M -Mos wwc CMPM.FolwyAp 11 1»7Uo Eliminate unnécessary expenses. when mQvingto a nelw house A hiamd moove cm lie m expemve Pop. l- . dwaal1tyo<ymr owv. eue.m &kPedîW4 qm.whm mucl yo'o nov. lum finIt anm MWc Important decido lim lot s o he yom't movios to i. iMdm mums nuisogo s emil cohei ygu'e vgae ga do die Iomysi lu chimois uuaoeaak psais wu"u p.eckiro or if you-re pios la have a fi. profes- sinisai 'ful put' move n whih evec>hhin la dige (m you by diecriait. Site mmc movuns campams chame on a pet bout bais furt lUi srvices, à full pack noove ie m expeaulve tim oe in iéch you do gguch of the wock. ie tasan j,, li mokes mare limne. 51111. aceosdoina go experts. isb a option dmi dlerve sudri especlafly if you have eitpe..ive valmibl ga Iralpmti PW<eeou moyent amc espainoed ai mov- log ymvlilale cosmàly. %a exaaqle, dlietem ae epecial cartons designeti specifically fot lampa, véotes, uotwa.k an t det valuggoles dumt pravitie maimugnm proteei agamals damnagt. Yeu con gel gomai tamis psoêeclo fro m ast 1 lflsqsla E,"i1 * m d kti hW &À". Vwew vA a" putesrd in kailicin. Eccelanl busin«s Renovated 3 bedroo0m bungalow on 2 lovely treed acres. Just south of eampbelMl le. Sunshine family roomn. Corne and seel 1$219,9W0 ANGELA ATrS8ALB8 §NETw ~8459,180 nmy codiateti c hmo dlum gaaceY MaM no motter haw m2any4lmects or towels you pack -ion die gobjecg. And if the afiea je 4ammaeet Yt'cç oNbe fat replacement. Dat the "4."uley have ta keep the. couis Iaw, teil lhe moyier and aoui fer suife- lien Yau'Il be surpsed ai haogo co-opengotive they wml bc. Oun a.ouliostam le to talig ta lime mvet &bts a cambimatiam pack in which the mover goket tempaneibulity fat yaut fumgoiture. applices, chmina. glascwue anti admet valiuablet. omti you pack thme soft goada. lake miena. beti iotn claieng. Dom't forer moal prafessianai movers cari pro4itit 'yo wish tht kinti af pocking caont ycma nebd ta self-pack farthlie gceott tafely pro- tection. frflescionel nagovets coni affet clients special caoan d luiSs (fa ai types of.itms inclutiig special onges with hanging rods designeti exclusivcly lot clothing. Anather wey go se nae -' i 0 ockb h comcpany about tiniing. A noive tnI h.td expemsive ai cetirf tillacs of tht ytot. ning lie slow sesson. if timing is nal crucia to0 your nbove, thce oijim bc significant savilgs pacci- hie. .) R memrber ta daiscuss ail tiit details amdl passi- tift wsth you trouvons compamy antiï ktep in mim i tht eec'e usualy noum to negotiate an lIme cum thing yeu havç ta lie ta tave nointy jes flexible. Yoeart ealitled tu fait cotuitiai andi profcaaiaima service aMt yau timault ccitainly negistet your objectibns wiîh the appropriit autb.Lstities if yout don'i get thoin. It's *quailly impactant ta remember this isa business for tht naover ant tey aie entdtled for timel fair wae for dim service, SEMT INGLItu sain ROPsuantoltc OU.......... omit 875-77P78e T-IBIS Soni..it.. Si-, 1983 JACK MCRUDDEN - 878-777 soiSmm m. This 1576 sq. il. honte. hbu 2% Y 9 1droom,ý liueplace, offl so ir, lenced yard wflh a PrIS 0f 8174,000. la a d i oluhdcnd .om. IWU, en0 Poooxg. im lie 549 gg kIicon itiO &f .buamt Wood égooo roofi, do m. c ily WM Pom".13 "09 mtit1aa, msise1d voivq soi, Vois a gooooa eum. Kgl M»c. uwm. il @IN Mn MWMX aU le MaaW a ài l iq M la idle 01, oml 111:1 m ost W.7 cl l W MM mya rlo.. .?Mn Las. 114ég dTu WU-I if yft have bases Ihlkhs fer a jr**$sure ires use hm mh$oe0 *,, to, ili LM NATUM'S 1 INES?! 125 aof com' cuca em Lacmatine Mollat dmose a rris Cetuevimn Ame 1doi ie ghoo 10lo lai - oh gur tiMn hogmmag. anthuowac......... 7777 He aiher Ashbee-Meehan .878-7777 là Carol M. Brooks ...875.087 -Carole D. Budworth ..878454 Oladys CrauMord ... 1793039 JosephFedacsek.-54, 9 Rbn Furik .........878-3337 Sheryl Gray ........75.1121 Clay»o Hackenbrook . 8734771 Richard Hierman ...,..8785806 Beuy igle ........878.7777 Shation Kerley..:1 . 840474 Lindsay McLaren .. 5.451oi Jack MéCrudden .... 75.-86 Maurice Miljour .. .876-4577 Lloyd Moore ...... .78-7075 Malce Morgan . ....87&-1093 Paul Page.......... 87&2M8 John (JRP) Pears .....878485 Scott B. Prndr........8.7777 James Snow ....... V1-2171 Jean Snowden .......8783135 Anne ..y> , .804-981l GlenThojnas .7608 Florence Walter ,...87&0231 Katina Walîcon . . 7...5M88 lun Watson ,.......7.8is-