lS-*flm Cuuma~ s cu-pnpéanra,ây. Juay84. 1887 .With Our Appreciation, Ce~ngyratulatians, yznd Dest Wishes on *Your54 Anniv'ersary2 Furelong CQIlins Barristers & solieitors S64 Ontario St, Ne, Milton. L9T 2T1 *ph- 878-8123 fax: 878-2555, evening & weelcend appointmnentiravaidâblé Weddlnge Baenquets efflcaly5W-5un- ALTON HILLS PLACE &BANOtgT HALL. apecializîng in fa11 & Emrpma Cuiim 3(h0 Steels' Ave. W., Miltan, Ont$Io LOT 2V3 Fax: <90ff 87-1 047 EZIO: 878-4527 1 We appred ae ail yciur effors. oeC THE LINK FÔUNDATION Linldng the Dlaabled with Coraniuni1*Y Sports' ând.Rpcreitioth. the Link Foundation is a* *self-supporting non-profit organizatron. MI 9SIO& STATEMENT 'In, Profeasi.a. Ttwvelan.d Cmuue OfficieL, L. Dgrîng nu,, oe 10tùw7'& Caicos liiond; <provinciales) last week,1 ld Me pleaddof e speaking ta the newl fonncd Rotary Clib thce.e and foWd thcn of the f-o co>uubtmtthe Rotary Club kas amade ta Mlitro ove, tAcmon>yycars. '7hecWayta Go."i Clb of Milton on the ocecasion of organizafion for their invogvemnent in joint p)aFtnerships and v'entures'an opgoiný contributions to this crnliy Mayor Ce Krantz' l'*and Menile'rs oÀonc il- gb 1 w - M Mon, dé # bettf comou>iy besauae qf #qoiom*mft. .6 .JIm&aJennyStraln 190 Ontla St. S..f Milan 878-M22 = men'à swkAe clui fam #fw Ratary C Oci I94 7 - fodY * tohelékd 1947 - RaIosin= of the Mion Min< î,SN'Rtarianspurt ;otu PZ.rk m $10.The pèrlk is presnll hame 1951 11gn holinga meetings such as -' schaai gradualar nrro/urban nigh as Dairy Herd n 12-Fa<ma loci Pail Barbêr UANITRpAýrS MlÉtON #161 UsudnSt.,Iton, ON L9Ti2' F=x (90i) 87-5-4927 FUNERA Cremalo * Bunalâ Pre-Arraîaged ont eee~00 becàn" U. RItW-y aJC ,wof stud ô omtd pakpin "i Ihe -& Mv ein serms as ~1IeV CIIsspPrWgrm u,ng sudents yawiges pesid@ of tme Rot"y C" af 1954 kWlS*IO4 1964 7 NeW 9taP fraf n gciMoC, »o, o Ô oify ark «e- owsa«ep kkb of Milaon Wotoo RdtSy1 Park. oia alowe iW O $1800 *4Rary Club cSl~ 98'ostreas iffl Rolty Club lof Gegebawn esleb> - 54000on top of In~ the formàilon llsim, bin oi af the success aofi a fumnish thefril Hacke Assoclion. Mikan Ratary Club. 'iti opcý csý/h lond wheoe , 1950 - lnlecnxd enteloin- .197.0 - Under lhe 1eacf v sitd. 15 acres for er Gracie Field per- Club a MIIIQr Mu ,caled mrlh of Mq si. fqs ad Mion Arend jo.lished. la twa boseb" dia- u1nder "h spansrs4 lp - First aus. pi yg çwb and of the.Rotfy Club. 6 chaque inches af ici had ta be preseni vosgop. leky rernaovefram the arn ed by theonna mia laar fa toacti em D Ihe mclass. im a OUni. Rptcwy 4Wsupprl clubs such 1950- Fncdalp m mde.on#whe tx puch * C" for vamhtiéron o Raoeoy Park. 1 wwtwtflco 9~Ufl1OA aA - eàc I,-C n iilh rôl for ke*i entre mk'essmon Ken 118q, kinaloion.a IV*s in Rotary Pork Nkw S$c~AL M~SO mml LEDWITH a m ,/qmu es Milton District Hospital Foundation 30 Denry Road East 878-2383 .congratulations on your 50 years -of hard work & dedication. a a uoniratrufiain o Ail thd B3bev Gar hiceeTq' .Pc9i Top t'uýib~hire' WriProceei @Faxipq & Mu@i M ore!! 61 Robert Street, MiIto,ý Tel: (M0) 878-786, Fax: (90.5)f 875-2495 "A UOV PLACE 878~ \. 50#%4ii \~MPd#~