Theajas Osasapon Match 10, 1117 - REl Using a realtor to seli your home is only way. to go [.t4s assumne you'rç un>e of tise thousand of skilis and techniques. Advsertising Ils sewspaper> and test estaie ready lu cloae thse deal. niamerous legal co- Ontaio honieowners eauh year who've decided A conpeetensive knowicdge of tUr housing penodicals. tievision coverage. open bouses tracts and fmnhocial arrangements must be to oeil thiser home. i'e deciagon is neyer anived ask il pealiaps tde mout powerffil weagaon in for dht public and allier relthors, and listing wiii &Utended Io. at lightly. and aIl the considerallos as to a realtor's arsenal. A reahor will assess your dhe MLS (Mtipie Litang Service) ame among Tilese can quickly overwheim the average finances, whai is neald in a new home and pmopeny and use a sophsficatedl comparative tie opitions. Most ealtors wiIl iseur any cases homeowner. but realices are adepl ai cuiting where Io re ecate have heen pondeird. analysis Io determîne a (ar and wo.laahle seil- associaWe wîtli marketing your home as pan of thrsugh redl taie and finalizrng tht sale with a lie sexs big questiaifi as: isow do you pua yotar iig pnicè. their service go yoa. minimum of fuiss selling pI-n iule action? , TItis i otaly thetlirât saep. Once an initial cita- Once potential hutyers have been locasta, a Ille Isatioa liaeix adit a realtor wall bc waîh For he;t results. tsere is so doutat a the par- mate lias been pus forth, a realtor will aller a realtor cao malte Ile, a whole kit tasser b> pe. you tvtry slep of the way. From makasg youn alcapatioa of a reaisce as an aissoltue musa. Tise numiser of valuaisle sa>ès on hoa tu anectue youn scseening applicuusts belorte lime and effort home as attractave as posihie andl exposing tl tu vast majonsty ofLesldcntaal homes are a.skîsg pnice And spetal of the sale as spent showing yaun home. tise night buyers. lo.negoiaasg un your behati çoid wilh tise iselp of a realtor ansa usasg ut youn home, Once a suatable and motivateai hutyer as friand. ami closasg the sale, a rea> rîlate peofesdonal as m ral estale professions> lias numemous Ofies, masor repairs uad fax- aise ofies tedious and complacaled ntgoaatiobs the ont pensos yoa shouldn'a bce wilhoa wisen sda.nlages ovrr "goasg ia alose' ups are ail thisa arr needrai Io process hcgan. Hr..reahoes can lie ai mmense selllng your haome Finsl anai fiwemaas, realiors arr igis malte your home s top draw, hellp They have hemn ly silled irasalvaduals wlsu hut small renovasions magisa ahnaugs isas penacedure sausi complete an eusen- also gave you aht competitive many lames anda know sive grailing regames lu - aivaittage. Yowa realbor knaws tise faner poants of ~ -- ~alicense. Tis cxacaly wha qaalaaaes iuyer%î in llfers andi cauisser > . program as desîgncd iýy your arts art looking for usa ollers. Indecai, many t aise Ontario Real Estalt ,.will advise you acctxdinjly, A homrowners whrs do Aa.sociaiios n and cudes realion cas also recommenai niaI use a realtaîr gel soi only an intensive in- and arange a structural evatua- alia stage. l asç class phase, but a awa-year tion or home insspection I bel- cetin a fauytr will bie anîclasg' process sisat lurtiser' ler position your home for armeai with proIes- refines aise reallar's knowledgt uf grecaler sellingplimer siosal aidrace when dt L13RIDE AIEA" the isousasg tran.sactios, Your realtor will lelp devtlop money is beasg seri - Close tq acre, aueblt eron,2fl Even mont important tisans m- as ovraîl *marketing plan' (ce ously discusued - a batbso« close Io a Century home. Lots of roonn piy isavasg th proper crtdenlaais.. a yij prtspesiy..This as the bosad seller waishouî a pro- (o addor revam Haa t0 be aold thîs month. (;reat realice's moust valuall as&selias tht straiegy tisal will kc employed tu fessional on his ce hter for liraI lImera. t79,900. Wel pnla<les alsiliy tu meel your demanais and., look onidse expose your home sot oas» lu a maaximum smi- saut wall bce at a dis- DAN KOVMJICK, Sales Represeniative (90S) 333.3ffl your hem intercsts. In shsot, resilairs kasot how lier of huyer%, hut to reacs tht specatic kïi of tîsci dailvantage. R/M g dncyrat n. ufnti SOI your propenty ai the licut pussaisie pnice. istyer tisai wall be motivated to purchase your Now tisai the price is %' lr lyrat n. ulnta Tu do tis. they une asnuaherbtf iieil hor* sct and tise buyer is 871040LRAW .Iinf or Lorn E L r O M Roui yManagemmi Ltd. Milon, Ont., LiT 1K? MILLPOND REALTY INC., REALTOR * 50<) %ttre le% -~r,~UIun876-0633' wlh3 er qREALTY WORLD" Surf tie Net- s ilur welt & s-ew a 2um1e Of Dur listins. laW èt-Inkft ,ho F 1AR TS E i Emai lus> yuru cmilients aund reqtaesi bnp. /ww.tnllpnd.on.ra. -full bIemont; et CAffSIBE W.hA A! . .st ... isahl l a.