12, UAYà,ANUMR 10,1107 «6 U Mashi bou N ie 750 Esch says opponvnt too poorly schooled forjob he's chasing' Bnian Esth, a candidate %ceking the nomination of the Reform Party in Halton, may have bunvod bis campaign belote it rcally started with com- ments duning a party ralJy Tuesday night at Lions Club Hall. Mr. Esc a longtime teacher, and more recendy a horse breeder and businessman, created a stir when he bluntly told the 50 people-in atten- dyncg: tha& onc of bis oppoSents, Clay Downes of Georgetown, is not wclr educated enough to understand or draft cornplex legisiahion in the House of Commons. Mr. Esch said thaïi n fniendly gaffl of Scrabble he had played agaihst Mr. Downes, bis opponent mounteof a solid utegy tnd even bea hum. but proved so iugw a sillmng that Mr. Esch bail to help bim wîth "about cvery third word.- Tht Campbellville resident also calledl Mia other opponient, Milton's Rick. Maibouf. unelecable because hic candi- dacy has booeu uêolI)n acvcral cie- timai de vuinu levela. Cindy stulcen by the auacks bath Nt. Malboçuf andl Mr. Dowaes pointedlyact oTùd'a7:0p.aiu gefuseil ta ngage in simhilar bti. . w"e o uM t73 m td After the meoeting Mr. Downès said thisa Georgeown Cultural Centre on Church bc (tii thug Mr. Each understood thai he Stret-. made an crror aq ihai such tacilcs Arc Tht next day Mr. Each. mn a telephonh unvaw'.n« yo ar prtt dam cadl go 77w Canadum Chame saud he mm of younel(7 " boi 10à s ieps ZC goa ilr»n wotaM 1thinli bc regrets i" seil Mr, Downegg. nu Ittflitt ose peéSnOl aijadta in his cent- "lien rIt a bed guy. be juil iie a ha ponn hher in pubki or provat. lake." -Mr. Downea defended himauif durnni Mr. Esch. however. uid no( so easili thte a"g. aying lie ia a mt-mile suc- bocki off bis remarhs. sae9ng bis comnients oeuful busitittimflm ui det. Hie nid IIdu ta bns.ae bcamu -ole nord hisfufl ed.icatuin bat! bee. indit "idamol.- ta knwte tlfW about du cantdatea of bard kn&dksz M implored peopt thuy agt vote for." « look ai bic record. wbmch incluIts tbre Mr. Esch wu, no% mur if lie would ite lutigs as Refrit. Puiy nling preaIdent die same approàcb mn Georgetown next Mr. Mabiottf sail afierlie meeting dis meelik. fiai &Il-candilates meeting as sc MUDBUNOI ona palle 4 _____ _____ ___ cet a heur? %eA on VW" min Milon.t muking. 4M an urgeil" for hi*. The oWgnlzaioti sola volunteeffl to serve meAls to seniora on qDr. JO-Am. MeKIue Drivera ia aisci needed for rural 875-r3u -es. II you -m tue,. cotat Mary Coolie si 8784M.9 RENT ANY TlWO, WEIEKENDS.CL B1MA F/ . M DISCOUNT AND ENJOT AT t A.THIRD WEEKEND FREE* 878-4131 UgS Wl-Jde ""109~" 4S Ont"o gLU sWew:your business sj W7 corn rigk t srfi o s.b ge Umm~ .