ma4 - Thse Camio O)au'o. Fabuny Il. lU? l as Hoîzein5pection can prevent many ùnpleaant. surprisis .Alter months af houe suntang, yau've fiaa- A homte inspection dta ually coasaucteal aftee sucis as its saie. &p, location and tise geogeap- ilftame. a home ipection as a retaaavely tries- ly founl aise perfect homýe for yau asdyour thse vendar accepts yaur offer ta purchasie ac rea. Coissideesng tisat your homte watt priMa- pensive way ti fanal out if i as actually a_ ise family. Bua, as il reatly tise great ivesssna i (Somte leisaers yequare you te lire a qîsalafical lly ho the moti important investisent of your anvestmbent appoes taise? À. shah> fouasd.ion. lad ploamb- home isspector ta inspeci aise home taçfore '0 îng, poce ansiulsiio arilWmany ailier prablerres alseytl isaue«a margage.) Malle sure your aller lmprotig O *o casi crcep up ofl >051 aller yau've maveal inra inclodes a conditional clause whicli specafies your dreinm home. ise purchas is contingent ois tise satistsdarfy your odds A aneqaccrtastn cao save yau tram ihtse comptetaun of ahuitng msto against ST EV E PO R U ER snieifnsuprises f i isetp yen determine Ilis yaur respansaj9sshdt ieî tisé truc value of yaur home ansd pçepaae yîoJ for intspecion wathan lse ta Imi age h'prtb Canadps 1S-v *future Ilonse maintenance casas. yau anal aise sendor. -hh killw An inspection cons sasis ut a risotiugli evalua- Wisen choasang a qua.ieal mnptir aia lion il yaaur home, tramt top ta liuitam. Il select someone who as an a hlidng.relaaed fi asclodes an esamanaion of major systeru sucis field., ssci as a contractoir or a stnuctural enga- COUv as hocaatig. ait coasdtionng. imnenar plumbang neer. Tisere are sevçral tirons n0w asailahle iidhite' - anal tcancal s) stems. Structures sucis as the wicl specialize an hanse inspections. mot, watts. cealings, floors. windows anal doors Ask your realtie. fniend& anal fansaty if they VAcDETLM : : I~l nrn > watt also ho ettaminiea can recoruratoa inspeciars. Wlsen you¶contaciC W AN Inspectins la si aaverage ut alree isenes. potenial borne inspection fartas. fanal oui how Mout inspectons invite ier clients ta joan tsrilong thoy've liesn an business andal 4 for refer- ,during thse evaluatian aftie homte. Tis as a encre framn poevaens cusionsers. M4e sure aho> K "fl 192 QutesrSttmit ,greaa upportuasity for yen ta sec prablerus farsa- gustranic thoîr inspections Nid fanal out wisat PfAIT AND lisaa anal fanta ahaiet vatuaiste maintenance type af ansurance tho> cati> ; STIOCE AsaIIy Management Ltd. Mlot, Ont., LOT lit. airs sahicis watt iselp yau keep yenr future praip- Tise casa of a home inspéctian for a single- FOUNDATION erty an gisai condition. lamîly hlouse usuali> varies, liaseal on factaors CF ONTARIOi tI **Kcep an mini tisai an anspeatair watt noi tell yen the coindition ut eve5y angwrCmponesi af your home. The inspection as specaticalty fol~~O7 Oi f ileaermising lurge espesses anad/ar safeiy-telai- L w 1. IisV U cal aaicem4' $ 7 1 0 tuttlosig aIe isanataion. aise anspeciar lis, Ranch bynga)w sisaista prepare a sanaien repairt shicli caîvers Wt L ocaled iradesireable dis.licaelcois anaKl ceas ail Laincens la shistld i allita Fabulosas rot. ila, saclade eaissaical carias ail repaîrs Cal dim0o Loraine, flac repiira %hsf al.i poini aut tise pa>iatas Fo r-terdla leaturen ail tise VI andl retaimmesl aise type ai iiratsins kccp ai an go4asia srîpaiwprI ,,- ucti repaira ih ât:.ttrime guariae lia M.iasaLtn tise >our hane oibotSoifbot h -y OPEN 'Cen \icîail. h% iaa a.auag an(! rep.ainn aeO i S .~ tiçra1seiiale mcar an icar. g o19558-21O oe OtDS878-16 SU sfltonrouj- people &propeitiesjnc. An Inde*penckrst.Mtnht±rBStaker r VvIOHALTON, MIL TON, CONNEC«lON 9O5-84-~5OOO Relocat uit ÇIîbcL>L t Nw ttcswmntd brik 3 lnkrnn tarat tRiplae p i bvrr m fa Umint mi S adtin i, deîq BruacellaT Ireclace.Solanum.M Maiy texan & me arasa - - r ut: ta i homt ae, mny receaa iltes, quada I coag possibole. Carde alias adit iyeun ae laacua for a lü onfa o dCaanpirela*l andi tutt on Fli tUneI est Croaspeana> rani onte lrm 3« ii kids, fitaieit lhuer IP»Kbv/vl- dlw* = Cose. s.40 John e w/sckl brlidk txaw"o, Weil aturd sep tom otardai potitiammy use Waàntedl Cower $18&)000 o $220(0 tis ranch up to $4o,0&I' , Gereakr rpmntla>ùw Pi onuaf et Mi iU* a mm BS sari Ruardtil tl0rhMqu ,i< -t