Buy a-home you 're sure to afford u youoie titinins of pumehadh, (conmionly csfalà ueh). $o for lis Upl tu 75 pet cent of thie If You ples 10 borrow fi Your flit hiome. you probibly i of us, buyirt osent uhom approfondi veiué (ontiMetd milles tiroega conveotiulna wmt have a lot of grerst ide ab sout monte coOsn enta ~ Suoi al)c thse propofl r lt e u-myll umnyyn1 wit you'd like--imch w- ,eer iey booTowod mitengi a spocid chou pfice. ehichever is lower. obie for à dowopiymnt Wyf lhousand squaere feed of living type of borrowing arrangement The remiinfins 25 pet cent is the For instance, If yoo lorve égoce spece, a two-car garage, large calleti a nmrgae. amount you will contribote o a s$40.000, you May be éble go fenced e o sp fireplaces Borrowlng go purcitase a flot doun paymenL. If yen wuu tu boy choie sàhomi sitit n appuai &Wdà psnumlc vew. But il "y only acceptable, It'o desîrable. a horne dmt bu an opprisco velue value of $160.000 ($40.0 be time<t , freamiy chteckt. Even peuple buying millions of of $200M00 à lenfdér moy trn Yeu 4.5160000). Mont lirit-tîmoe boyeu wan ttoir dollars' wonib cf oeil cosie taite 75 pet cent or $ 150.000 on a con- ,TIfia asume, cf course dut tkes home igt away, However, tdts rente. venu"ns tiootiige witen yen con- have mnafiienncome go moite ibat dream homne likely selis for mlers aq two typps of cool, in tubuic a dosn payaient of $50.000. paymeno on a $120,000 moMMg several ittndtd thensand dollars boying à hom: and te down playmont i, more * tite ameounr of money you'l tihon yoopm in Iwto yesm. Not io need for te initial pwychase; titis miention te modgagc psymenoa- comlitil; cf due doun pmess and a7"t wltich are dic uies your moSit- oier mout suds as legsi feeu and ly take-homnc salary! taxes, and; i. me bout w&Y go dcii witit titis - lte ongoing cou of paying- retity is tu match gour financial bock your mortgage, along seitht. cipabilimes witit the home lthai monly operaaing couts for ulîli-........ meets os many of your neetis as tics. mainenancc, insurance anti possible. annuel property taues. ManYý'tirst-time buyers purchase When tenders eass your ,iiiily micn wit is commonly known,as a go boy, dity look at yoor sbiity to GCoA.MOULq.,.M.. otNM M*AUA n ç VMw5Oi "siarter homie" Titere's notting psy hth types of cuts in deter- Q aI5 oo uw ud wroosg witt itis approach ln tact inffng itow niucit money titey wilt l T«O WdM le L*. cmw0 W < it's goond commun sense ýýavotd lend yen. 'S w~ buyîng a home lit witl sirelcit mIey use several factors in judg- S. ISV is l-lOe~II5uEos yoor budget lu ils breaking point. ing yenr abity lu itandie s mona-, Remtember. due starr itotn is jusn gage, including %our incoloe. tits-a way Io sat oarted in long- employment record andi credit R A1 teom geil cati invesimesi worthinéss. However. one awy To tece Igow mci you cou yen cati estimsie lte prce rng> afford, you shouli talie a close you con afford iu to look tg ltheJ lok at.your finsncial situiiiorg. amournt of mroney yen have avait- me von majority of homne boyers ablc fora down peyRMnL.R L1 WO DT SutiNe- osoars lock lte fonds required to buy a mle mont common monMag is a RELflR-T Sur theL " Net u - vieil cm ei home seathoul assistance from a conventional morntage. In itis comneI batk or oterfrmail institution type of amneetlenders wilt Court lcaion, beauhitul rrewer Victorion 4 BedrnminMir. den & tam. r. livng rm open __ to 2nd [aval 112 acre lot OM - bV nuo wii iground poo, fi.hop, i ishait loreer 19ueL Imm W1jfl The Cul"W champion. Fddayffl il. im- nds !0Ùý VCXUNTEERS4,0 MW a, lo 1 wea __ 1 MAO@" vmmum p Affl la-le, sellez. DeU Oc me h room home f1 Fooespaluits ith sprais F.P. tuffom feeturtng ent hico. Lirge tot on qui e wh hol 10, fsmlly mcm astr.o GonoMproxes wc o Oy ingr5usd kid- w 1h lire-e M.2000 Par yie ggosi ney shaped place est In-in ~ ~ OedloWn8 Sols. vio e. pli case o t teud he. gass Anitonin Vidt Salées Flogo et 876-63 tn- eOLn4m fa gumts. ligoi i 741118 ais. » fre 0 1-800-731 -003 fortu»