fl--Tre Cuiedin Ctrutrrm. Tueady. Pabîr a , lU? - /'f-À= « Munn] Elusive quest for Silver Stick vaUuwwwoe'ti inasa unlisli's 1 muer 1han a grat overnsft stay Sacet revenglFror Sandubone The Sandstwec Transpoîrt AA Mitier Wrnreritaaks. sret-et up a generulus itelptrtg orl revenge tri iteir Vanier cornierpants retenti> ai die Glroucester Tîîumrnanr Milrmn loork a 3-i irîss tI Vaier in rIleir linaI riount-iîbn tt. bot rurrrerle tables 19 bouts laier fr a 5-I rîoui in rthe thanîprrînshîp I match. Brîih teais tron iheir respettise tis ions Iell Seetis hclt ithe Nil stick tut- ilie *Hawks, tub a bhird penîi bai- trock amIleiqjfChaisiin helpeti set Spailfliree golri Stese Sialer andl Atamn Rimuke pumpe in 10 etînti- pert-id mat-kers aller a scrreeýs openîng frame. Asuisis, teni lu Cry ILeigi. Paul Lbradier anti Ben Wilson, tnth nelintier K>le Gaton strupping 20 iii 21 shirtsý A sirmeahat faigueti Miltio- cra regîstereti jostj7 siruis anti a Wr j Tite Internaioînal Stîner Stick ~ Toumarlent beld a hrtîet-ssrîeendui * I img luit ir Lîons Club major han tant AA Winterhaaks last munt in PoirrHuoin. Wite brrwîng oui te cîcotuai C hampirons. Micitas Sauli Ste. Marre, a oîne-goal decîtin.leit thet ordering if lthe tîîsered 'Sîlser Srick* bati been iteirs onr * * I~ ~Iw Tie- s il huiols uft ibmugit * I uin a tase îLe tiis Onle siepi Ilise iiutlunk litai an Irîsi trilritehst Ibut on rite inter hand if ae tati Iwîîrked a laite barder ag: colti Ibase woîn rthe ahîle bhing.- sard Imunager James lleitrîn. whîîsc Ifeint quaitic ietîn a silseCr medal BUFFE I performiance ai lthe Nimsember, I Sîlver Stick Regrîînal nl Clar- I perhbaps rthe strrîngest competitirin 2 I (iffle liunament, ant in lact led Chaýiy londr ise tiei- filial rounti-nibn tilt onrîl lare l in rthe thirti. Tire i-i1 deadlock tas cflnnoverrimew VTreviîr Salira aîîrked lthe cge play-J lir tihe 'Hawks, wnt Jour Sp ienger regîsîering thit-flune taîl> in rite ¶ nrng frante wo41 tel -rîmunded effoîrts pro. duced -1 aný i-i tins. oser Derrîîîî Mîtitan and Vaîl. (iîlîtaiu respectîs ey in carl> tour- nrament plan> lTre irmns jompet iu ni a qnrtk thtre-cegîal Icat in1 game'iîne - itank.c iii Spt-enger. Dan Bîînbam anti Jasoin Fordl - anti hung on fr tirle s cit-y. Salîba %a% harp btacen ihç pipes, Thre big fine rit Cbosllraiiwe-l. Paul Penîîî anti KesînI-lirîîn. tiiinnd tut- a paî-iri lit-ist.pet-idx goîal, ii, elp dîamp Vanl ~~ Guîaircnder Jamie Funnellirurnet asîde 21 sboirs. a here bis reain- *l *rL lgg 1LIIII mates roanageti unI> a duien, go kep Milton .11w Ilie P ii a c l'îî li iiiaqî liiIeA,\ iýitita14Lk kîîîis Lcd Mlathea Ptrce pla> cd teri tii rift lratrîpiîn .4 iti ni l-t cailiet- teken, fîning tari goals tri Leep - iis tnnb m i ità i-0 stutioti ai is mînîît noicie AA %'intr MriaiNtnil.stirspl hakt airse in eu [bes î~ ie mal rr.ona ltt-ariiiîîîs,îl l. IMH-A senesa.itaksille .ntht-ccinalnie 4c BrFbit;I* clitîr The Bargaro fle 101i1Ard I NiIXp.sdî4 sre treu fiîîîgii ofiiiirînaiîîî inill a \ Nui t'ai ti 41 îi-îi .i- ýi ttîii ileno ic[r1 tail rthe li, lite ctit, lîlîtîlti u, liii' (il sertes taî ga nies il litre lt-h. C ct-cnt M îil ii pin crs .Iilk goail, rirtiteti burtre gante amurer attd ,rndt tilaur mniereîîîîisî rthe insurance inarker ah bile t)cnrtný tminîe 14e1- i gi Rciii Brenuhin Duke aîied tiret cage . Nî(iieeetia ',lit (*u,,b Ja coîs [l arit gase bis reant an mnath. S, iii tîitlairl aids le initial leati aiti an uuîassisied goîal llearî sSeilîlitî 1 ICI, se vent secoiinds inu the gari. rî luiî,îNb iir i Coînnrer Mitchell ser up bîllit iiil1dnlla and Alies Iierîîîî MiL.- Pt-tees scoires.Btnign Mîltrîn tmprîîsed iii 3- i i titeir iinnîgii e1aouçd lesuu Tri Clîunt> puîst.seasin. 14îrh a 1- il -iiiitooa ies tire (inîîaîiî rutlpin Duke lit' Si t-unut B anîpiîn tike 4as Thiiras A15 Ilîuni.îniî beteen hibpc e fr rire shuoIio 'A binci-stîîîîîg flse, i s i ilii, a Denrarsit rumet a bat-rouin Iiis- riirîetrîc lo' ri rî vm1nîarkeîý ine a ith Frite anti Seuit Mctrach l ast s ar s proiitai t îî.îîîîps iii adting sîngles. Jot-dan Culeet d-e14 gîîîîe et îucdneîî a pair ii heipers ait Mt IlcT-at. aI o h,ý Mitchell, Ryan Blaclu and Bl-an ri.l> re14llon11 otIc l:san tîiiining mue asltaie irosrtîins and burieti lieir ri, si Minor aloma in tough rilo lppinrents b> a tiribined 9- tilt A third-penrrior mebtk didn'r A 4 il mtgin ii lilît-> gali luire mairnahee tilt rte Itliuon [rît benli rire çiinmnîlailin irlpt> aglinsi lT-uk mrîor atior AA Wînrer- Wcsluîrd ('heesenian ed rthe maat raaks Tliursday ai -Alci At-ena aîih tioî gîîais. ajth Berîîdi anti - ahere the> tell 5-4 tri vre Rerid ating surigies Geoirgetoran Raiers leams ralliet iware lit gante a. Tire Ioîs, aiît lîlloêed a mît-e arx Miliîin dompeti I înti 5-r fi wrîve 2-i raIl> in gainte tri pm Reid, Citucitoati anti Rob Hirî iiUms OMHA playrîff itinr rIlrntieti fI ie sting R e - -e n r rI ù s j e ip a r d > T h e > tr a te d ri ce c, (.o ~i~ a gamnes tir R pH ckey OnPio l a ih,,Mody stigle giial in thetir initial bout a sP-rda g ti , r i nhîrer i fp Vater, an <>taaa-area tinm stg- Mnat i eei tain oglieaiiw n e nitantl> mite restetiatRcltliiltie.rtot Leigit put hi% tclub abead in tiw tii the sireith it lIhursday's tirst, nis tri hase Vanter esen ieteailus Hire4 dre4 ec ecari> in ihlingsN up'a me-e 284 secoinds later li t ird. iii' ris e 3wý Raiders Buththegarir-intrng oalandsitk iire nui-e pasi gialkeeper Duistnc th l ame tting goa athi Rîben rSmith. hagratc al> rcae cmnie thida hy fuh & ii oI h irn rcliiie'cm u la h>lih a îî garire one - due in pari il, a fina nrute (il Pia>, but timîdot' logdienonit - antel k - lo -fure .ioseýrtn 'nit oInýuing 4ih bing Gloucester Their de.Ntre and 'ri Iel ean -C a i dlead energ9' retumed mrm tiar Point on lUh, de and helgwd theni dump West Fe1 4i sts 5-r andi l'SAs Miirgamii1n 6-0, îqi. o tasprîl "idd Ilicle ii,sc Garon, erned i le shulo gi me gateui Im lim hai tit, Raidir, Corjainiead hle siu goaini ne'ntander 14irh an upsiairs %4ri,( MatrnantBlanrahîleagî puttending sàîfini lbut juisi tricklediiîcî lire panrBliperrace in fnitlrie n'rthe scon miînute ril iter-lals garimrne nte sudtn-deafir ii gise rthe 1Iaaks Seedlis early rriuntirobin olutput 2- r litlr>' Webb ltfet rthe extra irteudetotur girals arréiie a tis raître 14irh a bhird-perîîîd 14rap arlit S/aler alsit raîîyîng toîur rîmes arîîunî M i Inn pla> cd 'il] iou- -andi atding tari assists. Chasinsrr, rate* huockey Il, hldftireia play maktng nule hCegan e arly lie Il, a single gîîa cîîllecred*ýur assis[% in rthe tirsI ('lre> Clarksîin lIas sharp in the tbiree gamtes anti aideti one goal tige. 14irh Le> detensise help lroin Leig. Roke WionàndDanMark (ialîtL, and Mlarienurdî,n Lceigintrie WrlsîlitrndgDa Seth l-egusiîn. D)aniel I ..îit anti Mcle cîîtlrdari n îa Narlian Ke iqtr posredusss Prive pogg a pair Pontiac goes intr o>erdriýue