11. Cmis oe.i~ian. Apti 11.1W-W 1k~iu '~UuiigbUwu~w On Monday, thank a Milton nvolunteer As wt confranq lie ruai mi1lleium Ihler s la widespread feel- ing chaft he lime Is ripe fo revîtaliuc our cammuffilies and reew aur commilment la one another as eilizens. In these tough social and economic limes we have hecomc aculely awart how crnlical il isý ta maintin the quality of file in dur communlty andi ensuit the well-hcing of (lir ciiens, In earlier days. fle ideal commuanity wa.s ightly.knit andi homo- geneous. fi was a rclatively smali place where cilizens coutil find coioni andi securlly in knawing andi caring for one anoth- er. In modem sacicîy. wc have a greater expandeti anxj diverse 4~ alio ba.e anq a raditaly different style of iTeé in an caýommunlliy. Ilhe challenge taday îs ta creale a shareti vision for a communily thal will be respo)ngîve la a rich divers,. (y of backgrounds and nectis. Vital la any sirnlegy of communily renewal arctIhe many vol- unleers whadonate iheir limie ami talents ta help îiisiduals, oiganizatians andi causes. O;er the years,.volunlcer have hati a prafaunti influence on the lisves of couniless people, ami they have mouldet he character af our communîty. As catalysis for pasilive change, lhey' hase helpeti make aur communily in Canada the envy af fihe world for ils qualily af lie1 As a caning communily. wC canna afford ta lake aut solunleers for granîcti. Wr simply hase l00 much la lose. We must contin- * ally surn lu cullivate the spirit of volunieerism in our coim- munily and ta instill ihle %crnse ai gelrerasily ant caning in aur chiîdren Who we will inhent the success andi faillires of aur efforts in valunlarisîn. Share in puhlîcly recognî,î.ng the crucial rote thal salunleers play doring National Volunteer Week hy paflîcipaling in Vlunler Spirnt Day, Monday. April 15, ami Volunleer Wck April 13, la April L.9. For marc information on haw lo hecomc a sulunteer please cantact your Volunleer Centre (905> 632. f1975 or (905) 878-0955. imX)0W1E-d in purxIuo the We " à aof M*wWVmtem amf às arma»C THANKYOUtoour WarLLa VJLR g Coneroo w m o & enjo f&i 1997f* oi. t omm., site 201, IR VIy, Saturda and Saanay Mbaosauga.4 ON L58 1 M7 Spé 62,819 I.l 2754=M 14-83004730 Tai SctFiire 2,728 9 Thank Yolu MANY TRAMVK TO AU 0F OtlB DEDICA TED VOLUJITEERSI Yoar oemfùmct enjsanoes the Centres "villes at auseA, niembes t mng a filiertlly, -ain emm~nment for o pmlâicijsite actiwl in their omîmunty. New Membe, mre "i~Y- Ca dm. Gomne today! 875-16817"lý MnSoeiAd*mWCtr Thar& You Milon! x e thflks.to lou~ volilarscanvaaaer, 8co churches, service clubs and weIor8t o ge gPerowlY HEU US HEU' OTHERS %FOR THE YEÀR 199 7. Mopday May 5th. is the Reiddntial BLITZ. B The Unite Way Of Mil'ton Greate Needs Than Ever Before + Dedhlnlg Govemmnent Fundlng M .A Compelllg Came A CleurylsI WE NEED VOUR HELP Wl '97 Oei: (905) 875-2550 -ETRE A NALI - -re& THANKSs ~ a 4~te4~&a*ee~~ >~ buIR NATURAL 4RESOURCES" ia4.w ~'VoLUNTE1p A v DiabetjA §ffp a OIIM9f9 le~r e ne,ý reapmIII Th Ca.i*nDi.bnAaSon Ôai* Secsutio tau Volunterland >, à oh &»c w0a une~uI bSpoa4sèr ILU Mulrm CO. LNWW ma Tic I#'ui Dm, w. 210 carnpbe. or"~g *.Ow. LeK 3Wý 891>784ML_ Ô*.-. y. a 0