MgS~T.Cumaia 0 1111111111l. WednpsdMy. F*mofi5. 19»7 7 VICTORIA, MORRISTON Easy access toi 401 and lusi 15 minutes to Milon, hins beautiui A bedroom home Iras great maste ensuite maine floor fam;ip more ar d muc hmore $239.900 COLE D' !,ISa o l- a Comminar SdelghtýOS;e oe 10 I 'S,11 ill'h majos centes b ulaede alplY, Tf * p Iale counrye lot, as aro ie G onsy the sceeiery Wei Suli & main ho laiced DCCC home w tir manp apgrados IC Maire the ceceson loday so slow doye iw thepace of lisand smpyepý ga VACANT LAND ~., RON FURIK 69.QQACRESSales Represeiîatve ,Frontages, located al 2nd oit ce 878-7777 Lire & lOth Sideroad, pies 878-333q CartipbelWrille! Many ideal % Tr L e 825-4485 Id Il upald bil -ding sites, wofbded areas VACANT BUILDING LOT u5es4 d. nc lui shred attc and rolling open fields. j Se, ne a . e ,- aýV e. '. r re re $38 00 7I rS Iur0Sý0 a r/ FP DUS Cs I _ WANTED' ceira eOLDER CI4ARACTÉR H6ME ;e Must be inl good condition, 8-7777 Buy r wifi pay Up te00,000o irice: i 4 Mfor the righf home. 5-M07 s117. 0. Lovelp 4 bdrm Dorset Park Pleas cafle 3EUIII o4 em homeag 1.t Une: afe c ks on to parkland new WIhe CAROL BROOKS w oe 3n poo bezdr kc en ua e ,n i/ opg ded boad Qm sep hi opin, Re/Mag4eiItown. Refait doemand roof gas P Ir eceaseo t uare il Sc4e 85 fnOsiSdec mon ait- 878-7777 ife tenu a Rohsday ,lotalfrrg tiobe donsecepl move1 n and enjoy this 1 1/2 yr old 5 bderc Bxec. brne cllre lot, hoi tuba ieautoi open concept itchfen il FR wille gas FP Eeceiienit iacdscaping, Jecir, paio, encre5 Cali ioduy fon lRUr persdlrai seoWreg Lreirrhcnorr Sui ueeI rewr TAYLOR~% e t i e iue4 IlCe opeO , a c rrS rer 1uee RELOCATION SPRING BUILDING 854-9833 C*Oe*d lots.r f rhom mou norn ornOuro oui&ý -cie wrr, vel ca o. ud :Icidy fo is opi conep YOU8 r' 8u nree~i atrCi m 3ar .Oe 'r.uerobur mur Ibe Kl NEED 0"SCAPE THIS ENDLESS VWINTER? WELL THINK WA & COME O CRUISE THROUGH THESE FINE HOMES. ý.:This ioZp Arond the farel urm An buy V-r bunr, JEAN bungalow ss on a fieplae unl crd nht roe .O Crit, a 3NOWDEN large lot wlh mÀture wdl chon Yeu swn $2oayeppu apleror ",F Ilres & bffkc fe 16 the hUge Cru bleu- pi25 a po> murrrru 8!78- 7777>11lc.l MI le creee émong -nu 3 b.huns es rme, uuxir - our ue hemu y apgfados Ip kien and5iaeg Sc on a peti 10 r hn AtEOBDAIALFAJLI PLUS & .. m The nele Cg m: u parin lowlen tiis AI11lM ara windows. or 'mtr Tb.. ..Il cbrci I., Cure> rotf'pIus an ex Cr D ay w eInb e.e hume C'a I a arrracrr ve hma. Wu..r look& to ueC he prCaie yar ai kithen wrlh brrdge Il qaa. e.f M-n fl w e aeàa uovety me esione Cnciuce raci couue. Ma-r e. er ..r basomont heac eo &c.ernr eel Y atedban, Cm , e. urren.r. .. CC ue $14 0090 _ Q .3fg& r0 dl. FP* ,ri .g ooruCà.d =;.uOC -0 e.ý àCr00 THINKIN OCF BUYINO OR SELUNO? CALL JEAN... ..yo .oi£dC*~O POT 17 YEARS EXPÉRIENCE TO WOI( FOR YOU.