0 . n Canadia ChNvpiMt Wmdndy, FeOrUU" 5, UB7 t- 3 Gentie, firm faith 'sustains Holy Rosary's Sister Audrey V ~ " .1 Woman to be honoured for A mue an obie 50 yeaiu of0scifless service By STEVE IASLANC Specal to the Champion UDi y ButiNS silI Celerale a goliden anniver.ary 1hi Sunday Ilifil lint c lrom thie day sIre %;à% hm ronn pledgucd 'I du in Irnit iii a pries. althuîugh thie sliur4 ha, eseiything iii dio wuilli ijl lnsicad. th1e kînui hearied 7l>.year îîîd %it lie eering mii, lier 5(kh1 >ear M. îth ihe Sistir ofi Si Joîsph% iii larmiinn A pari lime pasiiiral carepiser in Millun iîîr <lie pasi cîphi ycar,. rcepliiiu ai lîIs Rimmar Parisli llaliîundas pqrmhimnrs and Ihowse suîhîug lîmimiter Iroîr appreciaiiîifl -AI Iines il lias seîîd FLîk 50 sars hua ai ihe. l iis~ Iiu~vn îma"i iQange, hWu ch sear goes l'y more quîskly. Ilis Ieen a wsiîderlul lime.' said Sîier Audrey The lliurd-genraim Hlailton naine %sua liard presmied lo recallian ' mne lliing liai led lier iii lie churcli SI, dnes, kiîumm liîmseer, filiai the alling mne que carIs and suas due in largo pari lii lie uieis gre gresi up 1w Asgi cIrIil lic uhlepremii and teeiîagcî dunnpg the Seunnu Wîîrld Waî. hIe reiiimliers sermie iii uiiis couIIy and penerusîiy amîing nciplilnur &s loucal pu)int% lhrcuul lier hiirmalis e *years *My uv.j&and grandimoiller suere alsu part of îIrexhi sîiugled iliriupli a sori uif tup iii sarliuçu while, isilli ithe ideaîtif geling mamned andl laving children lîke my lncnds. hut îhéýchurcli cemned nglil forme. 1 dini iink il ssa- anyne îhihg Iliai led mie lu hecîîmc a nit rhr au cnhinâtinn of he luine anid m) C;àl in uInk how a pxr'A)n îý put logellier greatl affect% lie paîi thLe> chuiiîse. lie, %aid Sister Audrey enlered thc Mliir lliius ai-Si ýoiiserls on Januar: 6. 19>47 and made mnal priite'.siin of ti% iîn juIy of. 1952 Sitke [hai lime she ha, servecd ini sanoiis tominunitiic acuiss Ornlano -and ihii.id in1 Iuding lier ýurrenl a*sipliiefl lit i il *Shc*, II dceghtlt 1,, i'ssrk v ith and add, a %pinit ni gentleness i our paslml.il ieau.* reniarked Fallier Di)aesc rien While a conhuaiwIt o l ihiiigs deiîded lier ui alin~IIig. herars iiwk lile .sil the -li. las mir ih.îi caîîihmo plis M ienr ýhii; àsi1 'lià1 is Wiili lier i!rapprenIii lie iiw fondelr the ,alls ie mm, mi lof lier chîldhmumd Simicr Audres eaiiied greai respesi aîd apîuîlmmn r lthe cidrîv mii S iiu tio, lii thimîw% she olirare anîd t:oIIiiimi1 io cînim;rs ihr,1ughoiuiI.\oIf ,Mler %car, 1 [Ui%îl at Iili rK 1 miîmiilmi and Alinii mis aii 'li lmlîl! s el, al ai lie I iimVi's mmd ( ueîpli. hIe ýissiiraii ied a Jesuil pntll ' tt \liiilreal in 19)hX auJ ait liral Imaîd lie ess and spintual care lieing gneu iii ikelderis llaing jui tranlerrtsl iii toin.i W, relumned hontie antI legant iniplementing a nilr priigrain Irere, Site nos ias lime oiuplc, asssliung fier ini pastoiral vimilg iii Alleudalv. Milliîn Ilisinel Iliial andI io sIul lns **ientle. s.anng. gis ing lisse are gomrd, I'd as n i .no Similer Audrey- laid prîmprani iîuii 1-*m..SISTIN on pff 4 eI eiti li1