- uul l)r'n`ing Whips, 'r_\` and .\('.uxc Cuxnbs, ` mud in this market. nix, or rn-Wnnl-n nlul u-u-_ vu.V ar.~uu.1.\u. Staxyucr, Co. Silncoe. 113-tf mrlt. - '1` IIOS. MLNELLY. 1;'..H` \':urIs\ .,, , B.-XRRIE. ti). HA UNDERS, My [0 we unuc: I In:-1'. llill I3 (1 u".uu- In `or to Ins` , for `the um 10-tf. l Corn01`>Duul0p and I}:\_vl'1clt1 Streets, n \ nnvn I THIS old and t';n'-wilt-. 1-.~'tuhli. is now llnlll'K';:0lll;: tlmoruugll rm-nunuiun, and will if: :1 few lays lm n:lurnislu-(l and rclilu-(I in a,Iuunn(-1' that will compare l'u`.'1II`:1lrly with ` any hotel I`.Ol'Lll of l`m-nniu in so far as con:-i l0rt,,uon\'cnicuce and prunlpt :ulu-11d:u`1cc are coxu:u1'nL-d. _..._ n 1 . uw u - 1 . u.-uuuu, u.\ 1 . A.1 R. BINGHAM, (successor to A. Mis- ; campbelI),Proprnetor. IIIS Ildnsc has just [won lined up anal`: 1-<.-fu_.rnislu-I um-\v. making it one of the ` mo L c(;1x1Ib1=l:1l)lc houses in tho .\'urth. n - v , ...A-.r. nu .1- DD1?E&L9vz:,%;I9,ELI V--- ......... .. .. ..... ........, A l'I;'.\'l.\'Ii. UU .~,'I.|[(;'U1;'. 0.V 1 . JOSEPH WILSON, - - - Proprietor. `:- D. FAn_unu~:1:, uu., mu- .._, AY. 200 acres. on., 100 " uuuuun -mu. ` , 33` Goud st-nbling on the premises`, and '.1t- 1 tenlivc servants. ' . I Fcbr_uur_y 15, 18138. 3-Iy. The Bar is .s'1lppli(-cl with Choice Cig:u'.~'. Good .5111-ds aml Slublix ` the Hutu]. Hunnuul-um `)1 1 QR ? _ (Lute I\l(-ukiug'!~'.) Next Door \\" of the Rzrilway Station, l3:urie, ()ut. n Y`,._ ,___,.. 1x._ _._:,...._ V `Ills Hotel has 1'-ct,-nllyum1m';;on(=<-xl4,-n- ' sixv iu|p|'uvcn1c-nL~' in the \\':1_\'0fau1Ililions, furmshing. &c. Its il(:'.:0lHl1lQll(\li()n is now mnple. and cmul'urt:1l.;l-. 'l`h(-, host Liquors and Cigu ' n be round in the Bar. 1-Hy i AIJTO` H0 USE, AT"|`l\ I?! (I4 !\\"I` "rIIQMA.s s'r0.\'F, Adjoining the Railway St-a tion, Craigvale, 1: GREGG, - I I't'Ipriu(ur. `The Bar is mpplfcxl with good Wines 1 _ Li!lllI)l`r{\l\j1_pig:l!`S: " I '1'l{U' JJIXI IE El|lI|Il.U|.I lllhll BUUKL ll IIIC-, Liqm)r.~v and Cigars. Exm-1lcnl.SlubIing and Sheds connected with the lluuso. , . ' ' _Craigrulu. Oct. 9, 1567. 2:6-Gmos. L North Arican mei; 11HU10.\"T.l/3/0 0' '1' If 1: L T, Inn I l\'m\\'Au\:\ ..........,,m. "Win. urxdcw "1-Z `suits: H I'm...4.. .. _ (.'()I.I.I.\'(\\'()Ui), |CHABLES CAMERON. - PROPKHETOR. 1 JlL/JlaLI...Il.4llll\./ A.`.l..L&.LJ.l.Jl, 7 `I113 commodious honsu; hats recently " A been thoroughly 1'cnov:ux-d and re- fl1ru 1. and is well zuluplu.- for 'I`l':l\'(*I'l`.~`_. a being (:()Il\'('Hi(`Hl to lmth 1-:n'.< and h0:u.~'. Goml lslalbling. A Li\'('l'y 5'.l:L`ul- i-mm-clvxl '.\'ith the " lxou-VI`, \\'hcrc hursu-.s can be `um! on [bu slnun-test notice H NEW LOWELL,` J. G. MARTIN, " 7 - Proprietonf l`;n-nun-In nfoluu .. I. nun-n Ilnlul " (`I-1-uhlnrn CIIUIICII IIILL, I.\'.\'l. .LJ uuuu .~,nwun;._,r house. J-.u1u:u'v 3. 1.8137. l*`unnvrly of I he ',"".' .U.E.\'. HILL, . . . . . . . -- PRO! HST nI' L[QL'()H>'. (,'-IG.-\KS, I"lH>'lI.\! lCN1'5']vl`lI\`iIiI"]- The Penn l|l|I'I'. an.---3...uuv lmgnisln-no Stxlgcs clugngc lmrs IUI'I'l'0ll. and M15- vs 1. ) The Queen s, -DU-.\'L01 ST1u-Jl-2 1`.- - - - - 1:.-u: 1. \' _ n.:1.....L. n. T IIIS \\"(,-ll-known zu1 old Hotel has been tlnoruuglzly rt-novutu-d and litter! up n1 a manner to ensure the cmnl'u1't ofguu-sis; -aml tA1':u'(-llc1's arc a.s. that every endeavor will be used lu;,rivctlu_.-1:1 salislhction :md1'uml- enztlw ostu`hli. tlgu In-st uf, its cl:7,s:~' in pointofcomlbrtauul lustv. A l -illinrtl Paxrlur ullacluztl. Stugostb1`(lill'L-1'entparts leave the llIlllsH',t1ll.lly. - ;g"l`he Travelljng Community will nd this esTah1ishlm-nt.=u_1ted to thcnr requirements and deserving of then` patronagg; ' - _.-. Iv\ .-,.. ..,. . ` Elf `7"`l" `"'"`i9. 5.`-5| U\IuIuu:u.;nu 'J'luv\u. Iers. Excellent Stubling connected with the House !3I.=.+'r'!?. ml: April, 1806: T $0 .v- u: In A. ABNALL, ()rillia I-Iotel , B. W. ROSS, .... ...... .;...Proprietor. 7 `ME pmprietw of this we-ll-l\'no\vn " ' estgthlislnnent begs to inl'urn1 his friends "and the tr:n`ellin;.: cnmniI1nit_`,' that he has leased the above hotel in the pleasant and healthy village of Orillla, and is no\vp1'epure(l to 1'cc('i\`- and nccunnuodate ;_;1w:ets. Commercial travellers and others furnished with convenient and ample accommodation. Choice \\'im-5. Liquors and Cigar.-s, in stock. Apm'tmeuts_ let to private families. 7 3%` Good Sheds. aud Stablilu with attentive servzuxts. 5.f BARBIE HOTEL`. AARRIE, COUNTY 01? SIAICOE, 0. W. Mrs. E. MARKS, Proprietress. JOHN McWATT, Superintendent, THIS ii the rst Hotel m the plaue, _ gm} affords all the conveniences and con)- ts -.. I-.- L-_.-.. `H15 `1; the nrsr. now: m we pmw, and forts of a first class house. - Stages depart from and arrive at the hotel. ` Conveyanccs to and from the_Steamer. :3` Liv-cry connected with the house. _ga _.__.____.____.---_.__.._._. nu u uunulvllnn-1: nu-..u. lizxrric, June. lb` ADJOINIXG TIIE STATION , COLLINGWOOD. J. P. RYLEY, - - - - - Pnom'm~:'ron. Formerly of the l'ioY.u. I101-I-11., Hamilton. EfT1E$?leI lmlfotf ] of the I -FIVE . with HQ.` llUl('I. December 24, 1867. P. QUIS,- ffwtcls mu! >nlunus. T wELLIJN`GTdNL pHOTEL,# GLOBE HOTEL. ncvr.--r nvnnv ll u...,... - -~r: . :3` Sample ROODRS. fox Commercial Travel. HTS. A1\_/.[AR'1:I`N S H0r'EI: Alma House, - HILLSDALE. Penetanguishene Road. I IV" `III I llunninluw-l'nln I531` Liquors and Ci;__':u's :xl\\'u_\'s in Sl0L'l\'. Good >,'t:1l)1ing and` Sluuls :u[joiuing the IISO. FARAC.HER S "Hd`f'ELA, xmuizcn mu iifousfi-i, lrly lo the under 1 uh. cnAiVT=IE HOTEL, RAILWAY H() l`EL, JOHN cm-zc Proprietor. U1 u1uuu.L.- - ~ - 'vur the .\'c:o Imim.-1y LI Al I _ _ A _ PBNETANGUISIIBNE, .-.v-v -_ \,r ..-_L_` A1'T0, FLOS ' l'IxL-lr.'1I1;:(- Hutu (cu. snxcoxa. L`. Liqxmrs and ing udjuiuing :Io\'c1' um 1'.u. F8. 12- n'n_I/Ian For Sulf- _._.. 7 ' N ! I5.-\I{lUE. P l:0l)I`i ctor, Pnopun-:'ro3. 1~ r0priL-tor. u-Inn. Proprietor. 47-: yr. . 2l~lf One Donllar per Annum, strictly in Advance -43-lf III S, 200 acres I` -u um-unxnm-xan nu-r nl l`:l\'('L`l iflmico (1ll(Il'.~` & _SI:l.l)l:g zunl Sin-11>: I1`: 0R1LL1A', C W. JA.\1lSJ()lL\'.5'U.\', - - - l'1:n1'1:1 E;XG, 4.WiE.HTE3% This well knw lInd-rgun- n-r_v zultlilion lr.n:in;_; n .-ml` cu-n m Temperance Heine} 1 V i IIENHY Fl{.\>_'I-Ill. L ' Ill ` up Ins I `If ` ROCHESTER HOU SE, NO. '20, 1-'i{U.V'|` S l'I{l-Jl~Z'l, '1`0RUNT(). Brick Building H i.` S` . ON B.1l'FIEL1) .S"['l.`l:'1;"l', Ii. ' '7 " _\U IHHHS HI Ill furtublc all who may l':x' ~.-\ U N |n'.'u.3`, `Jon;-r l_Iill l .0. :1-4 l').H' 'l`hc suhscl'ib('.' h:I.~` G1`acary, 131`-J`Ji. s'i'iI1 Ea. `Cn`ack51'y_Line. 1... I rm-'\'<!-ti) .\I't"|'H>_`.'iIl~.'l:- In- and \ onlvr ' `Hl L'DnIllm(llUII3~ ll- :-tl. nml l`urhi. cmufurluhlu styh-. [I (`HI mums I'm (-mum in] [H mums lnl (mum- nurlh 01 T(`I`0llln. u.I..., um, u.v-, IS now selling his stock at prices as low, if not lower, than the same goods can be lmq in Barrie. - - ' Apzo, 1`own:hipF1oa, 1868, . #2)? DOMINION HOUSE, A ANGUS.. (.\"o:(rr I/ac Ifuil/I-'Ig /)I ]`mt.} I wu. ll. .m-Imu:u.!., . l`m;nict<:: ._..._.- ' `HIS cnn|mudiun.- 11:139.]-h:1. In-1-n 4-rx-(-1 ...I nun] rm-I.i tln-nu-_rhn:|I in :1 mm HE public are respectfullyVreqncstod (9 take notice that the 2_.......a.._- `[1.-uinnaul L 'n`KU HULIUU lllhln LAID Sunday Bu siness` Hitherto .:onnccted'\vith this eslainiishmcae will be discontinued from this date. _ D. V'Az\ EVE1i'(g 1-.,,, 2, ._..:| an 1an'1 LL kinds of Carpenter and Joiner Work _ dunes in ntvorkmnnlilce manner nml as rezisonnble prices. ` Doors.` Sash and Blinds on hand and furnished at short notice. Ordr-rs for Coffins. 11-arse. and 1~`.me1-31 Pafaphcf. naliu promptly attended to. - Barrie. April. 1867. 1]. uenenu. Ucuccn in DryGood$.Groceries,Provisions /`v..,..-lwu 1} !/msmtlre. Hardware. 1} 1'I|w.~1. _L.:u|-s. `lU=)uI'(*UIx1.~\~`. u \`~"lxnlc.s:\l~ and lh-lnvil. Sign uf lhc lnd Qlu-on, 5|. Jzunos 22-tweet. ]Iu:nilIu1', U. \n\b1` Ah! I n \\'h0|4-.<:ll(- 114-: nu-clicI1LS-gtl L:-nf. bacco, corncrot Pal II \ \H 1/I.s'plllu Amos. (lLl;'lII11u:y uulu... ... Valuations carefully mnrle. um] Sun-4-_yin_'_: Ovary description executed with accuracy :1: qt-sputch. 30-. _ Connnc1' .l`x':l\1-lic.1':~. lllullllvlun I.-auu um. . _ _ J ' LAND AND l.\'$Ul{;\.\'C1'I A(}H.\'T. ANGUS. - ' ' " < ON 0 WILLIAM MOORE, BUILDER & CON 1`RAC I`OR, V, .11. 1) A 1) II II` | ;`vI?I. nu:-lh~.uL b -.:6s:in'bmjpe, c.E., Provincial Land Su rv eyo r, n Iv.-xrn\\'r".` _\11|\"'[' I Al\JJIIJJ>,' `L .~ituulud, will1i_n IVIIE . liluult: to t .~\ccn|md::liun fur 20 R E.`i.'. EiL"l`..\ !l,!~I* R251 R E!EiR.`~ . W Will be found now m;iOH1iI0N HOUSE, 0k)1)osi(c' U16 Ij uil4cu`// .` -. .-n-n-v-- JOSEPH caocaes CIIIIEIV.C()XS'l`.\l$l.l-I. Counly (. U1-`I-`I(`i-21 I)uulnp i'.u'r'n-. SAMPL ,_EEQQMS;g Barrie, April 24,1867. T}'1;\I1 1 1: _ I) I [OJ In wlnin of I.` vA>iEvE1:\"s Igivery _`._3tables. '43 -u.s`inr.5'5 gzlrtrtisrmcuts. G000 5'1 .-lI: Ll.\'I:' .-1.\'!'I .S'[II;'DS. 0 RTIIA ) \\";-at ` uaglvuv-v..-,.,. . - ..-.--r _C,Yrvoclcer_1/, _Glassware, Hardware, Jun .1: n Iv n Qotrls mu! .$nlunn.V-_z. LUTHER GROVEBV E.\LEl{ l.\' ()I(i.\l:.~'. TH D;....u (`IIII1-Q l`n!:m-1-uni.-'(~ H F J. SCI-Hi!-\bDER. 'An\'UI".~\C'1'l'IlI'IlI 01" CIG.-\I{ ..I.nI.-gulp :1:-salm-in Huvnnn. Y: Dis.-pulerl Lines accurately nrljuslell ..I..,.o:,m .-mu-(ullv mnrle. nndSu1'\'<',V| FA RMS for SR1` Also n Liilhttllf, I....vl.l:IB lJ+J.14.|.u nu V V . - . _ . _ _ - JIary- Street, .`.'o"l.`1, BARBIE. ...______.__.. THOMA-S STONE,` B A R R"I E, Ont. J pains \\`i!l lu- ll whn nmv l':x\ 1`RA:s121.s |" lH`(_'lI_ HHIHP 1:<;l:1liun1 in tho Inn: |lu'l' \\'mll m_.~'.1 I`:-.~'] J the public, that In: vs"--- , , General Dealer in A I n _ LIL`! .1-|'In &c, in stock. C- I` In! `L nnnvl .;.`l_v at the omcetl mild. It (`nlIl:lInSl 'I`L'i'.ll ll'I'\'(l*'l.` Slull'o|' Ilon: 1\ Um31s1: . v-- ".4 ,_ Cuumv of Simcuo. ... 1 lO'l'1'I'i .. Igllmu 1 HM` hl` ..I -I 'TnnACcns 4-` I`......Iu .\ .~ L`-It lnisinc-.-'2 :0 cu (~.(ll. .-w:. orm sum. `I!l_'.{0i' y and 30-1} AND I`...- .7;L;` mg OF 0R0. " I nu: Iuuulu r In u: m BUSH.` -z13Ng |,IA|,lF.\4\'()v . (irncor, Bnrdn - A . :u;.z!- ml nulrrw. Thm -zm.`d.' , l`hu laud ~ mi in: dwullil thriving young 4\n;_rus., are not :~ lots xujc situated ~, 2:1il\Hl_\'Sml|0I ':n'uruhl.- putt M lots, und two 0 suh-, two Lola % CLEARED! II I` ..... nil Oon. Acres. 11 3 200 4 200 I 200 7 200 6 100 11 186 10 100 2 - 150 0 100 . PM I runiy 1 HM.` `NU I Hlll'l'i'. ,1 . 'm.. LUJ H) )0 whip of F109, W. ..\'.\H'l`lI. Cuuniu nf 0:. 100 N. s, 40 MP. , 200 acre! 10!} No. l in thug containing 2, r1 1) 13 L` I!` p. 5:110.` Wu w Mb Co m.,.;,. '1'..- .41, T Lot No . ; tow'"" 1 . U. My CKE. Jn., Buuun, JUU 200 200 200 100 120 200 200 200 I Ullk`_v, In M`-rrII\\"rI Hn|:dim,'-a, \Vu.-'n_izr the Fireman`: ' llnll, (.`s.lll(rr .>..'uc:, I$:'.rru:. 'rh:u.\1s 01*`-Sl.'nSCltlP'l`l()N: . (mu Dullurpurxunnlm, strictly In advance! or $1.50 ` if I10! nu puld! I l.E'l"X`I-2!! m:.u).<. 13115 IX.K\lINElt l!(())l(`)ll'(u.:}`_NI)' JOB 1 IU.\"l`lN n prupnrcd to :.\' in. .;IH)l!!'h)!` style every d-.~- vuzrl mum of ' I'LAI.\' .\\'l) `()lt.\'.-\.H-2.\"l`AL l'l(l.\"l`ING: hllC1Hl.s' I ` nntslxncss C.\ltl)s, mm. mm; un.r.R. _ UHl(JlYI.ARS. Address all order: tu : 'i:hc Ixunnlnor AND COU.`J'1'Y 01" b'I.\lUUl'. ADVOCA I`E, u. nnnu u_.-nu I.-|.'I.'Il\' l`lIlVlIn lI.\ 1' IIn.1\'lNl}. xv. M. :'1<'1m1.~'o:: ; .-._._._...._. \'IJlIlI\ I\l'JUi lion, well fenced. '|'lw lmlullcc is In u. u. .v.` vl Imuun. 'l`|u:1L~'n.u'. Fl-}l3lU.',\ln Is, .1809; me T Li1`m%u::izu?r, AND COUNTY 01-` Sl.\!COl'} ADVOC.-\'I`I'}. VOLUME` VI. Il.\Ill`, lllL' UIIIIIU nu Iuu null u\:I;uuu.1- ll'.'lI.1-`ll. It Imht. 1 iu11:ug,rixw:l, h:l\`cVm.'clll'-0 ml to him that the suiul t-Fume 4mi_-_:ht` ('.\'(`llU|:l_\' he x-.--1 lay Inc on him. Anal 1, [W1 prnvcul |mu.~aull' to In-. an person who H1 not stick at trilh-s. ll hulnm\`u| nio, tlnc;'ufm'o, to go tn work L':lllli0ll.~`l_\'.' But l hzuln't fought luliu'ns`f'm' Inotlninng; ;uul I uwx \'1-r_\' c:lllliull.w'.: I \\'3Ii[(.`(l quiet 1ill,l _I_-gut u n-l_c\\'. It w.-us :1 curious one; mu! I got it in this w.1_\', It struck me one (lay, su-hl--.n|y, that I had lneaml of a murth-r precisely similzlr to this ulremly. I muhl nut at rst x.-u`.| the thiu_~_r to mind; hut'pt'c.wut|_\"J ren1cmhcrc.l---Iuy drcmn. Aml then I u.-l(c:l In'_y.~'cll' this: Had not this murder been done lug/`arc my eyes ,1/zrcc _I/curs ago? to I 4--nnu tn Hun nnllt-`||:::\|\ Hm! I`|n uh, ll! ICU `I/CHI I3 U:/U4" [ came to the conclusion that the cir- ctunst:u1ce.~: of the Inurdcr jn my drezun mere 2_ths--lutcly ith.-nticnl with the circum- stances of the uutuul `crime. Yes; the girl whose face in that drc.-nu 1 had never been able to see vats Lucille. Yes; the atssassixn whnsc fztce I had seen `so pht".nly in tlmt. tlremn-was the real ussas.-m. In short, I believe that the murder had been re/zcursnl heforc me three _)'c:u'.s previous 0 its actual cox: mittztl. n KL`... .. I. ._4A'.,._ __.:II 11,. Y ).U ILH HUIIIHI CU3} lllluill. Now this sounds rather wild. Yet I came to this conviction quite coolly and dt?lilcr;itcl_\'. 1'9 was 1: conviu-tion. As- suming it to be true, lhc oil-ls agztixist me grow shorter tliret-.tl_\'; for I had the por- trait 7'!/w man I wanted drawn by my- self he (lay after I had seen lu'n2.in1n_I/ dream. Al1Il_Lll0 original of that portrait was zl mnn not to he easily mistaken, sup- posing him. to exist at :11]. The day I came ncross thnt sketch of him in that old forgotten sketuli-book of -mine, I was as `mn~.{ lm ALI m-he ... l...o Y ..|: .. torgotten sketuli-book mi `sure he did exist as that I was alive my- self. What 1 had to do was to nd tllirs _ man, and then I never doubted I should nd the man I wunt_ed. You see how the odds had shortened.` If he knew me I knew him now, and he had no notion that I did know, him. It. was It good deal fairer ght. between us. 5:! 6`.u...l.o :. ,.... 4., :- - have acted upon; and, besides, I wanted ' have no objection wlmteverto put_g knife utllur llgula UULVICU" US. I fought it out alnne. My story was lII'(ll)' 000 the Rue de Jerusalem would no _interl'ereu~e. So, with the portrait before me, I sat down and began uj con- eider. who this man was, and why he had murdered that child. The big, burly frame, the heavy yellow Afzgce, the gaudy. yellow hair, the iliysiognomy genemlh-, `was Teutonic. y man I put. down. as} North German. Now` there were, um]. are probably, plenty of men whogwould into me, it" they-got the chance; but this man, whom I had nevermet, could have had no such quarrelas theirs with me. His quarrel with me must have been, then, Lucille. Yes,,that was it-L_uci1le. I began to see clearly: a thwarted, devil- ish pnssion-.-=n cool, infernal revenge. The child had feared something of this port; had perhaps seen him that night. This explained . her nervous terror. `her Published every Thursday Morning.` a>z~;9.'a-21:1-;a'_;.\5s ishing County rs can Bbtnin ir prices with .\lI.l'Ili:\. {/,i'mw[:/(,l(:4 . I. I l.\'A.\llNEll 0l'FIL-`E. . . Burrlc: L/`._\V. S().\'S. l unI.nmr.ns. l m.~;ull' . fa ':lllli0ll.~`l_\'.' 1u.1im..- `for iulln'.: 7 \\`.'I\' fl l"III';l\II~l {IH' `) ' CIHCULA RS. LABEL! I)3tVl.')-\-.;iH.~ ' r..usn3:Ls, 5:0. l nervous anxiety to stop nowhere, to travel on. In that carriage of that express train, nlone with me-where could she be safer? This accounted, too, for her anxiety to reach England. He would not lure fol- low her there, she hn..l thought; or. at least. could not without my noticing him. And then slne would have told=Ine. .She had not told u e before evidently because she hnd f<-.nre'l for me too, in a quarrel with this mun. She`mu.-l., innocent child us she was, have luul some. instinctive kliossleilge of what he was cnpnlle.. ..-. Ay, as cool,` infernal revenge, indeed. - To kill her; to fix the murder on me. That (logger he haul left behind .--."l`he appu- rent impossibility of uny one`s entering the carriage us he must lmve entered it at all, ' to .~m_v nothiug._r of the uhnost nhsolute inipos.sihi|ity of his doing so _without dis- turbing either of us-_vou see it nnght have gone hard with me if at British jury had hzulto dccinleon the cause. . I u `l! ll 4.. ,..L .I,:_ ..l. ...A ..._ ._.....' IHHL IJHCHIC H HI-`INC HU IHUHHUII U1 Hy nl-nuxiousgn-L'l'nlant zit any time; I didn't L-xpucl 10' nd she had, In-zr tcrmr at` the man \v.-;- [oh inleusu-. But this uum must Inn`.-, nu-L hersmm-uhL-re--\\l1cnc,? _ \\'h<-u >1-I D`.-\'\'rn.v <':u1H.' hnme to lie his hlllg,'l1(0l"\\':lsj:Isl. l. u\`ing_r his Pzu-i< [)._6Il.\`i'IIl)lHI. All llm.u|'.:h his l:1.~'ti|lm-s.~x I; 1,;ul .-can nu \'|.~'i[nI' hut mo, :mi.l Lllcilhe -ha-l ucwr quilted him. Bcsiulu.-a, I haul |....... th..u-.- H Ilm timu-. I In-1-slnnr-.:l_ 'Il.'l'l llL"\('I' (l||'.ll,L'(l nun. uranium`, 1. mm lIUL`l| tluerc ull the time. I In-ustumul, tlwn, that this man :llll she. had met in l :u'i.~`, 3lIlnl,.l lnclicw they were only likely In h.-we met ut._.unu_'<-l' the lmll'-tluzun hnusx-s \\'lnc|3<-. the chllxl wnuhl nmv.:uul. again he u.~lu-cl. 1 __mt. u l1.~'t_nt' all tlxoso. Om: n:une_nul_v struck me: it lH|p[)L`l|L`ll to he a ('nsrIn:m mum-.-:Ste':InnuI7.. I won- l\*l'('ll if l\lnnsi Stoimnt-t'.: was my mam. In the nu-:mtiImr, who was he? lhml no trouhl in mliuj_{ that nut; Mnnsicur ' Sluilxnuxer/. was :1 (icrnnm lnmk(-r of 9500:! |st:m-llII;.r; and I`('pllU`, rozt. xnellvlnlf. l...-.l u-mmnllu luff -n \\'l:ln\\nI- l n|-ennnllu?' v |Bl:|ll`llll;.', illltl Il"Iuu', lL'u. uuu zmcl I'<-.eent|_\' left :1 \\'Ili(\\\(`l'. Dame, pt-I-sminll_\' MuI1.~iellI' SLiilllll(`lZ was ll. ;:re:tt men .-n al at fair, with .1 big face and hlen-le hair. and the :tppenr:nu:e of what he re.-tlly W.'l~`--:l lmu viuunt and 1150'! cnfanr, `vet 1.- uv(u'tjslntuis fuit de mnl (1 tpt-rsmuIc-ullc:. Ah. yes; in ellect. ` M.-nhnne lnul,tIiet] .-ilmut ll. yam` ago, and .\imisit-nr hzul ht-en int-nnsulahle fur it long time. lle hnl ehzmgzetl his l'CSi(_lL5I`|C(! now, tnnl inlmhitetl n house in one of the new stlet-ts off the Chaunps Elysees. From another source 1 rli~Jc0\'erel that in th.-. lifetime of Itiln-hune Steinmetz Ln- cille was t're at the house. V _ hznl cease-tl tn come there ehnlll. the (late of the culnmencement of M:ul:n_Ine .~i sud- den iliticsa. I .;znt this infernmtion by degrt-e.~x, while I my pcrdu in` an old hznmt of mine in the,I n_\'x< Lutin yontler; for I hail`n!\v:tysh:nl an idea thnt Isliouhl nd the man I wanted in Paris. \Vht-n 1 had uu. sieur Steinnietz. the }lg|'O(32li)iC lmnker. One night I strolled up as tin.` as his new resitlence in the street otfthe Champs Elysees. Monsie1n- Steinmetz lived onthe first oor. There was a brillimit. iigltt there; Mmisieur Steinmetz wns entertain- ing friends. it seemed. N If l\.'!l\ -1 Hun ni:rIut' rnahliuiichnti nnv- ' l ersmmi1_v?' got it I tlinuglitl should like to see Mon-` She ` lllg Il'IUl|U~'V` ll: 5CUIUL'lIo It ivas :1 fine night; _I estalnlishetl my- self out of sight under the doorway of an unfinislicd lmnse opposite and waited. I lon t know why; perhaps I fancied that when his friends \Vt'l'G gone the neness of the night iniglit imlnce MonsieurStein- metz to take a stroll, and that then,I sliuulcl be able to gratify my curiosity. You see, I knew that if he were my man . I8ll0llltl knowhim directly. I waited a good whilezvshadows crossed `the lighted blinds; once a big, broad shadow ap- peared there, that made me fancy .I mightn`t have been waiting.for nothing afterall, soinehow. Presently Monsieur Steimnelz .s guests departed. Mll ill `3 little while after there nppeareil on the little bah-ony of Monsieur Ste-inmutz`s apartment the man. I wanted. There was a moon that night, and the cold white light fell on thegreat yellow face, with the full lustful lips mid the full cruel chin, . just as I had seen the light fall on it in my dream. It was the same face, Bertie: 5 the same face, the same man. I coult|n l he Inistuken. I had no -doubt; I knew I that the assassin of my wife, of that ten- t der, innocent, helpless child, stood there, - twenty yards from me, on" that balcony. l I luirl ant`. nu'\'Anlf'nrAf.f.v well ill hllllfll twenty yarus iI`0l11l_Il, on tum. Umuuu_y. I hzid got myself pretty well in hnnrl; and it was as well. I never moved. The face I knew turned presently toward the spot where I-stood hidclen-the face I had seen in my (lrenm, bevond all doubting. -The evil gray eyes gluhced carelessly into I l the shadow, andup and down the quiet ; street; and then Monsieur Steinmetz, ~liun_i;ning an air, got inside the window . again, and closed it after him. Once more the great burly glmdow, that had at rst told me I should not wait in that dark . doorway? in min, crossed the _blin_ds;- and then it clisappegu-ed, I saw my man no rrore that night; but I had seen enough. ' I knew who he was now, and wheretb nd him. u A- `I _,n u u 1` ____1_4, Il$I IIIHI As. i-:waJked.;;1ong home .1 though` BARRIR, oQUNrY% OF SIMCOR, AO1\TTAR I: CANADA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1869. lint I would do. Lquite meant. lblkill Monsieu" Steinmetz; but I also meant to lmvo no demeles with tlie Inmpeyiul Pro- cureur and the Cour d .Assizes for doing so. I didn t. want to murder him, oither. 1 thought I would wait n little for the chance of :1 suitable opporI;uni_t.y for set- tling n1ydnisiness xmtisfnctorily. And I did wait. I turned this delay to account,, and got togetlwr 11 case .of. circnmstmntiztl evidenc_e ngailxst my man that, though nnl-lulnal if minrlulf lmvn hr-nlznn zlnwn in n U\'lUUl|U_U ll~`__ ?|I|l-`H: lll'\' lllllll lallb, LUUUSVU pen-Imps` it might; have broken down in a lnw-court. would have been aloneiunply suicient forine. u vm... ..,...n.... 1....:n..I. ..:.:4. .. u...