Heartbreakers for hockey teams TiseU CAmaatUTipO Mldy.PdI 90-t *Major novices, mii ftM EI LSI.NC Sp.cmaI to The Champion Milton iminor hockey tans suffered titrough a double dose of> iearlacife lasi Sunday ai Memiotial Alrtna Unhike in horessocs andi hanti grcnades. close diin't colon for etiher thte Wallace Pontiac major novices or lime Spectrunt Airways mnunor hantants - who cach came wibin a hair's widih ot winning their respective Ontamrio Minor Homckey Asso)ciation <OMHA) ciantpionship Home cc advantage didnit quitc speli success hossever. a%' bmth losi in the final garnie ol 11e bctmilv howdowns. fiasing pulicti oit a 3-2 oscilime viciory t', force. a final go-.mround. Don Hearis* Major nîsmees cî'ufdn' huYthcmselvcý a goal dîmwn thme Ntreich Sund.iy anti cil 3- l' muBeilevîlie. Thse iiighiy physîicaf, slf f oftciated corn- test featureti about as man> can chtecks as mn a pce' "c mmr 41111am .gamte tlnfontunaiely for mical swciait)rs%. i dîint in s .iut sciring for lte borme -Wc had a number iii quaffty scoctng oppiuums mn lte thirmi. but just coultni ,1ime, guyN pîsycti «Iel itosever. ant il wma a bard fougiti garnie seiti peat relerc- ing,*" %aïf Heamns Belleville'.% nsucAnce Marker came insade the aut rive minutes mt il* third, on lte powerplay. Titc Wmntrimak% fiel] il up carly mn lte second belore relinqislimng te gamm-winner. S-oetng NUitn*â lune tally waâ Clayten Himîman wsile Micitael Binninguon womlud, te cre glgin Rei nismed te oveflime winner in Same four. Thcc of te revc garntes wesý decidut in an extra trame. Maluing UP te cesi of tia yearn ei'cw wcre Alen Benti. Nmck Citeesman. Mail CIbucituisei. Scott Colhard. James Connor Dave Dimmo. Naltan Ofenke. Kyle Hearns, Robsiie Hufit, ieff Kalciten, Kevin Paumer. Camis pedulla and coaciting staff mifembers Pauli Kitchen. Pull Dimeo anti Tony Pcella. An oven close fils sase mie minci bonifiant - led by skipper ýDacrin'Roussel le --- draw seiitin unme of mie Petebiorought Peles, ln die Ainal 30 seconds of til gam Aive baie. 'Thar ito*ever. wau te citent of their oulpus in a 4-3 lma and a combeitets eriea trmimpl, foc te viiors. wito fougit off eimination mt a 5-4 decision te previ- ous Sunday in Georgetowen. *Wt Vbece Austenl and Jacob McConncli and Bren Silk amspendeti, me 'werc down Io mmeo lines anti fatigue did stan tu sitowe trougit somewt nee te ceti." Rouîsselle ciplained, "However. mbeY tumet imn ausrong reamn effort andi Int MeaI- ior* bantamns get close in *OMHA finals ly proud of themal. 8tepPa MacDonald meanwilme. Milton mlnaged to crase a mwo-gol pontei,.ig assist anti Cis Kovacitik deficil in lthe second period itefore was say telweenlthepipe. Peterbmorough *ent ahead for te filial Woeking te net ln ganse four was fcllow ime. One of te Petes' goals came with goalmems4e lonh Arnold. Rousselle crediteed jus( two seconds centaining mn mime opening bath with season-long contrmibutions anti tramne. 1 saiti a total eant effort is whita fook bis Kris Beal anti Iarrcmf Konkie led te cre Io Mtr first OMHA final. attack witit a goal anti an a&sist racit. BUa Assinmîng im betmnd mlv ienct itis ses- put te 'Hawks on te scoreboamîl early mn son were Grant Thiomson, Iant McCormac£k te second white Konkie lmnisheti oui bis anti Scoll Anders. Comprising te cemt of tcam'%.u scing for te scasont bas iquati werr Malt tieRce, Jordan Jeans, Malt C'raig also talliet imn teir final omi- Davidi Kornack. Antireme Marshtall anti ing wiie Derek Mewinncy drese a pair of Bcyan Shmaw. SUMMER IS COMING! OU MEN'8 TEM WEEKDAY LEAGUE IN MILTON Cati DUNCAN 875.148 ASK u~s ÀD(>iT S.vn Hi. ine 1967 M 0 TO0 R S . L 1 M I T E D' *655 MAIN ST, E., MILTON f 875-3673