2111-Tha Canbadin Champion. Tuêaday, FebruBIy 18, 1967 TAR",YOU uIIlem min. -mn. wmo w R E $M Imoah. Ft mi hn m AN AC'iIE VER? f0M" 1 -IM« W Wai17~n.m, WE ARE NOW r- ' CIIR PKUT,2bot 70- ACCEPTINO APPLICATIONS FORi A plu a Se" 3eun SU pacua F S1ALESll OREP UNTATV SALES & LEASING minuées to EMtin= LU ooCoi&R" Ckiains E USED Lauammat»TO m. lU« PC Wb la Std 1)4 Iappy *N. no hu Fat ndefiantmr pac 40 TE» VEp011. " ofke à4677-15 Dation. e 1-416- $70 dM $15 86&21U.sie Excellant interperacnel amie A fffA ULY U KiSINESSU 704 1-4677-1 *vnl 1.1419697 *Proen tradll record ofamcomlilhmenta 7W1-T10 teIL VAUE lit ete ama belle far hiciiaéw A *Strong dva ucceed vfllm yVLE AM1aM, $ nls.Aa-Fm OWtie " 7.75 Aselv o*tl and gcei.onented WE - BUY - SELL - LEASE able M"h 1 Ywed pre dnle ig. 078-911 MPuCT TC 1étPale C'al Pholt cOl *Expanience an "ut but ijot nacesxary LARGEST SELECTION 0F USED -.mo bat andan Apailmant M.at 878-7497 Plans@ torward youi rasujna to. VE1.E IN ILON î SLWA. plus touila 11711-wS0 bolee CHILDI Carsu 57CWs2M STE. Delute. Bo 23 875-2M7 1.ASm~ odta C/ e in Chapio LARGE ONE bectroom basament apartment. COORO RIPAIGIATON dout bkwn. 1J The .tre Faasia Champio Ioctn matura Milton S700/mont, inciuding tocci nelxodeu $100 C &- 148 Milioa.Ontario Ma ~utiltuas, Cal 875-020t..0 EPOERSsi crw sea $ 15 7 Lgr49 mu a mm CK ULM 4157. LOT 4N9 IEUUI FORSwuàmSD. T 00500 higl Chair $20, Seigle [ken 896dilMi _____________Dntaletc RICHARDSON 1L àmatoselamis iew FAL eMEÙ ENA Pwes@qr CHEV - OLDS -'GEO là PIn(" m-" ýFmii4 s ER PRCE cmn. $10. 878-4157 e enperienced Dental Acaactant fortemnporca PM @*F ngdE PAE, 8,19 5 pocie IAR ~For Vour %«178-124111 090 878-7512 * cnSlct Ointe 905-878-0655 or Fax ruuma 11015- N.yI Mu 878-9233 or drop hiacore et Dr. Puls Cassin. NSxt Cu r I '"NGLIISI W NGIR Wccher. Greet shape, Ashi 100 Waklleld Pd. Suit 1. FAllut Truc Purha liérl ln*-t auq Ne .M $100. 0960. 91750725 170__________Truck__________ c0ent neWdliosa. 1, 21à3 be&oom. spècatal, KIPUCh ILECI aine wmmiii d 878-2M9 *odiy pWnsai. 33>1111,4, nom - pm. Durit; bruant Geai watiwg enion tOC aie DAYCARE AVAILAML i my himte, >ny aga M &CEwooe foreses d. euNe __ 1467. meloome. Mentr si. Peter' Scitool. Flsatwe hedox. main ber, a' -on .3cdi l». Cet IIIOGLE PUTOU wil maIerna $50 OC 905478- haes. 878-1820.2 ulu O)M-nt (519) 85-90. 3812, UTILE WONOER GIILOCARIE, Ahgâctru AI u ~ ~ aiio SMALL On*e ledro.. Aparîrnent. Aise 11110111 Craie Caoiy. liSent bools A polie ferS8 4I proiridr la look b- sorne Iilm@t Wb Io mm sors Ca rw go a F«oipr- -o Affl-newty mmbd Apply V. g Yr. diii $350 C 7833 tom due dyte ipii. Mollies of 1*0. beli- bsdty Ild lMe ID 1*1"l bpu &bot Cad b-dzy l« "h. 7-2.SO.?fliese1000 878-277 mgnpmMg Ode MIahg dey-u o- SanO7U5. ______ 7* h 111» Ww.$00 B ,117-F chaumnt hi ccôaitlly home. Loof eto and E astiOO éprmn ~m 4 STEREO, CASSETTE1 player, AM/FM radio ta, rMm bol (M6e2402. Do YOUj RETAAL, 1 oq fi. $lus OCb» 878-5 M UAI.JTY GIPTI TOR .871147777 CLEINM LADY ceabI Ramonabl rm WMPwwom viiw i C a l l u a e 8 7 - l " 4 0 % mq w us e s 4at 9 m l dem paie hameft Cal Jute et 90-337-2927, auom DbueSI BueIe praledu Weelly 87-0225. OixvLLY Wu yuw Mndd u TOWN - ILTON Ridean for rant hilalia Houseelewin mrebaveiAIniyanb aeidlme remonbla ries el88-022~ tmgtee clteeplter.$40.hisaslt 75-4748. * IE O11 F SIIIEING Supenitand ai ent eatras cmje0Sm0n8OO TO LIT, for reeponlsble. repectilt dons? i e Steve,, Wmdemc, etc, Excellent 15xpî41emsea ue.tr0 isi.litl ls e feintrins. 875-47M0 bari km0i515te111 711141111. L WANTIED - Husaiceeper and cara for 1*o rsàP childesi (11. 13 ys) in nemih CernpbeileParn- 30vcd gF RS L ýre flericonsalcler 3:00, &oema evenîngs. nRESALE Tîie Shore ComWund MmFOkSAL Otmo meelende (indludat eern.gh4#). wit 2w IcmEPAAlN Ta , shel82 ips Aubilcec Lwgatlaedee cisng Ho NO STRINGS eneughl beli houri b0 pioide ged pcy (MWe 10M E__PIPRAMP ed 2 Remet SB" msod 14004254067 24 esiy) 85430 (meelidea aller 7 p.m) pa mrat 878-8251.h» ATTACHED elo ersnsiM wnud n ý 15 Commdial & Indust £81151 MnW c~ Fe heip cel 878-8855 c m uF rive lokng 1r à large 3 Femn roo UP TO 12 24hur« m fo bua- wff.H heuce #e rant in Milton or 10inuts te GREAT LOCATIO . RaWwteme Auto Pai W R VVM'o lac laonemqrgency cselvavca- it sSxuèiIe NPe'»-' t4l or ItA .A.P. CariS, Hmy. 7 huritie. Gergem . Lbuglt.eà D bfr- a oe n torcid nHl Y"r =pt =eke 854-579 eppro 20M e IL Dealers lMc. 4 bop.. prenant 2 A SF E ion oh AIls mi d Ms FO Bnt Iicaton of HMuis Aubtoeic. 2 oflmc mu. 2D YSF E An- RG -@Y0 youia Ç"h» prbs2 acla**ci R f.~ geei cieage"' Proe a"Oél Cdl 87779»0 For items priced $100 or less nAutonm c h. WeMan rsW«Oy Mn.ect wchroons. agarg 4 applicncee. $1,005 REAS084d5L Um loirg mm. sent YOUo run a Free Ad in The C*url, dxSee. âtaems*rIU9 sIeltp.ck.88 ,0 ,0 q. IL S8--miiw qes'cee on Canadian Champion. Ai we AR OI E 11 1 smte*W WARI ati oey 3 A hc orn Ie, Ain iî OD7-2 or1Ile 7 ask is that you include a price Mutde11Y night 8p.m.a St. Peut& Unibd Chuti. .h.oepssciosoeAeiI in your ad and limit your ad to b" ~ ~ ~ ~ 8150 do pkqlt*w. -04i Ne doge place, 5te- 11MIIIEII.LA MMUE WANTED b-1, lIi , 4«2.e pclg e a200-ce) 140081 %muiu one itm. EvANY Aun PoUce Lis ut %abdin 2 0 AWOkte F«Rn Private indivfiduals only may Cu"cs. Lm.rnues mot. î.Cm o- . Adiwm UDMPMm rî8 3ai gui~r lAREccs~s~~ place up to twofree ads per ql, '.11144. 9- 3Pm. IAME- - lo a sbm àAppeW week. Please bring your ad in FREE PREGNANC TESTS Pliane 875-1245. O726, blw 4 &7 pm. Lite. $50111000. Plionie REst Ecl (06547- person or use our mail %lot. NIEAVINLY PSYCNICl Anemere. Fliusenis 1 EDOCM APARTIIENT, ceIdas Maot t: 900, or 1983 SabbUd Calies I100-451-37131 $2.OOVnwtu. kgi & lut AIl ydeo OuWi bulisig Phosne Sarn COUNTRY bu«lot. tel Rpcy ta buî eldMILTO 24V.r * 1Ille . S p.m., 87-M50. D ion Home, ô mion N of 40 eurmi MH'dAI TO: M DNINIONG cuelng you irodilsuO Ai- à SEWUOM APAUIIMNT, Ocuntom ixaim Sn-e Pmittec Ncatr gu cea"$IswTH oLSIFE calialica Anenmacai mcm Tuaedy nighsaet hiinlu u main. go"e & #igu, txaiui Plie 110&11175-1710, U45-447. DEPARTMIENT Grc nlcnChutai. Main 0sffet 8 30 p in. Apri -. Plia à lut SODW0'sisan 878-901.1 TEA DINC MPO NOTICIE - Jason BWbdw wW no logr- ap L $M3 pluit t. (59 @53>5M, 191 Main St. E., LOT 4NO aurne roep&sublty b-r miv dol ncrad( by (519) 85i. -s No Phorle Cele PIease. Stn1r c97 DtFburr1 ASMENT gSELOII apeitment. Prîvale J eNae -Duln:p entrésoa Suit moeare wSw*ng pars«n Nonif 1 * Sl raoier $S80 liallaeeene .78-1381. 7 ie 1U DOI0IE GRAND Camn 331k V6. UPSLlLLE IBooos Apalisin m u40,di pasengr, hh ~~ ~ home, 500/monsth lncludi utilitllea Non- &M, à 7 eai q h845 km0bu 0a0 906-88857 smoing. No patsle -08. CR197 ~0LB1 Neoei or9- CIENTRAI. MILTON, 2 bedreom basement UIC, FBA. WCO, Banlirupt? Noedai noet e m asi PLel pestme **W ge t'&W a Fm chanicel W. cen help Fuue Car Cmo* 876- mmlh i udn mahyrE50 _____________ mon. a %udes hectflsdroicable FirtUkcau'I Aclebl Match lt. 9064750608