i Chiffrifitio, Marcle 1B, 1997 1*? wo from. *A FI "Empty A D ' 8 path or way" The key la feeling good about oneseif sl expressed in onie simple phrase, "Give Il your 81ii" For tiilen 100% effort is given in anyil we do, eveti meniat tasks watin reward us with "poative" feelings, about ourselves! F!, 1GArts Loca swimmcr Garett Lyall recently cumpieied an uisanding short course scason wsun the Emotuacoke Swim Club. JW 1fl flie highlight of the l'ail was when kc and his Icamnmages brokle the Canadman record fir the s4~ e 4x 100 mette medlcy tria hy almosi Iwo seconds.N o e Wiîhin Canada, un hk 1 2-and-under hr;y. divi- sion, kc cnded the scasor anked Ofih in the 100m Etubîcuke Swî huiierfly (fin in Onianu>,-smih in the 2(00m but- mette lrceslylî qerlly, rrecnih in the 200m1 individual imdley and 2tt0m backsmro '»mn frvesiyie and Mith in 100mn freesiyie. She us coreent Elîmicuke*s rcliai, Lam te aisu rankcd fOrsi in ai swmmmets mn Canada hy severat seconds. Fclluw local s Lyal meently luied 13 and perfurmil rd ingiy bep Garett Lya as une of the youetgesî coumpoeîrs in the 14-and the receni pleivi uruder boyl gmemdit ai the Ontario Junior Provincmal lump 16 mn his flair Champmoesbps in Ottawa. H* filaid 11m lin the 7me forimer Nu 200m buîîcrfly and helped the relay eim mo koking forwatd brunee-medal iemmnhes mn iwo recelts son, %et mu hegme Local swimmers show sîtryIly Twelve-year-îitd Sicpbanielueinell reccni returnid frmnt thk Junmior Provincial Short Course Swimmmng Cbampiunsmps wpîh tour top etghî lin- skes flmm seen enenis. mi Team. plIced sixih in the 8110 t, eventin n the 100m and ce and cmghth mn 4(X)m frccsiyte. ly rankcd amung the top 25 naimon- ail four uft hesc evenin, *wmmmner and Elubicoke club ment- IL 13. qualified for ihre evnrs ai ncial shuwcase. He l'mnished in the une cvent. the 200n butiîcfly. tîllon Marlîn compeiirs are now Ioi the long course swimmmng ses-l laler inil monIh Good dey for Mcllroy Knsien W lny needed ktlp bringing home ail ker medals fruti Scabuu-mugh recenîir. afier a suc- cesl'ul showing ai the Cindy Nichulas, Classi The 10-year old Milmton Maritni Stim Club menh.r m.ahdau,. ... . Qe-ader,ý Meection Awards Tbe Milton Canadia1 I Champion I I- C a m er~a So IIAnno Ratio Persola ___________ Comptiter Store ___________ *espater Cotumnst______ Pet Strop____________ I nuranre Agent ____________ Tire StropI Chref N______________ iew Car Oteilrry_________ PialterSSa,tres ___________ Useti Car UealetShlp _ - * Banrk Teller ______________ Camping Ertuipmeet _________ _____________________ Cellular Poor, Shop ___________________ AutoPas ______ an" ____ Ao Storc ____ Air Condlooridg _ ______ C~. roffice souple Iliture Store - Lamr, Gare - i ~ _______________ Farrir Srroo - - - - _ Phrtogratrra r udc______ Mica!; rIII e-n Store BifeaUqur UerAi'rrr ej pf oattFoo 1' or s hot _____________ Ld"ttre _______ ShoeRýaI Froer ntood- Bûf S ______ reuProduce-__ _____ t Ip shoppingrta ae1,r Pr H le/Molêe _ ______pe Ieurt Sa;,, Si Rennn Horne _ *Wrir St oa3 jej ree Sf'p Day Care Ca ir Mouo Reniai_ Su gsore_____________ tnrestmrrent rtpatt Englo, Pub __________ isont Sin e_______on ______ Ia eru Ii e pRnvrSt ma ny- E _ _ _ __ _ adld Ste r arSat/t5totosert, ____ Mn At a _ _ _ I -r mp rrrr rt'. 'Oe,__ Cratt Sop ____ U~or _____ ct o os pIfnrroIrç____________ F,toes5 Ctub Mim Putt . ......____ I tirrgGold Sor' ________ tanifcaper. awqrSeraice To ifst Anrast on- 81 eA e Srop- _________ -r' , ron/Bartre, Sop Da Studiot mo$tC top tuL*,ui eteey eveni sk entertd. Highttghling kr day was a Virlle mewdal Performance mn the IXitite batksirttke. She alsu struck siîser mn ihe 50le b)ackIrîtke, 5in treestyle and t(t<tm mndtstduat medtey andt lonok bruntie te ihe 5tte hutierily Twelve-year î,ld David Wassenich %,v. a fotrce te1 ra Isike evenr. He %as ihmrd user 2lm antI iîth mnl the t00)m. wth provincial finies te beiih ra5es bhait eanoed humn a spot i thek Provimncimt Shmort Course CbampionshiIIIMccIimn Nepean. Other Marlins aihu eamed kitt. mn fli finals in Sicarboruugh were Michelle Claessens, George Dimitrov. Jennicr Pîtrenta, Kassandra Stiekers and Lmsa Troncs, Davmd Mondutux. Vcra Semnunv, Yvmonne Stieker., Siephanie Shmekers anet Arihleigh Snhow mmprueet personat recmords and placed well Football help wanted Touch football offictats are nceded fate yui and aMun Icagnes mn Milton anod Burmegion. A clie. wmlI K, hetd Sunday. Aprml 27 ai the Hiali)oiumce Staion me Ourimeg, IuKateai 44t. Losu'« Streetý The clmm itti nein ai 9 a nm Thuoe ueteresîcd In aîîending can contact Peter Mootre ai 335-5339 or 335-2626, We not th partln air* oi IfYou mninie theo soccer regîsitatton tin February and you afin wmsin t0 ptay soccet, Soccer Holne pteane catt us to rngtnter, belote Apnt 1, arnd ieave haine I phrone ilt 87540A72, you wtil bur piaced on a Weiing lit ~ Tine membersip Inn ml Joanne Berginammer $100 pet player or $210 rml and bois coeupetarse) 876-2518 per famîiy Willy Ceeten (tie tee applisi (il oprtlv) 8894 Ptease cat ges orpirre 8894 ~"MILTON SPAINGERS ý 180 Nîptsstng Rd., UJntt #5, Milton, Ont. L9GT 1iR5 SESION3 =878-5030 PROGRMARàH 21 TO3A JE 23 XI IT 1)11 WE rtQ( MI,,lIN, I ________GIFT CERTIFICATES I2e 11 20 omrl 2$ ________________- lRON LOALI 151SIIESSES! of $' l26.00 of $60 MLI1 DOMBYU àY 1135 WEKS toi the rrorrth 0 o rC et ar e ickiO8 Our retcl o o i lat es A A A ESO and Pol lhe test thai out comnal ran tri oler Bro&rr r-Oe730 at n Sa rois r $12 I ___________________________________ sfour ýaIe-gortIes PEOPLE, BESI SHÇiPN G15 BE de $120.00 or o * ESUSfNESSStERCES BESTINnTRAtNMISTS e 2 payments 6-a PMi AT Il Mai e . arhe are- rio oien s aue st acti a h.. M=rb -r. W 10 3 Ib kn 0 R= sedies Cms liM Min" C8aaias 'memus o beot a'ý '0 tht neS ttl *1e ntubtîshe orn Avrit 6 199,7 ,fl-3 of $60.00 SPfG A I L . toi Mates St E ~Mni LOI' 4W§Isne r atîote L- -- aimai -- ý ~IMI qa - 7 -- - -- - - - F Lyall part of record-breaking swim team