Iovio: -Decision lime near for .developmnth Bv BRAD REAUMI The Champzort Properly maestraling the frcees of husi- nes% antI developrineol cuiuld resuit in Mitons% riwntown mirroring lthe growqli and populsrrity of Niagara-On Tite-Lake. accowding'to îown planning driiWcor Mel lovlio. SPeaking lii a grcup cf more titan 40 downto%%n retaileno ami plsoperty owners last week. Mr. loio %aîd plans for lte ten Irai ecre cai frr * An extension of the business distict * fron Bronte RoadtI hrtrcoghti Tircmpson Road. * Pecpl-lriendly develoieents ýlimited lu greriaps tour stiffies. - Thre çcatilin orf la ndmmes to serse as, gaieways Io tire area. and ireel- oenicd buildings !alhcr than finpt plazaâ;rsir e coiniainied mals, r"WC arc ai a crtcal juniurc.- said Mr. lovio, Wc cculd sotmn recrivc 5.000 thomes) tif capacity fromt Peel which cotil fuel expirisive grriwth of as many as. i09> umIls per year' RIttal gop'e Tis type cf eciansion comild cause. retaîl %place Io tliiuile iween niiw ami tite 2f0 year tinte fratre for cevetiprmnt. ire said. "Titre will ire foirce% thal will reani fi, moc in mliter directions with tcWnton rievelomoeni so we wmll neetl public sup port. a public itcy-in Ito Klmee plans." sait Mr. lîîvmî. Severai diiwniown inerdîmnis used tire meeting 2s an tîppoîrîuniîy lo push fiir îimmediiie loical impriivcmens phlucîs, At Icai une inerhani also wanted fi 'te immediate deseiiprr.nt mît land% near thre doiwnliwn hiecause 0 wiitrd immediately impactI husmncssc.' in lire core. "Id filke ti, y~ 11 aia "%qs ofI Btrome Street devel4iped rirst ami impnîsed iglil. :ng in Main SIre&".' qaîd Sieve Bîrnin. uiwner ouf Harrs Sîaîiuinery [le added ire sias aiIenîbptmng iii irganme a unificd pas irg job Itor tire large parking lot belween Mill Street antI Main Street. siesi mii Murtis Sireti Limait big box retagera Peler liaigiri (if tire Diirland-Hmgi Gallery in Main Sireel said tire local fine ails ctimmufity is wiing on sweveral pis> jecis winich could hclp tire dosintoin, Citing the ski regori Witler, mn Briti Columbia, ire questitied if b ylasis cîîuld bc used iloiIma the lypes% cf rotait txMlels i n te Ion lie also nriied iriculLed big- bon retaiers hrave lxeen banned froie tire qotire saate of Vermont Mayoir (lod Kesnti said cri machr bylasis qoisied andI tire legality cf prcriing them A wold hve I bcesplorrd He said ire d il Ihink il was ptissmble mn Ontanio. Mr luîsîî said sucir a tiylaw prrîbabty *soiuld ciii bland up tir an Ontarioî Muiciipal Boiardi resiesu Miltoun Coicimllr Rîck liil) spoke abtai hie espenerice, un Oakville makin# biltl. ing resimiralmmin proitaible* 1Io ulîmalt priiject, 1 can'1 affuur, io speÇulame mn vacanit lantIs I gui in4o lier- image b> accideni" ire said "My goal is ti, sm.y . re nîs Irmm prnpellies hy creatmng nl lId Z..on% or remîsatimins of usruàed spe.e He explairned smat projects, usually can bc spâld lirrougit municipal apprtivals because tire chtane are only mincir ami do n fo( reqire a full-reale planning review. Former town couricîlkîr Brad Clemenis. 'a downtown landoarner. naid phasnog in cf cew retal and office spece ws Important go Inantaon stedy growlth. "Ww~a~a ~~~oeddaaoi - ae.iveSOSO ~>uI » .. v ~1~m hdwk~âoeuM kil ezpkiw -" Tire Cairdia Ctranrploi. We&beds Ps@rusry 5, 1097- 9 DateIine j Coste le à a roe listing ài comnlng Wedmg.dy Feb. 3 eeiInIsry. The oonlasuI Bercaved ramiltics cf Ontario foritn ni ummogrup evnste n Halion/Peel iros a family sup. charitable or nonoprolit commwrmty pr ihai7:30 p.m. a( iqs groe m e us tai service. we cen offices. 190 Driqannia Rd, E.. unit only guarbnîse on@ imasue cd publlcIly 11. mn Mîssîsauga. Tire purptise (if blottiatIo tire date ofth#ii occurrence lthe evening i. Io ciffer support and alito* mtoe nei1o< arcpossible g underslanding tIn familles who dmnr ai tiafoe. Noie osaielès 6,auo bé w,. have lont a Ioved one For Moire lie &d wqd n t a .aiesorTh inmion, cà 1(f5) 507.2200. Chrampion. 191 Main St. E., rnsied to Thre Milton Playeri Theaire us ai P.O Box 248, Il'. Ont.. LST Group prescrnts Fantasy by 4NO. or taait tb\I905>ti78.4943. Thre Appoinlmue. sirow only. ai lire finai desdtlne lit ioon Frrdey for Milton Seniors' Aciiy Centre. Wedrrssday's édition snd 0000 Wodn.sday tor prideays édition. 500 Chi Ids Dr. he performance is Daswsaitins, ws n& b. scoosd by ai 8 p.m. Tickets cosi $10 per per- tateçirone. 'w 1 son aPmd are avartabte ai Peggy*s in G et T o Doors- W" Itlti A fIC AND omMIN UNIiuNiNÇb *ef MX BoaVA *kr IAIS 0" *kf avMils . kogm ufitr Faaee id. Doictivator * AMWM Stwre C*tie With A Third Door for $49 More!.. S.. Your Ford &af Mery D«Iers CAADA'S vDl ' mm TRUCK LEADERS I l!I -Hi -. Milton Mat Ire. (al t #i7~ table. Hallon Reg capital sudà Forum wiîh and prescntad colit le $15. T panties seeki cquîly belwc million Vat speakes 1 inforin,i c Developrmeat Titi Cai . " DATI * Stop 1cr ia Part, bc ai tiesei' ccc- *0629 In, rcserve a oin horsts a Venture Wusineli Finanelng egîsîralir at M a.m. )nai 8:0 amý 'lic is Foruis for.cîîm. rig informatlion on n $250,000 and $2 as financial indusir) Fiteduled, Frrr more il Hatm's Busincss ~dian Diahctes IJNE oni pogp 13