|eI'y, my unnstmas Toys for the children, nau somel_y bound books. albums. Bibles, &c., At '1`. DRIFFILL & SONS . .. RI-ndfnn Uf- Baxfrle, {December 30th, 1868' LAIDLAW &.'FRASER. Lefroy, Nov. 11th. 1868. 41-1! afchristmas Toys for the children, had- somcly books. albums. Bibles. &c.. Mn- CHALAUPKA, HOTEL _r_g_r_z `SALE. SAFE FOR SALE.` 50 Z" ZBAQIRRIE`. Flannels at dost price: Double `Pillow ; Grey and White Sheeting at cost price; la.:nA'l_`weeds. at cost price; White and visxox, 4 no he is clearing out under coat price ; via can bat 2!/L238 ,` Wines and other ; Sparkling Ale on hand in Kegs of -10 ssurpassed in the Province; in bottle at 4 5 Dunc`, B1-ad_fo_rd. ` HT!!- 47-; | '] .0~000% VVVJ V 3 V \. Cent. ` Apply to Men .__.j S VI-`HE undersigned I8 prepareu I0 exuuuw _ ` Loans on l"rouhold_.l roperty at very ramdoxlable rates on interest, and easy terms 0- rcnuynlcxxr man ISSUER OF MARRIAGF L cENc1~.`,&c. ' . HENRY HARPER ' Cookstown. 1\'owf.27th, 1865. j .- '43-4 1znu1rorq,. Ap1'il`23, 1868. VPIIE undersigriod is prepared to execmu Loans roperty Rjronto Vi__1}_;_g;.r Works. ` I` --------____--. n ,V_ White` Wine, Gvi_<-1ei'& Malt Vinegar, | _,,-.. n:.1.... n..a...mo Ar nmm Xvn IV .l.l.J.|ID H auu Uduuva ya .-....-.. . -....n.._, Pure Sweet Cid;-r, Extract of Coffee, &c., Wholesale Dealers in Domestic and Foreign Cigars __..-_._... .- manna CLOTHING, % I62, 9;. 90, 9s Ammum: s1`.-m'_s1', l mnonxvrn f\\1"l` `-7-? iii. an, ax) Lnnruu.---.--.. ...-. ...-..-, V TORONTO, ONT. _ N. L.Sn:1.\'1-21:. J.Scnu:1=x-11:. A.I1L'msm:n 1)UBLIC,NOTlCE--is_l1ore`by given that- Sulcs of ORDN.~\NC-l'J LANDS will take plnce_uL the following places invthe Province of Ontario, at the dates hereinafter men- tioned: ~ . - At Kingston. 29 Lots, on, Wednesday, Feb. 3111, 11:69. ; , 'l`on-onto, 147 Lots. on Monday. Feb. 8th. Burlington Heights, Hamilton, 33 Lots`, F:-I). 10th. ' rclutun uurm, cuun. nuns, ouuuu.u_y, Feb. 20th. ' Px-no-tungnishene, 60 Lots, Wednesday, V Feb. 24th. , Purclmst-rs will be allowed to pay in ten annual instalnmnls. One to be paid at the place and time of sale, and the feat in nine oqual annual payments with interest. at six V par cont. . . . Particulars as to lots, dimensions, site, &c., cont. lots, dimensio-us, will be given in the local papers. - ~ By order, . E. PARENT, 0, LOUD. _ ublic of 1:4 ed Mr. Patterns, all other ' celebrated vonmd by 0 'Lc`el urselves to ufaoturing , thou" the u nn nng I ` ` Unuer aecrelury u WILLIAM F. COFFIN. ' .0rdnnnco Lands Agent. ' Department of Secretary of State. Ottawa. 12th December, 1868. ILL BE SOLD BY PUBLICAUCTION on . .\'..I...7mu 31- 20!}: tn" .Tnnunr1I, 1969, Mortgage Sale.` YV Srzturduy, `cc 30th of January, 1869, . m mun !A'ucion Roomaf Mr. D. Morrow, , m-..__ -1` n......:_ -5 a.....1..- ..'..l.\..I. vluI\I\ 4-ovuvyov-.. _-y--.. -_ __-. _. _____.._., In the Town of Barrie, at twelve o'c1ock,noon, the South West. Quarter of-Lot number nine- teen. on the seoonel Concession of the Town- s11ip'of Sunnidale, in the County of Simcoe. rmm nlmm. m-nmu-hr will he mid nmlnr n \:---:9- 'OR.DNANCE LA1{tDs.` I Bulp UI cuuunuuuu, Au tuv \JvuuvJ vn u-myuv. The above property will be sold under a Power of Sale. contained in 2. Mortgage from- Daniel Dlisupt und wife as to bur of- dower to H. R. A. nova. Esuuire. dated 26th November Daniel Uusupt unu W110 to our 01- (l0\\'8l' E0 H. R. A. Boys, Equ'u'e, dated A.D.`l8(i6, and which mortgage will be pro- duced iu: the time of Sale. - 1 $7---- .~.-.. `N. L. s'r1f1i_v_;::1i A n _u__.I. LIIUUI4 IIIV N, no one and we ad- ur Wheels 1-:N's facili- ure that he rfect Fam- ixn to the once. feel- heel in all 0] IC ' - D Barrie, 31st December, 1868. \%CC)oKs"TOW1\I1] NEW $1-031:1} AV mu pougnt me stock-1n-Trace anu ' Good-Will of thellmsiness hitherto car- ricc on b Mr. Henry Harper, to which he has made urge additions, is prepared to otfor to the public ' i SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS nan. .-.y......_ _. ._..r -. v_--.-..__.. _.., in all {he various lines of business, which `consist of ` ` Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,` RE ADY-MADE CLOTHING, `gland Clothing Made` to 'ou1e_r','_gy| L* mcZaeuEsT,' Crockery and Hardware, .13 OUT`? * :.`~..M . H055 &c.,"'&c., &c., __ _ All of which will be sold at pric'b,whicl1_ must ensure 3 rem,-.a.l.'t-=. in ,-. z.. . . ~' . -. 1'1 nnvranu I-1: .-.. 7'... ___._._,, , Mnnuiature1j _and \\'lioleaale'Deulora in best ` IL 43600. g'A}0LEON Suor!'--`Tho xeport that Na- poleon was shot proved to be false; but it is true that T. DRIFFILL & SONS, Bradford. have the best stock of hqrdware. books, stu- ogery and fancy goods, 1n the county. Leluiah Rolls. all kinds: nook atrans. back tionery nnu |uI_m._v guuuu, ux .I.uu I:uuuu_y. s-'-Sleigh Bells, all kinds; neck straps, straps, body straps, open bulls ` At T. DRIFFILL & SONS, Rnlvfirtl. Lunuou, 1 tract or uuuu, 1ue: 16th. ' ' Fort'Erie. 104 Lots, Fridty, 1 Pt-Ilnun Farm, Short Hills, Feb. liurllnglon nelguls, 11u.u1uwu, on nous, F1-I). 10th. A1nlncrsL'burgh. 4 Lots, Saturday, l3th.- g - London, 1 tract of Land, Tuesday, Feb. 16th. ":i1;~1ms n I cmuugyi .';+';, AVING bought `the stock-in-Trade and Good-Will of thevlmsiness hitherto JOHN WATSON, r11s+n I_____I.L . - . g_ina1miuI.% _...__. , TO LOAN, on good Fan. Security. -Interest 8 pa- JOIIN STEVENSON," Solicitor, o.. Bradford ,. Under Secretary of State. RFIN. JAMES C. MORROW, Solicitor for Vendm. has `I 9119 " 1.51-1 &I Con, , Feb. 19th. Ru nu-flnu CASH. Llor, am. Bradford 12-if ren. mm. b Sunmlny, 56-tr merican the max wheel ` in ms-03. - -~ -4.04%` `D001 43-; I . `T your mum mu uv uulucuu I E'WA.T6'HES AND OLOOKS REPAIRED Q4NDvWARRANTED._g , Barri9,',De0-16, 1868. v. V v A 46.1; CI 0SSfC.::I1t: 8: Drag Saws. % cramp VOUTH5 `PEA-JAWEQTS, % Am mgjwsd PEA-aAcam's. luv Auuu nu mmaov , vouf""KNn MEN S PE%A-JA6`nZETs, _@ ,1. A-._.._.. lV......3nn ITITQTJ PRINT Frnm RR 7% un ' 500 Boys, Yautls` and Men's 0 vc4'c0at.s', from $3.25 up.` ` ANOTHER LOT _o ' :~. 1- 1 twi 1 1111141 nu; _\J1` V %Canadia~I1A%"'I\7ve<`:{ls, Stylish Goods, 75! - ... In.-- ._..J.. 1.L.u' ..,...a.. 33' Canada Shirts and Drawers.v best _quality, :3 Suite to match in color in the town. In EAST INDIA HOUSE. Cangda, icnte: 5, 1868. .. ....I.I8n AF CHRISTMAS "WEEK 1 12 lbs. 10 u: 20 _ 25 Teas, FSugars,% Tobaccos, &c., 1 m 11I"IY{`1`l1LV 117 h1nnx7 r1r\`n,f1)t"l`I"l"1 {'\'kT ` o ' TO `ARRIVE IN A FEW DAYS A LOT OF Finnon Hadock,` Yarmouth Ioate__rs, and Digby Herrings. vii:--j- in: _ __,,, Which wl be sold during the Holiday Season remarkably cheap. .` _g. ` V ` ` > -. Beat. Old Rye, $1.00 per gallon. Superior Malt, $1.00; Fine Old ~ . - o" . Port and .-.he,rry Wines, $2.00; also nchoice lot ofCASE LIQUORS, consisting of Murtelfs, Hennessy s and J ulus Robins Brandy. Holland's and Old Tom Gin, Dunvillds Irish Whiskeys,_&c. _. ` .:,._.-- Q *1 : 1 * 1N BARR1E,COMPRISING` -A China Tea Setts, W. Granite do., Toiletwafe, &c.* Remember the Place o_Zz'7'ectly opposite the Rea; Lion. in: L/a1t.Vuuu. 1- ma ,w._ W... - ...... ...... .. ..... H? Dress Goc;ds%'~.1 Grealtmfifariety. .Ba'r,Hoo1;; FOB. Heavy Hardware, mm mu treal GEN 10-1 inn !. . TS GLASGOW. GOVEN nuu Uvllul "FAVORITE BRA1*D~s .l1l`J.n.,v--I -----v ----~- .--_-_~... , I All -of which they ree1;abled,to offer to the pubiii: at prices that cannot be competed ` = X * WiFh.WE$7Pz~QF,'M.0N.TREAL~ i ~ , * HM? ,=,-:-.~';$'?;:_Z .~..-';;-;-:..-:;.- _ r - V` 'wh_o]e o1:baii' ammanso Stock having been pur -the 'b_es_t markets,~aud. ".`1f. th"vi`y`L,?2:zv'q_st_ Priqesfofr Cash. ,. . ..., . L >EE`Tiiey invite'a'cail alnd t.r_ial-condentin their ability and resoluf in their 1 determination to give the Fm.LEs'r SATISFACTION to good. marks, V \JJ.|IL.l JJ uldtuan ..Horse-Snge Anvils, Vices,` Bah-ie, Do.`9th, 1868. bfejv market, January .1869. SL EIGII BELLS AND? SKATES, _lVu:v --v-- ,_ ' . . Together w`ith~atf immehs stock of ,. ~ Blacksmiths , _-Waggon-Makers and Carpenters '_Find_ings,; Comprising every desgptioh of .5. , 16th Dec., 1868. CHOPPING AXES. Price, it Goods. Iork HEAv.Y AND SH-ELF ,H_AR_D WARE, L- `L- ....LI2L. -4. .....-.... a|...L A..--`A0 kn nnnnum THE SUBSCRIBER OFI-`ERS T0_ SELL" DUnI_NG CHRISTMAS WEEK 9. Good Valentia Raisins, for-; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ . . . - - . . - . $1 `3 Good -Valencia. Raisins, new fruit _ _ _ _ _ _._ _ . . . . . . . . - 1 Best Zante Currants, new fruit` _ . _ _ _ -;'. . . . . . . -_. - - - 1 1 ` Good Currants, old fruit- . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . -- . BLAGKSMITHS. ATTENTION! Jvlv-..' V- and other ...n-uuv: 1'\l\ I AT PRICE? WHICII DEFY QOMPETITION. GREAT REDUCTION DURING able Goods of the season. and gs all the D_ry Gdods Me;-clmmg. are SELLING OFF. tho Mun qnd Boy went Into Com_xmtlee `of the Whole. and after two ,hours deliberatxou cnme_to the cooclmuou to keep onrselling those \ The stook of the Man and Boy is now entirely` recruited with a1l`the Fashion- ma mm am) will . ---- -.....,, t The Man and Boy are showing some of their own manufacture, ,,_#___-. -nu-u III-lIIl\ I-uu-n I-Ann. ALSO % A TSPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Lvnjmo nu- MAcnnn:n!', McMaste1%& AL0ckha1"gl;] The subscribers havehow in st.bre{a very large stock of - I - - ~ ` A- .1.` ""'` . " 1 u , V (,'an,ada Full Clotlzs, at Sixty-Two anda half cents.- IV I T1 Made from Genuine IRISH FRIEZE, from $3.75 up. NEWMARKETL @n@n3mEm m ngmsswans 0 _ The` subscriber has also on hand the largest and choicest assortment of W :lll./II1lltlI\l`4lI K JDW I'JlAIJI'a (lo . . . , Doting Paterfamiligs, fondrelalives. "fricguds of the famnly. and lovingswains. now in {our opportunity; Santa Claus has mad this his head uartex-_s. Peaao step in for whatever you fancy: your taste wil be suited. _ rn nr,nn1.'.c' Pl/`IPA rlnan A Arn. WA PPA 7\r'I'F.'l). 5.1 ESPECIAL attention is respectfully solicited to the undoubted fact that at no place North of Toronto, cnnthere be -found a. more varied. choice, or suitnbla stock of Goods for the present sea- son than-that now on exhibition - . % AT ,.LEAN<`DVER s. SANDERS , Frieze fgrercoats, $6.753 _ _-._.\...\4-.J..\AA..-.... - ..__-, [ton 'mrn1ahl av... .-..v..-. .... -- ..----... WINES 8: Jjfquons un.:..1. mm 1... mm .4...-hm um nn1:.1m gcmann rmnnrknhlv cheim. DUNLOP STREET,` BARBIE. J I-len(1ers0n s, 0 JUST RECEIVED_A LARGE SUPPLY OF wucilmaxnlz & mwnnmu. .,__:.._.:I:-- a~_-,s ._1-,2, - -9 u [4543 A gm . P. & -N. xvxnnnlgg. , ai $1. The only; place to get 1-3oys' '.Lf\veed ' Payne. tLEN, 4W4: 95 ~ Fmnvs, - _|1SPE'Ai1 & JACKSONS and % Spring`, German, Eagle-Rolled and Toe CanlkiVn`g .. Qfnnlu M.&RSI1:; MAKE. srnxn and __ . __...--.... -- . own JUU uuu. Steels. 4 4-tf 00' 00 00 '00 V 1 undersigned returns thanks to his lfnmerous friends for their liberal patro- nage heretofore, and begs leave to intimate that he has in stock a \vc1l-selected class of Groceries, consisting uf ' - .2. g. -A bk-Ks 3 Tea,VS`i.1*}ars, Soaps,` 566.. &c. . ch`... 1MP0R'rA1V(r: APEIES, A1;I_J1_es. Apples. Jmzr. rat-nivnil 1nn `Rm-val: `Mao..- V a. I " :J."_"" Just received, 100 Bargels Natural and Grafted Apples. Those deslrons of getting a good winter apple would do well to call im- mediately. In the packing hbuse will be found Bacon, Hams and PorkinBun'els to suit those en- gag:-_l in the timber trade. ' Purchases delivered in Town Free of Charge. Jnrnr mnun As usual he has in stock Shannon's first class Bacon and IIa1ns.V, Spring and ~`FalI VWheat[ __. n...m `n. __, auun LAUCU. _ . Grain Dealer, 38- No. 1 Com. Block. Market Square Barrie lPER DozEN| die satisfac- nro nf.-H!Id 7,, _.., ......, As cheixp as any other house in ,.Town. Moberly at al. ' VJWO be sold by;'Puhlic_ Auction in pursuance of a Decree and Final Order for sale. made in this cause and hearing date respec- tively. the twenty second day of September, AD. 1863, and the tenth day` of May. AJ). 1864, and with the approbation of William Leggo, Esquire, Master of this Honorable Court. at Hamilton, on the The Canada Life Assurance Company, vi 7 In ~(_3wl;iE1wc}31'y. M` `22nd day of JANUAR1 , A.D. 1869, At noon, by ->1-I1 , --__. 1\T-..`I`..;\~ `I1;-urn` LAl\JLa|-ALI-51 Anvv-pa-V... .----, At his Auction Rooms on King Street, in the City of Humlton, the following _:.- --;-_--guru!-I.I aEmsTAiE:\ Consisting of, all and singular, that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate in the Township of Notttuvasaga,in the County of Simcoe, being the North West. part of Lot numherforty-one, in the eight Concession of the said Township, and containing by estima- ` tion, sixtv acres more 01 less, which said sixty acres is composed of :\'four sided block of land butled and bounded as follows. that is to say:-On the West by Huronturio .Street, on the South by 9. line running Easterly through the centre of Lot number forty-one, and parallel with the Northern boundary thereof; on the East by the Ontario, 'Simcoe3 and Huron Railway; and on the North by the Northern boundary line of said Lot number t'ort-y-one. ` , The ahot-e-property will be sold in one Lot. CONDITIONS OF SALE.--The purchaser ` shall at the` time of sale pay down a deposit of $10 for every $100 of his purchase money, and shall pay the remainder nt'the expiration of one_month from the day of Sale. The pur- chaser at the time of Sale to sign an Agree- ment for the completion of his purchase. In otherrespects the conditionsof Sale are the Standing Conditions of the Court ot'Chancery. For turtln-r um-ticulars annlv to the Vendor's At uuuu, ul T_1_1omas Noakes Best, _ __ t :..... C-L......L {n flux Chef Snmf, Bran, Shorts. Oats, Peas,` and Feed of all kinds. Ixo ah furs I1--.-An grin:-1'o1\vsz Standing Conditions or the U01lI`I.0IUmIucery. For (urthc-r particulars apply theVendor's -Solicitor, Haxmlton. _ Thrn this Hub dav af December. A.D. BURTON J5 BRUCE. Vendm-`s Soli Haxmlton. 4 Dated this 15th day at` December, A.D.\ 1868. .- W. LEGGO, Xfnniar, Gotflmisionera appointed to contnict the Intercoloninl Railway give Public Notice that they intend to let`4 sectlops of the line at once. . ` - v Em-nnnn Nnn. 1 and 2 `embrace about 40 line at Sections Nos. 1 and 2 `embrace about miles from ajimctions with-the Grand Trunk Railwny, near Rivera dn Lo_up, and each sec- tion will be about 20 miles inlengtb. , Rnnnn Nn. 3 will ha About 26 miles in tion will be about 20 mllea mlengm. Section No. 3 will be about 26 p_1iles.in length, and liesbetween the"East side qf Restigouche River to near D'a1!1_uusiq' i_n Nw ` 3 '4;-.. _ ,,_ .f_Bmns_'wick. ' c..._.:-.. xv- A ...:n I... ,..-t..... $7.4` mina h. g_Dl'IlB_\`VlCK- ` 5 " ' '. I `_' ` _'.-- -. Secjiop No..4 will he about-24` mines in- 1en2th_am1 liestbetween Anzhert-1t_ and River Bhillip in Nova`Sco`tia. Dla-m'nm1 nrnlna mi-u. `unnkinnfin nn Iuuuy Au nun: Duuun. .` Plans and proles with: npeilcatibns and terms of eontrnct will be exhibited at the oiqes of the ' Commissioners in Ottawa, Riviere du Loup. Dalhousie, St. John and Halifax, on and utter the 11111 January, 1869. and sealed Tenders addressed *2 Torthe Com- ndinnro nf' f.h':- Th tin-r~.nIn`n'a'I Railwav- ii" $2.00 -,he1'ecei `M their otcl-1 and _sealed Tenders addregsq Torme U_qm- m'l$xene of` the lhtrcolqpigl Railway, will n o cl9ckv , the; 8th 1'{'_ebma1;y_;j i869)" 7." " ` ' `IA. WALSH. EDW. B. CH.-&1\'DLER,v C. J. BRYDGES, . WILLIAM-F. CUFFIN. 'N.B.--'l`cnders will shortly be'caxlled for, for other sectiohs otthe line, as soon as the plans are elltgiently advance-Ll`. Otfawn, 19111 Dccdm`'c-`r, 1868. V. 47-M 0'th'rwa u'p o_'4 ' INTERCOLONIAL B.A1LWAY.: 1 do bxcuun. _ Vendos Solicxtors. wu 4-100 my uuu. JOHN LAIRI). (lrnin Tlnnhu Mgster. 47-4L, Be Cheerful! Christmas is Coming! and the ' Is now stocked with all the delicacies required for the occ:\_~`I_0H- _ TE `Fine Young 1-Iysnn 'l`eas?)5c, 60. 70, 80. Ulla and $1.00. 1* me Iiirperr J. Gunp0wdcl'. ($0, 90. $1.00 and $1.10. Fine l.'ncnlored Japan, (mu m Fine English Breakfast Oolong. Congou and Eonclmnzs. 70 to 800. . _Bright Cnbns. 12 lbs. for $1.00; Yellow refined. very ]"'}'mv . for $1.00; Broken Loaf. 5 lbs. for $1.00; Ground d0- 5 )3- Fresh Good Coffees. 20, 25 and I-30c, Currants. 25 lhs. for $1.00; Raisins, 10 ll 3:. 101` Rice, 15 lbs. for $1-U0. Golden Syrups. Cliecse. 1*`re.~`l: 1~`ruit,'l-`u-.~*li Bi.<('I1il.~4. 1`l'>}'- 1 Sanc'es.'Spices (if all kimls. Starch and Clue, >'oups. (`nmlles. Cnnl Oil. llrumns. l ;uls. ` Salt. Cu-llisli. I-Ierringa. Whitelisll. 'I`r<-nt. Finnnn Ilzuhlies, Ynrniouth lilo`-I101`-*1 * Salmon, sardines. Lohslers, and FRESH OYS 1`EllS. Guinnes:"s Dublin Stout, Blond Woolfe and London Porters. in pints and quarts; we-l1`s Ales; WindsuI':' celebrated - cm I 'I'I T1 I 1 OAITPON -1's T ORE: W011 S A105; W 1110801 5 CL'|l.'UldlUu ,Ma.1f., Rye and Bourbon Whiskeys. Mm-m1Inu' Ilnnn:-cw : m...-we and n..1......va vann n.-..um-2 um] 11f]11!r1)rnlI(1SOfl1C Bmndics. ---"_'7 -'] ' "1" t ' '-7 ' ' Marlellcs , }Ienm-V. Otard's and Du1nry s, Vine Growers and other bramls b!'ne I 'lI'Tg__- 'i`\_!__ A_- J] `-4'\'Ii'I D'KT AIIHIIUIJFH l4lL'lI|llr"r-`J C \.II.LIlLl D tlllu IJIIILIIJ B, I IIIU \Jl\IlI\4|a nun \II1ll\4| -I-vvuu-->r v- ~--v- Flue ]')1a,.1nond Sherry; Richy Nutty. and l"ruil.y Ports : Scotch and Irish Whiskey; Bootfs, P.utt's and Bc1'na}`d'.~; Old Tom; Schiedan and 1-1o11un_d s Gin. in wood and bottle; with n vmicly ,o1' ollu.-1` artlclc.-3 too numerous to mention, at the lowc-st renlunerating udvance on cost. V ` A - ~ W. IIU; LER, n II... 1.. `n In C1,. .. ,. \aaA7ziF 1`V;a .... \v1.*171'.r) 1'u.`r.`nnI.` nwm.`.nI`.n IV P..\RRI'IZ. &E5`%k&'G) Q tzuzxxvauavcz 2: . .....- V .- - AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN I3-.'\RRI IZ. ..,~~;VV-.~._A.v-.,v~ -.. V-.~~A,\\.\,~.~\,~ Fox-H good & heap Overooats, go to Bennett's. For Good and Cheap Hafs, go to Bennett's, "`.* Skating Jackets, `-' Cloth 8; Fur Caps, " Boy's Coats, `-' - Shirts, `- * ` `9 Pants, " Collars and Ties, `- H Vic I. Vests, u 5. st 4.` Gk/es .; "K Drawers, Braces, `- AND LAST BUT`N.O'1` `LEAST FOR EXTRA. A--2-- - 3` nLjjL1Z%'I- GOOD A;5L(IUI;IffEKP`iCffO**i`TEa*S! Go To BE1\II\IET'1"S. Remember the 7Place, Two Doors IVest of Fraser s Ilutcl Railzlvay Stafion, Barrie. _ . -. q `~11, 1000 IMPORTANT NOTECE 3 F1RE-PRO0F HOUSE, BRADFORD, FIRST JANUARY 1359. we as yours. experience A Call` from his customers and others is respectfully solicited by I asanang--.?.v EGIRES to inform the rinhabitaints of Barrie and surrounding country, thatghnrinq lurcbasetl the entire stock belonging tofhe established, and well-known rm of Hindu In-others. 'at.an enormous aacriticonthe whole fvrll be cleared out rogardless of valuu, ul. the_ "OLD STAND. Decided bargams offered In _. ...-....... .. .-rn n ' Anne nntrrc R. ouncc ew LA11I1Ou11cement I in fix" ""i.'3Te st 0 a `ii; t e 5 . _ _r x?. .. r1,.A.`lu hn-.......I...... 4L- c_'n_,. . . .u, I, t_.Beei`.ing daily additions of New Goods. Remgmber the Sales at the loweut Cash prices. o---2 ~ _ .--uux-U-I-771111101! --Au; u-A--_..______.. N B_-AH debts due the late rm of Hinds Broihors, not m-M104] on for "before the tom); }1a'y.0f Jnnumgv, 1869. will be handed over to a solicitnrfur roll!-cliun. " All the debts due the rxnwul be received by Erlward I-Iinds, at the "Old Stand." -52 uknn nvnnn .. anon nrnnn n.:n nnn ntrnn tx -:3- j.'`-HERE-A.RE;s)ME. or 'Al'!IE:'PRICES:-Hoay ove:cqm._ {mm s3..sq",na npq '1 ;-at '5; ,`Go(rj1`\y7y{_-d Su? fl'0D'$5 =10-~$10?,.G00dv Heavy Boots`-$1.75; Good Clump `Sold Kip 130015 : at Zj; and a.1l..othgr _G_oods e_qually low. Q THE HIGHE CASH PRICE PAID FUR3. B3550; W33) rs! ` ` ' ` " dS1%ap|_E 8:. F"5nEy%{DryGoodsl, 849., .. .1... hnnn added. and have been selected in the Best. 'Mm-kn}: Bar-rie, November 17th, 1868. at -nna E auglafacuon yr. t_h9s_n1ez II ` ) hi_s Rsfxilron equipment. `NE and we I. nutinctiou 0 wear much As you are reputation, icu yours. cxmmunco Brsclford, January, 1869. T0.the People of the C0L111 y of Simcoe, -s;0;;_e Price Only." Remember the Old Stqnd. Opposite the lW'ellz'nyton Hotel. U b'1A.L\u. uuunuuu uu-.5-u.... vu . .. CLOTHING, HATS sf SAPS, BOOTS & snags, ' AND A LARGE SUPPLY OF 53- 0'4ZlrAN.1J;XA1_1'lINE F01; 1'0 URSE,-L_1?E.s'. 5; . GENTLE_MEN S UN DERCLOTHIN G , AN D _ __....4.- g. Assorfed, bbught from the only direct importers of Tens in the Have also been added, Beat. Maggots QB:mEE:;`" 'w-hila run; vy aynning Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, mxvnr 1L11u1PI\T1Q TT`l\`7|YI4`I?f`.T (\'I`I-TT"x\7-C`. /\` Just Received ai: the nommmu or am. Opposzife the Rail Road Statz'0n,_ Will be much pleased to see you a Iiaving fcmoved to those more comxuodious premises -scocacooco ='o2'<.~1eo<:n:>za $4,000 Worth of "i:f-Hmns, K. FALCONBRIDGE. Mabnnmnr, gs Gonnpws . .'Pnzas, and 1 utnthe Extcnsiwc Sale of II 1 .I.J.\J..u ;..;4;~, `Ca`ton T S!ore, !}urrz'c. and Opposite the U ` Braudiea. rial mul an `7.\'.. . ll` Ln: . Iur S1. - $1.04; "Pi.-Lrlua AM.- I 4 `J _ . If - so. 49-ly 11!-1? tire -nnd vr. thev may osiery and Gloves at cost price ; ton at_cost price; Bleached and ( kinvs and Striped Sheeting at cosw D cured Wraps at cost price ; Horse Ol1`l'6(.l W raps uh Uuau uffalo Robes at Cost Price, and a Iowas $100. ots and Shoes at cost price ; his choice assortment of Clotlxino he clearing. 'n1e Old Rye `Nhiskey he is now selling at 85c per gallon, w 10 22/Li uors reduced in proportion ; a quantity of Cosgrove & Co s 0: 15 gallons ; also barrels of -30 gallons. This Ale cannot be surpassed the .50 per dozen. Hotel Keepers would do well to examine this Ale. A MARKET SQUAR E, s -BAVRRJ tnn "_-_"_ 7' I onlirm- nloVck in every department. 33 Wm be 39 aver Overcoats _ . . . . - . . . . . - - - - - - x ` 1 'v avy Grey Ettoffe Caped Ovel coats. 1| In/.1.-ml-an :71 nnvnnf`. V.H';l`.f.V , , _ _ - HoT.)AY PRESENTS: Rxaw jwww `I A Llr` J \JI\.lJ. .L4UU\lll\/ vuwl-'-r-- v - -- - a Jackets In great vat-1eL`y . . . . . . . - ; - . - . ul: Pants . ; -` . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . - - nadinn Tweed, all wool, Pants . _ . . . . - _. . Corded. _ .... nzmdian Cloths, Flannels 1...L.o m..n..fnntnrn and V0. I\l|- LI... ....... ll]0l1Cy My Clllllg Ill: i11.1c1zI1)AN*S G12 AN]? MILLINERY SHOW 1a0_02 u_ cu xrxrxl szxl uszvu:v \r\l\I\I\l\l\I\4\I\/\I\I\I\J\l\I tis Entire yrvxzsnrwwuv./wslvsbxlsz ROCEu1\s..~, DELI, <;L.-xssxvmts,` noows 3; sncms; nuuow coMt>1a'r11'1o_;sz. ' BERNARD SI-IERIDAN.` ` ,,1_ -I..._._ 3'..- ......I. W Goods a.ndMi11iI16I`Y,GI'0091'i3Ss ,. -r\'r.\A`l\K7 1:; 111]` (`.T.(\"|"T-TTN'(-3 -- . . Lirrie , Jnnuury1869. ` ---`- . order to give my numm-ou's custoiner genuine Christmas Presexqts and New Ycnr Gifts 0! the right sort, which will be Cheap Goods, 1 am now - __ 'v\I'\'l'.-7 n A ifn 'l)`l'.1T\l'1TT{"I \`l'(1. I In: ungunu I11 .- .. l...... .-. rllm'ric, Dec. 16th,1868. - 14u.uu1w, .uuu;u.., ...- _ {P TO THEFIRSTDAY ()F MARcH. Fault! do V` Icrintondent. ;:;4;ug 1 ..;.w._ ~...-._._-__ __, I . ?`The 1111..-moat prim paid for Raw Furs. 1 Fn-nch llnrc 4 yours old for sale cheap for cash. n 1\ 14241. `IORQ ' ` 2- 1\1A1>.1_m:G, |EsmAY STEER AND RAM.` Firihinlass Millineryi met an!` miwnnmae. and thev will save lll ulu Inc DLJLVDID YARN " |Decen'1ber 2m, 1358. ' .--_-.:---..:.- turtle, Dec. 9,1868. ._ urrlsyr mqutcuaan u an C'lou.ds, Scnfrmrns, xllltvrs, Sashes, and a great variety of Splendid Furs. I1\c\:\4\p\1\:\1\;\,\l\4\1\a\:\l\(\1\:\4\1\l\1\1\1\I\1\(\1\I in1u1c\m'ut xck of .\{lLLL\'ERY of mu vurv lm-mt and latest. styles and patterns. Ladies ' wishing: to ' ' V S -ily of loco- II E MOST` CCURACY vu NEVER 9 when 1'uil~ ginoers and I V . . _ "97"" . . ': ` - TRAYED into the premises of the under- signed, on west half of lot No. 6, 10th concessxon. Vesprn. ,on~'l`ueeday, 14th Dec., "13 -1 THREE DOGS, two white and spotted, and one black. Unlessclaimed within one month from this date, they will be sold to pay expenses. . ALEXANDER McDONALD. Vespra, .D.e.c. 2.1, was, 47-3in.-'- CAME into the premises bf the subscriber, Lot 16, Uon 4, Innisl, about the middle ecelnber. A RED & WHITE STEER. about ` one ymola; also a ONE YEAR om) RAM. ' The owner is reguested to prove proplaerty, ` By expenses. and take them away. f not '1'ueo\vIwl'1a reguesu-u to prove pro arty, ay expenses. and away. 1 aimed within one month they will be soldto efray expenses. J AMES KIRKUP, Lot. 16. Con. 4. lnnial `MAMA ilIE 1 Thomas Mc%Qo;niek Lttractions for the LI-Iolidagys I 1I:lRISTMAS& NEW YEAR} Iheaperthan any other inthis town. ` gPOWELL & THOMPSO}_I. 1, n,, 1! Ann iats tan SF. j_;5_aPRICE LIS Tam; lngineors. \/AL.-I Apply to | Will 1 it 3 C _ T-vw-w-w ---.--__.___ - ._ 9 well to cull. Tlu-y will ml it to their ll1lGl'(`Rt and udvautnge, and they by calling at ._ ..n . gun n I)`A Mn 7I,ITT`7 T,\7TD V .0!!!) IV I?/7/)M :gAR=LE)AD.=C[ Fresh Awizzals of New Ff/'uz'ts for .1:-;_St;-ayqd; y(`3(i{ARLES MACDONALD, Collingwood. . V ,I;1:YcJi:_.'menLUnI;'1cK & Co., Toronto. -"nu? Em: tone uapeu uvcrcuuus . . . . . . . . . . . . . great variety . . . . . . - - 4 50 2 '25 ` i,'z{11'r(}6L'15zfz{t:f::Iiffififfiiif 2 50 1 ___________~____V_ . F lannels ' and Blankets, 0f'thc very best manufacture and very low. Ab LOW AS 4300 PER POUND,` si LIQUORS, BOOTS & snow, READY-MADE ~_.._.__.. A-xv I As the public know that the old lll F8 CHO mi that we llundvruon, 1. Whitby: M. Gurny, Imzu-rxull 2 ::'r;ey Gotgons 7cu .. llulnrx, S/mI;.es. uml area! variety I!) NOT NECESSARY _ T O GIVE ves Fancy Scarlet and White e; Grey Cottons at cost price; V ed cost price ; All Wool Canadian 'l_`weeds. ; Horse Blankets at cost price. ` Juwa Luuwr, Lot 16, Can. .4. lnuiai. I .48-3h) Will o&`er the above goods at price which defy coinpefitidn._ aunt, seen In we xouowmg mu. m w: . . . . . . . . . . .- $6 C red Overcoats L 6' iety -; -- _--. . _ _ . . . -. ol,Pauts.---..--.---'---.- ` 3. - -I 9`: gfgck c;f Dfss Goods at Cost Price. xynun \. Toronto... Has always sold L LI/L\JLsv vu - ------ - 7 . I , in th following list of very low prices: _ _ 00 and up. A I " 12- r.n cc M. uurny. In;;u-rxull; Vlmby; A. a wry nu-u. u: wishing I N In lllllllnl. . 4.8-3! p `Teacher of the _Piannfnrm, &c.,_ -8:04` THEEXAMINER AND COUNTYVQF SIM`(E"A=DVOCATE TH_URS'DAY, JANU.ARY- ~1`4rjI869~ ' ' m:n.m -..__-_ _.. _.__ ,, , _ __ _ NAKES pleasure in nnnouucing t6 the ueov ple of Barrie and surrounding country, that I... In nnw nu-nnred to give music lessons 'lVAlu pleasure In announcing 1.0 we peo- that he is now prepared to give music on the Piano Forte. Orders addressed to him, Bsirrio -post-otllce, will meet with immediate attention. Terms moderate. _ . Melodeon and Organ furnished if required. Barrie. Fnlmmrv 26. 1868. 47-9. ._---. OR Sale cheap for Cash. or short credit I medium sized Lillie Fire-proof Safe, in excellent order. Apply at the omce "of this vapen b [ Bar_r1e,1member3oth, 43 3: -.....-,._ m THAT rmsr CLASS sum), known as the - ' , NORTHER1\I_';HO?1`EL;. In Ohm-Vvhlgnm A` Inn... and nuns nlndj --yr-55 as Q-aroma` `O97! f,`."`!5. In thywvillnge of. Lefroy, had now mag". thii-Mug business is attend for gale nn..re9- aonable terms. ` ' ' V l.8l0(.I80n End Urgan IUTDIB Barrie, February 26. 1868._ .-_-??__:j______ xu1.lu I 10-] mo