PHARMACY :e- pOM nome iar im oar A o l4èekend p Cfyrnpt 8 £nunity Newspaper Vol. 12 No. 40 February 16, 1997 32 Pages 750 (GST includcd) Puim by ORM. PAPI Buhlington regional Cotanellor RaIph Sohoitena celé- bflaffer bowting Johin Challkinof Mmcii for #Iw TMr Scholtens wins by a landslide By $MEE LeBLANC Spedal t0 The Champion Ilt ook a haif hour toi tally fthc votes, but jusi a few seconds to predict a Raipli Scholtcns Iandslide Tuesdny evening ait E.C. Dntry High School. TIre tarlîngion reguuînal ciiwrcîlliir cumule a wase ufiot imri rire progrcs.sive Cunrervalîves' IPCI nminatioin meetin, and md iul ui iflown as tire partys, candidate fîîr ire ires erai nd- ing uif llallîn lts 35497 'Iici shc came agaînsl Mi lton ciiunc ri s Johnr Cflallinir Resu1Is scie annoqîn,.ed ai riiugirly 9,1 hp.m. alfthough sîisfuioîns andl applause p!cis ted aronîîg indic.ationi i lire îiuiciine lx-lu'ce tihe lirsi flalli s N.1. l *'A mIni hi ix. coia..i ounce lotid rue lhai darnif; gceîi 5 ,n lire wî,cus lasi contle irs lhemselse, Thie suicd, arn'tntit ii rie qNhuuf. 1 din*i kiî, iral li a> said] a jaflîlaîîî ieac.,sicd. en Mr Scirultii. tunng i, acccpIance.Kec.l ha iris i.îiank ses SCI4OLTENS on page 9 I Dr. Jo-Anc McKlnnon 875322 0 M miifs w eM h tifaoe * - Housefire ravages pet-lQvingfamily *y KAREN SMITH4 The Champion A niamed ýiiuple sshi proisde a sancda any for suraN animaIs sý riaching oui t' ihe coimmniy afier iflSir w îrld was toirii apafl hy firVucsdày Thre mid-moiîrng irla.,e npped thnugh pu'un Un dl*i sto Loolung for somet"n la do over th. Matchr Break? The Millon Spningers Gymnastics Club invile boys and 1 is foi Spning Int Spning.« The club will hold onre, three and five-day gymnasteca camnpa for girls aged 5 t0 12 years. Meanwirde boys and girls agad 3, 4 and 5 yam cari talc. parti n an aftemoon session Match 12 or a miomig camp March 14. Registraftion for lthe campe will b. held February 26 and Mach 3front6 to8p.m. attMe club, 180ONçramsng Rd..,undt 5. For more information. cati 878-5M3. Anîla and Tony Wclsf' ls tIîîded N(, 25 Sideri'ad house. whifî Ni, as l- home~ ii ifîsir 12-yeafiold daugliier. iv, grandchil- dren and six irel, id aIs, A dog~ and aî faine molt1 ais,, iised oil Ifleir propire% siluaied near liouflh I iii Noeo ,a4 huîf in tire hlae and]l tI he anomaik verc sased. hiiweer. flic, couple rais ha,, no% irere Io ke1p them. A sAiing Ms Welsh. 54. iild The' Chamiion, afler spendint; tire night in ho%- pilai due foi smoke inhalation. thai sfic duesn'i know %,ircshe and fier farnly ame going Io line anrd, in lire meanlîme, sires. desperale Ini findtIempowar> home% i ir tire cals. And] sires asking arra rcsidei' foir hLIlp unîrilslel and lier hustian] can gel iiatk tin thiîr fete Tire cals arc currcntiy slaying in an Aclon kentici, lul lire Wclsbes. whîî are fii ,ui il vi,k c,în* aillord w L'p fia) ing ifs' $501 uaj taee "fic co~iuple, %hoi. eniigraiel Iroil I:tîglad 21) ',er .ig,. hase no laiii i Canada and lem mnus. M, Welsi said -We diinl reailî baie an> lnends." hir said W%%e always cçýncenqraîed îîn ire ani- mals." Ai one lime. ihe couuple fad laken in nmire Iran 100 animaIs,. sie said, Ms Wcisr said sires, lisikng liir tempii- rary flavens fori ail six cals. hiru wîîuld ahii mately lrkc tir Oit permanent hî,rrcs for lire yuîungesl pair -iwcr five-jearmuîld fernales. *'Ticy're ail lîîsîng cals.' sie saîd 'Ttrey're rdcan. declaweir and neutered tir %payed- Ms Welsir, sinise flîrlhday was Wtdnesitay. saîd sie was erjoing havîng - am FAMILY on page 3 oeebr W CMLL TODAY TO RESERVE YOUR CAR Remmbr Wewantyour business and we'U evme right toyourfront door to get Wt" 'J If g1 KI RAI*. I-,._ _Nli_ . . .1 . un 0 a . t4