J 1h. ~ ~MlIfi. DuS Il .1N7-Y? P ai N~d a- NAT IONA1L sOUTERWE AMPRI 13-1 Cabcegr Socisty puits into a new camp for Sisco ejq#4. Campltrillimm ha% Len poeiidine a place hrecýhilde wîîh can- cer can CnIo Yvin .f =h1hig mosi of us tllke for grald - fun. friendsfiip and a rc.l from hospâlal s and Irealaieni. Near Kings'ion,. il i.. noie une of the largésl fac Ili tle% of il* kind in Northi Americi and serves morle (han 1,000 campers living*with childlsois cancer. Throughout the years sinice Camp Tnlliun firsi opencil. thelCanadian Cancer, Society in Ontario lias beome ils single Isegela fittanéal supporter mrooe ihan $1.5 million over mlne years>. Boili organia- lins have tm -ai ms ion v, the ouâlil, of life 1Ipol cancer. More, (han 3 50 roc- canes olf1 cancer arc diagnosrd ln Ontai year. This meians the esistir Trilluum un Garrali's lsland ir Ontaaio is sireiclird beyond ils lin ln orde-r Io accommodait the number il chîloireii living wîlh .second Camp Triltîum sç beini Rainfsow Lake near HaVilloi bocome a year-mund operatoan, a summer-only -site stricke kids enhance Once USîn îh icly is offlcng ils 'îng wuth support tu ii'l~s second Camp « Trillum àr alîiy - thd oalio t Of ~îdhond KuO00~Acording, o John Perrott, ici esery Presideni of the Canad&isCancer SowcIY, g Camp *Wc are please luobe pan oft ibis powerful iEastern experience. which peovidet chikkre with l. cancer wîlh Iho, supporl t o irîr peers who growlng face similar challenges. We continue Il cancer, a marvel ai the incredible growlh Of thes bel hat aichldren. our donoro, volunweçrs and stff n. il will am proud triplayaia ieinaI rollIfviding 4 tailler than ,sale, loving and fun place fo jaili very speçial kids andi Mer lamilies.' Teaching youig studépts business skill.s they.-will use throughout a lifetime Ile Junior Acbîcvemeili Company Pio- gram wrf ai thle nd0 f Apill tilas hem Our hest yrajgo daie iearhing young people business skilis they wîll use ibrougboul lueé. There were more achievers involved. more advîsors and une of our achirvers s"ad second in Canada for sales. 'Lasl yea wr pîlotrd lIse Economics of Sîayîng in Schol andi tY the end of Ibis yerwe will have readhocl al grade 8 classes in Miltan andi son:e i GeorgciOwn invoi veti. AIl Ibis nucens cannai he accomPlisheuf wiîhoui thme genefmus suppot of ativisors, wbo gise ose evening a week,and Saiurday or l"o for a MaIli sale. m% ihe of the buard of directurs, ommieçiiiem bers, and flnrial sponisors. .AIl of aur efforts are pçoven wonbwhil wlien wr heur an aolijever say the peogir increid their leadership skiliq or tha tluy, as prenideusi of a companoy. met th challenge of raising the morale during dii ficuli production uies. if you are interesled in working wil young adulîn Ia develoP iheir entrepru neurial siîlîs. or siiiing on our boardc direcIrs. cati pamn ai 878.5029. or Mil Shepherd ai 878-8105. vooo O iu.Mý in eciad È M3eV"mfrind*O fa dnow*m bpotidb *f gair -m - - l u s mi* -, o-lo "Amud impb o aet W4 $Weaue hddc a" Sma hom en liciphi M fus Vli aua ft tuuId P kW" - -mk a Mol dd Mdbnla dl nuI - M 1 Wh Onlog de cleaismi iuii n dî e tIsFÀM = e 5 PiràW d vculefif kd la p b e al ab l h i maiol Amd' oi ety àe S W"a Fdor h e sdaude à. I lun I Baud et »MCA, ig821 Monr&l buiethal coadies aalntees ami paorent u4o ha-e he4pe m"i is pro grm so auccea# SsUMbM DAT CAMP JuIy14-18 BM~&Gra8-1D FUAS cET MMW NZGSTETN Pi AMP Pat and Mîrtha Gueno 8s4e27I .5 We wiMo ffgàaplof the d.lcted Volunteors and .Knightu of Colwnbus mombors in thie Mlîto mme whib pe to niake tii. 199M fi" Bucar a utcessll. lie money rmised from ail your fundraising effolu Win go towvards assisting the. 4 million Canadianýs eut- rently afflicted with canads«s #1 chrpnl diseas in the fomq of reseh, education an*d pubki awummi. ~1 ~oRrsA ,tool vCÇW*fko * e, _____________________________ I M mnko for the. guwo~ity of o mik teeg, baud mmbbers aoid sufpues Who amw dsated te qu.itng a . sw aoet1w 'f ti..~ W<k. mOflOAUà3~O~' ~nn thsfrthne ta fils -CaOlbday:b, ucmmuai4 MG ISTUNS AUOCIAIGN 0F NOATU IUZON Uos-854-9953 nHu OP'fmIS CLUB OF MLTON a31 CommeeCWm OL 'mi MLTONPEEL 1 47 a 0 a . - --q 1 , 1. j.