, 8»,M « am 11iiM . Two one miona bide. *Ing lots wlth slopino lad Issal for wmié-out.' Naturel gem,.pmvsd rond, ca"le underground hydra and fusil min ute o40l. Mutlation. M00900. Asimésm. On, Mitsnluultan -orde Approx. halmif scre buildIn lot siopine wif m mtr Wua. Vendorfàw vag vll. o8110o0.,Malw* Trait - Iluet bs sali. UNNE. Lovefy 2 acres o roii mdoelmd witbck TAYLOR d- o & -~~ 7g- "d @' uy AifOi li i $240,000. = 2.'fa t fi0 acres Wel Townilicotil mdt witeJ bordi of tasse nid bmckdrop of m10l51UM5 woods. le" site for hobby fI&m/s h e R5LOCAlmO On quiet bock mmed ton0 inhAa ta 40r MWSW $204,900. fleducas. Commutera - gréat »0400= opportoUity t0u oer et giseS puice. Four Tea bedroom 5500 storey In centrai Mimiaflag, eu-em famly mrooi. double garage. Just noisdtt your pow decorailn touch. elle 77 6320,900. OS *ores, lste home. ,WExcoptiwOny beauifê property alOi 150 pondu, Iiok woods, two outbuiidigs. Modest stone homoe Fm ou. struclurmlly sound %lut noeds renovatlon. I JOOPH FEDACSEK Associate Broker I 878-7777 NEXT TO GOLF COYRSE 3 bed- ciobete2pireles, backl o Puso.m no lao4w ft£bm 2 storey vM ia%-déout low e bil hasm mo Int to ciller: matin floor, don. gloalda monm, triple garage, almost an acre, open pion ildemi for eantertainlng. H4ugo dlnlng roomt te accommo. datle ycur gueula. 6300,90. OetW ll tn. Fies bedroorna, moe ering. archllecturel kltgrlty prseeied WMi ceiiing mouldinge, doup lambourde, wlq)dow trameonts. Grmo a à a or large fanlly. $et on 46 acres wlth Aises, orcherd, folie ponds. Ton minutes tu0401; em.M00. Lare selle wlng grea for u"s atuio homte office. Two atorey. flve bedroomia. imuge tourme, goume aSmotti kitchen, valdtmi ceilngs. on 1 1,aCres of meSuère aoodie. prlwaste metting luet 10 moinutes tu 401. *ste.000. Centempoerr herbe ferai carefully buUt &Ince 1983. OSiers home rosi! domco alth groomns quarilerai tend office, thee borns. miles of Ctntéurfencing, groomed troils through woods. atendi, groduete hiiiy publiura aid moin forsà tracé. irutle 50 Mohiawé. aiIy and ,q~lil Vo 01141, ID n M iNé. Ciasluo 1850 busei 50ey. fIne beiathln sin &M 81 ail «In MM WMO 4011 duca homle pîestved Io hefi 1et .îaith11 a 10009on0quel1$t bdM dOs i ndil r4l8 Plannys quarleîe addition (1988) Io ta part Thd, 80 1*t3 be*oam badli calotta MWa 5.000 aiq Il The cone hll pison. eli enae washllOOMtms. 0 110 ioingmi b t.i oo m &CM'1 0888 Melo n and11 C.4elaebl eiuwell. rWhtitpèe an id eOem. 515 1 mU. To vlswuti cmle s.9.900W Jil Usis Outil Miés..$214,900 09-ai 878k ToronIo: à88. Raes. 878 878-7777 Rés.: 875-3M3 BEflYWGLLu Sala Aeprsemnlsbve -pi-g-e- Omeai 8754777 Tsi. Une: 626.4485 M ~ 1 001. borie ~la0 siiOee em fi~ b. n ý 4* 1.15 n , Place dlp41 bale Waal 0901 "us nsslei p 10~~~~-. WO0l ln aa a fin81 ea u45y99i 1 1a9 a aile ait,0 t1.1 of 00 r e o e t Dmoq LO. ait W' ImlW. Tuel.i Ileel al A gel 011d de.iekfl ne, c ~ i, ain. UeTi0al poll1y4804 m ooe~i o OTHER LISVINGS POWRoSA.1/ acre, 3 bedIloIn . -E I ~ separate garage, great O O ILST 10 ACRES COUNTNY Umefd $175,000. CAROL M. 000,r $295,500 rrs BEST 11111 ACE TN BR OK )Id Milton, crca 1848. Beautifui roilinlgacreage. $289,500 nOUE euiu au" 4o51100b offers 4 bedroot4, 3 buit cape Cod home, SeP- the village of Moffat, 4 hous & barn needs .Office: baths. large gourmet arate living & dinîng bedrooms, formai living TLC. One ofmaélnd. (905) 878.777 kitchen. Ideal for a home monm, main floor famlly and dining rooms, sat-in Aséing $449.000. Reai<lencs; office. Visit the open room. Srrali barn & kitchen, main floor family RS house Sunday, it's welI pond. Prido, of ownership room. Loads of extro' - ROCKWOOD 2ACRES. (905)015s-007 worth your Inspection. la vey evulent.'Phéase Cai Extensive landst.RpîillI Lovoly buildinglot on T-rnt@Leu: eCaîl Carol Brooks for Carol Brooks to vieili titi Please cail Carol lIririél pavedroad. sin 825-4485. fiore details. unique property. to vlew this speciai home. $96.000. lJun ruflft Sales rasentatave Ofts 81-77 il I T, 5- 33 .m i sa 2 ellney lauris buls il uned typia' 4 bedrocrire plus 2 in the. bassin. limi tseidedf gresfnhouoeteai mi ndry. 2 hliepla and an egndpoA !"18 in et $249.90D mail t 1 ong Cod Checli oui Ibis beautilul and weli mainlaints4 bedrooen. 4 baIblocen homel Pecaiil and exIOAe s.v, upgrmds Saeais ellîrance t0 prwale th- eng quariers. and solillaed on an onernzed lo1 in quiet ree.s lia nebourhooid Cal) îody t8 v051tho tuientSa. k%41.90 uirn o m Sica/dOl 0tao n«d * bri Lnn Hlilon sals Reprentatve office: ... 878-f7m Toronto:..85-4485 END UNIT This 3 bedmlowM s Neh ue»011 a. m. carpshri .eaente 119%) 'd'en 01 lns 1996 MennlnIlieIOdaSoe 'ÎL JACK McCRUDDEN Assocîate Broicor -878-777 3411MT MIbis 1575 sq Ml homIe 2 or 3 betioo carC ilîeplacl. Cemal 011, laneft- yard ouil a price of $14.900 uaui rot-log 105880118 ia ast lfo blose ew thlI fl)dSiui 1108 1d bain»m ba u W091 514 ing loe Foi lyaierl elails ouest E&Mbàua' m §--nu 'r