PIaygATound safety. sessiok in Oakville Svct y .eaouaandsof youngstev. swinglng Om nsuWpeiied ars anti M.huesq wn niNserubes, graimue to choo. daycare, and public playgnhisni. How docs safety factor mbj playgrond designi anti mainte- nance? What measure% cati e taken te prevent playgmond acci- dents'? fliese andi semeai odMer issuSN wilI be exploreti dusing a May 8 conférence in Oakville. flie event will include an calensIve hait-day information mes- sien targe 94 ptfesaàonas mtéeresled in plsygroun t aety anti an opens forumi for conoeiied pet ntteeîg Hostet by the Coenmunily h Ear enriit Commitior, Hakon Region tht Town of Oâkvifle anti tde City of Burtingioti. the Playgmond Safety Conférence was intentionally tuttd te coïncide with a spnng-tinne rttun te ourdoor play, said confer- enre "ns"n Diane AyliYe. prblcctitimûoncr parklianud recreason adminis- tran. ductor. cIdt care service providra parents ami thotie involvet i n cotnnmiluy sports andi recreatioti facility inanage- Ient. this confertnc will provide imporui infornnation about playground ciiew nm safety. how te prevent injuwy anid redmSo Iiabelîty. Ma Ayliffe saiti ah expects delgas fron acrua Ontario. .We've assembleti a team of expert speakers. Topecs on the agend include piayoround surface Deumenta. inspection. evalisa tion anti budgets, playpoeutit design, prope use of eruipment anti a keynote atidreas firent Victor Hergoit, a leading authoity on playruunti equipmiens saety.' To regisser or for fw¶hw information oeil 825-6000 est. 7173. arin. Had Wok. Ation Ee Sdholten for Ha"o