8-The enaf Champion. Tstiday, February 18. 1997 - You have# *Qhfiamp7919 J.IVED /___ rr_ J <-A BQY TO H1ELP IMSEL 9<' WILMA BLOKHIJIS/1 Special ta fhe Champt .on 01 1 Il t'ùoi is 'r «K lc .,1oili I li Th cagtupaîgs proiissulcs tic role hir a tanî o Ni itiyu/tr <1c'a.'ng a tric<id. miii a 'faill iti a ir c tl c.'e i Ni> s, ttraid tut siht s<wnds limne wîi aNi oh P atkîn>fluî girl,. aiîd antitt.r mu- (it a :nîec.s. nut a 'triutlcdi.id is S hito ant ho ý but ding ttiiiselct ca 'i tn î<ist stitrter. uilli .tn enîipfiaua *t11k' Iracer' in an opçen lîctd lun. Kitng flesîble aod supporiseý Th. <uts ams Ni> arc a '*i~ and a lîlc Tii reerui moutre Big Britlers%, t F['ic ai, rec- 'ion commernrcial>s arc pars ut a agencies httl hc ecuraged lio gît te muajoir Ontarîio- ide meicî asipatgi b> 4tc 1ltso 25->ear-tilds whîi arc %lruggling Big Brttiers tut Oiiiartî i rais?é lic agert>'s ut in a tiugli e n. lit cîintîsue lap profle amd reeruituon ien the<li 25 io 3S->éar-îttd age gritupj Flice canipaîi. 'Be a Big Itrtitir - Il', tsuatcts itht sscssiiscr45. Kîds Stltt ' t undcd b> a $45Sl.tXit grans lriisi Hiaïimg isc siajor media campig lie Triltiim I îussdatsiis lusi addiion lii tltsu <lic prosinie's 6i3 Vig Drotier agencti tclcitîn &îîtimcftitl artc lotir radioî 'put'. neskpapt a1d\crlîsîng. brochure% atîd 'apoter,. explaîn', Lsclyrs tjransautt. ecutîve itrector il the Big Brother' tit Ha lion Siai er igetîcies tkc 1cr' ahi, recetucu 'a kîl utl t <K) prtîmittiunal pxisters 11he Halton orgaîî/atiîl çselie Miton arva. '0'Ihe marketing eampaitgn was develupeti ftlltuwtng extensise researet n 'thu"1e ".We moir tests s0 iVO eut air pr way we do for ah laai boys on the rouit causes ot why <lin are nui înquîning abo)ut litcmng Big Bruthers as trequenîly tn the pait," ste saut' Tht campaîgn was launehed at tht end otf lait yen. "The (<ri day tlie televîséon ads ran (un Dec. M0>. <lire wte 16catis lu tlie t-lOnuni- ber," vamd Ms Gransauli. " andi we gut ont more Big Brother volwiteer (for the Oakvtlle nm)." Pereepion of raie flawed Ms Gransauli tehieves recrutment 'ut vulun- icirs ts eier i<agnatîng or declîning bect4use oftan "mncorrect perception oftte moIe ut a Big Brodher in smuett>." Peuple tear havtng <o te a 'tfer figure.' of-spending «ime wtth a 'trmu- blcd' boy. Potential valunteers alsu wun-y te work <s emottunal>' draintng. requirei a fixeti weekly tunt. and dbath<by wtll'te responsible for bow <te boy <ami ouI. These misconucptom.* dte ecunumie uncer- <ain> ltiltmng dlie 18 lu 25-yenr gruup hardei plus ingreastd competitîîom"i utter ehartes andi agencies stektng voldhteeri. lias tesulte i n a liortaige ut Big Brotters al s - 1 ptng sio ru tut' al] es *gises tasli .gency the uppurlu- nily ta tiuncfîu trn the d toi eut Our ,aillie' jncîsage" regirdiesit Ion't have'to f " f site. Ms Gransauli cîplaîns. Thc televaston qtnlna. 'lhis c'ampaîgn ruts lu 11he %nd e opthlng ut F'chruary. and tien t h io <ho .1. rutiun September. larger ageties itke W dig lIft." <11e Big Brothers ut ............... Torontoi have produet mINtM addutîuinal advertising MN MNU natermMs*to compltiment the Ontauîu-stde cam- paigu. wliereas saller agenci lite Halluon'. cant( 1ttcrd tl. Huwever, dse Big BrutheirLof Halton wml4bcable Iou>e lis poster klta< c%- uI. * -5 W ae< hag u rga ume cans have boom eut tise' isd uf our cliangîng, Y sotey.>plains Wemuvet < eut nour cuits su we dun't Ms Gransatli. "But our bttant lie ru still te have <o eut our psxgrams"* noes ms Granaul. sanie, to provide a valuable service <o boys '"Mis way wue du sonie<hlng (or al leasthaif ut (trom talher-absei< bon)" the boys un the waititsg list. Activites can te Ctnrently. <lire art about 75 'Big' anti anyîhung truni "mtig <o erafîts. 'Lit' matches in <'tton. anti about 40<0o 45 "We abc, want tu swa an after schoo pro- boys- on the waiting lita. Sot boys watt up to gramt mnag about twmce a wOek (ront 3 tu 5 Iwu yens tefote thy arc e tcted witt a Big p.m.. wlîert hîgh sellaot stqédcnis. oqlplacemnent .Brother* Ment mfatches mun two to <iret yenrs. wîthii us. cab gîve sointe îuturing or worlt on toniever "somne ot our board memberb have computers"' said Ms Gransauli. ating <lie matches maning s anti ievtn years" taud Ms agent>' tas ireceiveti Iwo laptupi train Grmnsaull. Little Brothers are ageti 6 <o 16 - SmîthKlîne Beechiam, and tan spart a <bird huwets, te formai relattonîhîp <iroagl the computer and printer for imas ntw programt <o agent>' can continue until age 18 if needtd start <n late Februar> or arl> Mart. ' Sofeimes, liftIong trintihipa ticvelop. Ttere are allia plans for sont olier new «Our fig Bruter matiches, ire suit, gond programi tincluding Promise Ssboîariîps for consistent mes," stpe Ms Gs'ansull. "-Our boyi wvtic kép Mher promise to complet higli ,Big Brother are (un, rule modela. offer guiti- schoof ant io on <o Post-secîssda<y etfiucatiun. anc., andi give friendshtp." - h 80yar- ' T O oMas <ici, over 80o Per c"ifcus ban thete secondary sehool diploma. esecei the national avealies for graduation (ro<i poil-sec- unuluy educamion. have hgten self-eiîetm. tendt <o respect auihorit>'. andi have a trlong scuie ài4 night and wrung. Acruis On",p <litre ar mure (han 4,0t%> Lîttle >motterfand Little Sisters watling for matches -». somne actai of Canada. Bitg Broiller anti Big Sister urganizaîtons have amalgamated <o tom one agent>'. under <te umbrellt.Btg Brothers and Big Sisters% tif Canada. A&* the country, <ltre nec sort 400,000 boys <in= ft-(abnt bsonnes. For mores 'nton afilut fig Brothers in Halton Region. please phunt 339-2355: The office <s at 446 Reynoldi Avenue in 0auville. ant iserves the Milton area ai weIl.* xaa 1 z,