Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Jan 1997, p. 9

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Long tradition of communle&y feted nweend fiem NO IANS sopg ers throughoui the U.S.,and unitô Cfnada. pie and lhey'rr realy busy. ssuti's a Catch-22 sit- ser"u4 for hîbs h4ndicaped <lauhttoe. Ille club'a fient commun»>y dern,44r. Led- Winnipeg wsea Noms to the fints club outifide the uatlo,' he sàd. 'Ilis (Rotary) becomew pant of my li," Mr. with sun wsea a Halileen passy, held in an op- U.S. un the earl 1900s. Today. thefe are mie Mauyolder members have passed away and Botai. hv ssewsto tMise m e." stai morne of Trwn Hall (then on Main Stee. million Rotat woed-udde and thse orgaita- Mr. Ledseuth us the cenly charter member mtils Local Rotarn#ns'meet et the Muddy buck !'We gayc oui 300 to, 400 balls of cindly that thi s reperemed in ailinat 200 countties. with die cltub. . Banquet HalLeve?, Moni4ay at 6:30 pi. llie night. hIep tl t kIts offithe street." hae &and mu Modemn Rotary n orhqn bavc the naine ie Miltons group may ha s.IaI. but, the 17' dintiler ineetings include a min of business andI isng th population or Milton wsa 2,000 i i:llou s r4uoulca4céo club, htm- current ineints score big points for effot Mr. pleasure. Mr. Ledwvib said. uie. ever, seoien, are now intltaded. Mdr. Ledwith Ledwltluadded. The membershW fet it SI160 per year and While the Milton club tu existed for hall a saied. "flue club would ýe hani-jisee sithous Whuletdmebent.of thergnuraiouaregreau Rotaris, are req>iued ire attènd ai least 60 per centu(y. Rtay cli have beet gainss strong for women today." he saisi. noting tha ruse of for ttue eomununity. Rotaians have ibheh asn cent af mftinsMr. Bloers mted. 90 yeans: hae saliS e mirnt club watt foried in* fr5nuale in tbaanes. pemao*re&wrks for joinisg. ç pamt 1sd presessil nuseiners as Waell as iepa& ai Chucago as a simple businesasen's nseseaekiug Thue fintl Wonsan tna jaie Mihaisn clb, for- 1J enja> the fellowship,r Mr. Le4wlsh tie Milton clubI seul celebratse the -Zt anuver- club seitis racs nember repieSenting a différent mer teaciser.antd town counçillor Blanche explained. "SptnS of my best fionda seresaery seuls à shindig at latun Hilîs liace tomor- pettrasion or industry. lingots, became atAan eigsi yean ago.* Raaias. I.e meut saie seousdefui people oiver roatl (Sauuday) nigtst. flue dmnner auÙ dance wull But tht Clicaga Rotarnann staasgrewwhelen Cbmeéhlbudeustinetemd-thse yens.' - iature a fise-course meal and disc jockey. îhey deeli tahcmemr involved in the 1960à, as a c siu te oety grew. said clu Mr. Boers, à member for 20 years, sait hie Abouti 150 p aple texpeqt Mr. liers 'muid. comunlty by crecting wa.'brams lus the eity»s paai peuldet Ri«s Boers. Many profesioual joisned the club wa give snmething back ta the Asyone intemu in becdiniq a Routaran cli dowuao" See puOcIl RD, longer lise lus bas. commuaunty. flue Rotéry ClU b saethe Easttr contact Mr. floema 878-2721 &dethit day or li Clradaly Rqtaiy lrnchedtut immg chap- 111e paegleweusare &m)upg biusiespua- 5111s Society,'ha explaied. sehch hbas pravided ai 878-4693 in the «Meting. Homeowners are Uill wary Tsea neartsy miiterats will jain. tawn plannse in a bid ta cissij change% in tht ~Jplaza ai Wii.Wn Drive and Main Suret are 'mtustfactory to local haone ownèrs. Last week in ftanVaf municipal caunicil- lors Adrian irank and Sheena Wrlgglcsseartih bath agreed tg) represent the nieughbauntsod and reviese site plans. Owgcrs af the plaza have had difficulty geningl tCnaints ausd blamse restrictive zon-' in&. Ifue plafa us ronued for lighî undustnial uscis but ham been horme ta numermsl retail businemes. uncludung uake-uu rrstaurants. New ionîng wulliluîw stufh cuimmercial uses. % _ Luocai rrsidr'is have %;)me Irobtera *wuth.snelis that ibese restaurants mlenî and are seauy ai luit nil parkmicnn and traîhec pruthîcen if ness reiauil buiness- es are aiit'sed untîvubo plaiii ..Reidenus are cornerrmd auu havung a thelle plmazd osil ui tkc-ast placc%,4 'd Conulllr Wall> lHunter *rite> donti % uni ihe 'mcii or places thut .iîtr.i sntak- Mu sur Gourd Kruuui, aid site plauit requurcintctttN s il tulu ciure ai tuin: e.1 liteu proMets'.% ai th playa s'. lttding jsîltntual smetIN, xause ut sit addre, placemienut uI arisage uututaitukh "I siuld lhke tu, e square luuiaae fli resutanismý ltmted. 'id Mr stranu -WC du n' i sent auiy convenuence stitr etttser anse suant il in wfluang sut pestpIe canit gel arnuntd t - In the pasu Dusnimmî Pizza bas iuperaied un the plaza drspile undustriali onung sehuci did nuit permit restaurant s, At a meeting lasu year couuuucl hcard that plaua management allowed tht pizza oute becauei ut seaied ta ha "rm au ur- ing pizzu and - b con faumed wilb the irudustnial zoming. Ms Wriuleàworth saut csurscullors shouilt tant froiss the planning muTsstes ai, large allumn renter. andl consi1er thetfatumu, i the intersection un maktng ausy deci- suons, * "Wr are trying tut proteus utur bhomess." saud lcuney Wrigglessearth, *fhe plaza suas a msutake, Yau admit ut.IWe don't seanu uandalilim, wr donti v4int bright lighls tor a24- bouc ratiu Archiuev Susan Black. rcpreseÀ,nIing the plaiash tiser. said Ihe> Ire ansious sura site plan aireement and are searkuing li resiutvr imustadu issues She suggemurd a cripumusr sun the restaurant issue sý - ,%t'.hk sulice uutui many restauratus wouuk] nui hc honclituat lie thc plaza Ste suas unable tii moake a coummnitmewýni uen behali tietaut Loadld, includln Bflti-theftu SpOl P1 ABS, auto lampe C ________________________ lîght grOup. W CAI -Stock #6286. 161A Pg.ein. /FM6Pg25DHV caste power dnonooorr ldecki. ajtisroà anti lo brakes contFM more!te Stockw #tc 96073 Sam uiauusu lai 055 Pkg.. 2:IlO -

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