re looking for .arted donors Heart disêase is Canada's No. 1 killer fpeciaI to thle Cha~niý This mniani - am is Sic case every year - thc Heal and Strqkt Foundation oif Ontario intensifies ils efforts against Casiada*snun*ee ane killer. Ilic agcy's Mikon chaper is currently învolvcd ini is% foutlannual Heurt and Stmoke>lanh cnagt.Along wtth peoplefrmisIltn regional big brother. local vol- unicers ire t-anducting a fier- son-to-person donation drive aimed at raising the hbulk of their $30.000 Fetsnaey goal. 'Ilats what wecre hoping ta gelt his moisili, whaeh represenits HE of aur annual AND budge, said loal chapter pres- FOUN ident Chery Sellors. 0F O According in a4l996 study. Ms Sellais explained. -liton faits amotig provincial averages for viciimrs of hein disease and stroe. Almoat 30,000 Ontario roaidents and 78,000 &cross Canada die fronts these afflictions ecd yev. "lîts sill Canada's bnm&r mes killer. Over the IStfew years an alaming nUIn- ber of womcn haye been suffening front these distases. especially front strokes. lhat's beciuse women are aging faster,"* gri sud. The early %vaming signs are ofien less apparent amuing the fairer set. Whilc most mes usually expenience clicsi pains, a clear message of potential heart proillems. many wiitiin suffer frbn acck andior bock aches. As a ressili. wîsmea am tot as wtlling to go ta a doctor during ihese initial stages of huamidisease. "Othcr groups thal arc ai hîgh nisk are obviously thé smokers and Lpeople %vith fat-Laden diets, as well as those with a bistory of heart discasç in theîr family - partculaely befare the age of 60,' Ms Sellers sud.i lcre ame a couple cf veiM easy ways [o incease I-aur ART odds ogainsi hicari Msse &Md STROKE strette. Finit is to îrack thie 04TION amourit of fat in your diet. N'IARl0 Ftftecn ta 30 per cent cf calo- ries from fat is the suggested *safc zone. With malt food packagIes list- ing calories and fat consent limest days, this îsn't liard Io da "Second i s simple esercise. Even a mod- ceate. 15-minute walk each day cas greatly reduce your chances of a heaci attack or Wbtle anotlier increase in hemn discase is expected over the sext decaile - -wth a lurge compontent of population aging inio higher nisk zones - the odds cf surviving . m PUSIE oni ~a 17 TheyM 7 big-hi Ms~aum Di Uv as -3 ~ ~ -_I " f Tia euuian cllm.~ Tuaday Pabrumy le. 1007-I1 ~~ Evsry week LPJ4C<Ion the bock page foi of the Tuesday FOR~~~ MenST M F You may be paysng far mare taxes than you should, when Ihaf money could be going int investments ta build your future security. For a .smart tax strategy and investment plan that gels more af yaur money working harder for you, cail the leam at THE Fînancibl Planning Graup. eaul us "odY. lias oeamsudon lis hW. lits. peof mmnd là pileu lmOm (905) 639'8777 WE OFFER YOU A WORLD 0F SOUND INVESTMENT OPTIONS ~ f ~ k , YNA i@ Templcron CLAR INGTON- .j~M~ BM 2Q!L CO1 C;QA