B -fMi Caiuiuo Cluatuisan Faltesiuru t& 1B07 *-+ OPINION Box 24i.191 MainSi. E. Miton. Oui. L9T 4N9 <905) 878-2341 Fax: 878-4943 Classified: 875-3300) Inn Oliver Publher %eU Oliver AncaPabli, Rob Kdgy Edifor Mares Hume. Csri uls,,s Mee TerI Caus Offi, Mu,are Ti. caes Pmd.,îv nonaN~r Ted Uaiday Reaist Sales Mamager T'o @MM@ie Cewia. Pi*isite .eery Tus* Vey d Ndey at 191 Ma SI. E. MaINt. le. LOT 4U 110%Be 248),1I nte 411h Matent P«"eit. PeeiUie & Oltdêaff Litý flrw CO ruibit cises ~115 blCxjut Ajx Pickering lNews Atertisor. barrit Atoiece. Irampies Guartlan lurtiefis Poil, City Palli. Cfflewood 1 Wasega Comeen. East York tiirla, iiobtcsbe Guartion. Georgetowns tetepeeteet Actos Frit Press. Kiton %li eeÈ.g 11etu Tai ee11 Maeu ewisetat 8 Sue, lian I PeeetWgusstee Marge. mealsufl News. liew 1el Avosa ira faotier, Noflsttebrliet liews. North York Mdirrr OéWSlive er, Cr1111 Toay Ol"use whiSy 1 Cliéttoe %b Wi. Posl e1rsuph i ê11*MWese Mill I Titurntul I Vaugbna Libéral. Surbihraifi ror. Uxhligte I Stiettefl Tribune. Totay*s Saison Actvnaisng te aceeptat se 1e cor~tti . lai lm 111e e ofl st "Ovwwwir errer, tia 100 eotio ofi athcielliaflge occilteet th, lte arroseela ue. tofailher ir a fraased IN,5cM te salgeus viel le b charg file bii5l4 thtsellance of1 athvifftlw ls li5e Ndi for a et ri lca raie, The poil- iter resives Ite rifii e tefaeraeari.ei or do& 1 Bad news outw~ Afier years of deliale. wafflsg and inaclis on municipal aid scocio ioard goverrnance. dis- entaatglencras aid property lux reforrat. Otit lis licn lurned ineide out and upside dlown. Bul ste faci flie Mike Harris govcrlnmcei lis conifrred fliese cosues laead-on wîith a package of swceping reformes doesia't mci tlic solutions aim. itn My Ccsm h flirghi one Mcgawcck casnlicol lic charac erisd as a combination of good eas aid li ncws. wth mach of tlic gond ncws oulwciged iy ie li. Kickisg off flic wcck wilt lte gond riews por- lion as Ediscation Miniscer Ediacaiion Minaser John Snoblln, wlao frmnly put flac id on ouf -of- continul scitool bc"arspending. fas inceasca sent misdired classesion cula liy adminisîraloro aeni triplace. Ny îying tce puise strings of lite new fsional boards aid sipping aaiay thlie faeîng autherily. Mr. Seelielen as abile io reducc the numbetr of scitool lioardaNi avomd flac megacafy consequaccc of higlier coua aid more hurcatwccy. But te citeering abtout edlucamon fundisg coenieg off residentil peopenty taxes as qaîck. ly ned flhc fclleweng day. Thaf's whitn Janet Eclier flic social services missir lci il lie kulean litai lie province as droppeng full or sliared responsihilify for such aoff services audit as aicîfare. co-op liousing, child care, pulice alft., nursing homes and loeog.eerm ce. And alstougt lthe province samd il il bc gtsialiharg a pernanet $1 illion Communaiy Reineurmens Fond, its flic. munîcmpaliîîcs - flot the province - thai actuilly ssil bu paying for il. Thc only devoluiopt of respoeasiliîîes ftai mode any sceuse sas lie decision f0 itaid a fait go ienne 576 inxoKiipaelitai ithave licen recelv- ?ighs good stuif Let's TaIk Taxes ieg local O)Pp pollcing ai lthe expense of ail provincial laspayers. Wednesday of litait aicl as aaiodger good racws dey, ie aainoeancemcsls tdi lte fulil coi of local fraisis. roadle, seaiers and saler itel- miens aiould bu a municipal rcsponsiliihiy. Nias flsurdy as a retin to or inti neais, ie F'inansce Mfiniser Finie Evea confirisng lit province as going attend amith Aclual Value Asacesseen (AVA) - lte mou comiptes, mous unsaaie and higbuai cois pcopcery gla; ntform opion fglissi as open lo lte governmemi. flic week as filled aide tux stigiled uanke il daficuls t0 diingusit lie intedile inien froont flicies. Bul nUving voliflc social ser- vices - clearly a provincial rcspoeasiliulit - over le property taxation ciii oegly spell lied neais in the long (uen for propety osisers. And once laxpayen conne go reaize litai AVA is lîke aser sksieing argd l itbostons of a roailoei. the only peoplc popping lie champagne corliss aulI bu lie assessameni iturcaucrecy as Qucen*s pauis. aie manajc to siick ste Harisa goveni. ment aide a poli"aly exploaive poader keg. "Let:,W Sai aes" le a comtnaay provided by the Ontario Taxpayers Fedieratin. Coninaecs are Ly the OTF's execursre dîrec. for Pai Pagiao Grâce Anoan Cliurcli offliiais wolooed the. Ulahop of Huron, It. Nov. Osorga La.aton on Aoocmt Day, Juma 1«L2 Tha blahop, veoilesU lis I 141lon durl e &"scllU hood but liait 60 yepmo, ws usat aaedms at the svsnlsng seviceu. PUoisWarda Kseieath W~loe pesstls a copy cf «Haton'a Pages of tha Pest" to the blalop at à socialhlf hotar foàlcwl the asevi. A*nhlng the book are., front lait Mr. Wataon, Raem the Rail. DA. Powel, laltops ion, Canon F.H. Mison, end Rectore Warda Bug is begit>YYnni-ngc to bug me ,Do aie au fo faits aliotlisfii Voîkager blurae? flua hfte monsger fia st ieming. ly lienignly in flic diveaiay. planning ifs nex naily trick. Why couldn's luhlty itave found e second itand car fliat needed less attention and lest cash? No, lic itad te relive lii youfth wiith fac VW. Il doani itelp duel dic principal diivoe,lit l18-yeair-old. is mecitanically inept. or ralier indiffcrgani flac lattli incident really look it Cake. fl'c afoecmenfioned secs came home front sdcoSl one affemoion caually grenfioning titait lte oi lagi in flic car as laaiting. I flapped oui, (Il do lit a lit.) Ever aince 1 coin rementiler, mes (itever aionin) haveliecai warning; mie about ste toi lighlta " ould Veil don for lie vehaicle il 1 did nos Kop if îmtmediaely. For ail 1 kauew lie motor aioeld itddcx, tites crasht ignmnfiouily onse te pavent. Vus bur as lits kid felling me bu sas still dnsving the car arend bain. yikes! If aias leaking cil adonnsi s quickly as aie aitre poeming il ie. Wc laid ou sci> 0an ciet soi igit in dlac diieway. 1 folloaic ou lion saidlie Making your point with a points system For more ltais 25 years. l.S. psychologisi Gmied Paf terson liu donc pioncer reeaztlt on compliasce and aggressîcn in' chlsdren. Hia biooks have sond dli ca of smoi aid are buld s ttc standard against ailicla other progragna in surs aie aie mrcasutred. flac basic pregran f'or teacling coospenalion aid ceenpluancc gocs; ioneiiîg like Ibis: Fini yoau sit yonr I0-year.old dlown aid iay. "Max, aic've bucai kcepeeg track ef how often you lit- tee (e us and aie sait 10 513' aoetcuing tcW". Max. acting like bu dide't esen buar says, *'Cmi I go numside nea?". lad. suang go get' mail, peintes o lte clair aid sayi, "Sit down a minute - yeu ciii go out after aie've liait a dusnce 10 tak' Mfax, euin sanding, aaya -Why mer? LÀots ai dflitlle priecea oser fiacre! She fleyer ina 1 do uiyflueg. Vou alaiays likeli lier lienfer tian mbe." ' Vos slaeuld avoid liais sidcfrcking magneuver allogcftcer. "Sluing nes. aient goeng (o bulp yoss lam Io coopertissa ailla cher p"kp> I ihirlk W'I1 lc fus. Esery ligne you listen. youlil gelra pimng os lhîs iodes card. Vois cati ca a surIr bundi o uiags sit iloe pernts - siaying sp a nais noter Hre, rea fislung, mgoetey- you atX. Sortie kîds bu Mtax isa liardt cas nofling'.. Doel lecturei conaiply. jugit aabt index card. possied nf cach day. L-Illai (or lm) aird wai losid Io say sp 1l uses if bu rndcd u~ ace Io lied 3O mii minus tive pointsc Ree0 i tehil liIfii point aysélem worka se increase coopenéalion aid dltease noncompli. arace. lit it offe lia go bu conthid aila lim- oui*' Io bu really effective. "Max you'ge bes Psychology snems.W'S oin o in e-ai1t cbi, havte'9s ue to go (o lie conte forriemut. e (ma ing il as se&Max refiieci tc go vdle 0151 of lte itousse. oit seidn "okay. dutani cmlt riling t Ninlendo game. going minute for "akno blick. dmrc exa nisses for and youi choie waittver natng aaiay. aid il wilI bu an cxiranminute for cadi minute lthaI you're oulside." Max ran s in rigits aaiay, semne doni'. amcnd lie Hock and Lien evenlsaly cainse in. c 1 doggi aa ne poings for Hie sai 27 nmsineaie corner fhlac fini ne. Hie didn't fllke il. Miller aure ycu dont tilli 1 lte or gel ntad aibun bu decen't châitket altiitilec is in a fme-ous. àc poins. Record il on the Wifi lai i aeek. noncompliance lad buen on lit refngerwlo. AI flac end redior ly 90 percent, cooperation wu a»p. n hoa ntany poiser bu earned Illc prograin a etncd go ellent aid ste bu las earned (or lois). Max tteaclac re ethilled. Mau sileil getii &long ilc. se bu gol an eitra 30 mis- buffer sit lthe oiter chmîdren, ses inviicd t0 p wîili plus live points aid bu hiiihday pariles, aid had friendis sîeep oser. In suites rarly if bu esdcd sp wi ttc large majofy of Ccss itis progra stir suc- cadi dey. ceiriful. ,On the Ho Mefron t ailîng VW Io the garage, lioping i~crand moite il. i o flic verict as someilling lebout , mais tst. %it word gaites camine lthe conrversation Ioo. I can't say 1 could ges a ca, menfail pieture of the problem. only shai il cool us more litait $200. althougit il could have cool as lilile as $5 if itubby. aiho bics licter, bâai caTacd oui somhe preveasîve maintenance aiun lic as puliing is this lird motor. As 1 plailosophically say. mboney la no objccl: in fact. in out houseitold il is itiosly nisnexistenaî No sonner tail fthai catastrophe busn avertcd Uitant the car. oep getl noca perky fini1e ges-up- end-go kiaid of crealîre. dug sn ils tires and rcfuaed lo enat Out caine ie exttnsion cond and flabc hley citage, but esen lien out sont could noi coust on lthe veliicle aiorking aaay front home. Since bc liedt alreedy used sp lii free iowing flarougit die automobile club, bu dideft ant le faite aiy chtances. VA=tif as sns Ico raiy chialaide. huitly look a peckt and deincied lita tent aient faulsy liai- fel connection. He replaced those nsid still die car refuacd to show any spiris. If emed fii peritaps if aanl lining on ail %paà plugs, itul sie laies! I head î la h uliy nos bas à niaiser molea on order. 1 ioldnt tisu dsa car se fake me anyshere. yel 1 arn autzcd ltai ail thlese snfoeiuaae iscon- venences have noi grealy upei our son. ailae ne dotuie continues on mre level ge bu itappy jusi (e have is can sel cf aibuels. aibuol an uuelfale packnce! ofa iits e aid pesions Wiile flac VW ats in thec diiveaay for yel aies lier part #ur son itas revcrled se sing itulby's aid nty sellucles. Aid aie fogie ttc VW as cous ieg uSWlÛrly. Car numiter tec, tce station wagoîn, s sîror aid Weil I amn keeping nty ingerà criiroced fii il will rentais litai say. And wie can only peay for thtehbug. Lookinir Back o.. 4 -Thé CVagion Chwrmian F"-ý 16 1907 n a - -M