Il -Thés* miýN ço flt. 4@m 2410 . PiNiQ. N Bm "4 i fM'in si.t E. 'thI Cnada. C pMMrO@i eu Weitenday ant~da ns MrtnOnt LITl 4NY Marts E.MUN% Ose. Lai? reffst24ýsf roe t t éigea Ptfier Pubtshing & OrsI aributei Us1 grcuti ni Strt CrgsarantfiWh MeiM-td (9m )878- 3 A1a- - Pefrissen News Aatetlîget. atie Attititce. ainipton sitation luîInotnn Pest City. Pagent, Cotittînwotd tWtiaaa Ceattuctiin, taoi fl Fai: 98-84943 laînce Etobircôke Guerrirs. Giorgetnwn Indépendatnt/ Acitin Ffe Pres. Clao ifie: 8~5- ifO Kngstn This ateel Lietsa This Wylels MMatliai Ecossogsgrti & Sun:r Malais1 Penteaittrg nt fren.Mr 043usatvta Nffln Neatitathe I Aurora EIa Bamtr. Ian Oiver PubiS 'herr 1,tnrthamtietfaerd Neie, Ntirth*Yotk ditiror OakleIle lainer. Oigla Toury, '%eg iOtr trî rit- !r//hr Ohw Whittry i Clrrîneen Tis Vieaes, setetfot Tis Week, Atcsrnoew Illeils Kel MIII, Ttrorntll / Vaughran lieratScart)àriu4h Mîrrmi Untrîdge; oslii T r <*â, (9ffi es tdvelsng ne accesied nnfi condr 1a ti e el ypçaiîa ria .tes a l frît ., 1 tr au portion of usa "Verraeg épater oiredni is thé tronetes letit togrerf stia1 a r.aitiarfe allnssafce toti tiguresea ir nnst i Ctrtged for. bart SI'stt e e islt i i Purtriei thbfar, t thé artvertrsenel mtieepand forat Oteaoouwte rate Tire puft- Ted Ljgdna /1.'il t, * l.rrnîî hntr er ties neii rgn ne cateoie adbtrsomnt$ or declin It will be.ataçing new year ma>r bce trrrgoften. hut f 997sý tra 0 fi.rn'e sure t lies l i ti Lri t f 'tfrtnragarrrr flrc >carfliere's at samnstf of site .& nerf> ~ ýo*I bciitirrî rr i o rc red tir gel 1 1 dcrpatîrifer o:t eit nthe eorrlng merntfri. CA aaFnle Plan coLluinrit rîa 1. tire CPP, crîntrehutreti rrate a e f ronrit is ycar*s 5 6 Mre cent.Tirat tr.tnsfoiatesltr_______________________ a inarjtttt tas irtease ori$114 per employer dfdemprr>ee prqvmnce erutstde lir, Marile.wifl Ire làoling ifhat is'ii eggertgh tir put a fetr%iq ygeor foi ouit $149 mtiliorn (if a foar-year $\ iiona bril id Punch, then cirnsrder Ihis: l'it ererai andr urei hy Ottawa te) persuad liste itieeramni>,- prrrîtiet.r grrsemnttf arc cîrnsptneng te on frimtn0 provinices to r.UhLYiscnle the BST. fric CPi rate %ct rtfein in 1997. A-N i ' st.triw. in essentce. Ontanians. Aitans, anri rers flic pflan sý te) ratse corntribtiorn raies Irt'u the wili nre paying prorsifncral Nales tax n (bc tiehree rreo:y tc] oi 5.85 fier cent ti a vvo:eping 1fiepr itarmererring prtrstne witirout eser having puir- I r if caflirnf!5..j uNerr4c fa"par andi lus chaseri an> gods ir serxtcs in Atlantice Canada. rîr frer empfloyer «tifl kc hrt ýt a $722 iecreaNc Uaar léger - If you're a bu,.seness immigrt in Jotne.s CII' fane fTgis S10 hilionre tasn grair ora iat iowter f or hinthi. yoe cati expeet te, Pa) aoIdrrr Ire the largest Nirtgie gncrc.t.e te ('angaian mûre ftes te' 1997 Ihan you diii iasg veart firserres ~~Sîaetmg Jan .lueis "lx)tcnt suirsani, TheI OSTIUST - When J'.trr Martin prermiiatent resedenbce in Canada mift e ifse lm .iriUtierf( ni,'tn", (i plait (fie bc tupie- ne ter SIfAX) tfrrntSfi25, tricritoel on April lînris [)as. f9ý97>. he issue-J a" Oggawa aise hms planrs ifor a rice tee streourc ,e enough té listen rl'oothers ï Cssu Rf h MîtRiff. Nt-st1itNIùLANI.î.firNt. I BC -ack seconeds do a piece te> inf, glits- cetwhat Canada is, aend whir tl ergans tel .. rea Canadiai My, rexriftns rail gbg- gautt Iitialf> i wiatdocd bro% trueh ir erre ee have in%'ested en tirs iltst. andri) iwbat vnd Arc thiest: atrgst-niddtt tcestis ii »tmrnis pan tii a larger cuftural tircus ge) Uii> the couentry Then 1 wîindscred hot* a NYttewirwsliander, a Rex-crime-faîil' tri Capsules. suas gt<rn1t tr, k aine tur tefi me sise ilts tri kc (anadan? lter IC 'Reaume, with à' kView rJieuniritir la niîo ggaru rillatiil "' fIl ttirjlcasue rt ivi. AiltWregir tfre reatis% ftaee t aff. fli> jusi gris& n hrard in 1949, o:ben nooý Bretiirn wirati eiines theip, Luiing Itiser taxcs lier irnt n«e~ nII ibâi'ce telkIe wrirked iut. the fcdN wagrt lie rait $f4 nul- cisc wattd km' . What hgnds Feeritmeti trgelfies ('reni brr.rnging priisinc, Pri.yrxkl ftlion attitafit I> tantng tire use t saifirrats. I reaficdlhese prines arc 011590f! the icai sauçeN'he, jti mtgfif hinriti. lbut t1 As .rditiited fr% Nirsa S(irtras% gtierenent \maff mnutlts and evsen rruratSet f questiont :hkh Iis frt aires a truiatar 11cn ljete Strs suaigerir lre i three per)miat signeri ti tht EST'. gte iiti oa srinksîg icltf.eiettîhases] oni iai dkfingrrrri hro:, siriing ts irur% What lNtnds Amergcas Iigether laneigriis orifed Ictisae taxi. oers ihitaý proviînce Hom afbout califrg tr o:nfing yrrrr M.I lri sa) Hewcifeesrse irirnk i ,.Ignrbtnirnsrucrading as arrorgance'i A kii isifitlnuptipg tan sfra $84 eîîfftrrn a seer lin %bfai '.u thine afbout irinasg taxe% amd >rrar Tradrîrirnaf ikiititins Nugf7ct that patieur gbaî L.> arc e tc re-i uIrîhawse Irîr lheoerage NIrî.i Serrera tanise. eîer-shnnigng ,ticr-îtax irnerlec Il mas )trt ke îferrraph). chnagc. language and hit-unry jlf What, hinds Erattilans. r irranf6à Rain lereNî thif enîrirs nult$f2 moirre i sales, taxres 'Iirre tbsc gtist prerfiablc rc-yiluifi yriuff ceer nuire ig luc a ses ft. inrs Stici ~ nes *&tnrctgrrnr rharfuiicite md lss'n ,à i a tinlifs inirîîe rf ismire tft.n $50J)(0ilef ..rrr Ia% reditA fersiii n r: , îrreionte'itrrisfa tiri ,d~ sua> o: tbf Caetadeagni - ",' Wiai f'îtds F nti sfntcn 1 hifeicroI ' A' cirisîc tro pa> $335 mirreà a ar tir i/r:, <)irûi, r'ut)iu r ., d-rrei T-> turting tit questtion rot natioînal chairaract ici tbei rNisagat ettîptre r'.fltc nuet'.t ors fiee-fsirs But t'N nort jusi Mlfantic aairsofrf pa> Corrinietmerrtg- are-% hiirt, <a trrri trrrjtnd andi asicing titrer peiople sucb as an caflh! ro i/~n faut. et es chbIfesttfý rut tf>5 ES-1 In 1997. taspa>er% te e se> lrr-PagdfPrùgiug/r, Amertcan* cet a I rencbman. or Engfrsbman est Amrencaens sucre ý.reaaied 6> o:cavtng reaëitics nl,~iiy geiigrapr. andi langetage torineler. Ns wcre tire- French. tire Ertotiran. andi 1k Etigiish .,e tm .ô v .end kh fldrrnstans and ihe Perusvians arr tirs, Hoft h lpyo r hi re>tco e it alitaians and tire lCeiatndrs. andih ai-ns HiN% 0 1 sf1I AsN .m te Icmý Tire> kleikent neWts play second rddlle, andl weil, 1 lini ire mari civ poit. I Jsalle and i suc orrned sici. afreai ' girprsrertkn'tla txefeottheîreitngs. kloîwcner ta ajmîrsNiecvr)> case. vs br VViireiriinicn Tir krd' dîrin suanttri -Dr. Leonard Jahie ai DePaui ULnversity. geo&rspry ~t ugtareldy îarndlim 'Ire> rigriti suatr tri cease lheir frertds, therr àtudedr ways tir Mep 'ai nrir*" eailet adapituoa regtrnaistri thirif ie, paet klite orut brise Tirey suc mose. Hc fraedt citdren in 30 scirostis. He Yeg Caaada< aremitre lolerantrt in man)> rer> emuirltai and %ee aamant abo l.rrgt logant tiauioan a cigi un wglir a irêddy in lire oeller naionaittcs hec-ause'wigb se mari> imut- .Vii' par-cuis% fret %hiers mise i% in tire rrffing y tiew sseirmail W55 a vrty ptrwepiui foi. Kirk werc granis il woud K iffcuit tIr stWu.ed in file il aun mo ' ld. 1 cirideif * Vgr t faeil tir giMnai rÇpe#,i. parreritirs wgirh a satre-ses panner upgons arrvaf, we weren'l. Ansd mani> (il & irat an mftn rlrrnt n'~g or,, sa.l rrrj.a irs si gleoll&'e 7 tnd lire huriri saas îiald te introeluçe flie e: in oîtr recer nutl nii1rari stu cfiflrLn oîr cair Near ttt Canada. LvMt garni- ____________________cilk le offsrer ctadenîs. spend lemge wvilb brun at empetin. (>ur, mundi s% rruward liîin f. mnisc an avcrageo ro rnce esêr% l 'it sc lunrch anri al tause wglf peopIe frngai oiver flic suerir and A lices review est hll rtearcir. publrsirea in tire oI irnte iii ile-e rise lacitre are peesen. an> Thre hudri> rysÙ.-ni violr espectal> enetive il a sentaiti population se arc igeiatein itl& iar Aniericat PsvcilricA . Asrrcinqiirn Minter slratniiofrelocation sbniuid bai sin-ieti ire hueddy wasaisn a starlette tsubti etirrouol rciaelons arcgeteeg o..s (Arigust 1996r)e. cescafs tlir o iir rcilde,n fice * Tire irder tire Lieir. tic morte rilicrifi and ire sawcnpcrience. bavtng moveti in lire laai Tirai single tce prodaces tn Canadians an ar-il due tirrelocalirîn ks tempowral- Tire .ast apselting wiil'he l mo adeett arc irc lew yerars. This headel %ystemi dadeti nbecesaty' unde:rstanding lir Iherc s a îmttair wri rolt neufoni>) tel citiren quieiiy miaire nevw frentis. hrardesi4. improITve a citd's gradad r stiari iratl, lt il tire*. liraI irere are adeas oui lremi sans ways if findtis, baunts% auJi abdapes lihe nesu sr.iooi. * AI risk eildreti atten mudi IreLier if we gise drsamgaitaiy reduceri rejoctîn, beiret ire cirilt doing lirîegs lirai arrê jus( as effe cîlve as niur Inbere aie. irîteever. Nrime chaudren vsirî w/if [hreme 1111fr irelp (desrcibetdlelowf. maire réssi fiendr sanel aas a sourte rtf suptgte ways. , , £ neer a f elfe t;nîra beph elo iirugi le moliec Yoiung kids can base probits hretause Cbir for tire tabw salaien. - Canfada as emenial> a k rir s people ribu Ise ieitulwnp generai lîfitngss base emmerd in cîîptng siîlis ane eaol ateif eveetorio andi tire> Finaif y. paretis muei ire careful nol 10 go are oealsani loùing. We arle a people wio cl fli resean.b: bave a difficult timse uoeraandeng lire reasonf oveduai in worrytng abqwathlirir daikkens. Thre sets oven lire houizoti. wiro aren'lta esou yr -NMoving cmi have iteeg-lerrnr negatîse effiets fur ie move. At tire sain limre, lhire vainiier fEleraittare shos thaï paents aoltay wcry tore wuirh carnelsies lhira vie ceate Io aeknowleftd. loe cirdren vins, are at rtsk, ebjîidegi wbo are ollter lisi aurai brea naonaes fae groups cassier. ttrml aind baccif oapentmcve. ln cme stir>, Ittycelae elée. We feaiher aur nfae liua ame nev« dling poe>riy rn sciol, wio inetsçcial profs. Cliqu*lgear ns wcllentrendudul il istirage 22 par cent of motei nsrqses diro movtngwas .6asrhg. leurs. or sulose failles are taimg irecaue of a Adiolescents, on, tire tiller inet. may ander- very aleesfual fer tire famly .whiie e01> 12Ï per 0 f course lira lyrsée suwilhir pli. iagltti> nsesîseadacdlnorM" dini se reacet for motsn lào well,ad object centlof lheiadolsoelraugltýil vin. treufl' anst ri )? .gft.